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First,I would like to thank my project guide mrs.Naga sravya for giving me the
opportunity to work on this project. her constant support & guidance has been invaluable
in shaping up my project.
My sincere gratitude goes to entire ! team who were always there to listen and
advice. "heir creative and valuable inputs at each & every stage of the project were
a major key factor that helped me immensely to complete this project. I would also like to
thank them for their patience and constant encouragement that made me to strive harder
and do my best.
I am e#tremely greatful to my guide sajid & na$ima%guides at organi$ation&&
professors at my college for their support and
Motivation & helping whenever the need arose.
'astly I would thank those people who directly or indirectly helped in the
(uccessful completion of the project.
).(ree *nusha
)roject trainee
!amky groups
,mployee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has
towards their organi$ation and its values. *n engaged employee is aware of business
conte#t, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit
of the organi$ation. It is a positive attitude held by the employees towards the
organi$ation and its values. ,mployee engagement is an antecedent of job involvement
and what should company do to make the employees engaged. "he paper also looks at the
-allup +. point /uestionnaire, /uestion survey that identifies strong feelings of employee
engagement and the steps which show show to drive an engaged employee.

23N",N"( )age
+. 'ist of tables 4
.. Introduction 5
4. !eview of literature ++
5. 3rgani$ation profile 65
6. 0ata analysis & interpretation 78
9. Findings,suggestions & conclusions :;
7. <uestionniers ;9
Employee engagement has an emerged as critical drivers of business success in todays
competitive marketplace. Further employee engagement can be a deciding factor in
organizational success. Not does engagement have the potential to significantly affect
employee retention, productivity and loyalty, it is also a key link to customer
satisfaction, company reputation and overall stakeholder value. Thus to gain competitive
edge, organizations are turning to H to set the agenda for employee engagement and
,mployee engagement is define as ?"he e#tent to which employees commit to something
or someone in their organi$ation, how hard they work and how long they stay as a result
of that commitment.@
!esearch shows that the connection between an employeeAs job and
organi$ational strategy, including understanding how important the job is to the
firmAs success is the most important driver of employee engagement .Infract, employee
with the highest levels of commitment perform .8B better and are :7Bless likely to
leave the organi$ation, which indicates that engagement is linked to organizational
er!ormance. In contrast, job satisfaction a term sometimes used interchangeably with
employee engagement is defined as how an employee feels about his or her job, work
environment, pay, benefits etc.
,mployee engagement is a comple# concept, with many issues influencing engagement
levels conse/uently, there are many pathways to foster engagement, with, and with no
one CDitA that fits all organi$ations. Ehile each company may define employee
engagement differently, ultimately, the key to effective engagement will be rooted in the
fle#ibility of approach most appropriate for each individual firm. For e#ample, the
company may consider a best practice Cand then determine the likely outcome of this
practice in its workplace. "his !esearch <uarterly is written to provide ! professionals
and other business leaders with the knowledge and understanding of the many concepts
and aspects of employee engagement as well as offers recommendations to foster
Let us see "#at $emlo%ee engagement& used to mean
,mployee engagement is an idea whose time has come. we have seen it transition
academic literature to odd practitioners to e#ecutive teams as a top strategic objective.
,mployee engagement, as a metric of business success, is getting attention than ever
before. *nd yet the topic remains elusive, even murky. "he chemistry of individual
engagement is a comple#, not one that can be easily addressed from the c=suite. Many
organi$ations are stymied by stubbornly stagnant engagement levels despite yearly cycles
of measuring and action planning.
-lobal findings and trends help us articulate the most common drivers of engagement,
but at the end of the day itAs the daily dynamics at play in your team, division and your
organi$ation that matter
,mployee engagementF ?Lo%alt% is a t#ing o! t#e ast' Lo%alt% It aears e(er% man)
"oman is read% to *uit t#eir +ob at t#e !irst oortunit%& , ,lectronic !ecruiting
,#change, November .884
,mployee engagementF 79 B of e-ecuti(es "ant more satis!action) satis!action not
mone%.. G -lobal (tudy of .8 888 ,#ecutives Dorn Ferry .8,888 ,#ecutives,
Emlo%ee Engagement In Toda%/s 0cenario.
+& Ehat is ?engagement@H
.& ow it was nurtured in the pastH
4& Ehat is ?special@ about todayAs business scenarioH
5& 2ouple of suggestions.
,N-*-,M,N"I ?en@ ?em@
?engagement@ ?!etention@
In t#e 1ast2
a& ?If you feel bad, it is your problem@. %'eadership <uotient&.
b& ? I am there for you .5K7@ .5K7 %Eelfare 3rientationK umane approach&.
c& ?"he typewriter is not complete without L "he and good typist knows@
% "askK)ersonal Identification& &
Toda%/s 0cenario2
68As %Industrial&
98As %)sychologist&
78As %2orporate Earfare&
:8 s :8As %Internal (ystems&
;8As %Dnowledge worker& 9& .888M %*sset Nuilding&
a. Increase Interdependency. %Free *gentsK 5 F )rinciple&
b. elp Identify and Follow the )assion.
Need for the study:
,mployee engagement helps employees change their roles to better fit their
"his re/uires self awareness of strengths and weaknesses on the part of both the
manager and employee and a willingness to be fle#ible and find solutions.
"o assess whether there is a link between employee engagement and productivity
Scope of the study
,vidences shown that a pragmatic shift towards more enduring partnerships
rather than transactive relationships.
(uch enduring partnerships and strategic alliances have a better chance of
tackling some of the intractable social problems that corporates are e#pected
to handle.
Focusing activity is also resulting in the development formal policies and
procedures which are an important element in employee engagement
"hese policies give employee volunteers the support and structure they need
to utili$e all the time and resources they are eligible for in order to volunteer
for social benefit.
Importance of the study:
,mployees are engaged in their work and committed to their organi$ations give
companies crucial competitive advantage.
"hus, it is not surprising that organi$ations of all si$es and types have invested
substantially in policies and practices that foster engagement and commitment in
their work forces.
In addition, engaged employees may be more likely to commit to staying with
their current organi$ation.
3esearc# met#odolog% and samle designI
Data Collection:
"o study the subject, the data has been collected by <uestionnaire Method
4uestionnaire Met#od2
"he /uestionnaire with +9 /uestions was structured involving the /uestions from various
areas pertaining to employee engagement namely job satisfaction, salary and perks,
working conditions, personal relations with superiors, career advancement, etc., *bout +9
/uestionnaires were distributed among the ,e#ecutives and non e#ecutives. *lmost all the
<uestionnaires were received back with responses. "he responses were analy$ed and
Primary Data:
"he primary data was collected by survey method and conducted with structured
<uestionnaire in such a way that it is easily understandable by the respondents.
Secondary Data:
"he data was collected from the various websites, companiesA literatures, and maga$ines.
Limitations of study:
a) !esponses of the employees may be biased.
b) "ime is one of the limitation factor
c) "he study has been done in a limited area
d) (ample si$e is restricted to .8 respondents

'I",!*">!, !,JI,E
,ngagement at work was conceptuali$ed by Eilliam *. Dahn %+;;8& as the Charnessing
of organi$ational membersA selves to their work roles. In engagement, people employ and
e#press themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performances.
"he second related construct to engagement in organi$ational behavior is the notion of
flow advanced by 2siks$entmihalyi %+;76, +;;8&. 2sik$entmihalyi %+;76& defines flow as
the Cholistic sensationA that, people feel when they act with total involvement. Flow is the
state in which there is little distinction between the self and environment. Ehen
individuals are in Flow (tate little conscious control is necessary for their actions
,mployee ,ngagement as the e#tent to which workforce commitment, both emotional
and intellectual, e#ists relative to accomplishing the work, mission, and vision of the
organi$ation. ,ngagement as a heightened level of ownership where each employee
wants to do whatever they can for the benefit of their internal and e#ternal customers, and
for the success of the organi$ation as a whole.
,mployee engagement was described in the academic literature by (chmidt et al %+;;4&
using data from -allupOs engagement survey. * moderni$ed version of job satisfaction,
(chmidt et alOs influential definition of engagement was P*n employeeOs involvement
with, commitment to, and satisfaction with work.P "his integrates the classic constructs
of job satisfaction %(mith et al, +;9;&, and organi$ational commitment %Meyer & *llen,
+;;+&. arter and (chmidtOs %.884& most recent meta=analysis can be useful for
understanding the impact of engagement.
'inkage research received significant attention in the business community because of
correlations between employee engagement and desirable business outcomes such as
retention of talent, customer service, individual performance, team performance, business
unit productivity, and even enterprise=level financial performance % !ucci at al, +;;:
using data from (ears&. (ome of this work has been published in a diversity conte#t
% McDay, *very, Morris et al, .887&. 0irections of causality were discussed by (chneider
and colleagues in .884.
E-lanations b% di!!erent aut#ors
,ngagement at work was conceptuali$ed by Ka#n, %+;;8& as the
Carnessing of 3rgani$ational Members selves to their work rolesA
, In engagement, people employ and e#press themselves physically, cognitively, and
emotionally during role performances. "he second related construct to engagement in
organi$ational behavior is the notion of flow advanced by 2siks$entmihalyi %+;76, +;;8&.
2sik$entmihalyi %+;76& defines flow as theA olistic (ensationA that, people feel when
they act with total involvement. Flow is the state in which there is little distinction
between the self and environment. Ehen individuals are in Flow (tate little conscious
control is necessary for their actions.

