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Stay Invisible and 110% Anonymous

Extreme security guide

"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be"


Table of Contents
I. Introduction
a. What is the Internet .... 3
b. Why do you need to be anonymous in the internet? 3
II. The ways for determining you on the internet . 7
a. IP Address . 7
b. Cookies 7
c. Browser 8
d. JavaScript, ActiveX, and Flash Support . 8
III. Who and why is it necessary to be anonymous in the internet 9
IV. Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions about Internet Security ... 11
V. VPN 16
a. What is VPN ... 16
b. How VPN does helps in internet security? ....... 16
c. The other uses and advantages of using VPN ......... 16
d. How VPN does operate? ............... 17
e. VPN Protocols ................. 17
i. OpenVPN ................ 17
ii. PPTP ....................... 18
iii. L2TP ................. 18
iv. Single ................. 19
v. Double ................. 19
vi. Triple ................. 19
f. Table: Comparison of VPN Protocols .......... 19
g. The Best VPN Protocol .............. 20
VI. SOCKS .................. 21
a. What is SOCKs? .............. 21
b. What are uses of SOCKs? ............ 21
c. How SOCKs does operate? .............. 22
d. SOCKS Specifications ............... 23
e. Advantages and Disadvantages of using SOCKs 24

VII. VPN SOCKS Chain ............. 25
a. What is VPN SOCKs Chain .......... 25
b. VPN vs. SOCKS .......... 25
c. How VPN SOCKs Chain operates? ......... 25
d. Advantages of using VPN SOCKs Chain ....... 26
e. How you can use VPN SOCKs Chain? ....... 27
i. OpenVPN Chain ........... 27
ii. PPTP+FreeCap Chain ............ 28



What is the Internet?
The Internet, the World Wide Web, or simply referred to, as the net is the inter-
connection of many computers within a vast network. A lot of data and information have
been globally available to billions of people that need it, in an ease by the help of the

Why do you need to be anonymous in the internet?
However, despite the internets usefulness to human, it can also provide negative
effect that relates to security and privacy risks.
When you connect to the internet, your device, or computer automatically send
information to the web servers. This information includes your viewing habits, the terms
you had searched, your geographical location, your address, phone number,
employment details, your credit card numbers, and more. Websites that you visits keeps
logs of this data, and even though you trust the integrity of that website, the fact that
they are storing your information clearly means that you are still not safe and potentially
at risk for data security invasions. You cannot prevent this to happen, but you can
change what is happening or do something about it.
Being anonymous on the internet does not just covers security and data
protection. Another good use of being anonymous from the internet is it can give you
the freedom you need to get access to p2p
, torrents
, and porn contents from the
internet and stay undetected or hidden. Internet anonymity for this purpose has been
reportedly to be successful, thus enriching the experience of the internet user for its
purpose and objectives.

1. p2p P2P stands for Peer-To-Peer. It is a type of network communication, which allows file and data sharing
between hardware and software without passing through the services of a server.
2. torrents or torrent, a peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) communications protocol/software/company.

There is also a massive suing of thousands of p2p/torrent users or downloaders
for their illegal downloads that have been reported from the past few years. Quoting
from online news articles and news publications or sources:

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The turn of the 21st century was rife with bitter anti-
piracy lawsuits pitting studios against their potential customers, with music labels
banding together to blast Napster -- and its massive user base -- to smithereens. Get
ready for round two. This time, it is BitTorrent users facing off against the movie studios.
Nearly 50,000 users of BitTorrent's peer-to-peer downloading software have
been targeted in a sting over the past few months, accused of illegally downloading one
of two movies.
Source: 50,000 BitTorrent users sued for alleged illegal downloads

In the last 12 months, copyright infringement lawsuits in the United States, mainly
against torrent users (and a few hundred ed2k users), have targeted 99,924
defendants. The profitable pay-up-or-else scheme has been embraced by many. Of the
80 cases that were filed originally, 68 are still active, with 70,914 defendants still being
Mass P2P lawsuits are a new revenue stream for the adult entertainment and
movie studio industries. Copyright holders try to obtain the personal details of users who
are allegedly sharing their material online, and once they do, they offer the defendant
the opportunity to settle the case for somewhere between a few hundred to a couple of
thousand dollars. The victims are told this will allow them to avoid a full trial and
potentially even bigger financial penalties.
Source: Almost 100,000 US torrent users sued in the last 12 months


