Forbiddan #3

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03/10/2009 09:19:00


← By E.J Macklin.
← Prolog: I heard the buzz around the school, thanks to Maria.
There was a new student from South Carolina. I didn’t think anything of
it. I didn’t really want anything to do with the new student, being shy
and all I don’t do good when it comes to making friends.

← When I got to school that day, all the girls were swooning and
talking about the new student. Well, I knew the new kid was a boy. I
went about my normal morning routine, I went to my locker, said hi to
Maria, tried to hide from my abusive boyfriend José and went to
homeroom. However, when I got to homeroom I didn’t see the mysterious
person next to my seat. I just took my seat and looked at the board,
though nothing was on it except the date.

← Then, Mr. Harrison walked in right when the bell rang. “Good
Morning class. I see we have a new student with us today. Class this is
Edward Jackson.” He said gesturing towards the seat next to me. I
looked over to him, and he looked at me. We stared into each other’s
eyes for along time. Then I turned my head back to the board.

← He was in every single class I had, except for chorus, and he
had a different gym teacher. Still, I saw him almost every minuet of
the school day. We didn’t say a word to each other, even though I
wanted so badly to say hi and get to know him.

← After I got home from my job at my families diner, I went to
bed hoping for a goodnight sleep. That night I didn’t get a wink of
sleep. All I could about was Edward. And from that moment on, I had a
huge crush on someone who wasn’t an actor. Maybe the feelings were more
than a crush, but I doubted that. I finally closed my eyes and
pictured his face.

CHAPTER 1: The Day That Changed My Life.
← I never thought my life would change, on that cold wet February
day. It started out like any other normal day. I was woken up by my
annoying alarm clock. I groaned as I put a pillow over my face. “UGH!
Why did both TITANIC and Twilight have to be on the same night?!” I
moaned under my pillow. I waited for another 5 seconds, hoping to get a
few precious seconds of sleep. Well, it didn’t work. I gave in and
slapped the snooze button. I sat on the edge of my bed and looked
around my room.

← It was nice, not very big. The walls were still pink from my
little girl days. I begged Harry(my father) to let me re-paint my room
since I was 13. He’s never caved. The walls were covered with poster
from teen magazines that I sometimes bought at the local CVS. I took my
thick hair out of a pony tail and walked to the full length mirror and
looked at my self. I was pretty I guess, maybe a little plain. My skin
was alabaster pale. I had wide innocent chocolate brown eyes set on a
heart shape face. I wasn’t very tall either. I was only five foot 1,
being one of the shortest 17 year olds in my grade. The only person
shorter than me was my best friend.

← I have long dark brown hair that was thick and curly that gave
me a lot trouble in the morning. It also had a reddish tint and
highlights. I got that from Harry, the red head. I sighed in
disappointment as I took a hair brush and tried to get through the
tangle mess known as my hair. I managed to fix it neatly into a side
pony tail. I slipped into my favorite pair of jeans from American
Eagle. I grabbed a long sleeve ivory white eyelet shirt and put it on.
It was a form fitting shirt. It showed that I had a nice little figure.
I was thin, but not a stick. I had a nice little petite frame, it
matched my height.

← My name is Lila Shaw and this was me. A short, pale weakling
who couldn’t fend for her self. I shook my head and walked out of the
room. I went down the old creaky stairs , gripping on to the railing
so I wouldn’t fall. When I reached the first floor, I went to the
kitchen and popped in a piece of bread in the toaster. I walked to the
refrigerator. I stopped and looked at the picture of my mother, Jane.

← My parents were immigrants from Scotland. My father is an
wonderful cook, and my mother has an amazing head for business. My
father was able to become a legal citizen, however my mother wasn’t
able to. She was forced to be deported back to Scotland. It was on my
13th birthday when it happened. The memory of seeing her being taken
away still stings.

← A tear trickled down my cheek. “Miss you mom.” I said just as
my piece of toast pop out. I quickly grabbed some butter and spread it
on the piece of toast. Once I was done I took a bite in the toast. It
was still dry, very dry. But I couldn’t do anything about it.

← I looked at the clock on the oven, 7:12, I had to get a move on
to school. I swallowed the rest of the toast whole, and washed it down
with orange juice straight from the carton. I slipped in my winter
jacket, grabbed my school bag and ran out the door.

← I lived in Fairfield Connecticut. A very small town on the
coast of Long Island Sound in New England. At this time of year, it was
bitter cold, and rather ugly. The trees were bare to the bone. The wind
whistled and howled, sending a chill through out my spine. I stopped on
the porch and rapped my arms around my body. “COLD! SO COLD!” I
screamed as I ran into the garage, witch wasn’t much better. I opened
the garage door and opened it with all my strength, witch wasn’t very
much. Once I got it opened, I ran to a all black Rav 4 Toyota. It use
to belong to Jane. It was on the older side, but it still worked

← I hoped in the car and turned it on. It roared like a lion. Ok,
it wasn’t perfectly perfect, but it still ran well. I put it in
reveres, and drove out. As I made my way down the driveway on to the
street, I prayed I wouldn’t take the mail box off its hinges, again.
Let’s just say I’m not the best driver. I’ve gotten a ticket, or two,
or three, or four, and I crashed into a fire hydrant, but that doesn’t
really matter dose it?

← Anyway, as I drove, my mind began to wonder. It began to worry
about my personal hell known as Ludlow High School. Why was it my
personal hell? My fake reason, people were always making fun of me
because my father owned a small diner and forced me to use a Scottish
accent. My real reason where two guys. José Lopez, and Edward Jackson.

← José Lopez was a Mexican immigrant, and illegal immigrant I
might add. He was my first and is my boyfriend. He doesn’t seam like
the kind of guy I would be interested in. He was pretty tall for a
Mexican. He stands at 6 feet tall, he had dark skin and was a serious
weight lifter. He had stiff hair as black as the midnight sky. He’s
eyes were like dried ice. He was extremely scary looking. But when I
meet him, he seamed different, gentle almost. Boy do I trust people
WAY to easily. After we had been dating for 6 months, he wanted
something. Something that I wasn’t about to give him. All he wanted to
do was what I was saving for marriage. I told him no, and he got mad.
Every time I said no, he would hit me and abuse me. It’s become a
routine. When I threatened to tell the police, he said he would burn
down my families diner. So, for the past month what I thought was a
grate relation ship turned out to be a living nightmare.

← And then, there was Edward Jackson. He’s exactly a foot taller
than me at six foot one. He’s body was much more boyish than José’s,
but he did have his muscles and abs, they just were huge and gross. He
had normal white skin, ash blonde hair that was neat, but somewhat
messy. However, it was he’s eyes that got to me. He’s eyes were just
like Paul Newman’s eyes. They were piercing blue eyes that sparkled
like the Caribbean Sea. He was the new kid, he moved from South
Carolina a few months a go. He was in my homeroom, and in every signal
class besides Chorus. When I first gazed into those unbelievable blue
eyes, I fell hard for him. I haven’t spoken to him though, being a even
more of a scared little kitten than the cowardly lion.

← I could tell I was in a dream like state, because I almost ran
over another fire hydrant. I served away and managed to save my mom’s
car from another starch. I stopped thinking about school and just
drove. After 15 minuets, I was almost there. I pulled up right next to
my old middle school bus. Even though my experience at Tomlinson Middle
School wasn’t the best, I liked it. I liked it because there was no
José, or no Edward.

← I pulled into the Ludlow High School parking lot. I circled the
lot for a moment, and found a parking space next to a old beat up
clunker. I didn’t get out of my car, I just took the keys out and sat
there. As I sat there staring into space, someone banged on my window.
I jumped. I turned my head, afraid to look. It was José standing next
to his old beat up clunker. I got out of my car and stood there.

← “Hola Chica” he said with his thick Mexican accent. José was
wearing a muscle shirt that showed off all of his gross muscles, and a
light jacket and baggy jeans. Not very good clothing for Connecticut in
the middle of winter. He leaned in to kiss me. I turned my head,
letting him kiss my hair instead. Instead he took some loose strands of
hair and ran his fingers through it. I shivered, and it wasn’t from
the cold. “José please, not here, not now, not ever.” I whispered under
my breath. I began to walk away when he grabbed my shoulder with grate
force, and pushed me to the ground hard. I fell on to my knees, and
dropped my bag.

← He bent down and whispered in my ear “You’ll do as I wish, or
mommy’s and daddy’s diner goes bye bye.” He walked away. I sat there on
my knees, feeling so helpless and weak. Then a Toyota Camry came and
parked on the other side of my car. That was a good sign.

← A small girl got out of the car. She was tiny at four foot 11
and was thin. She had puppy dog brown eyes and long thick straight
black hair and very tan olive skin skin. This was my best friend Maria
Casillo. She’s been friends with me since we were in second grade.
We’ve trusted each other like sisters since the day we first meet. I’ve
also became the person to keep her in line since we first meet.

← She walked up to me with a puzzled look on her face. She
chuckled a little, like she thought I had tripped or something. “Did
you trip or something?” She asked giving her hand to help me up. I took
the hand, and looked at the extreme difference between skin tones. Mine
pale, her tan. “Or something.” I mumbled picking up my bag.

← Maria growled. “José? I swear the next time I see him I’m gonna
kick his sorry Mexican butt!” She growled as we began walking up to the
giant brick building. I rolled my eyes. “Maria, if you did that his
gang would have your head in a heart beat. I’m surprised they don’t
already.” I said.

← José was the leader of the ONLY Mexican Gang in Fairfield. They
always watched us carefully. They always were up to no good. Always
sneaking in, things in school that aren’t aloud. Maria was rambling on
and on about that, but I wasn’t paying attention at all. I had other
things on my mind. However as I was walking to my locker, I bashed into
and open locker and fell flat on my bum.

← Everyone was staring at me, and laughing at me. Something I
hated. I stood up and ran to my locker before Maria could say anything
to me. I opened my locker and hide my face in it. I was blushing like a
red tomato, I didn’t need to look embarrassed on top of it. I put my
things in, and took my books and slammed it shut.

← I walked into homeroom and sat down. I looked down at my desk
stared at my note book covered in doodles. “Hello.” I heard a smooth
musical voice said. I looked up straight at the white board, somewhat
afraid to look at the person sitting next to me. I turned my head
slowly to see Edward sitting next to me.

← My heart started beating a hundred miles minuet, I forced my
self to stair into his stunning blue eyes. “I’m sorry I haven’t
introduced my self properly yet. I’m Edward Jackson.” He said, he’s
voice soft and calm.

