Introduction To Spanish Literature Since 1700 - Jane Johnson

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Introduction to Spanish Literature since 1700 | Jane Johnson

Mezes 1.208 | MTWHF 11:30-1 | 88270 | Mezes 4.114 | (512) 771-8226

Your notes should include a basic summary of the material. As you read and take notes, try to answer
these questions: What is the historical, cultural and esthetic context? What are the main ideas? Why does
the author consider them important? Why does the author express them in this way? Who are the
characters and what are their motivations? What symbols or metaphors does the writer employ?


Exams 300

Essays 200
You will write two short essays (3-4 pp) during the term, each of them analyzing not merely describing
or summarizing one literary work. One should be a poem and the other a work in prose, either a story
or essay, by one of the writers included in sections III VI of our anthology. You should select a piece that
we have not discussed in detail in class. The instructor will help you select poems and stories if you need

Discussion leader 100
Once during the semester you will be responsible for leading class discussion about the days assigned
writer/ text. You will turn in a copy of any materials you prepare to the instructor. You may give a short
presentation, prepare a list of questions, or create an activity that you think will be helpful to your

Daily in-class work 300
Discussion, group work, short writings 150
quizzes, 150

Grading scale: 930 and above A
900-929 A-
861-899 B+
830-860 B
800-829 B-
761-799 C+
730-760 C
700-729 C-


Calendario del curso

5 Introduction: Reading and Interpreting Literature pp xix-xxvii; sinopsis pp 331-338
6 Garca Lorca, 325
9 Cernuda, 339; Alonso, 353
10 Alberti 376
11 Cela (Blackboard)
12 Matute (BB)
17 sinopsis 381-87; Ayala, 392
18 Montero (BB)
19 Umbral, 426; Vzquez Montalbn, 429
20 presentaciones: Realismo Caballero, Alarcn, Galds, Clarn, Pardo Bazn

23 Purtolas, 432
24 Mills, 446
25 Torres, 450
26 Diosdado, 464
27 presentaciones: Generacin del 98 Machado, Baroja, hermanos Alvarez Quintero, JR Jimnez,
Valle-Incln, Espina, Unamuno, Azorn

30 Examen 2

1 Delibes, 388
2 Martn Gaite, 407
3 Riera, 439
7 Rivas, 454
8-9 Mayoral (BB)
10 repaso / presentaciones

11-12 Exmenes finales [Examen 3]

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