Jean Amery - A Biographical Introduction

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Jean Amry: A Biographical Introduction

by D. G. Myers
Originally published in Holocaust Literature: An Encyclopedia of Writers and Their Work, ed. S.
Lillian Kremer (New York: Routledge, !!". # !!. $ll rights reser%ed.
Jean Amry (1912-1978) was a Jewish victim of the Nazis whose etire career was !evote! to
e"#$ori% a! resisti% the otios of Jew a! victim. &$tho'%h he re(ecte! the a!vaces of those
who wishe! him to become a #rofessioa$
s'rvivor) he e*'a$$y score! those who mi%ht !ey that his &'schwitz 'mber was +a basic form'$a
of Jewish e"istece+ or that the ,o$oca'st is +the e"istetia$ referece #oit for a$$ Jews.+ &
a'tobio%ra#hica$ a! #hi$oso#hica$ essayist whose te"ts are otorio's$y itrasi%et-har! to
cate%orize) eve har!er to cherish-&m.ry wrote o$y oe s$im vo$'me o the ,o$oca'st. At the
Minds Limits is oe of the cetra$ te"ts) however) o Jewish victimhoo!.
&m.ry was bor ,as Maier i /iea o 0ctober 11) 1912. &s a boy he ma!e his home i his
#arets2 ative ,oheems) a sma$$ resort city i the state of /orar$ber%) i the a$#ie #rovices of
wester &'stria. 3he fami$y ha! bee sett$e! there sice the seveteeth cet'ry. ,is %reat-
%ra!father) a /orar$ber% i4ee#er a! b'tcher) +s#o4e f$'et ,ebrew)+ accor!i% to his %reat-
%ra!so. 5y the time of &m.ry2s birth) however) the ,ebrew f$'ecy ha! !isa##eare!6 the fami$y
was estra%e! from its Jewish ori%is) assimi$ate! a! itermarrie!. &m.ry2s father was more
&'stria tha Jewish. +3he #ict're of him !i! ot show me a bear!e! sa%e)+ &m.ry sai!) +b't rather
a 3yro$ea 7m#eria$ 8if$ema i the 9irst :or$! :ar.+ 3he father !ie! i batt$e) i 191;) whe his
so was too yo'% to remember him. &m.ry2s mother) who s'##orte! her o$y chi$! a! herse$f by
4ee#i% a i) was 8oma <atho$ic. +=evera$ times a !ay she ivo4e! Jes's) Mary) a! Jose#h)+
he says) +which so'!e! i o'r ative !ia$ect $i4e >Jessamara!(osef.2+
&m.ry was e!'cate! i #hi$oso#hy a! $iterat're i /iea. ,e was st'!yi% there whe the Nazis
came to #ower i Germay i 1911. &t oce he immerse! himse$f i the caoica$ writi%s of
atisemitism a! Natioa$ =ocia$ism6 th's be%a) he sai!) +a etire$y im#ossib$e ducation
sentimentale for a yo'% Jew. . . .+ <o'#$e! with the #o$itica$ sit'atio i &'stria) this rea!i%
!ee#$y com#$icate! &m.ry2s thi4i% abo't bei% Jewish. +7 wate! by a$$ meas to be a ati-
Nazi) that most certai$y)+ he e"#$ais) +b't of my ow accor!6 7 was ot yet rea!y to ta4e Jewish
!estiy '#o myse$f. . . . 7 rea$$y fo'! myse$f i a cof'si% state of mi!? 7 was a &'stria who
ha! bee raise! as a <hristia) a! yet 7 was ot oe.+ 9or the first time &m.ry be%a to '!ersta!
