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Tetra Tech EM Inc.

D.R. Horton Phase I ESA

As part of fulfilling the requirements of the ASTM standard E1527-00 outlining the practice of Phase
En!ironmental Site Assessment "ESA#$ and to full% meet the needs of &'(' )orton in this practice$ Tetra Tech$
EM$ nc' *ill request the follo*ing information from the appropriate di!ision le!el personnel and incorporate the
a!aila+le findings into the completed report' nformation pro!ided *ill +e deemed relia+le and ma% +e used in
determining the need for further re!ie*$ anal%sis, recommendations and or actions relati!e to the our in!estigation
of the su+-ect propert%, tas.'
Cli ent Cont act :
Proj ect Name:
Proj ect Locat i on:
Tetra Tech EM, Inc. Proj ect Number:
&o %ou ha!e a site map outlining the site +oundaries/ 0000000
&o %ou .no* the current,past o*ner"s# of the su+-ect propert%/ 0000000
1ame2 0000000000000000000000000000 Phone 3 00000000000000000000000000000
1ame2 0000000000000000000000000000 Phone 3 00000000000000000000000000000
Are there possi+le restrictions to recei!e access to the su+-ect propert% "i'e' fences$ gates$ loose animals$
etc'#/ 000000
Please identif% an% on-site personnel or residents "other than the propert% o*ners# of the site that can +e
inter!ie*ed for information regarding current and,or past usage of the su+-ect propert%/
1ame2 0000000000000000000000000000 Phone 3 00000000000000000000000000000
1ame2 0000000000000000000000000000 Phone 3 00000000000000000000000000000
s there an% reason *h% EM$ nc' should a!oid contact *ith on-site personnel$ or *h% EM$ nc' should not
contact current,past o*ners/ 0000000 f %es$ please e4plain'
Environme nt al Due Dili ge nc e Ques t i onnai r e
5ength of time %ou ha!e +een associated *ith or had .no*ledge of the site' 00000
&o %ou ha!e an% special .no*ledge or e4perience *ith the site/ 0000000
s the su+-ect propert% priced significantl% lo*er than !alue/ 000000
n con!ersations *ith personnel familiar *ith the site$ "o*ners$ residences$ etc'# ha!e %ou +een made a*are
of an% en!ironmental concerns/ 0000000' f %es to either question$ please e4plain'
&o an% of the follo*ing documents e4ist$ or ha!e %ou +een made a*are of them in the past2
0006es0001o0007n.*n En!ironmental Site Assessments
0006es0001o0007n.*n En!ironmental Permits
0006es0001o0007n.*n 7nderground storage tan. applications$ permits$ or registrations
0006es0001o0007n.*n 8ommunit% (ight-to-9no* Plan$ Material Safet% &ata Sheets$
En!ironmental Safet% Plans$ En!ironmental :perations and Maintenance
0006es0001o0007n.*n Are %ou a*are of an% conditions *ithin the su+-ect propert% or near the
su+-ect site that either e4ist$ or ma% represent an en!ironmental concern to
the site "i'e' landfills$ gasoline fueling stations$ manufacturing facilities$
0006es0001o0007n.*n Are there an% structures$ *ater *ells$ storage tan.s$ oil *ells$ dump sites$
streams$ ponds$ flood plains$ etc' on the site/
0006es0001o0007n.*n Are there an% en!ironmental liens or use limitations on the su+-ect
0006es0001o0007n.*n )as the Propert% or Ad-oining Propert% +een used for an industrial use in
the past/
0006es0001o0007n.*n s the Propert% or an% Ad-oining Propert%$ or has the Propert% or
Ad-oining Properties +een used as a gasoline station$ motor repair facilit%$
commercial printing facilit%$ dr%-cleaners$ photo de!eloping la+orator%$
-un.%ard or landfill$ or as a *aste treatment$ storage$ disposal$ processing$
or rec%cling facilit%/
0006es0001o0007n.*n Are there currentl% or ha!e there +een pre!iousl%$ an% operations at the
Propert% that in!ol!ed the processing$ storage or handling of petroleum in
indi!idual containers of greater than fi!e gallons in !olume$ or fift%
