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F. NO.

OakBhavan,Sansad Marg,
NewDelhj110001,the 26
Subiect:ToprovideInformationtoADG(IR)on suggestionnumberingDPOST/1470, dated11.06.2012by
Shri SubhashChandraAgrawal.
Iam to refer to OM of DDG (PG, QA &In) dated 21.05.2014, numbering F. No.108-112014-RTI, containing
instructions to provide information to ADG (lR) in compliance to CIC Order No. CIC/Bs/Al2013/000870/5078 dated
May 2014 on suggestion of Shri Subhash Chandra Agrawal, 1775, Kucha Lattushah Dariba, Chandni Chowk,
Delhi-110006, numberingDPOST/1470,dated11.06.2012.
2. In so faras much CPIO (RTI) isconcerned, the'information regarding the suggestion numbering DPOST/1470,
"; ';........JJ.i ... h 1ii'U
fn' ,.,'
"P";,,t'd' Yo "' '_". ,>:'.; .
The proposalon feasibilityofaccepting
any public-autbority on 'SlIbmiS$f01l0f Ril feel! of ten t)UIlt saving
RTI applications at all Post Officers
\I$cl$ ofF;TI I\;et. 8ul\hiS popular IWf-avl!il@lf',!!f
throughout the country had been
1111 pMwffi9tll.Fac;\lity to RTI any pli!!/iC-alllhorily only qn pllYDltjlt4f a.'tr
thoroughly examined by the
fe" of be Ilvailablllt till 1hro\lJlho.u.t tl1e
Department ofPosts and views ofthe
pOstorner&, however small itmay !;Ie. with a big !lost.Dffioo,RTIlletjlii'lQ$
Departmenthad been conveyed to the
thus alsmaller post.offices ClIn be SMI to ,big forbelng
Department of Personnel &Training
(DOP&T) vide Department of Posts
(DOP) letter No. 1016/2013RTI
dated 10.01.2014, acopy of which is
enclosed with the present OM as
On the feasibilityofintroduction ofRTI
stamps. the recommendations of
wortb ten presently used as !tTl fees. Ao>ti:ting w an RTf cost of li
Expert Committee of Department of
Jargely used in Ien..nqmJ 4enominatlQII 1'01 RTl lile!\'BS per the 201Jm2007
Posts (DOP). accepted by the
Suchspeelal_lls intrOduced onllC bypo$IBl.;Jepartlllenl
Secretary (Posts) had been conveyed
tess for rodio lUldTVselS.
to the Department of Personnel &
Training (DOP&T) vide Department
ofPosts(DOP) letterNo.101-6/2013
RTI dated31.01.2014, acopyofwhich
is enclosed with the present OM as
2. Thiscommunication isin compliancetothe Dy. DirectorGeneral(PG. QA&Insp).OMdated 21.05.2014relating
toCIC OrderNo.CIC/BS/Al2013/000870/5078 dated8
May2014and itsreceiptmaykindlybeacknowledged.
Encl: AsAbove(Annexure 1&2)
(S.K. Tripathi)
Tele. NO.23036814
E 1
DakSanavn. SansadMarg.
NewDeihl- 110001
Jam:ary. 2014

DOP&T, NorlflQlock.NewDelhj..110001
'SUb: TheCIC. NewO$lhiJudgmentdated27.08.Q013inthecaseof$bn Subt'l,Qsh Agrawal
v;s;Minlstry of HOllle Affairs nurribering File No. CIc/BS/Cli01
CJOIS$IC/2013/000012/LS &<11C/LS/C1201010001 oa/LS.
.' .
KindlyfindenclosedaCOPY oftheCICNe\yDelhideoisionda.ted.27062013
2 TheelChasmadethefollowingrecommendations;'
(I) All.publicauthOrities shall acceptdemanddraftor cheques or
Jp,O$ payable to theirAccount Officers and no instrument s1'\811 oe returl1ed
(ii) All public authorities shall accept IPOs ofthe :l
valV$s visavisthefee/eopylng chargesan(ftheexce$s amountorfees may
notbereturned. '.
(iii) ACPIOs under theircommand to accBpt applicaMn fee
an(jcopying incashfrom theinformationseekar$
(iv) DQP&T shall direct al the CPIOs/APIOsO\ccounts.OUicers rc accept
(v) The Department of Posts has issued a d&taiied CIrculars No '103
1I2007RTI dated 12.10.2007 which prescribes to display RTf
JJ.PPLICA TlONS ARE ACCEPTED HERE" and in to d;splay tn&
names/addressees of the CPIQ and appropriate authoritIes. Tne fee along
with applicationshouldbeacceptedatthesamecounter
('II) The commiSSion advises the secretary. Department of Posts to
conSider deSignating all 25,464 Departmental Post Qf1ices to <;I(.{:epi RTl
applicationsandthe requisitefee insteadof4700PostOffices
(vii) To issue RTI stamps ofthe denomination of Rs 10/ by the Deplt of
Posts. Itwouldbeatimeandcosteffective' step TheCOMmisSior.would urge
Department ofPostsJDOP&T to the viability ofthis sl.ggestlor. wIth
(viii) Thecommission also directed ePIOsand theAppellate Authorities to
mention names: designation .ancJ fax number irithe RTI related
2. It is requested thattheDOP &Tmaytake action/decision onSer,al m.mber to \'''1
and (viii) ofpara 11 ofelcjudgment dated27.08.2013 mentioned about as DOP &l :$ the
nodalauthority fortheRTIAct.