“I-I’m Lila Shaw.” I said in a sheepish voice, I looked down at the
floor, hoping he wouldn’t see me blush. “Wait, you said your last name
is Shaw? Your parents wouldn’t happen to own ‘Shaw’s Family Diner’?” He

I looked up at him, shocked he knew about my families little dinner.

“Yes. My father is the head cook and my mother is the business head.
I’m just the hostess.” I said. He smiled. “I thought you looked
familiar. My cousin loves that place. I have to admit, it’s a grate
little diner.” He said.
I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. I opened my mouth to speak
and nothing came out. I tried again and managed to say “Well, we try.”
He smiled, and looked at my hair. He then touched a loose strand from
my pony tail. Only this time, I didn’t shiver. “You have such beautiful
hair. You should ware it down more.” He said turning away for a moment
to look at the board.

I quickly took out my pony tail and flipped it. I ruffled it around to
bring out the curls. He turned around and laughed. “I was right you do
look beautiful with your hair down.” He said just as the bell rang. We
both took our pleasure books and read. Or at least I tried to read.

My mind went blank. I had a big goofy smile on my face. I couldn’t

believe he actually talked to me! At first I was happy, then I got
curious. Why was he talking to me all of a sudden? What brought this
on? Those same question kept pondering over and over for that half

When the bell finally rang, it made me jump right out of my seat. I
grabbed my books and walked out of the room before he could say
anything. My mind was still somewhere else as I made my way through the
hall way, because I bumped into Maria, causing her stumble back and hit
her head on a metal pole. “Owww! Okay Lila I know you’re a little
clumsy but this is just stupid!” She complained running her head.

I sighed and continued walking to Chorus. She followed me looking at me

with curious eyes. “What’s gotten into you?” Maria asked. I turned
around to her with a huge idiot smile on my face. “You’ll never guess
who talked to me for the first time?” I said, my voice higher and
louder than normal.
Her eyes grew bigger than normal, her mouth dropped show her shiny
white teeth. “EDWARD JACKSON! OH MY GOD!” She said jumping up and down
as we reached the stairs. My eyes grew big in panic. “Shush!” I said as
we began to walk down the stair case. “Yes. He did.” I whispered in
excitement. Maria’s smile only got bigger. “I didn’t he didn’t like any
of the girls here. But I shouldn’t be surprised. You’re different.” She
said. I have her a harsh look. “In a good way.” She said as we took our
places in chorus.

The teacher, Mrs. Gibbons walked in. She had her light brown hair
wrapped in a loose bun, and had a friendly smile on her face. She was
my favorite teacher since I started high school. “Good Morning class.
Now, let’s begin with ‘Tonight’” She said taking her place at the

Everyone did as she was told and took out the sheet music for
“Tonight.” As we were singing, my mind just couldn’t stay in the
moment. I couldn’t stop thinking about homeroom. How, I had a big goofy
smile on my face, how I did the stupidest thing and took out my hair
when he wasn’t looking.

Then, I heard a wrong note very loudly. I shook my head. I looked

around, and everyone was staring and laughing. “Class, now let’s not be
rude. It happens to everyone. Now let’s start again.” She said
beginning to play the piano.

I made sure that I sung each note right. Well, my effort wasn’t working
because I kept singing wrong note after wrong note. Only, I made it
quite. When the class was over, I ran out the door before Mrs. Gibbons
could talk to me. I made my way to the Art room as fast as I could go
with out running.

I rushed into the Art room and dropped my things in the cubby. Mr.
Warner was glaring at me. I looked at the clock, class has already
started. I guess I wasn’t going as fast as I thought I was. I blushed
like a red tomato and grabbed my partly done clay mask.
I took my seat and hung my head in my hands. “Are you ok?” I heard a
voice ask. I looked up, and saw Edward was sitting next to me. Once
again, I forgot he also sat next to me in classes because I was the
only table that didn’t have two people.

I nodded my head. “Yeah. I’m fine.” I lied. He stared at me right in my

eyes. I could have sworn I was going to have a heart attack. I stood up
to get some clay to finish my mask. As I touched the cold gooey clay, I
couldn’t help to think that this my brain right now. Goop. My brain has
been reduced to goop all because of a boy.

I ripped a piece of huge piece of clay. I was surprised, I guess I

didn’t know my own strength. I walked back to the table and dropped the
clay between Edward and I. He chuckled. “Wow. That’s a lot of clay.” He
noted. I nodded. “I thought that I’d get extra to ummmm, share.” I said
fibbing through my teeth.

He seamed to by it, because he just kept smiling and reached for a

chunk of clay. I reached at the same time and our hands touched. We
waited a seconded and awkwardly pulled. I looked down at the table,
blushing yet again. “Sorry.” I muttered.

“It’s alright.” He answered taking a piece of clay. I grabbed a piece

and just started working. For the first 10, minuets it was silence. I
didn’t like it. He just started talking to me since he came here in
late November. I didn’t want it to continue. But I wasn’t much when it
came to starting conversations. So, I waited for him. After another
minuet, I got tried of this silence. So I opened my mouth to speak when
Edward said “I’m just curious. Have you lived here your whole life?” He
I gave him a baffled look. What kind’ of question was that? “Yes I
have. If you don’t mind me asking why did you ask such a random
question?” I asked going back to working on my mask. “Well, it’s just I
never saw you until after I moved back here.” He said. I looked up at
him. I must have looked shocked because he said “Why do you look so
shocked?” I shook my head. “You lived here before? Wouldn’t I have seen
you in school?” I asked.

“Maybe. What middle school did you go to?” He asked. I paused for a
moment, shocked by the direction or conversation had taken. “I went to
Tomlinson Middle School.” I answered. “That’s’ why. I went to Fairfield
Woods Middle School.” He said. “Oh.” I answered looking down at my mask
disappointed. If he hadn’t moved, I wouldn’t be sitting here with him.
I started to wonder if that would have been a good thing or a bad

“Why did you move?” I asked, grabbing clay and adding it on to my mask.
He sighed. “Well, when I was 14 my parents died in a car accident. I
had to move down to South Carolina to live with my Grandparents. They
were old and very ill, they died in November. Then I had no choice but
to go live with my mother’s twin sister and her husband and annoying
cousin.” He said.

I looked up at him speechless. I felt so bad for him. I know my mother

was deported years ago, but she’s not dead, and still have my dad. “Oh.
I’m so sorry. That must have been horrible. I couldn’t imagine loosing
my parents.” I said.

He smiled at me. “Well, it’s like they never left. My Aunt looks just
and is exactly like my mother. My Uncle reminds me of my dad and my
cousin, her I do with out.” He said. I laughed, trying to make it sound
as musical as his. It didn’t even come close. “Oh she can’t be that
bad.” I said. He rolled his eyes. “Well you haven’t meet the force
known as Abby.” He said.
I couldn’t help but to laugh really hard and let out a snort. I looked
down at the table as laughed Edward. “Don’t be embarrassed. I think
it’s a very cute laugh.” He said. I shrugged and continued to work on
my mask.

“So, what about your parents?” He asked. I looked up at starred into

space. I was afraid this question would come up. “What about my
parents?” I asked looking back down at my mask. “Anything. I’m
curious.” He said.

I looked up at him, squinting my eyes. “Are you always this curious?” I

asked. He smiled a crooked smile. “No, but I’m curious about you.” He
said. My eyes fluttered, I could feel a small smile on my face, but I
shouldn’t be smiling.

My smile disappeared and I took a deep breath. “Well, both of my

parents are immigrants from Scotland. They came here after they got
married. I was born here and have lived in the same house since the day
I was born.” I said taking a pause. “My parents opened the diner when I
was 3. My father was in charge of the cooking and the cooking staff. My
mother took care of the business and money affairs. It wasn’t very
popular at first. Then it became very popular when I got older. Then
when I was 13 my mom,” I took another pause. “Your mother what?” He

I took a deep breath, to prepare my self so I wouldn’t start balling my

eyes out. “She was deported back to Scotland.” I said. He was about to
say something when Mr. Warner came over and yelled at us for not

We stopped talking for the rest of the period. As we silently worked,

the vision of my mother being taken away played over and over again in
my head. I bit my lip, trying not to cry. Then, Mr. Warner bellowed at
us to stop what we were doing and to clean up. I put the rest of the
clay, witch wasn’t much back in the bin and washed my hands. I didn’t
want to talk to Edward, I didn’t want to start crying.
I had managed to avoid him until I grabbed my books. “Your mom got
deported back to Scotland?” He asked. I nodded. “Yes, my father was
able to become a legal US citizen, but mother wasn’t able to. Long
story short.” I said as we walked out of the room.

As we were walking, someone bumped into me. I fell into Edwards arms.
We awkwardly looked at each other as he let me go. We walked up to
science class in silence. Once again, I hated it. Normally I’m the kind
of person that likes silence. However, I couldn’t bare it between the
both of us.

When we finally reached the science class room, he said “Do you get to
talk to your mom at all?” He asked. I nodded. “Sometimes. But it’s
kind’ of hard with the time difference.” I said sitting down. Edward
took his seat next to me, only this time I couldn’t let him distract
me. I put my long dark hair in between us, making a dark reddish
brunette curtain between us.

He pushed my hair behind my ear and looked at me and said “Can I ask
you why you are putting your hair in front of face?” He asked. I put my
hair back in between us and whispered, “I need to concentrate in this
class”. I said. He gave me a crooked smile, and I thought my heart
would burst. “Am I distracting? He asked. I put my hair in between our
faces as I muttered “To me at least.” The teacher Mr. Hunter walked in
the room right at that moment. I sat up straight and looked right at
board, he kept a sharp eye on me. He always hated me for some reason.
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the best when it comes to
science, but come on! I can’t count HOW many times he threatened to put
me in summer school, even in November for god sakes.
I could hear a chuckle coming from Edward. I shook my head and kept my
eyes on Mr. Hunter. “Alright class. Today we are going to start our
unit on the human body by watching a video on the nervous system.” He
said as he popped a DVD in the computer. A video, oh boy. This is
going to be SOOOOO much fun. I thought. In fact, I was worried about
watching the movie. Mr. Hunter always had us review notes and quiz us
on them. I knew I was doomed. “Well this should be interesting.” Edward
muttered softly.

“Alright. Will someone kill the lights?” Mr. Hunter asked. As always,
Todd stood up on his chair. “I got it Mr. Hunter dude.” He said. I
groaned in disgust. “What’s the big deal?” Edward asked. “Just
watched.” I whispered.

