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A revised optional class for Castles & Crusades (version 5/25/14)

By Zachary Houghton

The Mariner is the intrepid explorer of the wild sea, the pirate bent on destruction, the ship's captain
determined to take the fight to the enemy. They fight hard, play hard, and are masters of maneuvering,
conflict, and wisdom upon the waves.

Master of the Sea: Mariners will always know which direction is true north, so long as they have even a
partly clear sky to reference. They may make a WIS rolls (adding their Mariner level in) when at sea to
determine the weather for the next 24 hours as well as their best course and heading.

Fight the Ship: In ship-to-ship combat, the Mariner adds his level plus Wisdom modifier to any maneuvering
or attack rolls.

Sea Tracking: Be it an enemy ship or a leviathan of the deep, Mariners may make a Wisdom check (adding in
their Mariner level) to successfully pursue and follow their objective over the waves.

Sea Legs: At 1st Level, the Mariner gets a +1 to Melee/Ranged Attack rolls when fighting on a ship. This
increases to a +2 at Level 4, and a +3 at Level 8.

Sailor's Lore: Much like bards are founts of knowledge on land, the Mariner frequently hears legends and
lore both onboard and in every port of call. They add their level modifier into a Wisdom check to see if they
have some potentially useful knowledge of a specific island, port, or ocean body. They may also use this skill
to discern details in regards to an opposing vessel, crew, or other nautical manner.

Boarding Action: Mariners thrive in the chaotic combat that comes from a ship-to-ship boarding action. At
3rd level, they gain a free unarmed attack with their off hand at a no penalty against an opponent they just
made an attack against. Regular attack bonuses apply.

Brawl: On board or in port, Mariners know how to hold their own in an impromptu brawl. When unarmored
or in cloth armor, the Mariner receives a +1 to AC.

True Swashbuckler: At 10th level, the Mariner gains the ability upon killing or incapacitating a foe to make
a second attack on a neighboring foe. This is usable only with one-handed melee weapons.

In the Rigging: The Mariner has to be dexterous to avoid injury, whether on the slippery deck or wind-blow
rigging on a turbulent sea. They are at a +2 on save to avoid any entanglement or trap, with an additional +1
granted at Level 5 and again at Level 7.

Prime Attribute: Wisdom
Typical Races: Any
Alignment: Any
Starting Gold: 3d4x10
Hit Die: d8
Weapons: Any one-handed
Armor: Prefers non-metal armor, especially when at sea.
Abilities: Fight the Ship, Sea Legs, Sailor's Lore, Boarding Action, Brawl, True Swashbuckler, In the Rigging

Mariner Level Progression
Level HD BtH EPP
1 D8 0 0
2 D8 +1 2201
3 D8 +2 5001
4 D8 +3 9001
5 D8 +4 18001
6 D8 +5 35001
7 D8 +6 70001
8 D8 +7 140001
9 D8 +8 300001
10 D8 +9 425001
11 +3 +10 650001
12 +3 +11 900001

Image courtesy of the Public Domain

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