3.... The isslJe listed at.sEuiat numl)er (v) of of this letter relates to the etc
JUGgnierttregarding di$play Cif"RTl APPLIATIOl;!S ARE ACOEPTED HERE" and In
addltl90 to 9ispJay the names/aOdressees of the.C:PIO ,ndappropriate autl10rrtles The fee:
alongwith apfjUc.ationshould atthesamecounter
TheS8.directlonsarebElinQ.reneratedtothePostalCircles forens.."nng complianceitl
respeCt ofthosePost that:havebeen authorized to accept the RTf applIcatIons allo

4. .. TheiaslIeR$t$d in serl.atnumber(IIi) ofpara 2QfthisleUer1$ with
CAPIO servJ,ce by th19 .DOP to'thOSE! centra.1 Mini$tri,s/Oepartments who'dId not
haye at sub divlsionall0cmtian when the RTI Act was brought)n to force. TI'e
commission ha.s advised the'Si9cretary, Department of Posts. to consider deSignating all
25.464DepartmentalPostOfficestoacceptRTI applioationsandthereqv:sltefee mSlea(.1 of
Presently the Department has 4710 authorized Post accal,)f lhe RTi
and CAPIO. "'
(i) PostofflC$.sweregiven;'0additionalmanpowerorremunarShon todo
this work. The' DOP has carried this burden inspile of constraints ot
manpower .and witho.ut any temuneration for more tt'lan 08 y:e3!$ (s!ncq
Inception of RtlAct) for those central public authorities whc nadagreoo to
(ii) Since th$ of cAplO services, several Centrai Mtnlstnes
might have,openedoffices and designatedCAPIOs at sub dlV
S'On-31 leve!
Therefore. they actually not reqwre this service Hence they may
directedto handle theRTlmattersattheirlevel.
.em) r,squires infrastructure facilities $uchas compLlter
peripherals internet : broadband cOnfl.ectivity speed
Thesetechnologicala.pectsappearto haverestricted lhe'nllltloe(ofCAPiOs
(iv) Therefore, anyattempttoe)(teod thisserviceto8level lower.thaI" sub
divteianatlevel would be violalionofSection 5(1) 01 theRTj Act as weI! .\IS ;l
Will create problem regarding .flnanclal, technologIcal and
In view of above, itis not pO.Ssible for Department of Posts to accept
recommendationofOlCon subpara(VI) ofpara2above
5. The I$sue listed at serIal number (vii)in para 2 above with respect to .ssue of Rl'1
stamps Of Rs 10/- is under.examination. Acommittee consisting ofDOG (PG), DDG (POi
DOG (Philately) and DOG (PAF) ofDepartment ofPosts hC\s set upby tn6 Secretary .
(Posts). for athoroug!'l examination of the matter. AU stamps for DOP pnnted by India
Security PreS$ at Nsshlk and Hyderabad. Forthe present. both presses are alit 01 stamps
paper and the printing of postage stamps had been adversely affected oy this Hence tne
matterberaised (bythe DOfD&T) withthe CMD Printing and Minting
01 India andfinanceSecretaryunderWhOS&A SPMCt Ltdoperates.

.... ""'" t t."
(...... c!'..rr..

i ..
F tj21Q1:J201a.QTI
GOvernment of India
Communication 1\ IT
Departinent.of p.dstS(Fm DeSk)
Oak Sansa:1 Mar 1
. New 1000 i
Dated ..J;lnual)'
'ro; '.:.t
Shn' Jain
Oirector (IR).Room No
Min!&lrY ofPersonneJ, Pub!lcGn.vances;and Perisions,
Non" Block. New Delhi..
OfRTtStamp8 in UeuoflPO/VCmiMnkDraft IB.ankers
.. atc. .
to this department's O.M. dated 10.01 : 014 n
response to OOP'&T 10 NO (Pt) dated 07103/2013 or) the c;.