CONCORD, N.H. (AP) Renee Elderd never thought to ask her husband about
the music he downloaded and listened to on their computer. Turns out she should
have.Last September, a few months after Elderd's husband moved out, a police officer
showed up at her Nashua home with a lawsuit from the recording industry. She was
accused of copyright infringement.
"The bottom line is, he wanted to do the right thing and get out of the lawsuit and
not pay all the fees," Persson said. "With the amounts they're settling for, it doesn't
make any sense for people to fight these."
Source: Woman struggling with music downloading lawsuit

It says at least 33 people have been detained for internet subversion and two
prisoners had subsequently died after apparent torture or ill-treatment.
Amnesty said a former police officer, Li Dawei, was the subject of one of the
longest sentences. He was jailed for 11 years after being convicted of downloading
articles from democracy sites abroad.
Source: China accused of jailing net users

Downloading from torrent sites or peer to peer sites have been reported to be an
illegal action as per it gives internet users the easy access to copyrighted materials and
media stuffs that they should be getting with a price, hence they get it for free easily
from torrents or p2p sites.
Since the beginning of the flourishing of the internet era; the law, or anti-piracy
acts and campaigns have been enforced by the governments of every country in the
world. The government, from then have become strict, and without further amnesty,
depending on the state you belong, you are possibly going to jail if proven that you are
breaching over this kind of illegal activities. Even though this only pertains to
downloads from the internet.

Obviously, you can get yourself sued only if you have been traced for doing
those illegal actions. However, with the right knowledge of internet anonymity, you can
put your mind at ease as per your identity is hidden, whenever you are accessing p2p or
torrent sites. This adds another kind of security for you as an internet user.
Getting anonymous from the internet can start from you and will only be from the
end-user, whether he decided to make his information private, or unreal that are sent on
the web servers for the norm compliance. There are a lot of method that you can use in
order to get anonymous from the web, thus giving yourself the maximum freedom you
need for your every internet actions, without the fear of getting sued or sent to jail just
by this stuffs that seems to be illegal on the first hand.


The Ways for Determining You on the Internet
Once you are connected on the internet, through any website, your machine
automatically sends data and information to their webservers. This information includes
your IP Address, Cookies, Browser, and JavaScript, Active X, and Flash support
capability of your machine that you are using to connect on the internet.

IP Address
IP Address, or internet proxy address, refers to the proxy you are using on that
moment you are connecting on the internet. This can come into numbers or names,
often referred to as hostnames. With your IP address, your current location and ISP

can be tracked easily. In the case of seeking for internet censorship and anonymity, you
never want to expose your real IP address. There are many ways that you can do to
change the IP address you have.

Cookies refer to unique data that are encrypted in a way it contains vital
information that deals with your log-ins on different sites. In the internet, speaking of
cookies does not pertain to those baked breads that are edible. When you visit a
website, or any webserver, your computer sends a specific cookie to the site, to make
yourself remembered by the site. Some invasion can be done through cookie sniffing, in
which nasty people can jack up into your privacy, when they successfully stole your
cookie. This is a big risk to your security and privacy. However, you always have the
option to get your browser rejects on accepting and sending cookies, thus making your
web browsing safer, secure, and anonymous.

1. ISP Internet Service Providers


Your browser is the application software, or program that you are using on
browsing the internet. The most popular among computer browsers are Internet
Explorer from Microsoft, Google Chrome from Google, Mozilla Firefox from Mozilla, and
Safari Browser from Apple. When you browse any webpage through your browser, the
webserver that you are connected to instantly knows your Browser name. However, for
internet anonymity purposes, there are many ways to faking your browser data, this
refers to user-agent
masking or faking.

