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Dallas County Childrens Advocacy Council (DCCAC)

ISU Extension & Outreach Dallas County Office

Adel, IA
Thursday, May 22, 2014


Dena Owens (Providence Place), Debb Franz (Restorative J ustice/J uvenile Court
Services), Natalie Scarpino (Crises Intervention & Advocacy), Myra Willms (ISU
Extension & Outreach), J enny Felt (DCAT/CPPC Coordinator), J ovanka
Westbrook (Partners in Family Development), Linda Lemons (Community
Member), Lisa Mickelson (ISU Extension & Outreach), Deborah Plasencia (ADM
Elementary), Katie Bee (Employee & Family Resources), Diane Heidorn (ISU
Extension & Outreach), Deb Schrader (4RKids ECI), Traci Vorpahl (100 Acre

Called to Order /

Dena: Called to Order at 8:30am with the board / Adjourned 9:40am

Board Members
Approval of Agenda /
Approved Minutes:

Board did not meet due to Michelles absence.

Additional Minutes from
the Board Members
Section of Meeting
Board did not meet due to Michelles absence.

Treasurers Report:

No Treasurers Report due to Michelles absence.

Open Forum Katie: She handles problem gambling for EFR. Will hold a town hall meeting on
J une 5 concerning underage drinking. Location TBD.
Debb: ACEs update. Focusing on communities of Waukee and Redfield. In
process of finalizing goals. Dallas County currently considered having a vague
awareness of ACEs and we want to increase that. Working also with Generation
Wellness Coalition.
Linda: Trauma Informed Care Conference is J une 10-12. Registration deadline
May 23. Register at:
informed-care-conference/. Keynote speaker is Sandra Bloom regarding the
Sanctuary Model. Linda and Dena are attending.
Natalie: Completed ICAPP grant requirements for FY14. CIAC annual garage
sale will be J une 20 & 21 at Community Building on Dallas County Fairgrounds.
Donations gladly accepted!

Old Business:

Child Abuse Prevention Month Activities
Reviewed DCCAC Public Awareness Summary Sheet. Is attached with May

Dallas County Childrens Advocacy Council (DCCAC)

New Business:
DCCAC Priorities Moving Forwad Dena
Discussed Strategic Plan document, specifically action steps. Is attached
with May minutes.
Stewards of Children - On track to reach goal for training of 300. Michelle
and Dena will conduct on May 28 with ~100 DC-G employees. PCA Iowa
to provide 75 free workbooks.
Continue working in collaborations with PCA Iowa, DCAT, CPPC, and
building other partnerships including both support and funding.
DCAT/CPPC next meeting 2
Thurs in August.
Traci: gladly work with partners to assist to getting resources and programs
to her families at 100 Acres Woods.
J ovanka: Dallas County was mentioned several times in recent edition of
PCA Iowas Prevention Connection.
Deb: will help with FY2014 DCCAC annual report. 4RKids ECI area
board was recommended for model status.
Dena & Linda: ACEs Learning Community. Vision is for trainings. Give
ideas to Linda or Dena has to how we can best utilize the learning
community. Could be expanded beyond ACEs.
Katie: would like to work together to combine trainings i.e. problem
gambling and ACEs.
Board of Supervisors
J ennifer Carlson will speak at J une DCCAC meeting about differential
Dena will request one-on-one meeting with Kim Chapman. Cover Dallas
County child abuse stats he requested, DCCAC strategic plan, collaborative
efforts and ongoing support, review April Child Abuse Prevention month
activities, & societal costs of child abuse.
Lisa: Kids Count data ranked Dallas County as 7
in 2012 with 7.0 per
1000 children. (same rate as Winneshiek Co).

Collaboration Efforts and
Generation Wellness Coalition. Everyone welcome to attend, working on social
change. J une 10 from 12:00pm-1:00pm at Genesis in Adel.

Next Meeting:

Thursday, J une 26, 2014 at Extension and Outreach office on the Dallas County
Fairgrounds. Full meeting at 8:30 am.

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