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TopSolidDesign 2009: Whats New TopSolid 2009

Missler Software 1
TopSolidDesign 2009: Whats New
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidDesign 2009: Whats New
2 Missler Software
This document describes the improvements made to the design application of the TopSolidDesign
software: 2009 version.
Functions in neutral
When no functions are in use, you can now select an element (an edge or a face), and TopSolid
proposes the most common operations on this element.
Symbol tree
Five tabs are now available by default in the tree:
Main set: shows the elements contained in the main set of the document.
Entities: shows the elements contained in document.
Layers: shows the layers of the document (see below).
The Main set, Entities and Layers tabs can be removed and the maximum number of tabs has been
increased to 10.
New main sets
In order to facilitate the management of documents, new main sets have been added. It is now possible
to publish:
The main set of the entities of the document, sorted by category.
The set of unused elements that helps to clean up the documents and can be used to select
elements to be deleted.
The set of indexed elements.
The set of masks.
The layers can now be managed using the tree in order to facilitate document management.
Type of selection Proposed operation/function
Edge Create a fillet or a chamfer
Flat face Create a sketch
Curve Extrude the curve
Operation Change or cancel the operation
Component Use the processes
Coordinate system Set the coordinate system to current
Graphic zone Select type of finish
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The display of the layers obeys the same rules as the layer editor. Layers that contain elements are
shown in bold, empty layers are normal and the colors are identical.
Clicking on a layer shows the elements in the layer and double-clicking activates or deactivates them.
Groups are created using the context-sensitive menu. Layers can then be added or removed by
dragging and dropping them on the group.
It is also possible to change the layer of one or more elements by dragging and dropping a layer in
the graphic zone.
Miscellaneous enhancements
It is now possible to copy an operation from the construction tree. By way of example, it is possible to
select a fillet in the construction tree and to drag and drop it in the graphic zone. TopSolid then asks
you to select the edge of the fillet.
In the set of elements with an insertion cursor, it is now possible to call up all the cursors using the
context-sensitive command of the set.
For a group or a selection of several parts, a context-sensitive command can be used to control the
visibility of the group or the selected elements.
In the set of contextual elements, detached context elements in the tree are identified by a flag.
The up, down, right and left keys and the page up and page down keys (used to turn around the Z
axis) can be used to quickly change the orientation of the current view.
Angles can be configured using Tools | Options Miscellaneous Graphic.
It is now possible to select elements using a closed curve.
In order to make it easier to understand questions, icons are now displayed in the dialog bar.
Dialog displayed when selecting the edge of a form in neutral.
The name of the current coordinate system can now be found in the status bar. An echo of the
coordinate system is displayed in the graphic zone when you click on this field.
When a transformation is named, the Transform parents and Duplicate functions in the Edit menu
have drop-down lists for rapid re-use. The same applies to named extensions that are also available
in the Repeat function. Transformations and extensions can be named in the tree.
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In the Move parents function in the Edit menu, it is now possible to force movements along the X or Y
axes using the Axes = Yes option or by pressing on Z on the keyboard. This function is also available
when editing sketches.
The Separate function is now available in the Parameter menu, which means that it can be
associated with a keyboard accelerator and/or inserted in an icon bar. In preceding versions, this
function was executed using the SEPARATE PARAMETER option of the Merge function. It has now
been removed from this function.
When analyzing an element, the name of the layer is displayed along with its number, if it is named.
The designation and the name of a part are now clearly separated.
When defining a rotation with the Transform parents and Copy functions in the Edit menu, if the
angle is defined by two points, its value now appears in the alpha bar.
When a translation is defined by two points, the values DX, DY and DZ are displayed in order to
check the displacement.
A new option used to merge parameters is now available in the Copy function in the Edit menu.
It is now possible to work in realistic and shaded rendering modes thanks to the addition of the
Realistic rendering + edge + wireframe - hidden lines and Realistic finish + edge + wireframe.
The Duplicate function in the Edit menu now supports notes.
Exchanging projects
In order to make it easier to exchange projects, a project export function can be used to include
all the documents linked to a project (sub-assemblies, parts, components, drawings, materials,
textures and fonts) and to import them on another workstation.
The new Show extremities mode can be used to permanently view the extremities of curves
Realistic rendering + edge + wireframe Realistic rendering + edge + wireframe - hidden lines
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using dotted circles. If no extremities are shown, then one can deduce that the curve is closed.
The size of the extremities can be adjusted using the Modify height function and can be
configured using Tools | Options Sketch.
The values of the coordinates are now used as sketch drivers.
The ANGLE option has been added to the sketch line function.
Point on curve (in DESIGNATION mode only) is now supported and a coincidence constraint is
added between the point and the segment.
When making changes to a circle, you can now switch from a radius value to a diameter and vice
The copy edge function (Edge function) now features the LOOP and EDGE PATH options.
It is now possible to change a linear dimension (or coordinates) and its parameter by moving (or
changing) one of the witness lines. You can also change the radius of a circle by directly changing the
It is now possible to show the point of intersection of two segments when it does not actually exist.
The two segments must be dimensioned such that the point of intersection is visible. Then select this
point to start another dimension.
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General application of the use of sketches
It is now possible to create a hatched area (Tools | Hatched area) and a cross section polygon
(Tools | Cross section polygon) from a sketch.
Sketches can now be used as exclusion contours when changing extensions.
Machining curves with tolerances
The goal is to apply tolerances to machining operations without applying an average value to the entire
part, but by taking account locally of the tolerances of certain dimensions in order to create the curve to
be machined.
This method uses two functions that have been enhanced:
First the Planar section function in the Curve | Other curves menu can now be used to
generate curves or sketches on the entire part or only on certain faces. With a sketch, the
coincidence constraint with the faces is applied to segments that are created in this way. It is possible
to destroy some of these constraints in order to deform the sketch and to add dimensions with
The SKETCH option of the Parameter | Edit list function is used to view all the pilot dimensions
of a sketch, even if they are not named, and to change them to mean values using the button with the
same name.
Selecting the 1st segment to be
Selecting the 2nd segment to be
Selecting the point of intersection
created automatically between the
two segments
Positioning the dimension Selecting the 2nd point of the linear
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For easier comprehension, a graphical echo appears on the corresponding dimension when a line is
selected from the list of parameters.
Hatched area
The Hatched area function in the Tools menu includes the new NEW CONTOUR option that can be
used to create and hatch a contour. The new contour can be masked. This option is also available in the
context-sensitive menu in the construction tree.
Isoparametric curve
The number of iso parametric curves on a face can now be managed in association.
Offset curve
It is now possible to automatically delete loops and to manage the type of corner (pointed or rounded).
These options are also available in Sketch mode.
Offset curve on faces
In advanced mode, it is now possible to create offset curves on faces or an offset curve on the norms of
the faces.
Offset on face Offset on face norm
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Curve profile by interpolation and point cluster
In order to better distinguish those points that have not yet been selected in the creation of the curve, the
attributes of the points of interpolation are temporarily modified when they are entered. The number of
selected points of interpolation is shown in the message bar.
Modify circles
In order to make it easier to edit recovered elements, the new Modify circles function in the Curve
| Manage menu can be used to quickly change the radii of several basic circles.
Constrained point on curve
It is now possible to use negative values to constrain a point on a Bspline or composite type curve.
Previously, only line or circle type entities were supported.
Polar sketch lines can now be modified using the Modify element function.
The number of fonts supported by the Curve | Manage | Convert text function has been increased.
Multiple face selection
In order to accelerate the selection of faces, the Shape | Thicken, Shape | Parallel, Shape | Shell and
Shape | Toolbox | Remove faces functions now feature multiple selections by window.
Extruded shape between two faces
It is now possible to extrude the curve of a face to another face (with two offsets), when the curve is not
located between the two faces.
Constrained shape
A new automatic calculation method has been added to the advanced options. This method only requires
one parameter: the number of iterations. The old parameters can be accessed by selecting the manual
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Template shape with curve
A new method to calculate template shapes has been added. For each interpolation curve, it is now
possible to choose between three derivation conditions (none, tangency or curve). When a derivation
condition is selected, a coefficient of amplitude can be applied to adjust the curve of the part.
Offset shape
If the creation of the offset shape on a face fails, the new Make point option can be used to create points
on the offset surface. The points thus obtained can be used with the create constrained shape function
on a cluster of points.
The CHECK option identifies the faces that cause problems when calculating the parallel surface. Once
identified, the offset surface can be created without taking account of these faces using the REMOVE
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Propagation of grouped operations
It is now possible to propagate a group of operations from the construction tree using the new
Propagated=YES/NO function in the context-sensitive menu of a group of operations.
Once the group has been propagated, this function can be used to change or delete the propagation of
the group. In the latter case, the propagation is deleted from the group but can be applied separately to
each of the group operations.
Fillets and chamfers are taken into consideration if their reference operation (drilling, groove, pocket,
bossing) belongs to the group.