JavaScript, Active X, and Flash Support
Webservers can easily know whether your browser or machine can support the
following: JavaScript, Active X, and Flash. These are used for coding webpages, in
which it makes some webpages load specific content based on its purpose. You can
always opt-out to disabling your browsers JavaScript support. It may help in preventing
nasty attacks via some exploits in side with this kind of scripting procedure, which you
may unknowingly encounter. However, disabling support for these coding protocols
might decrease the quality of your webpage/internet browsing experience.

Since these set of information are easily detectable by web servers, and the
webpages you are connected to, it is important for internet anonymity purpose that you
know whether you are sending the proper information you desired. A good online web
service can be found at, it can give you detailed information and
accurate analysis of the data you are sending on the internet including but not limited to:
IP Address, location, Browser or user-agent, cookie name, and JavaScript, Active X, or
Flash support.

2. user-agent a user-agent, or ua, is an application which connects to The Internet. Each user-agent has its own
unique identification string.

Who and why is it necessary to get anonymous on the Internet
Many people are currently employing internet anonymity for serving their own
needs. On some countries, their local ISPs are instructed by their governments to block
access to certain sites that are similar but not limited to social networking sites or video
streaming sites. Some are just even blocking specific websites, just for fulfilling their
cultural or ethical preferences.
Some sites also are restricting access to certain countries, in which they forbid
users from that specific country to get access to their websites and services.
Thus, the need to being anonymous on the internet can be achieved from faking
the information you are sending to webservers. It will allow you to pass through the
firewalls set by your ISP or web servers, thus giving you full access or internet freedom.
If you are anonymous, your location gets unknown for webservers, and you are free
from restrictions.
Not just normal people or internet surfers take the good use and benefits of
internet anonymity. Even hackers or criminals, know that this is one sure way for them
to get safe along with the internet crimes they are purposely doing. When hackers or
criminals get anonymous via different methods, even if their interception or hacking
attempts are detected, they still cannot be detected. Thus, it makes them free for doing
the internet crimes they desire.
To date, there are already countless stories from local to online news about
internet hacking and breaching, through the internet. The same with the numbers of
people, that were referred to as hackers are also increasing as the internet era

Computerworld - Chinese hackers once broke into computers at the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce and had access to everything on the organization's
systems, including information on about 3 million of its members.

A Chamber of Commerce spokesperson this afternoon confirmed reports
that the intrusion was discovered and shut down in May 2010, about a year after
the hackers gained access to the business organization's networks.
According to a report in today's Wall Street Journal, investigators have
been unable to determine specifically what information may have been
compromised. However, it appears that the hackers targeted four Chamber
employees who worked on Asia policy, the Journal said. About six weeks' worth
of email belonging to those four employees is believed to have been stolen. In
total, emails belonging to about 50 members of the Chamber appear to have
been stolen, the Journal reported.
Source: Chinese hackers breached U.S. Chamber of Commerce

An Iranian hacker is prompting major tech companies to revisit their online
security policies, after his breaches in companies like DigiNotar threatened basic
Internet security worldwide.
Comodohacker, a self-proclaimed 21-year-old Iranian engineering student,
told the New York Times he hacked the security certificate firms to help Ayatollah
Ali Khamenei track dissidents in his country.
"My country should have control over Google, Skype, Yahoo, etc.," he
emailed. "I'm breaking all encryption algorithms and giving power to my country
to control all of them."
Source: Iranian Hacker Shakes Internet Security


Computerworld - The U.S. can expect more aggressive cyberespionage
efforts from China, Russia and other countries looking to collect information in
areas such as pharmaceuticals, defense, and manufacturing, according to a new
government report.
The report, from the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive,
also provided recommendations for how organizations can strengthen their
defenses."Chinese actors are the world's most active and persistent perpetrators
of economic espionage," the report said.
"Russia's intelligence services are conducting a range of activities to
collect information and technology from U.S. targets."
Sensitive information on smartphones and laptops is an attractive target
for cyberspies. The report says encryption, multifactor authentication, and real-
time network monitoring may help keep data safe.
The report cited the case of Dongfan Chung, an engineer with Rockwell
and Boeing who worked on the B-1 bomber and was found to have 250,000
documents in his house."
Cyberspace makes possible the near-instantaneous transfer of enormous
quantities of information," the report said.
Source: Report warns of cyber spying by China, Russia


Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions about Internet Security

Am I always safe in the web?
Many web users still do not know this, that malware attacks cannot be easily
identified. You might not even now this, but you might be already under constant
malware attack. Such attacks are designed to steal personal information and passwords
from your machine. It can even use you to distribute spam
, malware, or inappropriate
content to others without your knowledge.

What websites can be considered dangerous?
Porn sites shall be considered first on the list. These sites have been popular to
be containing malwares
and distributing it to its visitors unknowingly, just the same as
pokers, casino, or gambling sites as well. However, nowadays, not only these kinds of
sites may possess potential dangers. Even those trusted sites can be possibly a source
of malware attacks if the site is hijacked in any ways.

Can I be infected even if I did not download anything?
Yes, you can be infected even if you do not download anything from a certain
website. Hijackers are able to inject malicious codes. These are usually executed in just
a way via accessing the hijacked site, and without you doing anything else; it can infect
your machine.

1. spam -- Spam is the use of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to
send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately.
2. malwares -- Malware, short for malicious software, consists of programming (code, scripts, active content, and other
software) that is designed to disrupt or deny operation, gather information that leads to loss of privacy or exploitation, or
gain unauthorized access to system resources, or that otherwise exhibits abusive behavior.

Is there a safest and most secure web browser?
There is no foolproof evidence that a certain browser is safer than any other else.
Every browser has equal potential of being infected from internet security risks. It is
always a matter of the end users safety precautions, and should be regardless of what
kind of web browser was being used.
Using VPN is compatible to any browsers as well. It is able to add security to
your browsing. The packets of information you are sending and receiving via the public
network can be tunneled into the VPNs private network, encrypting it and making
everything secured and safe from traffic sniffers and stealers.

What does the lock icon next to the web addresses in the browser means?
If you see a lock icon on your browser while visiting certain sites, it means that
you are visiting a site with SSL
encryption. Having SSL encryption, means that the data
you are sending and receiving is safely encrypted, in which it cannot be seen by any
other else, by any means.
Using VPN also provides a connection secured by OpenSSL security encryption
with 4096-bit key. This means, your internet access is protected and the data you send
or receive cannot be stolen easily.

Is it safe to use torrents?
Yes, you are safe to use torrents as long as you go private and anonymous.
Unless you expose yourself that you are using torrents, you are in danger of being sued
for such illegal activities. Being anonymous in the internet, adds security and privacy,
which can be achieve by methods such as using VPN.


What do hackers steal?
Even if your computer does not have anything valuable, it does not necessarily
means that you are out of the hackers eye of interest. Information such as login and
banks or credit credentials, are among the top on this list. However, such issues about
identity theft should be something to be taken into precaution as well.

I am just an ordinary internet user; will I still be targeted by hackers?
Yes. Regardless of your status and identity, you can be a potential target to
hackers. Being someone that is unpopular does not make you out of the hackers prey
list. Depending on the hacker, targets might be some random people, in such cases like
web phishing
and spam.
Hackers are able to sniff and read the traffic you send and receive if you are
under a public gateway. This can be prevented by using VPN connection, for which the
data you send and receive undergoes an encryption process, in that case; even though
hackers can sniff your traffic, they will not be able to read it.

Does firewall can provide enough security?
No. even though a firewall
has been configured properly, it isnt enough to give
internet security as per it doesnt sometimes blocks web and e-mail services by allowing
these services getting unfiltered, that still leaves a hole for a risk in internet security.
However, VPN can be used on a routers firewall, thus creating a much secured
firewall for your router, once implemented.

