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ter’s Po"folio

Gunter O. Swoboda, MAPS

Gunter O. Swoboda
F: +61299990168
M: 0412371503
Born in Vienna Austria, Gunter and his family migrated to Australia in the early seventies when he
was twelve years old. After settling on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, he immediately
acclimatised to the outdoor lifestyle and forged a deep relationship with the ocean that focused on
surfing. He also developed a passion for music and joined a band as a percussionist.

At university he studied philosophy and psychology and has forged a respected career as a therapist,
coach and trainer in his practice on the Northern Beaches. His ongoing interest in what makes us, as
humans excel, has informed his continuing studies in philosophy and mythology and inspired him
to pursue these concepts and ideas within the nature of storytelling.

Several years ago, after an influential meeting with Phil Goldfarb in Los Angeles Günter began to
devote more of his time and efforts to this interest in human stories, writing a high concept screen
play from which he has now adapted the novel “Mountains of the Sea” and has been published by
Eloquent Books, NY.

Over the last few years he has acted as a writer, technical advisor and editor to a production
company looking to improve issues around characterisation, plot development and continuity.

Personally, Gunter has been successfully married for over twenty-five years and has two adult
children. He continues to explore his relationship to the sea, and when time allows likes to indulge
his passion in music.
Publications and W!tings

My w!ting

Tribal Pissings, Surf Rage, Nat Young (ed.) 2000

Mountains of the Sea, Screenplay, Gunter O. Swoboda & Marc A. Levey 2006

Johnny doesn’t live here anymore, 10 minute play 2009. Runner up best play “Crash Test
Drama”, January 2009

First Last Day, short film script, Sci-Fi. 2008

First Last day, short story. 2008

Mountains of the Sea, Gunter O. Swoboda, 2009, Eloquent Books, NY,


‘Let him go abroad to a distant country; let him go to some place where he
is not known. Don’t let him go to the devil, where he is known.’

‘So commences this historic saga based on a quote from ‘The Life of
Johnson (Boswell)’, 1773. Master Walter Beaumont is the principal character who must depart from
his life of debauchery and unintentional murder in England and set sail to a distant country. In
England he is indeed well known to the devil. As the second born son of a noble family, he departs
on board HMS Resolution with the famous explorer, Captain James Cook and the master of the
ship, William Bligh. For this is a tale centred on the factual third voyage of Captain Cook to return
Omai to Tahiti and attempt to discover the famed Northwest Passage.
Set then in the late 1770’s, we follow Walter Beaumont’s journey across the ocean to the South
Sea Islands. This is an emotional story of his trials, tribulations and triumphs as he moves from
being a whore seeker to a hero. Entertwined with his journey are the lives of his other family
members (namely Lord Beaumont, Lady Beaumont, and his older brother, Jonathan), as well all
those people on board the ship and on the islands.
Many people will undoubtedly enjoy this historical story from the days of Captain James Cook
and Mr. William Bligh! In addition, they will most certainly appreciate the great deal of research
that Gunter Swoboda has undertaken to write it. It is indeed an education!’
Professional Resumé

Born in Vienna Austria, Günter and his family migrated to Australia in the early seventies when he was twelve years old.

After settling on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, he immediately acclimatised to the outdoor lifestyle and forged a deep relationship
with the ocean that focused on surfing.

This led to an abiding passion and respect for the culture and history of the South Pacific. At university he studied philosophy and
psychology and, becoming a counselling psychologist, forged a respected career as a therapist, coach and trainer in his practice on
the Northern Beaches.

His ongoing interest in what makes us as humans excel has informed his continuing studies in philosophy and mythology and
inspired him to pursue these concepts and ideas within the nature of storytelling. Four years ago, after an influential meeting in Los
Angeles with Phil Goldfarb Günter began to devote more of his time and efforts to this interest in human stories, writing a high
concept screen play from which he has now adapted the novel Mountains of the Sea, which has just been published and released.