Operations on shapes
It is now possible to make drill holes with spherical floors, which allows for machining by drilling cycle in
Selecting the group to use the propagation function in the context-sensitive menu
Rectangular propagation of a group of operations
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The new deformation operation Shape | Surfacic / Boolean operations | Deform is used to globally
deform a shape by bending or torsion. Deformation can be applied to the entire shape or just to a few
faces (when replacement is possible).
Replacing faces
The function Shape | Surfacic / Boolean operations | Replace faces features two new options called
ONE SURFACE and SEVERAL SURFACES that are used to replace a set of faces by a single surface
or a set of faces by several surfaces.
Taper on fillet operation
The new ON FILLET option of the Shape | Draft function is used to change the faces to be drafted by
pivoting them on the fillet faces.
The Shape | Surfacic / Boolean operations | Smooth function features a new mode called WITH A
SURFACE that is used to smooth using an initial surface, that can also be used to adjust the iso
parametric settings.
Distortion by bending Distortion by torsion
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Like for the creation of new offset shapes, a new option called MAKE POINT can be used to create
points on the offset surface. The points thus obtained can be used with the create constrained shape
function on a cluster of points.
Modification of parts and preparation for machining
The modification of models, and in particular of recovered models, has been made easier by the new
function Shape | Surfacic operations | Constraints and tolerances that can be used to subsequently
constrain faces and face groups in order to vary the dimensions and automatically apply the mean
dimension in order to prepare the part for machining.
Machining properties
The new Machining properties function in the Shape | Mechanical/other operations menu is
used to enter machining information that will be retrieved in TopSolidCam or TopSolidWire.
This function can also be used to define entry points for pocket machining. These points can be identified
in the drafting process using the Detailing | Push pointing menu and can be retrieved in a drilling
Model recovery Selection of the region to
be modified
Selection of the reference
Modifying the parameter Generating the pilot
dimension used to indicate
the fixed dimension
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In order to avoid changes of context and to save time, the part definition function has been added to the
icon bar of the Shape context.
Tool box
The new function Repair self intersection in the Shape | Tool box menu can be used to automatically
surface self-intersects.
Note: Auto-intersection surfaces can only be created when the configuration word
Representation of sub-components
The Change representation function of the Assembly menu can now be used to change the
representation of the constituent parts of the components of a component.
Assembly context
Hooking to context elements of the assembly is now stable, even when the topology is changed.
Slave part
It is now possible to create bursts of slave parts by selecting them in the tree.
It is now possible to prohibit any changes to a slave part.
Interchanging sub-assemblies
It is now possible to interchange components using the Modify element function, even if it is not
Predefined positioning constraints
In order to quickly include components, it is now possible to create predefined positioning in the
component models using the new function Define predefined positioning in the Assembly | Define
component menu.
Predefined positioning is a series of constraints (contact, orientation, etc.) defined in a component model.
Each of the constraints have their origin in an element of the main assembly and a destination in any
element (like the martyr parts in processes).
When inserting the component, TopSolid only asks for the destination faces, since the face of origin is
colored red. It is also possible to ignore a constraint and to proceed directly to the next one.
Copy components with or without constraints
When copying a component that is positioned with constraints, it is now possible to copy its position
constraints and to merge the parameters used by these constraints. This mode can be configured in
Components of the function Tools | Options.
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Intuitive positioning the components
Certain components, mainly in wood, arrangement or location, are always positioned parallel or
perpendicular to the ground.
By way of example, furniture is always parallel to the floor and a power socket or switch is often on a
vertical wall. Therefore, these constraints are respected in TopSolid.
It is now possible to categorize components and sub-assemblies using the context-sensitive menu of the
It is also possible to categorize one or more components of a standard by adding the following
configuration words in the standard configuration file (the variant and type are optional)
The component is positioned parallel to the absolute XY plane of the assembly document.
D_COMPO_POSITION_ON_ZP <tab> family <tab> type <tab> variant
E.g. D_COMPO_POSITION_ON_ZP <tab> Tank <tab> Cylindrical <tab> 1000 Liters
The component is positioned parallel to the absolute XY plane of the assembly document.
D_COMPO_POSITION_ON_ZM <tab> family <tab> type <tab> variant
E.g. D_COMPO_POSITION_ON_ZM <tab> Lift <tab> Hoist <tab> 5 Tons
The component is positioned perpendicular to the absolute XY plane of the assembly document.
D_COMPO_POSITION_ORTHO_Z <tab> family <tab> type <tab> variant
E.g. D_COMPO_POSITION_ORTHO_Z <tab> Electricity <tab> Wall <tab> Socket
Choosing the function from the assembly context-
sensitive menu
Defining the position mode
The tank can only be positioned on surfaces that are parallel to the floor.
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The positioning of elements by key elements has been improved in order to avoid rotations due to the
position of the cursor on the reference face. A configuration word has been added for this purpose:
1: activated.
0: deactivated, behavior identical to previous versions.
The Define center of mass function in the menu Assembly | Define component has been renamed
Define mass and center of mass and can be used to override the mass of a part. This allows, for
example, standard elements to be modeled, while keeping the exact values for analyses.
Component pilot
When entering the values of a component pilot, the MEASURE option can be used to create the
distance, length, radius or diameter parameters on the fly:
Selecting two flat faces creates a Distance parameter.
Selecting a linear edge creates a Length parameter.
Selecting a cylindrical face or a circular edge creates a Diameter or Radius parameter.
Selecting a component provides access to its pilots.
When measuring an element with the functions of the Analysis menu, the measured value is displayed
in the graphical zone, which means that it is possible to add play by entering an expression with the
parameter that was created.
Predefined plan
It is now possible to make predefined plans using an assembly.
Sheet metal
Bending wizard
A bending wizard helps to create the bending procedure for a sheet metal part by providing the means to
quickly test the validity of the different solutions. It can also be used to quickly produce the workshop
documents for bending operators.
The functions required are included in the Sheet metal | Bending wizard menu or in the Unbending
Tools | Options
Document names
It is now possible to predefine the default name of documents when saving them. The default name can
be defined with reference to a part, its designation, or both, or to any other property of the document,
such as the supplier or contract number.
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Filtering materials and coatings
In order to prohibit the use of unauthorized materials, it is now possible to choose the materials and
coatings that are displayed when defining a part, when modifying the material of a part or when selecting
the current material.
Texture management
When importing a texture, it is now possible to select the import folder (User or Group).
The texture management window now has an Import texture folder... button that can be used to
import several texture files at once.
Selecting categories in Tools|Options Selecting the material: with the option Filter,
only the selected categories are available.
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Enhancements of TopSolidWizard
It is now possible to create a loop to consecutively insert "n" components.
For reference to a parameter type variables, it is now possible to assign a value directly by creating
a dialog box so that the user can assign the value manually.
In order to substitute parameters in the advanced parameters of component nodes, it is possible to
retrieve a value from a list or to enter a value directly.
For reference to a parameter type variables, it is possible to:
assign a default value that may be calculated,
ask for the value,
assign a value that is being executed (result of a calculation, value of a variable of an
enumeration (the enumeration may produce a value or the name of a parameter that can be
found in the assembly document).
In the component nodes used for positioning purposes, when positioning in relation to a reference, a
named reference can be used for the destination reference.
For reference to a coordinate system type variables, it is possible to:
assign a default value (a character chain),
ask for the value,
assign a value being executed (a character chain).
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TopSolidDraft 2009: Whats New TopSolid 2009
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TopSolidDraft 2009: Whats New
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This document describes the improvements made to the drafting application of the TopSolidDraft
software: 2009 version.
Assembly plans: direction of hatch
It is now possible to automatically control the direction of the hatch in cross sections. Two elements that
touch one another now have different hatches.
This function can be started when creating a view. The default value is set in Tools | Options
Projection parameters for new documents without a template or in File | Property for new document
There are five possible orientations, with the default values: -45, -30, 30,
45 and 60. These values can be changed in Tools | Options Projection parameters or File |
Properties Projection parameters. This function only applies to parts with standard hatch. User hatch
and hatch from files are not supported.
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Crop the projected view by its frame
The view frame is now used to limit the view. Moving the frame with the Modify element function
can now be used to crop the view. It is still possible to return to the initial frame by editing the view in the
construction tree and selecting the function Frame masked = Yes / No in the context-sensitive menu.
Local cross-section in an interrupted view
It is now possible to make local cross-sections of interrupted views.
Partial cross-section of a detailed view
It is now possible to make partial cross-sections of detailed views.
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Local cross-section in a detailed view
It is now possible to make local cross-sections of detailed views.
Interrupted broken cross-section
A broken cross-section variant with secant plans is now available. It can be used to quickly view the
drilling depths on certain parts.
When creating the cross-section, you can now ignore the odd or even segments of the cur polygon. By
default, the segments on which the cross-sections are made are drawn in bold mixed lines. These values
can be configured in Tools | Options 2D view Initial values.
