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Arvind Mills is the ___________ largest Denim Product Third

To be successful and minimize risk, a company should have a portfolio of products with
different growth rates and different market shares
the strategic intent is conservative Under fit
The PIMS model takes explicit account of future changes in the market FALSE
for it new strategy …………. Was coined by arving management Renovision
tenure of loans is a part of the study of financial environment
The understanding of the complex interaction that takes place between different functional areas in
an organisation is enabled by Strategic Management
General Motors overtook Ford in the 1930's because ford did not replace their goal after
achieving their desired goal TRUE
It is required by the managers of various departments, profit centers to measure performance,
decide on control actions, formulate new decisions rules Management control information
The fortunes of the auto sector are strongly correlated to macro-economic parameters and
the performance of the industrial sector TRUE
…………. Level strategies are more specific and have well defined scope operation
logical reflection of functions, 2. Maintains power &
Purpose of departmentation are prestige of functions, 4. Simplifies training
No competition large players, leader in a small market,
Niche markets exibit the following features continuously create new niches
The strategic ……….. Is a traditional way of looking at strategy Fit
A strategy used to learn more about customers' needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger
relationships with them is CRM
The key operating principle of moral management is "Can we make money with this action
decision or behavior FALSE
Role model, Common enemy, Internal
Most visionary goals fall into one of the following categories transformation

Glueck S.M. is a stream of decisions and actions

S.M. is the process, which deals with the fundamental
Hofer organizational renewal and growth

S.M. is the systematic approach to a major and
important responsibility of general
Ansoff managementincreasingly
Sharplin is the formulation and implementation of plans

………….. is clear about the ends, but flexible about the means Strategic intent
assembly of semi-knocked down packs supplied by
Suzuki, setting up of joint ventures in component
The indigenization process in Maruti Udyog Limited is represented by the following activities manufacturing,
………. is often called a profit plan Budget
The aim in stability strategy is move slowly and surely
S.B.U. are more involved In planning role than implementation role FALSE
If A diversified company is linked to a large tree, the trunk will represent the ………. core products
corruption is an issue related to The social / cultural environment
The …………. had a crucial role on the business leading to concept of strategy environment
In a ……… decentralized structure is achieved and harmonized at plant and area levels Delegation
quantitative methods for help in determining the effective use of resources TRUE
……….. Constitute/s the focus for strategy at the corporate level Core competencies
The different marketing strategies adopted by a market leader include Flank defence, counter offensive strategy
It needs objective setting, proper evaluation of decision
making, creativity in decision making needed for complex
The issues seen in Strategic decision making include situatioin
a combined approach of low-cost and high local responsiveness simultaneously for their
products and services is part of a transnational strategy
In an Environmental Appraisal, the projects are an 2. Organization-related factors
Harvest strategy is used for Dogs, Question marks
The board of directors is a group of ……… men elected by shareholders or nominated by
certain interest 12 or 15
Distribution strength influences competitive strenght TRUE
Renovision means a new way of looking at issues, of seeing more than the obvious TRUE
Decisions can be made under three circumstances with regard to decision circumstances which
are Certainty, 2. Risk, 3. Uncertainty
the principal source of cash generations, There is a
limit to the market share of the cash cow, high cash
A cash cow has the following qualities generation requires high return and slow growth

engine of growth of the Indian auto industry can be attributed to Maruti Suzuki Ltd
Market growth, Stage of product life cycle, Relative
ROI(Return on Investment) is determined by market share
ROI(Return on Investment) is determined by Stage of product life cycle
Low investment intensity, Low relative unit direct
high return on investment (ROI) companies are characterised by costs, High capacity utilization
Maruti Udyog Limited countered the problem of rising raw material costs by Consolidated buying of steel and long term contracts
Market share, • Relative cost position, • Distribution
Competitive Strength is determined by strength
For success in the business, it is necessary to have a holistic view
• Social responsibility calls for maintaining high ethical standards within the organisation TRUE
Geographical expansion, new uses of products,
A market leader can expand the total market by *adaptations
As companies are becoming more and more integrated with public life and their impact on
society is increasing, important is being given Corporate governance
The link in strategizing and implementation, not
actively involved in formulation of strategies,
Middle level managers are developed to be the future top management
Only a ………. company with a balanced portfolio can use its strengths to capitalize on its
growth opportunities diversified
If A diversified company is compared to a large tree, the large limbs represent the end
product. FALSE
Investment entry modes Joint venture / Independent ventures / subsidiaries
narrow functional boundaries are cut across by …………. Management Strategic

Survival of the Fittest Present Scenario

Seller market 1920
buyer market After World War-II
Companies started going global 1980* or 1960*

Global learning, combined approach of low-cost and high
local responsiveness simultaneously for their
product/service,, flow of expertise from the transnational
company in a developed countries to those developing
A transational strategy includes countries
It emerged in the eighties, It is on the premise of
strategic management, role of the senior management is
The following are true for the 4th phase of evolution of strategic Management of utmost importance
Companies can outperform rivals only if it can establish a ……… it can preserve and deliver
greater value at a reasonable cost difference
a large-scale community development project to enable farmers to use local resources
effectively by Asian Paints
sales effectiveness, geographic advantages,
Business strength is an index of factors like customer knowledge
The tool used for decision making A range of futures scenario is technology forecasting
A unit may become a cash cow in the …………. Stage of its lifecycle advanced
How does structure reduce external uncertainty arising out human behaviour Research and planning , Forecasting
A competent manager should perform which following roles Interpersonal roles, Informational role, Decision role
A Win - Win situation has better chance of success because of low resistance
Business ethics is how personal norms do not apply to activities and goals of a
commercial firm FALSE
Infosys the major Indian IT company, binds all its business units in Europe and the west by
transfer of learning that may evolve in its business units and keeps the uniformity. This can be
termed as Global learning
To create new space in thr market, uniquely suited to the
In bad times, when a business is doing badly, the challane is organisation
…….. Is what the company aspires to be Vision
Operational Level Systems, 2. Knowledge Level
Different kinds of information systems are Systems, 3. Management Level Systems
…….. cost accounting measures the costs of producing and ignores the cost of non-producing Traditional
strategic intent, Environment Analysis, Generate
Strategic management is a systematic process which involves which are following Strategic Alternatives
The super structure indicates ways in which company's tasks are integrated or coordinated TRUE
In a win-win situation, there is a high resistance from competition FALSE
They start new businesses, independent in thought and
action, Entrepreneurs spirit can be promoted within an
Role of Entrepreneurs organisation

a cycling accessories firm strive to become "the Nike of the cycling industry." is ………….
Category of goal Role model
the world suffered a traumatic depression in 1950 FALSE
Displacing competitor is ________ category of goal common enemy

Figurehead role Interpersonal roles

Spokesperson role Informational role
Ability to see big picture Conceptual skills
Team work Human skills

