Project 3 - Case Study Part 2 - MS Access

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Part 2: Vendor Database (MS Access)

As you recall, data is a collection of facts (numbers, text, even audio and video files) that is processed into usable
information. Much like a spreadsheet, a database is a collection of such facts that you can then slice and dice in various
ways to extract information or make decisions. However, the advantage and primary use of a database over a
spreadsheet is its ability to handle a large volume of data and yet allow for uick access to the information that is desired.
!atabases are everywhere now and impact our lives in a multitude of ways. "t can accurately be said that #your life is in a
database$ or, more accurately, in multiple databases, and information about you (a retrieval of facts about you) is easily
accessible. %our shopping history, credit history, medical history, even your driving history, is stored in one or more
&his exercise will introduce you to the basic building blocks of any database ' fields, records, and files (also called tables).
Although you will create a database with a single table containing a small amount of data about computer vendors, the
more applicable use of databases involves the creation of many tables linked together with a common field or #key.$
(egardless of the si)e of the database, the data is stored in the same way ' in fields which are combined to create a
record. And those records are stored in a file or table. &he data is entered into the field via a data entry form, and the
information is extracted (to answer a particular uestion or need) via reports and*or ueries.
+reate a vendor database and related reports and ueries to capture contact information for potential ,+ vendors. &his
information will be used to populate an M- Access database.
&his M- Access database assignment has the following parts.
/. a simple database table to hold vendor contact information0
1. a simple database form that can be used to enter data into the database table0
2. a simple database report that can used to present the data as information0 and
3. a separate M- 4ord document answering uestions about the database.
All aspects of the assignment will be evaluated according to the following criteria and overall professional, business5like
appearance. &his would include clear readability and formatting for both screen and print5based output.
Requirement Points
Launch MS Access and open a Blank Access database.
Save the new database with the following name:
Students Fist !nitial Last "ame #endo$
%&ample: 'Smith #endo
+eate a table with all the following fields and settings:
A. #endo !, -autonumbe.
B. +ompan/ "ame -te&t.
+. +ontacts Fist "ame -te&t.
,. +ontacts Last "ame -te&t.
%. Billing Addess -te&t. -this is the steet addess.
F. +it/ -te&t.
0. State -te&t1limited to ) chaactes.
2. 3ip +ode -te&t1limited to * chaactes.
!. 4hone numbe
'. 56, 7des -cuenc/.
8. 4efeed #endo -5es9"o.
:.( 6he #endo !, field must be set as the
primary key (*). !f the #endo !, is not
the pima/ ke/; 0.5 points will be
deducted. !f /ou have popel/ set the
#endo !, field as the pima/ ke/; it will
be numbeed automaticall/ -Auto "umbe..
"ame the table as follows:
#endo 6able
Requirement Points
<se the Fom =i>ad to ceate a fom that uses all the
fields fom the #endo table.
<se a Columnar la/out
Select a theme
:.( Let the Fom =i>ad guide /ou though the
completion of the fom.
"ame the fom as follows:
#endo +ontact %nt/ Fom
(.)* 5ou should be finished with the fom at this
point. !t is best if /ou allow the Fom
=i>ad to open the fom to view and ente
5ou can eithe use the fom o ente data diectl/ into the
%nte all the appopiate data fo five vendos -such as
Best Buy C!" and Comp#$A..
%ark at least one &endor as a preferred &endor.
!t is impotant to complete all data ent/ pio to moving on
to ceate the epot. 5ou should also use the table to
manuall/ eview and audit all enties to ensue accuac/ and
consistenc/ pio to epot setup. !f find an/ data ent/
eos o inconsistencies; simpl/ go back the item in the
fom and make the appopiate coections. Missing data o
including data that should be ignoed will esult in a
:.* =hen /ou ae finished; the #endo 6able
should contain all the contact infomation
fo five vendos. 5ou ma/ need to ceate
fictitious infomation fo contact names ?
othe field infomation should be available
fom the compan/ website.
6he fom will automaticall/ populate the
#endo !, fo /ou because this is /ou
pima/ ke/. &endor 'ames (ill )e your
fi*e *endors.
Requirement Points
<se the @epot =i>ad to ceate a epot fo the database
that uses the following fields:
#endo "ame
+ontact Fist and Last "ame
+omplete Addess -Steet; +it/; State; 3ip.
4hone "umbe
:.( Let the @epot =i>ad guide /ou though
the completion of the epot.
Make sue that /ou do not select the
4oduct !, field.
Set up the epot to be soted b/ #endo "ame.
<se Landscape oientation.
Select an appopiate st/le that impoves eadabilit/.
"ame the epot as follows:
#endo +ontact @epot
(.)* Afte /ou name the epot; /ou should allow
the @epot =i>ad to let /ou peview the
epot. !f /ou ceated the epot coectl/;
/ou should see the items soted
alphabeticall/ b/ #endo. (+nly one &endor
Contact report should )e su)mitted for
,radin, or points (ill )e deducted.)
+eate mailing labels fo the vendo list: !nclude
+ontact peson name
full compan/ name
full mailing addess.
Requirement Points
Save this epot as AMailing Labels.A Be sue to view /ou
mailing labels to ensue coect spacing of the name;
addess. etc.
+eate an MS =od document.
Set it to double space
nomal te&t
Aial; :) point.
Save the document as:
Students Fist !nitial Last "ame Access Buestions$
%&ample: 'Smith Access Buestions
+eate a 6itle 4age which shows title; /ou fist and last
name; couse and due date.
(.)* 6he title must be Specification fo Cinset
/ou fist and last nameD$.
!n /ou MS =od document; answe both of these Euestions
in F to * well witten sentences.
.. /f your data)ase contained data a)out .000 *endors
(usin, the same fields contained in this e0ercise)
(hat other types of reports ()esides contact
information) could you create (ith the data1
2. 3o( (ould these reports assist you in preparin, your
solution to your case study1
Spelling and data ent/ consistenc/. (.* 6hese points ae not included in deductions
fo missing data o incoect gouping on
Requirement Points
the epot. 6his means a combination of
missing dataG epot gouping poblemsG o
spelling and data ent/ consistenc/ eos
could esult in a seveal point deduction.
=hen submitting /ou poHect; be sue to attach B762 the Access database -the table; fom; and ) epots will be
included in the single database file. A", the =od document which contains answes to the two Euestions above.
4+4A56 .0

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