The conserved segments are numbered as follows: Name of the polygon 1, 2, 3, resulting in A-1, A-2,
A-3,and in order to better understand the drawing, the corresponding zones on the resulting cross-
section have the same numbers.
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Changes to view masks
Masks with a closed curve can now be applied outside the curve.
Moreover, notes, BOM indexes, roughness symbols, tolerance references and notes explaining
differences can be masked or defined as masking elements.
Exception on views
It is now possible to create a filter by element and by type of line. In this way it is possible to display
assemblies in dotted lines, excluding a few parts.
Detailing elements
The axes created in the model document are now automatically inserted in the SET DETAILING of the
detailing. When creating a main view, these elements can be projected using the option Project the
detailing set = YES/NO.
The notes and texts can also be manually inserted in the set, in which case they are projected at the
same time as the axes.
In order to optimize the projection time, modifying the detail set does not regenerate the views, if the draft
document is updated using the PROJECT THE DETAILING SET option in the View Regenerate
or View Axes functions.
Optimization of the projection time of tappings
In order to improve the performance when projecting parts that contain many tappings, it is possible to
pre-calculate the tapping forms in the template document. This pre-calculation achieves savings of more
than 50% on certain parts.
Initially, the command is used in the Draft tab in the part definition window.
Then, in the drafting process, it is necessary to activate the views use the pre computed tapping
shapes in the 2D views- Initial values section of the File | Properties function.
Exception by element and by line type Exception by element and by line type
with shading
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The parts with calculated drilling forms are identified by a special icon in the symbol tree.
Turning dimensions based on coordinate dimensions
Two new styles have been added to the Coordinates dimensions function in order to control the turning
The style (x, 2*y), where the 2
coordinate of the point represents the diameter as a half-part
The inverted style (2*y,x)
More compact composite ordinate dimensions
In order to optimize the space between dimensions, it is now possible to reduce the spacing factor
between two dimension lines. In the past, this factor could not be less than twice the height of the text,
which resulted in wasted space. The ideal factor is equal to the height of the text, plus twice the distance
between the text and the dimension line.
Defining the part
Symbolic tree of the part
Setting the properties of the draft document
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Drilling dimension
The texts of the drilling or knurling dimensions can now be changed. The associativity of the dimension is
then deactivated, but can be reactivated.
If an ambiguity is detected (for example when a drill hole leads to another drill hole) when creating the
drilling dimension, the different drill holes are proposed in the drop-down list.
Global dimension change
The new function Global modification in the Dimension menu can be used to copy all the
parameters of a dimension (height, scale, prefix, suffix, etc.) and to apply them to one or more other
dimensions. This function is also available after having changed the appearance of a dimension with the
Modify element function.
Drilling tables
When defining the drilling models, it is now possible to associate an image with each drill hole. This
image is then used in the drill holes table. For the standard models, the images are already associated.
They are available in the folder \Missler\V610\bin\drillsymbols.
Bill of material
Automatic recognition of geometrically identical parts
In the BOM, parts with the same properties we always grouped on the same line, irrespective of their
geometry. For example, two square hollow parts with respectively one and two drill holes, were grouped
together on the same line of the BOM. It is now possible to take account of the geometry of the parts
using the Regroup identical parts = YES / NO mode from the symbol tree of a BOM.
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BOM index
It is now possible to configure the type of extremity of the BOM indexes using the Tools | Options
BOM index Initial values function. For the notes, the selection becomes effective when the option
Same symbol everywhere is selected.
When numerical indices are used, it is possible to select the number to be displayed. This results in a
blistering of the same size and aligns the data in the tables. This setting is also available in the function
Tools | Options BOM index Initial values.
Hierarchized multi-level BOM
Multi-level BOMs can now be represented in a hierarchized manner with numerical (1.1.1), alphabetical
(A.B.C) or customer (1.A.1) references.
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Numbering of the set elements in the assembly document
BOM and identification of parts and subassemblies in the drafting document
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BOM with preview
It is now possible to create BOMs that contain a preview of the parts or components. The preview can be
either a prepared image (which must have the same name as the part), or a preview of the component
(as displayed on inclusion). For replacement parts, it is calculated automatically.
Justification of notes
It is now possible to manage the horizontal alignment of notes.
Title block
The dimensions of a subassembly can now be retrieved in a title block.
In the 32-bit version, the new Google Sketchup interface allows for the import of .skp files.
The Acrobat PDF3D interface has been improved and can now import textures and draft documents.
The Catia V5 Spatial interface now allows for the retrieval of drilling functions (Product
Manufacturing Information). This module is optional.
The help module produced by our partner ENI is now available in the Guide function in the Help menu.
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TopSolidMold 2009: Whats New
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This document describes the improvements made to the TopSolidMold software: 2009 version.
Join plane / Printouts
Managing join plane line and surface entities
Previously, it was necessary to take great care when designing join plane surfaces. Once these surfaces
were created, we recommended that you sew them together, in batches, in order to check the edges and
to detect any holes that may exist in the surfaces of the join plane. It was also difficult to manage the
display of the lines of join planes.
Now, the icon offers new possibilities. Thanks to a new dialog box, you can now manage the
display, assignment and verification of join plane surface assemblies.
When the join plane surfaces are created, they are automatically assigned to a set that is dedicated to
the creation of a cavity block. Various buttons provide access to the main functions that are required for
the quick and reliable management of your elements:
Zoom on selected element (part, surfaces, set of surfaces)
Show/Hide allocated join plane surfaces
Add surfaces to a set of surfaces allocated to a cavity block
Remove surfaces from a set of surfaces allocated to a cavity block
Show/Hide part(s)
Add parts to be injected to create a cavity block
Remove parts to be injected to create a cavity block
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Show/Hide the join planes
You can use the "check" zone to make all necessary check for the continuation of your study. Dedicated
icons can be used to zoom on elements and to delete them if they are not necessary for your project.
The configuration parameters of edges can be accessed in Tools | Options | Cavity blocks | Problems
Indent factor
The indent factor can now be expressed as a %, and no longer simply as a decimal value. You can select
this setting in Tools | Options | General | General.
Designing join planes
In view of the existence of a set of join planes, the SEW button has been replaced by a QUIT button.
When you quit the (internal or external) surface creation, the software allocates the surfaces in this set.
Creation wizard
Previously, it was possible to apply movement components (slide, guide rail, locking heel, angular pin)
one by one. Now, there is a wizard that enables you:
to choose your components in one go and to apply the movement set, once the types of assembly
have been chosen,
to adjust the parameters in the wizard, in order to optimize your values,
to save your user configurations and reuse them in another project.
Mold base
Orientation of the mold base
It is now possible to place the mold base on a "turned" reference and to manage specific orientations of
the mold base. The reference on the screen is now the tool reference rather than the mold base
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Modification of the tool reference
While this reference can be oriented, it can also be eccentric from the middle of the mold base. This
makes it easier to position components in many types of design.
Mold base parameters
The Modify mold base parameters function can be used in the Mold base context to quickly
modify the opening travel of the mold and the ejection travel. In this way, it is easier to act on the
movements of the mold.
The orientation in relation to the absolute reference and the offset of the tool reference in relation to the
mold base center can also be controlled at this point.
Regulation management
You can now group the regulation circuits, assign drill holes to a circuit and perform common regulation
operations using a dialog box:
Zoom on selected element (circuit or regulation)
Reverse direction of drill holes
Visualize the selected element (circuit or regulation)
Modify the selected element (circuit or regulation)
Check collision
Check efficiency
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The regulation parameters (attributes, dimensions, options) can also be accessed in this window.
It is now possible to rename the regulation circuits when creating them or in the management
It is also possible to group or ungroup the regulation circuits in this window by simple drag and drop.
The additional length is now accessible as a parameter.
It is now possible to pilot the depth of drill holes at the tip.
You can now manage regulation drill holes that open up on both sides.
Collision check
Collision checks between components have been improved in a number of ways:
Collisions are no longer calculated only for the body of the components, but also for their processes.
The results are now more visual, so that collision elements can be identified immediately.
Regulation also benefits from the improvements to collision check.
Attribution management
It is now possible to manage the default attributes (level, color, transparency) by component, rather than
by family of component. You can select this setting in Tools | Options | Mold components | Properties.
Multiple control of drilling processes
In preceding versions, it was possible to configure the default values of components sets. However, in
certain cases, it can be useful to make local changes to certain parameters of certain drill holes.
Using the Multiple modification of drill holes , which can be accessed from the Management
context, it is now possible to change several drill holes at the same time, plate by plate and according to
the components that generated these drill holes.
Modification of machining processes
It is now possible, in Tools | Options | Mold components | Machining process, to define a list of
TopSolidCam processes that are applicable to the machining operations generated by a component. In
this way, you prepare a list of processes that can be used in the mold environment, depending on the
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidMold 2009: Whats New
34 Missler Software
plates. Once the component has been inserted, the Modify process function can be used to
assign the right TopSolidCam process to the TopSolidMold machining operation from the predefined list.