gallons in the aggregate'
0006es0001o0007n.*n Are there currentl% or ha!e there +een pre!iousl%$ an% automoti!e or
industrial +atteries in significant quantities$ or pesticides$ paints$ or other
chemicals in indi!idual containers of greater than fi!e gallons in !olume
or fift% gallons in the aggregate$ stored on or used at the Propert% or
*ithin the facilit%'
0006es0001o0007n.*n )as <ill &irt +een +rought onto the Propert% *hich originated from a
contaminated site or *hich is of an*n origin/
0006es0001o0007n.*n Are there currentl% or ha!e there +een pre!iousl%$ an% Pits$ Ponds$
Surface mpoundments or 5agoons located on the Propert% in connection
*ith *aste treatment or *aste disposal/
0006es0001o0007n.*n Are there currentl% or ha!e there +een pre!iousl%$ an% ncinerators$
n-ection =ells$ Transfer Stations$ =aste (ec%cling :perations$ =aste
Treatment &eto4ification$ or 5and &isposal Areas located on the Propert%
in connection *ith *aste treatment or *aste disposal/
0006es0001o0007n.*n s there currentl% or has there +een pre!iousl%$ an% stained soil on the
0006es0001o0007n.*n Are there currentl% or ha!e there +een pre!iousl%$ an% ASTs or 7STs
located on the Propert%/
0006es0001o0007n.*n Are there currentl% or ha!e there +een pre!iousl%$ an% !ent pipes$ fill
pipes or access *a%s indicating a fill pipe protruding from the ground on
the Propert% or ad-acent to an% structure located on the Propert%/
0006es0001o0007n.*n Are there currentl% or ha!e there +een pre!iousl%$ an% flooring$ drains$ or
*alls located *ithin the facilit% that are stained +% su+stances other than
*ater$ or are emitting foul odors/
0006es0001o0007n.*n f the Propert% is ser!ed +% a pri!ate *ell or non-pu+lic *ater s%stem$
ha!e contaminants +een identified in the *ell or s%stem that e4ceed
guidelines applica+le to the *ater s%stem or has the *ell +een designated
as contaminated +% an% go!ernment en!ironmental and or health agenc%/
0006es0001o0007n.*n &oes the :*ner or :ccupant of the Propert% ha!e an% .no*ledge of
En!ironmental 5iens or go!ernment notification relating to past or current
!iolations of en!ironmental la*s *ith respect to the Propert% or an%
facilit% located on the Propert%/
0006es0001o0007n.*n )as the :*ner or :ccupant of the Propert% +een informed of the past or
current e4istence of ha>ardous Su+stances or Petroleum Products or
en!ironmental !iolations *ith respect to the Propert% or an% facilit%
located on the Propert%/
0006es0001o0007n.*n &oes the :*ner or :ccupant of the Propert% ha!e an% .no*ledge of an%
En!ironmental Site Assessment of the Propert% or facilit% that indicated
the presence of )a>ardous Su+stances or Petroleum Products on$ or
contamination of$ the Propert% or recommended further assessment of the
0006es0001o0007n.*n &oes the :*ner or :ccupant of the Propert% .no* of an% past$
threatened$ or pending la*suits or administrati!e proceedings concerning
a release or threatened release of an% )a>ardous Su+stances or Petroleum
Products in!ol!ing the Propert% +% an :*ner or :ccupant/
0006es0001o0007n.*n &oes the Propert% discharge *aste*ater other than storm *ater$ directl%
to a ditch or stream on or ad-acent to the Propert%/
0006es0001o0007n.*n To the +est of %our .no*ledge$ ha!e an% )a>ardous Su+stances or
Petroleum Products$ unidentified *aste materials$ tires$ automoti!e or
industrial +atteries or an% other *aste materials +een dumped a+o!e
grade$ +uried$ and or +urned on the Propert%/
0006es0001o0007n.*n To the +est of %our .no*ledge$ ha!e an% railroad ties$ telephone poles$
treated lum+er$ *ooden *ire or ca+le storage reels or spools +een dumped
a+o!e grade$ +uried$ and or +urned on the Propert%/