It states that the private sector, because of its considerable economic and human resources, must
help in social programs. The capacity argument
……… is a modern plant consisting of modules centered around a stage in the production Flotilla concept
The Business Scenario changed after liberalisation and included changes like Formation of wto, it revolution, online trading
divestiture is a defensive strategy in the SPACE Matrix FALSE
Companies employ trained ………. To develop 'competency models' to identify potential
leaders. psychologists
Formal systems are adopted for bring ……….. amalgamation of decentralized units into
product groups coordination
Getting new users is a position defence strategy FALSE
Company Product or Service, the 5) Public Image, the
The Contents of Mission Statements include 3) Technology
stretching over new territories, broadening markets by a company is a form ……… defence Mobile
In the dynamic environment and due to complexities of business, strategies are needed to be
set at the *operation level
a very good distribution channel is a critical success factor for a consumer durable industry TRUE
f Bit bets
Australian Quality Council, • Japan Quality Award,
Examples of application of principles of PIMS in pursuing product quality can be seen in • Malaysia's Prime Minister's Quality Award
Scheduling is a part of strategic management FALSE
The following activities by Maruti Suzuki ltd have helped improve economic viability of company True Value scheme, Maruti Finance, lease and
dealership fleet management service for corporates
The traditional way of looking at the competition is seen when there is focus on the existing position & resources
functional level strategies exist at the corporate level and also at the SBU level
……….. Strategies perate under sbu level Functional


!st phase of EVOLUTION OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT integration of the functional areas

!st phase of EVOLUTION OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT single product line
!st phase of EVOLUTION OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT global competition

Concentric diversification means new activity related to the existing business

The condition which lead to the evolution of the 3rd phase of evolution of strategic management geographically large market, more number and types of
include customer, increased competition
Attack strategies are frontal attack , flank attack , encirclement attack
Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of Top Management
will not help to understand the resolution of potential
Accessing the current tactical advantages of known competitors competitors
The super structure indicates ways in which company's tasks are integrated or coordinated TRUE
Control mechanism , Departmentalisation ,
How does 'structure' reduce internal uncertainity arising out of human behaviour Specialisation
How does 'structure' reduce EXternal uncertainity arising out of human behaviour RESEARCH AND PLANNING, FORECASTING
It needs big investment to convert to star, products
having low market share in highgrowth markets, ***In the
bcg matrix, question marks are the products in the upper
question marks display following characheristic right corner of the matrix
……….. plays an important part in the strategy selection. Leadership
When a company emulates the market leader with slight variations, it is called a Cloner TRUE
market leader having a high growth rate, not self
The Star of the Portfolio has the following qualities financing, cash generation
monitoring, controlling, decision making, and administrative activities of middle
managers are served by designing Management Level Systems
reputation resource is an intangible external resource TRUE
Expansion strategy means growth
________ is the drive to achieve beyond one's expectations Motivation
Business units with very large market shares enjoy higher rates of return.because of economies of scale
Activity Analysis, 2. Decision analysis, 3. Relation
Three ways to determine the organization structure for any business are analysis
Excelling in one market guarantees success in a new FALSE
Money is invested by way of  Debt , Equity


Vertical forward integration means Becoming your own customer

Horizontal integration means Additional product/service for same customers
vertical backward integration means becoming your own supplier
strategic alliances means two or more entities join hands for mutual benefit

feedback to the participant can be observed in Delphi method

Value chain analysis is an effective tool for ________. internal analysis

Difference between desired and projected

Gap analysis performance
Corporate parenting Managing SBU's by a corporate
Heartland business Give the highest priority
Ballast business Fit well but low opportunities

Denominator management cost reduction

Environmental competitiveness tends to encourage ethical behaviour. FALSE
Assumes factory as an isolated entity , It measures only
Limitations of Traditional cost accounting are the cost of producing
ETOP stands for ________.  environmental threat & opportunity profile
Stockholders are not owners of corporations, we're often told that's why their interests are
are not paramount FALSE
Amoral approach is neither immoral nor moral but is oblivious to ethical
considerations. TRUE
………….. is useful in answering one, specific, single-dimension question. Delphi method
………….. hold a high market share in a growing market STARS
Small Exploration strategy Pause/proceed with Caution
petroleum jelly was a lubricant, came to be later on used widely as skin care. This is an
example of expanding markets ………. new uses
Demand variability is a determinant by Industry strenght
Empathy is the Thoughtful consideration of the feelings of people while making decision TRUE
Consolidation strategy means better profit strategy
The ……… is a guide to action portfolio concept
Business is rated on which dimensions  Market attractiveness , Business strength

Concept of maximization results, satisfying,
The three view points of criteria for decision making are` incrementalism
High growth ucts Require investment to grow
leaders with empathy cannot make hard decision TRUE
Like roots of a tree, ________of organization is hidden from direct view.  core competence
When the environmental munificence is high then the opportunities for success are limited FALSE
The various models of social responsibility are Austere Model , Vendors Model , Civic Model
A ………. , • If successful,will become a cash cow when its industry matures star
In the Ge Matrix, Investment should be made for the ……… domain, to allow the product to grow
with the market growth
Strategic Budgeting, • Matrix Budgeting, • PLC Based
The various models of resource allocation are Budgeting
Lifestyle, unique customer requirement provide, in all market, the scope for …………….. Focus
economic advantage, specialized technology, special
Advantages of Departmentation by Customer process are skills
It is the principal source of cash generations, There is a
limit to the market share of the cash cow, It has a high
A cash cow has following qualities market share in a slow growing industry
Uneconomical seprate existance, risk of business gets
Factor encouraging joint ventures are shared, sharing competence of each other
a corporation is considered a piece of property not a human community so it can be owned
and sold by the propertied class. TRUE
Counterfeiter copy but with a difference that can be seen. FALSE
The panel director filters out material not related to the
purpose of the, problems of group dynamics are by-
The Advantages of Delphi method include passed,, interaction is anonymous
Contractual entry modes are licensing / franchising
Providers and users of cash and other resources over a period of time amoung diferent
units/products of an observation can be obtained through PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS

Milestone review Another method of implementation control

Long and short term controls Balanced approach to evaluation
Variance Actual and budgeted performance
Crisis Management leads to organisational learning

Brush your teeth twice a day is an example of expanding the total market by________.  more usage

levels of strategy are corporate level, S.B.U. level,, functional level

________ models can be described as a system that describe how pieces of business fit together.  Business
………….. Business Divestment
Micheal porter suggested thre business level strategies that a firm can pursue. They include cost leadership, differentiation, focus.