This function also features an option to process all the drill holes in the project.
New components
New components have been added to the libraries, especially for the following standards:
DME Inch
Progressive Inch
Collaborative work
You can now work as a team simultaneously on the same project.
This allows you you to share the work on different parts of the mold between colleagues. Each team
member works on a file containing the parts that have been assigned to him. The coherence of the
project is managed and checked by a master document.
Sharing work
The software is flexible enough to allow for all types of organization. You can choose the subassemblies
that are shared between the different designers:
Injection / ejection / movements
Mold base / molding parts / feed
Inserts + associated movements / molding parts / mold base
The distribution is not rigid, since the users have permanent access to all the elements of the mold. The
organization can be changed at any time.
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Simultaneous work
Simultaneous work on the mold by viewing an assembly context in order to check the work done by other
designers in a synchronization phase. In this way, several people can handle the same part at the same
Remote sharing
The on-demand synchronization system between the different workstations allows for working in an
environment that can be temporarily desynchronized. Users then work remotely on an image of the
project (when traveling, outside the design office, etc.) and synchronize their work with the rest of the
project as soon as they return to the design team.
A general assembly is available at all times to completely assemble the project in order to check and
view the results of each user and to provide a reference for drafting and machining.
Mold document TopSolidViewer
Viewing the mold elements
The mold elements display window is now accessible in TopSolidViewer for the easier handling of
designs in this module.
Data management
The electrode data is now managed uniformly. All the data can be used and exported from the DGI
data table.
Data is now managed by gap value. In this way, different parameters can be assigned for each of
your electrodes (rough, semi-finished, finished).
Theoretical position
It is now possible to view the electrodes in the theoretical position. In this way, you can check their plunge
and project the electrodes onto the draft. This view of the theoretical electrodes is also possible with your
2D drawings.
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36 Missler Software
TopSolidProgress 2009: Whats New TopSolid 2009
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TopSolidProgress 2009: Whats New
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidProgress 2009: Whats New
38 Missler Software
This document sums up improvements added in TopSolid'Progress 2009 version.
Part preparation
Leading surface - lateral extension
A new option is available: lateral extension. This allows extending both extremities faces of leading
surface. This is particularly useful used in combination with unstamping on leading surfaces.
Edge path selection mode has been improved
A new selection mode is available in functions that need to select an edge path.It is possible to create an
edge path by only selecting its key edges. Application will select missing ones. Edge path extremities are
now displayed, helping user to detect eventual holes in path.
Parts with null internal bend radius management
Sometimes, parts are designed with no internal bend radius (this case often happens with connecting
parts). Unbending, loss computations and bending operations have been adapted to comply with such a
TopSolidProgress 2009: Whats New TopSolid 2009
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Strip design
Deep drawn parts management
New functionalities and components have been added to allow strip design for deep drawn
parts manufacturing.
A new function is available: Deep Draw Wizard. This wizard helps user to compute the needed num-
ber of steps to shape part, as well as minimum diameters of each step.
User can configure wizard from his own data: reducing coefficients according to material and thic-
A new function allows you to easily create a deep drawn part: Deep Drawn Part. Part can be defined
from cylindrical tool dimensions or from a shape for more complex parts.
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidProgress 2009: Whats New
40 Missler Software
New components aimed to deep drawn parts strip design are available:
Strip definition: Stations boundaries with profile
It is now possible to define station boundaries around the imported unbended part using a profile by
option called contour curve.
This is particularly useful to define accurately part position in strip.
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For example, it is possible to dimension station boundaries referring to part's geometries.
Strip operations
Strip coloring deactivation
It is possible to deactivate operations coloring of each type of faces of the strip (operated, lateral or
piloting faces).
Update blocking for stations
With Modify function, it is possible to temporarily block the update of strip stations from a selected
station. This new functionality is really useful to optimize computation times when a strip modification is
Indeed, when it is necessary to create several operations in a row on a single station, update will be
Die Base
Vertical spaces
A new standard component has been added to create an empty space between plates if needed.
It is possible to combine this new option with boundary curves creation
to design stations adapted to highly nested parts.
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42 Missler Software
A typical case for this functionality can be found for die sets with cleats and scrap shooting plates.
Components preview for creation
In dynamic mode, a preview of component is shown.
The coordinate system choice is made easier.
Hitching automation
It is possible to identify main faces of tool with function Shape | Mechanical/Other operations | Name.
These faces will be proposed when it is interesting to select them (distance measure for components,
non standard punches allocating face).
Reproduce function
This new function allows to copy, from a template component, some of its characteristics and to report
them on a selection of components to modify.
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Punches & dies
Centered cutting wave
It is now possible to create a centered cutting wave, positive or negative.
Fixing key groove
It is now possible to create a groove for a fixing key on all punches types.
Overbending management
The overbending on profile function can now consider the k factor in modes in which length should be
An unrolling mode has been added to this function.
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidProgress 2009: Whats New
44 Missler Software
Overbending management by shifting
Bending punches and dies now propose a new way to manage overbending: machining shift.
Clearance function has been rewritten
Selection of concerned faces has been improved (associative loop selection). Furthermore, it is now
possible to apply, complementarily to main clearance, several local clearances. Different treatments for
blended faces are available and help to keep their value or to suppress them.
Clearance on profile
This function can modify a profile in a similar way that the Clearances function do. Target profile can be
directly modified or can be duplicated before modification.
Finish die clearing
It is possible to add vertical fillets for rectangular or square pockets.
Corner relief
This new function allows user to easily create typical wire machinings for corner treatment (fillet, chamfer,
circular corner relief (centered or not)).

Corner relief samples in insert pockets in die plate.
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Visualisation dialog box
With Tools | Options, it is now possible to activate BOM index displaying in visualisation dialog box.
Aligned section
A new option in this function helps to create a setting up view for components.
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46 Missler Software
Drills table
Some improvements were done for drill tables: lines grouping for a single machining, drilling type
displayed with symbols.
TopSolid'Progress and TopSolid'Wire
It is now possible to manage push pointing diameter in Machining properties function. This mechanism
is now supported on slave parts.
TopSolidWood 2009: Whats New TopSolid 2009
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TopSolidWood 2009: Whats New
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidWood 2009: Whats New
48 Missler Software
This document describes the improvements made to the TopSolidWood software: 2009 version.
Control of part reversal for machining
When defining the part, it is now possible to enter a second positioning face in the export for the
machining of parts.
The following option is used to adjust the behavior of the software when both faces of the part to be
exported are machined.
Mode: one machining file
All the operations that are known by the interface are exported in the machining file.
Mode: two machining files
The software creates two programs. The operations are sorted and exported according to their reference
face (top/bottom) in order to control the reversal of the part.
By default, lateral operations are exported to the first program.
If the user wants to generate a reversal, the automatic reversal method of the part must be configured
beforehand in Tools | Options | TopSolidWood Configuration | Machining.
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Machining processes for design functions
It is now possible to associate a machining process with one of the following functions
(Molding, Groove, Fold, Tenon, Mortise).
Even if it only corresponds to one CAD/CAM text, a machining process is a set of settings and strategies
that are applied to an operation in TopSolidWoodCam.
Categorizing wood operations in the CAD/CAM software considerably optimizes the handling operations
and the time required to create the machining file in TopSolidWoodCam.
The list of processes is created in TopSolidWoodCam in Tools | Options | TopSolidWoodCam
Configuration | Processes. A "top.mac" file is generated in your (LOCAL or GROUP) configuration. By
default "C:MisslerConfig".
Machining nestings
When parts are nested, it is now possible to export the assembly of nested parts.
The software to be used is selected in Wood | Nestings | Automatic nesting machining in the window
shown below.
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidWood 2009: Whats New
50 Missler Software
Exporting and machining assemblies of parts
Assemblies and subassemblies can now be selected when exporting to the machining software
(WoodWOP, PanelCAM, Xilog +, Interfaces dxf 2d).
The notion of a panel entity can be directly exported to the corresponding software in order to create the
machining program.
It is also possible to export existing assemblies and subassemblies.
Associating a tool number with an operation
This new function is used to assign a tool number to one or more selected operations according to
certain criteria (Type of selection).
Even if it is not used by the CAD/CAM software, the tool number data is exported to the machining
software (excluding TopSolid WoodCam) so that the tool can be selected in the machine tool holder.
This applies to molding, counter-molding, grooving, folding, pocket and drilling operations.

A virtual calibration operation is created for each part.
There are four possible selections: select manually, select all operations, select operations with the
same tool number and select operations of the same type.
The tool number can be defined when creating a tool (Define | Define tool option).
It can also be modified later on in the tree containing all the shaping tools ("Change tool number"
context-sensitive menu).
For operations performed with shaping tools, the number of the shaping tool is the initial tool number.
