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About TIPC

The program involves the promotion of tripartite industrial peace councils formation, as well as the industry
tripartite councils, in the national, regional, city/municipal and provincial levels. It also includes the
institutionaliation of social dialogues and tripartite consultations on policies and programs affecting labor and
The !ational Tripartite Industrial Peace Council "TIPC# serves as the main consultative and advisory mechanism
lodged with the $epartment of %abor and &mployment ' (ureau of %abor )elations. It functions primarily as a
forum for tripartite advisement and consultation among organied labor, employer and government in the
formulation and implementation of labor and employment polices. The !ational TIPC is responsible for processing
ma*or issuances affecting labor, employment and other related concerns, as well as a clearinghouse for the
recommendation and ratification or denunciation of International %abour +rganiation "I%+# Conventions.

Policy (asis
+n the adoption of Tripartism
The Philippine ,overnment adopted tripartism as a state policy, particularly by virtue of -ection ., Article /III
"-ocial 0ustice and 1uman )ights# of the Philippine Constitution, Article 234 "Tripartism and Tripartite
Conferences# of the Philippine %abor Code, as amended, ratification of I%+ Convention !o. 566 "Tripartite
Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International %abor -tandards#, and passage of )epublic Act !o,
57.84 or 9An Act -trengthening Tripartism, Amending for the purpose Article 234 of Presidential $ecree !o. 662,
As Amended, +therwise :nown as the 9%abor Code of the Philippines; on <arch 56, 275..
+n the creation of the TIPCs and ITCs
President Coraon C. A=uino formally created the Tripartite Industrial Peace Council "TIPC# in 5887 through
&>ecutive +rder !o. 67. as the main consultative mechanism and advisory body of the social partners ' wor?ers,
employers and government @ on labor and employment lodged with the $epartment of %abor and &mployment
"$+%&#. The TIPC and ITCs evolved over the years and were institutionalied through the following e>ecutive
and department order issuancesA
B &>ecutive +rder !o. 24 "s. 5882#, Amending &>ecutive +rder !o. 67. and further strengthening the
Tripartite Industrial Peace Council
B $+%& $epartment +rder !o. C "s. 5884#, ,uidelines in the Constitution and Institutionaliation of
!ational Councils, )egional TIPCs, and )egional or %ocal ITCs under the !ational TIPC
B $epartment +rder !o. 56 "s. 588D#, Creation of &>ecutive Committee for the Conference#
B &>ecutive +rder !o. .C. "s. 588D#, )eorganiing and -trengthening the Tripartite Industrial Peace Council
B &>ecutive +rder !o. 68 "s. 588C#, Amending &>ecutive +rder !o. .C. for the purpose of )econstituting
and &>panding the <embership of the Tripartite Industrial Peace Council
B &>ecutive +rder !o. 83 "s. 5888#, amending &>ecutive +rder !o. 68, Eurther &>panding Eunctions of the
Tripartite Industrial Peace Council
Fith these, the Philippines has been noted by the I%+ to have a robust tripartism and social dialogue mechanism
and process, which was further strengthened by the passage of )epublic Act !o, 57.84 or 9An Act -trengthening
Tripartism, Amending for the purpose Article 234 of Presidential $ecree !o. 662, As Amended, +therwise :nown
as the 9%abor Code of the Philippines;.

&>isting !ational ITCs
5 Automotive Assembly Industry Tripartite Council "AAITC#
2 (an?ing Industry Tripartite Council "(ITC#
. Construction Industry Tripartite Council "CITC#
6 Clothing and Te>tile Industry Tripartite Council "CTITC#
4 1otel and )estaurant Tripartite Consultative (ody "1)TC(#
D -ugar Tripartite Council "-TC#
3 <aritime Industry Tripartite Council "<ITC#
C %andbased Tripartite Consultative Council "%TCC#

TIPC Eunctions
8 To monitor the full implementation and compliance by concerned sectors with provisions of all tripartite
instruments, including international conventions, codes of conduct, and social accordsG
57 To participate in national, regional or industry@specific tripartite conferences which the President or the
-ecretary of %abor and &mployment may call from time to timeG
55 To review e>isting labor, economic and social policies and to evaluate local and international developments
affecting themG
52 To formulate for submission to the President or Congress, tripartite views, recommendations and proposals
on labor, economic and social concerns including the presentation of tripartite positions on relevant bills
pending in CongressG
5. To advise the -ecretary of %abor and &mployment in the formulation or implementation of policies and
legislation affecting labor and employmentG
56 To serve as a communication channel and a mechanism for underta?ing *oin programs among government,
wor?ers, employers and their organiations toward enhancing labor@management relationsG and
54 To adopt its own program of activities and rules, consistent with development ob*ectives.

TIPC <onitoring (ody
HConstituting the !ational Tripartite Industrial Peace Council as the 1igh %evel Tripartite <onitoring (ody on the
Application of International %abor -tandards. in Particular I%+ Convention on Ereedom of Association and
Protection of the )ight to +rganie "!o.C3#H
The ,overnment of the )epublic of the Philippines ",)P# during the 8Cth -ession of the International %abor
Conference in 0une 2778 accepted the re=uest for International %abor +rganiation 1igh %evel <ission, in order
for the I%+ to obtain a greater understanding of the application of I%+ Convention !o. C3, in law and in practice,
and to gather detailed information on issues and con cerns raised by the I%+ supervisory bodies.
The ,)P has Committed to create a tripartite body which will wor? closely with other sta?eholders to ensure
industrial peace and harmony based on social *ustice
5D Eacilitate Hout of the bo> solutionH to long@standing CEA casesG
53 <onitor and report progress on active CEA casesG and
5C Eacilitate gathering of relevant information on complaints submitted to the I%+ and evaluate and
recommend appropriate actions/s.

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