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HP Network Node Manager i Software

Policies for Integrating HP NNMi with HP Operations

Release 9.20

This whitepaper describes HPOM policies for NNMi incidents received through the HP
Operations agent implementation of the HP NNMi-HPOM integration. This whitepaper
presents a brief summary of the NNMi default policy conditions and describes alternative policy

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Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Message Create ............................................................................................................................... 3
Message Close (Acknowledge) .......................................................................................................... 5
Up Events ............................................................................................................................................ 6
NodeUp.......................................................................................................................................... 7
InterfaceUp ...................................................................................................................................... 8
NNMi 8.1x Policy Considerations .................................................................................................... 10
Appendix A ...................................................................................................................................... 12
NNMi NodeDown Trap Definition ................................................................................................... 12
NNMi Event Closed Trap Definition.................................................................................................. 13
We appreciate your feedback! ............................................................................................................ 14
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The recommended method for integrating HP Network Node Manager i Software (NNMi) with HP
Operations Manager (HPOM) is to enable the NNMi northbound integration module to forward NNMi
incidents as SNMPv2c traps to an HP Operations agent. This method requires an HPOM policy file to
interpret the NNMi incidents so HPOM can recognize and process them.

The NNMi-provided script generates a default policy file for the currently
configured NNMi incidents. The default policy file is a good starting point when integrating NNMi with
HPOM. Many customers find the default policy file to be sufficient with little or no modification. Some
customers benefit from modifying or replacing the default policy file.

This whitepaper reviews the approach for managing NNMi incidents using the default policy file and
suggests alternate policy conditions that can resolve specific problems.

NNMi Incident-Specific Policy

This section describes the default integration behavior as defined in the default policy file.

In HPOM, messages are created and acknowledged based on the NNMi incident UUID (universal unique
identifier). Every incident created by NNMi is unique and is identified by its UUID. If multiple traps of the
same type are sent from the same node, each trap sent is considered unique. For example, if two
traps are sent from the same device for the same interface, NNMi generates two
incidents, each with a distinct UUID. The creation and acknowledgement of incidents by
UUID is preserved with the default policy file.

An HPOM policy is registered with the HPOM management server and then deployed to the HP Operations
agent that receives incidents from NNMi. The HPOM policy describes how the HP Operations agent
interprets the NNMi traps. Traps not matching conditions specified by the policy are discarded. Traps
matching conditions in the policy are transformed into HPOM messages and then forwarded to the HPOM
management server.

The ability to automatically create and close messages received from NNMi is an important feature when
integrating with HPOM as an event consolidator. This functionality requires the correlation of messages
within HPOM. With the NNMi default policy file, message correlation is accomplished by including a
attribute in the message create condition and a ACK statement in the message
close condition.
Message Create
When an NNMi incident trap matches an HPOM policy condition, the trap is transformed into an HPOM
message. A attribute specifies the pattern used by HPOM to correlate messages together. In an
NNMi default policy file, messages are correlated using the NNMi incident UUID. The for an
NNMi default message create condition must contain the NNMi incident UUID and can contain additional
information to explain the purpose of the message. Figure 1 shows the pattern for the NNMi default

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MSGKEY "<nnmiIncidentUuid>:Create"

Figure 1
When an HP Operations agent processes the NNMi incident using the HPOM policy, it substitutes the
actual incident UUID in place of nnmiIncidentUuid. The :Create is additional information
identifying the message as created.

Figure 11 in Appendix A shows the trap definition for an NNMi NodeDown (nnmiMgmtEvNodeDown)
incident. The nnmiIncidentUuid variable is found in position 6 of the trap definition. When processing
a trap, HPOM does not know about the variable name for a trap but can access a variable based on the
position of the variable in the trap. This position, or index, is used in the policy condition. Figure 2 shows
the actual MSGKEY definition used for NNMi default policy file create message conditions.

