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Reducing the Risk Failure on Rebranding Using Conceptual

Worlu Okechukwu
Master of Science Media Management
Universiti Utara Malaysia
$%&'( OF CO)$()$
Chapter "************************** +
1.0 Introduction.. 3
1.1 Problem Statement. 5
1.2 Research Question. 6
1.3 Objectie and aim. 6
1.! Sco"e ... 6
Chapter ************************** ,
2.0 #iterature Reie$ %
2.1 Rebrandin&.... %
2.1.1 'e(inin& rebrandin& and re"ositionin& )
2.1.2 Rebrandin& conse*uences. 10
Chapter +*************************--- ""
3.0 +ethodolo&,.... 11
3.1 'e(inition o( methodolo&,. 12
3.1.1 'e(inition o( mi-ed method 12
3.1.2 .rie( descri"tion o( *uantitatie and *ualitatie method 13
3.1.3 Research desi&n. 15
3.1.! /-"ected .elieable... 16
3.1.5 Si&ni(icance 0contribution1 o( the Research 16
Reference*************************-- ",
%ppendi.*************************--- "/
Chapter 1
"-! 0ntroduction
Rebrandin& as a strate&, desi&ned to si&nal chan&e2 (urthermore this si&nal is a constitution o(
(e$ elements such as 3its name4 lo&o4 stra" line and colours. Obiousl, it is desi&n to rehabilitate
or u"&rade an e-istin& brand5 6an7inson4 #oma- and 6and4 0200%1. +ore s"eci(ic to describe4
the researcher state that rebrandin& stands as alert to consumers8 and or&ani9ation o( a ne$
chan&e about to be made on "roduct4 &oods and serices. .ase on +u9ellec et al. 020031
rebrandin& is 3the e-ercise o( structurin& a (resh name re"resentatie o( a di((erentiated "osition
in the mind:set o( sta7eholders and a distinctie identit, (rom com"etitors.5 ;herea(ter +u9ellec
and #amb7in 020061 modi(, rebrandin& as 3a chan&e in an or&ani9ations sel(:identit, and<or an
attem"t to chan&e "erce"tions o( the ima&e amon& e-ternal sta7eholders.5 =ccordin& to >hu2
#ee2 ?eu and Par74 0201!1. ;he chan&e in rebrandin& de(inition can occur because rebrandin& is
an on:&oin& actiit,. +u9ellec and #amb7in4 020061.
>om"anies chan&in& their brand names are (re*uentl, re"orted in the business "ress
but this "henomenon has as ,et receied little academic attention. In the "eriod
bet$een 1 @anuar, 2001 and 31 @anuar, 20034 more than 166 (irms across all industr,
sectors hae embar7ed on cor"orate:rebrandin& cam"ai&n.
;he industr,4 com"anies ado"tin& ne$ branded name4 re(erred to as Arebrandin&48 are (re*uentl,
re"orted in the "ress 0=sia .usiness 'ail, 200B2 6an7,oreh 20122 +.C 20121
'ue to the ris7 (ailure on rebrandin& in the "ast and recent situation4 a ast research has been
conducted oer the ,ears to address the issues o( unsuccess(ul rebrandin&.. +u9ellec and
#amb7in4 020061 claim that 3rebrandin& is all about creatin& ne$ ima&e and "osition in
consumer8s mind and establishin& a ne$ name4 ta&line or desi&n.5 Durthermore4 Stern4 020061
stud, also hi&hli&ht that 3In the conte-t o( cor"orate rebrandin&4 this action usuall, inoles
chan&in& the com"an,8s name4 tar&etin& and "ositionin&4 in an attem"t to assi&n ne$ meanin& to
the cor"orate brand and communicate ne$ bene(its to its sta7eholders.5 6o$eer4 there seems to
be similar enli&htenment on rebrandin& and cor"orate rebrandin& "ur"ose. #ee4 020131 has
clearl, "oint out that 3the e-tant cor"orate rebrandin& literature has (rom time to time addressed
the "rocess o( rebrandin& and e-"osed arious "it(alls that or&ani9ation ma, encounter or attem"t
to aoid.5
Rebrandin& is a time conse*uence and consumin& as state b, Stuart and +u9ellec4 0200!14
accordin& to this author4 in order 3to remain releant and desirable4 it is necessar, to re:isit the
or&ani9ational "ro"osition and re:assess its strate&ic alue to sta7eholders. 6ence4 rebrandin&
si&nals chan&e a ne$ be&innin& and ho"e(ull, a better one5.
