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Create Your Own Superhero

I. CLASS: High School Class, 9


II. TIME NEEDED: 50 minute class, 5 classes (1 day for introduction, 3 work days, 1
day for final critique).

III. ART BACKGROUND RELATED TO LESSON: The genre of mythology is an
ancient theme in the history of art. Greek and Roman mythology has been
especially influential in the history of Western art, in which Gods and somewhat-
more-than-human icons like Hercules are depicted in much the same way
superheroes are depicted today. Early Renaissance painter Sando Botticelli often
painted mythologically inspired paintings, such as the infamous Birth of Venus
(1486)Venus being the Roman God of love and beauty and Pallas and the
Centaur (1482) which depicts a centaura mythological creature that is half horse
and half human. Today, we have our own form of modern mythology in the form of
superheroes as depicted in comic books, graphic novels and major motion pictures.
Comic books in the U.S. can truly said to have begun with the invention of
Superman. Created by two high school students living in Cleveland Ohio, writer Jerry
Siegel and artist Joe Shuster, Superman first appeared in Action Comics (part of DC
comics) in 1938 and is considered to have ushered in the Golden age of comic
books. Superman, as the archetypical superhero of the 20
Century, has since been
succeeded by a plethora of famous superheroes, such as the ones created by Stan
Lee of Marvel comics, such as Spiderman and The Incredible Hulk, among many

IV. SUBJECT: Using photographs and Photoshop to create an original superhero by
combining multiple images of animals, humans, and other life forms, real or mythical,
together. The student will also place the superhero against a background suitable
for the hero (e.g. their lair or out fighting crime).

V. EQUIPMENT/AV MATERIALS: Computer, digital cameras, and smartboard or
projector for powerpoint presentation, comic books/graphic novels for inspiration.
VI. SUPPLIES: Photoshop software, Powerpoint (for presentation), tripod if available,
sketchbooks and pencils/pens for making sketches, and comic books for inspiration.

VII. OBJECTIVES: Use the tools of Photoshop and the principles and elements of
design to think creatively and invent a new superhero of their own making. Students
should also come away with an understanding of the history of mythological themes
in the history of art, how to use art vocabulary terms properly, and how to critique
and work respectfully with other students.

Ohio Art Content Standard- for grade HS Beginning
2PE: Identify and describe the sources artists use for visual reference and to
generate ideas for artworks.
4PE: Identify the factors that influence the work of individual artists.
Students will learn about mythological genres in art from the Renaissance as
well as modern day examples (comic book superheroes), and by exploration
with various materials in class (e.g. comic books) they will create a work of art
based on these influences
5PR: Investigate how to access available digital tools and innovative technologies to
create and manipulate artwork
Students will use photographs in conjunction with Photoshop editing software
to edit and manipulate images. Students will also be accessing images on
the internet to generate artworks.
3RE: Use appropriate vocabulary to define and describe techniques and materials
used to create works of art.
Students will participate in class critiques in which they will be required to
describe their process in creating their Photoshop image

State Standards in Other Disciplines
English/Language Arts Stadards:
Acquisition of Vocabulary: Students use and understand digital terms used
in Photoshop to create artworks, as well as general art vocabulary to describe
the principles and elements of design they used.
Social Studies Standards:
History: Analyze and interpret significant events, patterns, ad themes in the
history of Western art using materials drawn from the diversity of human

IX. ACADEMIC LANGUAGE: Copy and Pasting (using keyboard command shortcuts).
Liquefy filter effects, Quick Selection, Brush Tool, Opacity, Layers, Free Transform,
Text Tool, Drop Shadow, Layer Mask.

X. LEARNER OUTCOMES: Students will demonstrate an understanding working with
layers, channels, and basic blending and editing tools such as Healing Brush,
opacity levels, liquefy, transform tools, etc. in order to create a final image of a
unique superhero of their own creation. They should also keep in mind element of art
and design (such as composition, line, color, etc.), as well as historical and modern
uses of the superhero theme when creating their superhero and placing them against
a background scene. Students should also be able to articulate their artistic
decisions using appropriate art vocabulary during discussion/critique.

XI. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Keep liquids and magnets away from electronic

XII. ALTERNATIVES TO THE LESSON PLAN: Scan film or physical photographs if a
digital camera is unavailable. I will provide extra cameras for students without digital
cameras to take photos. If student has iPad or camera phone, they may use those
instead of a DSLR camera. If students wish, they may choose to do a supervillian if
its appropriate and approved by the teacher. For advanced students, they may be
given the challenge of creating both their superhero and their arch nemesis (a
supervillian). Another alternative might be to also include various superhero
accessories, such as a vehicle like Batmans Batmobile.


1. Day 1 Introduce students to project, and talk about the history of mythological
themes in art throughout Western art, including examples from Botticelli and
other famous historical painters, as well as modern day examples such as
Superman and the Marvel universe. After a Powerpoint presentation showing
these examples, let students browse through a collection of comic book to get
inspiration and spend the rest of class time having students sketch out various
ideas in their sketchbooks.
2. Day 2 Students should have their idea ready and begin shootings any images
of themselves they need for the project. Spend the rest of the day working on
getting all the images necessary for the project (e.g. including background
images from the web if needed).
3. Day 3 Begin editing images together to create a superhero with a background
4. Day 4 Last work day; continue working and editing until done.
5. Day5 Do final critique and have a discussion about their final products. If time
allows, give students chance to make edits before turning in for final grade.


Assessment of student ability
to complete art activity
Excellent Good Average Needs
Criteria 1 Process:
Use of at least 3 different
elements in creating superhero
(e.g. mask/helmet, electricity,
clothing, accessories, etc.). Must
also include a background scene
that fits the superhero.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 or less
Criteria 2 Craftsmanship:
Final product is clean,
convincing, and well edited.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 or less
Criteria 3 Behavior:
Participates & shows respect for
students during project & class
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 or less
Criteria 4 Effort:
Shows evidence of planning out
ideas in sketchbook (3 sketches).
Used time wisely and didnt rush
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 or less
Criteria 5 Creativity:
Show originality and purpose in
design of superhero. Its okay to
get ideas from existing
superheroes, but it should not be
a mere replica or knock-off.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 or less
Total: 50 (possible points)

50 46 points = A 45 40 points = B 39 33 points = C 32 25 points = D 24 0 points = F

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