MSGKEY "<$6>:Create"

Figure 2
Figure 3 shows a complete message create condition for the NNMi NodeDown incident. As an exercise,
examine Figure 11 to identify the nnmiMgmtEvNodeDown trap variable names for the variables referenced
by index in this condition (for example, $21 is nnmiIncidentSourceNodeHostname).

# from EVENT NodeDown . "Fault" Critical
CONDITION_ID "3963982f-ffe5-4b5d-bbf2-30af25a4fee0"
$e "."
$G 6
$S 32
NODE IP "<$21>"
OBJECT "<$25>"
MSGKEY "<$6>:Create"
CUSTOM "nnm.incident.uuid" "<$6>"
CUSTOM "" "<nnmiserver>"
CUSTOM "nnm.server.port" "<nnmiport>"
CUSTOM "" "<$5>"
CUSTOM "nnm.priority" "<$13>"
CUSTOM "nnm.assignedTo" "<$19>"
CUSTOM "nnm.category" "<$7>"
CUSTOM "nnm.origin" "<$9>"
CUSTOM "" "<$25>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.uuid" "<$27>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.type" "<$26>"
CUSTOM "nnm.emittingNode.uuid" "<$22>"
CUSTOM "" "<$21>"
CUSTOM "RelatedCiHint" "<$43>"
CUSTOM "EtiHint" "NodeStatus:Down"
TEXT "<$11>"
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HELPTEXT "This incident indicates that NNMs Advanced
Problem Analyzer has determined the node is down based on the following
analysis: 1) 100% of the addresses assigned to this node are unreachable,
and 2) The SNMP agent installed on this machine is not responding. At
least two of the neighboring devices can be reached and are reporting
problems with connectivity to this node."

Figure 3
Message Close (Acknowledge)
When an incident is closed in NNMi, the NNMi northbound interface sends an
EventLifecycleStateClosed trap to the HP Operations agent. Figure 12 in Appendix A describes the
trap definition for the nnmiEvClosed
trap. The EventLifecycleStateClosed trap contains much of
the same information available in the original NNMi incident including the UUID of the original incident.
This information is used to create a message close condition in the NNMi default policy file.

Messages that are identifiable through the MSGKEY attribute can be correlated and acted upon when the
correlation condition is satisfied. For the HP NNMi-HPOM integration, the intended action is to
automatically close, or acknowledge, messages in HPOM when an incident is closed in NNMi. A
MSGKEYRELATION ACK statement in the message close condition forms the correlation condition and
specifies the acknowledge action. When the correlation condition is satisfied, the correlated message (or
messages) is acknowledged.

The form of a MSGKEYRELATION ACK statement is similar to the MSGKEY attribute. For NNMi default policy
file close conditions, the close condition must match messages with a MSGKEY composed of an NNMi
incident UUID and the text :Create. Figure 4 shows the MSGKEYRELATION ACK statement used by the
NNMi default policy file.

MSGKEYRELATION ACK "^<nnmiIncidentUuid>:<*>$" ICASE

Figure 4
The statement in Figure 4 correlates and acknowledges all messages with a MSGKEY matching

Figure 5 shows the complete message condition for closing a NodeDown incident. The variable in position
6 is the NNMi incident UUID of the original incident. Active messages in HPOM that match the pattern
^<$6>:<*>$ are closed on receipt of this message.

# from EVENT EventLifecycleStateClosed .
"LOGONLY" Normal
DESCRIPTION "EventLifecycleStateClosed"
CONDITION_ID "6d7a85f3-81f5-4daa-9279-a60c074dc34d"
$e "."
$G 6
$S 1000
$14 "4"
$5 "NodeDown"

