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Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases

Category : MS-ADMIN
: MS012
: 12000/- INR
Course Duration : 20 hours
Course Description: Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database ana!eent s"ste develo#ed
b" Microsoft$ As a database% it is a soft&are #roduct &hose #riar" function is to store and retrieve data as
re'uested b" other soft&are a##lications% be it those on the sae co#uter or those runnin! on another
co#uter across a net&or( )includin! the Internet*$
Course Outline
Module 1: ntroduction to SQL Server 2012 and its !oolset
+his odule introduces the entire SQL Server #latfor and its a,or tools$ It covers editions% versions% basics
of net&or( listeners% and conce#ts of services and service accounts$Lessons
Introduction to the SQL Server -latfor
.or(in! &ith SQL Server +ools
/onfi!urin! SQL Server Services
Lab : ntroduction to SQL Server and its !oolset
0erif"in! SQL Server /o#onent Installation
Alterin! Service Accounts for Ne& Instance
1nablin! Naed -i#es -rotocol for 2oth Instances
/reatin! an Alias for AdvDev
1nsurin! SQL 2ro&ser is Disabled and /onfi!ure a 3i4ed +/-/I- -ort )5nl" if tie #erits
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
Describe the SQL Server -latfor$
.or( &ith SQL Server +ools$
/onfi!ure SQL Server Services$
Module 2: "reparing S#stems for SQL Server 2012+his odule covers #lannin! for an installation related to
SQL Server I/5 re'uireents% 72 bit vs 89 bit% eor" confi!uration o#tions and I/5 subs"ste #re-
installation chec(s usin! SQLI5Si and SQLI5$Lessons
5vervie& of SQL Server Architecture
-lannin! Server Resource Re'uireents
-re-installation +estin! for SQL Server
Lab : "reparing S#stems for SQL Server Page 1
Ad,ust eor" confi!uration
-re-installation Stress +estin!
/hec( S#ecific I/5 5#erations
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
Describe the SQL Server architecture$
-lan for server resource re'uireents$
/onduct #re-installation stress testin! for SQL Server$
Module $: nstalling and Configuring SQL Server 2012+his odule details installin! and confi!urin! SQL
-re#arin! to Install SQL Server
Installin! SQL Server
:#!radin! and Autoatin! Installation
Lab : nstalling and Configuring SQL Server
Revie& installation re'uireents
Install the SQL Server instance
-erfor -ost-installation Setu# and /hec(s
/onfi!ure Server Meor"
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
-re#are to install SQL Server$
Install SQL Server$
:#!rade and autoate the installation of SQL Server$
Module %: &or'ing (it) Databases+his odule describes ho& data is stored in databases% ho& to create
databases% and ho& to ove databases either &ithin a server or bet&een servers$Lessons
5vervie& of SQL Server Databases
.or(in! &ith 3iles and 3ile!rou#s
Movin! Database 3iles
Lab : &or'ing (it) Databases
Ad,ust te#db confi!uration
/reate the Rate+rac(in! database
Attach the 5ld-ros#ects database
Add ulti#le files to te#db
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
Describe the role and structure of SQL Server databases$
.or( &ith files and file!rou#s$
Move database files &ithin servers and bet&een servers$
Module *: +nderstanding SQL Server 2012 ,ecover# Models+his odule describes the conce#t of the
transaction lo! and SQL Server recover" odels$ It introduces the different bac(u# strate!ies available &ith
SQL Server$Lessons
2ac(u# Strate!ies Page 2
:nderstandin! SQL Server +ransaction Lo!!in!
-lannin! a SQL Server 2ac(u# Strate!"
Lab : +nderstanding SQL Server ,ecover# Models
-lan a bac(u# strate!"
/onfi!ure Recover" Models
Revie& recover" odels and strate!"
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
Describe the critical conce#ts surroundin! bac(u# strate!ies$
14#lain the transaction lo!!in! ca#abilities &ithin the SQL Server database en!ine$
-lan a SQL Server bac(u# strate!"$
Module -: .ac'up of SQL Server 2012 Databases+his odule describes SQL Server 2ac(u# and the
bac(u# t"#es$Lessons
2ac(in! u# Databases and +ransaction Lo!s
Mana!in! Database 2ac(u#s
.or(in! &ith 2ac(u# 5#tions
Lab : .ac'up of SQL Server Databases
Investi!ate bac(u# co#ression
+ransaction lo! bac(u#
Differential bac(u#
/o#"-onl" bac(u#
-artial bac(u#
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
2ac( u# databases and transaction lo!s$
Mana!e database bac(u#s$
.or( &ith ore advanced bac(u# o#tions$
Module /: ,estoring SQL Server 2012 Databases+his odule describes the restoration of
:nderstandin! the Restore -rocess
Restorin! Databases
.or(in! &ith -oint-in-tie recover"
Restorin! S"ste Databases and Individual 3iles
Lab : ,estoring SQL Server 2012 Databases
Deterine a restore strate!"
