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A Sermon

(No. 30)
Delivered on Sabbath Morning, June 17, 18, b! the
"#$. %. &. S'urgeon
At Ne( )ar* Street %ha'el, South(ar*.
+,he 'o(er o- the &ol! .ho/t.+0"oman/ 1113.
23#" i/ the /'e4ial and 'e4uliar 'rerogative o- .od, and .od alone. +,(i4e have 5
heard thi/6 that 'o(er belongeth unto .od.+ .od i/ .od6 and 'o(er belongeth to him. 5-
he delegate/ a 'ortion o- it to hi/ 4reature/, !et /till it i/ his 'o(er. ,he /un, although he
i/ +li*e a bridegroom 4oming out o- hi/ 4hamber, and re7oi4eth a/ a /trong man to run hi/
ra4e,+ !et ha/ no 'o(er to 'er-orm hi/ motion/ e84e't a/ .od dire4t/ him. ,he /tar/,
although the! travel in their orbit/, and none 4ould /ta! them, !et have neither might nor
-or4e, e84e't that (hi4h .od dail! in-u/e/ into them. ,he tall ar4hangel, near hi/ throne,
(ho out/hine/ a 4omet in it/ bla9e, though he i/ one o- tho/e (ho e84el in /trength, and
hear*en to the voi4e o- the 4ommand/ o- .od, !et ha/ no might e84e't that (hi4h hi/
Ma*er give/ to him. A/ -or :eviathan, (ho /o ma*eth the /ea to boil li*e a 'ot, that one
(ould thin* the dee' (ere hoar!6 a/ -or ;ehemoth, (ho drin*eth u' Jordan at a draught,
and boa/teth that he 4an /nu-- u' river/6 a/ -or tho/e ma7e/ti4 4reature/ that are -ound on
earth, the! o(e their /trength to him (ho -a/hioned their bone/ o- /teel, and made their
/ine(/ o- bra//. And (hen (e thin* o- man, i- he ha/ might or 'o(er, it i/ /o /mall and
in/igni-i4ant, that (e 4an /4ar4el! 4all it /u4h6 !ea, (hen it i/ at it/ greate/t0(hen he
/(a!/ hi/ /4e'tre, (hen he 4ommand/ ho/t/, (hen he rule/ nation/0/till the 'o(er
belongeth unto .od6 and it i/ true, +,(i4e have 5 heard thi/, that 'o(er belongeth unto
.od.+ ,hi/ e84lu/ive 'rerogative o- .od, i/ to be -ound in ea4h o- the three 'er/on/ o-
the gloriou/ ,rinit!. ,he <ather hath 'o(er6 -or b! hi/ (ord (ere the heaven/ made, and
all the ho/t/ o- them6 b! hi/ /trength all thing/ /tand, and through him the! -ul-il their
de/tin!. ,he Son hath 'o(er6 -or, li*e hi/ <ather, he i/ the %reator o- all thing/6 +3ithout
him (a/ not an!thing made that (a/ made,+ and +b! him all thing/ 4on/i/t.+ And the
&ol! S'irit hath 'o(er. 5t i/ 4on4erning the 'o(er o- the &ol! .ho/t that 5 /hall /'ea*
thi/ morning6 and ma! !ou have a 'ra4ti4al e8em'li-i4ation o- that attribute in !our o(n
heart/, (hen !ou /hall -eel that the in-luen4e o- the &ol! .ho/t i/ being 'oured out u'on
me, /o that 5 am /'ea*ing the (ord/ o- the living .od to !our /oul/, and be/to(ed u'on
!ou (hen !ou are -eeling the e--e4t/ o- it in !our o(n /'irit/.

5. <ir/t, then, (e are to vie( the 'o(er o-
the S'irit in the 2=,3A"D AND $5S5;:# D5S):A>S 2< 5,. ,he 'o(er o- the S'rit
ha/ not been dormant6 it ha/ e8erted it/el-. Mu4h ha/ been done b! the S'irit o- .od
alread!6 more than 4ould have been a44om'li/hed b! an! being e84e't the 5n-inite,
#ternal, Almight! Jehovah, o- (hom the &ol! S'irit i/ one 'er/on. ,here are -our (or*/
(hi4h are the out(ard and mani-e/t /ign/ o- the 'o(er o- the S'irit6 4reation (or*/6
re/urre4tion (or*/6 (or*/ o- atte/tation, or o- (itne//6 and (or*/ o- gra4e. 2- ea4h o-
the/e (or*/ 5 /hall /'ea* ver! brie-l!.