Ind and .ell4 020001 stated that4 3the literature has described $a,s o( s"eedin& u" the ada"tie
"rocess. Eisionar, leadershi" is considered a ital in&redient here.5 In aid $ith ital in&redient4
this researcher has su&&ested that or&ani9ation need to ac7no$led&e the in(luence o( isionar,
leaders in rebrandin& "rocess. 6an7inson and #oma-4 020061 also in"ut a "oint sa,in& that 3the
more e((icient the channel o( communication4 the (aster rebrandin& messa&es reach sta7eholders.5
6an7inson4 #oma- and 6and4 0200%1 stud, state that4 3the eidence so (ar seems to su&&est that
rebrandin& re*uires time to embed itsel( $ithin or&ani9ations and that its e((ects on sta(( $ill be
more a""arent4 lon&er:term.5
'ue to the issue o( rebrandin& challen&es and it (ailure4 (e$ scholars hae de(ined and anal,se
the strate&ies to achiee rebrandin& success. =lthou&h In the "ast research conducted em"hasi9e
and (ocus more on rebrandin& hi&h ris74 time consumin&4 hi&h cost. .ut ,et the "ractice o(
rebrandin& increases4 as stated in the literature. Stuart and +u9ellec4 0200!14 this research aim to
e-amine the ris7 (ailure on rebrandin&4 to contribute 7no$led&eabl, in anal,sis b, usin& a
strate&ic tool to reduce it ris7 in order enhancin& rebrandin& success.
"-" 1roblem Statement
Past research conducted has em"hasi9e and (ocus more on rebrandin& time consumin& and
conse*uence4 hi&h cost Stuart and +u9ellec4 0200!14 also research has 3&iin& more attention to
rebrandin& tactic4 name trans(ormation4 and has mostl, touch on the matter o( brand
identi(ication "rocess4 brand ta& semantics and re"resentation4 and 7inds o( relations aroused b,
ne$ names.5 0>ollins4 1BB%2 Robertson4 1B)B2 Flin74 20011.
Rebrandin& constitutes one o( the most s"ectacular as"ects o( brand mana&ement2 but it is one o(
the most ris7,5 Fa"(erer4 0200!14 in the same ine4 6ai&4 020031 "oint out that4 3des"ite the ris7s
are &reat4 rebrandin& remains more "o"ular than eer. +errilees 0200514 state that Re&ardless the
3increase in the "o"ularit, o( rebrandin& issues4 there is no &eneral (rame$or7 (or rebrandin& has
been &enerated5
=ccordin& to >hu2 #ee2 ?eu and Par74 0201!14 3there are man, cases o( rebrandin& and its
numbers are &ro$in&. =lthou&h4 rebrandin& is still under research in the academic (ield.
6o$eer4 there is no &uideline on the e((ectie $a, to chan&e brand name8. ;here(ore4 the
researcher ac7no$led&es there is a need to im"lement strate&ic conce"tual (rame$or7 that $ill
reduce the ris7 (ailure on rebrandin& and outline e((ectie $a, to rebrand.
"- Research 2uestion
It is "ossible to dra(t a conce"tual (rame$or7 in order to sin&le out the ris7 (ailure on
rebrandin& $hich "ose as threat in com"anies and or&ani9ationG
., im"lementin& the conce"tual (rame$or74 can the ris7 (ailure on rebrandin& be reduced in
com"anies and or&ani9ationG
>an the conce"tual (rame$or7 "roide a &uideline on the e((ectie $a, o( rebrandin& in
com"anies and or&ani9ationG
"-+ Ob3ective and aim
In &eneral the aim o( the stud, $as to reco&ni9e and e-"lore on the challen&es on rebrandin& and
it conse*uence in com"anies and or&ani9ation. Docus area o( interest in +ala,sia4 to reach this
aim4 the stud, objecties are listed belo$H
;o "ro"ose a dra(t conce"tual (rame$or7 that $ill sin&le out the ris7 (ailure on rebrandin&
that threat com"anies and or&ani9ation in +ala,sia.
;o im"lement a conce"tual (rame$or7 that $ill hel" in reducin& ris7 (ailure on rebrandin&.
