Making Yogurt

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Making Yogurt

I. Purpose
1. Equipping students the skills to make plain yogurt
2. Observing the structural changes that occur during the fermentation
process takes place

II. Literature Review
A. Youghurt
Yogurt can be defined as a type of coagulated milk products,
derived from lactic acid fermentation activity of Streptococcus salivarius
particular through var. thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii var.
bulgaricus which microorganisms in the product should live active-
active and abundant (Codex Alimentarius, 1976).
Milk yoghurts were then added to the bacteria will form lactic
acid. Bacteria are commonly used in the process of making yogurt is the
bacteria Bifidobacterium sp., Lactobacillus sp. or bacteria Streptococcus
thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. These bacteria which will
trigger the fermentation process of milk, the milk transform lactose into
lactic acid on (Abdullah, 2012).
Yogurt has always favored in Europe and America. Dutch
society is the highest consumer of yogurt in the world, followed by
Switzerland, France, Japan and other countries. European Community,
the Middle East, and Japan is more like yogurt with microbial content
(Amar Ma'Ruf, 2012).
Yogurt has been consumed for more than 4500 years and is well
known throughout the world today . Yogurt contains good nutrition for
health . Some of the advantages of yogurt is rich in protein , contain
calcium , riboflavin , vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 (Anonymous, 2009).

B. Types of Yougurt
Based on texture, yogurt divided into several types, namely (Wikipidia,
1. Set Yoghurt
Set yogurt is very thick yogurt with the texture. Generally a plain
yogurt is yogurt with no added sugar, flavor, or aroma. It is white
and tasted very sour.
2. Stir yogurt
This type of yogurt has a thinner texture than the set but still feels
thick yogurt is similar to ice cream. Stir yogurt already has the
addition of sweeteners, flavorings or fruit complement.
3. Yoghurt Drink
This form can be directly yogurt drink. The shape is the same liquid
as liquid milk.
The difference is due to differing types of yogurt raw materials
and manufacturing process. So it does not mean yogurt better than
yogurt viscous liquid.

C. The Proses of Making Yogurt
Yoghurt is obtained from the fermentation of lactic acid by
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and activity of bacteria Streptococcus
thermophilus, which these microorganisms in the final product should
be active and abundant life. Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus
thermophilus contained in the yoghurt will outline the lactose (milk
sugar) into lactic acid and can cause a variety of aroma and flavor
components. Lactobacillus bulgaricus role in the formation of aroma,
while Streptococcus thermophilus more important role in the formation
of flavor. Working in the lactic acid bacteria ferment the milk was found
to increase the nutritional content of yogurt, especially the B-complex
vitamins, including vitamins B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin),
vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid, acid
pantothenate, biotin, etc. (Mutia Ulfah, 2012).
In general, the yogurt is made from fresh milk , dairy milk can be
direct but to note , dairy milk used to be white (Rocha , 2009) . Yogurt
can also be made from skim milk (skim milk) were dissolved in a certain
ratio airdengan depends on the viscosity desired product . Aside from
animal milk , yogurt lately can also be made from a mixture of skimmed
milk with vegetable milk (milk nuts).
Making yogurt is done by a process of fermentation , the
fermentation process is the flavor of yogurt will be sour , because of
changes lactose into lactic acid by the bacteria . If undesirable taste that
is not too acidic , add sweeteners (sugar, syrup) and artificial flavor of
various fruits for example strawberries , pineapple , mango , guava , and
so on .
Incubation is the process of growth or multiplication of bacteria
biaakan culture by providing appropriate environmental conditions
(Javetz et al., 1980). This is the environment in terms of temperature , an
important factor in the incubation that will affect the proliferation of
yogurt lactic acid (Singh et al., 1980), according to Frazier and Westhoff
(1978) and long incubation temperature need to be considered in order
to prevent the occurrence of dorninasi by one one strain cultures or other
species .

