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Words We Need To Stop

Appreciation be grateful for the life we've been given
and the health we can have.
...taking life or health for granted as if
someone owed it to us.
Assurance feel secure in our choices and abilities to
promote life.
...doubting that our choices and abilities can
promote life.
Boldness stand firm in our choices of what is good
and what is bad for us.
...being overcome by tricky, aggressive salesmen.
Commonsense follow our God-given hunches. ...over-riding hunches when they are given.
Compassion feel deeply for another's plight. ...being pushy and demanding.
Contentment have realistic desires within our present
...wanting things beyond our present limits.
Courage meet difficulties and dangers with firmness. ...being overcome by fear.
Courtesy treat others with respect. ...thinking we are better than others.
Dedication have purpose in our lives. ...doing things just because other's do them.
Discernment identify and divide the good from the bad. ...making everything grey.
Enthusiasm meet life with a twinkle in our eyes and an
eagerness to do our best.
...grumpy, complaining thoughts and feelings of
Faith believe and follow the teachings that
promote life.
...wavering when we know what to do to promote
Friendliness feel a kinship toward one another. ...feeling hatred and bitterness toward others.
Grace have spiritual power over enticing thoughts.
...letting intruding, unkind thoughts run our
Gentleness be sensitive to one another's real needs. ...acting "tough", "hard", "cold", or "macho".
Health be stable and whole within our present
...opening ourselves up to instability.
Honesty look inside and be sincere. ...lying to ourselves and to others.
Hope reach toward our fullest potentials. ...thinking it is hopeless to press on.
Humility realize how interdependent we really are. ...thinking we can do anything by ourselves.
Joy feel a contagious happiness with life.
...being a sour-puss, mule-face, stick in the
Judgment be able to evaluate our goals and
...making decisions without adequate information.
Kindness share our affections with others. ...keeping our affections bottled up.
Knowledge have the tools for growth and repair. ...being ignorant about life and health.
Longsuffering realize that every process takes time and
...thinking others should grow faster than we
have grown.
Love give to others things that promote life. ...wanting to hurt others.
Maturity grow up and be a good teacher by word and
...wanting to remain a care-free, irresponsible,
"happy-go-lucky" kid.
Meekness be teachable and receptive to truth. ...being closed-minded.
Mercy be forgiving of one another's ignorant
...holding grudges.
Moderation stay within our healthy limits. ...doing too much.
Obedience do those things that promote health for
ourselves and for our children.
...letting our justifying ideas and opinions
rebel against the facts.
Patience work our knowledge and give it time to
...putting off a needed task or rushing a job too
Peace be able to quiet our minds. ...the continual noise in our minds.
Receptivity make sure our receivers can get the right
...being on the wrong wave-length to listen.
Relaxation learn how to rest: physically, mentally, and
...allowing too much tension to build up.
Sharing offer our gifts without expecting anything
in return.
...putting strings and qualifications on our
Sobriety be single-minded in valuing life. ...letting wide mood swings knock us off balance.
Steadfastness keep on the job of promoting life. ...being wishy-washy and fickle.
Strength be ready to do life-promoting tasks. ...always wanting some-body else to do it for us.
Thanksgiving be grateful for all that has led to this
...focusing on the disagreeable aspects of our
Trust know that when we ask for what we really
need, it will be there, soon enough.
...lacking confidence in the resources for life
and maturity.
Truth face the things that truly are life-
...closing our eyes to the important things in
Understanding see clearly the blueprint of life and
...building up confusion and separation through
Utterance express the good things we've been taught. ...letting others always do our talking for us.
Wisdom judge soundly in sorting and combining the
ingredients for life.
...letting others always do our talking for us.
Workmanship skillfully build with the right tools. ...fumbling around when there's a job to do.
Zeal make decisions that promote life and health. ...indecision.
Before Stress Stops Us.

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