;o "roide &uideline on the e((ectie $a, on rebrandin& usin& the conce"tual (rame$or7.
"-# Scope
;he sco"e o( the stud, $ill be limited to com"anies and or&ani9ation on rebrandin& sectors in
+ala,sia. #ocation o( interest $ill be t$o state 0 Pulau Pinan& and Fuala #um"ur in s"eci(ic14
(urthermore the inole "artici"ant in interie$ $ill be the leel o( sta((4 junior e-ecutie or
senior e-ecutie in the com"anies and or&ani9ation. Inde"endent ariable and de"endent ariable
is the (oundation o( the *uestionnaire deelo"ment. ;ar&eted number o( "eo"le to collect data is
bet$een 100: 1504 &ender male and (emale4 a&e 25:60 ,ears old.
-! 'iterature Review
#iterature reie$ $as acce"ted to de(ine $hether the *uestions claim b, the researcher in this
stud, has been (ormerl, discuss on. It aim o( reie$ is to enlar&e the e-"lorator, ris7 (ailure on
rebrandin& and dictate "ast research &a"2 (urthermore to anal,sis the cause o( this &a". ;his
research "ro"osal $ill able to ans$er the research *uestion in $hich the literature reie$ could
be the justi(ication to it relation o( current stud,. +oreoer ris7 (ailure on rebrandin& hae been
one o( the crucial (actor that a((ect com"anies4 or&ani9ation and businesses that need to be recti(,
and e-"lain clear (or it success.
-" Rebranding
;here $as "oint out in the "reious stud, that 3aim o( rebrandin& is to create added sales leels
and enhance e*uit,.5 =a7er4 01BB114 3Iltimatel, the &oal o( cor"orate renamin& or rebrandin& is
indeed "rimaril, to create a (aourable ima&e and di((erentiate the cor"oration5 0/in$iller and
Jill420021. .ased on current research conducted4 numerous (irms has embar7ed on renamin& and
re"ositioned entirel, or trans(ormed some o( its elements. ;he reasons (or rebrandin& and
re"ositionin& ar, (rom com"an, to com"an,4 some mi&ht $ant to &et &reater mar7et share and
some $ant to rebrand because there mi&ht be di((erence in $hat the, $anted and $hat the, hae
ri&ht no$. Kahid and Raja4 0201!1. In addition4 there is a recent hi&hli&ht in ;eh4 020101 3the
"henomenon o( rebrandin& has been "racticed e-tensiel, in +ala,sia4 but limited
com"rehensie research has been conducted.5
Rebrandin& has t$o dimensions that are eolutionar, and reolutionar,. /olutionar,
rebrandin& de(ines minor chan&es in "roduct or brand "ositionin& $hile reolutionar, re(lect
major chan&e in brand8s "ositionin&4 usuall, in the (orm o( desi&n name or lo&o 0+u9ellec
and #amb7in 4 20061 3Rebrandin& can be "roactie or reactie. Proactie rebrandin& occurs
$hen com"anies $ants to &ras" (uture o""ortunities and "roductie &ro$th $hile reactie
rebrandin& occurs in reaction to eents 0Susan Lunelius4 20131. Rebrandin& ma7es a totall, ne$
ima&e o( the "roduct and old identit, is usuall, (or&otten. Loi and Loi4 020111. ;o maintain
brand and customer lo,alt,4 rebrandin& has become one o( the im"ortant strate&ies to be
success(ul and to attain brand alues. Kahid and Raja4 0201!1 +ost o( the (irms chan&e their
names basicall, because o( ac*uisitions4 $hich mean ac*uirin& most o( the shares o( the other
(irms. Lu"ta and =&&ar$al4 0201!1
-"-" 4efining rebranding and repositioning
>onte-t o( rebrandin&4 there has been di((erent descri"tion o( rebrandin& b, researcher. Feller4
01BBB1. 6as 3describes rebrandin& strate&ies as "arts o( re"ositionin& $ithout destro,in& e-istin&
brand lo,alt,. Rebrandin& can be considered as a ran&e $hich re(ers to three chan&e cate&ories
$ith res"ectie chan&e (ormats M +inor >han&es 0=esthetics14 Intermediate >han&es
0Re"osition1 and >om"lete45 as su&&ested b, 'al, and +olone,4 0200!1. (urthermore .or&es and
.ranca 0201014 3cor"orate renamin& or rebrandin& is de(ined as the creation o( a ne$ name4 term4
s,mbol4 desi&n or combination o( them (or an established brand $ith the intention o( deelo"in&
a di((erentiated "osition in the mind o( sta7eholders and com"etitors45 >han&e 0Rebrandin&1.