Standards of performance act as the benchmark against which the actual performance is compared. TRUE
Financial environment is concerned with demand & supply of money, capital markets
The important variables to make a decision is the ……………. constraint within which the problem
must be solved Time
Under functional strategics we have vertical fit & horizontal fit. TRUE
Cadbury's add in which Amitabh Bachchan clarifies about the safety of the product (dairy milk) is an
example of ________ defense counteroffensive
________ relationships are effective in communicating complex information Personal
The relationship between strategy and business model can be utilized in efficient and effective
manner if application is done with willingness
In the GE Matrix, the strategy to Invest and grow is adopted for the SBU's in the upper left cell
They are ultimately responsible for all the administrative aspects of strategic evaluation and control Chief executive
……………. Approach helps the businesses in shifting from Lose - Lose to WIN - WIN situation egocentric*
Secondary sources of information are newspapers, magazines, journals etc.
Identifies quality and productivity from a production
process , Identifies impact of any change on
performance, Instantly spots malfunctions and show
What is Statistical Quality Control(SQC) where they occur
The decisions which are relate to daily decisions like leave records etc. which are
mundane in nature & highly routined & can be done at a junior level are operational decisions
The PIMS model can assess today's strategy and its adaptation in ……….. Market today's

Line Managers Responsibility Ensuring Implementation of marketing actions

Middle- level Managers Ensuring proper tactical changes
Taking decisions regarding efficient and effective
Top level Executives allocation of resources
Executive summary Synopsis of marketing plan

Opportunity to differentiate products and services is a factor determinig competitive strength FALSE
Change in company's strategy gives rise to problems necessitating a new structure to
be made TRUE

Export entry modes are  direct/indirect export
Economics of scale are an important aspect in an oranisation that pursues the strategy of Cost leadership
Labour satisfaction may result in unethical behaviour as anger. FALSE
anticipates environment threats and opportunities and
The active dimention of grand strategy is seen when an organisation adopts offensive strategy
It Includes the behaviors and activities that are expected of business from society's members Ethical responsibility
Over dependence on a single product line in a mature market indicates Strategic disadvantage
The major major principles that explain the linkages between strategy and performance in the PIMS Market Share, Cash flow Position, Quality of
model include products & services
The supplier and technological environment is concerned with ……… Logistics
focused on the Indian geographical conditions,
analysed the unmet need which has catered millions
of customer in India, large number of distribution
Maruti Udyog limited has retained leadership position throughoutdue to the following channel and service centers through out the country
The factors considered for an internal environment study include resources, capabilities and competencies
marketing Strategies for a Niche Market includes continuously create new niches

Profit centers S.B.U. s

S.B.U.s are more focused on their Product line/business
Manufacturing strategy Productivity
Board of Directors Link between company & external environment

………….. is the collective learning of an organization Core competence

…………… is an internal dimension of space matrix financial strength
A pictorial depiction of various outcomes of a decision is decision tree
Divestiture is opposed to diversification. FALSE
In the GE Approach, The industry attractiveness index includes factors like market size, market growth, seasonally of demand
________ and greater accountability replace formal control Self-discipline
For a high cash generation, one requires high return and slow growth
Strategic Management process is in an effort to satisfy key organizational stakeholders. TRUE
it is better not to invest in question mark if There is an an established leader in market
Magnitude of the decision outcome and scope of their impact on the decision maker's domain of
activity is significance

The …………. opportunity arises when businesses are unaware of the potential benefits of synergy Perception

the ……… opportunities arise when businesses fail to assess the costs & benefits of a potential
synergy Evaluation
use of competitive intelligence at all level, reciprocal
strategic intent includes which of the following/ responsibility, competitive innovation
structuring of information flow, • feedback to the
the Delphi method is characterised by participants, • anonymity for the participants
the route map chosen navigating the firm through all the fluctuations and turbulence the firm
may face is ………. primary corporate strategy
Social responsibilities of a business mean the obligations, which it has to discharge towards
the sections of the community TRUE
In delohi method, the questionnaire are transmitted more than once TRUE
in the upper left are those in which the company
should invest and grow,, the lower right corner,
harvest strategy be used,,,in the lower right cell ,
In the GE Matrix, the BU's should be divested,
sizeable stretch, reciprocal responsibility,
Strategic intent involves documenting failure
Textile industry identified as core sector of India,
Free access to the huge global textile market, Textile
industry shifting to developing countries like India
Swot analysis of arvind mills has highlighted the following opportunities for the organisation for cost cutting
Divestiture is an end in itself FALSE
Retrenchment strategy means contraction of business activities
The …………….is an exercise in group communication among apanel of well dispersed experts Delphi method
The Niche Marketer is a leader in small markets TRUE
managers feel themselves to be a part of a process, and not isolated, when they can relate
environmental changes to following changes within the organisation policy changes
Hirarchy of strategies in descending order is S.B.U. level, corporate level, Functional level,
operational level FALSE
it needs objective setting, evaluation of decision
making, Creativity in decision making needed for
The ISSUES seen IN STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING include complex situation
A techniques used in environmental forcasting is Game theory
Simulation, Cross-impact analysis, Morphological
Some techniques used for environmental forecasting include analysis,
Premium branding helped Apollo tyres weather storm of depression TRUE

The outer circle of area of social responsibility is associated with issues like training of
unemployed, employment for handicapped people and minorities, etc TRUE

*Internal Strategic Position vs External Strategic

SPACE Matrix Position
Boston matrix Market growth Vs market share
Gap analysis Performance Vs time
Mckinsey/ ge matrix Industry attractiveness Vs business growth

Japanese companies unleashed a force across the world along with other Asian companies
posing threats for the US and European companies in the eighties
An unhealthy portfolio has More dogs , Few stars
one of India's largest diversified business houses is ……… Nicholas Piramal India Limited (NPIL)
According to Michael Porter, the core of efficiency management is strategy. TRUE
The culture of a company is conveyed through Rites , Myths , Rituals
Environmental issues lend themselves to a straightforward classification into neat categories FALSE
The various areas covered by social responsibility are Inner Circle , Intermediate circle , Outer Circle
…………… captures the essence of winning and is stable over time Strategic intent
Arranging training program on productivity is a strategic decision FALSE
A contractual form of entry into global markets is seen in Franchising
quality & no. of suppliers , logistics , raw material , trends
supplier & technological environment is concerned with and rate of change of technology
The results of the SPACE Matrix indicate direction for future investment
An organization develops its core competencies over a period of time TRUE
s in swot stands for inherent capacity of organization
In the cash flow of a product, The payoff from growth must come when the growth ……….. slows
ability of the company to raise funds, Usage of
The factors considered to study the financial capability of an organisation include funds, 3. Management of funds
Decision role is inclusive of Negotiator role
The ……….. Is the link between the company and the environment Board of Directors
The Quantitative Management Viewpoint emerged as a major force during ……….. World War II
The Quantitative Management Viewpoint emerged as a major force during world war 1. FALSE
…………… s not an end in itself, and leads to creating new businesses and strengthening existing
ones Divestiture
customer loyalty can be gained through differentiation TRUE

Strategic management is concerned with long- range planning
In the BCG approach, units or products with low market share in high growth markets are called
………. Question marks
Temporary viability, 3. Survival is possible but little
potential for future growth exists, costs cannot be
recovery situations include reduced and declining demand
policies define an area within which a decision is to be taken TRUE
Strategic management deals with Business process
a corporation is considered a piece of property, not a human community so it can be sold &
owned by the propertied class TRUE
end user specialist , customer specialist , geographic
Niche marketing means specialist
end user specialist , customer specialist , geographic
Niche can be on the following basis specialist
Access to investment resources is a factor determinig competitive strenght TRUE
Type & Strategy of organisation , Environmental
Factors determining HRP (Human Resource Planning ) uncertainties , Type & quality of information
After the success of Japanese and Asian companies in the eighties, many companies copied the
efficiency and practices of the Japanese companies. These practises refer to operational effectiveness

