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#i ncl ude <i ost r eam>

usi ng namespace st d;
i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade;

cout <<" Pl ease ent er your gr ade\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;

swi t ch( gr ade/ 10)
case 10:
case 9: cout <<" A\ n" ; br eak;
case 8: cout <<" B\ n" ; br eak;
case 7: cout <<" C\ n" ; br eak;
case 6: cout <<" D\ n" ; br eak;
def aul t : cout <<" F\ n" ;
r et ur n 0;
What will happen if the user enters
invalid grade?
i nt gr ade;
cout <<" Pl ease ent er your gr ade\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;

/* can grade be less than zero and greater than 100 simultaneously?*/

i f ( gr ade<0 gr ade>100)
cout <<" pl ease r e- ent er val i d gr ade bet ween 0- 100\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;

swi t ch( gr ade/ 10)
case 10:
case 9: cout <<" A\ n" ; br eak;
case 8: cout <<" B\ n" ; br eak;
case 7: cout <<" C\ n" ; br eak;
case 6: cout <<" D\ n" ; br eak;
def aul t : cout <<" F\ n" ;
What need to be here? why?!

i nt gr ade;
cout <<" Pl ease ent er your gr ade\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;

i f ( gr ade<0 | | gr ade>100)
cout <<" pl ease r e- ent er val i d gr ade bet ween 0- 100\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;

swi t ch( gr ade/ 10)
case 10:
case 9: cout <<" A\ n" ; br eak;
case 8: cout <<" B\ n" ; br eak;
case 7: cout <<" C\ n" ; br eak;
case 6: cout <<" D\ n" ; br eak;
def aul t : cout <<" F\ n" ;

i nt gr ade;
cout <<"Pl ease ent er your gr ade\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;

i f ( gr ade<0 | | gr ade>100)
{cout <<" pl ease r e- ent er val i d gr ade bet ween 0- 100\ n";
ci n>>gr ade;

i f ( gr ade<0 | | gr ade>100)
{cout <<" pl ease r e- ent er val i d gr ade bet ween 0- 100\ n";
ci n>>gr ade;

i f ( gr ade<0 | | gr ade>100)
{cout <<" pl ease r e- ent er val i d gr ade bet ween 0- 100\ n";
ci n>>gr ade;
/ * af t er N i f st at ement , t he swi t ch wi l l st i l l be eval uat ed */
swi t ch( gr ade/ 10)
. . .
Loops (Iterative Constructs)
Loops allow a code segment to be
executed many times.
Three constructs
while statement
for statement
do-while statement
The whi l e Statement

while (condition)
How it works:
if condition is true then execute
repeat this process until
condition evaluates to false
Action is either a single
statement or a group of
statements within braces.
While Loop Syntax
The whi l e Loop
while (it's raining)
<keep the umbrella up>
Slide 11
Expression provides an entry condition
Statement executes if the expression initially evaluates
to true
Loop condition is then reevaluated
Statement continues to execute until the expression is
no longer true
If statement will be executed only once, while
statement will continue repeating while the condition
is true.
The whi l e Loop (continued)

i nt gr ade;
cout <<" Pl ease ent er your gr ade\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;

whi l e ( gr ade<0 | | gr ade>100)
cout <<" pl ease r e- ent er val i d gr ade bet ween 0- 100\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;

swi t ch( gr ade/ 10)
case 10:
case 9: cout <<" A\ n" ; br eak;
case 8: cout <<" B\ n" ; br eak;
case 7: cout <<" C\ n" ; br eak;
case 6: cout <<" D\ n" ; br eak;
def aul t : cout <<" F\ n" ;

i nt gr ade;
cout <<" Pl ease ent er your gr ade\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;
whi l e ( gr ade<0 | | gr ade>100)
cout <<" pl ease r e- ent er val i d gr ade bet ween 0- 100\ n" ;
swi t ch( gr ade/ 10)
case 10:
case 9: cout <<" A\ n" ; br eak;
case 8: cout <<" B\ n" ; br eak;
case 7: cout <<" C\ n" ; br eak;
case 6: cout <<" D\ n" ; br eak;
def aul t : cout <<" F\ n" ;
What will happen here?
Slide 14
The whi l e Loop (continued)
Infinite loop: continues to execute endlessly
Can be avoided by including statements in the
loop body that assure exit condition will
eventually be false