Todd got from the chair and on to the table and stood up straight. He
took a sling shot out of his pocket. “Oh no.” Edward mumbled. Todd took
out 6 marbles, one for each light in the room. He put one in and
carefully aimed at the light right above him. He pulled back and fired.
The light shattered. Everyone in the class room screamed, most took
shelter under the table.

Mr. Hunter tried to stop Todd, but it was to late. He already had stood
up on five other tables and smashed the lights above them. Then, he
jumped on to or table. He laughed as he shot the last marble into the
light. There was a loud crash, and the glass began falling down. I
screamed, thinking I was going to get hurt. As I screamed, Edward
pulled me under the table. I looked at him in shock. “Thank you.” I

When the glass stopped falling, everyone slowly came up from under the
tables. The marbles had not only smashed the glass but the lights.
There was electrical discharge. Everyone screamed louder and hide under
the table, including Edward and I.
I was shaking very hard, not only because was it freezing in Mr.
Hunters room, and with out the lights it was even colder, but because I
was scared out of my mind. As I started to shake harder, I felt
something warm around my shoulders. I looked, Edward had taken off his
jean jacket and put it on me. I could feel my eyes growing big. “Ummm,
thank you.” I said. “It’s not a big deal. Are you ok?” He asked as Todd
jumped off our table. “Yes. I’m fine. Just a little scared.” I

“To the Deans office NOW!” Mr. Hunter bellowed. Todd held up the piece
sign as his moron friends stood up and cheered for him. “THANK YOU
SCIENCE PERIOD 3!” He cried as he ran out of the room before Mr. Hunter
could yell at him anymore. He sighed as he mumbled something. “Alright
it’s ok to come out. We can at least watch the movie.” Mr. Hunter said
as he played the movie as he called the janitor.

Well I didn’t know what worse, Todd bashing every single light in the
room, or this weird feeling I had. I couldn’t concentrate on the movie
at all. All my mind could focus on was the tension I felt between
Edward and I. It was like a burning fire inside that just wouldn’t
stop. I tensed up fiercely. I glanced at Edward, he’s body looked tense
too. I began to wonder if he felt what I was feeling, a burning fire
that would not quit. It was so bad, the both of us didn’t take any
notes on the video at all. We were doomed.

Finally, after a mind boggling hour, Mr. Hunter stopped the movie and
began to rewind it. “That was, interesting.” I whispered under my
breath as the bell rang. “Very interesting.” Edward replied, his voice
stiff. I stood up and stretched, my body was stiff from tensing up like

I grabbed my books and began to slip out of his jacket, when he put it
back on me. “You keep it. I’m perfectly fine.” He said. I should think
so, he was wearing a long sleeved shirt that showed off his perfectly
muscles, not to big and gross, but just right. “Are you sure?” I asked.
“Yeah. Come on, we’ll be late for English.” He said calmly.
As we walked out of the room, I could here to crunching of the glass
underneath my shoes. I didn’t like it. “So, you didn’t tell me what
happened to your mother. I mean, how did you know she was going to be
deported.” Edward said as we made our way across the hallway to Mrs.
Andrews room. I didn’t answer him. I didn’t know he wanted to know
exactly what happened. “Maybe later.” I said taking our seats.

He stared at me. “Why wont you tell me?” He asked. I didn’t answer
because the bell rang and Mrs. Andrews walked in. I looked at her desk,
there was a stack of books. I heard the class groan as she took one and
held it behind her back. “Alright class. Today we are going to start a
new book class book. This book however, is based on one of, if not the
biggest grossing film ever.” She said.

“Twilight?!” An over hyper Twilight fanatic, and my friend Jen screamed

standing up. She was wearing a team Edward tee shirt that contrasted
with her light brown hair that was pulled neatly back. I have to admit,
I am a Twilight fanatic. But I wouldn’t show it, I’m not proud of it.

Everyone looked a her and laughed. I gave her a small smile and mouthed
“Be proud of who you are.” She sat down and cross her arms. “No, but
nice try Jen.” Mrs. Andrews said. “No, but she’s on the right track. It
is a romance story. This book is based on the movie TITANIC.” She said.

Everyone in the room groaned except Jen, Edward and I. I was expecting
Jen not the groan. However, I didn’t expect Edward to keep a plain look
on his face. I stared at him in shock. “You’re not groaning?” I
whispered. He shrugged and shook his head. “Well, I really don’t know
the story all that well. I tried to watch the movie once when my cousin
forced me, it was alright. I snuck away after the first 15 minuets. I
mean, it is a three hour and 30 minuet movie. I wonder how long the
book must be.” He muttered as Mrs. Andrews passed out the book. One by
one, as each student got a book, they began to destroy it.
She put gave Edward his book and stopped at mine as she put the thick
book on my desk. It had a picture of Leonardo DiCabrio and Kate Winslet
on the cover. I already knew I was going to like this book A LOT. “I’d
bet your really happy about this aren’t you Lila?” She asked. I blushed
red like Rose’s hair. “Yes.” I mumbled.

Edward looked at me with a crooked grin on his face. I thought my heart

would melt. “I didn’t know you liked this.” He said, with a surprise
tone in his voice. I looked down at the book, hoping he wouldn’t see me
blushing for the hundredth time. “It’s been one of my favorite movies
since I was 10 when my mother first let me washed it.” I whispered. I
looked up at him as he was reading the back of the book.

“Alright class. I know a lot of you aren’t happy with this, but it’s a
beautiful love story, and it was the only one I could get my hands on
for cheep.” She said, muttering the last part. I shook my head as I
opened the book as she began reading out loud.

As she was reading, I couldn’t help but to picture Leonardo DiCabrio

and Kate Winslet. It was just a habit. Then, all of a sudden I started
picturing Edward and me in place of Leonardo DiCabrio and Kate Winslet.
I shook my head, thinking it would somehow shake all of my craziness
out of my head.

For the rest the hour, my mind went back and forth from picturing the
actors and Edward and me. It drove me nuts. Finally, when the bell rang
I felt a sense of relief. It was time to go to lunch. Today was
Tuesday, so us JR’s were lucky enough to have lunch second today.

I hastily stood up as I heard Mrs. Andrews say to finish chapter one

and read chapter 2. Edward followed me as I briskly walked out the
room. I slowed down once I knew he was next to me. I tried to copy his
crooked smile, not even close to the effect his had. “So, what did you
think?” I asked casually.
He sighed in defeat. “I’ll admit, so far I do like it.” He said. I
giggled slightly, some how knowing he was going to say that. “I knew
you were going to say that.” I said as we began walking down the stair
case to the cafeteria.

He smiled even bigger as he asked “Do you ESP?” He asked. I smiled and
nodded. “Yes I have the sports channel on my T.V, but no I can’t read
minds.” I said. He laughed really loud. It sounded so fluid and
musical. I could have sworn my heart skipped a beat as we reached the
cafeteria. We looked at each other, and oddly it seamed painful to say
goodbye, even though I would see him in math class.

“Well I guess I’ll see you in math class.” I said as I began to walk to
the table I normally sat at. When I got there, Maria wasn’t sitting at
her normal spot. I turned to Jen’s table and asked “Hey Jen, where’s
Maria?” She sighed. “Well, she got the boot. She has to stay back in
class.” She said turning back to gab with the rest of her friends.

I sat down at the table, oddly feeling sad. It wasn’t because Maria
wasn’t in lunch, but because I couldn’t talk to her. As much as Jen was
like a best friend, I’ve really only known her since 7 th grade. Maria
I’ve known since second grade. I trusted her like I trusted my mother,
and I need to talk. I needed to talk about my day with Edward, and that
the moment my mother was deported back to Scotland was replaying in my
head over and over again.

I could feel my breathing getting faster and faster until it reached

hyperventilating. Just as I was beginning to freak out, I heard someone
sit next to me. I looked up as there were tears beginning to fill my
eyes. Edward was sitting next to me.
“Are you ok?” He asked. I shook my head. “I’m fine.” I said totally
lying through my teeth. He looked at me with a sincere look on his
face. Oddly enough, I felt like I could trust him. “Are you sure?” He
asked. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “Well, I just keep
thinking about the day my mother got deported.” I whispered, my voice
on the edge of tears.

“What happened?” He asked. I took another deep breath and opened my

eyes. “Well, it happened on May 13th, my 13th birthday. My mother was
home when I left for school that day. Everything was normal. Then when
I came home, I saw cops dragging her out of the house with hand cups
around her. I never felt so unless and helpless. I couldn’t do anything
to help my father who was crying more than me. It still hurts and I
still miss her so much.” I said, the tears I was trying to hold back
folding out. I was beginning to cry uncontroabaly, but softly.

I held my head down, waiting to hear his response. He didn’t say

anything. I looked up to see he wasn’t even there. I began
hyperventilating and the tears came out a little more. I couldn’t
believe him! I trusted him and he just walked away. Then, as I looked
down I heard someone sit down next to me. I looked up to see Edward
sitting next to me with a tray of food, a lot of food.

He opened a can of Lemonade and put it in front of me. “Drink.” He

ordered. I listened to him and took a big sip of the lemonade. It
wasn’t bitter at all, it was very sweet, kind’ of like someone else I
knew, someone who was sitting next to me.

It’s horrible what the government will do to immigrants. They tare

about families to the core, forcing a child to become an adult all to
soon. Believe me, I know what it’s like to loose parents and having to
become an adult. It’s not fun.” He said pausing. I took a deep breath.
He was right on the money.
“Lila, how old are you?” He asked. I fluttered my eyes surprised as I
grabbed a hamburger that was on the tray. “17, I’m turning 18 on May
13th, same age as you. Why do you ask?” I said. He shook his head as he
took a bite of a pizza slice and said “You had to grow up at a very
young age. You must be very mature.” He said. I laughed shaking my
head. “What’s so funny?” He asked. I shook my head and again said
“Well, my mother said I was born 30 and get older every year.”

He smiled again, and all of a sudden I felt a little better. I took a

bite of the hamburger, giving my self a chance to stare right into his
eyes, toughs amazing blue eyes. After my failed attempted to just share
his eyes, he started to talk again. For the rest of lunch, we just
laughed, and talked. For the first time I felt at ease around a boy.
Honestly, it felt strange.

Just as lunch was about to end I saw a bunch of boys walking over to
the table. They were short, about five foot ten. They all had the same
ruff dark skin and shaved black hair and brown eyes, José was the only
one who had blue. These were the members of José’s gang, Jake, Gorge,
Pepe, and Bernardo.

