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TO: Howard Forman

February 26, 2014

I write to you because you are the primary elected public servant with jurisdiction over the courts of Broward.
I, Bruce Toski, a living sentient man, an American, do solemnly declare:
I am at peace with all my fellow living souls on this beautiful planet Earth.
I am NOT a registered voter, I do not have a social security number, and I am not a U.S. citizen. I use federal reserve notes
only under the Doctrine of necessity and survival. No jurisdiction implied or given. I am not a merchant.
There is no legal nexus between Bruce Toski and the County of Broward. My Claim of sovereignty is recorded with the
recorder for the county of Broward.
I reserve the right to repudiate, ab-initio, any legal trust, contract, license or any legal obligation whatsoever, that may have
been created, pursuant and subsequent to my birth in 1957.
As the de-facto U.S. corporation controls a judicial system which currently operates under martial law rule and law merchant
(commercial law), STATE actors are liable for all damages done to a soverign that is forced into said corporate judicial
hearings and jail cells. My fee schedule for any violation of LAW is 10oz of 99% pure gold, per hour, for any unlawful arrest.
Upon receiving this NOTICE, failure to discharge any unlawful claims previously asserted or pending, against BRUCE TOSKI
the strawman, within seven days, will constitute violation of my unalienable rights under God and the Law of Nations.
I have made the above declarations under no duress, coercion, promise of reward or gain, or undue influence and of my own
free will, with no mental reservation and with no intent to evade any legal duty under the laws of the United States of America
or any of the several states.
I sincerely invite any person who has reason to know or believe that I am in error in my determinations and conclusions above
to so inform me and to state the reason(s) they believe I am in error in writing at the address below. Any mail received with my
name in ALL CAPS and / or the address not stated exactly as it is below, will be returned (no such person). By the Doctrine of
Laches, all agents of the United States corporation, state subsidiaries, county subsidiaries and city subsidiaries are estopped
under law and equity, barring a response within seven days. Failure to respond, personally, with a signed document will
constitute agreement and waiver of any right to any legal or lawful recourse.
Time is of the essence, ALL Rights Reserved, at arms length, sui juris, with express reservation of all my rights in natural law,
common law, and equity.
Bruce Toski
c/o [2361 Southwest 36 Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida]

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