nnmiEvClosed and EventLifecycleStateClosed are synonymous. The HP-NNMi-NBI-MIB notification names follow a naming convention required for well-
formed MIBS and are subject to length limitations.
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NODE IP "<$21>"
OBJECT "<$25>"
MSGKEY "<$6>:Close"
CUSTOM "nnm.incident.uuid" "<$6>"
CUSTOM "" "<nnmiserver>"
CUSTOM "nnm.server.port" "<nnmiport>"
CUSTOM "" "<$5>"
CUSTOM "nnm.priority" "<$13>"
CUSTOM "nnm.assignedTo" "<$19>"
CUSTOM "nnm.category" "<$7>"
CUSTOM "nnm.origin" "<$9>"
CUSTOM "" "<$25>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.uuid" "<$27>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.type" "<$26>"
CUSTOM "nnm.emittingNode.uuid" "<$22>"
CUSTOM "" "<$21>"
CUSTOM "RelatedCiHint" "<$30>"
CUSTOM "EtiHint" "NodeStatus:Up"
TEXT "Event (<$5>,<$6>) is closed.
HELPTEXT "NNMi event is closed."

Figure 5
The MSGKEYRELATION ACK statement appears in both the create and close message conditions. The
attribute is included in the create message conditions for the unlikely case that a duplicate incident is sent. If
a duplicate is sent, the previously active message is acknowledged and only the most recent message
remains active.
Up Events
This section describes how to modify the NNMi default policy file for customers accustomed to receiving
NodeDown/NodeUp and InterfaceDown/InterfaceUp event pairs.

Note: For NNMi 8.1x, additional modifications are required to the NNMi default policy file. When
making changes to an NNMi 8.1x policy, also see NNMi 8.1x Policy Considerations on page10.

NNMi manages incident state through an incident lifecycle. Incidents move through a series of lifecycle
states. (For more information on incident lifecycle states, see the NNMi help.) Ultimately, when an incident
has been resolved, it is closed. An incident can be closed by NNMi Causal Engine root cause analysis,
NNMi Event System correlations or actions, an NNMi console user, or an external program through the
NNMi SDK. When an incident is closed in NNMi, the NNMi northbound interface sends a close trap to
the HP Operations agent. HPOM processes this trap as an EventLifecycleStateClosed message.
Some customers might want to replace this message with a more specific close message that corresponds to
the situation when a node or an interface returns to an operational state that is NodeUp or InterfaceUp.
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When the NNMi Causal Engine determines that a node has resumed normal operation after having been
down, it closes the original NodeDown incident and assigns a close reason of NodeUp to the incident.

The close reason is available in the EventLifecycleStateClosed trap that NNMi sends. Using this
information, you can create a new close condition that replaces the default policy file
EventLifecycleStateClosed condition. For a description of the EventLifecycleStateClosed
(nnmiEvClosed) trap definition, see Figure 12 in Appendix A. The original
EventLifecycleStateClosed condition can be copied with the following modifications:

1. Test that trap variable #5 (nnmiIncidentName) is equal to "NodeDown".
2. Test that trap variable #29 (nnmiIncidentClosedReason) explicitly matches "NodeUp".
3. Optionally update the HELPTEXT attribute with a more descriptive message.

# from EVENT EventLifecycleStateClosed .
"LOGONLY" Normal
CONDITION_ID "886fd429-2a29-41b6-a483-5024e43aae79"
$e "."
$G 6
$S 1000
$14 "4"
$5 "NodeDown"
$2 "^<@.nnmiprotocol>://<@.nnmiserver>:<@.nnmiport>/nnm$"
$29 "^NodeUp$"
NODE IP "<$21>"
OBJECT "<$25>"
MSGKEY "<$6>:Close"
CUSTOM "nnm.incident.uuid" "<$6>"
CUSTOM "" "<nnmiserver>"
CUSTOM "nnm.server.port" "<nnmiport>"
CUSTOM "" "<$5>"
CUSTOM "nnm.priority" "<$13>"
CUSTOM "nnm.assignedTo" "<$19>"
CUSTOM "nnm.category" "<$7>"
CUSTOM "nnm.origin" "<$9>"
CUSTOM "" "<$25>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.uuid" "<$27>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.type" "<$26>"
CUSTOM "nnm.emittingNode.uuid" "<$22>"
CUSTOM "" "<$21>"
TEXT "Event (<$5>,<$6>) is closed. <$21>:<$26>=<$25>"
HELPTEXT "NNMi NodeDown incident is closed."