“Edward, I’m going to go throw the garbage away. I’ll be right back.” I
said in a soft voice. “Are you sure?” He asked. I nodded as I took the
tray full of food and walked towards the garbage can. José’s gang
followed me. I tossed the trash away and walked over to put the tray
back. “Hola chica. Say, what were you doing with that white boy?”
Bernardo asked.
I bit my lip and stood up straight, trying not to look so small and
helpless. “Maria had to stay back in class and couldn’t come to lunch.
So he was giving me company. It’s nothing.” I said, my voice
surprisingly sounding strong and brave, but it was very week. José
touched my shoulder and breathed agents my neck. I didn’t like it at
all. To me, his breath was like venom. I shuttered as José whispered
“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll never say another word to him,
or spend time with him anymore. If I see you with him one more time,
your mommy and daddy’s diner will regret it.” He whispered letting go
of my shoulder with a thrust. I stumbled and caught myself on the
nearest table.

I was shaking as I walked back to the table Edward and I were sitting
at. He looked at me with anxious eyes. I looked at my reflection in the
window for a second. I looked terrified. “Are you alright? You look
like you’ve seen a ghost.” He said.

I sat down and nodded and tried to smile. “Yeah. I’m alright.” I
whispered as the bell rang. We stood up and walked to math class. The
whole way we didn’t talk, and it was driving me crazy again. However it
was different, because he smiled the whole way. I think he was trying
to make me feel better, and it worked.

All through math class I learned something about him. Edward was REALLY
good at math and science, things I tend to suck at. All through class I
wanted to ask him for help, but once again Mr. Harrison was a strict

I also learned something else about him, he sucked at history. In

Social Studies, he had a baffled look on his face, and Mrs. Jonesburg
warned him about summer school. Well, I knew I could help him. Social
Studies has always been my best subject. I wanted to mention that but
Mrs. Jonesburg was a total witch, she made the Wicked Witch of the West
look like Mother Teresa.
As we were walking out of the room, he sighed an moaned “Ok, I hate
that woman.” He muttered. I nodded. “Yeah, but it’s worth it. I LOVE
Social Studies.” I said, the smile on my face getting bigger.

He shrugged. “I’ve never been a fan of history. I’ve never been good at
it.” He said just as we made it to the locker rooms. “Well, maybe I
could help you.” I said. We looked at each other, it almost seamed
painful to say good bye. But I realized I wouldn’t be saying good bye,
but we wouldn’t talk to each other.

“Ummm so I guess I’ll see you later.” I said just as Maria pulled me
into the locker room. She didn’t even stop to let me put my books down
in a cubby, she only let my drop them. She didn’t stop pulling me until
we reached our lockers.

“Ok, Lila what was THAT about?” She asked as I began changing. “What
was what about?” I asked. Maria slapped me on the back of my head. “You
moron you KNOW what I’m talking about. You and Edward that’s what.” She
said as I finished changing and she started.

“We have most of our classes together so we just talked. It’s not a big
deal.” I said. She gave me a look just as she slammed her locker shut.
“I’m talking about the look in your eyes when you had to say good bye.
It looked like it pained you, the both of you. I think he likes you.”
Maria said as we began walking to the gym.

I laughed very hard. To me, that sounded like the most unthinkable
thing, a guy like him, liking a girl like me. “Maria, you and your
imagination. So creative.” I said patting her head. Maria snapped at my
hand and rolled her eyes. “You are SO blind.” She said as we walked
into the gym.

I shook my head and just stood there. We were waiting to play a game of
soccer, but we had to get it set up.
José walked over to me. “Hola Chica.” He said puckering his lips to
kiss me. I turned around on my heels, letting him kiss the back of my
head. He chuckled, an evil chuckle that sent shivers through out my
whole body. “Come chica. You know you want to kiss me. You know you
want love me.” He said.

Maria was loosing her temper and turned me around and walked up to him.
This was a sight to see. Maria was a tiny girl a four eleven and was a
size 0. José was six feet and a serious weight lifter. If she
irritated him, he could snap her like a twig. “Her name isn’t chica,
and it isn’t girl either! Her name is Lila! And she isn’t a toy you can
abuse and leave!” She yelled. José laughed. “You can’t do anything
about it. I’m more than a foot taller than you and bench 120. You are
no match for me.” He said laughing. Maria tighten jaw. I got a funny
feeling in my stomach, a bad feeling. When ever she got mad she tighten
her jaw. This was going to get REAL ugly REAL fast.

“I can tell the police that you abuse Lila, and that you threatened to
burn down there family diner, and that you’re an illegal immigrant.”
She challenged, her jaw turning upward into a condescending smile.

He laughed. “I wouldn’t be talking if I were you. Unless you want word

to get out your father was a member of the daphnia. Or, I could lie and
say he was the leader.” He said. Maria growled even louder. Yes it was
true, her father Tony Casillo WAS a member of the New York daphnia when
he lived there. He gave up his ways though and he is a good man. It
always got Maria mad when anyone mentioned that. Her smile turned into
a frown, and her normally playful brown puppy eyes were blazing with
rage and furry. “My father is a good man with a bad past! Take it back!
Take it back you-you WET BACK!” She said in a angry whisper. He got
mad, tighten his jaw. He pushed her to the ground, she landed on her
bum. “Don’t you ever talk to me like that again you whop!” He said.
“HEY! Don’t you EVER call her that- you wet back!” I yelled pushing
him. He closed his eyes, tighten his jaw. He opened his eyes, and
pushed me, much harder than he pushed Maria. I fell backwards and hit
my head on the hard gym floor. “I’ll see you later chica.” He said
walking away.

The pain in my head was awful. My head was throbbing with pain,
everything sounded far away. I could feel tears from the pain in the
back of my eyes. I fought back. Maria stood up and rubbed her tiny back
side. “That’s it Lila! DUMP HIM! DUMP HIS MEXICAN BUTT!” She cried.

I couldn’t take it, I let a whimper of pain through my sealed lips.

Maria looked down at me, confused. “Lila?!” She said, a little to loud.
At that moment everyone came crowding around me. Grate, not only was in
a lot of pain physically, I was humiliated. Everyone kept asking “Lila?
Lila are you ok?” I ignored everyone of there questions. Then, I heard
someone call my name.

“LILA?” I heard the voice call. Strangely enough, I knew that voice the
moment I heard it. I shouldn’t know it so well. I knew I shouldn’t but
I did. It was Edward. He came right by my side. I looked right up into
his anxious eyes. “Lila are you alright?” He asked. I nodded, then
wincing at the pain.

“I’ll help her to the nurses office.” He said to the teacher as he

helped me up. I stood up. The red and blue mats that surrounded the
walls were spinning like I was on a ride. I wobbled and began to fall.
Edward caught my arm. I stood, and leaned on him for support. He walked
me out of the gym, with everyone staring at me.

Once we got through the gym doors, Edward did something if I wasn’t in
so much pain I would have cheerfully beat him for. He scoped me into
his arms and carried me to the nurses office. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR
DOING?!” I said, trying to yell but it just came out horse and week.
He smiled “Oh come on Lila. You shouldn’t walk.” He said. I tried to
say something, but for some reason I started whimpering in pain, a
little louder than back in the gym. “Lila?” He asked in an anxious
tone. “It hurts.” I whimpered.

He began to sooth me, something I wasn’t somewhat use to. When he made
it to the nurses office, she on the phone talking to someone. She got a
horrified look on her face as she stared at Edward holding me,
whimpering in pain. “I’m going to have to call you back.” She simply
said slamming the phone down on the hook. “What happed?” She asked
running up to me.

“She fell in gym and hit her head hard on the floor.” He said setting
me down on the cot. The nurse quickly grabbed an icepack and put it on
my head. “On a scale of one to 1-10 sweetie, how’s the pain?” The nurse
asked. To my surprised, I opened my mouth and whimpered “11.”

Edward and the Nurses faces went white. “I’m calling the hospital.” She
said running back to the phone. As the phone rang she said to Edward
“You can go back to class now”. He looked down at me, beginning to cry
slightly over the pain. “I’m suppose to stay with her.” He answered.
She shrugged and began talking to someone.

He sat down next to me on a chair by the cot. He didn’t say anything at

all. I did something I wouldn’t normally do if I wasn’t in so much
pain. I took his hand. His skin felt so warm and smooth. Unlike mine
witch at the moment felt cold and hard at the moment. He just looked at
me and said “Lila, I saw that you got into a spat with someone. Did he
push you down?” He asked. Oh no, he must have seen that little spat
between José and saw him push me. Grate, how was I going to deny what
he saw with his own eyes?
“No, I’m a little clumsy that’s all.” I said, my voice sounding like I
was on the edge of tears. Just then, the nurse came over and said
“Sweetie, I called your father also and he’s on his way to the
hospital.” She said. I groaned, he would call my mother and then she
would call up all worried.

Just at the moment, paramedics came in. They carefully lifted me on to

the gurney and strapped a neck brace on me. By then everyone was crowed
around the nurses office staring at me. Perfect, just what I needed.
Throbbing head pain and humiliation AGAIN!

As I was being carried away on the gurney, I looked back at Edward.

He’s face was white, and he’s eyes looked worried. I tried to remember
his face as I was being driven to the hospital.

The rides seamed to take hours, of it felt like it was hours, but
really it was only minuets. When we finally pulled into the ER parking
lot, I saw my Harry waiting inside. He’s pale blue eyes were filled
with worry. He ran to my side as they wheeled me in. “Lila are you
alright?” He asked in his thick Scottish accent. I nodded, trying not
to wince at the pain. “Yeah I’m fine. I just fell and hit my head.” I
said. He shook his head and muttered something I couldn’t make out.

They wheeled me into the X-ray room and lied my down on a cold hard
table. They placed a hard lead vest over my body. It felt to heavy.
After they finished, I was wheeled into the ER again.

