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Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency (ETRA)

2 Jake Garzio Drive

Ewing, New Jersey 08628
Minutes: May 5, 2009

Submitted by:
Tyrone Garrett, Executive Director

Public Notice and Attendees

a. The meeting of the Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency (ETRA) convened
at 7:05 PM in the Agenda Room and officially opened with the “Sunshine Law”
statement by Chairperson Robert Kull.
b. Attendees: Chairperson Robert Kull, Commissioners: Iman Aquddus, Dan Brandt,
Terrance Stokes (Hilary Hyser, Suzanna McGee & David Rose were excused)

Public attendees: None

Approval of Minutes of March 18, 2009

The minutes of March 18, 2009 was tabled. The meeting lacked a quorum of
Commissioners who vote on the minutes.

Legal Update

No Legal Update.

Old Business

OARP – Chairperson Kull updated the Commissioners on the status of the OARP
after holding the consistency meeting with the Planning and Zoning Boards.
Additional revisions to the OARP where made by Charles Latini in an effort to
simplify the process and reduce all concerns regarding existing non-conforming uses
of properties.

Resolution 4-01-09
Approval of the List of Bills for the Month of April 2009

These bills included March 2009 invoices from Markowitz Gravelle , Tyrone Garrett, and
Community News Service and Polcari & Company totaling $6,960.69.

Motion: Commissioner Brandt

Second: Commissioner Stokes
Commissioners voting: Kull, Brandt, Aquddus & Stokes
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Absent 3

Resolution 4-02-09
Approval of the 2007-2008 Audit

The 2007-2008 Audit produced by Polcari & Company was accepted by the Board and
forwarded to the NJDCA.

Motion: Commissioner Brandt

Second: Commissioner Stokes
Commissioners voting: Kull, Brandt, Aquddus & Stokes
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Absent 3

Resolution 4-02-09
Approval of the 2007-2008 Budget

The 2007-2008 Budget accepted by the Board and forwarded to the NJDCA.

Motion: Commissioner Brandt

Second: Commissioner Aquddus
Commissioners voting: Kull, Brandt, Aquddus & Stokes
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Absent 3

Site Review:

Other Business / Correspondence / Code Enforcement / Site Review Updates

Having no further business, the Board unanimously supported the motion to adjourn the
meeting at 9:30 PM.

ETRA Meeting
May 5, 2009

Roll Call
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull Present
Iman AQuddus Present
Daniel Brandt Present
Hilary Hyser Excused

Suzanna McGee Excused

David Rose Excused

Terrance Stokes Present

Approval of the Minutes for March 18, 2009
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull
Iman AQuddus
Daniel Brandt Tabled Tabled Tabled Tabled Tabled Tabled
Hilary Hyser
Suzanna McGee
David Rose
Terrance Stokes

Resolution 4-01-09
List of Bills
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X
Daniel Brandt X X
Hilary Hyser X
Suzanna McGee X
David Rose X
Terrance Stokes X X

Resolution 4-02-09
Approval of 2008 Audit
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X
Daniel Brandt X X
Hilary Hyser X
Suzanna McGee X
David Rose X
Terrance Stokes X X

Resolution 4-03-09
Approval of Budget
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X X
Daniel Brandt X X
Hilary Hyser X
Suzanna McGee X
David Rose X
Terrance Stokes X

Adjournment @ 7:35 PM
Motion Second Ayes Nays Absent Abstention
Robert A. Kull X
Iman AQuddus X
Daniel Brandt X
Hilary Hyser X
Suzanna McGee X
David Rose X
Terrance Stokes X

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