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This topic is to help provide practice for the students with using fact extensions.

Knowing basic
addition and subtraction facts will help the children solve higher-decade fact extension problems.
The more the students practice using the fact extensions the more comfortable they will feel.
Practicing with fact extensions will help the students become more fluent with their facts and
more fluent with everyday math. Understanding how math facts are related will help students
decide how to solve them. Deciding if facts are related can be challenging but, once they identify
the relationship they will know how to solve them using their basic fact.

Lets practice our first fact extension.
Looking at the fact extension to the right, what
patterns do you notice? Are there any similarities between
the addends? I notice that the addends are all using the same
simple math fact to make it an extension. How are the last
two problems related to the first one? All of the problems are
related because they all use the same base numbers of 7 and
8. Look at the first problem 7 + 8 =? This is a simple math
fact that you know without doing any math work. You know
that 7+8=15 so what do you think 70 + 80 is? If you know
that 7+8=15 then you also know that 70+80=150 because all
that changed was a zero was added. Now try the last one.
After you finish all of the problems and have all the answers written down, what do you notice
about the answers? All of the answers are also related because it uses the number 15 and just
adds the zero to make the answer true. After looking at all of the numbers the student should be
able to identify the fact family and the fact extensions.
This problem shows a simple relationship between numbers where the numbers only
change by adding a zero. This problem is a perfect example to show how knowing the basic math
fact of 7+8 helps you find the answer to a more challenging problem like 70+80. A fact
extension is directly related to knowing the basic facts and fact families.

Lets try a higher-decade fact extension
A higher-decade fact extension is a more challenging fact extension where all the patterns and
relationships may not be as noticeable. For this practice I am going to show the complete
equations so that we can find the patterns easier. Another thing that is different about this
equation is that it is uses subtraction.
In this fact extension the numbers do not all stay the same, like the last problem. Look
closely at the differences between the digits in each number
and what place value they are in. Look at the numbers 11, 21
and 81; all of these numbers have a 1 in the ones place. The
numbers that change are only in the tens place. Next, you need
to notice that all of the numbers are having 7 taken away from
them. Therefore you know that your answers are all going to
have the same digit in the ones place but, the tens place is
going to be different. The basic math fact that does help you
solve these problems is 11 7. The fact extensions are 21-7
and 81-7 because they are not considered to be simple and
fluently known. If you look at the numbers 11 and 21 the
difference between the two is 10 and then if you look at the difference between the answers 4
and 14 they are also only 10 apart. Knowing how to find these similarities will help students to
solve harder problems.

Here are a few more for practice! Good Luck!


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