T',e has been examined'by the:Oepartment of Posts bYoSettlng )JP cOr'lnllttee
Whlgh has gone through various8.'Spects and folloWing 'were rlladE by me
comtnlUea . ,
2. Observi!tiona I1v th! CUrnmlttee: ConsIdering the ne,ed ot, !'j,) !Po?
mode of payment of fee forRTI application. the. Committee has ODseevel1 as tre
i, Use of definitive sene:s of postage Stamps wpuld be easy t(\ ":a(!I i'l
reduce the cost to the goyernment over IPO cost and tl1& Will Ol?"'e "
by not charg.irlg Of the commission which is presently on tnt: IPC
n. Pro.blems mentioned In 3 will not e)Cist If the: deflnttlve IIr';S .t
$tamp13 Will be $lIowed by the Government for piymem at fee uMet tIe R',
iii. P!'esently RTI fee and other allied fees suet' as fee tor ;:N:C( opylrg
documents are In the accounts of respectwe DepartmeffSJMll!$tJis
where the RTI applicants are to. .It may. howe"I!r. r!1)[
admInistratively the.Department of Posts to.apportlon the RT, fee !O
e.sch Department/MinIstry incase definitive postaQ!;I stamps are '0:' th:s
3, aeRr2ve51 the Sgcretarv (fqsts). The h;:5
given follOWing recommendatiol1$ which have bee'l approvea by the Secretal'll)os!s-'
8; Use of the definitive Serie1; of postage stamps WhIch are y
available In the Post Offices across the Country in different denornil' a\iOn;
Instead of an exclUSive RTI stamp which would. Ile.ed to 11tt pnnted n
_ _ ._ ..J'____ ...--""
. . aU post offices and Inform people to use RTI stamps.
-- f-::f!.. ;'H.:... .'.
b. The RTf applicants would . also need to affix the said stan-pis) vI': Ii"'
A c: RTI application. The RTI applicant (s) by putting his signatum .;)r
Olun'wr ru:
Impression postage stamp{s} to prevent It frcm rrrSlI$e :
fe-use .
4. The use of the series of postage stamps and cancellaton d used
stamp/s. would amendment in the Right to Informatipn (Re.gutatlon of Fee ard
Cost) Rules. 2005. It is therefore requested to take action on the approvd
recomrnendatians given In para 3.a'&b ofthis letter as DOP & T IS the no(lai 8llthor. y
to administrator the Right to Information (Regulation of Fee and Cost) Rule:; 20',)5
(S.K. Tripathi I
J 011 aclO (PC
. . .'
Tele 011-230368t..::
Postal Dept to bring RTI stamp soon
PTI 17.09.2013

TIRUCHIRAPALLI (TN): RTI applicants will no longer have to wait to get their applications
processed as the Department of Posts is all set to bring out an RTI stamp for sale soon and also
set up special counters, according to a senior officer.
Under orders of the Central Information Commission, the Department will issue RTI stamps in
the denomination of Rs. 10. We will also introduce special counters to accept applications in all
1.5 lakh post offices across the country, the officer speaking on condition of anonymity, told
Visitors will no longer have to wait at post offices or face problems in depositing RTI fees,
photocopying charges as the CIC directions will be enforced, he said.
He said CIC had also asked Central Government departments to instruct all information officers
to accept postal orders, demand drafts and bankers cheques payable to accounts officers and not
reject applications on flimsy grounds such as every department incurs Rs. 22 towards bank
charges and commission to encash postal orders worth Rs. 10.
He said post offices are gearing up to impart adequate training to staff for processing the
Chief Information Commissioner Satyanandan Mishra had issued a series of directions on receipt
of a complaint by an information seeker. After deliberating on the pros and cons, suitable orders
have been issued to the postal services, he said.
Room No. 308, B-Wing, August Krnti B!"n, B!i#$i Cm %&'(, N(" )(&!i-**00++
File No.CIC/BS/C/2013/000149/LS
File No.CIC/BS/C/2013/000072/LS
File No.CIC/LS/C/2010/000108/LS
Complainant : S!ri Su,!s! C!n-r Agr"&
Publi !ut"o#it$ : Ministr. o/ 0om( A//irs.
%ate o& "ea#in' : *8.01.20*3
%ate o& (ei)ion : 21.08.20*3
Fat) :*
In t!( RTI 33&i'tion -t(- 30.4.20**, t!( 33(&&nt !- soug!t
in/ormtion on ** 3rs /rom t!( Ministr. o/ L" 5 6usti'( r(gr-ing t!( *81t!
R(3ort o/ t!( L" Commission o/ In-i n- t!( mtt(rs r(&t(- t!(r(-"it!. T!(
C%IO o/ t!( Ministr. o/ L" 5 6usti'( !- trns/(rr(- t!( si- RTI 33&i'tion
to t!( Ministr. o/ 0om( A//irs /or 'tion s 3(r &". T!(r(u3on, S!ri R#(s!
6!ingn, S('tion O//i'(r, 67II8, M.0.A., !- r(s3on-(- to it 9i-( &(tt(r -t(-
22.+.20**. 0is &(tt(r is r(3ro-u'(- ,(&o" :-
;I m -ir('t(- to r(/(r to .our &(tt(r -t(- 03.0+.20** /urnis!ing
t!(r("it! t!( --ition& /(( o/ Rs. 21<- ,. ". o/ I%Os. =ou m. "r(
t!t t!( 9&i-it. o/ I%O is on&. si> mont!s /rom -t( o/ issu(. W!i&(
/urnis!ing t!( sm( to t!( C%IO, su//i'i(nt 3(rio- o/ tim( i.(. on( to
t"o mont!s, s!ou&- ,( gi9(n to C%IO<A''ounts O//i'(r /or (n's!m(nt
o/ I%O7s8. On( o/ t!( I%O No. I) *32843 7OF Rs.1<-8 !s &r(-. ,((n
(>3ir(- n- issu(- -t( o/ not!(r I%O No. ??F 3243+1 7Rs.20<-8 is not
'&(r. T!(r(/or(, A''ounts O//i'(r o/ t!is Ministr. !s r(/us(- to ''(3t
t!( sm(.