Figure 6

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Because a NodeDown incident can be closed without a close reason of NodeUp, it is a good idea to
include an EventLifecycleStateClosed condition that matches close conditions other than NodeUp.
The modifications are similar to the NodeUp condition. The original EventLifecycleStateClosed
condition can be copied with the following modifications:

1. Test that trap variable #5 is equal to "NodeDown".
2. Test that trap variable #29 explicitly excludes "NodeUp" by using the pattern string
"^<![NodeUp]>$" .
3. Optionally update the HELPTEXT attribute with a more descriptive message.

# from EVENT EventLifecycleStateClosed .
"LOGONLY" Normal
DESCRIPTION "EventLifecycleStateClosed"
CONDITION_ID "6d7a85f3-81f5-4daa-9279-a60c074dc34d"
$e "."
$G 6
$S 1000
$14 "4"
$5 "NodeDown"
$2 "^<@.nnmiprotocol>://<@.nnmiserver>:<@.nnmiport>/nnm$"
$29 "^<![NodeUp]>$"
NODE IP "<$21>"
OBJECT "<$25>"
MSGKEY "<$6>:Close"
CUSTOM "nnm.incident.uuid" "<$6>"
CUSTOM "" "<nnmiserver>"
CUSTOM "nnm.server.port" "<nnmiport>"
CUSTOM "" "<$5>"
CUSTOM "nnm.priority" "<$13>"
CUSTOM "nnm.assignedTo" "<$19>"
CUSTOM "nnm.category" "<$7>"
CUSTOM "nnm.origin" "<$9>"
CUSTOM "" "<$25>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.uuid" "<$27>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.type" "<$26>"
CUSTOM "nnm.emittingNode.uuid" "<$22>"
CUSTOM "" "<$21>"
CUSTOM "RelatedCiHint" "<$30>"
CUSTOM "EtiHint" "NodeStatus:Up"
TEXT "Event (<$5>,<$6>) is closed. <$21>:<$26>=<$25>"
HELPTEXT "NNMi event is closed."
Figure 7
When the NNMi Causal Engine determines that an interface has resumed normal operation after having
been down, it closes the original InterfaceDown incident and assigns a close reason of InterfaceUp
to the incident.

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The same approach used to create the NodeUp condition can be used to create the InterfaceUp
condition. The original EventLifecycleStateClosed condition can be copied with the following

1. Test that trap variable #5 (nnmiIncidentName) is equal to InterfaceDown.
2. Test that trap variable #29 (nnmiIncidentClosedReason) explicitly matches "InterfaceUp".
3. Optionally update the HELPTEXT attribute with a more descriptive message.

# from EVENT EventLifecycleStateClosed .
"LOGONLY" Normal
CONDITION_ID "886fd429-2a29-41b6-a483-5024e43aae79"
$e "."
$G 6
$S 1000
$14 "4"
$5 "InterfaceDown"
$2 "^<@.nnmiprotocol>://<@.nnmiserver>:<@.nnmiport>/nnm$"
$29 "^InterfaceUp$"
NODE IP "<$21>"
OBJECT "<$25>"
MSGKEY "<$6>:Close"
CUSTOM "nnm.incident.uuid" "<$6>"
CUSTOM "" "<nnmiserver>"
CUSTOM "nnm.server.port" "<nnmiport>"
CUSTOM "" "<$5>"
CUSTOM "nnm.priority" "<$13>"
CUSTOM "nnm.assignedTo" "<$19>"
CUSTOM "nnm.category" "<$7>"
CUSTOM "nnm.origin" "<$9>"
CUSTOM "" "<$25>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.uuid" "<$27>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.type" "<$26>"
CUSTOM "nnm.emittingNode.uuid" "<$22>"
CUSTOM "" "<$21>"
TEXT "Event (<$5>,<$6>) is closed. <$21>:<$26>=<$25>"
HELPTEXT "NNMi InterfaceDown incident is closed."