Slide 15
Initial Value
In previous code, the initial value is set by the user
using cin>>grade;
While (condition)
(grade < 0 || grade > 100)
Update Value
Infinite loops may generate when you forget to update
the variable used in the condition
Three Things to remember

i nt gr ade;
cout <<" Pl ease ent er your gr ade\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;
whi l e ( gr ade<0 | | gr ade>100)
cout <<" pl ease r e- ent er val i d gr ade bet ween 0- 100\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;
swi t ch( gr ade/ 10)
case 10:
case 9: cout <<" A\ n" ; br eak;
case 8: cout <<" B\ n" ; br eak;
case 7: cout <<" C\ n" ; br eak;
case 6: cout <<" D\ n" ; br eak;
def aul t : cout <<" F\ n" ;
Flowchart whi l e Loop
Slide 18
Two ways to use while loop
Sentinel while:
If you dont know how many times you have to
Use Sentinel value
Indicates end of data entry
Variable is tested in the condition and loop ends when
sentinel is encountered
Sentinel value chosen so it cannot be confused with a
regular input (such as -1)

The whi l e Loop
Slide 19
Two ways to use while loop
counter-controlled while:
If you know exactly how many times you need to
Loop repeated until counter reaches a certain

The whi l e Loop
Slide 20

counter-controlled while:
If you need to loop specific times
Loop repeated until counter reaches a certain

counter-controlled while:
Example: write a program that calculates the
average of five grades

counter-controlled while:
Counter while loop FlowChart
Count = 1
Count <=5
Sum = Sum + Grade
Count = Count + 1
Average = Sum/(Count-1)

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade;

cout <<"Pl ease ent er t he gr ade" <<endl ;
ci n>>gr ade;

r et ur n 0;

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade, Sum=0;

cout <<"Pl ease ent er t he gr ade" <<endl ;
ci n>>gr ade;

Sum=Sum+gr ade;

r et ur n 0;
What will happen if variable
Sum is not initialized ?!

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade, Sum=0, Aver age;

whi l e( )
cout <<"Pl ease ent er t he gr ade" <<endl ;
ci n>>gr ade;
Sum=Sum+gr ade;

r et ur n 0;
What should be here?!

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade, count =1, Sum=0, Aver age;

whi l e( count <=5)
cout <<"Pl ease ent er t he gr ade" <<endl ;
ci n>>gr ade;
Sum=Sum+gr ade;
count =count +1;

r et ur n 0;

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade, count =1, Sum=0, Aver age;

whi l e( count <=5)
cout <<"Pl ease ent er t he gr ade" <<endl ;
ci n>>gr ade;
Sum=Sum+gr ade;
count =count +1;

Aver age=Sum/ ;
cout <<"The aver age i s " <<Aver age;

r et ur n 0;
What do we need here!

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade, count =1, Sum=0, Aver age;

whi l e( count <=5)
cout <<"Pl ease ent er t he gr ade" <<endl ;
ci n>>gr ade;
Sum=Sum+gr ade;
count =count +1;

Aver age=Sum/ ( count - 1) ;
cout <<"The aver age i s " <<Aver age;

r et ur n 0;
Sentinel while:

- Variable is tested in the condition and loop
ends when sentinel is encountered (we dont
know how many times we have to loop)

write a program that calculates average of
the grade that the user will enter, the user
will enter negative number to finish

Sentinel while loop: Example
Sentinel while loop FlowChart
Count = 0
Sum = Sum + Grade
Count = Count + 1
Average = Sum/Count

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade;

cout <<"Pl ease ent er gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;

r et ur n 0;

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade, Sum=0;

cout <<"Pl ease ent er gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;

Sum=Sum+gr ade;

cout <<"Pl ease ent er one mor e gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;

r et ur n 0;

What will happen if variable
Sum is not initialized ?!