?. A /e4ond mani-e/tation o- the &ol!
S'irit@/ 'o(er i/ to be -ound in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. 5- !e have ever
/tudied thi/ /ub7e4t, !e have 'erha'/ been rather 'er'le8ed to -ind that /ometime/ the
re/urre4tion o- %hri/t i/ a/4ribed to him/el-. ;! hi/ o(n 'o(er and godhead he 4ould not
be held b! the bond o- death, but a/ he (illingl! gave u' hi/ li-e he had 'o(er to ta*e it
u' again. 5n another 'ortion o- S4ri'ture, !ou -ind it a/4ribed to .od the <ather1 +&e
rai/ed him u' -rom the dead1+ +&im hath .od the <ather e8alted.+ And man! other
'a//age/ o- /imilar im'ort. ;ut, again, it i/ /aid in S4ri'ture that Je/u/ %hri/t (a/ rai/ed
b! the &ol! S'irit. No(, all the/e thing/ (ere true. &e (a/ rai/ed b! the <ather ;e4au/e
the <ather /aid, +:oo/e the 'ri/oner0let him go. Ju/ti4e i/ /ati/-ied. M! la( reAuire/ no
more /ati/-a4tion0vengean4e ha/ had it/ due0let him go.+ &ere he gave an o--i4ial
me//age (hi4h delivered Je/u/ -rom the grave. &e (a/ rai/ed b! hi/ o(n ma7e/t! and
'o(er, be4au/e he had a right to 4ome out6 and he -elt he had, and there-ore +bur/t the
bond/ o- death1 he 4ould be no longer holden o- them.+ ;ut he (a/ rai/ed b! the S'irit a/
to that energ! (hi4h hi/ mortal -rame re4eived, b! the (hi4h it ro/e again -rom the grave
a-ter having lain there -or three da!/ and night/. 5- !ou (ant 'roo-/ o- thi/ !ou mu/t o'en
!our ;ible/ again, 1 )eter 3118. +<or %hri/t al/o hath on4e /u--ered -or /in/, the 7u/t -or
the un7u/t, that he might bring u/ to .od, being 'ut to death in the -le/h but Aui4*ened b!
the S'irit.+ And a -urther 'roo- !ou ma! -ind in "oman/ 81110(5 love /ometime/ to be
te8tual, -or 5 believe the great -ault o- %hri/tian/ i/ that the! do not /ear4h the S4ri'ture/
enough, and 5 (ill ma*e them /ear4h them (hen the! are here i- the! do not do /o
an!(here el/e.)0+;ut i- the S'irit o- him that rai/ed u' Je/u/ -rom the dead d(ell in
!ou, he that rai/ed u' %hri/t -rom the dead /hall al/o Aui4*en !our mortal bodie/ b! hi/
S'irit that d(elleth in !ou.+