Market follower are imitator

Market challenger are bypass attack
Turnaround strategy V.R.S
Maintain strategy stable environment

Trust & fairness , Changed Management ,

The Hallmarks for self-regulation are Integrity & thoughtfulness
Responsibility towards society & community includes - Avoiding bad, smoky chimneys, & pollution of
any kind and abiding by the Environment Protection Act
The one quality that all great leaders share is that emotional intelligence
Operational Level strategies are derived from ….. Strategies Functional
Strategist related, 2. Organization related, 3.
the factors affecting environmental appraisal are Environmentrelated
Technical skills , Cognitive skills , Emotional Intelligence
Competenncy models reveal three types of capabilities Quotient
The benefits of a change in process are defined in terms of ________ cost savings Labour
It refers to the relatively more durable company arrangements and relationships Structure

………. Occur when there are inconsistencies in image and reputation Trade offs
Module of Flotilla strikes an optimum balance of ________ and flexibility Standardisation
An operational turnaround strategy is usually linked with ……… internal retrenchment
It indicates the degree of differentiation Structure
……….. are chronological sequences of required actions Procedures
Companies have strenghts in a number of areas but their key strength are few in
number TRUE
establish an environment for accomplishing group
goals with least time, money materials and personal
dissatisfaction, Take actions that will make it
possible for an individual to make their best
Role of a Manager in today's changing business scenario is to contributions to group objectives,
identification of the Critical Success Factors (cfs's) can be done By SWOT analysis
The CEO is the most important strategist and responsible for all the aspects TRUE
Interpersonal roles include Figurehead role, liaison role, • Leader role
This strategic posture plays a leadership role in establishing how the industry operates Shapers
make ………. Evaluation of business strategy quantitative
Japan's major productivity gains are the results of social changes brought about by ________ Statistical quality control
Style of a company are the patterns of actions taken by members of top management over a period
of time TRUE
The term strategy is derived from the Greek Work "Strategy' Which means General ship-the actual
direction of military force TRUE
There are …………. levels at which strategic plans are made for most companies three

Systems are formal and informal rules and regulations that complements the company structure TRUE
it is formal and informal rules and regulations that complements the company structure Systems
Close supervision, 2. Close control, 3. Fast
The Organization with narrow spans have the advantages of communication between subordinates and superiors
To f) Maintain a regular and continuous supply of goods and introduce better and new products
through R&D is one of the social responsibilities of consumers
To f) Maintain a regular and continuous supply of goods and introduce better and new products
through R&D is one of the social responsibilities of people
The study of the internal Environment of the firm involves anaysis of its resources, capabilities and competencies
Core Values are Independent of the current industry environment
Business units with very large market shares enjoy higher rates of return because of economies of scale
The environment of any organization is "the aggregate of all conditions, events and influences that
surround and affect it." TRUE

Stage of product life cycle has no impact on the ROI TRUE
Change in company's strategy gives rise to problems necessitating a new structure to
be made TRUE
…………. creates a need for a shift in perception of competition Game Theory
The objective of R & D maruti udyog limited was two fold. One was to reduce products costs and the
second was To become the reginal R&D hub for suzuki operations
…………… are the supreme authority in a company Board of Directors
HR implementation involues a series of action programme like production, estimation of raw
materials, labour & machine hours FALSE
The working system in maruti Udyog Ltd is as the Japanes System and encompassing such
practices as the same uniform for all levels of the work force TRUE
Personal limitation, Influence of group, Limitation
ISSUES IN STRATEGIC DECISION-MAKING are Regarding Rationality, creativity & logic
The primarily responsible for charting and deciding the future course of action in an organisation is
with the senior management
Ford's goal to "democratize the automobile." falls in the Role Model category target

Functions of top management are Policy framing, 7. Co-ordination, Plan formation

Customes perception, price performance equation,
a study of the The marketing environment will include competition
govt. policies, stability, philosophy of govt. , legal
system, implementation, infrastructure , import-
Factors to be considered in political- legal environmental scanning are export
Corporate strategy ensures fit between the firm and its environment
sharing costs by SBU's, building global
branddominance, building global share of
Building core competencies by an organisation does not include the following activities manufacturing
……….. involves a company attaining the lowest cost of producing a product or a service Cost Leadership
Core ideology core values , core purpose
The core purpose and values of the firm are discovered
In the 1980's when the textile industry faced a major crisis, aravind mills was at its Highest level of
profitability TRUE
……………. strategies operate under the SBU-level Functional
…………… responsibility goes a long way in building credibility and motivation reciprocal
influence overall value of the firm Capital Structure Planning
Managing and understanding IT, People
The Indian manager, in the current scenario needs which of the folowing management, Global sensitivity
the vertical axis in the GE Strategic Business Planning Grid represents industry attractiveness

……………. Performs role of evaluation of managerial performance against organizational
objectives to ensure strategy implementation Appraisal System
Empower people through great software anytime , any place, on any device'-
Microsoft vision
Analysis of Enterprise Position suggests the following strategy Invest , Grow, Harvest
Staffing function applies to all company levels irrespective of levels of
hierarchy TRUE
Industry Strength (IS) is determined by Growth potential, Productivity, Profit potential
To build a fortification around one's territory is called Position Defense
In the first phase of evolution of ' Strategic management ' planning was done was on the premise of
……… ad hoc policy
You must keep stretching your employees more and more is one of the Principles followed by
Ajay Piramal TRUE
a corporation is considered a piece of property, not a human community so it can be owned
and sold by the propertied class. TRUE
The payoff from growth must come when the growth slows
The preparation of …………. involves dividing the environment into different sectors ETOP
A market challenger adopts the following marketing strategy Flank attack
…………. does not diminish with use Core competence
strategy is about achieving excellence in individual activities FALSE
financial resources, organizational resources,
The Tangible resources of a firm include technological resources
In a SWOT ANALYSIS of a Financial Services firm changing regulation is considered a threat
________ is seen as an integral process that converts materials into goods Systems