himse$f as a o'tsi!er to the c'$t're i which he $ive!. 3he !ecisive evet was the #rom'$%atio) i
191@) of the N'rember% Aaws. &m.ry soo came to 4ow the te"t of the $aws by heart. +3he
overwhe$mi% ma(ority ot o$y of the Germa #eo#$e b't a$so of my ow &'stria #eo#$e)+ he
rea$ize!) +ha! e"c$'!e! me from their comm'ity.+ 5't it !i! ot fo$$ow that there was a #$ace for
him i the or%aize! Jewish comm'ity. 0rtho!o" J'!aism was +aother) thoro'%h$y a$ie wor$!.+
7t was <hristiaity that !rew him) beca'se to be a <hristia +meas participation i o'r c'$t're+
(his em#hasis). J'!aism $eft &m.ry bore!6 +the sya%o%'e was the 0ther.+ 0ver time) however) he
became icreasi%$y covice! that his ite$$ect a! +s#irit'a$ costit'tio+ were Jewish-+ot i
the sese of '#bri%i% or mi$ie')+ he says) +which i my case were as '-Jewish as #ossib$e) b't
by birth.+ 3his essetia$ist covictio) which he !i! ot f$ich at bei% !escribe! as racist)
if$'ece! his se$f-'!ersta!i% for the rest of his $ife.
&fter the Anschluss i March 1918) &m.ry f$e! first to 9race a! the) '#o its !efeat by the
Germas i May 19B1) to 5e$%i'm. 3here he (oie! the 8esistace) a$tho'%h he $ater ac4ow$e!%e!
that this was mere$y the $ast 'coscio's attem#t to eva!e his Jewish i!etity. +3he Jews were
h'te!) corere!) arreste!) !e#orte! because they were Jews)+ he writes) '!er$ii% every wor!)
+a! o$y beca'se of that. Aoo4i% bac4) it a##ears to me that 7 !i!2t wat to be !etaie! by the
eemy as a Jew b't rather as a resistace member.+ &! so i !'e co'rse-i J'$y 19B1-he was
arreste! by the Gesta#o for s#rea!i% ati-Nazi #ro#a%a!a amo% the Germa occ'#atio forces i
5e$%i'm. &m.ry be$ieve! he 4ew what was i store for him. ,e was wi!e$y rea! i the a$rea!y
s'bstatia$ $iterat're of the cocetratio cam#s. :hatever ha##ee! to him) he be$ieve!) wo'$!
have mere$y to be +icor#orate! ito the re$evat $iterat're) as it were.+ 5't othi% co'$! #re#are
him for the e"#eriece of tort're. 7m#risoe! i 9ort 5ree!o4) &m.ry was iterro%ate! by the ==
for severa$ !ays. ,is ha!s were shac4$e! behi! him) a! he was s's#e!e! by his wrists from a
hoo4 i the cei$i% (+there was a crac4$i% a! s#$iteri% i my sho'$!ers that my bo!y has ot
for%otte 'ti$ this ho'r. . . . 7 fe$$ ito a voi! a! ow h'% by my !is$ocate! arms) which ha! bee
tor hi%h from behi! a! were ow twiste! over my hea!+). 3he he was beate with a horsewhi#.
&$tho'%h he to$! the Gesta#o othi% 'sef'$) it was ot beca'se of heroic o##ositio. ,e cofesse!
everythi%6 he eve ivete! #o$itica$ crimes6 b't he 4ew o$y the a$iases of his comra!es i the
8esistace a! ha! o rea$ iformatio to !iv'$%e. 0ce they rea$ize! he was 'se$ess to them-oce
they rea$ize! he was a Jew a! ot ('st a #o$itica$ #risoer-the Gesta#o shi##e! him off to
&m.ry e!'re! a year i &'schwitz 777) the 5'a-Moowitz $abor cam#. Aac4i% a ma'a$ s4i$$) he
was assi%e! to a $abor !etai$ at the 7-G 9arbe site) !i%%i% !irt) $ayi% cab$es) $'%%i% sac4s of
cemet a! iro crossbeams. ,e s'rvive!-somehow. C$i4e his fe$$ow &'schwitz imate /i4tor
