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The Six Facets of Understanding

Facet 1-Explanation
Sophisticated and apt explanations and theories that provide knowledgeable and insightful events,
actions, and ideas. Why is that so? What explains such events? How can we prove it? To what is this
connected? How does this work?
Facet 2- Interpretation
Narratives, translations, etaphors, iages, and artistry that provide eaning. What does it ean?
Why does it atter? What of it? What does it illustrate or illuinate in huan experience? How does it relate to
e? What akes sense?
Facet 3- Application
!bility to use knowledge effectively in new situations and diverse contexts" How and where can we use
this knowledge, skill, or process? How should y thinking and action be odified to eet the deands of this
particular situation?
Facet 4-Perspective
#ritical and insightful points of view" $ro whose point of view? $ro which vantage point? What is
assued or tacit that needs to be ade explicit and considered? What is %ustified or warranted? &s there
ade'uate evidence? &s it reasonable? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the idea? &s it plausible?
What are the liits? So what? What is a novel way to look at this?
Facet -E!path"
The ability to get (inside) another person*s feelings and world view. How does it see to you? What do
they see that & don*t? What do & need to experience if & a to understand? What was the author, artist, or
perforer feeling, seeing, and trying to ake e feel and see?
Facet #-Self-$no%ledge
The wisdo to know one*s ignorance and how one*s patterns of thought and action as well as pre%udice
understanding. How does who & a shape y views? What are the liits of y understanding? What are y
blind spots? What a & prone to isunderstand because of pre%udice, habit, or style? How do & learn best?
What strategies work for e?
&'estioning for Understanding
What is the key idea in++++?
What are exaples of+++++?
What are the characteristics and parts of++++++?
What caused+++++? What are the effects of+++++?
How ight we prove, confir, %ustify++++++?
What ight happen if++++++?
What are the coon isconceptions about+++++?
How did this coe about? Why is this so?
What is the eaning of+++++?
What are the iplications of+++++?
What does ++++reveal about+++++?
How is +++++like ++++++ ,analogy or etaphor-?
How does++++ relate to e or us?
So what? Why does it atter?
How is +++++applied in the larger world?
How ight ++++ help us to +++++?
How could we use ++++ to overcoe ++++?
How and when can we use this ,knowledge or process-?
What are the different points of view about +++++?
How ight this look fro +++++.s perspective?
How is ++++ siilar or different fro ++++?
What are other possible reactions to++++++?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of +++++?
What are the liits of +++++?
What is the evidence for ++++++?
&s the evidence reliable? Sufficient?
What would it be like to walk in +++++.s shoes?
How ight ++++ feel about +++++?
How ight we reach an understanding about +++++?
What was ++++ trying to ake us feel and see?
How do & know+++++?
What are the liits of y knowledge about++++++?
What are y (blind spots) about +++++?
How can & best show+++++?
How y views about+++++ shaped by++++ ,experiences, pre%udices, style-?
What are y strengths and weaknesses in ++++++?

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