D. The benefits of yogurt
1. Degradation of Cholesterol
Research on some people who consume yogurt regularly in a
certain amount of time and also show the amount of cholesterol in
the blood serum decreased. The mechanism of this decrease in
cholesterol may occur due to the lactic acid bacteria in yogurt can
degrade cholesterol to coprostanol. Coprostanol This is a substance
that can not be absorbed by the intestine as yogurt, and residual
cholesterol coprosterol issued jointly stool. A report on this matter
explained that cholesterol by Lactobacillus bulgaricus can reach the
range of 27-28 % .
2. Inhibit pathogens .
Intestinal flora consuming yogurt proved difficult overgrown
pathogenic germs/bacteria that can cause disease. With impaired
growth and death of pathogenic microbes in the stomach and small
intestine to avoid bias due to the emergence of various diseases or
infections can help maintain a healthy digestive tract.
3. Neutralize antibiotics
Indeed functioning antibiotics kill germs, but it does not
indiscriminately where germs that need to be killed and where
sebetulnay not need to be destroyed.
4. Anticancer gastrointestinal
The bacteria in yogurt may play a role change prekarsinogenik
substances (cancer-triggering substances) present in the digestive
tract to be able menhambat cancer.
5. Preventing coronary heart
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophillus contained
in yogurt, will result in folic acid and vitamin B complex , vitamin is
useful both prevent coronary heart disease .
6. Rejuvenating facial
Does not need to cost a fortune to treat the skin to look flawless .
Yogurt contains lactic acid, which is an important component in
chemicals for skin changes (Amar Ma'Ruf, 2012).

E. Yoghurt Quality Standards
Quality requirements yogurt by the Indonesian National Standard (SNI)
01-2981-1992, is as follows (Sumardikan, 2007):
Table 2. Conditions Quality of Yogurt (SNI 01-2981-1992)
No. Test criteria Spesification
1. State
- Appearance
- Odor
- Taste
- Concentration
- Viscous liquid to semi-
- Normal / typical
- Acid / typical
- Homogeneous
2. Fat : % ; b/b Max. 3,8
3. Dry Ingredients Without Fat: %
; b/b
Max. 8,2
4. Proteins: % ; b/b Min. 3,5
5. Ash Max. 1.0
6. Total acid (as lactic): %
; b/b
0,5 2,0
7. Metal contamination
- Lead (Pb): mg / kg
- Copper (Cu): mg / kg
- Zinc (Zn): mg / kg
- Tin (Sn): mg / kg
- Mercury (Hg): mg / kg
- Arsenic (As): mg / kg

Max. 20
Max. 40
Max. 40
Max. 0,03
Max. 0,1
8. Microbial contamination
- Coliform bacteria
- E.coli; APM/g
- Salmonella
Max 10
< 3
Negative / 100 grams

III. Tools and Materials
1. Tools
Table 2. Tools that are used
No Tools Volume Ammount
1 Bottle Fermentation 75 ml 6
2 Bekaer Glass 1000 mL 1
3 Mixer - 1
4 Erlenmeyer 250 mL 3
5 Burette 50 mL 1
6 Refigrator - 1
7 Hot plate 500 C 1
8 Panic stainlies 1 L 1
9 Scale - 1

2. Materials
Table 3. Materials that are used
No Materials Mass
1 Goat milk - 1000 - -
2 Water - 100 1 -
3 Milk powder 60 - - -
4 NaOH 250 - 99.9
5 Phenolphthalein
solution (pp)
- 2 teteas - 1

IV. Procedure
a. Making yogurt :
1. Wear a mask and avoid excessive talking during the process of making
yogurt to minimize contamination.
2. Boil all equipment to be used.
3. Setting up 1 liter of goats milk or milk powder that has been diluted
with boiled water.
4. Adding powder milk as much as 10 % from goats milk.
5. Cooking over low heat while stirring continuously for 30 minutes but
do not boil
6. Lifted and refrigerate until approximately 40
7. Inserting the starter as much as 2-5 % of total milk
8. Incubation : Freeze for 24 hours in a sealed container on the production
of sour taste and forms a thick
9. Yoghurt which will be lumpy texture, if not formed or raised
discoloration and odor, then the incubation process failed and must
10. Way storage : yogurt should not be exposed to sunlight . Should not
be put in a room temperature , should be stored in cold temperatures but
also should not be put in the freezer . Storage in the freezer will cause
the base material in the form of yoghurt milk yogurt can be broken so
b. Analysis acid levels :
1. Actually co-opted samples after fermentation 2,3,4,5 and 24 hours ,
respectively 40 ml.
2. Considering as much as 20 g of sample (volume 20 ml pipette) (w)
insert into Erlenmeyer
3. Dissolve in distilled water 2 times the volume.
4. Adding 2 ml pp indicator and titrate with 4 N NaOH until the oceans
formed pink