Environmental Analysis Social, Political, legal & technology

Swot Analysis Matching, converting, minimizing & avoiding strategies

Marketing strategy Life cycle considerations
Marketing a product Mass segmentation

subsidiaries are more dependent on the center in …………. Organisation model International
the vertical axis is defined as Market Attractiveness,
the horizontal axes as Competitive Strength,
In the Directional Policy Matrix, thr following hold true Developed by the Shell Oil company

unfavorable conditions in external
T in SWOT, refers to environment
Make or buy decision is related with ________strategy. vertical ( backward ) integration

between a buyer and a seller , to avail tax

Merger takes place concessions , to increase growth rates
VRS (Voluntary Retirement Scheme) was a trategy move adopted by MARUTI UDYOG
LIMITED for cost cutting TRUE
High growth products require investment to grow
Problems with SBU concept can lead to imprisoned resources TRUE
Combination strategy is adopted when the organisation is large and faces a complex
environment TRUE
Game theory is an alternative way of looking at ………. competition
Game theory is an alternative way of looking at competition TRUE
explicit account of future changes in the market is not taken into account in the PIMS model
reaction to environment threats and opportunities is an active dimension of grand strategy FALSE
Companies connect with all of their Branch Offices on Real- time basis is an impact of the
IT revolution TRUE
simple consistency, activities are reinforcing each
The 3 levels of fit include other, optimization of efforts
there is a fair degree of control on the internal environment
Macro environment is the internal environment of a company FALSE
globalization, integration of markets are factors involved in a study of marketing environment
…………… is a Factor leading to Operations Capability 1.                   R & D system.
market penetration, product development,
The following dtraategies represent an aggressive strategy backward integration
It is to ensure a strategically desired behavior, especially as the individual objectives
may not be in line with the organization objectives Motivation System
The most desirable SBU's are those located in the upper left cell

The ________ are distinct little business set up as units in a larger company Strategic business Units
In the ……………… the horizontal axes as 'Competitive Strength' Directional Policy Matrix
A balanced portfolio of products help to To capitalize on growth opportunities
to provide strategic direction to the firm, to ensures
the fit between the firm and its environment, sets the
The main function of the corporate strategy includes pace of the corporation's total growth


how the components of the total cost of a company's

product are affected by cumulative experience, the
relationship of industry experience and average
industry prices and costs, how competitive cost
comparisons relate to current costs of direct
experience curve effect helps to understand competitors to their cumulative experience
Incremental approach, 5. Adaptive approach, 1.
Approaches to strategic decision-making are Formal structured approach
Approaches to strategic decision-making are International Structure Model
…………… are the glue that bind existing businesses and guide market entries core competencies
The organizational pyramid gives us a ……… hierarchy vertical
In real life there are constraints and complexities, which are dealt with by Strategic Management
________ should have the ability to develop a visionto see patterns into the
future. Leaders

A network of facilities and distribution that performs the functions of procurement of materials
trasforming into intermediate and finished products & distributing themto customers is Supply chains
Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making
Three important managerial qualities required for the effective strategic management ability , Vision
quality systems and practices …………. have been rated as a "benchmark for
automotive industry worldwide" Maruti Suzuki ltd
After the fail of USSR, the world rapidly moved towards Liberalization
The tangible link between identified core competence and end products are core products TRUE
the 3 main skills required by a manager are Technical skills , Cognitive skills, Human skills
one of the three main skills required by a manager include Human skills
Corporate level strategy cover the various strategies and functions performed by different SBUs TRUE
Titan going into setting their own retail outlets- this is ________ integration. vertical ( forward )
an alternative way of looking at competition is seen in Game theory
The control process requires the following types of information Planned performance , Variances , Reasons
Value chain analysis, • Qualitative analysis, •
The internal analysis for the organisational capability study uses tools like Comparative analysis
Policies do not allow for some discretion FALSE
In the present business scenario, rivals copy very fast. This is termed as Hyper competition
An approach that strives to follow ethical principles and percepts is Moral management
……………. Is about creating a fit among the different activities strategy
Reciprocal responsibility means equal blames and credit. TRUE
Budgets are plans expressed in numerical terms usually in financial terms TRUE

The portfolio concept works only when competitive advantage is real
Macro environment has got immediate impact on business. FALSE
Program is a combination of goals , policies , procedures
Implementation of strategy, Managing external
The activities of the senior management include environment, Governance of company

Position Defense build a fortification around one's territory

protect a weak front by creating outposts to stop
Flank Defense attackers
Mobile Defense broaden markets
Pre-emptive Defense attack before the competitor starts the offence

In the space matrix, the internal strategy position axes represents two internal dimensions,
namely financial strength and • competitive advantage
According to the Product Life Cycle Concept (PLC) concept, rapid sales growth is seen in
the maturity stage. FALSE
The distribution structure affects market attractiveness TRUE
Mass media includes which of the following Radio, tv, internet etc.
Core competence Needs to be nurtured and protected TRUE
This matrix measuring the health of the market and the company's strength to pursue it is known
as Directional Policy Matrix
SBU's are formed when there are multiple businesses
Will not change if circumstances change, It is a part of
Core values reflect the following core idealogy, They are choosen by the founders
a hardware manufacturer entering into software is an example of ………….integration Horizontal Integration
the three variables that make the dicision difficult are Familiarity, 2. Ambiguity, 3. Complexity
The 3rd phase of evolution of strategic management was in the ………….. Sixties

Expectations stricter auditing norms

Issues business ethics
Trends global warming
Weakness always in relation to the environment

By 1960s, there was a demand for a critical look at the basic concept of business due to
increasing …………. competition
define the required strategic improvements but it does
not say how it is to be achieved, does not take account
of future changes in the market, does not help in
Limitations of PIMS model include apprasing new business opportunity


Premise of AD-hoc policy MANAGEMENT
4 th phase of EVOLUTION OF
premise of strategic management STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
Premise of strategic Paradigm MANAGEMENT
premise of planned policy MANAGEMENT

Social strategy
Strategy as integrated plan to achieve basic objectives of
william glueck the entprise
Strategy as determination of the basic long-term goals
and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of the
Alfred chandler courses of action, allocation of resources
over emphasis of growth

A business enterprise is not a trust of the community FALSE

Arvind Mills endevours to be a one shop for leading garment brands TRUE

It is unattractive to company, suggests it is a candidates

Product opportunities appearing in the bottom right of the matrix indicate the following for cash management, can be considered for divestment
After World War-II, the approach was to rebuild the devastated economics. This Buyer market, diversification of Products, brand
changed scenario exihibited the following characteristics preferences among consumers
stars need cash investment for growth, cash cows
generate cash but will decline in the future, gs demand
In a BCG approach, the following is observed less cash
………….. is a creation of unique and valuable position, which rests on unique set of tailored
activities. strategy

Characteristics of a Mission Statement Specific, Motivational, 6) Distinctive
It is the most important feature in the implementation of strategic management leadership
Robust economic growth, affordable finance and
Growth of the passanger vehicle segment if favored by improvements in infrastructure
Ability to see the big picture, understand the
relationship among the different elements, recognize
Conceptual skills include significant elements in a situation
To ensure unanimity of purpose within the
organization, 4) To establish the organizational
climate, 3) To develop a basis for allocating
The Need for a Written Mission Statement includes organizational resources
A major part of strategy implementation is resource allocation
adapt and improve on the product of the market
The marketing Strategies followed by a Market Follower is to leader
The marketing Strategies followed by a Market Follower includes Imitator, • Adaptation, • Cloning
Corporate are intrinsic and require no external justification TRUE
Various phases of Growth are Creativity , Delegation , Co-ordination
Strategic intent implies a sizeable stretch for an organization TRUE
………… is the cornerstone to decide on strategy SWOT analysis
The capacity of of indigenization depends to a very large extent on the capacity of the ancillary sector
Responsibility for managing the company and relationship is the CEO
too much simplification is a major limitation of …………. BCG Matrix
the ……….. opportunities arise when businesses fail to assess the costs & benefits of a potential
synergy Evaluation
It is a function of the balance between cash flows, it
consists of products with different growth rates and
different market shares, A balanced portfolio can help to
The Product Portfolio has the following qualities capitalize on growth opportunities