=lthou&h there has been de(inition o( rebrandin& to be said as 3re"ositionin&4 reitali9ation4
brand e-tension4 and brand trans(er4 as the terms used to describe the "ractices o( chan&in& a
brand5 ;eh4 020101. .ut 4 +u9ellec et al. 020031 state that 3the terminolo&, to describe chan&es
in brand elements hae al$a,s been con(usin& and misleadin&.5 6o$eer4 the researcher (ound
that 3the term reitali9ation $as ado"ted b, =a7er 01BB11 and Feller 0200014 (urthermore to sa,
this term o( reitali9ation can as $ell be a""lied as renamin& idea.
.ased on "ast stud,4 3Re"ositionin& is a source o( com"etitie adanta&e that &ies alue to
customers at di((erent sta&es o( mar7etin& and at di((erent contact "oints5 0#indber&:Re"o4 20054
". )01. =lso there has "oint out on the "rocess o( re"ositionin& is carried out (or chan&in& the
ima&e o( the com"an, so that it occu"ies a ne$ "lace and alue in the mind o( the consumers.
0Feller 200)4 ".B)1
=ccordin& to ;eh4 020101 3Reitali9ation mirrors the action o( "lacin& (resh li(e in order to
res"ond to chan&es in the mar7etin& enironment.5 In line $ith this element o( rebrandin&4
Rosenthal 020031 in his o$n beliee4 3ma7e clear it that re"ositionin& is not the same $ith
rebrandin&2 brand is not chan&ed in re"ositionin&4 but the "erce"tion o( the brand has. In other
$ords4 brand identit, remains unchan&ed throu&hout re"ositionin&.5 In the same ain4 there $as
also a claim made b, Rosenthal 0200314 sa,in& that 3brand e-tension is 7no$n to be establishin&
a brand into another class in the rebrandin& "rocess.5 Durthermore to mention on the rebrandin&
element4 3brand e-tension arises $hen a (irm $ishes to enter a mar7et that has been absent2 it
inoles the decision o( $hat should be le(t unchan&ed and $hat can chan&e5 0Fa"(erer4 200!1.
;his author ;eh4 0201014 has stron&l, beliee that 3no matter ho$ small or lar&e the chan&es are4
chan&e $ill al$a,s occur in the rebrandin& "rocess4 but $ill not ha""en in brand e-tension.5
+u9ellec et al. 0200314 $ho state their "oint about terminolo&, in describin& chan&es in brand is
con(usin& and misleadin&4 has also 3de(ined rebrandin& as the "ractice o( buildin& ane$ a name
re"resentatie o( a di((erentiated "osition in the mind:set o( sta7eholders and a distinctie identit,
(rom com"etitors5 0". 321. ;here has been a claim b, ;eh4 020101 that4 3this is the onl, aailable
de(inition in the literature2 it has been de(ined narro$l, and is not holistic4 $hich onl, re(lects the
renamin& o( a brand.5
-"- Rebranding conse5uences
Rebrandin& or renamin& is also a strate&, inolin& considerable ris7 as stron& names are
success(ull, built oer the ,ears in order to "roide the bene(its li7e hi&her mar&ins4 customer
lo,alt, and increased income 0Feller4 20021.
=ccordin& to 6ors7, and S$,n&edou$4 01B)%14 cor"orate rebrandin& stand to be a di((icult
"rocess4 in $hich it mi&ht inole hard time4 "eriod o( time consumin&4 more costl,. =nd at the
same time4 the, em"hasis on the tan&ible and intan&ible cost associate $ith cor"orate rebrandin&
"rocess. Dinancial e-"enses is indicate as tan&ible cost4 $hereas loss o( &ood$ill that e-ists in the
(orm o( name reco&nition4 com"an, ima&e and o( routini9ed res"onse behaiour is indicate as
intan&ible cost. ;he researcher ac7no$led&e the ris7 and conse*uences inoled in cor"orate
rebrandin& or rebrandin& "rocess as has ital issue to tac7le. =lthou&h there has been also a
"ositie claim on 3chan&es in cor"orate name ma, "roduce substantial bene(its li7e im"roed
"ro(itabilit, because o( hi&h em"lo,ee morale and increased customer "re(erence to$ards
com"an,8s "roducts and serices5 Lu"ta and =&&ar$al4 0201!1.