D. 9ra4$) &m.ry ref'se! to !erive theory from his s'rviva$. May years $ater he a%ree! that the
+re$i%io's$y or #o$itica$$y committe!+ (0rtho!o" Jews) ortho!o" Mar"ists) ha! a better chace of
s'rvivi%) or at $east of !yi% with more !i%ity. 3hey were ab$e to $oo4 beyo! the basic rea$ity of
&'schwitz. 9or them the horrors were wea4ee! by bei% reiter#rete! as a reewa$ of creatio
whe evi$ was re$ease! ito the wor$! or as at'ra$ #o$itica$ martyr!om. 3hey ha!) i other wor!s) a
mode of transcendence that was achore! to a rea$ity that the Nazis co'$! ot reach) beca'se it
e"iste! i faith. +E:Fhoever is) i the broa!est sese) a be$ievi% #erso) whether his be$ief be
meta#hysica$ or bo'! to cocrete rea$ity) trasce!s himse$f)+ &m.ry says. +,e is ot the ca#tive
of his i!ivi!'a$ity6 rather he is #art of a s#irit'a$ coti'ity that is iterr'#te! owhere) ot eve i
&'schwitz.+ 5't &m.ry was a 'be$iever from first to $ast. ,e ha! othi% b't himse$f to fa$$ bac4
'#o. ,e was a ite$$ect'a$) b't cofrote! by a rea$ity that co'$! ot be iter#rete! as aythi%
other tha horror) he fo'! that ite$$ect ha! $ost its f'!ameta$ *'a$ity of trasce!ece. 3here
was o other rea$ity to which a mere ite$$ect'a$ co'$! a##ea$. 3he c$aim of &'schwitz was tota$.
&m.ry was evac'ate! first to 5'chewa$! a! the to 5er%e-5e$se ahea! of the a!vaci% 8e!
&rmy) a! it was at 5e$se that he was $iberate! i &#ri$ 19B@. 8et'ri% to 5r'sse$s) he #asse! the
rest of his $ife o'tsi!e the c'$t'ra$ maistream. :he he be%a to write for the Germa-$a%'a%e
#ress of &$emaic =witzer$a!) he chose a +9rech-so'!i% #e ame)+ a tras$atio of ,as ito
9rech a! a aa%ram for a commo variat of his s'rame. 3he #se'!oym si%ifie! his
re(ectio of Germa c'$t're) his i!etificatio with 9rech6 yet &m.ry coti'e! to write i
Germa. Dve so) he ref'se! to trave$ to Germay for two !eca!es after the war. 0$y i 19;B) at
the 'r%i% of the Germa #oet ,e$m't ,eissebGtte$) who wor4e! for the =o'th Germa
5roa!casti% <or#oratio) !i! &m.ry fia$$y brea4 his si$ece i Germay) !e$iveri% a ra!io
a!!ress o the ite$$ect'a$ i &'schwitz. 7t became the o#ei% essay i Jenseits von Schuld und
Shne (+5eyo! G'i$t a! &toemet+)) his first a! o$y &'schwitz boo4) which fo$$owe! i
19;;. 3ras$ate! by =i!ey a! =te$$a H. 8osefe$! as At the Minds Limits) the boo4 was #'b$ishe!
i D%$ish i 198I.
5y the &m.ry ha! #'b$ishe! five co$$ectios of (o'ra$ism? Karrieren und Kpfe (+<areers a!
,ea!s? Hortraits of 9amo's <otem#oraries)+ 19@@)) eena!er"Stars (+3eea%er =tars? 3he 7!o$s of
0'r 3ime)+ 19;I)) #m $anne des Ja%% (+C!er the =#e$$ of Jazz)+ 19;1)) &eburt der &e!enwart
(a$so 19;1) tras$ate! as 'reface to the (uture) *ulture in a *onsumer Society)) a! a st'!y of
Gerhart ,a'#tma) +the etera$ Germa+ (19;1). ,e estimate! that he ha! #'b$ishe! some 1@)III
#a%es before he '!ertoo4 At the Minds Limits+ 0$y the !i! his $iterary career-his +etry ito
Germa $iterat're)+ as he #referre! to say-rea$$y be%i. 3he &'schwitz boo4 cha%e! everythi%.
,e was fifty-fo'r. &t $ast he ha! fo'! the $iterary i!etity he ha! bee see4i% sice a!o$escece.