All operations performed in the current document are available for selection, while other operations can
only be selected if they have a tool number. In this way, an operation in a component that does not have
a tool number cannot be selected in the assembly.
In certain cases, the driven point in the CAD/CAM software is different from a driven point on the
machine. Right-click on the tool in the construction tree to specify the driven point when machining.
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Molding on closed contours
When molding on a closed path, the origin of the calibration was initially made automatically on one of
the angles of the part.
It is now possible to change the point of origin of the path. This change is made by right-clicking in the
trees context-sensitive menu and selecting "Modify origin" on the path.'
TopSolidWoodCam export, configuration of the .bom file
The BOM file for multi-machining of parts in TopSolidWoodCam can be defined in 'Tools | Options |
TopWood Configuration | Files | Sort for selection of parts | TopSolid'WoodCam Export'.
This file is used to group parts together or to distinguish them by the BOM before selecting for export to
DecoupAidPro/Windec export
The distinction is made between the two interfaces by selecting the format in Tools | Options |
TopWood Configuration | DecoupAidPro/Windec Configuration'.
The application linked to each of the interfaces is also selected in Tools | Options | TopWood
Configuration | Files | Applications'.
For both interfaces, the reference of the stock model is exported instead of the material, if it exists. If not,
the material is exported (as in 6.9).
For DecoupAidPro, the thickness data is also exported.
Adding variables in WoodWOP
It is now possible to define and export a list of optional variables in Woodwop.
These variables are defined in:
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidWood 2009: Whats New
52 Missler Software
Tools | Options | TopWood Configuration | Machining | WoodWOP Configuration'".
Export to Triviso
From version 6.10, it has been possible to export data (designation, dimensions, edges, part geometry,
etc.) to Triviso.
The export is configured in Tools | Options | TopWood Configuration | Triviso.
Configuration of exports to optimization software from Tools |
Exports to optimization software (DecoupAidPro/Windec, OptiCoupe, Profit-Coupe and Ardis) can now
be configured in Tools | Options.
Two new folders have been added: a Machining folder containing the machining software (PanelCam,
WoodWop and Xilog) and a Cutting off folder containing the optimization software.
Codification of laminates
Like for the codification of edges, it is now possible to codify laminates by material, coating and
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Laminates are codified in the Laminate configuration tab, which is in Tools | Options | TopWood
Configuration | Edge/Laminate.
Two additional axes (Axes 5 and 6) are used to define the top and bottom faces of the part.
This codification can be retrieved in the BOM in order to simplify the installation of laminates by the Panel
and Laminate functions.
It also facilitates the selection of laminates when using the laminate editor in the panel and laminate
In the panel function, a new section at the bottom of the "Edge creation wizard" of the panel function can
be used to install laminates.
In the laminate function, the manual laminate placement function features new options to select the
laminate to be applied.
Associations for translations:
A mapping table between the dimensions and character chains can be defined in order to translate the
If the codification of the edge retrieves its height or the thickness for the laminate, the value is replaced
by the translation.
Laminate configuration
The new version of TopSolidWood 2009 includes laminate configuration.
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidWood 2009: Whats New
54 Missler Software
Like edge configuration, it is used to select laminates according to certain criteria in order to make local
changes in the design document.
The window has two tabs (List of parts and Laminate to apply).
The first is used to select the laminates to be modified (see the different methods to select in the
TopSolidWood on-line help).
The second is used to select a new laminate to be applied (the laminate can be chosen by
codification or manually).
Selecting edge coverings
In the new version of TopSolid, the edge creation wizard has been enhanced to quickly select the
covering edge and the covered edge.
The lines "Covering long side" and "Covering small side" have been added.
In the old version, when the "Covering/Covered" function was selected, the long side was "covering" by
default and it had to be changed to "covered" manually.
The covering small side can now be selected in a single click.
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Components remaining serial after insertion
When an assembly is serial, local machining of a part is applied to all the parts in the assembly.
Take the example of a serial laminate panel. If a drill hole is made on the top, the two laminates and the
support are drilled, otherwise only the top laminate is drilled.
It is now possible to manage the notion of serial parts after inclusion in an assembly.
Selection by properties
A new selection criterion is available for the following functions:
Material editor
Machining exports
This enhancement means that standard or user-defined properties can be used as selection criteria.
User properties are created in the properties editor: Attribute | Property | Property editor. They can be
used to enrich and refine the selection.
Changes to the miter cut function
The miter cut function has been enhanced in the new version with the automatic selection of directions.
A new AUTOMATIC or MANUAL appears at the start of the function.
In automatic mode, the axes are defined automatically, but they can be changed before the cut is
Changes to the groove and fold functions
It is now possible to apply a tool vertical radius that is different from the tool radius in the groove and fold
The tool vertical radius is set in the advanced options >> after having selected the reference face and the
edge for the path.
A new function (Use tool vertical radius) is therefore available in the advanced options.
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidWood 2009: Whats New
56 Missler Software
By default, this option is set to "No". If it is set to "Yes", it is then possible to enter the tool vertical radius.
In this way, it is possible to make grooves and folds with a tool diameter of 20mm, but with, for example,
a tool vertical radius of 2mm.
Realistic rendering
It is now possible to work in realistic rendering mode with TopSolid.
Changes to File/Properties
Function: File | Properties | TopSolidWood Properties
When the options are set in Tools | Options | TopWood Configuration, it is possible to retrieve this data in
the document using File | Properties. They apply to the codification of the edges and laminates. These
codifications are retrieved using the "Initialize list" command.
Configuration of multi-drafting
It is now possible to apply the multi-drafting settings from the template document.
In the template document, open TopSolidWood from File | Properties .
Each template document can now be customized, allowing users to create a series of multi-drafting
documents to meet their own needs.
Groove with 20 tool and with 2mm
tool vertical radius
Groove with 20 tool and without tool
vertical radius
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Retrieval of the dimensions of an assembly in a title block
When inserting parameters from the Wood | Insert parameters function in the title block, using
dimension data will allow the dimensions of the projected element to be retrieved on all the new
In this way, drafting a part will display its usage, that of the entire piece of furniture and its dimensions.
Interchanging subassemblies
It is now possible to interchange subassemblies, even if they are not standard components.
Use the Modify element function on the assembly to be interchanged.
Note: interchangeability between two files is only possible if the naming rules of the different elements
are obeyed.
Regrouping identical parts
In a BOM, parts with the same properties were regrouped on the same line, irrespective of their
It is now possible to take account of the geometry of the parts using the Regroup identical parts = YES
/ NO mode from the symbol tree of a BOM.
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidWood 2009: Whats New
58 Missler Software
Improving the driver parameters
When entering the values of a component driver, the new MESURE option can be used to create the
distance, length, radius or diameter parameters by selecting the faces or edges of the parts in the
Selecting two flat faces creates a Distance parameter.
Selecting a linear edge creates a Length parameter.
Selecting a cylindrical face or a circular edge creates a Diameter or Radius parameter.
Selecting a component provides access to its pilots.
Since, when measuring an element with the functions of the Analysis menu, the measured value is
displayed in the graphical zone, it is possible to add play by entering an expression with the parameter
that was created. In this case an indent of 30mm from the measurement is applied.
Predefined positioning constraints
In order to quickly include components, it is now possible to create predefined positioning in the
component models using the new function Define predefined positioning in the Assembly | Define
component menu.
Predefined positioning is a series of constraints (contact, orientation, etc.) defined in a component model.
Each of the constraints have their origin in an element of the main assembly and a destination in any
element (like the martyr parts in processes).
When inserting the component, it is possible to select one of the pre-defined positions, at which point the
software (the origin face is colored red) only asks for the destination faces according to the selected
Copying components with or without constraints
When copying a component that is positioned with constraints, it is now possible to copy its position
constraints and to merge the parameters used by these constraints.
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The component copy proposes to merge certain values and to use the same position as the copied
component (Position of the copied component), plus the list of pre-defined positions, if the user wants
to use another position.
The need to specify again the positioning face(s) using (SAME DESTINATION) or to manually specify
the new geometry using (IGNORE CONSTRAINT).
Intuitive positioning of components
Certain components, mainly in wood and fittings, are always positioned parallel or perpendicular to the
By way of example, furniture is always parallel to the floor and a power socket or switch is often on a
vertical wall. Therefore, these constraints are respected in TopSolid.
It is now possible to categorize components.
Locally by right-clicking on the main assembly and
Or in the configuration file of the standard using the following configuration words (the variant and type
are optional):
This configuration file is called lib.cfg and must be created at the root of the standard .
Positioning of the component in the Z+ axis in relation to the absolute reference.
Syntax: D_COMPO_POSITION_ON_ZP <tab> family <tab> type <tab> variant
E.g. D_COMPO_POSITION_ON_ZP <tab> Fitting <tab> Furniture <tab> 1-door box.
Positioning of the component perpendicularly in relation to the absolute reference.