Chapter +
+-! Methodology
;his research "ro"osal ado"ts a mi-ed methods a""roach "aradi&m4 used in:de"th interie$ and
*uestioner in order to reach the (indin&. ;he (ocus area o( this method is on ris7 (ailure on
rebrandin&. It attem"ts to identi(, the ris7 (ailure associated on rebrandin& in com"anies and
;he mi-ed method a""roach selected (or these research (indin&s $as dee"l, "ro"osed in
>res$ell8s 0200)1. 3Jhen both *uantitatie and *ualitatie data4 to&ether4 "roide a better
understandin& o( ,our research "roblem than either t,"e b, itsel(5. Durthermore there has been a
su&&estion made b, Strauss and >orbin 01BB01 3selectin& a method that $as suitable to the nature
o( the research settin&. In addition4 ;a,lor and .o&dan 01BB)1 3stressed in sa,in& that $hen
selectin& an a""ro"riate method4 it should ali&n $ith the nature o( the research5. 6o$eer the
researcher a&reed $ith the method4 sa,in& that this mi&ht be a use(ul tool to attain a broader and
com"rehensie data to anal,sis. =s $ell4 this a""roach $ill "roides o""ortunit, in:de"th
understandin& o( com"anies and or&ani9ation "erce"tion on rebrandin&. 'ue to this4 the
researcher acce"ts to conduct his (indin&s b, ado"tin& the tools that $ill lead to com"rehensie
data collection.
+-" 4efinition of methodology
Past research has claim that 3methodolo&, re(ers to the "hiloso"hical (rame$or7 and the
(undamental assum"tions o( research5 0Ean +anen4 1BB01. =ccordin& to Eo&t4 01BBB1.
3+ethodolo&, as the stud, o( methods (rom its e"istemolo&ical bases to "roblems o(
measurement5. In the same ein4 O&unbameru 0200!1. >laim that 3methodolo&, is de(ined as the
"hiloso"h, o( the research "rocess4 $hich includes the assum"tions and alues that sere as
rationale (or research and the standards o( inter"retin& data and reachin& conclusion.5
Durthermore >res$ell4 020061. 6as contributor, in describin& methodolo&, in his o$n $ords as
3the (rame$or7 that relates to the entire "rocess o( research.5
+-"-" 4efinition of mi.ed method
In de(endin& mi-ed method research a""roach4 it is claim in the literature that 3Some mi-ed
methods $riters re(lect this (orm o( research as a methodolo&, and (ocus on the "hiloso"hical
assum"tions5 0e.&.4 ;asha77ori and ;eddlie4 1BB)14 $hereas4 other mi-ed method $riters
hi&hli&ht it as the "rocedures or means o( &atherin& and anal,sin& data 0e.&.4 >res$ell4 Plano
>lar74 et al.4 20032 Lreene4 >araceli4 N Lraham4 1B)B2 On$ue&bu9ie N ;eddlie4 20031. In
addition4 /lliot4 020051. Said that 3to call mi-ed methods research a 3method5 is clean and
concise and resonates $ith man, researchers.5 $hile >res$ell4 020061. 3Re(er to it as a research
desi&n $ith "hiloso"hical assum"tions as $ell as *uantitatie and *ualitatie methods5. Recentl,4
>res$ell4 020121 stud, 3modi(ied mi-ed methods research desi&n as a "rocedure (or collectin&4
anal,sin&4 and 3mi-in&5 both *uantitatie and *ualitatie research and methods in a sin&le stud,
to understand a research "roblem.5
+i-ed method is a ne$ a""roach4 but reco&ni9in& that others ma, not see it as a recent a""roach.