As I laid there, my head still throbbing, my father was pacing back and
forth, complaining about the doctor not coming to check on me.
Normally, I would have said something, but my head hurt to much. After
15 minuets the doctor came with my X-ray in hand. He told us that I had
a minor concision, and that they wanted me to stay over night just to
be safe. I told him I was fine, but he instead on having me stay over
night. I gave up and accepted defeat.
“Lila, are you sure you’re going to be ok?” Harry asked. I nodded,
wincing at the pain. “Yeah dad. I’ll be fine. I’ll see you in the
morning.” I said trying to smile. He kissed my forehead and walked

I sighed, wincing and whimpering at the pain as I waited to be moved

into a room for the night. As soon as I got in the hospital gown and in
the bed, a nurse gave me morphine. I didn’t want to sleep at all. I
wanted to stay awake. However, the medication took over me. I closed my
eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter 2: Secrets
I woke up to pitch black. I sat up and looked around. I couldn’t see
two feet in front of me. However, I could see something, or someone I
should say. It was Edward. He stood out in the serial blackness. He
walked over to me and gentle stroked my cheek. Then, I did something I
would never consider doing. I pulled him in closer by his shirt. We
stared at each other for a moment. “Lila.” He breathed on to my skin.
Unlike when José breathed on me, his breath sent tingles down my spin,
but not of fear. It felt good.

Then what happened next was surprising, but enjoyable. He grabbed my

face gently and kissed me. My body turned into go in the hospital bed.
Then, my natural shyness went away, and I kissed him back. I sat up and
he rapped his arms around me. Then, all the worry and pain went away. I
felt safe in his arms. I gripped his hair, and fell back on to the bed
still gripping his hair.

Then all of a sudden, I heard a beeping sound, the sound of someone

coding. I gasped and sat up. It was bright and sunny. I sighed and lied
down. My head was still throbbing but not quite as bad as yesterday.
At that moment, I saw someone run into the room. It was Maria. She
screamed “LILA!” For joy as she hugged me tightly.
“Maria, do you mind getting off of me? I’m glad to see you, but my head
is still throbbing.” I said. She quickly let go of me. She dressed
rather nice. She had on her good winter swing coat. She had skinny
jeans that showed off her extremely petite figure with uggs. “Sorry.”
She said looking down.

I looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost 8:00 PM. “Maria, why
are you here? You’re going be late for school,” I asked. She got a big
smile on her face. “I’m not going to school. Your father asked me to
take care of you today. So basically we’re going to watch our favorite
movies.” She said.

I groaned. Of cores my father wouldn’t want me to be alone. “Oh and

there’s someone else here to see you.” She said still smiling. I gave
her a confused look. I didn’t know who else would be here besides
Harry. “My dad?” I asked. She shook her head. “No, he signed the
papers he needed to sign and had to go back to the diner.” She said. I
sighed, of cores he couldn’t stay to make sure I was ok.

“Oh. Well who is it?” I asked. Her smile got even bigger. Just then,
Edward walked in. My heart began beating faster and faster. I could
feel my cheeks beginning to blush. “Hello.” He said. “Hi.” I replied,
glancing at Maria. She took it as her cue to leave us alone. She winked
as she walked out of the room.

He sat on the edge of my bed. “How are you?” He asked, smiling my

favorite crooked smile. I sat up, everything began spinning a little. I
tried to focus on him. “I’m fine. My head still hurts but I’ll be ok. I
ummm, never got to thank you for yesterday.” I said in a sheepish
voice. “It was no trouble. I would have done what any sane person
would have done. You still aren’t mad at me for carrying you?” He
asked. I laughed, and for the first time it sounded effortless. “A
little. But I’m not one to hold grudges.” I said. He’s smile got
bigger. My heart once again began to skip a beat.
“Grate. I was worried that you would still be mad. Well I was just
worried about you.” He said. I felt my mouth open to try and speak, but
nothing came out. I closed it and tried to find the right words to say.
I opened my mouth and all that came out was “Really?” in a weak yet
curious voice. He nodded. I looked at the clock again, if he didn’t
leave now, he would be late. “Aren’t you going to be late for school?”
I asked.

He’s smile disappeared. “Well, I can always get a pass from the
office.” He said. I nodded. “Oh right. Well I don’t want you to get in
trouble.” I said. He smiled. “Well, I’ve never been late before. So I
think just once I’ll get off the hook.” He said standing up.

I looked down, hoping he wouldn’t see how painful it was to say good
bye to him. “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” I whispered. “Until
tomorrow.” He said walking away. I was left breathless as Maria walked
in with the biggest smile on her face. She sat next to me as she said
“He likes you, and you like him.” She said. I snorted. “Would you let
it go? Seriously. It’s not possible.” I whispered, sounding a little
pained. She rolled her eyes ad she threw a pair of jeans and long
sleeved shirt at my face. “You are so blind. Go get changed so I can
bring you home.” She muttered.

I stood slowly, thankfully the room wasn’t spinning. I walked to the

bathroom and shut the door. I quickly changed into the cloths, glad to
get out of the flimsy hospital nightgown. I slipped into my shoes and
ran out of the room. Maria still had a look on her face, like she was

I rolled my eyes as I said “Maria, get over it.” I walked out of the
room, only to have her following me saying “No I wont. You should no me
better than that.” She muttered giving me my winter jacket. I rolled
my eyes again, but she was right. I did know her better. I knew she
wouldn’t stop asking me about this until I gave in and told her the
When we walked outside, I forgot how cold it was. Even though I was
wearing my winter jacket, I gasped out of the coldness. “OH MY GOD!
IT’S SO COLD!” I gasped. Maria laughed. “What’s wrong? You have your
jacket on?” She said as we reached her car. I growled her. She was
different than most people I knew. Maria LIVED for the cold. She loved
it. So, every time I complained about the cold she found it funny.

I opened the passenger door and got in as fast as I could. It was even
colder in her car than it was outside. I bit my lip so I couldn’t
scream. She turned on her car, and thankfully cranked up the heat.

I was silent for most of the car ride. I let Maria talk about her first
date over the weekend. She was going out Drake, a nice decent boy, her
type. She talked about how amazingly her father approved of him. At
that point my mind began to go back to when my father first meet José.
At first, he didn’t approve at all. However, by the end of the diner he
approved of him completely. That was 6 months ago. If he knew what he
was doing with me, he wouldn’t approve of him at all.

I finally said “I’m really happy for you Maria. Now, if we can only
find someone for Jen.” As we pulled in the driveway to my house. She
laughed “Yeah, but I don’t think she’ll go out with anyone unless the
guy looks, acts and is a vampire like Edward Cullen.” She said. I shook
my head, it was totally true.

I looked out the window shield. By some miracle, my car was there. I
jumped out of Maria’s car and ran to mine. I turned to her, I could
feel that my mouth had dropped. She ad a big smile on her face. “How is
my car here?” I asked in shock. She still had a smug smile on her face
as she said “My father dropped it off while you were n the hospital.
Now let’s get inside so we can start watching those movies!” She said
jumping up and down in delightment as she made a mad dash to the front
I shook my head as I chuckled and made my way into the front door. She
was already making popcorn by the time I shut the front door behind me.
“So, what movie are we watching first?” I asked slipping my coat on to
the coat rack.

“TITNAIC! Ohhh the love, the horror, THE DICABRIO!” She swooned taking
the popcorn out of the microwave. I clapped in agreement. I’ll admit I
had a thing for Leonardo DiCabrio for awhile, a good solid 4 years,
10-14. I followed her as we walked into the living room where we had a
HD T.V. I know, we had a lot of stuff for living off of the money my
father makes, and my small paycheck I get from being a hostess. We’ve
had this stuff when my mother still lived here, and weren’t able to
part with the big flat screen HD T-V.

I popped in the first DVD and hit play. We plopped down on the couch
and began eating the popcorn. As the movie went on, it came to the part
where they showed a close up of Leonardo DiCabrio’s eyes. For the first
time since I was 14, I swooned and turned on my back. The blood began
to rush to my head, making the pain worse. I sat up and looked at
Maria. She had a smile of her face. “Ohhh, someone has a crush on a Leo
again?” She asked giggling.

I smirked. “No! The character though, just, I don’t know kind’ of

reminds me of Edward.” I said. Maria shrugged. “Maybe that’s why you
love him.” She said. I gave her a harsh stare. I couldn’t believe what
she was saying. “First you say I like him and now you say I LOVE him?”
I asked. She smiled. “If there’s one thing I know about you, is that
the very few times you’ve fallen for a guy at school, you fall hard.”
She said.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not going to answer you.” I said looking back at
the T.V. She shrugged again. “Fine, but you and I both know we can’t
keep secrets from each other. So, I’ll fine out.” She said.
I sighed, she was right. In all the years we’ve been friends, we
haven’t kept one secret, and if we did, it didn’t last long. I hung my
head and shook it. “If I tell you, you can’t tell a soul.” I whispered.
Maria clapped for joy. “It’s true. I like him- a lot.” I asked. She
smiled as she paused the movie and sat cross legged, like a child
waiting to hear a bedtime story. “How much is a lot?” She asked.

I sighed again as I whispered “More than he probably likes me.” She

laughed at my statement, as if it was the most absurd thing on the
planet. “Oh I think your wrong there my friend. I saw the look on his
face you got hurt, and believe me he looked at pale as you, and he
looked very worried. Oh and let’s not forget the fact he carried you to
the nurses office.” She said, her eyes growing big at making a mistake
of admitting something she shouldn’t have.

My eyes grew big as I gave her a furious glare. “YOU SAW THAT?! What
did you do?” I asked, sounding a lot harsher than normal. She kept a
blank look on her face as she said “I followed you and Edward after you
left the gym”, not sounding ashamed at all she spied. I put my hand
over my eyes and shook my head. “Alright, so you saw me crying.” I

She snorted “Yeah and I also saw he soothing you.” She said. I shook my
head as I whispered “You didn’t see me reach for his hand in the nurses
office did you?” I asked. I took my hand away from my eyes and saw that
she had a shock look on her face. “You say what now?” Maria asked.
Opps, major opps. I could feel a blank look on my face. “You didn’t see
that did you?” I asked. She shook her head. I slapped my forehead,
feeling annoyed that I opened my mouth in the first place.
Her wide puppy eyes only got bigger and fuller of excitement and
curiosity, she wanted to know more, perfect just what I needed. “So
what happened next?” She asked. “Nothing. I was taken to the hospital
after that. I got an x-ray and was told I had to stay over night. They
gave me some meds to help the pain and to help me sleep. Then after I
feel a sleep…” I said, my voice trailing off. Because I left her
hanging, her eyes were filled with more curiosity.

“What happened?” She asked. I sighed, of cores I said to much, again.