Syntax: D_COMPO_POSITION_ORTHO_Z <tab> family <tab> type <tab> variant
E.g. D_COMPO_POSITION_ORTHO_Z <tab> Fitting <tab> Decoration <tab> Switch.
Positioning of the component in the Z- axis in relation to the absolute reference.
Syntax: D_COMPO_POSITION_ON_ZM <tab> family <tab> type <tab> variant
E.g. D_COMPO_POSITION_ON_ZM <tab> Fitting <tab> Decoration <tab> Ceiling light
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidWood 2009: Whats New
60 Missler Software
Note: intuitive positioning does not prevent the component from being positioned on faces other than
those declared in the configuration file. The selection echo on the other faces remains active, but the
configuration word disables dynamic previews on other faces.
Moreover, the dynamic positioning of components by key points has been improved in order to avoid
rotations due to the position of the cursor on the reference face. A configuration word has been added for
this purpose:
Syntax: D_COMPO_FIXED_XDIRECTION <tab> 0 or 1
1: activated.
0: deactivated, behavior identical to previous versions.
Material filtering
It is now possible to only view the commonly used materials and coatings in filtered mode.
The materials to be filtered are selected in Tools | Options | Material filtering
By default, materials are not filtered. In filtered mode, only the materials selected in Tools | Options |
Material filtering are displayed, when materials can be selected using the "Filter" option, like in the
Wood | Define part function.
Texture management and imports
It is now possible to use the notion of a Group.
TopSolidWood 2009: Whats New TopSolid 2009
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A new texture import mode can be used to create all the images in a folder.
When the folder is specified, the software imports and creates as many textures as there are images in
the selected folder.
Two two texture import modes (Fixed size or Resolution) check the dimensions of the textures.
With Fixed size, the user defines the size and with Resolution the size is measured in relation to the
Automatic numbering of an assembly
Projects can now be numbered automatically on multiple layers according to a definition.
Remember that numbering is performed in Assembly | Number set automatically or from the tree by
right-clicking on the line of the assembly.
Example of custom numbering. 1.A.
Images in a BOM
A new column in the BOM can be used to insert images associated with an element.
Formatting the name of the design document
It is now possible to predefine the default name of documents when saving them.
Document names are configured in Tools | Options | TopWood Configuration | Document | Save-
The default name can be defined by the designation of the assembly, its reference, or any other property
of the document, such as the supplier or contract number.
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidWood 2009: Whats New
62 Missler Software
It can also include various data, such as the designation and the reference.
Multi-document BOM
It is now possible to create BOMs including several documents (top).
Selection of the code and drivers for each selected document.
At the start of the BOM function, the user has a range of options. Select "Multi-files".
In the "File path" column, enter the path of the file containing the assembly to be inserted in the BOM.
The "Number" column is used to choose the number of the assembly.
It is also possible to use the code and drivers of the selected file.
Once the assemblies have been selected, save a .top file containing all the assemblies.
Exporting and importing projects
Function: File | Export project
This function can be used to include all the documents linked to a project (sub-assemblies, parts,
components, drawings, materials, textures and fonts) and to import them on another workstation. This
function is designed to make it easier to exchange projects.
Function: File | Import project
This function retrieves all the exported data (materials, textures, standard components, etc.) and inserts
them in the TopSolid configuration.
When importing project data, the existing data can be kept or overwritten. This applies to standard
components, materials, textures and hatch patterns.
Configuring the bill of material index
The configuration of the BOM index has been improved in Tools | Options | Bill of material index |
Initial values. A list of options for the extremities of arrows and a "Same symbol everywhere" tick box
have been added.
The BOM bubbles can also be configured so that they are all the same size and the data in the tables
can be aligned using the "Number of figures to display" option.
Google Sketchup import
Google Sketchup files (extension .skp) can be opened in TopSolid. The import creates a set of surfaces
and not a solid.
TopSolidCam 2009: Whats New TopSolid 2009
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TopSolidCam 2009: Whats New
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidCam 2009: Whats New
64 Missler Software
This document describes the improvements made to the machining application of TopSolidCam
software in 2009 release.
Most of the dialog boxes can be resized. However, some specific dialog boxes and the tool choice dialog
box do not change.
A new option allows holes search which are hidden by the part itself. This improvement is very conve-
nient for very big parts like machines structure (frames, mechanically welded parts, etc.).
On features analysis and cylinders analysis, the user can set filters to reduce the list of the displayed
On manual cycle operations, the picking doesnt highlight the profiles which arent circular and the
faces which are planar or spherical.
On manual cycle operations, the user can pick an existing operation to get its geometry.
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Features analysis
Some features which have geometric components which are not machinable are automatically grey out
to avoid the creation of cycle operations.
Back spot-facing
Indexed tools are supported. The tools shift, the rotation direction and the different movements are
automatically calculated.
The stock is updated and the verify option are available on back spot-facing.
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidCam 2009: Whats New
66 Missler Software
Automatic detection of holes crossing to be able to modify the tool feed rate when the tool reaches the
areas where the holes are crossing. This technological avoids tools breaking and is very useful for
moulds makers.
3/4 Drilling
A specific drilling operation has been added. This cycle operation enables drilling of regular holes with ?
drilling tools.
Drilling with staggered tools
The choice of the driven point has been improved to be independent of the diameter which is used for
TopSolidCam 2009: Whats New TopSolid 2009
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2D Milling
Approaches and retracts
The user can define customized approaches and retracts.Theses approaches and retracts tool paths
are designed through parameterised TopSolid'Design files with specific parameters.
Specific approaches and retracts for TopSolidWoodCam application has been added.
Multiples contouring
It is now possible to sort tool paths according some optimization criterias (shortest, zigzag, square
Breaking angle
It is now possible to sort produced operations to get the shortest tool path.
Tangential feed rates
When feed rates on approaches and retracts are defined, these values arent modified if peripheral feed
rate is selected on the main contouring operation.
Helical contouring
In some particular cases (helical contouring on cylinders or circles), the definition of retract points is
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidCam 2009: Whats New
68 Missler Software
3D Milling
Transparency colour planes allow visualization of the machinable areas.
Tool length management
A very deep tool path can be splitted in many portions according the utile length of the tools. In
TopSolidCam 2009, it is possible to use more than 2 tools. It was not the case before. It is also possible
to set new cutting conditions at the same time.
Roughing, Undercut roughing, Z Level, Planar faces machining
The utile length management has been modified to take account of the real shape of the link.
It is possible to set specific feed rates for approaches and retracts.
Finishing (Parallel plane, Z Level, Projected pocketing, radial parallel plane &
3D contouring)
Staggered tools are supported.Staggered tools are supported. This new improvement was in test for beta
users in TopSolidCam 2008.
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4&5D Milling
4 axis roughing
Creation of a new module which enables automatic roughing 4 axis operations on parts like extrusion
screws, impellers and similar.
Swarf machining & 5 axis contouring
On 5axis head/head machines and for closed tool paths, automatic choice of the starting point to be
able to machine parts in one round. This avoids to reach an angular stoke before the end of the ope-
ration (Case A becomes case B).
Possibility to set the angular solution which must be used on the first point of the tool path.
The head/head machines which have stoke values bigger than one round are supported.
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70 Missler Software
5 axis contouring
A new option enables sinusoidal movement of the tool, along the tool path. In aeronautical area,
when users machines carbon fibbers material, this allows to use all the utile length of the tool and to
reduce tool costs.
A new option enables to set feed rates values according of the colour of the support faces.
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It is now possible to make roughing operations by using a milling tool (like an automatic 4 axis operation).
It is very convenient for roughing on big parts with high depth passes.
For the function finishing faces & diameters , a new parameter enables to set if fillets are linked to the
faces or to the cylinders.
Plunge roughing
Chip breaker option has been added on all the passes of the plunge roughing operation. The user can
set different depth and feed rates values.
The user can set the radial pass depth. Before, that value was defined by the wide of the groove insert
Axial & radial drillings
A new option enables to set the direction (clockwise, counter clockwise and automatic) of the axial
and radial drilling operations.
It is now possible to edit the direction of drilling for through holes (from outside or from outside).
Axial pocketing
Topological and on profiles axial open pocketing operation has been added.
Tool movements
A new option enables to define how the geometry must be defined when the user is working on the
opposite side of the rotation axis.
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72 Missler Software
Dynamic collisions
It is now possible to check collisions with the chuck when it is rotating or not.
Integration of the version 6.5 of MachineWorks which reduces memory needs during solids calculations
(creation, saving or loading).
A new option enables to create WCSs by copy in translation. It is like a circular array but linear !
Improvement of the links between features and machining to be able to manage axial, radial and wire
EDM processes.
Drilling by contouring a circle
According to the size of the diameter on a hole, this one can be drilled or contoured.The contouring
operation is a milling operation. To simplify the process creation, the contouring of a circle has been
added in the drilling operations list. It is much easier to define this kind of process.