3. ,he third o- the (or*/ o- the &ol! S'irit,
(hi4h have /o (onder-ull! demon/trated hi/ 'o(er, are attestation works. 5 mean b! thi/
0(or*/ o- (itne//ing. 3hen Je/u/ %hri/t (ent into the /tream o- ba'ti/m in the river
Jordan, the &ol! S'irit de/4ended u'on him li*e a dove, and 'ro4laimed him .od@/
beloved /on. ,hat (a/ (hat 5 /t!le an atte/tation (or*. And (hen a-ter(ard/ Je/u/ %hri/t
rai/ed the dead, (hen he healed the le'er, (hen he /'o*e to di/ea/e/ and the! -led a'a4e,
(hen demon/ ru/hed in thou/and/ -rom tho/e (ho (ere 'o//e//ed o- them, it (a/ done
b! the 'o(er o- the S'irit. ,he S'irit d(elt in Je/u/ (ithout mea/ure, and b! that 'o(er
all tho/e mira4le/ (ere (or*ed. ,he/e (ere atte/tation (or*/. And (hen Je/u/ %hri/t (a/
gone, !ou (ill remember that ma/ter atte/tation o- the S'irit, (hen he 4ame li*e a
ru/hing might! (ind u'on the a//embled a'o/tle/, and 4loven tongue/ /at u'on them6 and
!ou (ill remember ho( he atte/ted their mini/tr!, b! giving them to /'ea* (ith tongue/
a/ he gave them utteran4e6 and ho(, al/o, mira4ulou/ deed/ (ere (rought b! them, ho(
the! taught, ho( )eter rai/ed Dor4a/, ho( he breathed li-e into #nti4u/, ho( great deed/
(ere (rought b! the a'o/tle/ a/ (ell a/ their Ma/ter0/o that +might! /ign/ and (onder/
(ere done b! the &ol! .ho/t, and man! believed thereb!.+ 3ho (ill doubt the 'o(er o-
the &ol! S'irit a-ter thatB AhC ,ho/e So4inian/ (ho den! the e8i/ten4e o- the &ol! .ho/t
and hi/ ab/olute 'er/onalit!, (hat (ill the! do (hen (e get them on 4reation,
re/urre4tion, and atte/tationB ,he! mu/t ru/h in the ver! teeth o- S4ri'ture. ;ut mar*C 5t
i/ a /tone u'on (hi4h i- an! man -all he /hall be brui/ed6 but i- it -all u'on him, a/ it (ill
do i- he re/i/t/ it, it /hall grind him to 'o(der. ,he &ol! S'irit ha/ 'o(er omni'otent,
even the 'o(er o- .od.

55. No( -or the /e4ond 'oint, ,&#
5N3A"D AND S)5"5,=A: )23#" 2< ,&# &2:> S)5"5,. 3hat 5 have alread!
/'o*en o- ma! be /een6 (hat 5 am about to /'ea* o- mu/t be -elt, and no man (ill
a''rehend (hat 5 /a! (ith truth unle// he ha/ -elt it. ,he other, even the in-idel mu/t
4on-e//6 the other, the greate/t bla/'hemer 4annot den!, i- he /'ea*/ the truth6 but thi/ i/
(hat the one (ill laugh at a/ enthu/ia/m, and (hat the other (ill /a! i/ but the invention
o- our -evered -an4ie/. &o(ever, (e have a more /ure (ord o- te/timon! than all that
the! ma! /a!. 3e have a (itne// (ithin. 3e *no( it i/ the truth, and (e are not a-raid to
/'ea* o- the in(ard /'iritual 'o(er o- the &ol! .ho/t. :et u/ noti4e t(o or three thing/
(herein the in(ard and /'iritual 'o(er o- the &ol! .ho/t i/ ver! greatl! to be /een and