,mployee engagement is the thus the level of commitment and involvement an employee
has towards their organi$ation and its values. *n engaged employee is aware of business
conte#t, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit
of the organi$ation. "he organi$ation must work to develop and nurture engagement,
which re/uires a two=way relationship between employer and employee.A "hus ,mployee
engagement is a barometer that determines the association of a person with the
organi$ation ,ngagement is most closely associated with the e#isting construction of job
involvement %Nrown +;;9& and flow %2siks$entmihalyi, +;;8&. Qob involvement is
defined as C"he degree to which the job situation is central to the person and his or her
identity %'awler &all, +;788' Kanungo %+;:.& maintained that job involvement is a
C2ognitive or belief state of )sychological identification.
Qob involvement is thought to depend on both need saliency and the potential of a job to
satisfy these needs. "hus job involvement results form a cognitive judgment about the
needs satisfying abilities of the job. Qobs in this view are tied to oneAs self image.
,ngagement differs from job in as it is concerned more with how the individual
employees hisKher self during the performance of his K her job. Further more engagement
entails the active use of emotions. Finally engagement may bethought of as an antecedent
to job involvement in that individuals who e#perience deep engagement in their roles
should come to identify with their jobs.
Ehen Dahn talked about employee engagement he has given important to all three
aspects physically, cognitively and emotionally. Ehere as in job satisfaction importance
has been given more to cognitive side.! practitioners believe that the engagement
challenge has a lot to do with how ,mployee feels about the about work e#perience and
how he or she is treated in the organi$ation. It has a lot to do with emotions which are
fundamentally related to drive bottom line success in a company. "here will always be
people who never give their best efforts no matter how hard ! and line managers try to
engage them. ?Nut for the most part employees want to commit to companies because
doing so satisfies a powerful and a basic need in connect with and contribute to
something significant@.
9eard"ell and Cla%don :;<<=&. It was found that, after the workers were given the
training and freedom to make repairs to their own e/uipment rather than having to call a
supervisor every time they e#perienced a problem, they reported fewer occupational
injuries. "his would suggest that workers who feel they have control over their destiny at
work, a key aspect of employee engagement, are more likely to stay focused and less
likely to make preventable mistakes
7rank (20048. *lthough it is acknowledged and accepted that employee engagement is a
multi=faceted construct, as previously suggested by Dahn %+;;8&.
7o- :>?=@8 argued that despite an elaborate e#ternal controlling structure being in place,
no role can be totally diffuse or totally specificR even in jobs which are tightly controlled,
some outstanding element of discretion always remains. In cases where employees have
been given some control over how they do their jobs, positive benefits have appeared to
emerge. For e#ample, previous research in the >D has looked at job redesign and the
impact this has had on engagement. In +;;8 research was carried out by the >niversity of
(heffield on factory workers and the number of injuries they reported given the differing
levels of control over their work
GODDA3D :>???8 describes engagement with the organi$ation and the task to be
associated with time use. 0ifference in skills ,abilities and disposition variables are also
e#pected to impact the levels of employee engagement .-ender difference have been
found to impact employee engagement .personal values ,culture and climate of
organi$ations also influence employee engagement . climate includes aspects such as
systems and satisfaction with organi$ation while culture includes accepts such as
community .there also e#ists a strong correlation between comple# feeling and emotions.
"he focus should be on personality, cognition and environment forces that determine an
individual behavior in organi$ations
5albesleben :;<<A8 e#amined a number of issues as to the measurement and process of
burnout and engagement. albesleben investigated the role of perceptions of politics as
an antecedent of burnout, as well as assessing the role of motivation as a mediator in the
relationship between burnout and job performance.
*ccording to La"ler and Worle% :;<<B8 for a high=involvement work practice to be
effective and for it to have a positive impact on employee engagement, employees must
be given po!er "hey argue this will lead to employees having the ability to make
decisions that are important to their performance and to the /uality of their working lives,
thus engaging them in their work. Furthermore) La"ler and Worle% :;<<B8 contend that
power can mean a relatively low level of influence, as in providing input into decisions
made by others or it can mean having final authority and accountability for decisions and
their outcomes. Involvement is ma#imi$ed when the highest possible level of power is
pushed down to the employees that have to carry out the decision, resulting in gaining the
ma#imum level of engagement possible from employee
McCas#land :>???8 defined ,, as Ccommitment or engagement = an emotional outcome
to the employee resulting from the critical components of the workplace.
Miles :;<<>8 described it as intensively involving all employees in high=engagement
cascades that create understanding, dialogue, feedback and accountability, empower
people to creatively align their subunits, teams and individual jobs with the major
transformation of the whole enterprise :Miles) ;<<>8'
1urcell ;<<B and Truss et al ;<<B'
Moreover, engaged employees have been found to outperform their disengaged
counterparts. owever, recent research in the >D and other countries shows that there are
more disengaged employees than there are engaged employees in todayAs organi$ations.
,mployee engagement can and has been found to make a difference. owever there is
great disagreement surrounding how to define engagement, how it should be
operationalised and whether or not it is actually a valid construct at all. Furthermore, it is
evident that sound, academic research lags somewhat behind practice given that the
literature is under developed, and the concept of engagement is still in its infancy
3obinson :;<<@&.In the recent years, there has been a great deal of interest in employee
engagement and it has become a widely used and popular term many have claimed that
employee engagement predicted employees outcomes, organi$ational success, and
financial performance %e.g. total share holders return&.
0aks :;<<B8 argues that one way for individuals to repay their organi$ation is through
their level of engagement. In other words, employees will choose to engage themselves to
varying degrees and in response to the resources they receive from their organi$ation.
Nringing oneself more fully into oneAs work roles and devoting greater amounts of
cognitive, emotional, and physical resources is a very profound way for individuals to
respond to an organi$ationAs actions, as suggested earlier by the work of Dahn %+;;8&.
"hus, employees are more likely to e#change their engagement for resources and benefits
provided by their 3rgani$ation.
Truss et al :;<<B8 define employee engagement simply as Cpassion for workA, a
psychological state which is seen to encompass the three dimensions of engagement
discussed by Ka#n :>??<8) and captures the common theme running through all these
Defining employee engagement
"here are numerous definitions of employee engagementR the two noted below are most
relevant to this resourceI
The Work Foundations definition:
,mployee engagement describes emlo%ees/ emotional and intellectual commitment
to t#eir organization and its success' ,ngaged employees e#perience a compelling
purpose and meaning in their work and give of their discrete effort to advance the
organi$ationAs objectives.
The Best Companies definition:
Engagement can be de!ined as an emlo%ee/s dri(e to use all t#eir ingenuit% and
resources !or t#e bene!it o! t#e coman%.
3n a more intuitive
level, employee
engagement is about
how people behave
at work. It refers to
the e#tent to which
people in an
organi$ation know
what they have to do,
and willingly give of
their discretionary effort to do that. It is the difference between people coming to work
and doing an ade/uate job, and people coming to work and really giving of their best,
displaying creativity and using their initiative.
,ngagement can be seen as ultimately about performance, because harnessing the
discretionary effort of people does improve performance. If individuals are performing at
the top of their potential, then it makes sense that teams, divisions, departments and
organisations will work more effectively. 2ustomers will receive better
service. ,fficiency will improve. Easte will be reduced. 3verall, performance will be
What employee engagement doesnt mean
Qob satisfaction and happiness are not synonymous with employee engagement. "hey are,
however, noble ambitions and are important drivers of employee engagement. * person
can be happy at work or satisfied with their job and not actually do any meaningful work.
Qob satisfaction and happiness do not in themselves create high performance.
,mployee engagement is sometimes used to describe Cengaging withA employees.
,ffective internal communication, consultation with employees and employee
representation are all important elements of employee engagement. Nut an effective
communication plan, or a successful consultation e#ercise does not amount to employee
engagement in the conte#t of this resource.
Asects o! Emlo%ee Engagement
T#ree basic asects o! emlo%ee engagement according to t#e global studies areI
"he employees and their own uni/ue psychological make up and e#perience
"he employers and their ability to create the conditions that promote employee
Interaction between employees at all levels. "hus it is largely the organi$ationAs
responsibility to create an environment and culture conducive to this partnership,
and a win=win e/uation.
Imortance o! Engagement
,ngagement is important for managers to cultivate given that disengagement
or alienation is central to the problem of workersA lack of commitment and motivation
%*ktouf&. Meaningless work is often associated with apathy and detachment from ones
works %"homas and Jelthouse&. In such conditions, individuals are thought to be
estranged from their selves %(eeman, +;7.& .3ther !esearch using a different resource
of engagement %involvement and enthusiasm& has linked it to such variables as employee
turnover, customer satisfaction G loyalty, safety and to a lesser degree, productivity
and profitability criteria %arter, (chmidt & ayes, .88.&.*n organi$ationAs capacity to
manage employee engagement is closely related to its ability to achieve high performance
levels and superior business results.
0ome o! t#e ad(antages o! Engaged emlo%ees are
,ngaged employees will stay with the company, be an advocate of the company
and its products and services, and contribute to bottom line business success.
"hey will normally perform better and are more motivated.
"here is a significant link between employee engagement and profitability.+.
"hey form an emotional connection with the company. "his impacts their attitude
towards the companyAs clients, and thereby improves customer satisfaction and
service levels
It builds passion, commitment and alignment with the organi$ationAs strategies
and goals
Increases employeesA trust in the organi$ation
2reates a sense of loyalty in a competitive environment
)rovides a high=energy working environment
Noosts business growth
Makes the employees effective brand ambassadors for the company * highly
engaged employee will consistently deliver beyond e#pectations. In the workplace
research on employee engagement %arter, (chmidt & ayes, .88.& have
repeatedly asked employees Cwhether they have the opportunity to do what they
do best everydayA. Ehile one in five employees strongly agree with this
statement. "hose work units scoring higher on this perception have substantially
higher performance. "hus employee engagement is critical to any organi$ation
that seeks to retain valued employees.
"he Eatson Eyatt consulting companies has been proved that there is an intrinsic
link between employee engagement, customer loyalty, and profitability. *s
organi$ations globali$e and become more dependent on technology in a virtual
working environment, there is a greater need to connect and engage with
employees to provide them with an organi$ational Cidentity.A

Categories o! Emlo%ee Engagement
According to t#e Gallu t#e Consulting organization t#ere are t#ere are di!!erent
t%es o! eole2C
?,ngaged@employees are builders. "hey want to know the desired ,#pectations for their
role so they can meet and e#ceed them. "heyOre naturally curious about their company
and their place in it. "hey perform at consistently high levels. "hey want to use their
talents and strengths at work every day. "hey work with passion and they drive
innovation and move their organi$ation forward
Nuild and innovate
Find new and more effective ways to accomplish their roles
Move the organi$ation forward
Not Engaged===
Not=engaged employees tend to concentrate on tasks rather than the goals and outcomes
they are e#pected to accomplish. "hey want to be told what to do just so they can do it
and say they have finished. "hey focus on accomplishing tasks vs. achieving an outcome.
,mployees who are
not=engaged tend to feel their contributions are being overlooked, and their potential is
not being tapped. "hey often feel this way because they donOt have productive
relationships with their managers or with their coworkers.
T (tuck in low=risk, low=commitment mode
T 0onOt feel a connection with or from their company, manager, or coworkers
T 0onOt feel a sense of achievement
T Necome fi#ated on the activities of their roles instead of the outcomes
T *re just concerned about doing the minimum they need to do to get by
Acti(el% Disengaged
"he Pactively disengaged@ employees are the ?cave dwellers@. they are ?consistently
against virtually everything.@
"heyOre not just unhappy at workR theyAre busy acting out their unhappiness ."hey sow
seeds of negativity at every opportunity. ,very day, actively disengaged workers
undermine what their engaged coworkers accomplish. *s workers increasingly rely on
each other to generate products and services, the problems and tensions that are fostered
by actively disengaged workers can cause great damage to an organi$ation functioning
*re busy acting out their unhappiness
,very day undermine what their engaged coworkers accomplish
7actors Leading to Emlo%ee EngagementC
(tudies have shown that there are some critical factors which lead to ,mployee
engagement. (ome of them identified are
2areer 0evelopment= 3pportunities for )ersonal 0evelopment
2areer 0evelopment G ,ffective Management of "alent
'eadership= 2larity of company Jalues
'eadership G !espectful treatment of employees
'eadership G 2ompanyAs standards of ethical behavior
,mpowerment Image
,/ual opportunities & fair treatment
)erformance *ppraisal
)ay & benefits
ealth & (afety
Qob satisfaction
Family friendliness
Career De(elomentC Oortunities !or 1ersonal De(eloment
3rgani$ations with high levels of engagement provide employees with opportunities
to develop their abilities, learn new skills, ac/uire new knowledge and reali$e
their )otential. Ehen companies plan for the career paths of their employees and
invest in them in this way their people invest in them.
Career De(eloment , E!!ecti(e Management o! Talent
2areer development influences engagement for employees and retaining the most
talented employees and providing opportunities for personal development.
Feeling Jalued & Involved
Leaders#iC Clarit% o! Coman% Dalues
,mployees need to feel that the core values for which their companies stand are
unambiguous and clear.
Leaders#i , 3esect!ul Treatment o! Emlo%ees
(uccessful organi$ations show respect for each employeeAs /ualities and contribution
G regardless of their job level.
Leaders#i , Coman%/s 0tandards o! Et#ical 9e#a(ior
* companyAs ethical standards also lead to engagement of an individual
,mployees want to be involved in decisions that affect their work. "he leaders of high
engagement workplaces create a trustful and challenging environment, in which
employees are encouraged to dissent from the prevailing orthodo#y and to input and
innovate to move the organi$ation forward.
ow much employees are prepared to endorse the products and services which
their company provides its customers depends largely on their perceptions of the /uality
of those goods and services. igh levels of employee engagement are ine#tricably linked
with high levels of customer engagement.
Ot#er !actors
,/ual 3pportunities and Fair "reatment
"he employee engagement levels would be high if their bosses %superiors& provide e/ual
opportunities for growth and advancement to all the employees
1er!ormance araisal
Fair evaluation of an employeeAs performance is an important criterion for determining
the level of employee engagement. "he company which follows an
appropriate performance appraisal techni/ue %which is transparent and not biased& will
have high levels of employee engagement.
1a% and 9ene!its
"he company should have a proper pay system so that the employees are motivated to
work in the organi$ation. In order to boost his engagement levels the employees should
also be provided with certain benefits and compensations.
5ealt# and 0a!et%
!esearch indicates that the engagement levels are low if the employee does not feel
secure while working. "herefore every organi$ation should adopt appropriate method
sand systems for the health and safety of their employees.
Eob 0atis!action
3nly a satisfied employee can become an engaged employee. "herefore it is very
essential for an organi$ation to see to it that the job given to the employee matches his
career goals which will make him enjoy his work and he would ultimately be satisfied
with his job.
"he company should follow the open door policy. "here should be both upward and
downward communication with the use of appropriate communication channels in the
organi$ation. If the employee is given a say in the decision making and has the right to be
heard by his boss than the engagement levels are likely to be high.+:
7amil% 7riendliness
* personAs family life influences his wok life. Ehen an employee reali$es that the
organi$ation is considering his familyAs benefits also, he will have an emotional
attachment with the organi$ation which leads to engagement
If the entire organi$ation works together by helping each other i.e. all the employees as
well as the supervisors co=ordinate well than the employees will be engaged.
5o" to measure Emlo%ee EngagementF
-allup research consistently confirms that engaged work places compared with leas
engaged are much more likely to have lower employee turnover, higher than average
customer loyalty, above average productivity and earnings. "hese are all good things
that prove that engaging and involving employees make good business sense and building
shareholder value. Negative workplace relationships may be a big part of why so many
employees are not engaged with their jobs.