0006es0001o0007n.*n To the +est of %our .no*ledge$ in the past or the present ha!e an% railroad
trac.s or railroad right-of-*a%s +een located on$ or ad-acent to the
0006es0001o0007n.*n s there a transformer$ capacitor or an% h%draulic equipment for *hich
there are an% records indicating the presence of P8?s/
f the site has +een used historicall !or agricultural "ur"oses2
0006es0001o0007n.*n )a!e chemical applications +een in compliance *ith manufacture@s
0006es0001o000 7n.*n An% .no*n on-site chemical mi4ing areas/
0006es0001o000 7n.*n An% .no*n on-site crop dusting airstrip or plane storage/
f the site has +een used historicall !or cattle gra#ing2
0006es0001o000 7n.*n An% .no*n on-site dipping areas'
f the site has +een used for on$site in%ustrial & manu!acturing activit:
1' agricultural or horticultural production " # 6es " # 1o
2' airport or aircraft maintenance " # 6es " # 1o
A' anal%tical testing la+oratories " # 6es " # 1o
B' asphalt or cement plant " # 6es " # 1o
5' chemical manufacturing or treatment " # 6es " # 1o
C' dair%$ meat or food processing " # 6es " # 1o
7' dr% cleaning facilities " # 6es " # 1o
D' e4plosi!es manufacturing " # 6es " # 1o
E' foundries$ smelters or casting operations " # 6es " # 1o
10' freight terminals " # 6es " # 1o
11' gasoline station or con!enience store " # 6es " # 1o
12' her+icide or pesticide manufacturing " # 6es " # 1o
1A' incineration furnace or air emissions " # 6es " # 1o
1B' in.s$ d%e and paint manufacturing or use " # 6es " # 1o
15' -un. or scrap %ard " # 6es " # 1o
1C' landfill or open dump " # 6es " # 1o
17' li!estoc. feed lots or manure stoc.piles " # 6es " # 1o
1D' machine shops " # 6es " # 1o
1E' metal fa+rication or production " # 6es " # 1o
20' metal plating or finishing " # 6es " # 1o
21' militar% +ase " # 6es " # 1o
22' mining or quarr% acti!ities " # 6es " # 1o
2A' motor !ehicle maintenance or repairs " # 6es " # 1o
2B' oil and gas production or refining " # 6es " # 1o
25' paper manufacturing " # 6es " # 1o
2C' pharmaceutical or medical production " # 6es " # 1o
27' photochemical la+oratories " # 6es " # 1o
2D' plastic or fi+erglass fa+rication or manufacturing " # 6es " # 1o
2E' po*er plant " # 6es " # 1o
A0' printing industries " # 6es " # 1o
A1' railroad %ard or spur " # 6es " # 1o
A2' treatment$ storage F disposal "TS&# facilit% " # 6es " # 1o
AA' !ehicle or equipment de-greasing or *ashing " # 6es " # 1o
AB' *aste treatment process " # 6es " # 1o
A5' *ood preser!ation or finishing " # 6es " # 1o
AC' fertili>er manufacturing " # 6es " # 1o
&escri+e the industrial,manufacturing acti!ities and the o!erall house.eeping appearance' 6our comments
should include a discussion of the potential impact these acti!ities could ha!e on the su+-ect propert%'
Propert% 7se2
Age of 8urrent :peration2
8urrent de!elopment status of the site "i'e' ra* land$ partiall% de!eloped lots$ etc'#2

Propert% Si>e "acre or square feet#2
?uilding Si>e"s# "indi!idual square feet#2
Age of E4isting Structure"s#2
Past 7ses of Propert%,Structure"s# include appro4imate time periods2

Ad-acent Propert% 7se2
)istoric Ad-acent Propert% 7se2
dentif% Pro!ider2
Gas2 Electricit%2
Propane2 <uel :il2
=ater2 Se*er2
=aste &isposal2
This questionnaire *as ans*ered +%2
Hia2 000n Person
000Telephone 8on!ersation
This questionnaire *as ans*ered +%2
This questionnaire *as administered +%2
'n$ (it e Ins"e c t i on Chec)l i s t :
A ph%si cal inspect i on of the su+- ect proper t % including o+ser!at i on of e4isti ng
condi tions$ +usines s acti!ities and oper at i ons'
Pro"ert Descri"tion: 00000000Si>e "acres,sf# " # unde!eloped land
" # pa!ing F utilit% impro!ements " # +uilding impro!ements " # fenced
