Communique - BAYAN Hongkong & Macau Founding Assembly

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Taking the struggle of Filipinos overseas to a new and higher level

Filipino activists form BAYAN chapter

in Hong Kong and Macau

Ang tao, ang bayan, ngayon ay lumalaban! The people

united, will never be defeated!

ith militance and commitment to advance further the national

democratic struggle of the Filipino people, Filipinos in Hong
Kong and Macau established the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan
(BAYAN or the New Patriotic Alliance) Hong Kong and Macau chapter
on June 15 at the Duke of Windsor Auditorium with the theme Itayo
ang BAYAN HK at Macau! Palahukin ang pinakamalawak na hanay
ng mga Pilipino sa Hong Kong at Macau at tumipon ng malawak na
suporta para sa pambansa demokratikong pakikibaka ng sambayanan!
(Establish BAYAN HK and Macau! Enjoin the broadest rank of Filipinos
in Hong Kong and Macau and garner the widest support for the national
dmeocratic struggle of the people).
More than 400 migrants joined the founding assembly of BAYANHK and Macau that included members of the founding organizations
GABRIELA-HK, Likha Filipino Migrants Cultural Organization,
MIGRANTE-Macau, Pinatud a Saleng ti Umili (PSU, an organization of
migrants from the Cordillera region), Promotion of Church Peoples
Response HK, and the United Filipinos in Hong Kong (UNIFILMIGRANTE-HK) and partner organizations, federations, alliances and

The assembly opened with a stirring video

prepared by the organizers. Said video
depicted the historical and present-day bases
for upholding the national and democratic
aspirations of the Filipino people. It also showed
why Filipinos overseas should actively take part
in the struggle and build the movement and
support for the movement overseas.

Norman Uy Carnay, former BAYAN Country

Information Officer in Hong Kong, further
elaborated on these bases including the victories
(Left) Norman Uy Carnay formally opened the founding assembly;
that the progressive movement of Filipinos
(Right) BAYAN Sec-Gen Renato Reyes, Jr. gave an informative and
in Hong Kong and Macau has achieved in the
rousing keynote address
struggle for the rights and wellbeing of overseas
Filipinos. Additionally, he remarked that the establishment of BAYAN Hong Kong and Macau
chapter was especially significant as it happened just a few days after the Philippine government
commemorated the Philippine Independence Day. In the context of the continuing imperialist control
in the country, Carnay said, any celebration of independence shall be hollow and incomplete.
Afterwards, leaders of the founding member organizations of BAYAN HK and Macau chapter
presented the eight-point program of BAYAN through short speeches, visual presentations and cultural
numbers. The BAYAN program addresses the economic, political, social and cultural problems of the
semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. It is inspired by the historical development of the Philippine
society and the demands of the Filipino people especially the basic masses of workers and peasants
and the democratic classes and sectors.


As the Filipino people face the worsening crisis of the semi-colonial

and semi-feudal society, the need for an alternative social order that
the BAYAN program seeks to create, becomes even more imperative.
Progressive songs from the past four decades of the national
democratic struggle were rendered by the BAYAN-HK and Macau
choir including classics such as Martsa ng Bayan (Peoples March),
Awit ng Tagumpay (Song of Victory) and Papuri sa Sosyalismo
(Praise to Socialism). Contemporary dances were also presented by
LIKHA and the member organizations of GABRIELA-HK. Meanwhile,
a song about corruption created by GABRIELA Philippines to the
tune of Price Tag, was also met with much appreciation by the
participants. The rendition of Base Militar (Military Bases) by Liza
Caisip of PCPR-HK and Dong Herrera of LIKHA was also met with
applause as it tackled the very relevant issue of foreign military
powers in the Philippines.

Renato Reyes, Jr., secretary general of BAYAN, gave the keynote

speech for the event. In his presentation, he discussed major issues
confronting the Filipino people currently such as the erosion of
the economy and livelihood including unemployment, high-prices
of commodities, and the illusion of growth; the surrender of
Philippine sovereignty to US interest through the Enhanced Defense
Cooperation Agreement or EDCA; the pork barrel issue and how
Aquino himself is complicit to this, and; the continuing human rights
violations and their impacts to the peace process.

Reyes said that in the context of the developing issues in the

Philippines that impact the lives of the majority of the people, the
only meaningful response is to fight, and that the establishment of
the BAYAN HK and Macau chapter was a significant move in the
work to arouse, organize and mobilize Filipino compatriots overseas
for the national democratic aspirations of the people.

In conclusion, he urged the BAYAN-HK and Macau members to

intensify the struggle to expose and isolate the fascist, subservient to

Cultural presentations of BAYAN-HKM

member organizations. (From Top)
LIKHAs contemporary dance with the song
Manggagawa Pangkultura (Cultural
Workers); member organizations of
GABRIELA-HK danced the Babaylan; Liza
of PCPR-HK and Dong of LIKHA sang
the song Base Militar (Military Bases);
members of GABRIELA-HK and PCPR-HK
performed the song about corruption to
the tune of Price Tag, and; migrants from
the Cordillera region who are members of
the PSU performed a traditional war dance
that depicted the struggles of national
minorities in the Philippines.

Members of the BAYAN-HK and Macau Choir rendered progressive songs that
highlighted the Filipino peoples struggle for national democracy.

foreign interests and anti-people US-Aquino regime;

intensify and further broaden the campaign and
the mass actions against the EDCA, the pork barrel
system and the repressive and exploitative neoliberal
policies in the economy including the move to change
the Constitution, and; further expand BAYAN-HKM
through strengthening and expanding the member
organizations that could only be achieved, as proven
by history, through peoples struggles.

Solidarity messages were sent by BAYAN USA, BAYAN BAYAN Sec-Gen Renato Reyes, Jr. swore in the newly-elected
Canada, and the information desks in Japan, Europe Executive Committee of BAYAN-HKM who will serve the
alliance for the next three years.
and Australia.
Founding members of BAYAN - Hong Kong and Macau then approved the Constitution and By-Laws
and the General Program of Action (GPOA) for the next three years. These documents were initially
discussed and refined in the pre-general assembly held in June 1 and attended by official delegates of
all founding organizations.

The GPOA contained plans of BAYAN Hong Kong and Macau to advance campaigns on the rights
and wellbeing of Filipinos in Hong Kong and of the Filipino people, education on national democracy
especially its programs for a more progressive and just society, and anti-imperialist solidarity that will
also serve the advancement of the national democratic struggle of the Filipino people.
The assembly ended with the election of the BAYAN-HKM executive committee. Elected officers were
Eman Villanueva, chairperson; Norman Uy Carnay, vice chairperson; Rowena dela Cruz, secretary
general; Josie Pingkihan, deputy secretary general, and; Betty Maguinsay, finance and logistics officer.

Indeed, the activism of Filipinos in Hong Kong has reached new heights with the formation of BAYAN
Hong Kong and Macau chapter. With this, the education, campaign and organizing for the national
democratic aspirations shall further advance to establish a truly free, democratic, just, progressive and
peaceful Philippine society.

Ang tao, ang bayan, tuloy-tuloy ang laban!

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