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Physical Education 03

Recreational Activities and Lifetime Sports

Tuesdays, 2:30!:30P"
"am#iar, Re#e$ah %& Prof& 'ilfredo Torres
((2 )SE En*lish +une ,0, 20,!
-The %oncept of Leisure and Recreation Education.
,& /efinition of Leisure and Recreation
Leisure.(t is defined as freedom from the demands of 0or$ or duty1 time free from the demands
of 0or$ or duty, 0hen one can rest, en2oy ho##ies or sports, etc&1 unhurried ease& (t is also
referred to as the en2oya#le activities you do 0hen you are not 0or$in*&
Recreation. Recreation came from the Latin 0ords, re (a*ain34 and creare 53to create, #rin*
forth, #e*et4, meanin* -refreshment or curin* of a person, refreshment #y eatin*&. Today, 0e use
the term recreation to mean -refreshment #y means of some pastime, a*reea#le e6ercise, or the
li$e, after e6ertion1 a pastime, diversion, e6ercise, or other resource affordin* rela6ation and
2& %haracteristics of Recreation
Recreation occurs durin* leisure1
Recreation is as different as people are different1 it is e6tremely 0ide and varied1
Recreation is activity1 it is some sort of action as distin*uished from rest1
Recreation must #e voluntary1 it cannot #e ordered, imposed, or forced1
Recreation has no sin*le form1 it offers a variety of choices 0ith endless possi#ilities1
Recreation is fle6i#le1 it can #e or*ani7ed or unor*ani7ed1 it can #e en2oyed in a *roup or alone1
Recreation to one individual may #e 0or$ to another1
Recreation involves an individual8s attitude, motive, and incentive1
Recreation may occur or not occur1 a specific activity may #e recreation for an individual at one
time, #ut not at another time1
Recreation is necessary in order for an individual to have #alanced *ro0th1
Recreation and 0or$ are not the same thin*1 althou*h an individual may #e very happy in his
2o#, it is not possi#le for that individual8s 0or$ to #e his recreation&
3& 9alues of Recreation
"ental :ealth
Recreational activities, especially #oard *ames 5%hess, ;ames of the ;eneral, et& al4,
stimulates the #rain to thin$ lo*ically and analytically, thus improvin* our mental capacities&
Phyical :ealth and ;ro0th
Recreational activities li$e sports 0ill develop muscular stren*th, a*ility, po0er, fle6i#ility,
and improve one8s health&
Social <itness
En*a*in* in *roup activities develop social s$ills that 0ill lead to proper conduct and
#ehavior and social *races&
Psycholo*ical <itness
Emotional Sta#ility
!& Physical education is an inte*ral part of the total education of every child in $inder*arten throu*h hi*h
=uality physical education pro*rams are needed to increase the physical competence, healthrelated fitness,
selfresponsi#ility, and en2oyment of physical activity for all students so that they can #e physically active for a
lifetime& Physical education pro*rams can only provide these #enefits if they are 0ellplanned and 0ell
implemented& (t is the school8s role to promote these means for a child to learn so much #y plannin* and
implementin* activities that 0ould ensure the child8s e6posure to such physical activities&

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