7f the boo4 !i! ot ma4e him very m'ch moey) at $east it ma!e him famo's. ='!!e$y he was i
!ema!6 he was ivite! to cotrib'te essays) to !e$iver ra!io ta$4s) to (oi cofereces a!
sym#osia. +7 have the s's#icio)+ he sai! $ater) +that 7 mere$y str'c4 a chor! that be%a to vibrate
('st at a time whe it was sti$$ fashioab$e to occ'#y oese$f with the fate of the Nazi victims) a!
that Eby the $ate sevetiesF) whe my frie!s o the Aeft are re#reseti% 7srae$ as a 'iversa$ #$a%'e
a! everyoe2s sym#athies are foc'se! o the Ha$estiia resistace fi%hters) 7 co'$!2t tem#t a so'$
with this boo4.+
At the Minds Limits re$ease! him from +the !r'!%ery of writi% artic$es.+ &m.ry co'$! affor! at
$ast to ta4e his time a! to worry a s'b(ect-to write the thi%s that were wei%hi% '#o him. 3he
#'b$ic) however) wate! to hear othi% e$se from him e"ce#t more abo't victimhoo!. &m.ry was
resistat. ,is ewfo'! stat's was a +mar4et #heomeo) hosti$e to the ite$$ect+6 a! as s'ch) it
was a threat to him. ,e ever a%ai wrote at ay $e%th abo't &'schwitz. ,is e"t boo4) ,ber das
Altern) was #'b$ishe! three years $ater-i 19;9. (-n A!in! was tras$ate! ito D%$ish i 199B by
Joh D. 5ar$ow.) 3wo years after that came .nmeisterliche /ander0ahre (+Aea Jo'reyma
3his chroo$o%ica$ acco't of &m.ry2s ite$$ect'a$ !eve$o#met $eft a %a#i% ho$e at its ceter. 7t
sai! othi% whatever abo't the years of the ,o$oca'st. (7t remais 'tras$ate! ito D%$ish.)
&m.ry !escribes these +s$im vo$'mes+ as a +a'tobio%ra#hica$ tri$o%y.+ 5't they are ot
a'tobio%ra#hy i ay covetioa$ sese. 3hey omit +everythi% #rivate a! aec!ota$.+ &m.ry
!oes ot te$$ stories abo't himse$f) b't acce#ts his ow #ressi% cocers as occasios for ref$ectio
a!-to #ermit him his ow em#hasis-he +sub0ectively e"#$oreEsF+ rather tha ob(ective$y recor!s
his e"#eriece. ,e starts from the cocrete evet) b't !oes ot become $ost i it. ,is $ater boo4s are)
i the wor!s he 'se! to !escribe At the Minds Limits) +#ersoa$ cofessio refracte! thro'%h
me!itatio.+ ,e fo'! his $iterary voice at $ast) i his fifties) a! his +#ersoa$ a! ite$$ect'a$
$ife . . . became a cotem#$ative essay.+ 3wo ove$s fo$$owe!? Lefeu oder der Abbruch (+Aefe') or
the Demo$itio)+ 197B) a! *harles $ovary1 Landar%t (+<har$es 5ovary) <o'try Doctor)+ 1978).
,is #hi$oso#hica$ i*'iry o s'ici!e) 2and an sich Le!en) was #'b$ishe! i 197;. 3wo years $ater
-o 0ctober 17) 1978-&m.ry too4 his ow $ife i =a$zb'r%) a! was b'rie! i the
Ketra$frie!hof i /iea. ,is &'schwitz 'mber was e%rave! o the tombstoe.
At the Minds Limits is either a systematic or a chroo$o%ica$ treatmet of &m.ry2s e"#eriece i
the ,o$oca'st. 3he h'!re!-#a%e boo4 cosists of five essays) arra%e! i the or!er of their
com#ositio. 3hey are he$! to%ether ot by caref'$ or%aizatio b't by a commo theme) which
&m.ry !escribes as +the s'b(ective state of the victim.+ 3he tit$e essay e"#$ores the fate of the mi!
i &'schwitz. +3ort're+ reaches bac4 to arrate what &m.ry ha! '!er%oe at 9ort 5ree!o4.