Personally, Günter has been successfully married for over twenty-five years and has two adult children. He continues to explore his
relationship to the sea, and when time allows likes to indulge his passion in music.

Psychologist in Private Practice. 1994 - present. In my practice I focus on the provision of individual and group psychotherapy
and personal and professional development programmes.

Areas of expertise are in the treatment of:


•Mood Disorders

•Relationships and Parenting

•PTSD & Critical Incident Management

•Dependency Issues

•Chronic Pain Management

•Peak Performance Development

•Men’s Issues

I also provide consultation services to organisations regarding Organisational Development and Human Risk Management especially
the organisational management of Occupational Stress.

Registered Provider with Medicare, Medibank Private and MBF.

University Lecturer

University of Technology Sydney, part time 2005 - 2007

Macquarie University, part time 2002-2003

Development Consultant, Health Programmes, 1993-1994, CityRail.

In this position I focused on the effective integration of Risk Management and Human Resource Development within a large
organisation. It requires a high degree of sensitivity to industrial relations issues and the ability to negotiate at a Senior Management
level and advise on Human Risk Management strategies.

The position was established to develop a proactive response to organisational health issues and to develop strategic Programmes
designed to reduce costs in Occupational Health & Safety, Rehabilitation and Workers Compensation.

A key strategy is the effective management of occupational stress and a clear understanding of psychological theories relating to all
forms of stress and its management in an organisational context.

Key Activities and Achievements:

1. Audit of the CityRail Rehabilitation Programme

2. Review of the Employee Assistance and Trauma Assistance Services

3. Identification of an appropriate Risk Management Computer System

Health Services Manager, CityRail, 1991-1992 This position entailed managing a multidisciplinary team of professionals from the
fields of Occupational Health & Safety, Rehabilitation and accredited providers.
The position required highly developed communication, leadership skills and clinical skills.


In this position I developed a system of quality assurance on external providers in EAP, Trauma Assistance, and Rehabilitation.

Led the team to reduce long term selected duties to .4% of the workforce.

Increased EAP utilisation rate from .9% to 4%.

Psychologist in Private Practice, 1988 - 1991. Established a successful practice. I focused my service delivery on the provision of
individual, group, and family therapy. In addition I and my associates provided Education and Training Consultancies to a number of
large organisations.

Organisational Clients included:

AMP, Royal Australian Navy, Centre for Education and Information in Drugs and Alcohol. (C.E.I.D.A.), Manly-Warringah Youth
Support Services.

Clinical Services focused on the assessment and treatment of individuals and groups with dependency issues, relationship issues,
chronic pain and post traumatic stress reactions and syndrome. I and my associates also acted as consultant psychologists to
Accredited Rehabilitation providers, specifically S. R. Cornally and Associates.

Graduate Counselor/Psychologist, Macquarie Area Health Service, 1984 - 1987. I provided psychological assessment, treatment,
and/or referral of individuals affected by substance use, abuse and dependency.

Treatment modalities most commonly used were cognitive-behavioural therapy and family therapy (Milan approach).

I was also required to deliver education and training services to community and professional staff in the Area Health Service on drug
and alcohol related issues.

Education and Research Officer, Association of Drug Referral Centres. 1983-1984. This position required me to conduct a
research project in the area of young adults in a non-tertiary institutions and their attitude and factors affecting behavioural change to
drug use. This was a twelve month project and allowed me to develop a clear understanding in research design and statistical analysis
and project management.

1996 Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Training ( EMDR), Level 2

1995 Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Training ( EMDR), Level 1

1990 Advanced Training Programme, Gestalt Therapy

1989 Basic Training Programme, Gestalt Therapy

1988 Intermediary Training in Rational Emotive Therapy

1987 Primary Training in Rational Emotive Therapy

1982 Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Psychology, Macquarie University


Full Member of the Australian Psychological Society

Member of the Australian Society of Authors
Member of the NSW Writers Centre.

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