?. ;ut i- there i/ one thing more /tubborn
than the heart, it i/ the will. +M! lord 3illDbeD(ill,+ a/ ;un!an 4all/ him in hi/ +&ol!
3ar,+ i/ a -ello( (ho (ill not ea/il! be bent. ,he (ill, e/'e4iall! in /ome men, i/ a ver!
/tubborn thing6 and in all men, i- the (ill i/ on4e /tirred u' to o''o/ition, there i/ nothing
4an be done (ith them. Free-will /omebod! believe/ in. Free-will man! dream o-. <reeD
(illC 3herever i/ that to be -oundB 2n4e there (a/ <reeD(ill in )aradi/e, and a terrible
me// <reeD(ill made there6 -or it /'oiled all )aradi/e and turned Adam out o- the garden.
<reeD(ill (a/ on4e in heaven6 but it turned the gloriou/ ar4hangel out, and a third 'art o-
the /tar/ o- heaven -ell into the ab!//. 5 (ant nothing to do (ith <reeD(ill, but 5 (ill tr! to
/ee (hether 5 have got a <reeD(ill (ithin. And 5 -ind 5 have. $er! -ree (ill to evil but
ver! 'oor (ill to that (hi4h i/ good. <reeD(ill enough (hen 5 /in, but (hen 5 (ould do
good, evil i/ 're/ent (ith me, and ho( to do that (hi4h 5 (ould 5 -ind not. >et /ome
boa/t o- <reeD(ill. 5 (onder (hether tho/e (ho believe in it have an! more 'o(er over
'er/on/@ (ill/ than 5 haveB 5 *no( 5 have not an!. 5 -ind the old 'roverb ver! true, +2ne
man 4an bring a hor/e to the (ater but a hundred 4annot ma*e him drin*.+ 5 -ind that 5
4an bring !ou all to the (ater, and a great man! more than 4an get into thi/ 4ha'el6 but 5
4annot ma*e !ou drin*6 and 5 don@t thin* a hundred mini/ter/ 4ould ma*e !ou drin*. 5
have read old "o(land &ill, and 3hite-ield, and /everal other/, to /ee (hat the! did6 but
5 4annot di/4over a 'lan o- turning !our (ill. 5 4annot 4oa8 !ou, and !ou (ill not !ield b!
an! manner o- mean/. 5 do not thin* an! man ha/ 'o(er over hi/ -ello(D4reature@/ (ill,
but the S'irit o- .od ha/. +5 (ill ma*e them (illing in the da! o- m! 'o(er.+ &e ma*eth
the un(illing /inner /o (illing that he i/ im'etuou/ a-ter the go/'el6 he (ho (a/
ob/tinate no( hurrie/ to the 4ro//. &e (ho laughed at Je/u/ no( hang/ on hi/ mer4!6 and
he (ho (ould not believe i/ no( made b! the &ol! S'irit to do it, not onl! (illingl!, but
eagerl!6 he i/ ha''!, i/ glad to do it, re7oi4e/ in the /ound o- Je/u/@ name, and delight/ to
run in the (a! o- .od@/ 4ommandment/. ,he &ol! S'irit ha/ 'o(er over the (ill.

555. ;ut the la/t thing (a/, ,&# <=,="#
AND D#S5"#D #<<#%,S6 -or, a-ter all, though the &ol! S'irit ha/ done /o mu4h, he
4annot /a!, +5t i/ -ini/hed.+ Je/u/ %hri/t 4ould e84laim 4on4erning hi/ o(n labor0+5t i/
-ini/hed.+ ;ut the &ol! S'irit 4annot /a! that. &e ha/ more to do !et1 and until the
4on/ummation o- all thing/, (hen the Son him/el- be4ome/ /ub7e4t to the <ather, it /hall
not be /aid b! the &ol! S'irit, +5t i/ -ini/hed.+ 3hat, then, ha/ the &ol! S'irit to doB

?. Another great (or* o- the &ol! S'irit,
(hi4h i/ not a44om'li/hed, i/ the bringing on of the latter-day glory. 5n a -e( more !ear/
05 *no( not (hen, 5 *no( not ho(0the &ol! S'irit (ill be 'oured out in a -ar di--erent
/t!le -rom the 're/ent. ,here are diver/itie/ o- o'eration/6 and during the la/t -e( !ear/ it
ha/ been the 4a/e that the diver/i-ied o'eration/ have 4on/i/ted in ver! little 'ouring out
o- the S'irit. Mini/ter/ have gone on in dull routine, 4ontinuall! 'rea4hing0'rea4hing0
'rea4hing, and little good ha/ been done. 5 do ho'e that 'erha'/ a -re/h era ha/ da(ned
u'on u/, and that there i/ a better 'ouring out o- the S'irit even no(. <or the hour i/
4oming, and it ma! be even no( i/, (hen the &ol! .ho/t /hall be 'oured out again in
/u4h a (onder-ul manner, that man! /hall run to and -ro, and *no(ledge /hall be
in4rea/ed0the *no(ledge o- the :ord /hall 4over the earth a/ the (ater/ 4over the
/ur-a4e o- the great dee'6 (hen hi/ *ingdom /hall 4ome, and hi/ (ill /hall be done on
earth even a/ it i/ in heaven. 3e are not going to be dragging on -orever li*e )haroah,
(ith the (heel/ o-- hi/ 4hariot. M! heart e8ult/, and m! e!e/ -la/h (ith the thought that
ver! li*el! 5 /hall live to /ee the out'ouring o- the S'irit6 (hen +the /on/ and the
daughter/ o- .od again /hall 'ro'he/!, and the !oung men /hall /ee vi/ion/ and the old
men /hall dream dream/.+ )erha'/ there /hall be no mira4ulou/ gi-t/0-or the! (ill not
be reAuired6 but !et there /hall be /u4h a mira4ulou/ amount o- holine//, /u4h an
e8traordinar! -ervor o- 'ra!er, /u4h a real 4ommunion (ith .od, and /o mu4h vital
religion, and /u4h a /'read o- the do4trine/ o- the 4ro//, that ever! one (ill /ee that veril!
the S'irit i/ 'oured out li*e (ater, and the rain/ are de/4ending -rom above. <or that let
u/ 'ra!6 let u/ 4ontinuall! labor -or it, and /ee* it o- .od.