Restore the database
:sin! S+AND2; ode
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
:nderstand the restore #rocess$
Restore databases$
.or( &ith -oint-in-tie Recover"$ Page 7
Restore s"ste databases and individual files$
Module 0: mporting and 12porting Data+his odule covers the use of the i#ort/e4#ort &i<ards and
e4#lains ho& the" relate to SSIS$ Also introduces 2/-$Lessons
+ransferrin! Data +o/3ro SQL Server
I#ortin! and 14#ortin! +able Data
Insertin! Data in 2ul(
Lab : mporting and 12porting Data
I#ort the 14cel s#readsheet
I#ort the /S0 file
/reate and test an e4traction #ac(a!e
/o#are loadin! #erforance
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
+ransfer data to and fro SQL Server$
I#ort and e4#ort table data$
Insert data in bul( and o#tii<e the bul( insert #rocess$
Module 3: Aut)enticating and Aut)ori4ing +sers+his odule covers SQL Server securit" odels% lo!ins
and users$Lessons
Authenticatin! /onnections to SQL Server
Authori<in! Lo!ins to Access Databases
Authori<ation Across Servers
Lab : Aut)enticating and Aut)ori4ing +sers
/reate Lo!ins
/orrect an A##lication Lo!in Issue
/reate Database :sers
/orrect Access to Restored
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
Describe ho& SQL Server authenticates connections$
Describe ho& lo!ins are authori<ed to access databases$
14#lain the re'uireents for authori<ation across servers$
Module 10: Assigning Server and Database ,oles+his odule covers fi4ed server roles% user-defined server
roles% fi4ed database roles and user-defined database roles$Lessons
.or(in! &ith Server Roles
.or(in! &ith 3i4ed Database Roles
/reatin! :ser-defined Database Roles
Lab : Assigning Server and Database ,oles
Assi!n Server Roles
Assi!n 3i4ed Database Roles
/reate and Assi!n :ser-defined Database Roles
/hec( Role Assi!nents
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
.or( &ith server roles$ Page 9
.or( &ith fi4ed database roles$
/reate user-defined database roles$
Module 11: Aut)ori4ing +sers to Access ,esources+his odule covers #erissions and the assi!nent of
Authori<in! :ser Access to 5b,ects
Authori<in! :sers to 14ecute /ode
/onfi!urin! -erissions at the Schea Level
Lab : Aut)ori4ing +sers to Access ,esources
Assi!n Schea-level -erissions
Assi!n 5b,ect-level -erissions
+est -erissions
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
Authori<e user access to ob,ects$
Authori<e users to e4ecute code$
/onfi!ure #erissions at the schea level$
Module 12: Auditing SQL Server 1nvironments+his odule covers SQL Server Audit$Lessons
5#tions for Auditin! Data Access in SQL
I#leentin! SQL Server Audit
Mana!in! SQL Server Audit
Lab : Auditing SQL Server 1nvironments
Deterine audit confi!uration and create audit
/reate server audit s#ecifications
/reate database audit s#ecifications
+est audit functionalit"
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
Describe the o#tions for auditin! data access in SQL Server$
I#leent SQL Server Audit$
Mana!e SQL Server Audit$
Module 1$: Automating SQL Server 2012 Management+his odule covers SQL Server A!ent% ,obs and ,ob
Autoatin! SQL Server Mana!eent
.or(in! &ith SQL Server A!ent
Mana!in! SQL Server A!ent =obs
Lab : Automating SQL Server Management
/reate a Data 14traction =ob
Schedule the Data 14traction =ob
+roubleshoot a 3ailin! =ob
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
Autoate SQL Server Mana!eent$ Page >
.or( &ith SQL Server A!ent$
Mana!e SQL Server A!ent ,obs$
Module 1%: Configuring Securit# for SQL Server Agent+his odule covers SQL Server a!ent securit"% #ro4"
accounts and credentials$Lessons
:nderstandin! SQL Server A!ent Securit"
/onfi!urin! /redentials
/onfi!urin! -ro4" Accounts
Lab : Configuring Securit# for SQL Server Agent
+roubleshoot ,ob e4ecution failure
Resolve the securit" issue
-erfor further troubleshootin!