+,ow M'ch ,ome Does a Herso Nee!L+ ta4es a f'rther ste# bac4 to !etai$ the #sychic e"#eriece
of the ref'%ee. +8esetmets+ moves forwar! to ta4e '# the iterior $ife of the victim after the
,o$oca'st. +0 the Necessity a! 7m#ossibi$ity of 5ei% a Jew+ offers &m.ry2s coc$'sios o
Jewish i!etity after a $ifetime of bei% force! to cofrot the *'estio.
&m.ry2s #rici#a$ cotrib'tio to '!ersta!i% the ,o$oca'st is his coce#t of losin! trust in the
world. Herha#s better tha ay other ,o$oca'st writer) &m.ry shows that the $ibera$ #i$$ars '#o
which :ester civi$izatio rests are ot !'% very !ee#6 they are mere$y ta4e for %rate!. Ho$itica$
free!om a! h'ma !i%ity are meas're! by what is +#ossib$e a! h'ma$y acce#tab$e+6 they are
tem#orary a! hasti$y costr'cte! socia$ arra%emets which !isa##ear at the first b$ow aime! at a
#risoer. +E:Fe ca $ive)+ &m.ry says) +o$y if we %rat o'r fe$$ow ma $ife) ease his s'fferi%)
bri!$e the !esire of o'r e%o to e"#a!.+ 7 the materia$ sec'rity of o'r !ai$y $ives) we are 'aware
('st how m'ch we tr'st others to %rat 's $ife) a! if ot to ease o'r s'fferi% at $east ot to ca'se it.
5't the victim of tort're) the s'rvivor of &'schwitz) has $ost that tr'st forever. +:hoever was
tort're!) stays tort're!)+ &m.ry coc$'!es. ,e is i!e$ib$y b're! with the 4ow$e!%e that tr'st i
the wor$!-the tr'st that o oe wi$$ $ay ha!s o yo'-is astoishi%$y fra%i$e) a! ca be $ost at
ay momet. ,e 4ows somethi% that they !o ot teach yo' i schoo$s? that the 0ther ca be
abso$'te) a! ca e"ercise this abso$'te #ower by if$icti% s'fferi%.
9or &m.ry) the) the ,o$oca'st is cetra$ to h'ma se$f-'!ersta!i% beca'se it re#resets ot a
acci!eta$ f'ctio of the Nazi re%ime) b't its essece. &m.ry wo'$! have $i4e! to +itro!'ce
certai &'schwitz boo4s ito the '##er c$asses of seco!ary schoo$ as com#'$sory rea!i%)+
beca'se these boo4s wo'$! itro!'ce st'!ets to a i!ea that is i!is#esab$e to ay h'maistic
c'rric'$'m i a #ost-,o$oca'st era-the i!ea of the victim) the +!ea! ma o $eave.+ 7f !i%ity is
the ri%ht to $ive %rate! by society) the the 3hir! 8eich !emostrates how easi$y the %rat ca be
revo4e!. &m.ry is ot #artic'$ar$y itereste! i the #er#etrators of the ,o$oca'st. +3he crimes of
Natioa$ =ocia$ism ha! o mora$ *'a$ity for the !oer)+ &m.ry e"#$ais. +3he moster) who is ot
chaie! by his cosciece to his !ee!) sees it from his view#oit o$y as a ob(ectificatio of his
wi$$) ot as a mora$ evet.+ &m.ry2s $iterary ambitio i At the Minds Limits is to s#ea4 from the
view#oit of the victim) for whom the Natioa$ =ocia$ism ha! a mora$ *'a$ity. ,e see4s to
'!ersta! s'fferi% from the isi!e rather tha e"torti% #ity a! s#ecia$ cosi!eratio for victims.
&m.ry th's sta!s as a cha$$e%e to the icreasi%$y commo view) of which the historia Heter
Novic4 is mere$y oe re#resetative) that the ,o$oca'st eco'ra%es cotem#orary Jews to a!o#t a
+victim i!etity base! o the ,o$oca'st)+ a +fashioab$e victimhoo!+ which is e"#$oitative a!