3. SSL -- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic protocols that provide communication security over the Internet.
4. phishing Phishing is a way of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details
by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.
5. firewall A firewall is a device or set of devices designed to permit or deny network transmissions based upon a set of
rules and is frequently used to protect networks from unauthorized access while permitting legitimate communications to

What does my ISP do with my firewall?
Your ISP
absolutely does nothing to your firewall. ISPs are just there to give
connectivity, not security at all at the same time. Your ISP might be setting up a little
firewall just to limit and set a base level of connectivity, but it is always left as it was.
The firewalls software does not get an update. They never do that, ISP just do
maintenance, in which a failing device is replaced.

6. ISP -- An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the Internet.


What is VPN?
VPN is an acronym for the term: Virtual Private Network. VPN is a network that
uses the internet as its primary public telecommunication infrastructure. The main use of
VPN is to provide remote offices or traveling users, an access to a central
organizational network.
Click here to check - Why you need to use VPN ?
How VPN does helps in internet security?
A required authentication is passed among the remote users of the network in a
VPN service. Data is always secured with encryption technologies, in a way it prevents
the disclosure of private information to unauthorized parties.

The other uses and advantages of using VPNs
Using VPN can give you the ability to be anonymous from the internet by hiding
your real IP address. In this way, you can bypass network restrictions that were set by
your internet providers or network administrators.


How VPN does operate?
A VPN works much like the previous hard-wired network systems; a virtual
private network gives the owner the ability to share information with others on their
network by means of a private, exclusive link that is created by a method other than
hard-wires or leased lines; usually via the public internet.
Look at the picture to see how your connection without VPN looks like:

Look at the picture to see how your connection with VPN looks like:


VPN Protocols
In terms of secure VPN technologies, these are what come among the list:
OpenVPN is an open source software application that implements virtual private
network (VPN) techniques for creating secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections
in routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities. OpenVPN, from James
Yonan, has become a VPN protocol, in which it uses a custom security protocol that
utilizes SSL/TLS
for key exchange. This kind of VPN protocol is capable of traversing
network address translators and firewalls.
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is another method for implementing
virtual private networks. PPTP uses a control channel over TCP
and a GRE
operating to encapsulate PPP
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is also a tunneling protocol used to support virtual
private networks (VPNs). It does not provide any encryption or confidentiality by itself; it
relies on an encryption protocol that it passes within the tunnel to provide privacy.

1. SSL/TLS -- Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic
protocols that provide communication security over the Internet.
2. TCP The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite.
3. GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) is a tunneling protocol developed by Cisco Systems that can
encapsulate a wide variety of network layer protocols inside virtual point-to-point links over an Internet Protocol
4. PPP PPP is another legend for Point-to-Point Protocol.

Single VPN simply refers to the simplest form of a
VPN connection technique, in which the internet
connection via the VPN is made only on one single
VPN server. The security level is decent.

Double VPN is a chain of two VPN servers
connection. It makes a more efficient security
because the internet traffic is encrypted twice on
two different servers or country location of the VPN
server. It gives a greater security level than the Single VPN.

Triple VPN is also called a Cascade VPN.
Internet connection is cascaded and encrypted in
three different servers located on three different
countries. It will give the maximum level of internet
security and anonymity among the Single and Double VPN types.

Table: Comparison of VPN Protocols
Protocol Encryption Authentication Networking Security Platforms
OpenVPN OpenSSL 4096
username/password based
UDP/TCP SSL/TLS Cross-platform
PPTP 128bit RSA RC4 username/password based UDP/TCP EAP-TLS Cross-platform
L2P IPSec (AES-CBC) Pre-shared keys,
username/password based
UDP/TCP IPsec Windows

VPN Connection Type Number of Servers Used Level of Security
Single 1 Decent security
Double 2 Greater security
Triple 3 Ultimate security