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
14#lain SQL Server A!ent securit"$
/onfi!ure credentials$
/onfi!ure -ro4" accounts$
Module 1*: Monitoring SQL Server 2012 (it) Alerts and 5otifications+his odule covers the confi!uration
of database ail% alerts and notifications$Lessons
/onfi!uration of Database Mail
Monitorin! SQL Server 1rrors
/onfi!urin! 5#erators% Alerts and Notifications
Lab : Monitoring SQL Agent 6obs (it) Alerts and 5otifications
/onfi!ure Database Mail
I#leent Notifications
I#leent Alerts
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
/onfi!ure database ail$
Monitor SQL Server errors$
/onfi!ure o#erators% alerts and notifications$
Module 1-: "erforming Ongoing Database Maintenance+his odule covers database aintenance
1nsurin! Database Inte!rit"
Maintainin! Inde4es
Autoatin! Routine Database Maintenance
Lab : "erforming Ongoing Database Maintenance
/hec( database inte!rit" usin! D2// /?1/@D2
/orrect inde4 fra!entation
/reate a database aintenance #lan
Investi!ate table loc( #erforance
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
1nsure database inte!rit"$ Page 8
Maintain inde4es$
Autoate routine database aintenance$
Module 1/: !racing Access to SQL Server 2012+his odule covers SQL -rofiler and SQL +race stored
/a#turin! Activit" usin! SQL Server -rofiler
I#rovin! -erforance &ith the Database 1n!ine +unin! Advisor
.or(in! &ith +racin! 5#tions
Lab : !racing Access to SQL Server 2012
/a#ture a trace usin! SQL Server -rofiler
Anal"<e a trace usin! Database 1n!ine +unin! Advisor
/onfi!ure SQL +race
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
/a#ture activit" usin! SQL Server -rofiler and 14tended 1vents -rofiler$
I#rove #erforance &ith the Database 1n!ine +unin! Advisor$
.or( &ith tracin! o#tions$
Module 10: Monitoring SQL Server 2012+his odule introduces DM0s and the confi!uration of data
Monitorin! Activit"
/a#turin! and Mana!in! -erforance Data
Anal"<in! /ollected -erforance Data
Lab : Monitoring SQL Server 2012
Investi!atin! DM0s
/onfi!ure Mana!eent Data .arehouse
/onfi!ure Instances for Data /ollection
.or( &ith Data /ollector Re#orts
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
Monitor current activit"$
/a#ture and ana!e #erforance data$
Anal"<e collected #erforance data$
Module 13: Managing Multiple Servers+his odule covers /entral Mana!eent Servers and Multi-Server
'ueries% 0irtuali<ation of SQL Server and Data-+ier A##lications$Lessons
.or(in! &ith Multi#le Servers
0irtuali<in! SQL Server
De#lo"in! and :#!radin! Data-+ier A##lications
Lab : Managing Multiple Servers
/onfi!ure /MS and e4ecute ulti-server 'ueries
De#lo" a data-tier a##lication
Re!ister and e4tract a data-tier a##lication
:#!rade a data-tier a##lication
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6 Page A
.or( &ith ulti#le servers$
Describe o#tions for virtuali<in! SQL Server$
De#lo" and u#!rade Data-+ier A##lications$
Module 20: !roubles)ooting Common SQL Server 2012 Administrative ssues+his odule covers coon
issues that re'uire troubleshootin! and !ives !uidance on &here to start loo(in! for solutions$Lessons
SQL Server +roubleshootin! Methodolo!"
Resolvin! Service-related Issues
Resolvin! /oncurrenc" Issues
Resolvin! Lo!in and /onnectivit" Issues
Lab : !roubles)ooting Common ssues
+roubleshoot and resolve SQL Server adinistrative issues
After co#letin! this odule% students &ill be able to6
14#lain SQL Server troubleshootin! ethodolo!"$
Resolve service-related issues$
Resolve concurrenc" issues$
Resolve lo!in and connectivit" issues$ Page B

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