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Date: 14-May-2014

Subject: Information System Management

Presented By: Zubair ara! "SP14-MB-002#$
Presented to: Mr%&'mer (mar
Assignment of:
&rtificia) inte))igence "&I$ can be im*)emented in business to im*ro+e ,or- *rocesses
and add to t'e functiona)ity of business systems% &I in t'e business conte.t can refer
eit'er to s*ecific soft,are *rograms or to t'e ,ays in ,'ic' t'ose *rograms are actua))y
used to 'e)* com*anies and organi!ations carry out a +ariety of o*erations and
/'en business &I refers to actua) soft,are *rograms0 genera))y t'e s*ecific function of
an indi+idua) *rogram is t'e focus% or*)e0 if a business uses trans)ation soft,are
*rograms to 'e)* 'and)e brief trans)ations1 t'is is an a**)ication of artificia) inte))igence
"&I$ in business% By e.ecuting a tas- t'at re2uires a significant degree of e+a)uation or
'ig'er-order ana)ysis0 t'e trans)ation soft,are is acting as an artificia) inte))igence%
&not'er acce*tab)e definition of artificia) inte))igence in business is t'e simu)ation of
s-i))s t'at are considered innate in *eo*)e% 3'ose s-i))s inc)ude t'e use of reason and )ogic
to ma-e sim*)e and com*)icated decisions% 3'ey a)so inc)ude t'e ca*abi)ity to recogni!e
s*eec'0 s*ea- and understand natura) )anguage0 res*ond to +erba) and ,ritten messages
and recogni!e *atterns% &rtificia) inte))igence can e+en be said to be at ,or- ,'en an
a**)ication 4remembers4 information and reuses it in ot'er transactions% Some or a)) of
t'ese s-i))s and ca*abi)ities are *rogrammed into many a**)ications of artificia)
inte))igence in business1 t'ey automate or 4com*uteri!e4 tas-s t'at ,ere once 'and)ed
e.c)usi+e)y by *eo*)e%
3'ere are many rea)-,or)d a**)ications for artificia) inte))igence in business% 5)ectronic
commerce0 better -no,n as e-commerce0 is t'e use of soft,are and mac'ines t'at 'a+e
been made to be'a+e )i-e inte))igent sa)es c)er-s in a store and e+en )i-e a cas'ier% /'en
a *erson *urc'ases merc'andise or ser+ices on-)ine0 'e or s'e ne+er 'as to interact ,it'
anot'er *erson% 6ia t'is tec'no)ogy0 'e or s'e can enter a +irtua) store0 s'o* and e+en *ay
for *roducts% &rtificia))y inte))igent soft,are tota)s a bi))0 and -no,s ,'en to add ta.0
'o, to *rocess *ayment and e+en ,'et'er a credit card number is +a)id%
7ustomers in cybers*ace routine)y recei+e recei*ts after *ayment is made0 and +irtua)
store o,ners can -ee* trac- of in+entory ,it'out e+er manua))y counting stoc-% Many
businesses use 'ig')y so*'isticated soft,are to act as +irtua) customer
ser+ice re*resentati+es and front-des- rece*tionists% S*eec' recognition soft,are is one
as*ect t'at a))o,s customers to recei+e some form of customer ser+ice by *'one ,it'out
e+er ta)-ing to a *erson%
1 | P a g e
7ustomers can benefit great)y from a**)ications of artificia) inte))igence in business% or
instance0 many *eo*)e are ab)e to c'ec- t'e acti+ity of t'eir ban- and credit card accounts
by *'one ,it'out e+er ta)-ing to anyone or e+en 'a+ing to *'ysica))y *ress a button on a
*'one% 3'ey sim*)y s*ea- to t'e artificia))y inte))igent com*uter on t'e ot'er end t'at
4understands4 t'eir ,ords% 3'is can bac-fire0 t'oug'1 some customers fee) t'at t'ere is no
substitute for t'e assistance of a rea) *erson0 and business a**)ications of &I can be
frustrating to t'em%
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