0te I2
"he empl oyer mus t l i s t en t o hi s empl oyees and r emember t hat t hi s i s
a cont i nuous process. "he information employeeAs supply will provide direction. "his
is the only way to identify their specific concerns. Ehen leaders listen, employees
respond by becoming more engaged. "his results in increased productivity and
employee retention. ,ngaged empl oyees ar e muc h mor e l i kel y t o be
s at i s f i ed i n t he i r pos i t i ons , r emai n wi t h t he company, be promoted, and
strive for higher levels of performance.
0te II2
Measure current le(el o! emlo%ee engagement
,mployee engagement needs to be measured at regular intervals in order to
track its contribution to the success of the organi$ation. Nut meas ur i ng t he
engagement % f eedback t hr ough s ur veys & wi t hout pl anni ng how t o
handle the result can lead employees to disengage. It is therefore not enough
to feel the pulseSthe action plan is just as essential
Kno"ing t#e Degree in "#ic# Emlo%ees Are EngagedF
,mpl oyee engagement s at i s f act i on s ur veys det er mi ne t he cur r ent
l evel of empl oyee engagement. * well=administered satisfaction survey
will let us know at what level of engagement the employees are operating.
2ustomi$able employee surveys will provide with a starting point towards the
efforts to optimi$e employee engagement. "he key to successful employee satisfaction
surveys is to pay close attention to the feedback from the staff
It is important that employee engagement is not viewed as a one t i me act i on.
,mpl oyee engagement s houl d be a cont i nuous pr oces s of meas ur i ng,
analy$ing, defining and implementing. "he employee survey is a diagnostic tool of
choice in the battle for the hearts of employees. (tudies of Gallu) Mercer) 5e"itt and
Watson W%att :consulting comanies8 asked workers number of /uestions relating to
their job satisfaction. -allup being one of oldest the consulting organi$ation Uin
conducting engagement surveyV creates a feedback system for employers that would
identify and measure elements of worker engagement most tide to the bottom
"hings such as sales, growth, productivity and customer loyalty are all accessed.
*fter undreds of focus group and thousands of interviews with empl oyees i n a
var i et y of i ndus t r i es ) Gal l u came up wi t h 4' > ; , a twelve=/uestion
survey that identifi es strong feelings of employee engagement.
T#e% #a(e identi!ied >;*uestions t#at most e!!ecti(el% measure t#e links :t#e
Gallu 4>;8'
>' Do %ou kno" "#at is e-ected o! %ou at "orkF
;' Do %ou #a(e t#e materials and e*uiment %ou need to do %our "ork rig#tF
A' At "ork) do %ou #a(e t#e oortunit% to do "#at %ou do best e(er% da%F
@' In t#e last se(en da%s) #a(e %ou recei(ed recognition or raise !or
doing good "orkF
G' Does %our suer(isor) or someone at "ork) seems to care about %ou as a ersonF
B' Is t#ere someone at "ork "#o encourages %our de(elomentF
=' At "ork) do %our oinions seem to countF
H' Does t#e missionIurose o! %our coman% make %ou !eel %our +ob is imortantF
?' Are %our associates :!ello" emlo%ees8 committed to doing *ualit% "orkF
><' Do %ou #a(e a best !riend at "orkF
>>' in t#e last si- mont#s) #as someone at "ork talked to %ou about %our rogressF
>;' In t#e last %ear) #a(e %ou #ad oortunities at "ork to learn and gro"F
"he interpretation of the /uestionnaire and one of the companies engagement
level is summari$ed in the table below. (ome of the discussions which come from
-allupAs /uestions areI =
Kno" "#at i s e-ect ed o! me at "orkC
,mpl oyees s houl d know e#act l y what i s e#pected of them. If e#pectations are
unclear, employees will inevitably face frustration, and will be open for other
opportunities where they do know whatO s e#pected of them, and where their
contributions are measured and recogni$ed.
Materials and e*uiment
= ,mployees need the right tools and e/uipment to support their skills,
e#perience and talents & perform their jobs at an optimum level.
Do "#at I do best e(er% da%
= *re your employees cast in the right rolesH Dnowing the critical demands for every role
is a key to ensuring that talents fit those demands.
0uer(isorI0omeone at "ork care
=Managers must spend most of their time with their mo s t p r o d u c t i v e t a l e n t .
Ma n y ma n a g e r s g i v e t h e i r g r e a t e s t d e g r e e o f a t t e n t i o n t o
employees who are falling behind. "alented, productive people crave time and attention
from their managers, and will leave your company if they have a weak relationship %or no
relationship& with their manager or supervisor.
CoC"orkers committed to *ualit%
=Many companies arbitrarily put teams together wi t hout cons i der i ng t hat
empl oyees onl y ps ychol ogi cal l y commi t t o t eams i f t he y p e r c e i v e
t h e i r t e a m me mb e r s wi l l s u p p o r t t h e i r h i g h l e v e l o f
c o mmi t me n t a n d performance. "alented employees set high standards and depend
upon those around them to support their growth towards e#cellence.
Oortunities to learn and gro"C
"he 2ompany should create an environment that encourages employees to
drive towards innovation or to create better systems for more pr oduct i ve
r es ul t s . -r eat man ager s al ways as k what s ki l l s and knowl edge need
t o accompany talent to result in the greatest outcome for each employee.
*s discussed the -allup study 4>; is based on positive )sychology and
emotions .aving a best friend at work or receiving recognition every week
makes you feel cared for and proud respectively. If you want to keep
recreating those positive emotions, then you keep coming back to work.
so the 4'>; measures engagement, and engagement is positive emotional
connection to the work. thus the mechanism of the broaden=and= build theories and the
action tendencies of positive emotions help in understanding why the <.+. has been so
powerful for -allup in terms of predicting outcomes. Norden=and build theory is about
evolutionary significance of positive emotions. )ositive emotions are better observed
over the long haul. "heir effects accumulate and compound overtime and the adaptive
benefits are evident from later, when people face new challenges ."he -allup research
as thus made a contribution in adding an additional C)A to the 5 )As of
marketing i.e. product, price, and promotion place and now people to the mi#.
In the combination of engaged employees, -allup brings engaged customers
to form the concept of human sigma. "hese include customer engagement, loyalty
and emotional attachment. 2ustomer enga gement hi er ar chy, cus t omer
engagement s cor es and devel opi ng t he cul t ur e of engagement and
customer focus. "he -allup 3rgani$ation decided to initiate a multi=year research
project to try and define a great workplace = a great workplace was one where
employees were satisfied with their jobs and this thus helps to produce positive business
0te IIII =
Identi!% t#e roblem areas
Identify the problem areas to see which are the e#act areas, which lead to
disengaged employees
0t e ID2
Taki ng act i on t o i mro(e eml o%ee engagement b% act i ng
uon t #e roblem areas
Nothing is more discouraging to employees than to be asked for their
feedback and see no movement toward resolution of their issues. ,ven the smallest
actions taken to address concer ns wi l l l et t he s t af f know how t hei r i nput i s
val ued. Feel i ng val ued wi l l boos t mo r al e , mot i va t e and encour age
f ut ur e i nput . "aki ng act i on s t a r t s wi t h l i s t eni ng t o employee feedback
and a definitive action plan will need to be put in place finally.
5andling $NotCengaged& Emlo%ees
,fforts to raise levels of engagement are worthwhile for those in the not=engaged range.
Not=engaged employees tend to concentrate on tasks rather than the goals and outcomes
they are e#pected to accomplish. "hey want to be told what to do just so they can do it
and say they have finished. "hey focus on accomplishing a task vs. achieving an
outcome. Managers who only provide tasks to an employee reinforce not=engaged
behaviors and actually move +:8 degrees away from engaging the heart, mind, and soul
of that person.
,mployees who are not=engaged tend to feel their contributions are being overlooked,
and their potential is not being tapped. "hey often feel this way because they donAt have
productive relationships with their managers or with their coworkers.
T#e "a% to get eole to become a art o! an organization is t#roug# relations#is.
,mployees who feel disconnected emotionally from their coworkers and supervisor do
not feel committed to their work. "hey hang back and do the minimum because they
donAt believe anyone cares. "hese employees ?lower the bar@ for themselves by doing the
least amount of work necessary.
Managers need to demonstrate a sense of really caring about employees and whatAs
important to them. Managers can help employees refocus on the demands of their roles
and on the skills, knowledge, and talents they bring to their jobs. "he manager who takes
the time to have a dialogue about an employeeAs strengths and how these can make a
difference forges essential ties and connections that lead to employee commitment.
Managing $Acti(el% Disengaged& Emlo%ees
"oo often people have to work with others who have become disenchanted and actively
disengaged. *ctively disengaged employees arenAt just unhappy at work. "hey act out
their discontent and sow seeds of negativity at every opportunity. "hey undermine the
work of others. "hey are not just indifferent to company goals and missionR they e#press
mistrust and outright animosity.
"he way to get people to become a part of an organi$ation is through
*s workers increasingly rely on each other to generate products and services, the
problems and tensions that are fostered by actively disengaged workers can cause great
damage to an organi$ationAs functioning.
"he -allup 3rgani$ation estimates that there are .. million actively disengaged
employees that cost the *merican economy up to W468 billion per year in lost
productivity, including absence, illness and other problems that result when workers are
unhappy at work.
A good manager "ill identi!% t#ose "#o are disengaged and e-lore t#e reasons
be#ind t#e disconnect to determine if coaching or other interventions are appropriate. In
some cases, people will respond favorably to opportunities to reconnect and rekindle their
interest and enthusiasm for their jobs. Most people search for ways to make their lives
and work meaningful and only disengage when they feel hopeless.
"hose who are actively disengaged may thrive on the negativity and refuse to become
part of any solution, preferring to perpetuate problems. If they repeatedly refuse
opportunities to engage again, terminating their employment should be seriously
considered in order to avoid further damage to staff morale and organi$ational progress.
0%stematicall% Imro(ing Emlo%ee
Improving engagement goes beyond simply asking the right /uestions.
,ngaging employees re/uires a year=round focus on changing behaviors,
processes, and systems to anticipate and respond to your organi$ationAs needs.
From the leadership team to the frontline employees, all levels within an
organi$ation must commit to making these changes.

-allup approaches employee engagement with sustainability in mind, and
thus, provides managers and leaders with tools to help drive performance on
an ongoing basis through a combination of measurement, reporting, learning,
action planning, and strategic interventions. >sing the latest technology and
cutting=edge research, -allup continually provides clients with innovative
solutions that drive change. From state=of=the=art organi$ational mapping
software and online tools to frst=class instructional designers and consultants,
-allupAs approach to employee engagement reduces the amount of time needed
to move from measurement to improvement.
"e worldAs top=performing organi$ations recogni$e the critical role managers
play in achieving business objectives. *s a global leader in the area of employee
recruitment and selection, -allup has a proven method for hiring managers
and employees with the talent to build engagement. *fter reviewing nearly
+8,888 validated pre=employment /uestions and the global <+.
database, -allup uncovered a subset of /uestions that enables organi$ations to assess
whether a job candidate, if hired, will boost engagement levels. "is engagement selecting
approach will help hiring managers fnd candidates who have more potential to
drive engagement in the workplace.
W#at t#e World/s 9est Organizations Do
-allup drives organi$ations to systematically improve employee engagement
using proven interventions at the local and enterprise level. Neyond setting the
proper strategy, interventions include fnding the right performance metrics
that drive accountability, creating a comprehensive communication strategy, and
designing development opportunities for every employee, manager, and leader.
Ehile partnering with many of the worldAs best organi$ations, -allup has
observed that world=class organi$ations make employee engagement a priority
by focusing on the followingI
Eorld=class organi$ations develop a formula for success by looking
objectively and rigorously at the business problems they face and by
focusing on fnding the right employees and keeping them engaged.
For these organi$ations, an employee engagement strategy is not only
fundamental to the way they do business, it is critical to their success.
Accountabilit% and 1er!ormance
"e top=driven companies focus on outcomes. "ey defne and
rigorously measure success at every level in the organi$ation. "ese
measurements ultimately help focus each person, team, department, and
business unit on driving performance and results.
Eithin the best performing organi$ations there is a cultural alignment
between the employees and the company, paired with a strategic
alignment between activities and company goals. "ese organi$ations
use their corporate communication touchpoints to reinforce their
commitments to employees and customers.
*s the struggle for talent intensifies, organi$ations face a continual
2hallenge to build and grow their leadership capacity. "he worldAs
"op=performing companies have comprehensive leader and manager
development programs, but they also go one step further S these
programs are performance=driven and incorporate a comprehensive
(uccession plan throughout the organi$ation.
T#e Emlo%ee Engagement Net"ork To Tens
0trategies to Imact Engagement
Across an Organization
Eenni!er 0c#ulte
Global Engagement Director !or Mars) Inc.
+'0tart at t#e to. If your most senior teams are not true believers of the power of
engagement, it will be an uphill battle for everyone. Find a business metric they
will respond to %we used the salary & benefts dollar cost of the Cactively disengagedA G
which was over W688 millionF& and get the 2,3 and his own team to start with
themselves as role models
..C#oose t#e rig#t c#amions. "o make sure engagement captures both hearts and
minds, activate your Cearly adoptersA who are passionate about not only the concept but
also about driving change and infuencing others to communicate with local business
4.7ocus on a bold goal. Qust ?improving engagement@ will not be enough to connect
with local business leaders and managers who drive the bottom=up work that must
happen to be successful and sustainable. 2hoose a corresponding metric and date as a
target .=4 years out that is both stretching and will make a signifcant impact on the
business, and start rallying your senior leaders.
5.Energize %our 53 !unction. Ee canAt rely on ! to ?do@ engagement for the
organi$ation, but as a strategic business partner they must be accountable for ensuring
it lives on local business strategies and is taken seriously in talent=related decisions.
,ngagement impacts many aspects of what ! does own, from morale to retention,
and itAs in their best interest to drive the planning of actions that will create the right
6.5old managers accountable. ItAs no secret that the relationship between a frst=line
managerKsupervisor and their associates has the most direct impact on engagement G all
the research points to this in some way. Focus on the behavior change and re/uire
managers to report results on actions theyAve taken to impact engagement in their teams.
"his should be weighted as an indication of performance when someone
manages others directly.
9.Celebrate and relicate t#ose "#o can engage. Find formal and informal ways to
recogni$e and reward your managers and associates who are great at engagementF
(ome will fnd this a natural way of working and not reali$e theyAre on to something that
others should be learning from as best practice.
='3ecruit and romote !or engagement. Ehy not make sure you are putting people
into management positions who will be successful at engaging their associatesH
"here are several different tools available as long as the
organi$ation uses them in a consistent way.
:'De(elo !or engagement. Most large corporations are training and developing
managers in skills such as coaching, leadership and strategic thinking. Make sure
engagement G the ?how to@ but also the compelling reasons why, and what the
organi$ation will hold them accountable for delivering G is also on the learning and
development agenda.
;.3emo(e s%stemic barriers. In a business of largely manufacturing environments,
weAve found key themes that can get in the way of engagement across an entire site or
segment no matter how good the front= line supervisor might be at it. "hemes such as
communication and trust, pay and benefts, offce vs. plant culture, and %lack of& change
management must be identifed by actively listening to your frontline associates and
addressed by the senior leadership in addition to direct manager=associate conversations.
+8.7ocus on c#ronic underCer!ormers. >nfortunately there are managers who wonAt
be engaging no matter how much training and communication you provide.
If a managerAs team scores low on a survey %we use the bottom half as our cut=off point&
for 4 surveys in a row, itAs time to get involved and create a personali$ed
engagement action plan. "his typically involves that managerAs manager and ! who
agree on the right steps G and often results in moving the manager to a
role where they do not manage others, or moving them out of our business when there is
also a performance impact. "his focused attention helps not only connect the
engagement and performance of managers but also sends a strong message about what
will and wonAt be tolerated by the organi$ation.
Engagement implies commitment. Commitment can
be refected in the thoughtful questions you ask.
5ere are ten *uestions t#at "ill s#o") and generate)
+.5o" can I #el %ou rig#t no"F
"he Merriam= Eebster 0ictionary says that commitment is ?the state or an instance of
being emotionally impelled.@
3ffering assistance sends a clear message that you are, in your heart, engaged in a way
that compels you to give of yourself. "hat is a message that people are hoping to receive
and will recogni$e immediately.
..W#at else do %ou need !rom me !or t#is ro+ectF
'etAs face itI most bosses would be thrilled if everyone showed a keen interest in hitting
the standard, or the corporate version of minimum daily re/uirements. Ehen you show
a willingness to do more than is re/uired, your level of engagement is clear to those
above you, sets an e#ample for those around you, stands a good chance of building a
new, even higher, standard.
4.W#o can I introduce %ou to to #el make t#is #aenF
"hereAs a reason social networking sites have engaged so many people. Ee seek ways to
e#tend our capabilities by connecting with those whose interests are similar. Ehen you
become the
conduit to new people and new ideas, you provide a service to the organi$ation and
become known as a person of infuence.
5.W#en can "e get toget#er to discuss our rogressF
Managers constantly juggle events, people, deadlines, and problems, all the time wanting
to be clear about one thingI ?ow are we doingH@ "he person who initiates that
conversation takes a bit of the burden
from the boss and sets the stage for a much=desired discussion.@
6.W#atcan "e do to make t#is +ust a little bit betterF Xou donAt have to focus on
doing more in order to be engaged. Interest in improved /uality, improved processes,
improved relationships==each of these helps bump up the game for all concerned.
9'5o" am I doing based on our agreement !or t#isF
Managers get paid to manage performance and the ensuing results. ,ven so, many
managers fnd it diffcult to have performance discussions. Ehen you make the frst move
and then start the conversation,
youAve shown a high level of engagement as a result of your concern for outcomes and
allowed your supervisor to be more rela#ed about the performance discussion,
knowing that you want it.
7'W#o else can "e includeF
In a way, this is related to Y4. Inclusion does two things, adds important resources and
engages others in your project. Ehat other information can I provideH 0ecisions,
progress reports, changing direction==all re/uire up=to= date information to be done
effectively. In order to help others stay engaged, nothing beats timely information and
updates to spark interest. In a knowledge
economy, information is the currency of choice. Ne the
:.5o" can I best suort t#e ot#ers in t#e grouF
IAve always found this to be one of the
most engaging /uestions==and interventions==in the workplace. Ehen there are a half
do$en people gathered around a conference table and one asks,
;'$5o" can I suort eac# o! %ouF&)
watch what happens. "hat single, selfess gesture engages others in a way that prompts
each to think more deeply about the project and the connectedness of the people
+8.W#at else "ould be #el!ul to discussF
*t the end of any interaction, this ?++th hour@ /uestion==followed by silence on your
part==creates a space that allows the other person to fnally address something that may
have been held back until now. %3r, there may be nothing&. If there is== and the issue was
held back for whatever reason==then youAve opened the door to the e#ploration of a
situation whose e#istence was a
hindrance to engagementF
Engaged Emlo%ees are2
+.Ob(ious G it may be an elusive /uality, diffcult to describe but an engaged employee is
more likely to be e#hilarated by their role. 0ifferent cultures show this in different
ways but most of us can spot and will be drawn to a genuine smile and welcoming,
inclusive attitude.
.'Aut#entic G our recent survey of almost 5888 communicators listed ?being yourself@
as one of the key motivators for employees. It also proves that employees who are
themselves in the workplace are more effective. ,mployees who are clear enough about
what their organisation stands for and are at ease with the culture are more likely to
bring themselves to work and to share stories about their family lives, hobbies, likes and
4'3eceti(e G we all know that if weAre engaged, weAre far more open to opportunities to
be involved with new initiatives and share new e#periences. ,ngaged employees listen
actively and offer support and challenge, largely because they care about the
5'In(ol(ed = they are part of the programme not recipients of it. "hey feel they can
infuence their personal fate through infuencing the fate of the organisation. Involvement
leads to a greater sense of ownership. ItAs also the way most of us learn best.