2. In 9i(" o/ ,o9(, .our &(tt(r -t(- 03.0+.20** &ong "it! I%Os
No. ??F 3243+1 7o/ Rs. 20<-8 5 I) *32843 7o/ Rs.1<-8 r( r(turn(-
!(r("it!. =ou r( &so r(@u(st(- t!t in /utur( 9&i-it. o/ I%Os m. ,(
'!('#(- ,(/or( s(n-ing it to t!is Ministr..
3. T!is issu(s "it! t!( 33ro9& o/ 6oint S('r(tr.76u-&.8 5 C%IO.A
2. T!(r(u3on, t!( 'om3&innt !- 9isit(- t!( M.0.A. o//i'( t 6is&m(r
0ous( /or -(3osition o/ /(( o/ Rs. 21<- in 's! ,ut t!( R('(3tionist -i- not
&&o" !im to (nt(r t!( o//i'( n- to&- !im t!t t!( /(( in 's! "s not ''(3t(-
in t!( si- o//i'( n- -ir('t(- !im to 9isit t!( Nort! B&o'# o//i'( o/ M0A /or
t!( ,o9( 3ur3os(. T!( 'om3&innt t!(n 9isit(- t!( Nort! B&o'# o/ M0A n-
-(3osit(- t!( /(( o/ Rs.21<-.
3. T!( 'om3&innt !s /i&(- t!( 3r(s(nt 'om3&int ,(/or( t!( Commission
&&(ging t!(r(in t!t non-''(3tn'( o/ /(( in 's! ,. t!( 6is&m(r 0ous(
o//i'( o/ M0A 'us(- !im 9oi-,&( !rssm(nt n- &so r(su&t(- in -(&.(-
su33&. o/ in/ormtion. T!( 3r(s(nt 'om3&int ris(s out o/ t!( issu(s stt(-
!(r(in ,o9(.
4. In 9i(" o/ t!( 'om3&(> &(g& issu(s in9o&9(- in t!( mtt(r, t!( C!i(/
In/ormtion Commission(r 'onstitut(- Fu&& B(n'! 'om3rising o/ :-
- S!ri St.nn- Mis!r, CICB
- S!ri M.L. S!rm, ICB n-
- S!ri Bsnt S(t!, IC.
?. T!( B(n'! !(r- t!( mtt(r on *8.1.20*3. T!( 33(&&nt "s 3r(s(nt.
T!( Commission 3(rmitt(- S!ri R.K. 6in, A-9o't(, to int(r9(n( in t!( mtt(r.
T!( /o&&o"ing o//i'(rs /rom 9rious Ministri(s<)(3rtm(nts "(r( 3r(s(nt
,(/or( t!( Commission :-
S!ri 6.%. Aggr"&, 6oint S('r(tr.76u-i'i&8
S!ri R#(s! 6!ingn, Cn-(r S('r(tr.76-II8
S!ri R.K. Dir-!r, Cn-(r S('r(tr.
%epa#tment o& Po)t)
S!ri T. N((&#ris!nn, Assistnt )ir('tor D(n(r&
%o- :*
S!ri D. Bs#rn, )ir('tor
S!ri %.C. S!rm, )ir('tor
+. T!( 3rti(s "(r( !(r- t &(ngt!. T!( su,missions m-( ,. t!(
'om3&innt !(r(in r( summriE(- !(r( ,(&o" :-
7i8 T!( C%IOs -o not ''(3t t!( r(@uisit( /(( in 's!. T!(. s# t!(
in/ormtion s((#(rs to -(3osit t!( /(( "it! t!( Cs!i(r "!o, g(n(r&&., is not
&o't(- in t!( sm( o//i'(. It r(su&ts not on&. in !rssm(nt ,ut &so "stg( o/
tim( n- r(sour'(s o/ t!( in/ormtion s((#(rs.
7ii8 T!( /(( is 3.,&( t!roug! t!( I%Os. 0o"(9(r, t!( 3u,&i' ut!oriti(s
o/t(n r(/us( to ''(3t t!( I%Os i/ t!(. r( not stm3(- or not 3ro3(r&. stm3(-
,. t!( %ost& ut!oriti(s. Stm3ing is to ,( -on( ,. t!( %ost& ut!oriti(sB it is
not t!( 'on'(rn o/ t!( in/ormtion s((#(rs. Non-stm3ing or im3ro3(r
stm3ing o/ t!( I%Os 'nnot ,( groun- /or t!(ir non-''(3tn'( ,. t!(
'on'(rn(- 3u,&i' ut!oriti(sB
7iii8 T!( %ost& ut!oriti(s issu( I%Os in ,&n# /orm. T!( in/ormtion
s((#(rs g(n(r&&. m(ntion t!( nm(s o/ t!( A''ounts O//i'(rs o/ t!( %u,&i'
Aut!orit. s 3.(( s 3(r )o%T Cir'u&r No. F. *0<F<2008<IR -t(- ?.*2.2008.
