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CLASS PROPHECY/Daniel and Joshua of BCS Batch 2012-2013

After I had been promoted from managing editor to magazine editor two weeks ago, the new CEO of
the publishing company where I work called me for my first assignment as a chief editor. I rode the
elevator up to the tenth floor of the building and the CEOs secretary let me in her office. Her back is
facing me and when she turned around I was surprised by what I saw. The new CEO of the
publishing company is my classmate back in high school, MERISH CABANGON. She recognized
me too and before discussing my assignment we exchanged stories on what life had done for us in
the past years. After the chat we had, she told me that I have to give a review on the newest clothing
store in London tomorrow, after that I can have a 10 day vacation in the Philippines and all expenses
are paid by the company. I was ecstatic and the next day at 10 am I drove to the clothing store.
The store is called House of Sweet and has two floors showcasing designer, dresses, gowns, suits,
bags and shoes. It just opened last week in London but it already has branches worldwide. Its top
competitors are Chanel and Louis Vuitton. I walked towards the blonde receptionist and asked for
the appointment I had made with the store owner. She led me inside an office on the second floor. A
beautifully dressed young lady came to my view and I wonder why she was looking at me with a
funny expression on her face. She introduced herself as Ms. NOELIZA BLANCO, the successful
fashion designer who owns the clothing company and my schoolmate ten years ago. Thats when I
realized that the store is called House of Sweet because Sweet is what we call her back in high
school. I remembered my classmates telling me how she is so talented in her illustrations. Im glad
that her dream of becoming a fashion designer had come true. While I was interviewing her, three
ladies came in and Sweet told me that they are Ms. CLARILOU BAUTISTA and Ms. KRIZEL
MANIQUIS, her two models for the upcoming London Fashion Week. The other one is Ms.
KATHRINE MANIAGO, her accountant. We finished the interview in an hour then I went to Heathrow
Airport for my scheduled flight to the Philippines.
I just came out of the parking area when I noticed two familiar looking men dressed in a pilots
uniform. Their tag name read Captain GABBY FORTUNO and Captain JEAN CLOVET DINOPOL.
They noticed me so they went towards me and we had a chat. We talked about our high school life
and about our work. Afraid that I might miss my flight I said goodbye to them then made my way
towards the plane.
Once I was settled inside the plane, I picked up a newspaper to read so I will not be bored with the
15 hour flight. The headline caught my eye: Ms. SHAIRA JOY MARTINEZ Top 1 in Bar Exam! I
flipped to another page and theres this news that says the four richest bachelors of the year is
planning to make a business partnership with one another. The said bachelors are Mr. KLYTH
MAGALANG. At the next page, a picture of Ms. RENALYN GLORIOSO with little children
surrounding her caught my eye. The businesswoman recently supported an orphanage in Africa.
Do you want something to drink or eat maam? a voice interrupted my reading.
I looked up to see a flight attendant standing before me who looks likeMERYL ANN FRANCISCO.
It turned out that the stewardess is really Meryl. We talked to each other for only a few minutes so as
not distract her from her work. When she went away, I sipped on the orange juice I ordered then
pulled out the latest issue of Vogue magazine from my handbag. The cover girl is Ms. ROMMELYN
JAN GARCIA and theres also an article about her modeling career inside the magazine. After
reading the pages of the magazine from cover to cover, I pulled out the book I bought yesterday. Its
title is Starry Night and is written by the Number 1 New York Times Bestselling Author Ms. SHANA
MAY RONCO. The book kept me company with the long flight. After fifteen hours of being on the
clouds, the plane finally landed on NAIA.
While I was walking on the arrival area I saw two men who are walking towards me. The taller guy
has a woman with him and there are two little children holding both his hands. The tall guy
introduced himself to me as Marine Engineer PETER CASTILLO and the other one is Marine
Engineer JETTROI PABLO. Peter is the one who has a family with him in Italy when he and Jettroi
were working on a project there. After exchanging stories to each other, I bid them goodbye then
hailed a taxi to take me to the hotel. The famous socialite Ms. TRICIA LLAY OLIVA owns the 10 star
hotel where Im going to stay during my vacation. After I had settled inside my suite I laid my back on
the bed, closed my eyes then drifted off to sleep. I woke up with a hungry stomach. I showered and
dressed then went downstairs to eat in a restaurant called Santorin Dining which serves Greek
cuisine. The restaurateurs Ms. GENEVIVE DEL ROSARIO and Mr. ANGELO YACAP own the place.
The head chefs are Chef DRANEL MATTHEW ALIVIO and Chef PAULINE BAYBAY. Just when my
order had been taken by the waiter, two ladies came to me wearing casual clothes.
Hey Angel remember us? the curly haired asked.
I closed my eyes for a moment then tried to think who the two women are. Then I finally
remembered who they are! The two girls, ASHER ANN CABANGON and BRYLLENE JOY
ENDERES own the bar on the 7th floor of the hotel. While Bryllene is also a civil engineer, Asher is
the DJ of the bar and the host of a high rating talk show. We spent the time we are together just
talking and eating. After finishing the meal, they asked me to go with them to visit another friend. I
agreed so we piled up on Bryllenes flashy new car. The 10 minute drive took us to a car store.
Inside the first floor of the building, there are different cars on display. Bryllene said that this is the
place where she bought her car. Minutes later, a woman with a big smile on her face is walking
towards us. She has very chubby and pinky cheeks and she is wearing an expensive Chanel suit.
She hugged Bryllene and Asher before me. It was strange to be hugged by someone you just met
without them having to introduce themselves.
Angel, this is Eshut, dont you remember her? Asher asked me.