6e also claims that (or "ast decade man, $riters hae attain both *uantitatie and *ualitatie data
in the same studies. 6o$eer4 in settin& both (orms to distin&uish (rom research desi&n or
methodolo&, is (resh4 0>res$ell4 20064 ".11. 3;he "rocess o( mi-ed methods research and (our
s"eci(ic mi-ed methods desi&ns. ;he "rocess "hases adanced in their boo7 $as built on the
"reliminar, ste"s that the, "roided seeral ,ears a&o5 0>res$ell4 1BBB2 >res$ell4 Loodchild4 N
;urner4 1BB64 ".21. =ccordin& to >res$ell4 020061 mi-ed methods is a ne$ desi&n4 in $hich he
recommend that researchers need an introduction to the a""roach4 &uidance as to ho$ to conduct
the desi&n4 and in(ormation about the s"eci(ic "rocedures inoled. /-"erimental research4
sure, research4 ethno&ra"h,4 and mi-ed methods are all research desi&ns. +ethods4 on the other
hand4 are more s"eci(ic. ;he, are techni*ues o( data collection and anal,sis4 such as a
*uantitatie standardi9ed instrument or a *ualitatie theme anal,sis o( te-t data 0>res$ell4 20032
an +anen4 1BB01
+-"- &rief description of 5uantitative and 5ualitative method
Quantitatie data includes closed:ended in(ormation such as that (ound on attitude4 behaiour4 or
"er(ormance instruments. ;he collection o( this 7ind o( data mi&ht also inole usin& a closed:
ended chec7list4 on $hich the researcher chec7s the behaiours seen. Sometimes *uantitatie
in(ormation is (ound in documents such as census records or attendance records.
=ccordin& to >res$ell4 020121.5Itili9es both *uantitatie and *ualitatie data collection
methodolo&ies are combination o( both a""roach. 3Interie$s and the "ur"oses (or the
e-"lanator, desi&n are to use *ualitatie data to hel" e-"lain *uantitatie results that need (urther
e-"loration to use *uantitatie results to "ur"ose(ull, select best "artici"ants (or *ualitatie
stud,5 >res$ell4 0201214 3In contrast4 *ualitatie data consists o( o"en:ended in(ormation that the
researcher &athers throu&h interie$s $ith "artici"ants. ;he &eneral4 o"en ended *uestions as7ed
durin& these interie$s allo$ the "artici"ants to su""l, ans$ers in their o$n $ords5. >res$ell4
020061. Point out the im"ortant o( mi-ed method4 in(ormin& that 3the combination o( both (orms
o( data can "roide the most com"lete anal,sis o( "roblems. Researchers can situate numbers in
the conte-ts and $ords o( "artici"ants4 and the, can (rame the $ords o( "artici"ants $ith
numbers4 trends4 and statistical results5. In sa,in& o( this method4 it a""roach is broad4 o( $hich
there is need (or the researcher to concentrate on its com"onents. 6o$eer there are seen
elements illustrate (or conductin& the mi-ed method research bases on >res$ell4 0200)14 as
sho$n belo$ (i&ure.
+-"-+ Research design
;his research "ro"osal desi&n is se"arated into three sections4 011 data collection4 021 data
anal,sin& and (inall, 031 re"ort $ritin&. In line $ith three objecties to ascertain at the end.
6o$eer the researcher has used table 1.0 illustration the research desi&n strate&ic and it method
(or collectin& data.
S;/P +/;6O' '/#IE/R=.#/
4ata collection
0a1 'eelo"in& *uantitatie
and *ualitatie *uestions
0b1 >ollectin& *ualitatie
=nd *uantitatie data
Questionnaires (orm4
(ace to (ace interie$4
and sure,.
'ra(t conce"tual (rame$or7
4ata analysing
=nal,sin& data se"aratel, or
Isin& o( the SPSS to
anal,ses the data
Luideline on the e((ectie $a,
on rebrandin&
Report writing
Jritin& re"ort as a one or t$o "hase
Isin& +icroso(t $ord
>om"lete research "a"er
$able "-! the design and procedures
+-"-# (.pected &elievable
;his research "ro"osal $ill be able to achiee the (ollo$in& results listed belo$ b, end o( the
Proide &uideline on the e((ectie $a, on rebrandin& usin& the conce"tual (rame$or7.
=ble to hel" b, &uidin& the com"anies and or&ani9ation $ho are embar7in& on rebrandin&
"ractice to (ollo$ the ri&ht trac7 in order to succeed.
>ontribute in "ublishin& o( research "a"er (or (uture studies.
