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FACULTY GUIDE: Dr. N C Raja La!"#$% (Pr&'(""&r ) A""&*%a+(
E.AIL I.D: raja/a!"#$%0""%$.a*.%-
INDUSTRY GUIDE: .r. 1%ja Raa-2&34ar
DESIGNATION: Fra-*#%"( O,(ra+%&-" -G(-(ra/ .a-a2(r
E.AIL I.D:5%ja.raa-a2&34ar0,(,"%*&.*&$
PHONE NO: 9176454746
2.7 D(+a%/" &' +#( Or2a-%8a+%&- (CCE):
P(,"%C& I-*. is an American multinational food and beverage corporation
headquartered in Purchase, New York, United States, with interests in the
manufacturing, marketing and distribution of grain-based snack foods,
beverages, and other products !t has a product portfolio of ""brands and as of
#anuar$ "", "%&"
Tar2(+(4 C3"+&$(r":
Age ) more than &" $ears
!ncome ) more than !N* "%,%%%
+eneration - +eneration Y
Personalit$ ) Sincere, ,ompetent, Sophisticated
-ife St$le ) .ealth ,onscious, .$giene Sensitive
*eadiness Stage ) !nformed0interested
Attitude toward the product ) Positive
- Aquafina target market is all the generation Y individuals who are .ealth
,onscious, .$giene Sensitive
1arget market for "% liter water 2ars in non !10!13S companies are the
companies which have good number of generation Y emplo$ees, maintaining
good h$giene factors for the emplo$ees and organi4ations which are qualit$,
emplo$ee health conscious rather than cost conscious
C&$,(+%+&r" +& +#( ,r&43*+":"(r5%*(" :
!N 1.3 +-5/A- 6A*731( !ts primar$ competition includes Aqua 8!ndonesia9,
Aqua 6inerale 8+reece9, 'asani 8United States9, Aqua Pura 8United 7ingdom9
and Aquasource 8Australia9
!N 1.3 -5,A- 6A*731( 1ough ,ompetition is form 7inle$, /isleri, 5:$*ich,
'r;ater and other local brands
E-5%r&-$(-+(P&/%+%*a/, E*&-&$%*, S&*%a/, T(*#-&/&2%*a/, L(2a/):
- 1here are various political parties protesting against the pricing of mineral
- 1he government imposed price ceiling on the bottled water
- 1here is an increase in per capital income
- 6ost of the population is of middle and upper middle class
- 3:pansion of multinationals, !1, /P5 companies in & and " tire cities
- /ottled water is previousl$ considered as a status s$mbol
- !n these da$s /ottled water is the onl$ source of purified drinking water
- !ncreased health consciousness among the population
- 1he bundling of technologies like distillation, reverse osmosis, activated carbon
filter etc helps in better qualit$ of water
- *ec$cling of #ars and pet bottles helps in reducing environmental pollution
2.2 G&a/" a-4 Tar2(+":
1asks assigned to me are to prepare a brief for how am ! going to find out the
needs and requirements of organi4ations, what can be the price-offs be, different
wa$s to promote the brand in a cost effective manner, different promotional
strategies that can be applied, formulate strategies to increase bulk water sales,
evaluating the different channels of doing the business, strategies to decrease
costs and increase profits 1ask to prepare a report including which t$pe of
research design ! am going to use to solve the research problem, which is the
data collection tool, would help me in approaching to a solution ! have
completed m$ tasks of preparing a report including the methodolog$, sample
unit< sample Si4e, Population, =uestionnaire used for data collection etc
1he$ assigned me the task of capturing the uncaptured market of "%ltr Aquafina
water 2ars sale 1he tasks involved in it are firstl$ segmenting and targeting the
right customer, communicating with different customers, e:plaining them about
Aquafina, educating customers about the water purification process, 1otal
'issolved Solid 81'S9 levels, qualit$ tests, all the standards followed, all
certifications for the water, e:plaining them about the pol$ carbon material used
for manufacturing these 2ars, how different is Aquafina from all the other brands
and finall$ convincing the customers to bu$ Aquafina which reall$ needs a lot of
effort and is a ver$ challenging role as its price is reall$ ver$ high when
compared with the local brands
1he additional tasks involves estimating the market potential for Aquafina "%-iter
packaged drinking water in Non !10!13S ,ompanies ,oming to the achievement
part of the targets ! have got a good number of orders for big companies which
would need bulk water 2ars
I-+(ra*+%&- ;%+# C&r,&ra+( G3%4(
+enerall$ ! interact with m$ corporate mentor through telephone as he sta$s in
,hennai and monthl$ twice he comes to .$derabad 1his week ! met m$
,orporate mentor and discussed about how the work should be carried out .e
asked me to carr$ out the sales activities in '1! 8'irect 1o !nstitutions9 !