Not"it!stn-ing t!( ,o9(, t!( 3ost& or-(rs 3.,&( to t!( A''ounts O//i'(rs
r( not ,(ing ''(3t(- ,. som( o/ t!( 3u,&i' ut!oriti(s t!(r(,. 'using
!rssm(nt to t!( in/ormtion s((#(rs.
7i98 Mor( im3ortnt&., t!( o3(rtion& 'ost o/ n I%O o/ Rs. *0<- is mor(
t!n Rs. 22<- s 3(r 'osting (>(r'is( un-(rt#(n in 200+-01. T!us, t!( C(ntr&
Do9(rnm(nt, inst(- o/ ,(ing gin(r, is, in /'t, &os(r in insisting on
-(3osition o/ 33&i'tion /(( n- ' /(( t!roug! I%Os.
1. In or-(r to str(m&in( t!(, t!( 'om3&innt sugg(sts t!t t!is
Commission m. m#( t!( /o&&o"ing r('omm(n-tions u<s 2?7?8 o/ t!( RTI
A't :-
7i8 To -ir('t && 3u,&i' ut!oriti(s to m(ntion 'om3&(t( nm(s n-
--r(ss(s o/ t!( o//i'(rs "!o m. ''(3t /((s n- ' '!rg(s in 's!
&ong "it! t!( timings /or -(3ositing t!( /((B
7ii8 To -ir('t && 3u,&i' ut!oriti(s to m#( (ntir( 'orr(s3on-(n'( r(&ting
to RTI mtt(rs t!roug! S3((- %ost or R(gist(r(- %ostB
7iii8 To issu( instru'tions to && 3u,&i' ut!oriti(s to "i9( o// '
'!rg(s u3to Rs. 20<-.
7i98 To r('omm(n- to t!( )(3rtm(nt o/ %osts to issu( RTI stm3s o/ t!(
-(nomintion o/ Rs. *0<-, to /'i&itt( -(3osition o/ /(( n- ' '!rg(s.
798 To r('omm(n- to t!( )(3rtm(nt o/ %osts to -ir('t && %ost O//i'(s to
''(3t RTI 33&i'tions n- t!( r(@uisit( /((. T!is is (ss(nti& s -(signtion o/
on&. 4100 %ost O//i'(s, s o/ no", is gross&. in-(@ut(, 'onsi-(ring t!( siE( o/
t!( 'ountr. n- t!( num,(r o/ in/ormtion s((#(rs.
8. S!ri R.K. 6in, Int(r9(n(r, !s m-( t!( /o&&o"ing su,missions in t!is
r(gr- :-
7i8 T!( C%IOs insist on I%Os o/ t!( 9&u( o/ (>'t mount o/ /((. T!(
I%Os o/ t!( !ig!(r 9&u(s r( not ,(ing ''(3t(- ,. t!( C%IOs. T!( )o%T m.
,( s#(- to -9is( && 3u,&i' ut!oriti(s to ''(3t I%Os o/ !ig!(r 9&u(s, "!(n
t!( -(3ositors -o not insist on r(/un-.
7ii8 T!( I%Os not 'ontining nm(s o/ 3.((s r( not ,(ing ''(3t(- ,.
t!( 3u,&i' ut!oriti(s (9(n "!(n t!(. 'ontin t!( nm(s o/ t!( s(n-(rs. T!(
in/ormtion s((#(rs r( /in-ing it -i//i'u&t to m(ntion t!( nm(s o/ t!( 3.((s
in t!( I%Os s t!is in/ormtion !s not ,((n 3ut in 3u,&i' -omin ,. most o/ t!(
3u,&i' ut!oriti(s. 0(n'(, )o%T m. ,( -9is(- to issu( -ir('tions to && t!(
3u,&i' ut!oriti(s to ''(3t I%Os o/ && -(nomintions n- to /i&& u3 t!( nm(s
o/ t!( 3.((s, so &ong s t!( I%Os 'ontin t!( nm(s o/ t!( s(n-(rs. 0(
,uttr(ss(s !is rgum(nt ,. r(/(rring to su, s('tion 738 o/ s('tion ? o/ t!( RTI
A't "!i'! 'sts ,ur-(n on t!( C%IO to r(n-(r Gr(son,&(H ssistn'( to t!(
in/ormtion s((#(r.
7iii8 T!( -(signt(- %ost O//i'(s, num,(ring ,out 4100, -onot -is3&. t
'ons3i'uous 3&'(s in t!(ir 3r(mis(s t!t t!(. s!&& ''(3t RTI 33&i'tions.
B(si-(s, som( -(signt(- %ost O//i'(s r( r(/using to ''(3t t!( RTI
33&i'tions. T!(. m. ,( -ir('t(- to 'om3&. "it! t!( gui-(&in(s issu(- ,. t!(
)(3rtm(nt o/ %osts in t!is r(gr-.