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade, Sum=0;

cout <<"Pl ease ent er gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;

whi l e( gr ade>=0)
Sum=Sum+gr ade;

cout <<"Pl ease ent er one mor e gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;

r et ur n 0;

How many times we will

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade, Sum=0, Aver age;

cout <<"Pl ease ent er gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;

whi l e( gr ade>=0)
Sum=Sum+gr ade;

cout <<"Pl ease ent er one mor e gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;
Aver age=Sum/ ;
cout <<"The aver age i s " <<Aver age;
r et ur n 0;

What do we need here!

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade, count =0, Sum=0, Aver age;

cout <<"Pl ease ent er gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;

whi l e( gr ade>=0)
Sum=Sum+gr ade;
count =count +1;
cout <<"Pl ease ent er one mor e gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;
Aver age=Sum/ count ;
cout <<"The aver age i s " <<Aver age;
r et ur n 0;

/ / Anot her way of wr i t i ng ( sum = sum + grade) and
/ / ( count = count + 1)

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade, count =0, Sum=0, Aver age;

cout <<"Pl ease ent er gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;

whi l e( gr ade>=0)
Sum+=grade; // compound assignments
count+=1; // compound assignments
cout <<"Pl ease ent er one mor e gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;
Aver age=Sum/ count ;
cout <<"The aver age i s " <<Aver age;
r et ur n 0;

Compound Assignments
Used to update the values of a variable by
performing an operation on the value that is currently
stored in that variable
(+=, -=, *=, / =, %=)
Note that the assignment comes after the arithmetic

Compound Assignments
Find the output of the following program

/ / A t hi r d way of wr i t i ng ( count = count + 1)

i nt mai n( )
i nt gr ade, count =0, Sum=0, Aver age;

cout <<"Pl ease ent er gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;

whi l e( gr ade>=0)
Sum+=gr ade;
count ++; //this is called post increment.
cout <<"Pl ease ent er one mor e gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;
Aver age=Sum/ count ;
cout <<"The aver age i s " <<Aver age;
r et ur n 0;

Write a C++ Program that checks if the
password is correct or not, with
controlled invalid password entry

i nt mai n( )
i nt pass, count =1;
cout <<"Pl ease ent er your passwor d\ n" ;
ci n>>pass;

whi l e( pass ! = 1234 && count < 3)
cout <<Wr ong Passwor d! ;
cout <<"pl ease r e- ent er your pass\ n;
ci n>>pass;
count =count +1;

i f ( pass == 1234 && count <= 3)
cout <<l ogi n successf ul \ n<<endl ;
el se
cout <<l ogi n f ai l ed\ n<<endl ;

r et ur n 0;

Write a C++ program that converts
integer grade to letter grade, with
controlled number of invalid grade entry

/ / how many updat es you need f or t hi s whi l e?

i nt gr ade, count =1;
cout <<"Pl ease ent er your gr ade\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;

whi l e( ( gr ade<0 | | gr ade>100) && count <=3)
cout <<"pl ease r e- ent er val i d gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;
count =count +1;

i f ( count <4)
swi t ch( gr ade/ 10)
case 10:
case 9: cout <<" A\ n"; br eak;
. . .
def aul t : cout <<" F\ n";
el se
cout <<"i nval i d gr ades many t i mes\ n" ;

/ * i f t he condi t i on i s count<=6 and we want t he
compi l er t o l oop t hr ee t i mes, what wi l l
t he updat e val ue be? */

i nt gr ade, count=1; // count starts from one
cout <<"Pl ease ent er your gr ade\ n" ;
ci n>>gr ade;

whi l e( ( gr ade<0 | | gr ade>100) && count<=6)
cout <<"pl ease r e- ent er val i d gr ade\ n;
ci n>>gr ade;
count =count +( ?) ; // what will be here?
i f ( count <4)
swi t ch( gr ade/ 10)
case 10:
case 9: cout <<" A\ n"; br eak;
. . .
def aul t : cout <<" F\ n";
el se
cout <<"i nval i d gr ades many t i mes\ n;

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