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Children Migrating Alone: The Catholic Churchs Response

As you are aware, Lhere ls a growlng crlsls aL Lhe uS souLhern borders. 1housands of mlgranLs
are Lrylng Lo galn access Lo Lhe unlLed SLaLes, many of Lhem are chlldren, unaccompanled by
adulLs or legal guardlans. nlneLy Lhousand unaccompanled mlnors are expecLed ln l? 2014.
(Compare wlLh 14,000 ln l? 2012, 24,000 ln l?2013) 1he CaLhollc Church has been asked Lo
asslsL Lhe ueparLmenL of Pomeland SecurlLy Lo provlde safe shelLer as Lhese new" mlgranLs
are processed Lhrough Lhe lmmlgraLlon courLs. Cn !une 20, 2014 LCuSA and oLher
organlzaLlons were asked Lo parLlclpaLe ln a weblnar Lo learn how we mlghL asslsL wlLh Lhls
crlsls. 1he experLs who provlded lnformaLlon were:
Sarah 8ronsLeln, Senlor ALLorney, CLlnlC
8lchard !ones, uepuLy 8eglonal ulrecLor for Clobal SolldarlLy and !usLlce ln L. Amerlca and Lhe Carlbbean, CaLhollc
8ellef Servlces
klm 8urgo, Senlor ulrecLor ulsasLer 8esponse CperaLlons, CaLhollc CharlLles uSA
krlsLyn eck, AssoclaLe ulrecLor of Chlldren's Servlces, MlgraLlon and 8efugee Servlces, uSCC8
MarLln CauLo, lleld SupporL CoordlnaLor, CLlnlC
Ashley leasley, lmmlgraLlon ollcy Advlsor, Cfflce of MlgraLlon ollcy and ubllc Affalrs, uSCC8
Alllson osner, ulrecLor of Advocacy, CLlnlC

1here are many ways LhaL we can help:
1. 1he scope and complexlLy of Lhe slLuaLlon calls for our flrsL response Lo be prayer. 1he chlldren and famllles, as well
as workers-border paLrol, soclal workers, lawyers and healLhcare professlonals are worklng very hard Lo provlde
compasslonaLe care and [usL soluLlons. 1hey need our prayerful supporL.

2. CaLhollc CharlLles uSA has moblllzed Lhelr dlsasLer deploymenL sysLem. 1hey are seeklng caseworkers, LCSWs,
lmmlgraLlon lawyers and medlcal professlonals Lo asslsL ln currenL deLenLlon faclllLles-Ck, CA, 1x and vA. A Lwo
week deploymenL ls Lhe mlnlmum and Lhere ls flnanclal supporL. 1hey are also seeklng wrap around care, such as
splrlLual and emoLlonal care (prlson mlnlsLry) and wlll be looklng Lo meeL humanlLarlan needs ln Lhe fuLure.
lndlvlduals and LCC AssoclaLlons can conLacL CaLhollc CharlLles uSA or local CaLhollc CharlLles Agencles.

3. 90 of Lhe chlldren and famllles arrlvlng aL Lhe border are released Lo famllles/sponsors whlle awalLlng Lhe
lmmlgraLlon processlng. 1hese cases can Lake a long Llme. Lven lf you are noL ln Lhe SouLh, you may be able Lo help
famllles Lhrough local organlzaLlons or dlrecLly. Accordlng Lo uSCC8 Lhese famllles are ln new ?ork, new !ersey,
norLhern Callfornla, Los Angeles, PousLon and more sLaLes are added every day. ConLacL your dlocesan refugee
servlces, CaLhollc CharlLles or CLlnlC afflllaLe Lo flnd ouL how you can help.

4. ?ou can become lnformed abouL why Lhese chlldren are desperaLely Lrylng Lo geL lnLo Lhe unlLed SLaLes. Accordlng
Lo uSCC8 MlgraLlon and 8efugee Servlces whlch has been lnvolved ln Lhls lssue for many years, Lhe chlldren and
parenLs aL Lhe border are fleelng dangerous condlLlons ln Lhelr homelands (rlmarlly, CuaLemala, Ll Salvador, and
Ponduras) due Lo gang vlolence and poverLy. 1he fallure of governmenLs Lo provlde securlLy ls causlng dally llfe for
chlldren Lo be dangerous and LraumaLlc. 1hese chlldren are ln need of proLecLlon and our falLh Leaches us LhaL we
have an obllgaLlon Lo proLecL our mosL vulnerable nelghbors. 1he soluLlons wlll lnvolve noL only our prayer and
works of mercy, buL advocacy Lo lnsure LhaL uS lmmlgraLlon laws and forelgn governmenLs proLecL Lhese chlldren
and safely reLurn Lhem Lo Lhelr homelands.

We wlll keep you lnformed as Lhls lssue evolves over Lhe nexL few monLhs. lf you or your AssoclaLlon needs more
lnformaLlon, you can conLacL your reglonal dlrecLors, Lhe naLlonal offlce, or Mary Ann uanLuono, resldenL-elecL aL
madanLuono[ As you become lnvolved, klndly share your experlence so we can encourage and educaLe each
oLher. !"#$%$ '( )* +,- *. ,#+%'-/ -#+- '( )*- +,,*01+)'$2 3/ 45(-',$ *% -#+- 1$%0'-( 5( -* 2* 0*%$ -#+) 6$ %$+(*)+37/
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