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Your son/daughter has shown an interest in being part of the Hugh Boyd First
Responders. The team is responsible for providing first aid to the students of
Hugh Boyd. These calls can range from students not feeling well, broken bones,
cuts to any serious injury that may occur. After attending and passing the
Standard First aid and First Responder programs the students work in teams on a
week rotation basis (no FR is ever on a call on their own), each FR student on call
carries a pager. Sometimes the week can pass without a call and yet other times
FR students may miss a major part/all of a class many times throughout the week.
The teachers are aware of the students that are part of this team and appreciate
the value of what they do but it is NOT an excuse or a ticket to get out of school
work, all responders are responsible to find out what work was missed and keep
up. If a First Responder is aware of a test it is their responsibility to make sure that
block is covered by another FR student. If the FR student is wearing their pager
and it goes off it is not a choice THEY MUST ATTEND the call. Also some calls do
happen at the end of the day causing the team to stay on (the bell does not signal
the end of their duties) our team practices after school and attendance is
mandatory (approx 1 hour). First Responders team provides a great opportunity
for students to get their volunteer hours and school and in the community, learn
valuable team work skills and get a feel of possibly moving toward a career in the
medical or emergency fields. Attached is the package and costs of the courses.
Each student must take the standard course and FR courses and are responsible
for the costs.
If you have any questions regarding the First Responder program that your
son/daughter is unable to answer you may contact me at Hugh Boyd School
Mrs. Cindy Partridge 604-668-6615


LAST NAME_____________________________________FIRST NAME____________________________
GRADE _____________AGE__________ MALE FEMALE CELL#_______________________________
YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________
PARENT EMAIL__________________________________________________
TEACHER RECOMMENDATION___________________________________________________
OTHER ACTIVITIES YOU ARE INVOLVED WITH (teams, groups, programs, sports)
On the back of this form tell me why you want to be a first responder (be honest)
The First Responder program can take time out of class, you are responsible for covering and making up
all missed work. If this becomes an issue you will be removed from rotation until you have caught up all
You are aware there are after school practices that are mandatory participation. (Approx. 1 hour long)
You understand that all information about other students is private and confidential.
Being part of the Hugh Boyd First Responders is an important job, if you abuse or misuse your position
in any way you will be removed from rotation and your position on the team will be reviewed.

Your signature_______________________________________________Date______________________
Parent or guardian signature____________________________________Date______________________

Standard First Aid

February 1 & 2, 2014
March 1 & 2, 2014
April 5 & 6, 2014
May 3 & 4, 2014
June 7 & 8, 2014

First Responder

February 14, 15, 16 & 21, 22, 23
April 11, 12, 13 & 18, 19, 20
June 14, 15, 16 & 21, 22 (WPGA Tentative)
June 23 to 27 (Cambie 5 Day)
August 25 to 29 (Cambie 5 Day)

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