Then it hit me! Ten years ago, theres this friend of mine that whenever she laughs, her face goes
pink and her cheeks remind us of siopao. PRECIOUS DANNREM CAPATE is her name and shes
the owner of Gappy a car manufacturing company. She told us that Engineer RUNELITO
BALAHAY and Engineer ALJONEL MALAZARTE works for her as mechanical engineers. The four
of us decided to go watch a movie. We drove to the cinema house and watched a film called You
Are All I Need starring the Oscar award winning actor QUENETH BALINO and the rising star of the
American movie scene EVA SEVILLA. The movie was so good and at the end of it we were bawling
our eyes out. They dropped me off at the hotel and after sitting on the couch I turned on the
A news channel is interviewing Mr. ANDREW NAOI, an economist, about the inflation rate in the
country and what measures must the government do to prevent it from happening often. I suddenly
felt tired so I took a nap. I woke up with the sound of my cell phone ringing. It was from a guy I
havent seen in weeks. He invited me to watch a basketball game with him that night which I
accepted. The guy picked me up at the front of the hotel then drove to the arena. The guy I was
talking about is DIEGO ALDAMA the owner of an engineering company in Ireland where Engineer
ERVIN NAVARRO and Engineer JOHN LESTER SAMIANO works and they are his top two best
engineers. We eat while we watch the game between Talk N Text and Rain or Shine. The top player
of Talk N Text, KEN URIARTE, has been the Most Valuable Player for two years in a row. However,
the crowd cannot deny that Rain or Shines top player DANIEL MIKO SARABUSING has a big shot
of becoming this years MVP. Daniel is also a singer and has a platinum record album. Diego took
me to dinner after the game then dropped me at the hotel.
Im still not feeling sleepy so I turned the television on. Theres a replay of the documentary
Maganda Din Ako which has won awards here and abroad. The documentary is made by two
journalists Ms. HAZEL JOY CABANG and Ms. SUREWIN DOMINGUITA. The documentary is an
eye opener to everyone about the topic of true beauty.
The next day, I went to visit the lot which I bought for my parents. The house is still on construction.
The two engineers my parents hired for the work is on the site so I went to talk to them. I was
surprised when I found out that the two engineers are Engineer PAULA MAE DE CASTRO and
Engineer JOHN MICHAEL PANGANIBAN my schoolmate and classmate ten years ago. After the
chat I had with the two engineers, my parents told me that my niece Ana is sick and at the hospital
so I paid her a visit.
When I went inside my nieces hospital room, theres a nurse feeding her. The nurse turned around
at the sound of the door being closed and thats when I saw her tag name. It says: Nurse ANDREA
GARRIDO. Andrea and I were classmates for the four years of high school so we reminisced the
past. She then told me that my nieces doctors need to talk to me. I went outside the room and found
the doctors waiting for me. They are Doctor DAN LESTER BARRAQUIO and Doctor ERROL JHON
BTALLER. They informed me that Ana is no longer in a dangerous condition. I thank them then went
inside again to find my niece watching cartoon. When Ana had gone back to sleep, I changed the
channel to a sports one. The host is interviewing JOHN PAUL RICARIO, the swimmer who will
represent the Philippines in next years Canberra Olympics. The swimmer stated that he is excited
for the tournament and is practicing hard to bring home the gold medal. I changed the channel again
and theres a drama portraying the life of Ms. MARILORD GIEZL AGRAVANTE, the owner of a
successful shipping company.
The following day, I rode a cruise ship that will take me to Palawan. Theres a pictorial there that will
be published in next months issue of my magazine. I have been invited to a party that will take place
in the main dining room of the ship. I got to meet the captain of the ship who is also my classmate in
high school, Captain YHAN ASSLEY PEREZ. He introduced me to two professors that are teaching
in The University of the Philippines. They are Professor JOSE MARI MERCULLO and Professor
JOSEPH RYAN JALAGAT. I also met two of the brave soldiers of the country, General AUDIE
After landing on the mainland, I was running out of cash so I went to SMR Bank owned by Ms.
SARAH MICAH REQUINA to withdraw money. On my way out, I bumped on a girl with beautiful long
hair. She looks familiar to me and the next thing I knew, she is introducing herself to me as Ms.
JARED ANN BORBE. She called another woman to come to us. The other girl is Ms. ALDEVA
NARTE. They are now both working as industrial engineers here in Palawan. They invited me to go
with them to a dance class just around the corner of the street. We went inside the dance room and
met the choreographer who is Ms. MICHELLE ANN PANELO. The three of us went to a nearby
coffee shop to relax before meeting with two more people later in the afternoon. The two people we
are waiting for finally arrived and they are Engineer JOSHUA ALLAN ARIZ and Engineer ENRICO
FERNAN MASAYA who are both working in Pentagon. After half an hour, Michelle and I got up and
went to visit a zoo. There is a PAWS volunteer named RAVEN ALLISON LAUREL lecturing little
children on how to take care of their pets.
I went to a resort the next day to get the photo shoot started. As much to my surprise, the model
waiting for me there is Ms. MARIA ANGELICA PANGANIBAN, one of my classmates and closest
friends in high school. We chatted while working, remembering the past and talking about the
present and plans for the future. After the photo shoot, we went to church. The church pastor is
Pastor EDGARDO BATINO and is preaching about never giving up on our dreams because we can
always trust on the Lord to fulfill it.
The sound of the alarm clock woke me up. Its already 6:30 am; I will be late for school. Again! I was
only just dreaming! But for me it is not just a dream. May this prophecy remind and motivate us
seniors on what we really want to achieve in our life, to not be swayed away by the world.
Psalm 37:5 says: Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you. These
dreams will only be possible if we let God in the picture. This prophecy serves as a challenge to us
seniors. May us what we want to become on what is written in this prophecy. Thank you and God

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