Now, I had to tell her about that dream. “Well, I had a dream. A dream
about, Edward. In the dream I woke up in the middle of the night.
Everything was pitch black, I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my
face. But, I could see something, or someone very clearly, Edward. He
walked up to me, and I did something I would never do if I was
dreaming. I pulled him closer but his shirt caller. He whispered my
name, sending tingles down my spin. Then, he grabbed my face gently and
kissed me. Then, I don’t know, but all of a sudden my shyness went
away, and I kissed him back. I sat up, and he put his arms around me,
and I gripped his hair, and I fell back on to the bed. I heard the
sound of someone coding and that made me wake up.” I whispered, looking
down at my feet, waiting to hear her reaction. She didn’t say anything,
so I looked up at her.

Her wide eyes were even wider with shock. Her jaw was dropped, making
her small round face look long. She slowly closed her jaw, but her eyes
still stayed wide. “Lila, I don’t know what to say. But now I know I’m
right! You do TOTALLY LIKE HIM! Not just like him LOVE him!” She said
I rolled my eyes, regretting that I told her the most personal dream I
had ever had in my life. I played the movie again angrily. “Can we get
back the movie?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the screen. She groaned
and mumbled something I shouldn’t say out loud. After we cried at the
end of “TITANIC,” we watched yet another movie with a tear jerking
movie “West Side Story”, we belted it out the songs we knew, witch
meant every song, and Maria showed off that she could dance by
perfectly mimicking the dance moves in the gym scene.

After we cried some more, we watched a movie much less of a tear

jerker, “Twilight”. Maria was only a fan of the movie, not the books.
Even though she had a boy friend, she had the biggest crush on Taylor
Launter. She latterly drooled when ever he was on the screen, witch was
why I was NOT going to “New Moon”, she might have a heart attack due to
Taylor being shirtless.

The hours past by and she had to leave for dinner. I got up and stuffed
left over meat loaf in the microwave, Harry ate dinner at the diner and
was always home by 8:00 P.M. I sat down and buried my head in my folded
arms. I couldn’t believe I told Maria my biggest secret, and she found
it as a way to prove she was right and I was denying the fact I had
feelings for him.

My head was in a daze, so much that when the microwave went off it made
me jump. I shook my head in distress as I took out the meatloaf. I sat
down at the kitchen table and ate the meatloaf right out of the
container. I sighed, feeling very lonely, and confused. It’s moments
like theses I wish my mom was here.
At that moment, the rang. I put down my fork and reached over to the
phone on top of the white microwave and answered it. “Hello?” U said in
a soft voice. “Lila? Lila is that you?” I heard Jane ask, her frantic
Scottish voice some how soothing. “Yes mom. It’s me.” I answered with a
sigh. She gave a grate sigh relief. “Thank the lord! Lila are you
alright? Your father told me what happened yesterday.” She ranted. Oh
grate, I knew this was coming. I didn’t, speak. I just listen to her
rant. Then, her said something that almost made me drop the phone.

“Lila, there’s something I need to talk to you about. I about that

Mexican boyfriend of yours.” She said. I felt my body go numb. I felt
the phone slipping through my fingers as my mind began racing with
fury. I gripped the phone as I said in a flat voice “How much do you

“Oh I know everything. I know that he was the reason why your hurt now,
and I know he’s been hurting you for the past month. Now my question is
why in the hell do you put with this Lila? You’re stronger and above
this!” She ranted, again. I was loosing it, my whole body was shaking,
my eyes began to swell with tears. I tried to fight them back as I
spoke. “It’s complicated” I said, my voice braking twice. I heard my
mother snort in disbelief. Oh if only she knew WHY it was so
complicated she wouldn’t react like that.

“Lila, it’s not. You just tell him it’s over. Worst comes to worst you
have to involve the law and put a restraining order on him or
something.” She said, her voice in a scolding tone. I shook my head
franticly. My fight agents holding back the tears was loosing, they
were flooding out as I spoke. “Mom, he’s an illegal immigrant! The
reason he started abusing me is because he, he wants to do the one
thing I promised you I would save for marriage. I DID threaten to tell
the cops that he was abusing me, and that he was an illegal immigrant.
But, he threatened to burn down the diner if I told anyone.” I sobbed.
There a pause of silence, followed by a high pitched “WHAT?!” from
Jane. I was silent as I heard her scream, yell and cuss a little. I
would have spoken up, but I couldn’t find my lips. Then, when there was
a pause from her rant I spoke. “Can I ask you something? How did you
find out?” I asked. “A mother just knows.” Jane answered. I wasn’t
totally sure what that meant. Either, it was her mothers intuition and
she could just tell something was wrong, or Maria told her.

“Maria told you didn’t she?” I asked bitterly. Jane was hesitant as she
spoke. “Well, yes she did.” She said, sounding a little sheepish like
me. I rolled my eyes and growled “Remind me I need to cheerfully beat
her!” My mother laughed, seaming to find that funny. “You think I’m
joking.” I said.

Then, our conversation took a shocking turn. A turn, that I was hoping
it wouldn’t take. “She also told me you had your eye on this boy,
Edward Jackson I think that’s what she called him.” Jane said. At that
moment, I dropped the phone, letting fall to the floor with a crash. I
sat there, my hand shaped like I was still holding the phone. “Lila?” I
heard the muffled voice of Jane called. I shook my head and picked up
the phone. “Yes. I do have, a crush on that boy.” I said, witch was a
total underestimate. My feelings have since soared far behind the crush
zone. I wasn’t about to tell her that though.

“Tell me what he’s like!” She begged. I bit my lip, hesitating to

speak. “Well, though he lived here for most of his life, his father was
from South Carolina and he’s a very Southern Gentlemen.” I began. She
sounded pleased with that. “You don’t find many of those around any
more, well unless you’re in the South.” She muttered. “He’s had a ruff
life for the past couple of years though. He’s parents died in a car
crash when he was 14, and he had to live with grandparents down in
South Carolina. He’s grandparents got ill and died last November.” I
said, pausing to hear her reaction.
“That poor thing! Who dose he live with now?” She asked. “He lives with
he’s mother twin sister, her husband and daughter. He claims to LOVE
his aunt and uncle, but he can’t stand his cousin.” I said.

“What dose he look like?!” Jane demanded. I paused for a moment. Words
could not describe how beautiful he was. “Well, he’s about 6’1. He has
sandy blonde hair that’s neat, yet messy at the same time. He’s skin is
white, but not alabaster white like me. He’s eyes. He’s eyes are
EXACTLY like Paul Newman’s. Big, sparkling blue Caribbean eyes.” I
gushed, feeling a swoon coming along, I fought back the erge.

“Oh my god, he sounds very handsome.” My mother said. That was a MAJOR
understatement, he was beautiful beyond words, or even pictures. “He
is.” I simply answered. Just at that moment, I heard someone in the
background yelling at my mother to shut up and go back to sleep. I
looked at the clock. It was 7:45, that would have to mean it was almost
1:00 a.m in Scotland.

“Mom, it’s late, you should get some sleep.” I suggested. “Alright
fine. I’ll talk to you soon. I love you.” She said. “Love you to.” I
said, hanging up the phone. I banged my head on the table in
frustration. I sopped after a minuet because my head was killing me.
Though it wasn’t even 8:00, I was tired, and banging my head on the
table when it was already killing me was NOT the best idea I’ve ever

I trudged to my bed room. I changed out of my cloths and into my

pajamas with out even knowing it. I clicked on the T.V, turned off the
light and went to sleep, hoping for a dreamless night. I didn’t get
what I wanted.
I opened my eyes to find my self a lying on a rolling green hill. I sat
up and looked behind me. There was a small brick building. I recognized
the building, it was my elementary school, Holland Hill. As I was
trying to figure out why I was here, I could see smoke in the back
round. My heart stopped. The diner was one street away from the school.
I started shaking like a small dog,

“No, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I screamed. I started to go into a panic

attack. I started hyperventilating, everything started spinning. As I
was having my little panic attack, I heard an evil baritone laughter. I
turned around to see José with a match in one hand, and a switch blade
in the other. I stood up, surprised that my balance wasn’t effected by
my dizziness. “Why did you do it José? I didn’t tell the cops, no one
knows. Why did you do it?” I asked, my voice the weakest it’s ever

His evil smile was turned into a frown. “Why? Because you were cheating
on me with that gringo” He said. My heart stopped. I knew who he was
talking about, Edward. At that moment, I wasn’t sure if this was a
dream or not. For one thing, you can’t feel pain in a dream. I was
feeling a lot of pain. The reason it could be a dream, José had said I
cheated with Edward. That didn’t make any sense. The first time we
talked was two days ago, how could he come to the conclusion I was
cheating on him?

“I’m not cheating on you. As much as I can’t stand you, I don’t have
the heart to cheat.” I gritted through me teeth. He walked closer, you
would think I had the right sense to back away, but I was just to
scared. “Chica, I saw you two together. The cats out of the bag.” He
said slowly backing up a little. He tossed the pack of cigarettes
behind his shoulder. He still kept his switch blade firmly in his big
hand. He lifted it up about the level of my stomach.
My stomach was in knots, my heart stopped cold. He walked closer. I
tried to scream for help, but nothing came out. He kept walking closer.
I closed my eyes and waited for the end. Then, his foots steps
stopped. I know he hadn’t stabbed me, I didn’t feel the pain, or the
blooding oozing out. I opened my eyes to see someone in front of me. My
heart stopped as I slowly looked up and saw the head of sandy blond
hair. It was Edward.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I screamed. He turned back, and had a smile on
his face. “Do you trust me?” He asked. I nodded, not even considering
thinking about the truth. He turned around to José. He chuckled, a evil
chuckle that sent chills down my spin. “Even better. Now I can kill the
tramp, and the punk she’s been seeing behind on my back.” He growled.

“Don’t hurt the girl, she didn’t do anything.” Edward said. José and
Edward walked forward, until they were about an inch apart. I stood
there in fear. “Just let the girl go, and no one gets hurt.” Edward
spat through his clenched teeth. “Is that a challenge?!” José barked.
Edward didn’t answer.

As I watching them, I couldn’t help but to make a connection. The

Hispanic, and the American fighting, one with a switch blade. The knot
of fear in my stomach got even worse. This was A LOT like West Side
Story, and if there’s one thing I know from that story is that the lead
with sandy blonde hair Rift dies. My heart felt like it was about to
give out as José took the blade, and lunched it at Edward neck.

“NOOOOOOO!” I shrieked as the blade was about to brake Edwards skin.