3 of +uildings00000000 " # occupied " # unoccupied
<or each +uilding descri+e the impro!ement$ estimate the %ear of construction$ and ans*er the
follo*ing questions2
?uilding &escription2 0000000000000000000000000000000000000006ear0000?uilt2
)as an as+estos containing materials sur!e% +een conducted pre!iousl%/ 6es " # 1o " #
s an :perations F Maintenance Plan in place for the +uilding 6es " # 1o " #
Are there plans for reno!ation to the +uilding/ 6es " # 1o " #
)as an% a+atement ta.en place on the su+-ect site/ 6es " # 1o " #
*as evi %e nc e o! the !oll o+i ng obs erv e % on the subj ec t "ro"ert ,
1' =at er +odi es$ springs$ lagoons$
s*amps$ ri!ers$$ ponds$ etc' " # 6es " # 1o
2' Stor m drai ns$ *ells$ cist er ns " # 6es " # 1o
A' <loor drai ns$ septic s%st e ms " # 6es " # 1o
B' &amage d, l ea.i ng transfor mer s " # 6es " # 1o
5' )ea!% equi pme nt $ s$ spra% rigs$ paint +oot hs " # 6es " # 1o
C' Storage cont ainers$ drums " # 6es " # 1o
7' 8hemi cal$ pet rol eum$ foul odors " # 6es " # 1o
D' &umpi ng$ dist ur+ed soil$ direct +uri al
acti!it %$ in-ection *ells$ other dispos al acti!iti es " # 6es " # 1o
E' Surface impoundme nt @ s, hol di ng ponds
"other than stor m*at er ret ent i on# " # 6es " # 1o
10' =ast e*at er dischar ges " # 6es " # 1o
11' Sumps$ h%dr aulic lifts, equi pme nt " # 6es " # 1o
12' ASTs$ 7STs$ fill pipes$ !ent pipes$ !ault s$ 7ST
manhol e co!ers$ pumpi ng equi pment $ pat ched areas
of asphal t or concr et e indicati!e of pre!ious 7ST
locations or repai rs " # 6es " # 1o
1A Monitoring *ells$ pie>omet er s$ other su+surf ace
moni t ori ng de!i ses$ remedi al acti!ities " # 6es " # 1o
1B' St ai ned, di scol or ed soil " # 6es " # 1o
15' 5eachat e or seeps " # 6es " # 1o
1C' 8hemi call% distr es s ed$ discolor ed$ st ai ned
!eget at i on " # 6es " # 1o
17' 8hemi cal spills,rel eas e s " # 6es " # 1o
1D' Petrol eum sheen@s on *at er
"e4cludi ng lot pondi ng# " # 6es " # 1o
1E' Prolonged use or misapplicat i on of pesti ci des
her+ici des$ soil condi tioner s$ fertili>ers " # 6es " # 1o
20' :ther " # 6es " # 1o
&escri +e the en!ironme nt al concer ns identified' 6our comme nt s shoul d include a
discussi on of the pot ent i al impact thes e concer ns could ha!e on the su+- ect proper t %2
-%jace nt & -but t i ng Pro"ert Chec)l i s t 2
:+ser!e and docume nt to the fullest possi +l e e4t ent $ land uses$ +usi ness oper at i ons$ and
condi tions of concer n on all ad- acent , a+ut t i ng proper ti es$ from the +oundari es of the
su+- ect proper t % and from pu+lic street s$ alle%s$ side*al .s$ et c' An Ia+ut ti ng proper t %I
means those sit es that shar e a common proper t % +oundar % *ith the su+- ect sit e$ *hile
Jad- acent proper t %K means those sit es separ at ed from the su+- ect sit e +% an ease me nt
such as a utilit%$ street $ high*a%$ railroad$ etc'
Thi s chec)l i s t as s ume s the subj ec t "ro"ert has !our ./0 si %e s . Desi gnat e the
%irect i onal rel at i ons hi " o! each a%j ac e nt & abut t i ng "ro"ert . =hen mor e than one
ad- acent , a+ut t i ng proper t % is along a gi!en side of the su+- ect proper t %$ collecti!el %
addr es s all condi tions o+ser!ed on an% of the multipl e proper ti es as if on one
ad- acent , a+ut t i ng proper t %' 8hec. the appropri at e +o4es and fill in the +lan.s to define
the o+ser!ed relationshi p and char act eri sti cs of the ad- acent proper ti es'
1. The ad- acent proper t %" s# to the "direction# is2
" # uphill from " # do*nhill from " # le!el *ith$ the su+- ect sit e'
8urrent use"s#00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 " # occupi ed " # unoccupi ed
8hec. all observed concerns 2
" # chemi cal spills,rel eas es " # chemi cal odors