+-"-6 Significance 7contribution8 of the Research
;his research contributes to the bod, o( 7no$led&e academicall,.
It "roides chance to e-"lore and &ain in de"th insi&ht on rebrandin& "ractice.
It anal,ses the a""roach o( rebrandin& success (or com"anies and or&ani9ation $hich set
(or ne$ rebrandin& e-ercise.
Eo&t4 J. 01BBB1. Dictionary of Statistic and Methodology. housand Oa7s4 >=HH Sa&e
O&unbameru4 O. =. 0200!1. Research Methods in Social Sciences. (2nd ed.). Cor$a,H H ':Cet
>ommunication /:.oo7 Press.
Stuart4 6. and +u9ellec4 #. 0200!1. >or"orate ma7eoersH can a h,ena be re:branded. Journal of
Brand Management4 Eol. 11 Co. 64 "". !%2:)2.
Robertson4 F. 01B)B1. Strate&icall, brand name characteristics. Journal of Consumer Marketing4
60!14 61.
>ollins4 #. 01B%%1. = name to conjure $ith. Euroean Journal of Marketing4 110514 33BM363.
Flin74 R. 020011. >reatin& meanin&(ul ne$ brand namesH = stud, o( semantics and sound
s,mbolism. Journal of Marketing !heory and "ractice4 B0214 2%.
>res$ell4 @. 020121. Educational research# "lanning$ conducting$ and e%aluating &uantitati%e
and &ualitati%e research.( !thed.1. I""er Saddle Rier4 C@H Pearson /ducation.
>res$ell4 @. 0200)1. Educational research# "lanning$ conducting$ and e%aluating &uantitati%e
and &ualitati%e research ('rd ed.). I""er Saddle Rier4 C@H Pearson /ducation.
;a,lor4 S. @.4 and .o&dan4 R. 01BB)1. (ntroduction to )ualitati%e Research Methods('rd ed.).
Ce$ ?or74 H @ohn Jile, and Sons4 Inc. .
Eo&t4 J. 01BBB1. Dictionary of Statistic and Methodology. housand Oa7s4 >=H Sa&e
Strauss4 =.4 and >orbin4 @. 01BB01. Basics of &ualitati%e research. >ali(ornia4H Sa&e Publications
;asha77ori4 =.4 N ;eddlie4 >. 01BB)1. Mi*ed methodology# Com+ining &ualitati%e and
&uantitati%e aroaches. ;housand Oa7s4 >=2 Sa&e.
>res$ell4 @. J. 01BBB1. Mi*ed,method research# (ntroduction and alication. (n -. Ci.ek (Ed.)$
/and+ook of educational olicy. San 'ie&o4 >=HH =cademic Press.=cademic Press.
Lreene4 @. >.4 >aracelli4 E. @.4 N Lraham4 J. D. 01B)B1. ;o$ard a conce"tual (rame$or7 (or
mi-ed:method ealuation desi&ns. Educational E%aluation and "olicy 0nalysis4 110314
>res$ell4 @. J.4 Loodchild4 #.4 N ;urner4 P. . 01BB61. Inte&rated *ualitatie and *uantitatie
researchH /"istemolo&,4 histor, and desi&ns. In @. Smart 0/d.14. /igher education#
/and+ook of theory and research4 0Eol. 114 "". B0M1361. Ce$ ?or7H =&athon Press.
=a7er4 '. 01BB11. Managing Brand E&uity# on the %alued of a +rand name. Ce$
?or7H ;he Dree Press.
Rosenthal4 L. 0200341. 0 name +y any other name# resonding to increasing role of marketing in
higher education Doctoral Dissertation. Iniersit, o( Penns,lania.
>hu4 #e42 ?eu and Par7. 0201!1. 6o$ much chan&e is o"timal $hen a brand . 0sia marketing
1ournal4 Eol. 15 Co. 0!.
+u9ellec4 #. and #amb7in4 +. 020061. >or"orate rebrandin&H 'estro,in&4 trans(erin& or creatin&
brand e*uit,. Euroean Journal of Marketing4 )03:)2!.
Susan4 L. 0Jednesda, Debruar,4 20131. 02!M B34-S. Retrieed Jednesda, Debruar,4 20134
(rom htt"H<<a,<blo&<research:junction<rebrandin&:essentials:$h,:rebrand<
Figure "-! work schedule-

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