Approaches and links movements (F4)
A comment has been added on movements to know if they are in RTCP mode.
A button has been added to display the security block.
In the operations manager, it is now possible to replace an approach method by another.
Possibility to move the tool or the part in the direction of the machine axis.
Possibility to edit the movement to the tool change point even if this movement is not shown in the
operations manager (Shift F4)
A list of tool holders which are able to work on a part holder has been added.
Element definitions have been added to manage removable tool holders.
An option to read names and groups from machines files has been added.
Operations manager
According to the part WCS, it is possible to know the minimal values of the Z coordinate of the opera-
tions plan.
It is possible to create, edit and delete operations propagations directly from the contextual menu of
the operations manager.
The total time displayed in the operations manager is taking account of the tool change time defined
in the machine.
It is possible to edit the WCS and the tool of an operation without editing the operation itself.
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Addition of the variable depth_type_str to define the drill depth type (utile, tip, gauge).
It is now possible to export TopTool Database in an explicit format compatible with Excel readers.
Possibility to set the default values of the parameters which are displayed in the dialog boxes from the
dialog boxes themselves.
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This document describes the improvements made to the sheetmetal application of TopSolidSheetMetal
software in 2009 release.
Common part Punching - Cutting
Create oriented part
This is a new function in the menu File in the Part document that let to prepare in advance a part at
different orientations in order to do that the part evacuation will be at the good position.
A PCH given part named 675348. pch machined on Finn Power with unloading at bottom right. This file
is linked to drawing TOP file 675348. t op.
To create the part turned at 90, call the function in the menu File of the part document :
The system create the file 675348#R=90. pch and display it on screen. The PCH file is linked to the
initial TOP file 675348. t op with a transformation of 90.
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All the machinings are copied by default, but it is possible to modify machinings locally and particularly
the unloading position.
The number of orientations is not limited. The different orientations are stored in the original PCH file.
When the function is run again on the same file, the questions bar like gollowing let to the user to know
the oriented parts previously created and manage them.
Example of rectangular nesting of the part with rotation liberties of 0 and 90:
When the nesting will put a part at a given orientation, it will search if the part as been created at this
given orientation at it will use the corresponding file xxxxx#R=yyy. pch.
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Even if the file linked is the file named 675348#R=90. pch, only the only part reference 675348 is
displayed in the part list nested (for the quantities of parts management).
If the part has not been defined to the given orientation on the nesting, the system takes back the original
PCH file and applies the orientation transformation to all the machinings.
Automatic marking / lettering of parts
Let to do automatic marking / lettering of the parts of the nesting, for punching or laser cutting regarding
to the machine (marking or cutting). A new " linked action associated to nesting " will make theses
The lettering is set at the centre or on one of the 4 corners of the part and it takes the orientation of the
nested part. When the user wants to put the text on one of the corners of the part, the geometry of the
external contour is taken into account and also the holes of the part. If no solution is found, the lettering is
set at the centre of the part.
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See configuration in Tools | Options.
For combined machines, a supplementary option let to choose the used technology to create the
letterings (Punch /Cut).
Building the letterings during the nesting
A link action in the tasks manager and in the nesting order will build the letterings of the parts.
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80 Missler Software
Modification of the text with the modification key function
IIt is now possible to set the position of origin point of the text at the centre of the text itself.
Reach a given waste rate in complex nesting
During complex nesting, it is possible to set a given waste rate to reach for each sheet ; the system will
try to reach this waste rate for each sheet while decreasing the rotation step of all the parts that are
allowed to be rotated.
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Configuration of the function:
Packing the last sheet (complex nesting)
During the complex nesting, the last sheet is realized with the straight front strategy when the waste rate
becomes greater than the maximum defined in the nesting order.
But sometimes, the straight front strategy leaves too much material and it is difficult to build the cut of the
remaining waste.
This new method of nesting is applied to the last sheet.
The compute of the waste has changed (to find if the sheet is going to be nested with straight front
strategy) : in previous versions, the compute of the waste rate was done on exact surface of the parts
(with holes) ; now the compute of the waste is done with external only external contours of the parts
(without the holes).

Default value in Tools | Options
Adjust the value in the complex nesting order
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidSheetMetal 2009: Whats New
82 Missler Software
The configuration is done per machine in the Default nesting parameters.
It is possible to change the default value in the nesting order itself.
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"Maximum number of different parts per sheet
This new function let the capability to configure (in Tools | Options) the maximum number of different
parts on a sheet and it is possible to adjust this number in the complex nesting order dialog box.
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84 Missler Software
Local adjust in the nesting order dialog box.
Default nesting parameters
In complex nesting, the packing with the strategy Maximum Fill nesting is always in the Optimal
packing mode when a new nesting order is created.
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Now, it is possible to force (or not) this data in the default parameters of the machine.
Adjust of the step of the sheet configuration
Let the user to configure in Tools | Options the value of the adjust step of the sheet displayed by default
during the modification of the sheet with the key.
Function to manage manually the working areas
This new function is used to:
the manual creation of the working areas taking in account eventually of the backward shift (on some
machines) to visualize the first area
the tuning of the clamps positions in a given area that is not specially the first area

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86 Missler Software
the settings of a given number of area for each part
The SHIFT button is used to set the position of the jacks (or the head) and also to set the shift value to
access to the area given in the combo.
If the area is number 1, this shift will be a backward shift (negative value).
The jacks are on cursor mouse.
Click at the chosen position.
All the machine elements are on the cursor mouse and also all the accessibility areas of punching,
cutting and taping areas (eventually). It is also possible to input the value with keyboard (unit length is the
one in the current document)
The button CLAMPS POSITIONS is used to set the clamps position. In the area number 1, it is possible
to change the visualization of the clamps security areas.
The button ADD / REMOVE A ZONE is used to add or remove a given area.
To add a new area, click at the chosen position where the shift area will be created. The shift line is
displayed on the cursor mouse and click the end position.
The combo is changed to next area:
Use now the button SHIFT to tune the jacks position and the shift value to go from area 1 to area 2.
The button PARTS IN ZONE is used to set the working area on the parts.
Set the working area of each part of the nesting
In a nesting of different parts on a sheet that needs shifts, some parts will be cut by a shift line. Actually, it
is possible to finish the sequences of a part cut by a shift line, but the machinings are always done in the
area before the shift.
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This new function is used to force the machining of each part in a given area, and then to decide that all
the machinings of a given part cut by a shift line, will be done together in the area on the left or on the
right of the shift line.
To force the part to be done completely in the area on the right of the shift line call the function Working
zone of parts.
Trapp door visualisation
This news is used to have a best control of the evacuation of the part, using the trapp door visualization
in the dialog box of modification of a punching or cutting.
By default, only this punch will be done in the left area.
Select the numero of the area and select the parts to "set" in this
area (by selection)
Do the same for the zone 2
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88 Missler Software
The trapp door is visualized in thin dash yellow on the last punch done just before the evacuation.
The trapp door is visualized in thick orange after the shift for fill down the part (value given by the shift
in dialog box).
The read arrow shows the shift vector.
Note:The visualization is up-to-date when the user changes of trapp door (in combo), when the user
changes the value of the shift, and also when the start angle is changed for circles. When the trapp door
is changed, the start angle for circles is automatically computed to have the best position of the punch
where is set the evacuation, to be optimal regarding to the trapp door configuration.
Additional information in the Operations order of the simulation
In the dialog box of operations order using the operations display Complete, the parts that use a
given tool or a given kind of cutting are now displayed in a list in the group box Strategy.
A new button Details of cutting operation is used to visualize in a special dialog box the different
sequences grouped in a given operation. This is only possible in display mode Complete and only on
TopSolidSheetMetal 2009: Whats New TopSolid 2009
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combined machines.
Draft operator card and drafting
When the same name is kept for a part from its creation until the machining, it is possible that the draft
operator card has the same name as the drafting of the part :
Exampl e. TOP (3D sheet metal part and its 2D unfold)
Exampl e. DFT (Drafting of the sheet metal part)
Exampl e. PCH (Punching / Cutting of the part alone)
Exampl e. MEG (Nesting of the part)
Exampl e. I SO (NC file)
Exampl e. CAR (Text operator card)
Exampl e. DFT (Draft operateur card)
In the previous versions, during the creation of the operator card, the drafting file was replaced, because
it had the same name.
To make difference between draft operator card and part drafting, it is now possible to add automatically
the string of characters to the name of the draft operator card (see Tools | Options).
TopSolid 2009 TopSolidSheetMetal 2009: Whats New
90 Missler Software
With this configuration, the draft operator card will be: Exampl e_. DFT
This traitment is not done on file created from nest orders (numbered):
Or der #st eel #10#01. megOr der #st eel #10#01. df t
Or der #st eel #10#02. megOr der #st eel #10#02. df t
Operator cards
The information of " Completion part " is now available in draft operator cards. de pice Bouche trou
est disponible dans les fiches oprateurs. Add a new column with the text: Compl . par t
Example of nest orders operator card
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Nest orders draft operator cards
It is now possible to personalise the names of draft orders operator cards per machine using the name of
DFT file with the character _ followed by the name of the machine.