V. Experimental Results and Discussion
1. Experimental Result

2. Discussion
Yogurt is a dairy beverage that has pengolahahan inoculated with
bacteria. In the manufacture of yoghurt in this lab, used starter
bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and that is a mixture of
Streptococcus thermopilus.
These bacteria which will trigger the fermentation process of milk,
lactose in milk change into lactic acid. The process of anaerobic
fermentation takes place in a state, where in this process does not
involve a series of electron transfer catalyzed by an enzyme present in
the cell membrane.
According Helferich and Westhoff (1980), formed during
fermentation of lactic acid by the metabolism of lactose dairy starter
bacterium to glucose or galactose-6-phosphate. Furthermore, through
the chain of glycolysis glucose is converted to lactic acid through the
Kreb's cycle. Another effect of the fermentation process is the
outbreak of a protein in milk that causes the milk becomes thick. The
end result will taste sour milk and condensed, this is the basic form of
yogurt that has been finished.
Based on practical work that has been done, yogurt is made using
fresh goat milk which in theory still contains bacteria fermentation.
Then add milk powder 10% of the weight of the goat's milk. After that
silenced within 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours and 24 hours. From
Volume of
Milk (mL)
Volume of
0.1 N (mL)
Lactic Acid
Levels (%)
1 2 20 10.5 0.216
2 3 20 10 0.225
3 4 20 9 0.2295
4 5 20 10 0.2475
6 24 20 9.5 0.6075
the results of experiments conducted, it was found that the optimum
condition of forming time is currently 5 hours of incubation. Where
this can be seen in the chart below

Figure 1. Graph Fermentation Time Relationship With
Lactic Acid Levels

Figure 1 shows that there is no condition of time give that give
more effect to the lactic acid content. Because every time the
level or content lactic acid is different. We can see this in the
graph above. And then from the graph above show the
fermentation process is best shown in a 3-hour fermentation
period. And the maximum is happen in 5-hours. With
Indonesian National Standard states that yogurt is not good acid
levels because not include in standard that. This happen because
some factors like steril, concentration of the milk, temperature,
and others. From this experiments can we make a refence for
other experiment.

y = 0.0026x
R = -206.7
0 5 10 15 20 25 30




Time (hours)
Graph of Fermentation Time
Relationship with Lactic Acid Levels
VI. Conclution
1. Yogurt is a dairy beverage that has pengolahahan inoculated with
2. Bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermopilus will
trigger the fermentation process of milk, changing the lactose in milk to
lactic acid.
3. Temperature and sterile conditions are very influential in the process of
making yogurt.

Codex Alimentarius. 1976. Codex Standard for Flavoured Yoghurt
(Yogurt) and Products Heat-Treated After fermentation. Codex Stan

Friend,B .A . and K.M. Shahani . 1985 . Fermented dairy products . In :
The Practice of Biotechnology Current Comodity Products.
Perganon Press, New York

Helferich, W . and D.C. Westhoff. 1980. All Abaout Yoghurt. Prentice-
Hall Inc, New York .

Maruf, Amar. 2012.
definisi-proses-pembuatan.html Tanggal Akses 20 Oktober 2013

Puguh, 2009, Bakteri Asam Laktat,
medicine/bakteri-asam-laktat/. Diakses tanggal 10 mei 2011, Pukul
13.12 WIB.

Ulfah, Mutia. 2012.
benarkah-bermanfaat-4/. Tanggal Akses 20 Oktober 2013

Wikipedia, 2011, Macam-Macam Yoghurt,, diakses pada tanggal 10 Mei
2011, pukul 15.00 WIB

VIII. Attachment
a. Experimental Data

b. Calculation
Calculation of lactic acid levels
Asknown : V
NaOH 0,1 N = 48 mL
N NaOH = 0,1 N
V sampel = 20 mL
Asked: Lactic acid levels ?
Lactic acid levels (%) =


= 0,04725
Tabel 4. Data of Lactic acid levels
time (hours
Volume NaOH
0,1 N (mL)
Lactic acid
levels (%)
1. 2 4,8
2. 3 5
3. 4 5,1
4. 5 5,5
5. 24 13,5

time (hours)
Volume of milk (mL)
Volume of NaOH
0,1 (mL)
1. 2 20 10.5
2. 3 20 10
3. 4 20 9
4. 5 20 10
5. 24 20 9.5

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