The Best VPN Protocol
In comparison, looking at the major aspects of every VPN protocols, we can
clearly conclude that the OpenVPN protocol is the best among the rest.
OpenVPN provides encryption that is not present from the other protocols.
Having a data encryption functionality means that you are more secure from privacy and
security risks.
With the combination of pre-shared keys, certificate-based, and
username/password based authentication, access to the network from OpenVPN can
be more secured for respective parties or clients that should be using the VPN server.
This functionality is not present on other secure VPN technologies.
On the networking side, OpenVPN can work on either UDP or TCP protocols.
This becomes an advantage, as some ISP does not allow internet connection from a
certain protocol; it also provides flexibility as well.
OpenVPN is the only VPN protocol that is extensible enough, as it being an
open-source project, it is capable of supporting additional plugins, and features support.
OpenVPN is the only crossed-platform VPN that is available for a wide range of
devices and machines. When used alongside with the Triple or Cascade VPN
connection method, a supreme level of internet security and anonymity can be


What is SOCKS?
SOCKS, not to be misinterpreted with the piece of clothing we are wearing on our
foot, is an Internet protocol that routes network packets between a client and server
through a proxy server. There is two major variation of SOCKS proxy, they are SOCKS4
(SOCKSv4) and SOCKS5 (SOCKSv5). SOCKSv5 provides an additional authentication
so only authorized users may access a server. A SOCKS server practically proxies TCP
connections to an arbitrary IP address as well as providing a means for UDP
to be forwarded.

What are uses of SOCKS?
Originally, the SOCKS5 protocol was designed to be a security protocol that aids
in firewalls and other security products management, thus helping into an easier
administration. SOCKS are also used as a circumvention tool, allowing bypassing
Internet filtering to access content otherwise blocked by governments, workplaces, and

1. UDP -- The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is one of the core members of the Internet Protocol Suite, the set of
network protocols used for the Internet.


How SOCKS does operate?

SOCKS is a networking proxy protocol that enables hosts on one side of SOCKS
server to gain full access to hosts on the other side of the SOCKS server without
requiring direct IP reachability.
SOCKS redirect connection requests from hosts on opposite sides of a SOCKS
server. The SOCKS server authenticates and authorizes the requests, establishes a
proxy connection, and relays data.

SOCKS is commonly used as a network firewall that enables hosts behind a
SOCKS server to gain full access to the Internet, while preventing unauthorized access
from the Internet to the internal hosts.


SOCKS Specifications
SOCKSv4 is SOCKS on its simplest form, in which it does not supports
authentication and UDP connections, only TCP.
SOCKSv4a SOCKS4a is a simple extension to SOCKS4 protocol that allows a
client that cannot resolve the destination host's domain name to specify it.
SOCKSv5 - The SOCKS5 protocol is an extension of the SOCKS4 protocol. It
offers more choices of authentication, adds support for IPv6 and UDP that can be used
for DNS

2. DNS The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any
resource connected to the Internet or a private network.

Advantages and Disadvantages of using SOCKS
SOCKS can hide your internal network from outside systems.
SOCKS protect the host from direct access by outside systems.
SOCKS can filter data that comes in from outside if they are properly
designed and configured.
SOCKS, when used as Security Protocol; aids in easy administration of
security products.
It is more flexible than using a HTTP Proxy.

It uses only a secure connection between client and the proxy server.

SOCKS servers are not widely used, it guarantees you a faster data
transfer service but at the same time, you will have to pay double or thrice
the same amount of the SOCKS server.
SOCKS proxy cannot make you private always. Websites can see your IP
wit Java, Flash, Active-X, or other scripts even if you are under a SOCKS
proxy. The best way to stay fully private and secured is to use VPN after
using SOCKS proxy for your internet connection.

3. HTTP Proxy A HTTP Server is bound to an IP address and port number and listens for incoming TCP connections
from clients on this address.


What is VPN SOCKS Chain?
VPN SOCKS 4/5 Chain is a term called to a process of using VPN and
SOCKS at the same time in one single connection to access the internet. Having a
chain like the VPN SOCKS chain is a great way to maximize your internet security
and anonymity.

