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Entry by Rares Ivan, Robert Assimiti and Ion Toma , Centero, USA

Centero introduces CenLab, a handheld, wireless, Internet of Things connected chemistry
analyzer. CenLab allows for automated, cost effective analysis of body fluids and water quality. It eliminates time
consuming and costly trips to the doctors office by providing ubiquitous, instantaneous urinalysis and blood
screening results in the comfort of your home or on the go. CenLab is a versatile tool for pre-emptive screening for
various diseases as well as monitoring of chronic conditions. It delivers meaningful and accurate health information
in a way that can be understood without a medical degree.
Enabling Avacar Virtual Vehicles
Entry by Josh Siegel, CarKnow LLC, USA

CarKnows open-source CARduino device uses GSM to digitally duplicate a vehicle in the Cloud,
mirroring all measurable parameters from On-Board Diagnostics, GPS and accelerometer devices,
and proprietary CAN networks, while also providing low-level access for real-time output control. Our RESTful API
uses human-readable commands for easy, brand-agnostic data capture and transmission through the use of a novel
manufacturer-aware interpreter. Data are stored in an interoperable JSON format, easing cross-platform
development and reducing time to market for vehicle applications ranging from prognostics to automation.
Entry by M.Sc. Magnus Ivarsson, GameReality, Sweden

GameReality has developed an Internet Protocol enabled first person shooter (FPS) game that
allows players to remotely control real-life holonomic combat robots over the internet based on an
Android app. Players are given a real time video feed which enables them to control the paintball or laser tag
equipped robots that are located in another city or country and hunt down other robots or players. Their goal is to
develop the first game to bring real people into an FPS world, giving gamers the opportunity to earn money by
developing robots for use both in the game and in reality - GameReality.
HOP into the IoT through IPv6-Ready Bluetooth Smart Devices
Entry by Dr. Antonio Jesus Jara Valera, David Fernandez Ros, Pablo Lopez Martinez, Jose Felix Castillo Moya,
HOP Ubiquitous S.L., Spain

HOP Ubiquitous presents HOPs: tiny and versatile Bluetooth Smart devices with an Open SDK to
interconnect them to Smart Phones (Android and iOS), Internet and Cloud Computing platforms, through a simple
and intuitive IPv6 and RESTFul API. Thereby, HOP is enabling innovative IoT & IPv6-enabled products for
personal area networks (activity monitoring/healthcare), home automation (energy efficiency), and proximity
marketing (interacting with the world).
IoTSySControl Logic Editor
Entry by Markus Jung and Jrgen Weidinger,
Automation Systems Group, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

The IoTSyS control logic editor provides a means for connecting both IP and non-IP based objects through an easy-
to-use HTML5 interface running on top of a Java-based middleware layer. IPv6 smart objects, non-IP based
automation devices and web-based information can all be quite simply interconnected graphically to implement a
powerful control system. A group communication mechanism based on IPv6 multicasting allows gateway-free peer-
to-peer interaction between IPv6 Smart Objects.

Dont forget to vote in the Peoples Choice Awards!

Check out all 10 contestants at the
IoT Pavilion on June 25th & 26th.
Use the unique QR codes to read
more about each entry.
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You can only vote once, so
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chance to win one of our Sponsor Prizes.
Attend the Peoples Choice Awards
Ceremony on Thursday, June 26th at the
Sensors Magazine Live Theater at

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