7i98 T!is Commission must m#( strong r('omm(n-tion to t!(
)(3rtm(nt o/ %osts to issu( RTI stm3s o/ Rs. *0<- -(nomintion /or
/'i&ittion o/ -(3osition o/ 33&i'tion /(( n- ' '!rg(s ,. t!(
in/ormtion s((#(rs.
798 T!( r(mittn'( o/ /(( ,. t!( mon(. or-(r m. ,( ''(3t(- 's!
3.m(nt ,. t!( 3u,&i' ut!oriti(s.
79i8 T!( C%IOs n- AAs must -is'&os( t!(ir nm(s, -(signtions, 3ost&
--r(ss(s n- t!(ir t(&(3!on( n- /> num,(rs in t!( RTI r(&t(-
79ii8 A&& 3u,&i' ut!oriti(s in t!( 'ountr. m. ,( -ir('t(- to -is3&. t!(
nm(s n- -(signtions o/ t!( o//i'(rs "!o r( r(s3onsi,&( /or ''(3ting RTI
/(( in 's! or t!roug! n. ot!(r mo-( o/ 3.m(nt.
F. T!( r(& issu( is to (9o&9( n (//('ti9( m('!nism /or -(3ositing t!( /((
n- ' '!rg(s /or (>3(-itious 3ro9isioning o/ in/ormtion. In t!is
'ont(>t, it "ou&- ,( 3(rtin(nt to m(ntion t!t Ru&( + o/ t!( Rig!t to In/ormtion
Ru&(s, 20*2, 3ro9i-(s /or t!r(( mo-(s o/ -(3osition o/ /((. Ru&( + is (>tr't(-
;+. +o(e o& Pa$ment o& &ee.** Fee) un(e# t"e)e #ule) ma$ be pai( in
an$ o& t"e &' manne#/ namel$ :*
0a1 in a)"/ to t"e publi aut"o#it$ o# to t"e Cent#al !))i)tant
Publi In&o#mation 2&&ie# o& t"e publi aut"o#it$ a) t"e a)e ma$
be/ a'ain)t a p#ope# #eeipt3 o#
0b1 b$ (eman( (#a&t o# ban4e#) "e5ue o# In(ian Po)tal 2#(e#
pa$able to t"e !ount) 2&&ie# o& t"e publi aut"o#it$3 o#
01 b$ elet#oni mean) to t"e !ount) 2&&ie# o& t"e publi
aut"o#it$/ i& &ailit$ &o# #eei6in' &ee) t"#ou'" elet#oni mean) i)
a6ailable .it" t"e publi aut"o#it$.7
*0. It m. &so ,( 3(rtin(nt to (>tr't t!( r(&(9nt 3rt o/ t!( OM No. F.
*0<F<2008-IR -t(- ?.*2.2008 issu(- ,. )o%T in t!is 'onn('tion :-
8-"e un(e#)i'ne( i) (i#ete( to )a$ t"at t"e 9i'"t to In&o#mation
09e'ulation o& Fee an( Co)t1 9ule)/ 200: p#o6i(e t"at a pe#)on
)ee4in' in&o#mation un(e# t"e 9-I !t/ 200: an ma4e pa$ment o&
&ee &o# obtainin' in&o#mation b$ a)" o# (eman( (#a&t o# ban4e#;)
"e5ue /IP2 )"oul( be pa$able to t"e !ount) 2&&ie# o& t"e
one#ne( publi aut"o#it$. It .a) b#ou'"t to t"e notie o& t"i)
%epa#tment t"at )ome publi aut"o#itie) (i( not aept (eman(
(#a&t)/ban4e#;) "e5ue)/In(ian po)tal 2#(e#) (#a.n in t"e name o&
t"ei# !ount) 2&&ie# an( in)i)te( t"at t"e)e )"oul( be (#a.n in t"e
name o&' an( %i)bu#)in' 2&&ie# o# t"e <n(e# Se#eta#$ o#
t"e Setion 2&&ie# et. -"i) %epa#tment 6i(e 2+ No.1/2/2007*I9
(ate( 23
+a#"/ 2007 i))ue( in)t#ution) t"at t"e (eman(
(#a&t)/ban4e#;) "e5ue)/IP2) ma(e pa$able to t"e !ount) 2&&ie#)
o& t"e publi aut"o#it$ )"oul( not be (enie(. In)pite o& t"e
p#o6i)ion) in t"e #ule) an( in)t#ution) o& t"i) %epa#tment/ )ome
publi aut"o#itie) )till #e&u)e to aept (eman( (#a&t)/ban4e#;)
"e5ue)/IP2) (#a.n in t"e name o& t"e !ount) o&&ie# o& t"e
publi aut"o#it$.