Question Marks low market share in high growth markets

high market share in a mature slow growing
Cash Cows industry
Appraising new business opportunities PIMS model
Dogs low market share in decling growth market

The tool used for decision making in ' The alternate futures ' scenario is Option Valuation model
Acquisitions which are friendly are termed as "take-overs" FALSE
mission means vision
Within an organisation, a sense of direction and are active in implementation is seen due to the entrepreneurial spirit
The model based on 30 strategic variables and stored in an extensive computer based model and
database is known as the PIMS Model
Sustainable competitive advantage is necessary for the working of the Portfolio concept
………………… involves the sale or liquidation of a portion of business Disinvestment
……………. Organization is also known as Grid or Project or Product Management Matrix
The environment which has a direct impact on thr company is the Immediate environment
Increased market power , Increased diversification ,
The reasons for acquisition are Increased speed to market
The CEO is the supreme authority in a company FALSE
Investment in a Question mark product\unit is worthwhile when There is no dominant competitor
After the second World War, Policy making and functional area-integration did not suffice for the
organisation due to the Effect Of environment on the business
The details which have been retired, processed and used for in presence purposes or decision
making is known as Information
measured, inherent potential of an organisation
Organizational capability is comparable
Cost leadership is business level strategy TRUE
Stockholders are not the owners of corporations that's why their interests are not paramount FALSE

specific single dimension question Delphi method

allocating resources among different business units BCG matrix
low resistance from competition Game theory
desired performance & projected performance Gap Analysis

Transmission and dissemination of information, 3.

The Information Management Capability of an organisation are known by its Integrative factors, processing of information
Operational efficiency is essential but not sufficient TRUE
Political- legal , socio-cultural , economic-
Macro environment includes demographic
Vendor rationalisation, tie-up with SBI and its associate
bank to reach small town, Presence across the different
Initiative taken by Maruti Udyog Limited for leadership include segments

Textile industry identified as core sector of india, Free
access to the huge global textile market, textile industry
shifting to developing countries like india for the cost
SWOT analysis of arvind mills has highlighted the following opportunities for the organisation cutting
………….. & are the main challenges in strategic management Uncertainty, complexity
Every company reinvestments its over a period of time TRUE

Increase in passanger vehicles Affordable finance

consultant unbiased opinion
Senior Management Answerable to board of directors
link between the company and the BoD also external
CEO environment

The ………. Was developed as a result of technology forecasting study done for the US Military delphi Method
……………. Are the wellspring of new businesses Core competence
Forecasting profit, • Appraising new business
opportunities, effective allocation of capital, manpower
The common areas of application of pims model include and other scarce resources
In the Directional Policy Matrix, the cell in the bottom left corner, the strategy suggested is Divestment
Middle managers are …………… in formulation of strategies Not actively involved
A strategy needs operational effectiveness, trade-offs, fit
In strategy formulation, when activities are incompatible, you need Trade offs
Depressed Exit Price represents part divestment*
It is the process of analyzing, dividing and arranging work or activities into manageable portion for individuals,
sections & departments departmentation
________ support managers by keeping track of the elementary activities & transactions of the
organization such as sales, receipts, raw materials etc. Operational level systems
Factors of appraisal , Relevance of apprasial , Procedure
The major issues of appraisal system are of appraisal

Envisioned future Vivid Description

Core Ideology
Strategic intent Canon wanted to "Beat Xerox"
strategic planning

Concept of maximization of returns, b) Concept of
Three main criteria for Decision making are satisfying, c) Concept of incrementalism
Strategy rests on unique activities - perform activities differently or to perform different
activities than rivals TRUE
making philanthropic contributions, sponsoring a clinic for AIDS victim & training the
economically disadvantages are the examples of discretionary activities
Maruti udyog limited now accepts old cars of any manufacturerfor a new MUL car under its
………….. Scheme true value
The discipline which deals with what is good and bad and which moral obligation is Ethics
Adapter duplicate the leader and claim to be similar or even the same. FALSE
Vertical integration is concerned with supply chain
Undec the social goals the responsibilities with regard to employees includes prociding
maximum possible satisfaction to consumer providing quality goods & services at
reasonable prices. FALSE
tenure of loans is a part of the study of The financial environment
GATT stands for ________. general agreement on trade & tariff
Giving up existing markets because they are decling is ………….. harmful
Giving up existing markets because they are decling is ………….. FALSE
………. fund their own growth cash cows
Targets on turnover and profit form part of a firm's ………. objectives
allocentric approach means focussing on others
As public and common investors own more and more companies, managers need to be
oriented towards shareholder value
Internal/external dimension, Horizontal/vertical
Grand strategies operate over different dimensions, namely dimension, Active/passive dimension
Industry attractiveness is high business strenth is
Challenge for Leadership position is followed when average
Supreme authority which links Company with
Board of directors of the company are environment
The company compares itself against the competition and develops its …………… competitive advantage profile (CAP)
obsession with an organization , ambitions in proportion
to their existing resources & capabilities , what the
Strategic intent means organization strives for.
The Win-win situation is popularly known as ……….. COOPETITION
To create new space in market, uniquely suited to the
In bad times, when a business doing badly, the challenge is strenghts of the organisation
Corporate planning staff are the vital link in strategizing and implementation FALSE

American companies became best in the world After applying this principle of division of
labour TRUE
Search for the gap in the market waiting to be exploited that gives you a foothold in the market is competitive innovation
W in SWOT stands for inherent inadequacy of organization
Population's size, age, income, distribution of
The demographic environment is concerned with groups, • Family structure
General Electric Matrix is divided into how many cells 9
Relative cost position of a product is cost structure compared with competitors
Maruti Udyog Limited tied up with SBI and its associate banks to reach smaller towns and
cities where financing for purchase of vehicles was done
In directional policy matrix, Tomorrow's breadwinners among today's R&D projects may
come from …………. Domain Double or Quit
Concept of E-Commerce came into picture in the 21st century FALSE
Once a visionary goal has been reached, it needs to be stabilised FALSE
Company Product or Service, 5) Public Image, 3)
Contents of Mission Statements include Technology
History of the Organization, 2) Organization's
distinctive competencies, 3) The organization s
The key elements to be taken into account in developing mission statements include environment
Capital markets is a part of the financial environment
……………… enable the firm to create and exploit external opportunities Capabilities
the ability to create and exploit external opportunities is on account of the firm's Capabilities
Factors playing a crucial role in shaping the structure of any industry in economy Globalization, price pressure, consumer behaviour
(CA)Competitive Advantage is influenced by Product life cycle, Customer loyalty,
The most important single factor affecting a business unit's performance is ………. of its
products and services, relative to those of competitors. quality
ethnic mix is a part of The demographic environment
Delphi method is used to determine complex forecasts concerning multiple factors TRUE
According to Maslow Basic & Security needs are satisfied by means of Economic Profits
Trade offs occur when activities are incompatible
Suppliers under control due to large volumes, functional
Cost leadership exhibits following qualities products, large customer base
A market leader needs to carefully defend his markets, as competitors are always looking for Preemptive Defense, • Flank Defense, • Mobile
entry into existing markets. The defence strategies include Defense
Wholly-owned subsidiaries is Investment entry modes
The biggest risk to cost leadership is rapid and sudden technological change