6.1roacti(e G engaged employees understand the goals, culture and values of the
organisation so they make suggestions or take initiative, even innovate for the greater
good, without being asked. "heir primary focus is on adding value to the organisation
rather than obsessing about what the organisation gives them.
9.Energised G engaged employees have correspondingly high energy levels. "hey do
things and maintain appropriate momentum. "hey are the heartbeat, rather than their
managers, and they set the pace.
7.Ac#ie(ers G because of enhanced levels of understanding, clear goals and boundaries,
an appropriate mi# of support and challenge %and in light of the characteristics above&,
they tend to be focused and, therefore, more productive. "he things they do tend to
get results.
:.Ad(ocates G whether at conferences or recruitment fairs even dinner parties or sitting
ne#t to you on a plane , engaged employees are proud and happy to recommend the
organisation and to represent the brand. Eant to know how engaged your employees
areH *s a starting point, fnd out how many buyKuse your products.
;.CEOs = they are chief engagement offcers. "hey inspire others by e#ample. "hey are
communication role models in all stakeholder engagements whether with customers,
fellow employees, competitors or even shareholders.

+8'In demand = take care, engaged employees are a precious commodity. "he war for
talent rages irrespective of market conditions. Eho and where are your 2,3sH Ehat
measures are you taking to clarify your employer brand and to engage and manage your
Ten Strategies for creating a successful culture of employee

igh involvement hiring G choosing employees that not only have the right skills
but also are a long term fit with the companyAs culture
)roviding comprehensive benefits and a fle#ible work environment, including
paid time off to participate in community service
,#tensive training and promotion from within G investing in employees to build
their skills and enabling them to take on increased responsibility
Fostering a culture of mutual respect and trust, empowerment and shared
responsibility, yielding long term loyalty and often valued over rewards
2elebrating success G engaged teams work hard and spend time celebrating
together when milestones are achieved
,nsuring the core values are fre/uently heard and understood by all, and
instigating a comprehensive communications programme of company=wide
updates, successes, and employee recognition
(haring key success metrics critical to the companyAs financial success with
employees and articulating those that employees affect daily
,mployee participation G making sure all employees have a say over how work is
done and have some degree of autonomy
)erformance=based rewards and compensation G clearly tying rewards such as
bonuses to individual and company performance
(haring ownership, for e#ample via stock options, restricted stock, employee
share option plans, or co=ops.

Firms that
a strong
engagement culture from the beginning have a greater chance of long=term
If businesses genuinely view employees, not as mere costs but as a key asset
for business success, then management must introduce employee engagement
strategies, as these are key drivers of business growth and success, and a
strong factor in the ability to weather economic downturns.
"hese strategies increase human resource fle#ibility, which is crucial in our
current volatile business environment for the longer=term survival of
organisations. Firms that establish a strong engagement culture from the
beginning have a greater chance of long term survival.
What Employees Want
,mployees want to give more, but they also want to see a clear and measurable
return for their effort.
3nly + out of 6 workers today is giving full discretionary effort on the job G going
well above and beyond whatAs re/uired because theyAre caught up in the passion
and purpose of creating a better product, service or customer e#perience
2lose to 5 out of +8 workers are disenchanted or disengaged. "hey are not
performing anywhere near their true capability because they donAt have the
necessary rational, emotional and motivational connections to the company
Nut the silver lining is that engaged employees are not born, but made. 3rgani$ations can
create the right conditions to nurture engagement and drive better performance.
Top 10 Drivers of Employee Engagement
(enior management sincerely interested in employee well=being
*bility to improve skills and capabilities
3rgani$ationAs reputation for social responsibility
,mployees inputs into decision making
<uick resolution of customer concerns
(etting of high personal standards
,#cellent career advancement opportunities
2hallenging work assignments that broaden skills
-ood relationships with supervisors
3rgani$ation encourages innovative thinking
What an organi!ations do to lose the engagement gap"
First and foremost, organi$ations must have effective S and engaged S leadership at
the top.2losing the gap between the traditional leadership model of the last century
and the characteristics re/uired for engaging leadership has implications for
management selection and training as well as leadership succession and development.
3rgani$ations need to review their leadership programs to ensure that leaders
understand the enormous positive impact they can have on employee engagement,
retention and performance. 3rgani$ations need to validate the following
0o e#isting leadership competencies and development programs focus on building
the right ?muscles@ in the senior teamH
*re high potential leaders assessed, developed and promoted based on the right
leadership criteria
0o performance management programs emphasi$e the right leadership activities and
key touch points that leaders have with employees %e.g. coaching, sponsoring,
recogni$ing, role modeling, communicating, involving&H
(econd, organi$ations need to customi$e and shape the work environment and culture
to match their uni/ue basis for competitive advantage, tangibly aligning workforce
strategies with business priorities. 3rgani$ations need to design workforce strategies
and allocate their finite supplies of time, management attention and financial
resources. "he /uestions to address areI
Ehat are the organi$ationAs uni/ue cultural differentiators, based on its specific
priorities and strategiesH
"o what e#tent is the e#isting culture supporting and driving the behaviors
re/uired for successH
*re the organi$ationAs human capital strategy and underlying programs and
processes aligned to create a high performance cultureH
Ehat changes are re/uired to reshape the culture for enhanced performanceH
Is the ! function e/uipped to develop and e#ecute new strategies and support
for the change processH
"hird, organi$ations need to put their workforce under the same microscope as they
do their customers G to understand employeesA needs, issues, values and ?buying@
patterns, so as to give themselves a competitive edge in attracting, retaining and
engaging employees, as well as in channeling employeesA energy and brain power
most effectively. "op 6 drivers for attracting employees
o 2ompetitive base pay
o 2areer advancement opportunities
o 2hallenging work
o 2onvenient work location
o Fle#ible schedule
T#e 9ene!its o! emlo%ee engagement
"here has been plenty of research across a number of industries and countries and the
research from organi$ations like -allup as to the benefits of enhancing the bond between
the employee, their colleagues and the organi$ation.(3M, 3F "3(, *!,
Increased passion for, commitment to and alignment with the organi$ationAs
strategies and goals
Improved overall organi$ational effectiveness
* high=energy working environment increased productivity and improves