The next thing I knew was I was sitting up in my bed panting and
sweating. I had my quilt clutched in my hand. I turned on my nightstand
lamp and looked at my clock. It was 3:45 AM. I stood up and went to the
bathroom. I turned on the foist, and put my hands under the cold water.
I cupped the water in my hands and splashed it on to my face.
I looked up at the mirror after I dried my face with a wash cloth. I
was still me, paled skinned, brown hair, brown eyes. Yet some how, I
WAS different. Though my eyes still looked the same, you could just
tell I was hiding something. My eyes have always given away what I
really felt, witch has always annoyed me. No, these eyes were the eyes
of a girl who was loosing her mind over a boy. I couldn’t let this
happen. I couldn’t be falling in love with someone I practically just

However, when I was around him I felt at ease. I felt happy, safe. When
I was away from him he’s the only thing I can think about with out
force. Was I really in love with him? Maybe I was, but I wasn’t going
to make such an emotional dissuasion when I was half awake and loosing
my mind. I shook my head and tip-toed to my room. I turned the volume
down a little, and just closed my eyes. I finally got what I wanted, a
peaceful dreamless night.

I was in a deep, black sleep. So much, that when my alarm clock went
off it sent a grate deal of shock through out my body. I sat up fast,
the force causing me to fall off my bed. I landed with a thud. I stood
up slowly and looked around my room. Everything still looked the same.
The walls were still a very faint pink, covered in posters from teen
magazines. I looked at my reflection in the window. I still looked the
same, maybe a little tired. I didn’t feel like taking a shower, so I
just got dressed. I brushed my hair, it was more wavy instead of curly,
I didn’t like how it looked so I slipped it back in a pony tail.
I slipped on a pair of Levis, my favorite royal blue long sleeve shirt,
and my black converse of cores. I walked down stairs, the creaky steps
making me jump more than normal. When I reached the kitchen, I just sat
at the table, staring at the oven. My mind went blank for the first
time in days. At first it felt good, just staring there in a daze, not
thinking about anything. Then, it got REALLY annoying. I never felt
like such a air head. I didn’t like that feeling. I shook my head,
making me come back from mars and back to earth. I was still looking at
the clock. It said it was 7:15. Ugh, I had to leave. I didn’t want to
go to school. I wish I could just stay home and hide, or maybe run away
to Scotland and live with my mom. I’ve never wanted my mom more than
ever. I was lost, confused. I felt so scared and helpless, smaller than
normal. I just wanted to hold me and tell me what I should do.

I stood up, slipped on my jacket, grabbed my things and walked out of

the door. I walked slowly to the garage and in my car, I wasn’t really
ready to face Edward. More than that, I wasn’t ready to face José. Then
I thought, I’d get to see Maria and Jen. But most of all, I would get
to see Edward. I would get to see him smile at me, star into those big
beautiful blue eyes and get lost in them. I would be able to make him
laugh, and he would able to make me laugh.

I looked back out my review mirror to make sure the garage door was
open. It was. I pulled out. I took the mail box off right off the side
of the fence. Oh boy, I was going to get killed for that. I groaned and
forced my self to focus on the road. For the first couple of blocks,
it worked. Then, as I was near the school I noticed a black Mercedes in
front of me. I didn’t think a thing off it, until I saw sandy blonde
hair. I lost concentration completely. I almost hit the car, I stomped
on the brakes right away. The person in the car gave me a very rude
gesture with his 3 finger. I honked at him as he drove away.
I was still pissed as I drove into the school parking lot. I found a
parking space, only to spot to completely matching Black Mercedes, and
one of them was in the principal parking space. Oh man, please don’t
tell my I honked at the principal, and that he flicked me off?, and why
was he late? I prayed I didn’t have the little encounter with Mr.
Marcus. Then, he walked towards my car. “Oh crap!” I whispered, banging
my head on the steering wheel. He tapped my window with his pointer
finger. I cringed, and put the window down. “Yes Mr. Marcus?” I asked,
trying to keep my voice calm. He didn’t say anything, he just kept
looking at me.

I sighed and closed my eyes as I spoke. “Alright, I’m sorry I honked at

you. I’m sorry I almost hit your nice car. I understand if you want to
suspend me or something. Just get it over with!” I begged. “Lila,
you’re not in trouble.” He said. I opened my eyes, I could feel the
blank unconprending look on my face as I said “Principal say what
now?” He chuckled slightly and replied “Lila, you’re and honors
student, you never get into trouble. Why would I do something to rune
your chances of getting into a good collage?” He asked. I didn’t say
anything. “So I’m not in trouble?” I asked slowly. He shook his head.
“No, and I’m sorry about the… rude gesture I gave you. And if I ever
see you doing that you WILL get into trouble.” He said walking away.

I stayed there in total shock, still not being able to comprehend what
had just happened. Then, I saw and a small olive hand waving in front
of my face. I shook my head to see Maria standing there, confused. “Do
I want to know?” She asked. I shook my head. “No, no you don’t.” I
muttered getting out of the car. Maria shook her head. “It must have
had something to do with you know who.” She whispered, getting a little
hyper as we walked up the big steps. Everyone was staring at me,
smiling friendly yet phony “welcome back” smiles I flashed friendly,
yet awkward smiles at people. They seamed to get the point I didn’t
want to be noticed.
“Speaking of him I want to thank you for telling my mother about my
situation with José, when she was already going to call in a panic
because of what happened yesterday.” I said, glaring at her as I opened
my locker. When I opened it, a piece of paper fell out. I opened it, to
find a single bright red rose petal stuck inside it. “Well, someone had
to.” Maria said as I read the note. “Hope you feel better, Edward.” I
whispered aloud. Maria’s eyes grew wide, and her small heart shape face
twisted into her trade mark huge smile. “He dose like you!” Maria
marveled, trying to snatch the note out of my hands. I wouldn’t let
her, I stuck it in my locker before she could take it.

She growled at me as she said “Your no fun”, pouting her small lips. I
rolled my eyes. “Get to homeroom before you’re late, again.” I ordered
as I walked slowly to homeroom. I stood at the door, and just looked at
the desk next to me. There he was, Edward was there. My heart began
racing as I walked closer. By the time I had gotten to my desk, I was
once again at the risk of having a heart attack.

I took my normal seat, and like 2 days ago, stared blankly at my

doodled cover note book. “Well hello there.” I heard a musical voice
say. I looked up and smiled at him. I leaned in closer, taking a breath
of his sweet, sweet scent. “Thank your from that note. How did you know
roses were my favorite?” I asked. He leaned closer, and breathed on my
skin “Sometimes a person just knows.”

This was my dream, or well it had the same kind of aspect to it. I
looked down at my desk as the bell rang. I didn’t move my stance until
I heard someone giggling behind me. I turned my head to look at the
girl, and rolled my eyes as I picked up TITANIC. I hadn’t read the
chapters we had to read. I opened the pages to one of the most pivotal
parts of the story, when Jack and Rose meet. Once again, I began to
picture Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCabrio. I pictured that beautiful
beaded dress, hanging up in the back of a giant ship. Then, all of a
sudden I didn’t picture Kate Winslet as Jack walked up to her, I
pictured my self. Then, when Jack walked up and said “Don’t do it”, I
saw Edward.
Unlike in English class, I didn’t shake my head. Instead, I let my mind
picture me on the back of the ship. Besides, if I was picturing my self
and Leonardo DiCabrio, I would never look at this story the same way
again. I just kept reading, getting lost in the story. A half hour
later when the bell rang, it scared me so much it caused me to jump out
of my seat and knock over my books. Edward chuckled as I calmed down
from the shock. “Get lost in the book?” He asked. I shrugged as I
picked up my books. “I guess. It’s a good story.” I muttered as I began
to walk out of the room.

He followed me. I looked at him blankly as we walked “Do you take

chorus, because if you do I’ve never seen you there.” I asked. He shook
his head. “No, no. I go to study hall. I thought I’d walk with you to
the stair case. You know, incase you fall again.” He said, chuckling at
the last part. I glared at him. “You think you’re being cute don’t
you?” I asked. He just kept smiling. “No, not really. I’m being
serious.” He said. I rolled my eyes as I saw Maria waiting at the stair
case for me like she always did. Her eyes grew big. I could tell by the
look on her face that she was going to freak out. However, Maria was a
good actress, and was able to make it look like she was relaxed.

“Ummm, hi Lila. Hi Edward.” Maria said, calmly. I couldn’t help but to

giggle like a little school girl. “Hey Maria.” I said. “Hello.” Edward
said. Her big puppy brown eyes blinked franticly. “Ummm Hi, again. Lila
come on we are going to be late for chorus.” She said, muttering the
last part. She pulled my arm before I even got the chance to say
goodbye. I looked back, he stood there looking a little upset. I
flashed him a friendly smile. He smiled back. I instantly felt better
that Maria pulled me away before I could give him a proper goodbye. I
turned my head towards her, glaring at her smiling heart shaped face.
“What’s with the evil glare?” She asked. I shook my head in disgust.
“Nothing Maria, I was just wondering why you pulled me away from the
man I have feels BEYOND a major crush for, before I can say goodbye!” I
She snorted as we walked into the chorus room. “A: we were gonna be
late a B: I couldn’t keep my cool.” She said, muttering the last part
as we took our seats. I couldn’t help but to giggle as Mrs. Gibson
walked into the room with a DVD in her hand. She clapped her hands to
get the kids to stop talking. “Class! Today we well begin to watch West
Side Story.” She began. Everyone in the room groaned and moaned. Maria
and I looked at each other and smiled.

“Now, when we finish the movie I want you to write a summery of the
movie.” They groaned even louder. I’ll admit, I joined in the groaning,
but I knew this story backwards and forwards so I would be able to
write it in about 5 minuets tops. While everyone else was throwing
papers, trash talking and other things, Mrs. Gibson placed the DVD
gently into the DVD player. She opened her mouth to say “Will somebody
kill the lights?” but she didn’t She knew what Todd had pulled 2 days
ago, and his moron best friends had marbles and sling shots ready in
there hand. She must have seen them, because she simply walked over to
the switch and turned the lights off her self. If only Mr. Hunter had
done that.