Disturbance handler role is included in …………. Decision role
The major gain for the economy was the rapid increase in the production of all
segments of the automobile industry TRUE
factors to be considered while deciding candidates for divestiture are taxes, availability of buyers, market reaction
These are moves that will pay off irrespective of what happens in the future No-regret moves

One of the major impacts of the New Revolution in the Business world due to information technology Ability to connect world wide on real time basis]
companies participate in a number of different
"businesses", even if all falls within one general
industry category, resources to be kept fully employed
the Portfolio concept says in the areas having the highest yield or potential yield
________ identifies the impact of any change on performance Statistical quality control
Objectives exhibit which of the following factors Specificity, Periodicity, Verifiability
Board of Directors are responsible for the governance of the company TRUE
The only market leader in the world to be ranked number one in customer satisfaction is Maruti suzuki ltd
Profit making represents the individual aspect and the social obligation of supplying goods
and services at the acceptable price TRUE
made Corporate Values an integral part of their
HPCL, In order to realise the Corporation's Mission have decision making process
HPCL believes that the key to organisational excellence are its Human Resources
Entrepreneurs are………….. in thought and action independent
This strategic posture takes the current industry structure and its future evolution as given and
then react to the opportunities the market offers Adapters
According to the models of social responsibility, the Austere model focuses at the owner
The denim business is …….. in nature cyclical
Opportunity to differentiate products and services, •
Factors which can help assessment of market attractiveness include Distribution structure, • Market Size

market research is conducted by employees , by research agencies , by consultants

Opportunity to differentiate products and services Market Attractiveness
In Internal dimension of Grand Strategy the organisation adopts a strategy independently
Organization in satisfying its physiological needs is answerable to its stockholders
The good performers drive out inferiors because the best service available from anyone of
them soon becomes the standard for all competitors
Critical resources in the emerging information age are Intelligence , Information , Expertise
Maintaining high ethical standards in business and focus is referred to as …………. Social responsibility

A Large-scale community development project was funded to enable farmers to
use local resources effectively by Asian Paints
A company concentrates on its strong position and give up weak position as a
strategic withdrawal for defending its market share. This is known as flank
defence FALSE
Events taking place in te environment, trends in the
The factors that will be considered for Environmental Scanning environment, demands made by interested groups
The strategy to realise the value of the assets on a controlled basis to make the resources available
for redeployment elsewhere is seen in Phased Withdrawal Domain
The most crucial task in strategic planning is formulating the corporate strategy

single-variable extrapolation/multivariable
interaction analysis , structured/
unstructured expert/inexpert opinion ,
Techniques used in environmental appraisal are Dynamic modes and mapping
________ is a deep understanding of ones emotions, strengths, weaknesses,
needs, drives & their effects on self and others Self-awareness
the process of determining appropriate course of action for achieving organizational
objectives is known as Strategy formulation
………….. is derived from the societal strategy of a corporation Corporate level strategies
Corporate level strategies is derived from the societal strategy of a corporation TRUE
……….. are guides to decision making policies
The value of a product is completely dependent upon obtaining a leading share of its market before the growth slows
Strategic management Process is an effort to satisfy key organizational stakeholders TRUE
Michael Porter suggested three business level strategic that a firm can pursue. They
include Focus, Differentiation, Cost leadership
an organisation adopts a strategy that is related to its existing business. The dimension of grand
strategy is known as ………. Dimension Related
Synergistic effects manifest themselves in advantages over the competition in terms of organizational competencies

Opportunity to differentiate products and services Market Attractiveness

product quality Business strength
Cash Generator
Fixed assets Capital intensity

Associated external agencies means channel members, customers, suppliers etc

ITC's diversified status originates from its corporate strategy anchored on its core distribution reach, brand-building
competencies including capabilities,service skills in hoteliering
A unit can qualify for divestitute if it is a cash cow TRUE
It concentrates on organisation design and work flow Flotilla
one of India's largest companies with an unmatched record of managing JVs/Partnerships Nicholas Piramal India Limited
Modern Accounting uses ________ as a unit of measure Time
Change in company structure from divisional to matrix also mean changes in the systems in
various degrees TRUE
It provides a way to bring in the people dimension in macro company analysis without using psychological
models of human behaviour Culture
Today's managers must make companies flexible, respond rapidly and play to new rules every
day due to Hyper competition
Companies with good strategic intent know the importance of ………… documenting failure
The decisions which are applied to structured or routine problems are programmed decisions
Degree to which the decision maker is accountable for the outcomes of the decision is accountability
Margins and cash generated are a function of market
share, • Growth requires cash input to finance added
Cash Flow of the Product is determined by the following rules assets, product market cannot grow indefinitely
Entry of multinational into the business indicates for an organisation A Threats
Board of directors are owners / shareholders, lenders
All policies are 'statements' FALSE
In SWOT , S stands for favorable condition in the organization's environment
Economics of scale requires ________ high market share
obsession with an organization , ambitions in proportion
to their existing resources & capabilities , what the
Strategic intent organization strives for

Vision what a company wishes to become or aspires to be

mission what the company is and why it exists
BHAG big headed audacious goals
Fit SWOT analysis

CEO is a link between chief architect of organizational purpose

Rules spell out specific ……... , allowing no discretion actions, non-actions

dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze
impact of each sector & sub factor on organization ,
description of impact of each subfactor into a statement
The preparation of ETOP involves which is positive, neutral or negative

It is the process of selecting people for company positions and developing skills and abilities
for assignments in the company Staffing

