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No Calls

For: Respondent:
[RESPONDENT] U.S.P.O. Registered Mail Article No. [RM#]
Re: Telep&one calls 'ro( Respondent concerning NOT#!E AND DEMAND FOR
)ER#F#!AT#ON OF DE*T+SE!UR#T" AREEMENT$ &ereina'ter ,ND)D-SA$.
FORM # [FORM #]$ recei/ed 01 [AEN!"] on [Date Recei/ed]$ re present(ent$
[PRESENTMENT #D]$ dated [DATE PRESENTMENT]$ &ereina'ter ,Present(ent.
2. T&e Undersigned$ [Na(e]$ &ereina'ter ,Sec3red Part1$. &olds Respondent lia0le
'or eac& and e/er1 'act$ la4$ and de(and set 'ort& &erein.
5. Present(ent i(plies t&at [AEN!"] possesses a3t&ori6ation 'or collecting a
0inding$ la4'3l$ and /alid de0t 'ro( [NAME]$ &ereina'ter ,P3rported De0tor..
!op1 o' Present(ent is attac&ed &ere4it&$ (ade '3ll1 part &ereo'$ and
incorporated &erein 01 re'erence as Attac&(ent A.
7. Sec3red Part1 &ere4it& pro/ides Respondent 4it& t&is A!TUA8 AND
!ONSTRU!T#)E NOT#!E$ &ereina'ter ,A!N$. 'or t&e p3rpose$ inter alia$ o'
noticing Respondent t&at:
2. As per Limited Power Of Attorney and Indemnification And Hold
Harmless Areement$ cop1 attac&ed &ere4it&$ (ade '3ll1 part &ereo'$
and incorporated &erein 01 re'erence as Attac&(ent *$ Sec3red Part1 is
inde(ni'ied and &eld &ar(less 01 Fictitio3s *3siness Na(e 'ro( and
against an1 and all clai(s$ de0ts$ legal actions$ citations$ orders$ 4arrants$
93dg(ents$ a4ards$ de(ands$ lia0ilities$ losses$ depositions$ s3((onses$
la4s3its$ costs$ 'ines$ liens$ le/ies$ penalties$ da(ages :incl3ding direct$
li;3idated$ conse;3ential$ incidental$ and ot&er4ise<$ interests$ and
e=penses 4&atsoe/er$ 0ot& a0sol3te and contingent$ as are d3e and as
(ig&t 0eco(e d3e$ no4 e=isting and as (ig&t &erea'ter arise$ and as (ig&t
0e s3''ered 01$ inc3rred 01$ and i(posed on #nde(nitor 'or an1 reason$
p3rpose$ and ca3se 4&atsoe/er.
5. No 0ona 'ide and /eri'ia0le de0t re Present(ent e=ists t&at is 0inding on
P3rported De0tor$ nor on Sec3red Part1$ P3rported De0tor>s a3t&ori6ed
7. Respondent is de/oid o' /alid a3t&orit1 'or p3rs3ing an1 collection action
against P3rported De0tor$ as 4ell as Sec3red Part1$ re Present(ent.
?. Respondent (3st pro/ide Sec3red Part1 4it& /eri'ication 3nder oat& o'
doc3(entar1 proo' o' t&e origin$ nat3re$ and contract3al /alidit1 o' t&e
alleged de0t and Respondent>s a3t&orit1 'or collecting t&ereon$ as per
ND)D-SA recei/ed 01 [AEN!"] on [Date recei/ed]$ as per Ret3rn
Receipt re Registered Mail No. [RM #]$ cop1 o' 4&ic& is attac&ed
&ere4it&$ (ade '3ll1 part &ereo'$ and incorporated &erein 01 re'erence as
Attac&(ent D.
@. An1 and all action 01 an1 person acting 3nder a3t&orit1 o' [AEN!"]$
e.g.$ Respondent$ against Sec3red Part1 re Present(ent$ in t&e a0sence o'
'3ll /eri'ication o' t&e legiti(ac1 o' t&e alleged de0t and said person>s
a3t&orit1 'or collecting t&ereon constit3tes con'ession and consent o'
93dg(ent o' co((ission o' (3ltiple ci/il and cri(inal o''enses 'or 4&ic&
said person$ as 4ell as [AEN!"]$ are 0ot& personall1 and o''iciall1
?. No co((3nication o' Sec3red Part1 is intended as constit3ting a re'3sal 01
P3rported De0tor 'or pa1ing an1 alleged de0t$ 03t is a notice t&at Respondent>s
clai( is disp3ted and t&at Respondent (3st /eri'1 t&e alleged de0t in accordance$
inter alia$ 4it& t&e Fair De0t !ollection Practices Act$ as condition precedent 'or
proceeding in an1 action in/ol/ing collection$ 'oreclos3re$ etc.$ against P3rported
De0tor re Present(ent.