designed and showed him a promotion card for the 2ewelr$ stores and a poster
which could be more attractive and informative when compared to the present
poster the$ are using and he liked them ver$ much and he advised me on few
modifications which would bring a better look and feel
! discussed about m$ pro2ect title and made few modifications ,orporate 6entor
e:plained me about the different distribution channels used in the >6,+ sector
and also e:plained me about the completel$ automated marketing process of
Pepsi where the location, activities of the sales man can be trapped ;e also
discussed about the profit margins for the distributors in each field, what are the$
called and how is each segment divided and named
! learned the entire flow of goods from the place of manufacturer to the
,oming to the assignment of task, ! was assigned to work on the pro2ect title,
ob2ectives formulation, and methodolog$ to be followed, =uestionnaire to be
used for the data collection, how ! would approach to a solution and what would
be the outcomes 1he important task assigned to me is to increase the sales of
Aquafina in Non !10!13S companies b$ good presentations, proper interactions,
regular feedbacks, and suitable negotiations ! have succeeded in bringing a
good number of orders form the companies 1his week ! m$self have taken the
decision of which organi4ations to be approached, what is the best price that !
could give them etc
Pr(,ara+%&- &' R("(ar*# ,/a-:
R("(ar*# T%+/(: ?1o formulate cost effective sales promotion strategies for
Aquafina while evaluating alternate channels for bulk water sales to ma:imi4e
volume and reach in .$derabad@
R("(ar*# O=j(*+%5(":.
& 1o formulate cost effective sales promotion strategies
" 1o evaluate the alternate channels of doing the business
A 1o ma:imi4e bulk water sales
R("(ar*# $(+#&4&/&2:
I-+r&43*+%&- &' +#( ,r&=/($: A Stud$ for formulating cost effective sales
promotion strategies for Aquafina while evaluating alternate channels for bulk
water sales to ma:imi4e volume and reach in .$derabad
R("(ar*# 4("%2-: *esearch design is simpl$ the framework or plan for a stud$
>or conducting the research ! selected the combination of both 'escriptive and
e:plorator$ research design
Sa$,/%-2 4("%2-:
! P&,3/a+%&-:
Non !1 0!13S companies using "% liter water 2ars for drinking purpose in
!! Sa$,/( U-%+(
Non !10!13S ,ompanies
!!!. Sa$,/( "%8(:
3:pected sample si4e is &%% *espondents
!B Sa$,/%-2 $(+#&4:
Simple *andom Sampling 6ethod will be used to conduct this research
Da+a C&//(*+%&- $(+#&4:
! Pr%$ar Da+a :
*esearch !nstrument( =uestionnaire
!! S(*&-4ar Da+a:
>or the stud$( !nternet is used for collecting secondar$ data
I4(-+%'%*a+%&- &' &;- S+r(-2+#" a-4 9(a!-(""(":
I4(-+%'%(4 S+r(-2+#":
- +ood ,ommunication Skills
- ! built strong relationships with m$ colleagues and customers.
- Punctualit$ and discipline are m$ greatest strengths
- +ood Planning
- 5rgani4ing
- 5ptimism
- >le:ibilit$
- Self-3valuation and self-motivation
- ;in-;in Negotiation
- -eadership and a good team pla$er
- 5pen mindedness
- ,uriosit$ is also m$ strength as it is enabling me to learn different things
- Self ,onfidence
- Positive attitude and goal focused
- +ood ,onvincing skills
- +ood with people
I4(-+%'%(4 9(a!-(""(":
- ! am an emotional person and sometimes become ver$ sensitive
- ! waste m$ time when ! am not interested to work
- !t is eas$ for people to make me irritated
- Unable to make ver$ quick decisions

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