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Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 9
Lesson 5
March 22, 2014
9:00-10:30 AM
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to understand the
Two ways to locate information on the Web are through the
Internet Library and by using a search engine.
A Web site is a lace where grous of eole share information
and resources on the Internet.
The address of a Web site is called a !"L, which stands for
uniform resource locator. #Universal resource locator is also
The World Wide Web can be a helful lace to find information
on certain toics.
II. Learning Task
The World Wide Web
"eference: %omuter &undamentals
'y: (eter )orton, . *+,9-
III. Learning Materials
%omuter with Internet connection, white board, ro/ector.
IV. Learning Strategies
Teacher0s Acti1ities 2tudents0 Acti1ities
A. 3AIL4 "5!TI)6
1. Prayer
7annah, lead us in rayer.
2. reetin!s
Good morning class8
3. Atten"ance
9im, who is absent in your grou:
)ice to hear that8 Let us gi1e them
three clas.
;ace, who is absent in your grou:
<ery good8 Let us also gi1e them
three clas. And for the last grou,
9ean who is absent in Grou =:
Let us also gi1e Grou =, three
4. #lass $r"er
%lass, .indly arrange your chairs
and ic. u the ieces of aer.
'. 3I2%!22I5) ("5(6"
1. %ecall
'efore we roceed to our
lesson>acti1ity for this morning, let
us ha1e a re1iew of what we
discussed last meeting. What was
the toic that we tac.led the other
day: 4es, ;im:
4es, that is right. What else:
<ery Good.
2. Presentation&'iscussion
5. class our lesson for today is all
about the World Wide Web. Let
me .now first your .nowledge
about using the World Wide Web.
7annah leads the rayer.
Good morning ?s. Tin8
?a0am, there is no absent in
our grou today.
?a0am, I am glad to say that
there is no absent in our
?a0am, we are all resent
2tudents arrange their
chairs and ic. u the
ieces of aer.
We ha1e discussed how to
create a resentation in
We also discussed the
imortance using
(ower(oint resentation.
?a0am, it is a global lin.
which users can read and
write 1ia comuter
connected to the Internet.
Who else can share their
4es that is right. %lass, you ha1e
to understand that the Web can
be a helful lace to find
information on certain toics,
including many toics studied in
school, and a Web site is a lace
where grous of eole share
information and resources on the
Internet. %an you gi1e me
e@amles of websites that you use
or 1isit regularly:
4es, social sites are
oular among you.
Let0s discuss the two ways or
methods on how to
find information on a toic using
the web. "efer to age ** of your
boo.. 9yla .indly read the first
method stated in the boo..
5.. This will lead you directly to a
secific toic. &or e@amle, when
you clic. this lin.:
hours,-AABC59+=,,olitics.html it
will be directed to the article in
4ahoo about the missing lane in
It can be 1iewed with a
browser li.e the ?oDilla or
Google %hrome.
www.faceboo..com8 ?a0am.
As. your teacher or librarian
for the addresses of one or
more Web sites that offer
information on your toic.
Another e@amle, this lin.:
EofEtheEWorldEWideEWeb will
lead you directly to the history of
the world wide web without
searching for it on the search
What can you say about this
method of searching:

4es, that is right.
)ow "iel, lease read the other
way of searching information on
the Internet.
5.. 2o, you do not always ha1e to
.now a website0s address in order
to use the Internet. 5ne of the
best methods to search is to use a
search engine. In this way of
searching, you will ha1e a lot of
otions. Gi1e me e@amles of
search engine websites.
4ou are all correct. Another thing
that you need to understand is
that the abo1e methods ro1ide
the researcher with a Web
It is faster because it can
lead you directly to the
secific information or web
age that you are
The use of the search
engines. A search engine is
a software system on the
Internet that will conduct a
search of its own database
of websites based on terms
you ha1e entered. As a
result, you will be shown a
list of web addresses that
contain the term you were to find.
An e@amle of a oular
search engine is
address, or !"L, which stands for
uniform #or universal $ resource
locator. It is a secific character
string that constitutes a reference
to a resource. In most web
browsers, the !"L of a web age
is dislayed on to inside an
address bar. An e@amle of a
tyical !"L would be
age. The abo1e e@amles under
the first method are also called
3. (nrichment Activity
3i1ide yoursel1es in four grous.
3o a research with a toic of your
choice. <isit at least three to fi1e
Web sites while researching your
toics. !se the information you
ha1e found on your toics and
reare oral or written
resentations to share with the
class. 4ou should ha1e a
documentation of your
resentations with the addresses
#!"Ls$ of the Web sites that you
ha1e used.
4. )aluin!
2o class, what did you learn
from our toic today:
5. 1ery good class8
The students di1ide
themsel1es in four grous.
The students ta.e down
We ha1e learned the
imortance of the World
Wide Web.
We ha1e learned the two
ways in searching
information using the
We ha1e learned definition
of !"L.
61aluate each grou0s acti1ity on their resentations using the following
three,oint rubric:

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