Figure 8
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Because an InterfaceDown incident can be closed without a close reason of InterfaceUp, it is a good
idea to include an EventLifecycleStateClosed condition that matches close conditions other than
InterfaceUp. The modifications are similar to the InterfaceUp condition. The original
EventLifecycleStateClosed condition can be copied with the following modifications:

1. Test that trap variable #5 is equal to "InterfaceDown".
2. Test that trap variable #29 explicitly excludes "InterfaceUp" by using the pattern string
3. Optionally update the HELPTEXT attribute with a more descriptive message.

# from EVENT EventLifecycleStateClosed .
"LOGONLY" Normal
DESCRIPTION "EventLifecycleStateClosed"
CONDITION_ID "e0b6eb99-ba0e-4fa9-89ac-489ad6ba910e"
$e "."
$G 6
$S 1000
$14 "4"
$5 "InterfaceDown"
$2 "^<@.nnmiprotocol>://<@.nnmiserver>:<@.nnmiport>/nnm$"
$29 "^<![InterfaceUp]>$"
NODE IP "<$21>"
OBJECT "<$25>"
MSGKEY "<$6>:Close"
CUSTOM "nnm.incident.uuid" "<$6>"
CUSTOM "" "<nnmiserver>"
CUSTOM "nnm.server.port" "<nnmiport>"
CUSTOM "" "<$5>"
CUSTOM "nnm.priority" "<$13>"
CUSTOM "nnm.assignedTo" "<$19>"
CUSTOM "nnm.category" "<$7>"
CUSTOM "nnm.origin" "<$9>"
CUSTOM "" "<$25>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.uuid" "<$27>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.type" "<$26>"
CUSTOM "nnm.emittingNode.uuid" "<$22>"
CUSTOM "" "<$21>"
CUSTOM "RelatedCiHint" "<$30>"
CUSTOM "EtiHint" "InterfaceCommunicationStatus:Available"
TEXT "Event (<$5>,<$6>) is closed. <$21>:<$26>=<$25>"
HELPTEXT "NNMi event is closed."
Figure 9
NNMi 8.1x Policy Considerations
In NNMi 8.1x, the generated policy requires only one EventLifecycleStateClosed condition to
handle closing all event types. The conditions presented in the previous two sections still apply, but one
more modification is required to update the catch-all EventLifecycleStateClosed condition to
ignore close traps for the NodeDown and InterfaceDown incidents. Modify the condition as shown in
Figure 10.
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# from EVENT EventLifecycleStateClosed .
"LOGONLY" Normal
DESCRIPTION "EventLifecycleStateClosed"
CONDITION_ID "3bb75622-50eb-4778-966b-6c08e1d86cb4"
$e "."
$G 6
$S 1000
$14 "4"
$5 "^<![InterfaceDown|NodeDown]>$"
$2 "^<@.nnmiprotocol>://<@.nnmiserver>:<@.nnmiport>/nnm$"
NODE IP "<$21>"
OBJECT "<$25>"
MSGKEY "<$6>:Close"
CUSTOM "nnm.incident.uuid" "<$6>"
CUSTOM "" "<nnmiserver>"
CUSTOM "nnm.server.port" "<nnmiport>"
CUSTOM "" "<$5>"
CUSTOM "nnm.priority" "<$13>"
CUSTOM "nnm.assignedTo" "<$19>"
CUSTOM "nnm.category" "<$7>"
CUSTOM "nnm.origin" "<$9>"
CUSTOM "" "<$25>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.uuid" "<$27>"
CUSTOM "nnm.source.type" "<$26>"
CUSTOM "nnm.emittingNode.uuid" "<$22>"
CUSTOM "" "<$21>"
TEXT "Event (<$5>,<$6>) is closed. <$21>:<$26>=<$25>"
HELPTEXT "NNMi event is closed."
Figure 10