Noosted business growth

Made the employees effective brand ambassadors for the company.
2reated a sense of loyalty in a competitive environment
*ttracted more people like e#isting employees Increases employeesO trust in
the organi$ation
'owered attrition rate and higher talent retention
2reated a community at the workplace and not just a workforce.
"he level of employee engagement affects key results such as sales, customer
satisfaction, and innovation and employee turnover. *n engaged workforce is capable of
delivering sustained differentiation and a significant competitive advantage
Increasing competition from current competitors and new markets entrants ,cost pressures
,innovation in products and technology ,emerging brands ,globali$ation ,changing
consumer buying patterns and services e#pectations, shareholders value and city
"hese are just some of the challenges facing every business and most will be on your
senior teamAs agenda in some form or other right now. Many organi$ation struggle with
range of challenges and need to adapt /uickly to an ever Gchanging business environment
.this often lead to many initiatives being run simultaneously. "his usually results in
disjointed and conflicting initiatives that confuse employee and deliver little real
Engagement c#allenges
0ata revealed that engagement levels can vary, in association with a variety of personal
and job characteristics and with e#periences at work. (ome key findings wereI
engagement levels decline as employees get older G until they reach the oldest
group %98 plus&, where levels suddenly rise, and show this oldest group to be
the most engaged of all
minority ethnic respondents have higher engagement levels than their white
managers and professionals tend to have higher engagement levels than their
colleagues in supporting roles, although people in the latter group appear to
owe greater loyalty to their profession than to the organi$ation in which they
practice their craft
engagement levels decline as length of service increases
having an accident or an injury at work, or e#periencing harassment %particularly if
the manager is the source of the harassment& both have a big negative impact on
,mployees who have a personal development plan, and who have received a
formal performance appraisal within the past year, have significantly higher
engagement levels than those who have not.
"he above findings show that organi$ations need to work hard to prevent, and
minimi$e the impact of, bad e#periences. "hey also need to ensure that employeesA
development needs %including the special needs of professionals& are taken seriouslyR
pay attention to, and value the roles of, support staffR and to maintain the interest of
longer=serving employees. "he relatively high levels of engagement of the oldest
employees, and of minority ethnic staff, suggest sources of untapped potential within
some organi$ations.
3oad ma !or emlo%ee engagement
3nce you have identified the key drivers of employee engagement, you can start to create
and implement a road map for achieving outstanding organi$ational performance through
the service=profit chain.
ave a vision of where you want to get to, and clearly and persuasively communicate that
vision to employees. Ne consistent in your behaviors as you strive to achieve that vision.
0o this and your employees will follow Fail and you will be out. Involve your people and
value their Input
Nusiness journals are also brim full with articles about change. Ignore these too because
they typically start from the Machiavellian premise that Opeople hate changeO. "his is
nonsense of course. )eople love change = in fact they can hardly get enough of it.
)eople hate change No, if people are involved in change and their input to the process is
valued they will readily engage with it.
'ook after the reputation if the world believes that the organi$ation is a poorA
If the world believes that organi$ation is a poor Ocorporate citi$enO they will tell people. If
employees believe what they hear they will increasingly distance themselves from the
business. *nd if they donOt, they will get increasingly frustrated if they see that you are
doing nothing to correct these misconceptions. ,ither way, organi$ations that proactively
manage their reputations will also enjoy higher levels of employee engagement.
Eell, actually, it could, because a common theme runs through all three stages of the
process of communication. * major study by Eatson EyattI 2onnecting 3rgani$ational
2ommunication to Financial )erformance has given us the ultimate end=to=end
measurementI from key driver of employee engagement %communication& to shareholder
return on activity.
"he research found that Oa significant improvement in communication effectiveness is
associated with a .;.6 per cent increase in market value and that companies with the
highest levels of effective communication e#perienced a .9 per cent total return to
shareholders from +;;: to .88., compared to a +6 per cent return e#perienced by firms
that communicate least effectivelyO.
,ffective communications create engaged employees, creating loyal customers who in
turn create bigger profits. Furthermore, they found that organi$ations that communicate
effectively were Omore likely to report employee turnover rates below or significantly
below those of their industry peers.O "he report highlights the return on effective
communication, not information. *nd communication is not just about telling people
what you want them to do or are about to do to them = it is about genuine two=way
dialogue with both employees and the outside world. *nd although this is simple it is not
always easy.
In fact it is going to be really difficult to implement because there are four substantial
barriers in place in most organi$ationsI Most managers focus on OhardO measures,
delivering the re/uired outcomes on time, on budget, and on target. "he OsoftO stuff is all
too often done on the side of the desk, as an e#tracurricular activity, or abdicated to
-iving people the information and instructions they need to achieve these outcomes is
clearly part of the managerOs role. 2ommunication, however, is still seen as OsoftO stuff,
even though the reality is that it is the hardest driver of organi$ational performance that
managers have at their disposal. Managers have not developed their communication skills
we have practiced as individuals throughout our lives. 3rgani$ational communication
operates on a totally different scale and uses thoroughly unnatural tools. Mobile phones,
email, )ower)oint and teleconferencing are immensely powerful tools for
communicating with a large, widely spread audience. Necause our natural communication
skills are so good we take it for granted that we will be competent organi$ational
communicators too.
Ee are therefore making the assumption that we can use unnatural tools to engage with
an unnaturally large audience without ac/uiring any additional skills. Naturally they are
wrongF 2ommunication channels are absent, inappropriate, or over=subscribed 0ecades
of failing to take organi$ational communications seriously means that in many businesses
appropriate channels have not been created or effectively maintained.
*s the head of internal communications for a major blue=chip corporation recently
commented Pa decade ago the Ointernal communications departmentO was an e#=journalist
who churned out the employee newsletter once a monthP. Now things have moved on
considerably, but even within progressive organi$ations there is still a legacy of poor
channel infrastructure, usage and management to be tackled. 2ommunication around
corporate citi$enship is disjointed
'ike internal communications, Ocommunity communicationsO is a new and developing
discipline which is working through a host of legacy issues. Foremost amongst these are
the need for organi$ations to enter into a true dialogue with the communities within
which they operate and for all of the positive interactions within these communities to be
Ojoined upO.
*gain much progress has been made, but although corporate and social responsibility
%2(!& teams have done great work in gathering and promoting a wide range of issues,
few companies could claim a truly strategic approach. *nd even fewer could claim that
2(! is owned by each and every employee, which is where it needs to be if employees
are to feel personal ownership and pride in the organi$ation they work for.
* manifesto for outstanding organi$ational performance
It is clear that employee engagement is a major driver of organi$ational performance.
)lus effective organi$ational communication is a significant driver of employee
Education: Every manager in the organization must understand how effective
communication drives performance;
Development: Every manager in the organization must recognize the difference
between natural and organizational communication and commit to developing the
required skills;
Infrastructure: The organization must invest in the development and maintenance of
appropriate channels of communication;
ommunity: The organization must actively manage its reputation as a corporate
citizen and positively engage employees and the wider community alike!
This is a simple plan" but it is not a sequential plan # all four areas can" and
should" be tackled simultaneously!
"his means that it will not necessarily be an easy plan to deliver, but business leaders
must deliver because with almost nine out of ten employees currently being either
OdisengagedO or just Omoderately engagedO at work, the opportunity to drive outstanding
organi$ational performance is simply too enormous to ignore. * highly engaged
employee is someone who will consistently deliver beyond e#pectations and who has a
sense of belonging or a strong bond with the company and its brand. "his creates a ripple
effect that results in a positively charged atmosphere in the organi$ation.
2onnection with their work and carve out a satisfying future in the organi$ation. "he
most successful organi$ations make engagement an ongoing priority, not a once=a=year
event. "hey take a multi=faceted approach to address problem areas and improve
engagement scores organi$ation wide. "he larger and more globalised organi$ationR the
greater your need to engage the workforce.
,ngaged employees are not just committed. "hey are not just passionate or proud. "hey
have a line=of=sight on their own future and on the organi$ationAs mission and goals.
"hey are ?,nthused@ and ?In gear@ using their talents and discretionary effort to make a
difference in their employerAs /uest for sustainable business success.
"here is a clear correlation between engagement and retention, with :6B of engaged
employees indicating that they plan to stay with their employer. *n effective employee
retention strategy is based on an understanding of engagement.
Moreover, Engaged Emlo%ees stay for what they give %they like their work&R
Disengaged employees stay for what they get %favorable job conditions, growth
opportunities, and job security&.
"he most common factors influencing job satisfaction areI
More opportunities to use talents
2areer development and training.
"his holds true across engagement levels, intent to stay, generations, and job titles.
0rivers of increased contribution vary. ,mployees who are aligned and already
e#pending discretionary effort are looking for more resources. ?-reater clarity about
what the organi$ation needs me to do and why@ was the top response for employees who,
although their level of satisfaction may vary, are at the lowest levels of contribution.
"ales of bullying bosses are e#aggerated, but the bad managers out there are cited as the
third most common reason for leaving %trailing lack of career growth and dislike of the
"hree in four %76B& employees trust their immediate managers. "his finding is consistent
across generations, functions, and, for the most part, job titles. 55B of disengaged
employees actually trust their managers. 2onsistent with findings from past studies,
managers fall short in encouraging and rewarding their employeesA use of talents.
*lthough two=thirds of managers overall appear to do this, employees at the lowest
engagement levels clearly lack their managerAs support in leveraging their uni/ue
capabilities. 3nly about half %64B& of employees trust their organi$ationAs senior leaders
S the people who set the tone for organi$ational culture and need to inspire high=
performance and commitment.
Best practices include
Ma#imi$e managers = they are the main connection in the employee engagement
*lign, align, align = clarify strategy and organi$ational goals.
!edefine career = employees need line=of=sight on their future to be truly engaged.
)ay attention to culture = culture and employee motivation go hand=in=hand.
(urvey less, act more = donOt rely purely on an employee engagement survey to
drive your strategy.
*N3>" !*MDX[
"he !amky -roup, with its head/uarters in yderabad, was founded in the year +;;5,
and has been playing a pioneering role in the development of infrastructure in India. It is
a specialist multi=disciplinary organi$ation with a turnover of over 5,688 2rores, focused
in the areas of 2ivil, ,nvironmental and Easte Management infrastructure with specific
emphasis on )ublic )rivate )artnership %)))& projects.
"he -roup has over 9,888 employees across its professionally managed -roup
2ompanies, and has regional offices at 0elhi, Mumbai, *hmadabad, Nangalore, 2hennai,
Nhopal and Dolkata, with 66 project offices across India, >*,, (ingapore and -abon,
Eest *frica. 3ur global outlook has picked up momentum[ so much so that more than
.6B of all our employees are outside India.
"he basic principle we work under is that whatever we do should be a major contribution
to the society, and the 2ountry should be proud of it. EeAve done fairly well on that
front, with a string of firsts like IndiaAs first integrated ha$ardous waste facility, IndiaAs
first biomedical waste facility and also IndiaAs first integrated municipal solid waste
facility. "hese are in addition to our massive road=building and other infrastructure
works[ nothing short of building the 2ountryAs backbone.
!amky has active business interests in infrastructure development G civil, public and
environmental. "here is a strong demand for our products and services which is reflected
in a confirmed order=book. Ee enjoy e/uity participation from reputed national and
international institutions, while the -roup has enjoyed strong profitable growth at a
2*-! above 48B.
3ur focus areas are Infrastructure 0evelopment, ,nvironment Management, !eal ,state
and 2onsultancyR as an engineering, procurement and contracting partnerR as well as
developing and managing the assets for long term. Ee have successfully e#ecuted
projects for design, engineering and construction on N3" and N33" basis, while
handling more than :8 )ublic )rivate )artnership projects in the 2ountry G one of the
largest being handled by any -roup, for developing infrastructure in the 2ountry. EeAre
the preferred partner to government and private players alike because all our companies
have implemented I(3 ;888, I(3 +5888, I(3 +78.6 and 3(*( +:888 /uality systems
at work, with a clear commitment to /uality.
In the field of ,nvironment and Easte Management, the group has pioneered bio=medical
waste and ha$ardous waste management facilities in India. Ee are now the market
leaders with over 68B market share in (olid Easte Management %(EM& with 98 projects
on groundKunder setup including medical waste management, ha$ardous waste
management and municipal waste management.
*s a specialist firm in infrastructure engineering design, consultancy and contracting, we
have a track record of successful projects in the areas ofI
Eater and Eastewater
Nuildings %2ommercial and Industrial&
"ransport, !oads and Nridges
Irrigation )rojects
)ower "ransmission and 0istribution
*s a developer, we also create and manage assets in the Eater and Eastewater, Industrial
)arks, "ransportation e.g. bus terminals, roads and highways, property development
through public private partnerships with -overnment agencies and other areas.
"hese sustainable and socially responsible solutions to the environment are in line with
our goal of embarking towards sustainable growth, all of which, we hope will carry us to
a revenue stream of !s..6,888 2rores in the ne#t five years[ with our e#cellent
professional team, e#/uisite track record, commitment to /uality, timely completion and
global outlook, our goal looks achievable.
!amky shall be a leading global enterprise in world class infrastructure development and
environment management through sustainable growth.
Ee shall ensure /uality, reliability and continuous technology upgradation thereby
enhancing the value of all %its& stakeholders.
*t !amky we cherish our J*'>,(.
Ee e#pect all our employees to internali$e and uphold the !amky Jalues in the way we
conduct our business every day, every way.
Ee will conduct our business in an open, honest and ethical manner. Ee will be fair and
transparent in all our dealings with our customers, business partners, associates and with
each other as fellow employees. "owards this, we will adopt the highest standards of
professional code of ethics and personal behaviors.
Customer 0atis!action2
2ustomers are central to our e#istence. Ee will measure our success by that of our
2ustomers and will always be driven by the highest sense of /uality and spirit that stands
for service and delivery. 3ur motive is to surpass customer e#pectations consistently by
understanding their needs and delighting them with a ?service e#cellence@ mind=set and
Work CultureI
Ee will be caring, respectful, compassionate and humane to all our colleagues and
customers around the world. Ee will create a global mind=set that will help us grow and
develop our employees by providing a performance driven culture that will encourage
career growth and personal fulfillment. Ee will work together to foster a work culture
that revolves around total teamwork and collaboration that brings out the best in every
one of us.
Emlo%ee 0ense o! 9elongingI
"his is 3ur 2ompany. Ee will accept personal responsibility and accountability while
conducting our business and performing our duties. Ee will build trust and
empowerment by ensuring that our behaviors match our words and actions. Ee will
remain committed to fulfilling organi$ation goals by acting like owners, treating
company assets like our own and always adding value to the success of the organi$ation.
3ur goal is to be a trendsetter in all of our businesses. *t !amky, change has always been
driven by continuous innovation in our businesses, products and processes.Ee are
committed to ideas and innovative growth through our personal passion, reinforced by a
professional mindset and by imbibing the Jalues we represent.
0a!et%) 5ealt# K En(ironment2
Ee care for the environment, health, and safety of every employee, the community we
serve in and the society at large. Ee will create a safe working environment by strict
adherence to our stringent ealth, (afety and ,nvironment )olicies and also be compliant
to all the relevant laws of the land. Ee will demonstrate the highest standards of
e#cellence in health, safety, and environmental protection for our employees, customers
and communities in which we operate.
0ocial Commitment2
Ee will be committed to our 2orporate (ocial !esponsibilites. Ee will help enrich the
/uality of life of the communities we serve and support programs and partnerships that
address community specific needs. Ee will make a positive impact to the planet by
striving to become committed corporate citi$ens and be sensitive to the communities,
countries and environments that we serve.
"he !amky group is a dynamic, large scale organi$ation that is playing a pioneering role
in developing the infrastructure sectors in India. (et up in +;;5, the group today has a
nation=wide presence and a turnover in e#cess of !s. 5,688 2rores across three divisions.
Major operations of the group are conducted through the following companies I
!amky Infrastructure 'td. %!I'& = *n infrastructure development and e#ecution company
that develops and manages projects, in addition to undertaking contract e#ecution of
government projects across the country. !I' is poised for e#ponential growth on the basis
of orders currently on hand. *mong projects directly developed by them are several
N3"KN33" projects, industrial parks and other uni/ue assignments in the sector. *s a
contractor, they are responsible for several prestigious projects including roads, irrigation
systems, canals, waste water and buildings. !I' has been approached by several
international companies for a strategic partnership and is e#pected to move in this
direction in the future, to utili$e its opportunities better.
!amky ,nviro ,ngineers 'td. %!,,'& = * waste management company that provides a
comprehensive range of services, such as solid municipal waste, bio=medical waste and
ha$ardous waste management services to commercial, industrial and municipal customers
including recycling, collection and disposal services. 2ost=effective solutions, customi$ed
projects and comprehensive resources combined with safety and regulatory compliances
make it one of the most efficient players in this sector. !,,' is a pioneer and leader in
this concept and has international collaborations to strengthen its technology base. "heir
operations cover several states across the country and outside India.
!amky ,states and Farms 'td. % !,F'& = * real estate company with the implementation
of various residential and commercial projects. "he company has developed several
residential properties in Nangalore and is currently e#ecuting projects for high=end
apartments and independent villas across major metros such as Nangalore, yderabad,
2hennai and Jishakapatnam.
(mila# 'aboratories 'td. = * research driven, vertically integrated pharmaceutical
manufacturing company that manufactures *ctive )harmaceutical Ingredients %*)Is&,
*)I Intermediates and N00(K)ellets for the global generics market. (mila# has incepted
its journey in the world of )harmaceuticals in the year .886. Eithin three years, (mila#
has become a reliable supplier of its products across the globe. (mila# has the capability
of manufacturing *)Is and *)I Intermediates in its (tate=of="he *rt manufacturing
facilities located in yderabad and Jishakapatnam, *ndhra )radesh, India
!amky )harma 2ity %India& 'td. = * special purpose company of !amky -roup, IndiaOs
foremost integrated services group that focuses on infrastructure projects, waste
management and N33KN33" projects. "oday, with our e#perience, we offer bulk drug
& pharmaceutical companies in India and the world, a range of seamless, integrated,
committed solutions to meet their manufacturing re/uirements from conception to
commissioning and operations, at a new vibrant Industrial )ark at Jisakhapatnam,
*ndhra )radesh, India.
"he group has grown in a deliberate and measured manner in the last +9 years and today
has a strong, low=risk base. "hey have (tate=of="he=*rt technology, a track record of
success, time=tested relationships and a strong people base G all with very low leveraging.
"hey follow a core, value=based philosophy that lays emphasis on long term organi$ation
building. "hey have offered independence and operational freedom to high /uality
professionals, who have therefore stayed with them and built satisfying careers. -iven the
national emphasis on infrastructure and the immediate opportunities available to them,
!amky is today poised to grow e#ponentially. Ee would like you to e#amine the
opportunity of a leadership position with the group that will enable you to both contribute
to and participate in their future.
5istor% K Milestones