#hoy (see he 2olocaust in American Life) ##. 19I-2I2). :hi$e &m.ry certai$y a%rees that the
e"istece of the Jews has bee forever !etermie! by the ,o$oca'st) At the Minds Limits !oes ot
ce$ebrate victimizatio. 7stea!) the boo4 e%a%es i a f'!ameta$ re!efiitio of victimhoo!. 3o
be a victim is o $o%er to be the ob0ect of other #eo#$e2s !esi%s. 7 the sort of #ost-,o$oca'st
thi4i% #ractice! by &m.ry) the Jewish victim ma4es himse$f the sub0ect of his ow history.
+:hoever attem#ts to be a Jew i my way a! '!er the co!itios im#ose! '#o me)+ &m.ry
says) +whoever ho#es) by c$arifyi% his ow ,o$oca'st-!etermie! e"istece) to !raw to%ether a!
sha#e withi himse$f the rea$ity of the so-ca$$e! Jewish M'estio) is who$$y voi! of aivet..+ /holly
void of naivet beca'se s'ch a Jew is o $o%er $'$$e! by +E!Fec$aratios of h'ma ri%hts)
!emocratic costit'tios) the free wor$! a! the free #ress.+ ,e o $o%er !we$$s i the i$$'sio that
h'ma i!etity is somethi% o#tioa$) $i4e a <hristmas %ift that ca be e"cha%e!. ,e has $eare!
that his i!etity-his #ersohoo!-is a necessity. +7 . . . am #recise$y what 7 am ot)+ &m.ry says)
+beca'se 7 !i! ot e"ist 'ti$ 7 became it) above a$$ e$se? a Jew.+ +7 became a #erso)+ &m.ry
e"#$ais) +ot by s'b(ective$y a##ea$i% to my abstract h'maity b't by !iscoveri% myse$f withi
the %ive socia$ rea$ity as a rebe$$i% Jew a! by rea$izi% myse$f as oe.+ Note the em#hasis o
rebellin!. ,e is a Jew who %ras#s b't a$so rebe$s a%aist the socia$ !ec$aratio that to be a Jew is to
be setece! to !eath. &other ame for this setece was Auschwit%+ 3h's &m.ry2s
+#heomeo$o%ica$ !escri#tio of the e"istece of the victim)+ as he ca$$s it i the #reface to the
first e!itio) is the e"act o##osite of the e"#$oitatio of victimhoo!. 7f the Jews ow see their
e"istece as havi% bee !etermie! by the ,o$oca'st it is ot that they have ot a!o#te! a
+fashioab$e victimhoo!)+ b't rather that they have become the ecessary s'b(ect of their ow
!rama. +:itho't the fee$i% of be$o%i% to the threatee!)+ &m.ry says) +7 wo'$! be a se$f-
s'rre!eri% f'%itive from rea$ity.+
&$tho'%h ot ha$a4hica$$y a Jew) &m.ry isists everthe$ess that bei% Jewish is a ecessity for
him. 5't it is a$so a im#ossibi$ity) #recise$y beca'se he is ot ha$a4hica$$y Jewish6 ot) that is) a
Jew as a member of a comm'ity. +:ith Jews as Jews 7 share #ractica$$y othi%)+ he writes? +o
$a%'a%e) o c'$t'ra$ tra!itio) o chi$!hoo! memories.+ Herha#s the a +catastro#he Jew+ rather
tha a ha$a4hic Jew) or a +o-o-Jew+? $ac4i% faith i the Go! of 7srae$) $ac4i% Ji!!ish or
,ebrew) $ac4i% the Jewish tra!itio) he is a Jew beca'se he $eare! '!er the Nazis that he is ot
#ermitte! to be aythi% e$se. 3o be a Jew a! a victim-to be a Jewish victim-is to $ive witho't
+#ositive !etermiats.+ 5't '$i4e most me a! wome) &m.ry was wi$$i% to $ive this way)
beca'se he was wi$$i% to see his tho'%ht thro'%h to the e!.
&ccor!i% to &m.ry) the ,o$oca'st ass'me! im#ortace o$y $ater-a %eeratio after the
$iberatio of the cam#s-beca'se the Jewish victims of the Nazis +were force! to re$i*'ish+ ay
sese of victory i the !efeat of Germay. 3he rehabi$itatio of the atio that ha! bee the 3hir!