2. 9e&u)al to aept an appliation on t"e '#oun( t"at t"e
(eman( (#a&t/ban4e#;) "e5ue/IP2 )ubmitte( b$ t"e appliant "a)
been (#a.n in t"e name o& t"e !ount) 2&&ie# ma$ amount to
#e&u)al to aept t"e appliation. It ma$ #e)ult into impo)ition o&
penalt$ b$ t"e Cent#al In&o#mation Commi))ion on t"e one#ne(
Cent#al Publi In&o#mation 2&&ie# un(e# Setion 20 o& t"e !t. !ll
t"e publi aut"o#itie) )"oul(/ t"e#e&o#e/ en)u#e t"at pa$ment o& &ee
b$ (eman( (#a&t/ban4e#;) "e5ue/IP2 ma(e pa$able to t"e !ount)
2&&ie# o& t"e publi aut"o#it$ i) not (enie(.7
**. It n((-s to ,( un-(r&in(- t!t 3r(m,&( o/ t!( RTI A't 3ro9i-(s /or
s(tting out t!( 3r'ti'& r(gim( o/ rig!t to in/ormtion /or t!( 'itiE(nr. in
or-(r to 3romot( trns3r(n'. n- ''ount,i&it. in t!( "or#ing o/ (9(r.
3u,&i' ut!orit.. T!is "or- 'onnot(s 3rgmti' 33ro'! on t!( 3rt o/ &&
'on'(rn(- in im3&(m(nting t!( 3ro9isions o/ t!is &". T!( Commission is
"r( t!t -i//i'u&ti(s r( ,(ing (>3(ri(n'(- ,. t!( in/ormtion s((#(rs in
-(3ositing t!( /(( n- ' '!rg(s n- 'ons(@u(nti& -(&. in
3ro9isioning o/ in/ormtion. On t!oug!t/u& 'onsi-(rtion o/ t!( mtt(r,
t!( Commission m#(s t!( /o&&o"ing r('omm(n-tions to t!(
Ministri(s<)(3rtm(nts<%u,&i' Aut!oriti(s o/ t!(
C(ntr& Do9(rnm(nt u<s 2? 7?8 o/ t!( RTI A't:-
7i8 A&& 3u,&i' ut!oriti(s s!&& -ir('t t!( o//i'(rs un-(r t!(ir 'ommn-
to ''(3t -(mn- -r/ts or ,n#(r '!(@u(s or I%Os 3.,&( to t!(ir
A''ounts O//i'(rs o/ t!( 3u,&i' ut!orit.. T!is is in &in( "it!
'&us( 7,8 o/ Ru&( + o/ t!( RTI Ru&(s, 20*2. In ot!(r "or-s, no
instrum(nt s!&& ,( r(turn(- ,. n. o//i'(r o/ t!( 3u,&i' ut!orit.
on t!( groun- t!t it !s not ,((n -r"n in t!( nm( o/ 3rti'u&r
o//i'(r. So &ong s t!( instrum(nt !s ,((n -r"n in /9our o/ t!(
A''ounts O//i'(r, it s!&& ,( ''(3t(- in && 'ir'umstn'(s.
7ii8 A&& 3u,&i' ut!oriti(s r( r(@uir(- to -ir('t t!( 'on'(rn(- o//i'(rs
to ''(3t I%Os o/ t!( -(nomintion o/ !ig!(r 9&u(s 9is-I-9is t!(
/(( < ' '!rg(s "!(n t!( s(n-(rs -o not s# /or r(/un- o/ t!(
(>'(ss mount. To i&&ustrt(, i/ /(( o/ Rs. *8<- is 3.,&( ,. t!(
in/ormtion s((#(r n- i/ !( s(n-s I%O o/ Rs. 20<-, t!is s!ou&- ,(
''(3t(- ,. t!( 'on'(rn(- o//i'(r rt!(r t!n r(turning t!( sm(,
/or 3r'ti'& r(sons. T!( (ntir( mount "i&& ,( tr(t(- s RTI /((.
7iii8 A&& 3u,&i' ut!oriti(s s!&& -ir('t t!( C%IOs n- AC%IOs un-(r
t!(ir 'ommn- to ''(3t 33&i'tion /(( n- ' '!rg(s in
's! /rom t!( in/ormtion s((#(rs in &in( "it! Ru&( 0+ 78 o/ t!(
RTI Ru&(s. It is m-( '&(r t!t t!( C%IOs n- A%IOs "i&& not
-ir('t t!( in/ormtion s((#(rs to -(3osit t!( /(( "it! t!( o//i'(rs
&o't(- in ot!(r ,ui&-ings < o//i'(s.
7i98 )o%T s!&& -ir('t && t!( C%IOs < A%IOs < A''ounts O//i'(rs to
''(3t mon(. or-(rs to"r-s t!( -(3osition o/ /(( < '
'!rg(s. T!is is in &in( "it! t!( or-(r -t(- *F.F.2001 3ss(- ,.
t!( Krnt# In/ormtion Commission in B. =. >autma 6). %$.
Commi))ione# o& Stamp) ? 9e'i)t#ation/ Ban'alo#e. 7KIC 2038
CoM 20018.
798 T!( )(3rtm(nt o/ %osts !s issu(- -(ti&(- Cir'u&r No. *03-
*<2001-RTI -t(- *2.*0.2001 /or str(m&ining t!( 3ro'(-ur( o/
!n-&ing 33&i'tions ,. 9rious CA%IOs "!i'!, int(r&i 'ontins
t!( /o&&o"ing -ir('tions:-
8011 %i)pla$ o& t"e )i'nboa#( 89-I !PPLIC!-I2NS !9@
!CC@P-@% ,@9@7 )"oul( be ma(e on t"e notie boa#( /
p#ominent plae in t"e po)t o&&ie. In a((ition/ t"e name) /
a((#e))e) o& t"e CPI2 an( app#op#iate aut"o#itie) o& t"e
Po)t o&&ie )"oul( al)o be (i)pla$e(.