"he 2ompany was originally incorporated as !amky ,ngineers )rivate 'imited on +4
*pril +;;5 to undertake construction projects. In +;;:, the 2ompany diversified into
construction and began to undertake civil and environmental ,)2 projects. "he early
construction projects were primarily concentrated in the water and waste water sector.
(ubse/uently, the 2ompany e#panded into roads, buildings, irrigation and industrial
construction. "he 2ompany then decided to leverage opportunities in infrastructure
construction and on .4 Qune .884, !amky ,ngineers )rivate 'imited was renamed as
!amky Infrastructure )rivate 'imited. 3n .5 Qune .884 !amky Infrastructure )rivate
'imited was converted into a public limited and became !amky Infrastructure 'imited.
Milestone I Ac#ie(ement
*pr +;;5 Incorporation of our 2ompany
+;;6 ,#panded operations to include water and waste water segment
+;;7 ,#panded operations to include government works in addition to
private contracting.
+;;: ,#panded operations to include segments like buildings, irrigation, roads
and industrial structures.
.88. ,#panded area of operations with projects in the states of "amil Nadu,
Darnataka, Derala, Maharashtra, -ujarat, !ajasthan, )unjab, 0elhi, >ttar
)radesh, Eest Nengal and 3rissa.
.884 Name of our 2ompany changed from C!amky ,ngineers )rivate 'imitedA
to C!amky Infrastructure 'imitedA.
,ntered into a ))) for infrastructure projects through 0eheradunAs Inter=
(tate Nus "erminal, a private sector bus terminal on a N3" basis.
*mendment of 2lause III of the M3* to enlarge the objects clause of our
2ompany to include development of infrastructure facilities and waste
management as the main objects.
.885 (igned concession agreement with *ndhra )radesh Industrial
Infrastructure 'imited for development of first )harma 2ity in India at
Jisakhapatnam, *ndhra )radesh on N3" basis under )ublic=)rivate
)artnership scheme.
Incorporated !amky )harma 2ity %India& 'imited = a (pecial )urpose
Jehicle to carry out the development of )harma 2ity
.886 !eceived the CNest 2ontractorA award from the -overnment of !ajasthan.
Mr. *lla *yodhya !ami !eddy, received the C,ngineer of the Xear *ward
G .886A from the -overnment of *ndhra )radesh and the Institution of
,ngineers %India&.
!eceived the Indian 2oncrete InstituteAs C.886 3utstanding 2oncrete
(tructure *wardA for -andhi Medical 2ollege and ospital 2omple# in
2ommenced construction of one of the *siaAs largest sewage treatment
plants %+7. M'0& with uplift an aerobic sludge blanket process, at Nagole
.889 ,ntered into a share subscription and shareholdersA agreement with
(*), and "ara India Fund III for purchase of e/uity shares and
securities of our 2ompany.
,#panded operations to include power transmission projects.
2ompleted the construction of the )aryatak Nhavan 2omple# in
yderabad, a venture with the *ndhra )radesh "ourism 0evelopment
.887 'aunched !amky ,lsame# yderabad !ing !oad 'imited an ()J for
the development and construction of the yderabad !ing !oad, a
+68m wide road cum area development corridor with an eight lane
controlled access e#pressway.
2ommenced the developer business.
.88: Nest )roject *ward for the Married *ccommodation )roject at
*mritsar from 2entral )ublic Eorks 0epartment, -3I.
Infrastructure ,#cellence *ward .88: in the >rban Infrastructure
2ategory from 2NN2 "J+: & ,ssar (teel,
.88; !eceived an award for commendable water conserver=waste water
management by the Eater 0igest.
.8+8 :8 M'0 (") at *iroli,Navi Mumbai )roject bagged the ,ssar (teel G
Infrastructure ,#cellence *wards in the category of >rban
Infrastructure given by 2NN2 "J+: & ,ssar (teel
.8++ !eceived Eater 0igest Eater *ward under the Nest water 2onserver G
Easte Eater Management 2ategory for :8 M'0 *iroli )roject in
"he Eater 0igest Eater *ward %.8++& as the 0istinguished Eater
2ompany for 3utstanding 2ontribution in the Field of Eater in India.
-reentech (afety *ward % .8++& P -3'0 *E*!0 Pfor the
3utstanding *chievement in Fire & (afety Management
2onstruction Eeek *wards, ,ditorial choice award P 2ontractor of the
Xear P, P2orporate (ocial !esponsibility *wardP and Qury (pecial
2ommendation I P (ustainable )roject of the Xear P
2onstruction Eorld *ward *nnual (tudy %.8++& for the "hird fastest
growing 2onstruction 2ompany
0&N *#is Infra *wards .8++ for the best projects under the categories
of >rban Infrastructure 0evelopment and )ublic )rivate )artnership
2hairman *. *yodhya !ami !eddy !eceived Infra )erson of the Xear
*ward .8++ by ,)2 Eorld

<uality & (afety

!I' is committed in the areas of <uality, ealth, (afety and ,nvironment intended for
being an important and responsible player in the nationAs development. In its strides
towards the development of construction and infrastructure sectors, !I' has brought
transformation through its management systems. "he Management has made
convergent strategies in its systems and developments to bring sustainable growth in all
its operational areas, which resulted in establishing, documenting, implementing and
maintaining the <uality, ealth, ,nvironment and (afety management systems based
on a choice of recogni$ed national K international standards.
"he <uality Management (ystem %<M(& of !I' is accredited to I(3 ;88+I.88:
International standard and certified by MKs ">J India )vt 'td in all its operating
segments and business locations.
*s a strategic move and also to strengthen the system further, the management has
decided to establish a ealth, (afety, ,nvironment %(,& Management (ystem by
implementing an ,nvironmental Management (ystem conforming to I(3 +588+I.885
and an 3ccupational ealth and (afety Management (ystem conforming to 3(*(
+:88+I.887 standards.
In view of having a robust (, Management (ystem %(,M(& and a dedicated
information service which enables !I' to streamline all ealth, (afety and
,nvironment related issues, !I' has taken up corporate membership from the 9ritis#
0a!et% Council) London and National 0a!et% Council) Ne" Del#i'
"he implementation of <uality and (, policy is e#pected to support and sustain the
2ompanyAs e#cellent track record and provide further motivation for setting and
achieving goals as part of the 2ompanyAs continual improvement plans.
<(, )olicy
I(3 ;88+I.88: 2ertificate
I(3 ;88+I.88: 2ertificate along with L3K!3 office addresses %*nne#ures I & II&

