MR K R Desai

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company presentation 2012 28/11/2012
Management Aspects of CETP
K R Desai
Narmada Clean Tech Limited
(a Subsidiary Unit Of GIDC GUJARAT)
Presentation is my own views 23/11/2012
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company presentation 2012 28/11/2012
No industry can survive without expansion and diversification
Regulatory allows expansions and new set ups in the estates, if
development is sustainable
Estate is evaluated in totality so far as environment protection
is concerned
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company presentation 2012 28/11/2012
Management Aspects of CET
Achievement of pre set ob!ectives
"perational control
EMs #eeping entire estate in to consideration for consistent
compliance of statutory re$uirements
CET should have strict and strategic policy to accept pollutant
load from member industries as per the inlet designed criteria%
Capital and revenue collection strategy
Anticipation of future needs and to have proactive approach
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"b!ectives of CET
To achieve &Economics of scale' in waste treatment, thereby
reducing the cost of pollution abatement for individual factory
To minimi(e problems li#e)%%
* lac# of technical expertise
* non availability of trained personnel
* non availability of sufficient space
by developing centrali(ed facility
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+omogeni(ation of waste water and better hydraulic stability%
To organi(e scientific disposal of treated wastes and sludge
Elimination of multiple discharges in the area
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company presentation 2012 28/11/2012
,ignificant aspects for CET success
Consistent $uality and $uantity of effluent at CET inlet
Absolute performance of CET
Adoption of discharge technology
Rational and achievable Environmental ,tandards
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company presentation 2012 28/11/2012
Constraints "f CET
Consistency in compliance to the prescribed standards is
constrained by many reasons such as)
-aried nature and scale of the industries%
Addition of industries in a hapha(ard manner without proper
.nconsistent effluent $uality / $uantity from the member
industries resulting in excessive inlet mass load than designed
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company presentation 2012 28/11/2012
oor and immoral approach of the member industries%
"perating on 0one si(e fits to all 1 basis
2ac# of access to capital investments, wor#ing capitals
2ac# of speciali(ed technical s#ills and thereby improper
management of common facility%
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Industrial Estate
Identification of
waste water
generating units
Dry Inventory
Wet Inventory
Selection of
effluent collection
Location of CETP
Selection of most
feasible Disposal
E!plore optimi"ation by
segregation of specific
streams # say refractory C$D
capacity of
recipient body and
treated water
Coice $f Most 'easible ( )iable
Treatment Sceme
Establisment $f CETP %nd Its $ ( M
Planning Process
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3actors .nfluence The roper lanning
45 Categories of effluent generating member industries
65 7ualitative 8 $uantitative fluctuation of effluent
95 re : treatment re$uirements
;5 ,egregation of effluent streams at individual member industry
<5 Collection and monitoring mechanism
=5 Treatability study and selection of treatment technology
>5 Mode of disposal
?5 Charging system
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.mprove discharge technology
Marine @eep ,ea @ischarge
Alobally accepted concept%
Costly but reasonable and sustainable long term solution
,upplementary to ET as assimilation capacity of sea is utili(ed
An effective, reliable and economical solution having minimum
environmental impact
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e.g. Sewage: nutrients (BOD, P), total coliform,...
Fecal coliform:
Raw sewage 10
e.coli/100ml Average: 10
EC Bathing Water Standard 500 e.coli/100ml Factor: 20,000
primary (mechanical) treatment
enhanced primary (chemical floculation)
secondary (biological)
tertiary (chemical)
1.5 3
10 100
100 1000
1000 10,000
Surface discharge at shoreline
Submerged single port discharge
Submerged multiport discharge (diffuser)
Dilution factor
2 - 10
5 - 50
100 - 1000
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Hydrodynamic mixing
Olympic Dam, Australia
Source: BWT Source: BWT Source: BWT Source: BWT
Dilution is not instantaneous!
Extension of Zone at
Ankleshwar NCTL discharge
approx. 100m
with dilutions from 250-2000
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Emission 2imiting -alue BE2-5
2imiting value to be observed at ET outlet%
Adopted by regulatory as it is easy to monitor%
Environmental 7uality ,tandards BE7,5%
2imiting value to be observed at receiving body%
.t is difficult to monitor%
E7, considers impact on ambient%
E2- never sees whether discharge is at !ust out side the factory or in near
by cree# or in river or in estuary or in seashore Bcoastal5or deep in to the
sea where instantaneous dispersion / tremendous dilution exist%
,tipulation based on E2- alone appears illogical, since it does not directly
consider the actual impact on the receiving water body%
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Means Of Finance
Capital Revenue
- CETP membership fees - Collection from Member industries
based on actual quantity and quality
- Equity form promoters of effluent discharged in CETP
- Term loan - Working capital loan
- Subsidy
- Grant in - aid
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Suggestions To Improve CETP Performance
.ntention to set up CET should be honest and healthy
Regulatory should ensure CET membership of industries prior to
granting and renewing N"Cs 8CCAs%
There should exist agreement between CET and member
industries which ensures complete compliance of effluent
acceptance criteria , revenue strategy and levy of penalty8
punishment on deviation%
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CET management should be independent and should not have
any interference from the member industries
CET should have dedicated monitoring cell
CET should have strong capital as well as recurring cost
collection strategies
@atabase collection Cdesign basisD at the conceptual phase should
be highly realistic and authentic%
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Regulatory should be very careful while granting 0EER"
@.,C+ARAE1 status to any chemical industries as in actual practice
it is a matter of debate that can any chemical industry be (ero
Fnauthori(ed discharge is one of the ma!or reasons for excessive
pollutant load at CET inlet% To carry the effluent up to common
collection point through 0under ground ( gravity networ*1
should be banned strictly by enforcing 0over ground (
pressuri"ed effluent carrying networ*1%
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Monitored $uality and measured $uantity of effluent discharged
by the member industries must match with what is received at
CET inlet%
Aovernment should extend sufficient financial aid to CETs%
rior to granting raw water and effluent $uantities, regulatory
should ensure that the same $uantities have been boo#ed at
CET% CET operator should have #nowledge about official
$uantity of individual member as well as the entire estate%
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There must be segregation of highly polluted streams with respect
to specific pollutant li#e refractory C"@ or N+9N and either these
stream should be treated separately at member industry's end or to
send separately to CET for specific treatment%
All CET members should follow ethics and observe discipline%
Member should give proper treatment at their end as per the
N"C8CCA given to them and should not discharge more $uantity
than permitted% Never adopt the way of unauthori(ed discharge by
any mode at any time%
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We do not inherit the
earth from our ancestors;
We borrow it from our

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