The process of gradually letting a company or business wither away in a controlled manner is called Harvesting
The cornerstone of financial planning process of all organizations because of the cost,
control and risk considerations which influence overall value of the firm is Capital structure planning
The traditional approach towards uncertainity is Binary
HPCL believes that the key to organisational excellence are its Human Resources
Transmission and dissemination of information, 3.
The information management capabilities of an organisation are known by its Integrative factor, processing of information
Market share and profitability are strongly related TRUE
The Strategy Plan would have Resource allocation, SWOT, evaluation parameters
in an environmental appraisal, growth rate is an organisationa related factor FALSE
the strategic use of outside resources to perform activities traditionally handled by internal staff
and resources is Outsourcing
………... authority is held responsible for achievement of corporate goals Line
The capacity of indigenization depends to a very large extent on the capacity of the ancillary sector
Rules are a chronological sequences of required actions FALSE
Company Product or Service, 5) Public Image, 3)
Contents of Mission Statements Technology
This strategic posture invests sufficiently to stay in the race but avoids pre-mature
commitments Reserve the right to play
Role of Corporate Planning is administrative support
Checking performance , Reformulate strategies ,
Measures to take corrective action Standard check
the elements of external environment include ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, TECHNOLOGICAL
Distorted resource allocation , Inappropriate structure , Wrong
Performance is affected by motivational styles
Internal appraisal of the firm throws up the capability gaps of the firm
……… are invariably quantitative Objectives
the sustenance, nourishment and stability to an organisation is provided by its core competence

business strategy cover allocation of resources among functional areas along with functional
strategies TRUE
the export mode of entry into global markets by the organisation include licensing, indirect export, franchising
it includes voluntary beneficial activity that is not strongly expected of business by society's
members discretionary responsibility
delay in ……… measurment defeats the purpose of evalution time
in the strategic planning process scenario writing is a technique used for environmental scanning and forecasting
the actual performance deviates positively over the budgeted performance. This is an indication of
superior performance TRUE
it is designed to monitor a board range of events inside and outside the company that are likely to
threaten a firm's strategy strategic surveilance
market attractiveness is determined by Market Size, • Market growth, • Market profitability
from the swot analysis of armind mills, it is seen that Arvind may have to mobilize funds at a
significantly higher interest rate than the market Weaknesses of the firm
one of the factors determing market attractiveness is Distribution structure
potential access to a wide variety of markets and diverse products is provided by the core competencies
The main task in setting the corporate objectives is to decide the extent of growth the firm
wants to achieve TRUE
audacious goals are what the company would like to achieve
Close supervision, 2. Close control, 3. Fast
Organization with narrow spans have the advantages of communication between subordinates and superiors.
at this level, the effort is directed at assessing the consistency of strategy with environment strategic evalution
the cells in the business consulting group matrix include dogs, question marks, cash cows
social responsibility, to ensure that resources are allocated efficiently for the betterment of the
society is guided by the invisible hand
supreme authority in a company, represent the
owners / shareholders, responsible for the
the role of board of directors include governance of the company
……… opportunities are derived from a simple lack of enthusiasm by one or more units Motivation
knowledge of the relationships between choices, environment & outcomes is familarity
at present, there is a misfit between resources and
aspirations,, resourcefulness,,, innovative use of your
the following hold true for stretch resources
The payoff is cash that cannot be …….. that product reinvested in

Michael Hammer & James Chapy Reengineering

Benchmarking is competitive analysis

GDP stands for gross domestic product
Comparative analysis is historical analysis

for its new strategy ……. Was coined by arvind management Renovision
they are in line with objectives of the company, it covers
allocation of resources among the functional area, co-
odination between the corporate and sbu level in
SBU level strategies are characterised by objectives and functional strategy for optimisation

oriented towards end results,pin-pointing product-profit

reasons for using matrix management are responsibility
the chief architect of organisational purposes is the ceo

the sheer magnitude of the war effort caused the british and the US military services to turn
to……………………………..for determining the effective use of resources quantitative methods

it is important to maintain the competencies even if not active in the markets TRUE
this strategic posture plays a leadership role in establishing how the industry operates Shapers
good companies never let skills go outside TRUE
growth can come by deepening strategy
The portfolio composition is a function of the balance between cash flows
Cash Generator Domain, Cash Generator
in the GE matrix, investment or resource allocation is not made to the following cells Domain, Divestment Domain
numerator may bring short term results, but there may be serious long term sacrifices FALSE
to democratise the automobile was the visionary goal set by ford which falls in the category of TARGET GOALS
corporate level strategy cover the various strategies and functions performed by different SBUs TRUE
to maintain strategies means no change in strategies
………. Is an internal dimension of space matrix financial strength
these people are primarily responsible for operating control based on budgeting, reporting and
financial analysis company secretary, auditor, financial controller
the ………. opportunities arise when businesses fail to assess correctly the costs and benefits of a
potential synergy Evaluation
The group interaction in Delphi method is anonymous TRUE
clarity in strategy & reponsibilites, blending cultures,
principles to manager strategic alliance are provide for an exist strategy
the x-axis in a product life cycle is represented by time
COUNTEROFFENSIVE DEFENCE IS A marketing strategy adopted by a market leader
……….. are a key factor in determining an organization's mission Customers

the company products or service, the public image, the
the contents of a mission statement include technology
in india, around ……….. of all new cars are financed 80%
according to micheal porter, the core of general management is ……. strategy
market share is not a primary issue when the company adopts the strategy of differentation
increase in volumes of busines was a characteristic of industrial revolution
financial and strategic information for different
The PIMS database includes business

it is the expression of the corporate intent, It tells insiders

and outsiders what the corporate stands for, it is shaped
the mission reflects which of the following by the capabilities and vision of the corporation's leaders
the …… opportunities arise when businesses fail to assess correctly the costs and
benefits of a potential synergy Evaluation
HR implementation involves a series of action programme like production, estimation of raw
materials, labour & machine hours FALSE
mass production, professional salaried manager, owner
the business scenario during the industrial revolution was characterised by manager

reciprocal responsibility equal blame and credit

objectives concete and specific
budget profit plan
number one in customer satisfaction for 5 yrs in a row maruti suzuki ltd
Focused company is generally protected from competition TRUE
Consistency with goals, Consistency with environment,
Criteria for making an evaluation are Money
an organisation adopts a strategy which complements the existing business. The dimension of
grand strategy is known as ……… dimension related
Operational effectiveness' is not a strategy
marketing environment includes the linkage between the company, customers and
competitor TRUE
strategy is an art of the ….. general

board of directors supreme authority in a company

chief executive officer most important strategist
entrepreneurs independent through and action
consultant specialised new business


Acquisitions Horizontal & Vertical

Restructuring Down sloping
Synergy Vertical integration
Merges Integrating Resources & Capabilities

' Xerox '' is a generic name for copying machines people tend to develop generic names for cash cow products
that it should as a framework for evaluating prospective
The function of the Mission Statement is activities
In the 60's the market changed from a sellers' market to a buyers' market. ture
they enacts the formal role of reviewing and screening executive decisions in the light of their
environmental, business and organizational implications Board of Directors
core values are
Infrastructure like electricity, roads / rail are a constituent of the economic environment
………. are chronological sequences of required actions Procedures
robust economic growth, affordable finance,,,
the strategy, in the ge matrix, for • The SBU's in the cells along the diagonal running from lower left
to upper right is to protectof
Concept ormaximization,
allocate resources on a selective basis
the three view points of the criteria for decision making are instrumentalism
multinational model, international model, global
ORGANIZATIONAL MODELS ARE organizational model
The progress of indigenization depends to a very large extent on the capacity of the ancillary sector


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