8eich o'tstri##e! the rehabi$itatio of its victims. 5y the si"ties) whe he be%a at $ast to s#ea4
#'b$ic$y o the cam#s) the wor$! reactio to Germay a! 7srae$ ma!e the !iscre#acy eve more
evi!et to &m.ry. :hi$e Germay ha! bee re(oie! to D'ro#e) orma$ize! a! evet'a$$y to be
re'ite!) 7srae$ remaie! a #ariah atio. 3he ,o$oca'st was a wo'! that ha! ot bee hea$e!.
&m.ry occ'#ie! a +'comfortab$e #ositio betwee a$$ of the #arties)+ which s'ite! his
#ersoa$ity b't ma!e him !iffic'$t to re$y '#o. 8ea!ers o the Aeft were !is%'ste! by his criticism
of their si!e-he bro4e with the New Aeft over its s'##ort for terrorism a! its seeri%
co!ematio of 7srae$-whi$e rea!ers o the 8i%ht *'ite at'ra$$y '!erstoo! him to be a
s'bversive fi%'re. Not that this !ist'rbe! &m.ry overm'ch. 3o be a %oo! writer) he be$ieve!) oe
m'st become i!e#e!et of +a$$ e"tera$ si%s of s'ccess.+ =tarti% with At the Minds Limits) a$$
of his boo4s vet're ito the +c$ose! wor$!+ of s'fferi%. &m.ry !ec$ies to offer +chea#
coso$atio+ or to fi! a re!em#tive messa%e i s'fferi%. ,is a##roach istea! is 's#ari%)
re$et$ess$y b$ea46 +!iscoso$i%)+ to 'se his wor!. &! i!ee! it2s !iffic'$t to 4ow why ayoe at
a$$ rea!s these boo4s-e"ce#t #erha#s to face the tr'th.
Hrimary wor4s
&m.ry) Jea. Karrieren .nd Kpfe) $ildnisse $erhmter 3eit!enossen. K'rich? 3homas) 19@@.
NNN. eena!er"Stars) #dole .nserer 3eit. /iea? &$bert MG$$er) 19;I.
NNN. #m $anne 4es Ja%%) $ildnisse &rosser Ja%%"Musi5er. /iea? &$bert M'$$er) 19;1.
NNN. &eburt 4er &e!enwart) &estalten .nd &estaltun!en 4er /estlicen 3ivilisation Seit
Krie!sende. 0$te? :a$ter) 19;1.
NNN. &erhart 2auptmann) 4er 6wi!e 4eutsche. =tie%$itz? ,a!$e) 19;1.
NNN. 'reface to the (uture) *ulture in a *onsumer Society. 3ras. Ha$mer ,i$ty. Ao!o?
<ostab$e) 19;B.
NNN. Jenseits 7on Schuld .nd Shne) $ew8lti!un!sversuche 6ines ,berw8lti!en. M'ich?
=zczesy) 19;;.
NNN. ,ber 4as Altern) 9evolte .nd 9esi!nation. =t'tt%art? O$ett) 19;8.
NNN. .nmeisterliche /ander0ahre. =t'tt%art? O$ett) 1971.
NNN. Lefeu -der 4er Abbruch. =t'tt%art? O$ett) 197B.
NNN. 2and an Sich Le!en. =t'tt%art? O$ett) 197;.
NNN. *harles $ovary1 Landar%t. =t'tt%art? O$ett) 1978.
NNN. At the Mind:s Limits) *ontemplations by a Survivor of Auschwit% and #ts 9ealities. 3ras.
=i!ey a! =te$$a H. 8osefe$!. 5$oomi%to? 7!iaa Civersity Hress) 198I.
NNN. $cher Aus 4er Ju!end .nseres Jahrhunderts. =t'tt%art? O$ert <otta) 1981.
NNN. 9adical 2umanism) Selected 6ssays. 3ras. =i!ey a! =te$$a H. 8osefe$!. 5$oomi%to?
7!iaa Civersity Hress) 198B.