As the movie played, very few people were paying attention. In fact, if
my math was right(witch it usually wasn’t) a good deal of people were
going fail, and we were going to hear about it. So, I paid attention to
the movie. I didn’t want to get a bad grade. I carefully observed and
took in every single detail. The facial expressions the actors had, the
way they walked or danced. I know that wouldn’t be necessary for the
summery, but I couldn’t help but to be memorized by a tail of racial
discrimination, death, and romance. Something I could have only dreamed
off, the romance not the other things.
The bell rang, and for the first time I wasn’t caught by surprise. I
stood up, and calmly walked to art. “Have fun with Edward.” Maria said
as she walked to wood shop. I glared at her as I replied “Alright.
Don’t cut off your hand.” And ran like the wind before she could say
anything. I placed my things in a cubby and got my completed mask. All
I had to do was paint it. I looked over at the table I sat at. There,
sitting in his usual spot was Edward. My heart began to flutter faster
and faster as I made my way to my seat. I carefully placed my hardened
mask down on the table, and sat down. I folded my hands across the
table. “Hello.” I said, flashing a smile.

He looked at me, and stared at me with those sparking blue eyes. I

never felt more like gooey clay in my life. “Hello.” He said, smiling
as usual. He always seamed to smile around me. Was Maria right? Did he
feel the same way I felt about him? No, no he couldn’t. “So I see you
finished your mask. I didn’t know you were such a good artist.” He
said. I could feel blood racing towards my pale cheeks, and let me tell
you it was getting REALLY annoying that I blush around him so much. But
this is what you do when you feel the way I feel about Edward.

“I’m not that good.” I whispered shrugging my shoulders. He chuckled

and said “You don’t have a lot of self confidence do you?” He asked. I
shook my head and replied “No, no I do not. Now if you’ll excuse me I
need to get some read and yellow paint.” I said standing up and walking
to the paint cabinet. Each paint bottle was neatly organized by color.
Yellow was on the first shelf to my advantage. However, to my
disadvantage, the red paint was way up on the second to top shelf. I
frowned, trying desperately to reach the high shelf. With no luck I
tried jumping. Still no luck. As I continued hopping up and down like a
moron, I saw a hand reach for the red paint, causing me to stop
bouncing. I looked up at Edward, amused and humored by my sad attempted
to reach the high shelf. “Here you go.” He said, putting the red paint
bottle in my hand.
“Thank you, but I could have gotten that my self.” I said acidly. For
some reason, I’ve always been sensitive about being on the short side.
It’s never seam to do me any good. He still kept smiling, I was reveled
that I didn’t hurt his feelings. “Lila, you can’t help it that your
small.” He said as I went back to my chair. I slammed the paint bottle
on the table angrily, I never liked being called small, it hit a nerve.
I closed my eyes and calmed my self down. I smiled at him and said “I’m
like my mom, petite if that’s what you would me.” I joked, opening the
paint bottle, the liquid was bright red, blood red. I squeezed it in
to a small cup that was placed on the table. I took the paint brush
that was on the table, and dipped it in. I slowly began to paint the
outside of the lions face to paint a mane, and I was getting board very
quickly. Who ever said watching paint dry was the most boring thing,
was so wrong.

About 5 seconds later, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned my

head, to see Edward. “Do you mind if I borrow some red paint, I’m out
of pink.” He said, he’s smiling going away as he said “pink”. I giggled
as I began to reach for the bottle of red paint. “Sure.” I said. Then,
both of reached for the bottle. Our hands touched. Though our hands
touched before, this time was different. I wasn’t in pain like in the
nurses office, and we didn’t pull away after a spilt second like 2 days
ago in this very room. Instead we stared at each other. For about 5
whole seconds, I stared into his dazzling and hypnotic blue eyes, and
he stared into my big innocent brown eyes. I looked back down at my
ours hands, and then back at him. I slowly pulled back my hand away,
never looking away from his face. I pushed the paint bottle towards
him. My whole body was shaking from the connection and the feeling I
felt when I was touching his hand.
He didn’t speak either, witch made me wonder did feel the way I felt?
Did touching my hand give the same electric current that I felt? I
didn’t drone on it. “Thank you.” he said, his voice a little strained.
I nodded, and continued to work on my mask. I couldn’t talk, my voice
wouldn’t come out. The only thing I could force my self to do was move
my arm so I could do my work. Finally, Mr. Warner told us it was time
to clean up. I took both of the little cups of paint and washed them
out in the sink. When I went back to put my mask away it was gone. I
began freaking out in my head. Then, I looked over where all the wet
projects were to go to dry. Mine was there, right next to the pig mask.
I smiled, knowing the only person who would do something like that for
me in this class. “Thank you Edward.” I said, knowing he was standing
behind me. He chuckled. “You’re welcome. How did you know I was
standing behind you? Can you see into the feature now?” He asked. I
couldn’t see his face, but I could tell by the hummer in his voice he
was smiling. “Nope, I just knew it was you because you’re the only
person who would be nice enough to help me in this class.” I said,
walking over to the sink.

I rinsed the soft bristles of the brushes, my hands getting stained

with the colors. After I washed my hands, the bell rang. I quickly
dried my hands with a piece of paper towel and raced for the cubbies. I
grabbed my things and raced towards the door way. Edward was standing
there, waiting for me. I smiled and said “You shouldn’t have waited for
me. Mr. Hunter will kill you well us for being late for class.” I
pointed out as we were trying to make our way through the crowded
staircase. He chuckled replying “He tends to be easy on me.” I growled
silently spitting through my clench teeth “Well, he’s not easy on me.
He’s easy off of YOU because you are good at science. He thinks I’ve
been cheating ever since you’ve showed up.” He gave me a blank look as
he spoke in a flat voice “Do you cheat off of me?” I shook my head.
“No, I wouldn’t do that.” I whispered as we entered Mr. Hunter’s class
We took our seats, and once again I put my curly hair in between us,
and once again he pushed it back behind my ear. Then, the bell rang,
sounding piercing and loud due to the fact my head was pounding. Mr.
Hunter walked in, took daily role call and began to walk around for
homework. I could feel my eyes bug out as he came over to me. He just
glared at me and said “Where’s your homework from yesterday and
Tuesday.” I gulped and replied “I didn’t do it. I wasn’t feeling well
due to the fact I had a slight concussion.” He leaned in, so close he
was almost touching my face. “Yes, I heard about that little stunt you
pulled Ms. Shaw. And I expect the work in tomorrow PLUS tonight’s home
work and an essay on the digestive system proof read and in final draft
form and at the beginning of class and you will read the paper out
loud. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!” He bellowed.

I couldn’t speak, if I did I would have started crying. I just nodded.

He snapped back up and took Edward’s homework and went on with the rest
of the class. I sat there in total shock, not use to a teacher yelling
at me like that. Now I really wished I was back in 7th grade, when I
had teachers that were compassionate and understanding and wouldn’t
yell at me for not having homework the day I came back after getting a
head injury. I wrote down all the homework I had to do, tears trickling
down my face landing on my assignment pad.

I looked up straight at the black board, waiting for the lecture to

begin. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to Edward. “Yes?” I
replied in a weak voice. “Were you crying a moment ago?” He asked. I
nodded, wiping away another tear that was trickling down my face.
“Well, I don’t liked to be yelled at like that. I-I” I tried to say,
sounding like I was about to cry. He shook his head in disgust. “At
least Mrs. Jonesburg has a heart, he doesn’t. I’d be stuck in class
with her than him. If you want, I can help you.” He suggested.

I blinked my moist eyes, stunned by his offer. “Really? Well you would
be helping a lot. But I couldn’t. I have work today.” I whispered. He
smiled and replied “I’ll be there.” I smiled, and turned my head,
hoping he wouldn’t see me getting a little over excited.
I couldn’t concentrate on science. All through out the day, I couldn’t
concentrate on class or school. I couldn’t stop thinking about work,
and what was going to happen. My daze was so bad that when we were
playing soccer I got whammed in the shin by the ball. Everyone else
found that funny, except for Maria who scared them to stop laughing,
and Edward.

After gym, I ran to my locker and fumbled with the lock. It seamed to
take forever for my locker to open. When I did, I stuffed everything I
needed and zippered up. I ran as fast as my legs would let me. Some
how, I managed not to hit any lockers, until I reached the first floor
to get out of the door. I bashed head first into a freshman’s locker. I
didn’t fall this time. I heard the punk laughing, so I growled at him.
That scared him good enough, and I was able to walk away with a
condescending smile on my face.

Chapter 3: Getting to know you

The diner wasn’t that far from the school. It was one street behind
Holland Hill, where a lot of small business where. I worked there 6
days a week, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
Friday was my day off, my only lazy afternoon. I drove up a big hill,
and turned right to come to a small building, with a sign that read
“Shaw’s Family Diner.” The outside was a lime green with a white trim.
I pulled into the small parking-lot. I found a space and turned off the
car. I reached to open my door, when I saw a black Mercedes, and
leaning on the back of the car was Edward. My heart began racing, I
could feel my cheeks blushing already. I hoped he knew how much being
around him drove me nuts, yet made me feel safe and whole.
I got out of the car and slugged my back pack around my shoulders and
walked up to him. “You got here fast.” I said with the goofiest smile
on my face. He’s smile grew. That got me thinking, maybe he did like
me. He always smiled around me, and if he was already it got bigger.
He’s eyes seamed to sparkle a little more when around me. Maybe he did
feel the same way about me. Could he? He shrugged and said “I guess my
car is just faster.” I looked at it and rolled my eyes. “I would be
surprised if it wasn’t faster than my old car.” I marveled. I looked at
he’s bag, and I could just barley see a white coroner sticking out. It
was a Mac Book.

I shook my head in shock. “You had time to go home and get out computer
and come back? I don’t think my car is that slow.” I said. He shook his
head and replied smoothly “I bring my computer to school for study
hall. I figured you could type your paper on my computer and e-mail it
to yours.” I smiled as I began to walk towards the diner, and he
followed me. We didn’t talk, but it didn’t really matter because he
just kept looking at me and smiling.

I stopped at the door and turned to him. “I should worn you you’re
about to go into the lions den. My father, Harry if gonna ask A LOT of
questions. He’s gonna look at you like you’re the pelage, and José’s
dad is he’s assistant cook and will be just as bad.” I warned him. He
chuckled as replied “I think I can handle it.” He opened the door and
held it opened for me. I giggled and smiled. “Why thank you.” I replied
walking through the door.

We stopped at my usual post. I turned to him and said “I’ll be right

back. I have to get into uniform.” He stayed there and nodded.
“Alright.” He said. I dropped my back pack and ran into the back room.
I took off my shirt and changed into a black blouse that had my name on
it. That was my uniform. I ran back out and saw Edward standing there.
I was so happy he didn’t leave. I stood behind the front counter and
tapped his shoulder. He turned around and smiled. “I like the blouse,
but the color of the shirt you were wearing earlier looked much better
on you.

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