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How to make $20/day.

Hello, First thanks for buying my ebook.

This is a very good method to make 20$/day
, easy and fast .
You dont need to have any skills.
You only need ! hour "er day .
!. %ake an a&&ount on website
2. #reate a '()
*. How to write their name on your "hoto.
+. ,end it to &ustomers and make money.
!. %ake a a&&ount on websitew.
1. )o to www.F(-.//.&om and &li&k 01(2 to make an a&&ount .
2. #reate your a&&ount . Fill the information and after ti&k 3( agree to the terms..4 and
&li&k 5oin.
6hen you &reate your a&&ount make it like a girl "rofil.
*. 7ogin in your a&&ount and &li&k on your name "rofile . 6rite something in 8,omething
about you9 , and u"load a se:y "hoto with the girl from "a&k 3 not nude 4 , after that &li&k
2. #reate a '()
!. ,o , now ( show you this money maker dig .
2. 2ow , after you login on your a&&ount on F(-../.#1% and made the "rofile &li&k
8,tart ,elling9 and after 8#reate new 'i)9
2ow you need to Fill the information . Fill something like this from image.
*. 2ow , when you have a &ustomer you will need to write their name on your whore
,o, now ( give you some "a&ks with girls. Some girls - Asian girl 1 girl
For more girls "a&k you &an download from ha& , ewhoring se&tion .
2ow ( show you how to write their name on the girl body.
1. 1"en your "i&ture you want to use , ( &hosen this!"#/$hoe%i&"'eal/1(1".p)g
!. #hange the &olor of your brush to bla&k and &hoose this brush
2. %ake a new layer and Aoom in wherever you want to draw the te:t/name
!. 'raw the te:t/name with the brush like this
+. 2ow &hoose the blur tool and blur it a little out , so it be&ome something like this
;. 2ow &hange the o"a&ity between B; and !00 , all de"ending on what you want . (
used B;C
@. The final results
2ow after the &ustomer "aid you will send the "i&ture.
,o this is all for this guide.
( made in one week with this B0 $ .
Thanks for buying my ebook , you will earn the money ba&k fast D
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