NNN. 4er #nte!rale 2umanismus) 3wischen 'hilosophie .nd Literatur+ Aufs8t%e .nd Kriti5en 6ines
Lesers1 ;<==>;<?@. =t'tt%art? O$ett-<otta) 198@.
NNN. Jean Amery1 der &ren%!an!er) &esprach mit #n!o 2ermann in der 9eihe A3eu!en des
Jahrhunderts+A D!. JGr%e /oi%t. GPtti%e? Aam'v) 1992.
NNN. *inema) Arbeiten 3um (ilm. =t'tt%art? O$etta-<otta) 199B.
NNN. -n A!in!) 9evolt and 9esi!nation. 3ras. Joh D. 5ar$ow. 5$oomi%to? 7!iaa Civersity
Hress) 199B.
NNN. -n Suicide) A 4iscourse on 7oluntary 4eath. 3ras. Joh D. 5ar$ow. 5$oomi%to? 7!iaa
Civersity Hress) 1999.
=eco!ary wor4s
<iai) Maria 3eresa. estimoni di voci sommerse) lesperien%a del na%ismo in alcuni scrittori
ebrei europei) Joseph 9oth1 'rimo Levi1 Jean Amry1 Mi5los 9adnoti+ <oseza? Heriferia) 1997.
<o*'io) <atherie. +Aa 9i a $2ifii? Ae 3emoi%a%e iacheve !e Jea &mery.+ -p+ *it+) 9evue de
Litteratures (rancaise et *omparee 12 (1999)? 197-21@.
9iero) Hetra. +3he 5o!y i Hai? Jea &meryQs 8ef$ectios o 3ort're.+ 'ublications of the
Missouri 'hilolo!ical Association. 18 (1991)?2;-12.
Goo!heart) D'%ee. +3he Hassio of 8easo? 8ef$ectios o Hrimo Aevi a! Jea &m.ry.+ 4issent
B1 (199B)? @18N27.
,ei!e$ber%er-Aeoar!) 7ree. ,ber Jean Amery. ,ei!e$ber%? :iter) 199I.
Aorez-Ai!ema) Oari. +:ievie$ ,eimat bra'cht !er MeschL &s#ects of Jewish =e$f-
Determiatio i the :or4s of Jea &mery a! Hrimo Aevi.+ 7 he Jewish Self"'ortrait in
6uropean and American Literature. D!. ,as-J'r%e =chra!er) D$$iott M. =imo) a! <har$otte
:ar!i. 3'bi%e? Niemeyer) 199;. H#. 221-1I.
Mavri!is) 3homas. +>:er !er 9o$ter er$a%) 4a icht mehr heimisch wer!e i !er :e$t2? /om
ver$oree :e$tvertra'e Jea &merys.+ (ussnoten %ur Literatur 18 (199;)? 7I-79.
Neima) ='sa. +Jea &m.ry 3a4es ,is Aife.+ 7 Bale *ompanion to Jewish /ritin! and hou!ht
in &erman *ulture1 ;C<=>;<<=. D!. =a!er A. Gi$ma a! Jac4 Ki#es. New ,ave? Ja$e CH) 1997.
H#. 77@N8B.
=chei!er) Ger! O. +Die /erwa!$'% o!er !er &$ters#rozess a$s Dtfrem!'% bei Jea &mery.+
Modern Austrian Literature 28 (199@)? 111-2@.
=eba$!) :. G. +Mit !e &'%e !es Nachtvo%e$s? Rber Jea &m.ry.+ 6tudes &ermaniDues B1
=teier) =te#ha. Jean Amery E2ans MaierF) mit einem bio!raphischen $ildessay und einer
$iblio!raphie. 5ase$? =trPmfe$!SNe"'s) 199;.
=toe) Da. +,omes witho't ,eimatsL Jea &mery at the Aimits.+ An!ela5i 2 (199@)? 91-1II.
3a%$iacozzo) 9raca. +Memoria e catarsi? Di!attica !e$$a storia !o#o &'schwitz.+ 9asse!na Mensile
di #srael ;1 (1997)? 1I7-2I.

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