@. All co((3nication 4it& Sec3red Part1 (3st 0e in 4riting onl1.
A. An1 telep&one calls recei/ed concerning t&is (atter constit3te &arass(ent$ a class
2 (isde(eanor in t&is state$ 4&ic& grant Sec3red Part1 a3t&ori6ation 'or 'iling a
co(plaint against t&e caller 4it& t&e attorne1 general>s o''ice and 'or recording all
con/ersations re t&is instant (atter$ t&e transcript o' 4&ic& (a1 0e 3sed against
Respondent and an1 in/ol/ed parties in a co3rt o' la4.
B. Respondent (a1 in/oCe Respondent>s rig&t 'or re(aining silent.
D. As a''ir(ed in ND)D-SA$ Sec3red Part1 is not re;3esting a ,/eri'ication. t&at
Respondent possesses an1 details concerning P3rported De0tor$ s3c& as a (ailing
address$ telep&one n3(0er$ etc.$ 03t is re;3iring /eri'ication 01 Respondent 3nder
oat& and penalt1 o' per93r1 o' all ite(s re;3ired in ND)D-SA 'or esta0lis&ing on
t&e record proo' t&at:
a. P3rported De0tor o4es a /alid de0t$ 0ased 3pon a 0ona 'ide$ /eri'ia0le contract
en'orcea0le at la4$ incl3ding pro/iding Sec3red Part1 4it& proo' o' t&e nat3re and so3rce
o' t&e /al3a0le consideration pro/ided 01 [AEN!"] 'or creating a /alid contract and a
gen3ine de0t o4ed 01 P3rported De0torE
5. Respondent is proceeding in '3ll co(pliance 4it& all de(ands set
'ort& in ND)D-SA$ s3c& as /eri'ication o' t&e de0t and proo' o'
a3t&ori6ation 'or collecting t&ereon 3nder t&e Fair De0t !ollection
Practices Act.
F. Respondent (a1 0e a4are t&at sending 3ns30stantiated de(ands 'or pa1(ent
t&ro3g& t&e United States Mail S1ste( (a1 constit3te (ail 'ra3d 3nder 'ederal
and state la4.
2G. Eac& and e/er1 incident o' 3na3t&ori6ed contact 4it& Sec3red Part1 constit3tes an
additional co3nt o' &arass(ent and cop1rig&t /iolation 'or 4&ic& t&e contacting
part1 is 0ot& personall1 and pro'essionall1 lia0le.
22. Respondent>s 'ail3re 'or satis'1ing t&e criteria and de(ands contained &erein and
in ND)D-SA constit3tes Respondent>s a0sol3te 4ai/er o' an1 and all clai(s
against Sec3red Part1$ as 4ell as Respondent>s tacit agree(ent 'or co(pensating
Sec3red Part1 'or da(ages$ penalties$ costs$ and attorne1>s 'ees.
25. Respondent (ig&t consider cons3lting co(petent legal co3nsel 0e'ore initiating in
an1 '3rt&er co((3nication 4it& Sec3red Part1.
27. Respondent (a1 escape personal lia0ilit1 re ND)D-SA and A!N onl1 01
i((ediatel1 pro/iding P3rported De0tor 4it& t&e na(e$ title$ address$ and p&one
n3(0er o' t&e responsi0le o''icial o' [AEN!"] 4&o is dee(ed 01 Respondent
as a3t&ori6ed 'or 0inding [AEN!"] re ND)D-SA.
Attac&(ent A: Present(ent o' [AEN!"]
Attac&(ent *: 8i(ited Po4er O' Attorne1 and #nde(ni'ication And Hold Har(less
Attac&(ent !: reen !ard$ i.e.$ Ret3rn Receipt$ re receipt o' ND)D-SA 01 [AEN!"]
Sec3red Part1: [Na(e]
Sec3red Part1>s rig&t t&3(0print
Signed 01 Sec3red Part1 4it&o3t pre93dice$ U!! 2-5GB:
Respond to:
[Notar1 Na(e]$ Notar1 P30lic
[Notar1 Address]
[Notar1 !it1]$ [Notar1 ST] [Notar1 %ip]

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