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I believed that each and everyone and of us must have embarked on journeys in our life

although our journeys vary from each other we still share the same goal of making new experiences.
Difference journey requires difference catalyst to ensure a successful one. Successful journey of self
discovery requires a bond of genuine relationship. Have you ever wondered how a genuine connection
can help produce a successful journey? Well year 11 genuine relationship helps to encourage each of an
every one of us to encounter with obstacles and shape us to become a socially aware person. This is
evident in the novel RAW composed by Scott Monk; the protagonist Brett undertakes a journey of self
discovery, however; he does not succeed due to the lack of genuine relationship. Within the
guardianship of Sam, his care taker, Brett is able to establish a genuine connection with Sam and other
characters in the Farm which help alters his personalities. Furthermore year 11, in the song Born to be
somebody sing by Justin Bieber provides us the image of his journey which requires him to deal with
many obstacles .After leaving this class I hope all of you will understand the important contribution
made by genuine relationship to a successful journey.
Have you ever had positive thought about your future? Well let me tell you year 11, once we
establish a genuine relationship often we will gain positive perspective toward life. As we can see in the
novel Raw the protagonist Brett had a conversation with the girl of his dream Caitlyn about his future.
No, I finished year ten last year. My parents want me to stay on but I dont know if I want to. Im not
into learning and stuff, you know. Im kinda hoping to find a job instead.
Through the use of colloquial language Monk makes his text appeals more to young readers like all of us
while revealing the exact emotion of Brett. Monk illustrates that Brett is indeed changing from a
pessimistic person to a self-aware person who thinks optimistically about his future. This is shown
throughout the quote Im kinda hoping to find a job instead. Furthermore, year 11 the song Born to
be somebody sing by Justin Bieber demonstrates the positive thought of the persona which carries
throughout the lyric. The composer uses repetition language to provide us the listeners with a clear
message that the persona in the song has faith in his upcoming future. The persona believes that his
current unpleasant situation will dramatically alter in the future. This is revealed in the lines Im gonna
see that day; I can feel it I can taste it Change is coming my way.
Well everybody have you ever set goal and try your best to complete it? It is our determination
to overcome obstacles that help us achieve our goal. In Monks novel he reveals to us that Brett retains
his determination to change his personalities.
Then his stomach flared up. His skull and back also. Ignore it. Youll be okay, the old Brett said. No, no.
You wont be, the new one argued back. Walk away. Suddenly, Brett realised he was tired. Tired of
fighting. Tired of arguing.Tired of the pian. Sixteen years of anger had only got him further into trouble.
Through the use of descriptive languages Monk, the composer, provides us with the image of an actual
conflict between Brett and Caitlyns dad also shows that Brett is severely defeated by Caitlyns father.
This conveyed to us through the quote Then his stomach flared up. His skull and back also. With the
use of second person narration Monk interprets the battle of feeling between the old discourteous Brett
and the new considered manner of Brett. This is shown by the quote Youll be okay, the old Brett said.
No, no. You wont be, the new one argued back. Walk away? Year 11, Bretts decision to abandon the
fight literally means that he lost the physical battle between him and Caitlyns father controversially he
won the battle against his own emotion. In addition in the song Born to be somebody the composer
uses metaphoric language to illustrate us that the personas life way of life is not socially accepted by
the society. This revealed in the line This life can kick you around; this world can make you feel small.
The composer also conveys to us that the persona has full confident in his life and commit to his own
determination. This can be seen in the line They will not keep me down; I was born to stand tall.
Moreover, the consistence use of drum which beats methodically illustrates that the personas
determinations will always carried on in his journey.
In conclusion, a journey of self-alteration requires all of us to face many challenges in order to
reach our desirable goals. However by establishing genuine bonds can help ensure us possibilities of a
successful self-discovery journey.

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