In its journey of more than +6 years, !I' has won several awards and recognitionsI
2hairman *. *yodhya !ami !eddy !eceived Infra )erson of the Xear *ward
.8++ by ,)2 Eorld.
!amky Infrastructure 'td has been honored with the 2onstruction Eeek *wards
.8++ i.e. 2ontractor of the year, 2orporate (ocial !esponsibility *ward and also
the Qury (pecial 2ommendationI ?(ustainable )roject of the Xear P by :8 M'0
(ewage "reatment )lant at *iroli
!amky Infrastructure 'td is also awarded as the third fastest growing construction
company in .8++.
:8 M'0 (ewage "reatment )lant at *iroli earned the 0&N *#is Infra *wards
.8++ under the categories of >rban Infrastructure 0evelopment and )harmacity
under )ublic )rivate )artnership
!amky Infrastructure 'td has emerged as a winner in the -old 2ategory of the
prestigious C-reentech (afety *ward .8++A for (") Nelapur )roject in Mumbai.
!amky Infrastructure 'td has bagged the Eater 0igest CEater *wards .8+8=
.8++A under the Nest Eater 2onserver = Easte Eater Management 2ategory for
:8 M'0 *iroli )roject in Mumbai.
!amky Infrastructure 'td has bagged the IndiaAs most coveted water awards. "he
Eater 0igest ?Eater *wards .8+8=++@ as the ?0istinguished Eater 2ompany@
for outstanding contribution in the field of water in India. "he award ceremony
was conducted on .7th QanA++ at "he 3beroi otel, New 0elhi and was presided
by (hri Jincent )ala, onAble (tate Minister of Eater, (hri (alil Nhandari,
)resident, )0 2hamber of 2ommerce, (hri *rmoogum )arsuramen, 0irector,
>N,(23 and (hri *.D.Najaj, 2hairman, 2entral Eater 2ommission.
!amky Infrastructure 'td has bagged the Eater 0igest C-reentech ,nvironment
,#cellence *ward .8+8A under the category of Nest Eater 2onserver G Easte
Eater Management for :8 M'0 *iroli )roject in Mumbai.
!amky Infrastructure 'td. has emerged as a winner in the (ilver 2ategory of the
prestigious P-reentech (afety *ward .8+8P in the (ervice (ector for !amky
"owers )roject at yderabad."he award ceremony was conducted on .5 May
.8+8 at 2idade 0e -oa, presided over by Mr 0igambar Damath, the 2hief
Minister of -oa. Mr !amakant Dhalap, the 'aw 2ommission 2hairman, Mr
-M,D !aj, the 0eputy 0irector -eneral and 0-F*('I, Ministry of 'abour
,mployment, -overnment of India and (afety ,#perts of -lobal !epute Ms.
)aula arvey of the >( and Mr. 'im Noon Dhoon from (ingapore were present.
"he PMost *dmired "op onor -reentech (afety *wardP is presented
annually by -reentech Foundation to recogni$e e#cellence in fire & safety
management. It is the best to have a global recognition, a strong corporate
status of the 2ompanyAs commitment to safety and the most effective method
of proving the safety achievements to stakeholders.
!amky Infrastructure 'td. has bagged the Eater 0igest PEater *wards .88;=
.8+8P under Nest Eater 2onserver = Easte Eater Management 2ategory for :8
M'0 *iroli )roject at Mumbai. "he award ceremony was conducted on ;th
QanO+8 at "he )ark, New 0elhi, presided over by Mr )awan Dumar Nansal, the
Minister of )arliamentary *ffairs and Eater !esources.
!amky Infrastructure 'td. = :8 M'0 (") at *iroIi, Navi Mumbai )roject has
bagged the ,ssar (teel = Infrastructure ,#cellence *wards .88; in the category of
>rban Infrastructure.
!amky has received Nest )roject *ward .887=.88: from -overnment of India
under the Pousing=works completed during .887=.88:P category for Married
*ccommodation at *mritsar Military (tation.
!amky -roup 2hairman Mr. *lla *yodhya !ami !eddy has received the
P,ngineer of the Xear *ward G .886P from the -overnment of *ndhra )radesh
and the Institution of ,ngineers %India&.
"he Indian 2oncrete InstituteAs .886 P3utstanding 2oncrete (tructure *wardP
has been conferred on !amky Infrastructure 'td for -andhi Medical 2ollege and
ospital 2omple# in yderabad.
"he .886 Nest 2onstruction *ward has been given to !amky Infrastructure 'td
by the -overnment of !ajasthan.
!amky has received accolades and appreciations from various (tate -overnment
Institutions for its active role in the Easte Management 0ivision.
a& ,nvironmental 'eadership *ward has been given by the >nited (tates G
*sia ,nvironmental )artnership in .885 and the (afety ealth and
,nvironment )erformance *ward by the 2onfederation of Indian Industry
in .886.
Cometiti(e 0trengt#s
!I' believes that its principal competitive strengths areI
E"perience and e"pertise in the construction and management of #ater and #aste
#ater $nfrastructure pro%ects&
!I' believes that its e#perience and e#pertise in planning, designing and constructing
Eater and Easte Eater Infrastructure projects is a competitive strength that
differentiates the 2ompany from many of its competitors when bidding for such
projects. 2onstructing and operating these infrastructure projects has been a significant
area of focus for the 2ompanyAs business.
!I' has an in=house design and engineering team head/uartered in Mumbai that
specialises in designing Eater and Easte Eater projects. "he team is e/uipped with
the latest design tools, including design software, computers and technology. For
e#ample, the 2ompany uses a se/uential batch reactor technology %commonly known
as 2="ech& for sewage treatment plants. It is an aerobic biological process whereby
aeration, settling and decanting happen in a single tank that eliminates the
inefficiencies of a continuous system like activated sludge process and e#tended
aeration. "he focus of the team enables the 2ompany to build on its past e#perience in
the Eater and Easte Eater sector and to maintain its differentiated e#pertise in this
Netween + *pril .88. and 4+st 0ec .8++, the 2ompany completed ++4 Eater and
Easte Eater projects valued at !s 9568.;8 million and are currently e#ecuting ;+
Eater and Easte Eater projects of an estimated value of !s 5;5...:8 million. "he
2ompanyAs achievements in this area have been recogni$ed through si# awardsI "he
,nvironmental 'eadership *ward by the >nited (tates G *sia ,nvironmental
)artnership in .885, the (afety, ealth and ,nvironment )erformance *ward by the
2onfederation of Indian Industry in .886, the Eater 0igestAs Eater *wards .88;=
.8+8 in the category of Nest Eater 2onserver G Easte Eater Management, the -lobal
-reentech ,nvironment ,#cellence *ward .8+8 in the silver category of -reentech
,nvironment ,#cellence *ward, and the Eater *wards .8+8=++ as the C0istinguished
Eater 2ompanyA by the Eater 0igest ."he company also bagged the -old 2ategory
of the prestigious C-reentech (afety *ward .8++A. "he 2ompany believes success in
this sector has enhanced its reputation as a significant player in the Eater and Easte
Eater sector.
!I' provides engineering, design, procurement and construction services across its si#
industry sectors = Eater and Easte EaterR Nuildings, Irrigation, Industrial
construction, "ransportation and )ower "ransmission and 0istribution. "his approach
enables the 2ompany to keep its construction business diversified and reduces its
dependence on any one sector or type of project. In addition, the 2ompanyAs broad
range of clients within the government and private sectors ensures that it is not
dependent on a limited number of clients.
!I' is also geographically diversified in its business operations. "he 2ompanyAs five
$onal offices and three regional offices enable it to service clients throughout the
country and facilitate participation in projects in all regions of India.
The total number of ne! orders for the 'ompanys construction business and the
average order size for the construction business has been consistently gro!ing.
!I' has been consistently receiving orders for its construction business as shown in
the table below. Ehile the average order si$e in the construction business increased
from !s 4+ million in Fiscal .884 to !s. ++68 million in Fiscal .8++%upto MarchA++&,
the number of orders per employee has more than doubled during the same period.
(trong and diverse )rder *ook
"he value of !I'As 3rder Nook as on 48th (ep .8++ is !s ++:9::.48 million. In
addition, the 3rder Nook is diversified across all the sectors. "he 2ompanyAs
e#ecution capabilities have also seen steady growth and by way of leveraging on its
planning and e#ecution e#pertise, the 2ompany has ensured that its orders are
completed within the estimated budget and on schedule. Furthermore, the 2ompany
believes that a large order book will increase its operational efficiency by allowing it
the economies of scale.
(trategically positioned to realize opportunities in the infrastructure sector
Infrastructure growth in India has been propelled in the past decade through reforms
and benefits e#tended by the government, accompanied by a host of private
investments. Increased allocation of resources to the infrastructure sector, facilitation
of incremental lending to the infrastructure sector and increased social sector projects
benefiting infrastructure development are contemplated as part of the ,leventh Five
Xear )lan. !I' believes that the increasing level of investment in infrastructure by the
2entral and (tate -overnments and private industry will be a major growth driver for
its business in the future and its demonstrated e#pertise and e#perience in the
infrastructure segment will provide the 2ompany with a significant advantage in
pursuing such opportunities. "he 2ompany believes that it is in an advantageous
position because of its operating history, industry knowledge, e#perience and
familiarity with civil and infrastructure construction projects.
+ualified and e"perienced employees and proven management team
!I' has a /ualified and trained workforce consisting of vice presidents, general
managers, managers, engineers, technical staff and non=technical staff. *s on 4+ 0ec
.8++, the 2ompany had .:4; full time employees, of which +46: are engineers,
including .8 members of its management team. "he skill sets of the employees give
the 2ompany the fle#ibility to adapt to the needs of its clients and the technical
re/uirements of the various projects that it undertakes. "he 2ompany is committed to
developing the e#pertise and know=how of its employees through regular technical
seminars and training sessions organi$ed or sponsored by the 2ompany.
"he 2ompanyAs management team is /ualified and e#perienced in construction and
infrastructure development, and has substantially contributed to the growth of its
operations. In particular, Mr. X! Nagaraja, the Managing 0irector, is a civil engineer
who has over .5 years of project management e#perience. "he 2ompany believes that
the strength and /uality of its management has been instrumental in the
implementation of its business strategy.
(ustained investment in e,uipment and fi"ed assets
!I' has invested in modern construction e/uipment that would facilitate in meeting
the re/uirements of a broad spectrum of construction activities. (uch an e/uipment
base also gives the 2ompany the capability to design and e#ecute projects of any
scale. "he 2ompany has a skilled employee resource that has the re/uisite e#pertise
and e#perience in the use and handling of modern construction e/uipment and
machinery. !I' believes that owning and managing a large portion of the e/uipment it
typically uses on projects gives the 2ompany a competitive advantage and helps it
achieve higher operating margins.

22 9usiness 0trateg%
!I'As objective is to be a world class construction and infrastructure development
company. "o achieve the objective, the 2ompany will continue to improve on and
consolidate its position by implementing the following strategiesI
Focus on high value pro%ects in the construction business to benefit from economies of
In the construction business, the 2ompany intends to focus on undertaking projects
having a high order value of !s + billion and above in value. *s on March 4+ .8++,
the 2ompany had 64 projects in its 3rder Nook with a value higher than !s +8 billion.
)rojects with a high order value typically have a smaller percentage of overhead cost
as a percentage of total cost and therefore provide a greater potential for profit.
)rojects with a high order value are also, in the current market, subject to less
competition. "he pre=/ualification and financial entry barriers for pursuing such
projects result in a limited number of competitors being able to bid for such projects.
"he 2ompany believes that these high entry barriers make this an attractive sector to
participate. *s its financial condition and pre=/ualification capabilities have improved
in recent years, the average bidding value of the 2ompany has steadily increased. "his
demonstrates the increasing ability to bid for and undertake high value projects. !I'
aims to firmly establish itself as a player in the large order si$e sector by successfully
e#ecuting high order value projects so that the 2ompany can take advantage of these
higher barriers to entry, lower levels of competition and higher profit margins.
-iversify the 'ompanys construction business into more comple" and multi.
disciplinary pro%ects, !hich tend to have a higher contract value and the potential for
better margins.
'everaging on its e#isting engineering and e#ecution capabilities in diverse areas such
as civil, structural, piping, water treatment and electrical engineering, !I' intends to
undertake more comple# and multi=disciplinary projects such as power transmission
and distribution projects, industrial construction projects and airport terminals.
2omple# and multi=disciplinary projects tend to have higher contract values compared
with comple# and sector specific projects on a less scale, and also offer the potential to
reali$e better margins. !I' is currently constructing its first power transmission and
distribution project in Madhya )radesh, its first major industrial construction project in
3rissa and also its first airport terminal at 2handigarh through 78I48 joint venture
collaboration with (rishti 2onstructions.
Enhance its design capabilities
!I' currently has design capabilities for the Eater and Easte Eater and Irrigation
sectors, which enable the 2ompany to provide turnkey construction services in these
sectors. "he 2ompany intends to enhance its design capabilities in other sectors such
as the Institutional Nuilding 2onstruction and "ransportation sectors in order to e#tend
turnkey services.
educe costs of materials through back!ard integration and importation
"he construction industry is subject to periodic shortfalls in the supply of bulk
construction materials such as cement, steel, concrete and pipes. "o address this
shortfall, the 2ompany is pursuing two strategies. First, the 2ompany seeks to reduce
supply costs by importing supplies from overseas suppliers at a less price. (econd, the
2ompany has in=house capabilities to produce certain construction materials, such as
mi#ed concrete, aggregates and asphalt, which would enable it to control the /uality of
the materials used and ensure timely delivery of materials re/uired for the projects
/chieve higher operating margins by ac,uiring further capital e,uipment and other
strategic assets
"he 2ompanyAs strategy is to continue to ac/uire core e/uipment that is re/uired for
the projects. "he continued ac/uisition of such e/uipment will enable the 2ompany to
achieve higher operating margins. .
E"pand $0s developer business by undertaking more pro%ects in the sectors in !hich
the 'ompany is already engaged
In recent years the -overnment has laid more emphasis on infrastructure development
through enhanced Five=Xear )lan allocation and encouraging )))s. )))s offer
significant advantages in terms of attracting private capital in the creation of public
infrastructure as well as in improving efficiencies in the provision of services to users.
N3"KN33"KN33 projects offer attractive opportunities to developers because such
projects provide long=term sources of revenue. 2oncession periods for
N3"KN33"KN33 projects generally range from +6=;; years. "o take advantage of
such opportunities, !I' has leveraged its e#perience in construction business to
establish a developer business. In Fiscal .88;, the developer business generated !s.
:+7.98 million in revenue and as on 4+st March .8++, the 2ompanyAs developer
business generated !s. 9479.78 million in revenue. "hus far, the developer business
has been engaged in designing, financing and building of industrial parks, residential
and commercial properties, transportation terminals and roads. In addition, the
2ompany has been actively pursuing ))) projects, particularly through its various
subsidiaries. !I' believes the 2ompany is well positioned to benefit from the
continued use of the ))) model.
-iversify $0 developer business into other sectors
* fundamental aspect of the 2ompanyAs business strategy is to engage in projects
from a range of sectors to avoid dependency on one or a few sectors. In view of
N3"KN33"KN33 projects offering long=term sources of revenue, the 2ompany
intends to apply this philosophy to its developer business. "herefore, the 2ompany is
considering diversifying its developer business into other sectors such as power,
EEE, marine works, mechani$ed parking, and cargo& bulk handling terminals.

0*"* *N*'X(I(
+. *ge of the employee in betweenH

a& .8 =.6 b& .6 =48
c& 48 =58 d& 58 =68
Table'> Age grou o! t#e emlo%ees
From the above table we found that the age group of the number of employees working in
!*MDX -!3>)( i.e. from .8=.6 is 4:B, from .6=48 reaches to 6.B, 48=58 is :B and
58=68 is .B.
.. ,mployee IncomeH
a& 5888=+8888 b& +8888=.8888
c& .8888=48888 d& 48888 & above
+ .8 = .6 4: 4:B
. .6 = 48 6. 6.B
4 48 = 58 : :B
5 58 = 68 . .B
Total ><< ><<L
Table'; Income o! t#e emlo%ees
From the above data we observed the income group of the employees working in
!*MDX -!3>)( Ehere, :4B of the employees get the income of 5888=+8888, ++B of
them get +8888=.8888, 4B of them get .8888=48888 and finally 4B of them get 48888
4. <ualification of the employeeH
a& +8th b& +8M. c& -raduation
d& MN* e& Fashion designer \
Table'A 4uali!ication o! t#e emlo%ee
+ 5888 =+8888 :4 :4B
. +8888 =.8888 ++ ++B
4 .8888 =48888 4 4B
5 48888 & above 4 4B
Total ><< ><<L
INTE313ETATION2 From the above given table we found the /ualification of the
employees working in !*MDX -!3>)( where, +;B of them pursued (.(.2, 48B of
them have pursued intermediate, 48B of them have done their graduation, +5B of them
have pursued their M.N* and finally 7B of the employees belongs to fashion designing
5. 0esignations of the employeesH
a& *dmin b& Managers c& Fashion designer
d& "eam
e& "eam members \
+ +8
+; +;B
. +8M. 48 48B
4 -raduation 48 48B
5 M.N.* +5 +5B
6 Fashion designer 7 7B
Total ><< ><<L