" # under gr ound storage tan.s " # a+o!egr ound stor age tan.s " # st ai ned
" # impoundme nt @ s, hol di ng ponds " # drums, cont ai ner s " #
dumpi ng
" # remedi at i on, cl ean- up acti!it % " # landfill,+uri al acti!it % " #
moni t ori ng *ells
" # indust ri al, manuf act uri ng acti!it % " # *ast e*at er dischar ge " # air
emi ssi ons
8omment s 2 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
2. The ad- acent proper t %" s# to the "direction# is2
" # uphill from " # do*nhill from " # le!el *ith$ the su+- ect sit e'
8urrent use"s#00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 " # occupi ed " # unoccupi ed
" # chemi cal spills,rel eas es " # chemi cal odors
" # under gr ound storage tan.s " # a+o!egr ound stor age tan.s " # st ai ned
" # impoundme nt @ s, hol di ng ponds " # drums, cont ai ner s " #
dumpi ng
" # remedi at i on, cl ean- up acti!it % " # landfill,+uri al acti!it % " #
moni t ori ng *ells
" # indust ri al, manuf act uri ng acti!it % " # *ast e*at er dischar ge " # air
emi ssi ons
8omment s 2 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
3. The ad- acent proper t %" s# to the "direction# is2
" # uphill from$ " # do*nhill from$ " # le!el *ith$ the su+- ect sit e'
8urrent use"s#00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 " # occupi ed " # unoccupi ed
8hec. all observed concerns 2
" # chemi cal spills,rel eas es " # chemi cal odors
" # under gr ound storage tan.s " # a+o!egr ound stor age tan.s " # st ai ned
" # impoundme nt @ s, hol di ng ponds " # drums, cont ai ner s " #
dumpi ng
" # remedi at i on, cl ean- up acti!it % " # landfill,+uri al acti!it % " #
moni t ori ng *ells
" # indust ri al, manuf act uri ng acti!it % " # *ast e*at er dischar ge " # air
emi ssi ons
8omment s 2 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
/. The ad- acent proper t %" s# to the "direction# is2
" # uphill from " # do*nhill from " # le!el *ith$ the su+- ect sit e'
8urrent use"s#00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 " # occupi ed " # unoccupi ed
8hec. all observed concerns 2
" # chemi cal spills,rel eas es " # chemi cal odors
" # under gr ound storage tan.s " # a+o!egr ound stor age tan.s " # st ai ned
" # impoundme nt @ s, hol di ng ponds " # drums, cont ai ner s " #
dumpi ng
" # remedi at i on, cl ean- up acti!it % " # landfill,+uri al acti!it % " #
moni t ori ng *ells
" # indust ri al, manuf act uri ng acti!it % " # *ast e*at er dischar ge " # air
emi ssi ons
8omment s 2 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
P4'PE4T5 '6E46IE* -ND 7I(T'4IC-L 8-C9:4';ND
?ased on the inquiries$ inter!ie*s and inspections identif% current and historical acti!ities on the su+-ect
propert% +ac. to 1EB0 "if a!aila+le#$ complete the follo*ing chec.lists' Place a chec. mar. in all the
appropriate +o4es and print or t%pe comments in the +lan.s'
Investigation (ources Chec)list
The follo*ing resources must +e in!estigated to inquire a+out the current and historical uses of the su+-ect
propert% +ac. to 1EB0$ *hen a!aila+le' ndicate *hether the follo*ing information sources *ere a!aila+le
and re!ie*ed in this Phase in!estigation2
1' (e!ie* of Aerial Photographs " # 6es " # 1o
2' (e!ie* of <ire nsurance,San+orns Maps " # 6es " # 1o
A' :n Site nspection "Section # " # 6es " # 1o
B' nter!ie* *ith propert% o*ner " # 6es " # 1o
5' nter!ie* *ith propert%,facilit% manager " # 6es " # 1o
C' (egulator% (e!ie* "Section # " # 6es " # 1o
7' nter!ie* *ith local <ire Marshal " # 6es " # 1o
D' nter!ie* *ith 5ocal En!ironmental Agenc% " # 6es " # 1o
7istorical ;se Chec)list: &escri+e the historical use of the propert% +ac. to 1EB0'

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