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This information is provided by Dunkermotoren GmbH in January 2011

Complete modular system for small DC servo motor
Dunkermotoren introduces a consistent
expansion of their portfolio of brushless
motors. The compact BG 32 with an outer
diameter of 32 mm and a nominal output
power dependin! of the len!th of "# or 2#
$att% is related to the wellestablished BG &2
in terms of technolo!y. $ith a modular system
of control electronics% encoder systems%
brakes and !earboxes that was carefully
matched to the BG 32% a suitable solution for
almost all applications can be found with a
minimum of time and desi!n expenditure.
' flat speedtor(ue curve and an outstandin!
power per volume ratio result in a
considerable nominal tor(ue of 2.) or &.*
+cm% respectively at a nominal speed of 3*##
rpm. ,tandard motor commutation is via
inte!rated hall sensors. -f necessary% hi!h
resolution encoders can be attached.
-nte!rated and external electronics are
available. .otor version BG 32 /- 0twowire
solution1 has inte!rated control electronics.
The functions are shortcircuit brakin!% C$ or
CC$ operation.
-f only speed control is re(uired for an
application% the external electronics BG2
3##&'% a costoptimised " (uadrant controller%
is available.
Control electronics BG2 3*#3 meets hi!h
control re(uirements.
-t is a & (uadrant positionin! control with
inte!rated power sta!e and interfaces for
standalone operation. Di!ital or analo!ue
in 4 outputs control the electronics.
'lternatively% it can be operated as
slave in a C'+open network with device
profile D,5 &#2% protocol D, 3#".
5rotective functions like lowvolta!e
protection% hi!h temperature protection and
lockedrotor protection ensure hi!h
operational safety.
5lanetary !earboxes 56G 324 56G 32 7 and
56G &2 ,4 56G &2 / are perfectly suited to fit
to the BG 32 and to complete the variety of
products. The 56G 32 7 is exceptional. The
development tar!et was very low noise
emission. This tar!et was reached% inter alia%
with a helical first sta!e.
-t applies to all !earboxes accordin! to the
modular ,ystem of Dunkermotoren 8 that a
hi!h variety of solutions can be realised with a
low number of standardised components%
which is supported by the finely !raded
!earbox ratios. 9or one% two or three sta!e
!earboxes% there are up to "3 different ratios
between &.*:" and *;*:". Ball bearin!s with
covers on both sides and with lifetime
lubrication !uarantee lon! lifetime and
maintenancefree operation. ' system of two
ball bearin!s supports hi!h radial and axial
loads on the output shaft. 9or the use in harsh
environments% the !earboxes are protected
a!ainst dust% dirt and li(uids accordin! to
protection class -5 *2. 'n <rin! between
motor and !earbox housin! makes sure that
virtually no dust or li(uid can penetrate. $ith
appropriate mechanical connection to the
customer application% -5 )* protection class
can be reached.
7i!h resolution encoders and brakes
complete the modular system. 9or hi!h
re(uirements re!ardin! control or positionin!%
the motors can be e(uipped with di!ital
encoders. -ncremental encoder =2 3#
!enerates 2 s(uare wave si!nals% shifted by
>#? and optionally a reference pulse. @p to
*"2 increments per channel are possible.
' poweroff brake% type 2 33% with a brakin!
tor(ue of 2# +cm can also be attached to the
BG 32.
Dunkermotoren desi!ned these universally
usable drives for a wide ran!e of automation
applications% particular industry automation
and in medical technolo!y.
Aour contact for press and publishin! matters:
Dunkermotoren Gmb7
Bolker ,chieCl
'llmendstraCe ""
D;>3&3 Bonndorf
Telefon: 0# ;; #31 >3# 23"
9ax: 0# ;; #31 >3# ;23"

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