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Appendix A
NNMi NodeDown Trap Definition
Name: nnmiMgmtEvNodeDown
Full path:

Parent: nnmiNbiNotifications
Prev sibling: nnmiMgmtEvNnmClusterTransfer
Next sibling: nnmiMgmtEvNodeOrConnectionDown

Status: current
Objects: 1: nnmiApplicationId
2: nnmiNmsUrl
3: nnmiReserved1
4: nnmiReserved2
5: nnmiIncidentName
6: nnmiIncidentUuid
7: nnmiIncidentCategory
8: nnmiIncidentFamily
9: nnmiIncidentOrigin
10: nnmiIncidentNature
11: nnmiIncidentFmtMessage
12: nnmiIncidentSeverity
13: nnmiIncidentPriority
14: nnmiIncidentLifecycleState
15: nnmiIncidentOriginTime
16: nnmiIncidentDbCreateTime
17: nnmiIncidentDbModifiedTime
18: nnmiIncidentDupCount
19: nnmiIncidentAssignedTo
20: nnmiIncidentCias
21: nnmiIncidentSourceNodeHostname
22: nnmiIncidentSourceNodeUuid
23: nnmiIncidentSourceNodeUcmdbId
24: nnmiIncidentSourceNodeMgmtAddr
25: nnmiIncidentSourceName
26: nnmiIncidentSourceType
27: nnmiIncidentSourceUuid
28: nnmiIncidentSourceUcmdbId
29: nnmiIncidentSourceIfName
30: nnmiIncidentSourceIfAlias
31: nnmiIncidentSourceIfDesc
32: nnmiIncidentSourceIfIndex
33: nnmiReserved3
34: nnmiIncidentOtherNodeHostname
35: nnmiIncidentOtherNodeUuid
36: nnmiIncidentOtherNodeUcmdbId
37: nnmiIncidentOtherNodeMgmtAddr
38: nnmiIncidentOtherIfName
39: nnmiIncidentOtherIfAlias
40: nnmiIncidentOtherIfDesc
41: nnmiIncidentOtherIfIndex
42: nnmiReserved4

Description: This incident indicates that NNMs Advanced Problem Analyzer
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has determined the node is down based on the following
analysis: 1) 100% of the addresses assigned to this node
are unreachable, and 2) The SNMP agent installed on this
machine is not responding. At least two of the neighboring
devices can be reached and are reporting problems with
connectivity to this node.
Figure 11
NNMi Event Closed Trap Definition
Name: nnmiEvClosed
Full path:

Parent: nnmiNbiNotifications
Prev sibling: nnmiMgmtEvCardUndeterminedState
Next sibling: nnmiEvLifecycleStateChanged

Status: current
Objects: 1: nnmiApplicationId
2: nnmiNmsUrl
3: nnmiReserved1
4: nnmiReserved2
5: nnmiIncidentName
6: nnmiIncidentUuid
7: nnmiIncidentCategory
8: nnmiIncidentFamily
9: nnmiIncidentOrigin
10: nnmiIncidentNature
11: nnmiIncidentFmtMessage
12: nnmiIncidentSeverity
13: nnmiIncidentPriority
14: nnmiIncidentLifecycleState
15: nnmiIncidentOriginTime
16: nnmiIncidentDbCreateTime
17: nnmiIncidentDbModifiedTime
18: nnmiIncidentDupCount
19: nnmiIncidentAssignedTo
20: nnmiIncidentCias
21: nnmiIncidentSourceNodeHostname
22: nnmiIncidentSourceNodeUuid
23: nnmiIncidentSourceNodeUcmdbId
24: nnmiIncidentSourceNodeMgmtAddr
25: nnmiIncidentSourceName
26: nnmiIncidentSourceType
27: nnmiIncidentSourceUuid
28: nnmiIncidentSourceUcmdbId
29: nnmiIncidentClosedReason

Description: Incident identified by nnmiIncidentUuid was closed in NNMi.
Figure 12
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