Universal models
Or der Opcar d. df t Simplified operator card
Or der Opcar dCompl . df t Complete operator card
Example with a machine "TL3050"
Or der Opcar d_t l 3050. df t for the simplified operator card
Or der Opcar dCompl _t l 3050. df t for the complete operator card
Replace the character # in the path of ISO file
The # character is a separator use to find easily the different fields (like material, thickness) in the
nesting file name. This # character is sometimes refused by NC controllers.
Example: ABC#steel#35#02.iso
Before creating the ISO file, all # characters will be substituted with another character (or by nothing ).
The # character just before the program number may be replaced by a different than the other # found.
Example of standard operator card
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See configuration in Tools | Options :
Shift along Y of SheetMaster during the picking
Let the capability to move the sheetmaster along Y during the picking of the parts with the zuckers.
The sheetmaster has a Y access field of 400 mm (for example).
The configuration is done by the modification of the configuration file of the unloader.
Example: $PUNCHDATA\trumpf5000-0_sheetmaster.cfg
# The rudder bar is allowed to pick the part along Y :
# minimun and maximum value (if not written, no shift is available)
In the function Unload parts, the questions bar is now like following:
Input the values and validate them by ENTER to visualize the new position of the sheetmaster.
Add a part during the unload operation of the sheet with zuckers
Let the capability to unload a part at the same time as the sheet.
During the unload of the sheet using the function , the new questions bar is now:
The button AUTO SELECTION is used to select the zuckers of the remaining skeleton ( the previous
selection is replaced)
The button ADD GIVEN PART ZUCKERS is used to add to the current selection, the zuckers to unload
the part selected.
The part and the skeleton will be unloaded at the same time.
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Combined machines
Automatic punch allocation on combined machines
A new check state is available in the dialog box of automatic allocation on combined machines, that let to
machin only the contours that will be punched with one punch only. The other contours (more
complexes) will be done after using cutting (laser) technology.
Micro attachs during punching automatic allocation
It is possible to set micro attachs in the corners and /or distributed on external contour of the part during
the automatic allocation of the tools in punching (See Tools | Options).
The configuration of the values are done in the menu Manage | Micro joints.
The lengths of the lines and the number of distributed micro attachs (for automatic allocation) are input
by matter / thickness.
Dialog box of automatic allocation
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If no data is set for a given matter / thickness, the number of distributed micro attaches is taken by default
as the one defined for automatic splitting.
How does it work?
The distributed micro attachs are created on a line, only if no micro attach still exist on the line before the
run of the automatic allocation. (the micro attachs still on the line are not replaced).
The micro attachs on the corners or " at extremity " are now managed on punched notchs.
Optimisation of the punching in full matter
This new function will Optmize the punching using the decomposition of punched lines and punched
rectangles like this:
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The information may be set on the geometry in the punch PCH part or in the nesting. Use the 'key'
function to modify the allocation..
The information is sent to the simulation without any particular modification.
It is possible de preset this information in Tools | Options if all the punchings will be optimized in full
matter during manual or automatic allocation.
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It is also possible to make local modification during the simulation using a particular function that operate
on simulation sequences ; use the function:
The questions bar is now:
The button All lines and rectangles operates on all the document.
Or it is possible to trait some sequences taken using the selection.
The simulation sequences selected and transformed are erased of the simulation. You must redisplay the
simulation to see the punching in full matter.
Decomposition of notches in lines using a given tool during automatic alloca-
It is possible to configure in Tools | Options the choice of a default tool to machin the notches when
these ones are decomposed into lines, during automatic allocation.
The tool is the same for any thickness and matter.
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If no particular tool is wanted, choose None at the top of the list..
Speed of the machinings on circular parts
The improvements is on a best selection of simulation sequences (on each, user wants to apply a speed
coefficient) and on capabilities to cut circular sequences with evacuation, to reduce the speed on some
punches just before evacuation.
Use the function Simulation other options, button SPEED machining.
Example of a circular part:
When the part or waste is evacuated, the remain punches are done with maximum speed:
The main punches are punched with maximum
Some punches before evacuation are punched with
reduced speed
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Colours Burning - Cutting
In 6.9 version, it is possible to associate a colour to the TopSolid elements for the curves that will be cut
and another colour for the TopSolid elements for the curves that will be marked.
This improvement has been extended to the elements that will only " burned ", but not cut.
Configuration in Tools | Options:
When the check state Manage colours of elements of design document is checked, it is possible to
choose a colour for the elements that will be cut, a colour for the elements that will be marked, and a
colour for the elements that will be burned. The elements that have another colour will not be traited by
the automatic cutting allocation.
During automatic cutting, new options let to do the " burning only " or to chain burning operations,
marking operations and then the remaining cuttings.
Design Document Cutting Document
To improve readibility, the " burned " elements are
display with a "dash dot" line type.
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Default gas
Let the capability to configure the default gas for a given machine during the importation of the part (see
Tools | Options).
Function to copy the cutting parameters
In the dialog box to manage cutting parameters, it is now possible to copy all the parameters of a given
line, with also the datas for "Lead in /out" using the button: Copy Line.
Index Cutting parameters
Select in the left list the line to copy and in the right list, the line (or the lines) that will be copied.
Warning: All the parameters existing on these lines will be overwriten.
Index Lead in / out standard and Lead in / Out common cutting
The copy is done from a given line to some other lines. The copy is restricted to the kind of Lead in / out
referenced by the current index.
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Cutting trajectories on a part of contour
This new function is used to realize a cutting on a part of the contour by selecting a starting element and
a ending element.
Machining allocation of each element
The machining allocation may be Complete or Limited.
When the allocation is limited, a limitation point is created automatically at the picking point
Lead in and Lead out configuration
It is possible to change the lead in/out Full line and the lead in/out On corners.
The lead in/out Full line will be used when the allocation is limited.
The lead in/out On corners will be used when the allocation is complete.
Additional cuttings
It is possible to add additional cuttings (loopings, chanfers, fillets) during this operation.
Kind of link
From the second operation, it is possible to create a link between the cuttings (Linkage = Automatic).
When the selection of the first segment, a red arrow shows the direction.
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If the arrow does not show the good direction, click on the button INVERT DIRECTION to machine the
other part of the contour.
Example of limited allocation
It can be done on the first and / or the last segment selected.
Sketelon cut (function improvement)
The datas input in the function Skeleton cut are not saved until TopSolid application is not quit.
All the values are stored in the configuration file regarding to the matter, the thickness and the sheet
sizes. The button CONFIGURATION appears in the question bar:
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102 Missler Software
This button access to the dialog box following:
Note: If the function is run another time on cutting skeleton still created, the previous cuttings will be
removed and overwritten.
A new batch action can be run to create automatically the cutting of the skeleton with given parameters
regarding to given sheet sizes on given matter and given thickness.

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Tube Cutting
Improvements on functions
Angle of the lead in on the external contour
During the use on allocation cutting functions on external contour of tube, the angle may not be in the
continuity of the contour because the crater done during the fit is put on the machined geometry.
The improvement consists to adjust automatically the angle of the lead in on the external contour.
Use the check state in Tools | Options - Adjust leading angle on external contour of tube.
Position of the lead in on internal contours
During the use of automatic cuttings and linkings, the position of the lead in on each contour is
computed to avoid to go over the machined contour before going to the next contour.
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104 Missler Software
Cutting Milling
Sorting cutting trajectories with some mill tools on the same contour
Arrange the sort of trajectories to permit the allocation of some different mill tools on a same contour.
Each different tool is allocated on a part of contour separated by micro attachs.
Run the function Automatic cuttings and linkings; Go to consult the dialog box using the button With
Sort of cuttings, it appears only the different kinds of machining declared in the cutting parameters,
with their associed tool..
Modify locally the tool on cutting trajectories using the function .
Be careful to remove link trajectories around micro attachs if these link trajectories make links between
cuttings with different tools.
After the toll change, it is possible to remove all link trajectories and rerun the function Automatic
cuttings and linkings. The dialog box of the Sort cuttings let appear now the kinds of contour and
the tools really allocated on cuttings trajectories. So now links could be done correctly.
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Visualization of the Mill tool during the simulation
Use the capability to display during the simulation the shadow of the mill tool on external contours of the
parts, to have a best control of collisions.
Configuration : You may add manually a configuration word in the file:
Example of simulation:
The offseted trajectory is displayed in yellow. The shadow of the tool is displayed in orange dash.
Other configuration:
To change the colour of the line type, add theses words in the file topzpch.cfg and change the values.
# Colour of offset curves of the tool in simulation (milling) (Orange = 6)
# Line type of offset curves of the tool in simulation (milling) (DASHDOT = 3)
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