The Transfer of Property (Amendment) Act 2011

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(VIII OF 2011)
1. Short title a! "o##e"e#et
2. A#e!#et i $e"tio 1 o% A"t IV o% 1&&2
'. A#e!#et i $e"tio ' o% A"t IV o% 1&&2
(. A#e!#et i $e"tio ') o% A"t IV o% 1&&2
). A#e!#et i $e"tio '* o% A"t IV o% 1&&2
+. A#e!#et i $e"tio (0 o% A"t IV o% 1&&2
*. A#e!#et i $e"tio (+ o% A"t IV o% 1&&2
&. A#e!#et i $e"tio (* A"t IV o% 1&&2
,. A#e!#et i $e"tio )* o% A"t IV o% 1&&2
10. A#e!#et i $e"tio )& o% A"t IV o% 1&&2
11. A#e!#et i $e"tio +, o% A"t IV o% 1&&2
12. A#e!#et i $e"tio *, o% A"t IV o% 1&&2
1'. A#e!#et i $e"tio 10( o% A"t IV o% 1&&2
1(. A#e!#et i $e"tio$ 10* a! 11* o% A"t IV o% 1&&2
(VIII OF 2011)
May, 2011]
further to amend the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
Prea#.le. Whereas it is expedient further to amend the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (IV of
1882, for purposes hereinafter appearin!"
It is enacted as fo##o$s%&
1. Short title a! "o##e"e#et. (1 This Act may 'e cited as the Transfer of Property
(Amendment Act 2(11.
(2 It sha## come into force at once.
2. A#e!#et i $e"tio 1 o% A"t IV o% 1&&2. In the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (IV of
1882, hereinafter referred to as the said Act, for section 1, the fo##o$in! sha## 'e su'stituted%&
)1. Short title/ "o##e"e#et/ e0tet a! e0e#1tio. (1 This Act may 'e cited as
the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
(2 It sha## come into force on the first day of *u#y, 1882.
(+ The ,o-ernment may, 'y notification in the officia# ,a.ette, extend the Act to the
$ho#e or any part of the Pun/a'.
(0 The ,o-ernment may, 'y notification in the officia# ,a.ette, exempt either
retrospecti-e#y or prospecti-e#y, any part of the Pun/a' from a## or any of para!raphs 2 and
+ of section 10, section 12, section 1(3 and section 12+.
(1 4ot$ithstandin! anythin! in this section, para!raphs 2 and + of section 10,
section 12, section 1(3 and section 12+ sha## not extend or 'e extended to any district for
the time 'ein! exc#uded from the operation of the 5e!istration Act, 12(8 (6VI of 12(8.7
'. A#e!#et i $e"tio ' o% A"t IV o% 1&&2. In the said Act, in section +
(i after the $ord, comma and dash )context,&7, the fo##o$in! sha## 'e inserted%&
),o-ernment7 means ,o-ernment of the Pun/a'7"
(ii in the para!raph definin! the $ord 8re!istered9, for the $ords )a Pro-ince7, the $ords
)the Pun/a'7 sha## 'e su'stituted" and
(iii in :xp#anation I, the $ords, 'rac;ets, commas and fi!ures )or $here the re!istered
instrument has 'een re!istered under su'&section (2 of section +( of the
5e!istration Act, 12(8 (6VI of 12(87 sha## 'e omitted.
(. A#e!#et i $e"tio ') o% A"t IV o% 1&&2. In the said Act, in section +1, in the
I##ustration, for the $ord )<#ipur7, the $ord )=i$anpur7 sha## 'e su'stituted.
). A#e!#et i $e"tio '* o% A"t IV o% 1&&2. In the said Act, in section +3, for the $ords
)Pro-incia# ,o-ernment7, the $ord ),o-ernment7 sha## 'e su'stituted.
+. A#e!#et i $e"tio (0 o% A"t IV o% 1&&2. In the said Act, in section 0(, in the
I##ustration, for the $ord )<#ipur7 $here-er occurs, the $ord )=i$anpur7 sha## 'e su'stituted.
*. A#e!#et i $e"tio (+ o% A"t IV o% 1&&2. In the said Act, in section 0>
(i in I##ustration (a, for the $ords )<#ipur7 and )?ithapu;ur7, the $ords )=i$anpur7 and
)Pinan$a#7 sha##, respecti-e#y, 'e su'stituted" and
(ii in I##ustration (', for the $ord )*a#;othi7, the $ords )@ha; Ahadi7 sha## 'e
&. A#e!#et i $e"tio (* A"t IV o% 1&&2. In the said Act, in section 03, in the
I##ustration, for the $ord )<#ipur7, the $ord )=i$anpur7 sha## 'e su'stituted.
,. A#e!#et i $e"tio )* o% A"t IV o% 1&&2. In the said Act, in section 13, in the c#ause (e,
for the $ords )a Bi!h @ourt7 and )Pro-incia# ,o-ernment7, the $ords )the Cahore Bi!h @ourt7 and
),o-ernment7 sha##, respecti-e#y, 'e su'stituted.
10. A#e!#et i $e"tio )& o% A"t IV o% 1&&2. In the said Act, in section 18, in c#ause (f,
for the $ords and comma )in the to$n of Darachi, and in any other to$n $hich the Pro-incia#
,o-ernment concerned7, the $ords )in any to$n $hich the ,o-ernment7 sha## 'e su'stituted.
11. A#e!#et i $e"tio +, o% A"t IV o% 1&&2. In the said Act, in section >2, in su'&
section (1
(i in c#ause (a, for the $ords )Pro-incia# ,o-ernment7, the $ord ),o-ernment7 sha##
'e su'stituted" and
(ii in c#ause (c, for the $ords and comma )the to$n of Darachi, or in any other to$n or
area $hich the Pro-incia# ,o-ernment7, the $ords )any to$n or area $hich the
,o-ernment7 sha## 'e su'stituted.
12. A#e!#et i $e"tio *, o% A"t IV o% 1&&2. In the said Act, in section 32, in the
I##ustration, for the $ord )Au#tanpur7 $here-er occurs, the $ord )=i$anpur7 sha## 'e su'stituted.
1'. A#e!#et i $e"tio 10( o% A"t IV o% 1&&2.& In the said Act, in section 1(0, for the $ords
)Bi!h @ourt7, the $ords )Cahore Bi!h @ourt7 sha## 'e su'stituted.
1(. A#e!#et i $e"tio$ 10* a! 11* o% A"t IV o% 1&&2. In the said Act, in sections 1(3
and 113, for the $ords )Pro-incia# ,o-ernment7, the $ord ),o-ernment7 sha## 'e su'stituted.
The above B!! "as passed by the Provnca! Assemb!y of the Pun#ab on the $0
day of March

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