091 -"e &ee alon'.it" appliation )"oul( be aepte( at t"e )ame
ounte# an( in no a)e t"e appliant )"oul( be ma(e to 6i)it
anot"e# ounte# &o# (epo)itin' t"e #e5ui)ite &ee.7
-"e %epa#tment o& Po)t) i) #e5ui#e( to en)u#e t"at t"e
abo6e (i#etion) a#e omplie( .it" b$ all one#ne(.
79i8 As not(- !(r(in ,o9(, s o/ no", t!( RTI 33&i'tions n- t!(
r(@uisit( /(( r( ,(ing ''(3t(- ,. t!( -(signt(- %ost O//i'(s, num,(ring
,o9( 4100. Consi-(ring t!( siE( o/ t!( 'ountr. n- t!( num,(r o/ RTI
33&i'nts<33&i'tions, t!( num,(r o/ -(signt(- %ost O//i'(s 33(rs to ,( too
sm&&. It !s ,((n ,roug!t to t!( noti'( o/ t!( Commission t!t t!(r( r( 2?,4+4
)(3rtm(nt& %ost O//i'(s n- *,2F,402 E>tr )(3rtm(nt& Brn'! %ost
O//i'(s. T!( Commission, t!(r(/or(, -9is(s t!( S('r(tr., )(3rtm(nt o/
%osts, to 'onsi-(r -(signting && 2?,4+4 )(3rtm(nt& %ost O//i'(s to ''(3t
RTI 33&i'tions n- t!( #e5ui)ite &ee.
79ii8 T!( ,(st so&ution to t!( /(( r(&t(- 3ro,&(ms 33(rs to ,( to issu(
RTI stm3s o/ t!( -(nomintion o/ Rs. *0<- ,. t!( )(3tt. o/ %osts. It "ou&- ,(
tim( n- 'ost (//('ti9( st(3. T!( Commission "ou&- urg( )(3rtm(nt o/
%osts<)o%T to 'onsi-(r t!( 9i,i&it. o/ t!is sugg(stion "it! utmost -is3t'!.
79iii8 T!( Commission &so -ir('ts t!( C%IOs n- t!( A33(&&t( Aut!oriti(s
to m(ntion t!(ir nm(s, -(signtions n- t(&(3!on( n- /> num,(rs in t!( RTI
r(&t(- 'orr(s3on-(n'(.
*2. T!( Commission (>3('ts && Ministri(s<)(3rtm(nts<%u,&i' Aut!oriti(s
o/ t!( C(ntr& Do9(rnm(nt to gi9( urg(nt 'onsi-(rtion to t!( ,o9(
Or-(r r(s(r9(- n- 3ronoun'(- on t!( 21
-. o/ August, 20*3.
S-<- S-<-
7 M.L. S!rm 8 7 Bsnt S(t! 8
In/ormtion Commission(r In/ormtion Commission(r
7 St.nn- Mis!r 8
C!i(/ In/ormtion Commission(r
F. No. 1-1/2013-2014/RTI-17/T&C Dated18thOctober, 2013
Subject: Application for seeking information undertheRightto
Kindly refer your RTI petition dated 02/09.2013, received on
07.10.2103 through Ministry ofFinance, New Delhi-ll000l, vide their Letter No.
12011/09/2013-Coorddated 01/10/2013forsupply the information. Onlypara no.
8isrelatedtothisdivision forwhich requisiteinformationisgiven below:
"Aspercostingexercise2011-2012(Actual), theoperationalcost
.of apostalorderisRs. 37.45."
2. Kindly referyourletterdated19.3.2013. Itistoinform you thatcase has been
examinedin detailandreveals thatonlypara-3 ofyourletterIs related to TarIff&
Costing Section. In this context, it is intimated that the postal service Is an
essential elementofthe soc/o-economic Infrastructure. The Departmentdoes take
into account various determinants viz. cost of operation, user profile, price
elasticity, price ofcompeting services, affordabi/ity factor etc. while fixing/revising
thetariffof services/products. The valuable inputs have been notedandwould be
considereJlong with otherfactors, atappropriatetime.
3. Your letter dated 01.04.2013 relates to PO Section of this office and
information willbesuppliedbythemdirectlytoyouon thesubject.
4. With reference to yourletterdated2.4.2013, itIs IntimatedthatonlyparaNo.
6 and8 relatestothissection. ParawlseInformation/repliesisas under:
Para No. 6: the'steps is b'e7ifg taken for'revlew/removal of
anomalies, ifany. However, information in this regard can be provided only after
ParaNo.8: Aspercosting exercise2011-2012(Actual), the operationalcostofa
postalorderis Rs. 37.45,

Tel. 23036515

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