SOCKS proxies are far too different with VPN proxies. SOCKS proxies can be
easily used on browsers, and other applications that you need to proxy with a certain
SOCKSv4/5 proxy. Premium proxy subscription, like from, can be
cheap, in exchange of access to almost unlimited private SOCKs proxies. While on VPN
proxies, it is actually not a proxy, what you are getting and using is the proxy of the VPN
host server. However, they both can provide anonymity and enhance security; still VPN
is the one who can provide more security as per it can encrypt your data through its
server tunnel. The only downside with VPN is, it can be costly to set-up your own VPN
client. There is already available VPN service that you can purchase for low price, such

How VPN SOCKs Chain operates?


The chain simply works by using both VPN and SOCKs at the same time to
achieve maximum security and anonymity. Your machine should be using SOCKs proxy
to make send and receive of data from the internet, in which the internet gateway you
are using is coming from the VPN, which was encrypted.

Advantage of using VPN SOCKs Chain
Using VPN and SOCKs chain can be easy. You just need a VPN and SOCKs
proxy subscriptions, use them both and there you have it, a chain. Despite its ease of
setting up, another major advantage of using this chain is; it is a guaranteed way of
obtaining the highest level of internet anonymity, to assure you maximum protection,
and privacy on the internet.
Connection Security Level
VPN High
SOCKs High
VPN SOCKS Highest level of anonymity

Using SOCKs changes your IP, Country, and Location instantly when you
automatically connect from the public internet. It gives you an assurance that you are
now anonymous on the web. This can be enhanced into a higher level of security, by
the usage of VPNs, together with the SOCKS. When you use VPN, your data is
encrypted and possible data sniffing, and stealing will be evaded; adding the use of
SOCKS, you can totally hide your identity from certain scripts, and you get completely
anonymous and secured to the highest level!


How you can use the VPN SOCKS chain?
You can perform chains depending on what kind of VPN protocol you want to
use. Here are two-types of most common practice:
OpenVPN + Socks Chain
PPTP+ Socks Chain ( with soft like a FreeCap )

OpenVPN + Socks Chain
In order to use the SOCKs chain on OpenVPN, you must use the --socks-proxy
parameter in your OpenVPN (it should be a newer release, as per older release does
not support authentication yet). Just add this line in your OpenVPN config file:
socks-proxy your_socks5_server your_socks5_port auth_file
In which:
socks-proxy an OpenVPN parameter
your_socks5_server the SOCKs server you want to use; this should be
changed and comes in the form of a host name or numbers (IP format).
your_socks5_port the respective port for the SOCKs server; this should be
changed also.
auth_file should be changed into a file name, say: pass.txt, that is also in the
same directory as the config file. This pass.txt (auth file) should contain the
authentication information for the SOCKs proxy, in case you are using a
SOCKSv5 proxy.
What should be inside the auth_file should be in this format:
Only two lines of text will do.
It might be good to check these step-by-step guides for using OpenVPN on
Windows XP, and Open VPN for Windows Vista/7.

It does not actually matter whatever your machine is running into, it might be
Windows XP, Vista, or Win7, and it will be the same with those Windows OS variations.
OpenVPN is a cross-platform release so it works fine with any platform; the same way
as the SOCKS proxy tunneling apps. However, some older apps that is used for SOCKs
proxy tunneling did not have the chance to have a version that can be supported on a
Win7 pc, as per the program development has been stopped. In the case of using
OpenVPN on Windows Vista/7, you must always run the OpenVPN application or GUI
with an administrator privileges.

PPTP + Socks chain ( on FreeCap soft example )
The PPTP+FreeCap Chain can be easily achieved, just by using a Windows
application called FreeCap. The logic is simple, you need to connect first on your PPTP
VPN, and then use the FreeCap application to start tunneling your connection with a
SOCKs proxy. A good tutorial on how to use SOCKs on FreeCap can be found here:
SOCKs + FreeCap Tutorial

There are many other ways of SOCKs implementations, in which you can find
through these links:
Manual SOCKs Proxy Input on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer
and Opera Browsers
Tutorial on Using SOCKs via WideCap
Tutorial on Using SOCKs via SOCKsCap
Tutorial on Using SOCKs via Permeo
Tutorial on Using SOCKs via Proxifier
Tutorial on Using SOCKs via ProxySwitcher



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