5 have thu/ attem'ted to /'ea* o- the 'o(er
o- the S'irit, and 5 tru/t 5 have /ho(n it to !ou. 3e mu/t no( have a moment or t(o -or
'ra4ti4al in-eren4e. ,he S'irit i/ ver! 'o(er-ul, %hri/tianC 3hat do !ou in-er -rom that
-a4tB 3h!, that !ou never need di/tru/t the 'o(er o- .od to 4arr! !ou to heaven. 2 ho(
that /(eet ver/e (a/ laid to m! /oul !e/terda!C
+&i/ tried Almight! arm
i/ rai/ed -or !our de-en/e6
3here i/ the 'o(er 4an rea4h !ou thereB
2r (hat 4an 'lu4* !ou then4eB+
,he 'o(er o- the &ol! S'irit i/ !our bul(ar*, and all hi/ omni'oten4e de-end/ !ou. %an
!our enemie/ over4ome omni'oten4eB ,hen the! 4an 4onAuer !ou. %an the! (re/tle (ith
Deit!, and hurl him to the groundB ,hen the! might 4onAuer !ou. <or the 'o(er o- the
S'irit i/ our 'o(er6 the 'o(er o- the S'irit i/ our might.

And no(, la/tl!, to !ou /inner/103hat i/
there to be /aid to !ou about thi/ 'o(er o- the S'iritB 3h!, to me, there i/ /ome ho'e -or
/ome o- !ou. 5 4annot /ave !ou6 5 4annot get at !ou. 5 ma*e !ou 4r! /ometime/0!ou
(i'e !our e!e/, and it i/ all over. ;ut 5 *no( m! Ma/ter 4an. ,hat i/ m! 4on/olation.
%hie- o- /inner/, there i/ ho'e -or theeC ,hi/ 'o(er 4an /ave !ou a/ (ell a/ an!bod! el/e.
5t i/ able to brea* !our heart, though it i/ an iron one6 to ma*e !our e!e/ run (ith tear/,
though the! have been li*e ro4*/ be-ore. &i/ 'o(er i/ able thi/ morning, i- he (ill, to
4hange !our heart, to turn the 4urrent o- all !our idea/6 to ma*e !ou at on4e a 4hild o-
.od, to 7u/ti-! !ou in %hri/t. ,here i/ 'o(er enough in the &ol! S'irit. >e are not
/traightened in him, but in !our o(n bo(el/. &e i/ able to bring /inner/ to Je/u/6 he i/
able to ma*e !ou (illing in the da! o- hi/ 'o(er. Are !ou (illing thi/ morningB &a/ he
gone /o -ar a/ to ma*e !ou de/ire hi/ name6 to ma*e !ou (i/h -or Je/u/B ,hen, 2 /innerC
3hil/t he dra(/ !ou, /a!, +Dra( me, 5 am (ret4hed (ithout thee.+ <ollo( him, -ollo(
him6 and, (hile he lead/, tread !ou in hi/ -oot/te'/, and re7oi4e that he ha/ begun a good
(or* in !ou, -or there i/ an eviden4e that he (ill 4ontinue it even unto the end. And, 2
de/'onding oneC )ut th! tru/t in the 'o(er o- the S'irit. "e/t on the blood o- Je/u/, and
th! /oul i/ /a-e, not onl! no(, but throughout eternit!. .od ble// !ou, m! hearer/. Amen.

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