"he designation of the employees working in !*MDX -!3>)( is found from the
above given table, i.e.+5B of the employees are into *dministration department,7B of
them are Managers, 7B of them are fashion designers, 9B of them are into team leaders
and 9:B of them are "eam members.
6. ow long have you been associated with the companyH
a& Nefore 9 months b& 9 months G 5 years c& 5 G : years
+ *dmin +5 +5B
. Manager 7 7B
4 Fashion designer 7 7B
5 "eam leaders 9 9B
6 "eam members 9: 9:B
Total ><< ><<L
d& := +. years e& +. years and above \
Table'G (ervice of ,mployees
+ Nefore 9 months .+ .+B
. 9 months= 5 years 98 98B
4 5=: years +. +.B
5 :=+. years 4 4B
6 +. years and above 5 5B
Total ><< ><<L
From the above information, the employees associated in the company so called
!*MDX -!3>)( is found to be .+B for the period of before 9months, from 9months=
5years it is 98B, form 5=:years it is +.B, from :=+.years it is 4B and at last for +.years
and above it is 5B.
9. *re you satisfied with the salaryKperk structure prevailing in your companyH
b& (atisfied c& Neutral
d& 0issatisfied e& ,#tremely dissatisfied \
Table'B (alaryK )erk (tructure of ,mployees
+ ,#tremely (atisfied . .B
. (atisfied 9: 9:B
4 Neutral +; +;B
5 0issatisfied ++ ++B
6 ,#tremely 0issatisfied 8 8B
Total ><< ><<L
From the above data the salary Kperk structure of the employees working in !*MDX
-!3>)( is observed that 9:B of the employees are satisfied with their perks, +;B of
them are neutral, ++B of them are dissatisfied, .B of the employees are e#tremely
satisfied. (oF "he company needs to improve the employeesA salaries to reach their
satisfaction level.
7. ow are your interpersonal relations with your colleagues, subordinates and managersH
a& ,#tremely
b& (atisfied c& Neutral
d& 0issatisfied e& ,#tremely dissatisfied \
Table'= Interersonal 3elations
From the above information given about the interpersonal relations of the colleagues,
subordinates and managers working in !*MDX -!3>)( is observed where :8B of the
employees are satisfied, +9B of them are e#tremely satisfied, 4B of the employees are
neutral and finally +B of the employees are e#tremely dissatisfied

:. 0o you have a clear path of 2areer *dvancementH
a& Xes b& No

Table'H Clear 1at# o! Ad(ancement
+ ,#tremely (atisfied +9 +9B
. (atisfied :8 :8B
4 Neutral 4 4B
5 0issatisfied 8 8B
6 ,#tremely 0issatisfied + +B
Total ><< ><<L
+ Xes :; :;B
. No ++ ++B
Total ><< ><<L
From the
above given
the clear
path of career advancement of the employees working in !*MDX -!3>)(, the response
of the employees is found that :;B of them said CX,(A and ++B of them said CN3A.
;. ow do you find the working conditions %facilitiesKphysical environment& of your companyH

Table'? Eorking conditions of 3AMK6 -!3>)(
+ ,#tremely (atisfied ++ ++B
. (atisfied 75 75B
4 Neutral : :B
5 0issatisfied 7 7B
6 ,#tremely 0issatisfied 8 8B
a& ,#tremely (atisfied b& (atisfied c& Neutral
d& 0issatisfied e& ,#tremely 0issatisfied \
Total ><< ><<L

From the above table the working conditions of the employees working in !*MDX
-!3>)( is found that 75B of the employees are satisfied, ++B of them are e#tremely
satisfied,:B of them are neutral and finally 7B of the employees are dissatisfied with the
working conditions.
+8. 0o you find this organi$ation as a better place for your 2areer 0evelopmentH
Xes b& No
Table'>< Career De(eloment
+ Xes :+ :+B
. No +; +;B
Total ><< ><<L

From the above information the response of the employees regarding career development
who are working in !*MDX -!3>)( is observed where :+B of the employees
responded as CX,(A and +;B of them responded as CN3A.
++. ow often your achievements are recogni$ed and are they awarded in your

Table'>> 3ecognition o! A"ards and Ac#ie(ements
+ Most Fre/uently 6 6B
. Fre/uently 69 69B
4 (ometimes .+ .+B
a& Most Fre/uently b& Fre/uently c& (ometimes
d& !arely e& Never \
5 !arely +5 +5B
6 Never 5 5B
Total ><< ><<L

INTE313ETATION IFrom the above given table the recognition of awards and
achievements to the employees working in !*MDX -!3>)( is observed where 69B of
awards and achievements of the employees is recogni$ed to be Cfre/uentlyA, .+B is
recogni$ed for CsometimesA, +5B is recogni$ed to be C!arelyA, 6B is recogni$ed to CMost
fre/uentlyA and finally 5B is recogni$ed for CNeverA. (oF "he company should focus more
on the employees performance and based on that the awards and recognition should be
given when re/uired
+.. ow much are you (atisfied with your position in this companyH
a& ighly satisfied b& (atisfied c& Neither or nor
d& 0issatisfied e& ighly
Table'>; 0atis!action o! Emlo%ees "it# t#eir 1ositions
+ ighly (atisfied 6 6B
. (atisfied 74 74B
4 Neither or nor +; +;B
5 0issatisfied . .B
6 ighly 0issatisfied + +B
Total ><< ><<L
From the above table, the satisfaction of employees with their positions who are working
in !*MDX -!3>)( is analy$ed where, 74B of them are satisfied, +;B of them are
Cneither or notA, 6B of them are highly satisfied, .B of them are dissatisfied and finally
+B is observed to be highly dissatisfied.
+4. 0oes your organi$ation provide you ample resources and opportunities at work to learn and growH

Table'>A 3esources and Oortunities
+ Xes ;4 ;4B
. No 7 7B
Total ><< ><<L
Xes b& No
From the above table we observed that the resources and the opportunities provided at
work place for the employees who are working in !*MDX -!3>)( are analy$ed
where, ;4B of the employees have responded with positive reply as AX,(A and 7B of the
employees responded as CN3A.
+5. Ehat would be your primary reasons for leaving the companyH
a& Nenefits and (alary b& Netter job opportunity elsewhere
c& 2onflict with co=workersKhigher authorityKmanagement
d& Eorking conditions e& Qob e#pectationK2hallengesK-rowth
Table'>@ Attrition
INTE313ETATION2 From the above given table the working employees of !*MDX
-!3>)(, the primary reasons for leaving the company is analy$ed where, 5.B of the
employees reason for /uitting the job was due to benefits and salary, 4.B of the
employees are leaving the company due to better job opportunity elsewhere, +7B is due
to job e#pectationKchallengeKgrowth, 9B was due to working conditions and finally 4B is
due to conflicts with coworkersKhigher author
+6. Is there a free flow of communication and good co=ordination among supervisors and
a& Xes b& No
Table2 >G 7ree !lo"s o! good coCordination and communication
+ Nenefits and (alary 5. 5.B
. Netter job opportunity elsewhere 4. 4.B
4 2onflict with co=workersKhigher
4 4B
5 Eorking conditions 9 9B
6 Qob e#pectationK2hallengesK-rowth +7 +7B
Total ><< ><<L
+ Xes ;6 ;6B
. No 6 6B
Total ><< ><<L
From the above data regarding the free flow of communication and coordination among
the employees who are working for !*MDX -!3>)( is found that, ;6B of the
employees responded as CX,(A and 6B of them have responded as CN3A.
+9. ow would you rate the Morale in your companyH
a& Jery high b& igh c& Moderate
d& 'ow e& Jery 'ow

Table' >B Morale o! t#e Coman%
+ Jery igh . .B
. igh 75 75B
4 Moderate .4 .4B
5 'ow + +B
6 Jery 'ow 8 8B
Total ><< ><<L
From the above data the employeeAs rate of morality who are working in !*MDX
-!3>)( is analy$ed where 75B of the employees get high morale, .4B of them get
moderate, .B of them get very high morale and finally +B of them get low morale.
+7. 0oes the company involve the employees in decision making processH
a& Most Fre/uently b& Fre/uently c& (ometimes
d& !arely e& Never
Table'>= Emlo%ees in(ol(ed in DecisionCmaking 1rocess

+ Most Fre/uently 5 6B
. Fre/uently 9+ 9+B
4 (ometimes .4 .4B
5 !arely ; ;B
6 Never 4 4B
Total ><< ><<L
From the above data the employees involvement in decision making process is been
analy$ed where 9+B of the employees get into it Cfre/uentlyA, .4B of them get
CsometimesA, ;B of the employees get it CrarelyA 6B of the employees get it Cmost
fre/uentlyA and 4B of the employees CNeverA.
+:. *re you satisfied with the companyH
a& ighly satisfied b& (atisfied c& Neither or nor
d& 0issatisfied e& ighly

Table'>H Emlo%ees O(erall 0atis!action "it# Coman%
+ ighly (atisfied 8 8B
. (atisfied ;4 ;4B
4 Neither or nor 5 5B
5 0issatisfied 4 4B
6 ighly 0issatisfied 8 8B
Total ><< ><<L

From the above data the satisfaction of the employees working in !*MDX -!3>)( is
observed where ;4B of the employees are satisfied, 5B of them are neither or nor
satisfied and 4B of them are dissatisfied
Findings of the study
+. "he study reveals that most of the employees are working with the organi$ation
for more than +. years.
.. From the *nalysis it is found that .B employees are e#tremely satisfied and 9:B
employees are satisfied with their salaryKperk structure.
4. It is observed from the study that interpersonal relations among employees and
managers are praiseworthy.
5. From the study it is found that :;B employees are satisfied with the career path.
6. "he study reveals that 75B employees are satisfied with the working conditions.
9. From the study 69B employees said that their company Fre/uently
7. recogni$es their performances.
:. It is observed from the study that 74B employees are satisfied with their
;. ;4B respondents said they have been provided with ample resources and
opportunities at work.
+8. From the study ;6B employees feel that there is free flow of communication
channels and good coordination between superiors and subordinates.
++. From the study 76B of employees feel that they are not involved in decision=
"he company shall take steps to recogni$e the employeeAs achievements and they
may reward immediately to improve morale to boost the productivity levels.
3therwise, the employees will be disgusted and their morale levels will be
decreased causing dip in productivity levels of the company
"he 2ompany shall take further steps to enrich the career development schemes.
"he company shall take certain measures to further involve the employees in
decision making.
"he company can further improve the morale rate of the employees by using the
concepts of various ! interventions.
"he organi$ation has to provide e/uitable and fair remuneration to the employees
so that they can retain valuable employees.
"he employees in the company are satisfied with perksKsalary structure, working
conditions, communication channels, and personal relation
"he values of the employees in the organi$ation are also praiseworthy. "heir
motivation levels are also high
,very employee in the organi$ation are satisfied with the e#isting jobs and
dedicated to the organi$ation. ence, all the employees are working hard and
stayed with the organi$ation as a result of the commitment
Nased on the e#isting personnel policies, incentive schemes and facilities, the
employees are more committed to the organi$ation for achieving the organi$ation
goals by improving the productivity levels.

engagement=is=not=a=bu$$=word=its=a=positive=attitudeK %handling
mon employee&
,mployee ,ngagement 3verview Nrochure
!M business maga$ine
!M business maga$ine
Te-t books
0ubba rao

N*M,I 0,(I-N*"I3NI
0,)*!"M,N"I <>*'IF*2"I3NI
+. *ge of the employe in betweenH
a& .8=.6 b& .6=48 c& 48=58
d& 58=68
.. ,mployee Income in betweenH
a& 5888=+8888 b& +8888=.8888 c& .8888= 4888
d& 48888 & above
4. ow long have you been associated with the companyH
a& Nefore 9 months b& 9 months G 5 years c& 5 G : years
d& := +. years e& +. years and above
5. *re you satisfied with the salary structure prevailing in your companyH
a& ,#tremely (atisfied b& (atisfied c& Neutral
d& 0issatisfied e& ,#tremely dissatisfied
6. ow are your interpersonal relations with your colleagues, subordinates and managersH
a& ,#tremely (atisfied b& (atisfied c& Neutral
d& 0issatisfied e& ,#tremely dissatisfied
9. 0o you have a clear path of 2areer *dvancementH
a& Xes b& No
7. ow do you find the working conditions %facilitiesKphysical environment& of your companyH
a& ,#tremely (atisfied b& (atisfied c& Neutral
d& 0issatisfied e& ,#tremely 0issatisfied
:. 0o you find this organi$ation as a better place for your 2areer 0evelopmentH
Xes b& No
;. ow often your achievements are recogni$ed and are they awarded in your companyH
a& Most Fre/uently b& Fre/uently c& (ometimes
d& !arely e& Never
+8. ow much are you (atisfied with your position in this companyH
a& ighly satisfied b& (atisfied c& Neither or nor
d& 0issatisfied e& ighly 0issatisfied
++. 0oes your organi$ation provide you ample resources and opportunities at work to learn and
a& Xes b& No
+.. Ehat would be your primary reasons for leaving the companyH
a& Nenefits and (alary b& Netter job opportunity elsewhere
c& 2onflict with co=workersKhigher authorityKmanagement
d& Eorking conditions e& Qob e#pectationK2hallengesK-rowth
+4. Is there a free flow of communication and good co=ordination among supervisors and subordinatesH
a& Xes b& No
+5. ow would you rate the Morale in your companyH
a& Jery high b& igh c& Moderate
d& 'ow e& Jery 'ow
+6. 0oes the company involve the employees in decision making processH
a& Most Fre/uently b& Fre/uently c& (ometimes
d& !arely e& Never
+9. *re you satisfied with the companyH
a& ighly satisfied b& (atisfied c& Neither or nor
d& 0issatisfied e& ighly 0issatisfied


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