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Most of the younger Group Organisations and Software Industries have started
implementing 360 Degree Appraisals. 360 Degree Means that all round. he employee
!on!erned at the !entral "oint and he is appraised #y all the offi!ials who are all
!onne!ted with him on the $o#. I am afraid in most of the organi%ations& this new !on!ept
is #eing followed very religiously and systemati!ally. May #e the a!!eptan!e level or
maturity level is not as aimed.
'hat I want you if you want to implement& then try at the senior level first. If it is
su!!essful at their levels& then try to per!olate downwards. (igher the Maturity level
higher the a!!eptan!e level is.
o evaluate an employee #y all the offi!ials whoever !onne!ted with him on the $o# for
his Attitude as well as *o# "erforman!e. And to study the following.
/0 o have an evaluation system very effe!tively.
10 o nullify #iased approa!h
30 o view a person at different angles and utili%e the same for gowth.
20 o have a !onsistent #ehavioural approa!h and $o# performan!e
30 o improve the 4uality in performan!e
)efore designing a 360 Degree Appraisals& de!ide what are the Attitudinal raits and *o#
performan!e !hara!teristi!s are re4uired at ea!h level when the person is evaluated. 6or
e7ample& an +ngineer is evaluated #y his Manager& 'or8men& lateral 9evel of
fun!tional offi!ials& !ustomers or vendors and so on and so forth.
MA:AG+M+: O5 A""5O-A9 A;(O5I< +="+,.
/. -alue Addition
1. S!ope for Development
3. 5esult>oriented
Manager e7pe!ts from his +ngineer the following.
/. Organisation ,ulture pra!ti!es
1. -alue Addition #y !ontrol of Man& Material& ime& raining
3. ,ontinuous Improvement on 'or8 Methods& Data ,ontrol& Safety& et!.
2. +ffe!tiveness of ,ommuni!ation on wor8 e7e!ution& MIS system& et!.
3. 9eadership S8ills li8e "ersonality& Attendan!e ? "un!tuality& eam 'or8& et!.
6. ime "lanning
@. Stress ,ontrol
A. S!ope for Development
B. 9earning S8ills
/0. raining :eeds
9ateral 9evel Departments e7pe!t.
/0 ,o>ordination
10 ,ommuni!ation
30 eam 'or8
20 Sharing Cnowledge
30 6le7i#le Approa!h
60 D<ou add as per <our *o# Details0
DO':>9I:+ "ersonnel e7pe!t.
/. "ersonal ,leanliness ? "ersonality
1. Attendan!e ? "un!tuality
3. eam 'or8
2. ,ommuni!ation
3. raining
6. ,on!ern for their developments
@. Sharing Cnowledge and S8ill
A. 9istening S8ills
,;SOM+5 O5 -+:DO5 9+-+9 +="+,. D'herever appli!a#le0
/. ,orporate ,ulture
1. +ffe!tive ,ommuni!ation thro information and produ!t 8nowledge
3. 6le7i#le Approa!h
2. 6ollow>up Attitude
3. 9istening S8ills
S+96 9+-+9 +="+,.
/. Cnowledge
1. *o# Satisfa!tion
3. raining :eeds
2. "ro#lems that were prevented him to perform
3. "ositive "oints that !ontri#uted in his *o# "erforman!e
6. Suggestions for Improvement
@. Suggestions for 'elfare
A. Intra and Inter>personal relationships DAll three levels vi%. upward& hori%ontal ?
down level0
B. :eeds if any of infra>stru!ture fa!ilities
/0. Suggestions for Organisation Growth overall
I have given you some e7amples only. If you design your organi%ation 360 "as& you
de!ide properly the *o# Details& Attitude Details and 9evels #y whom the !on!erned is to
#e evaluated.
May #e AnnualE(alf>yearlyEFuarterlyE"ro$e!t>wiseEarget>wise
It !an #e a single format starting from Down 9evel as follows.
9evel /. G )y Su#>ordinates
9evel 1. > )y ,o>ordinating DepartmentsEOffi!ials while e7e!uting a $o#
9evel 3. > )y -endorsE,ustomers Dif appli!a#le0
9evel 2. > Self Appraisal
9evel 3. G )y (OD Dwill refer all levels upto 30
9evel 6. > )y A""5O-I:G A;(O5I< Dwill refer !omments of all levels0
IM"O5A: I:S5;,IO:S.
/. If you design a one single format& arrange the !omments in su!h a way i.e.
starting from down level to top>level.
1. Separate the forms of ,ustomersE-endors and Self Appraisal.
3. It is #etter to have separate 6ormat at ea!h level to avoid influen!es.
2. All !omments are 8ept as !onfidential.
5ating should always #e :;M+5I,A9 only. In su!h a way& you design the
)ehaviourE*o# "erforman!e Des!riptions.
6or e7ample.
*o# "erforman!e.
5e$e!tions Das per allowed terms0 G :il > /00H > +7!ellent G 5ating is 3
If a!hievement is B0H>/00H > -ery Good 5ating !an #e 3 G 2
A0H to B0H& Good 5ating !an #e 2 G 3.3
and so on
,ustomer ,omplaint.
If it is :il G 5ating is 3
And so on
Su!!essful e7e!ution as per "lanning G 5ating is 3 and
It gets redu!ed as per ratings of the +7e!ution.
(5 Manager must 8now the s8ill of giving ratings to Attitudes also. 6or this first define
the *o# and Man who is e7e!uting. <ou give e7pe!ted level as 5ating 3 and so on the
"erforman!e or A!hieved 9evel. he differen!e will give you the :I Draining :eed
to i$%&!$!nt n' $intin 360 D!()!! A%%)is&s. Fo) t*is "o+ *,! to T)in &&
"o+) %!)sonn!& -*o!,!) in,o&,!' in !.!/+tin( t*! 360 D!()!! A%%)is&s. In t*!
initi& st(!0 "o+ t#! t*! *!&% o1 o+t2si'! Cons+&tnts3 *!&% n' !.%!)tis!.
It is not nothing #ut another form *o# Des!ription Manual. If you enri!h the $o#
des!ription details& then you will get *o# +nri!hment Manual. If you implement it
property and evaluate and map the !ompeten!y of a person with e7pe!ted level of
Attitudes and *o# "erforman!e parameters.
Different 6un!tions have different $o# details and different levels of Attitude
6or ,orporate ,ulture "ra!ti!es& weightage is more at higher level. Attendan!e and
"un!tuality weightage is more in down>level. 'eightage of (ouse8eeping is more in
"rodu!tion and +ngg. Departments than +D" and "ersonnel Departments. Safety
Awareness is more in e!hni!al Departments than non>te!hni!al Departments. Sharing
of ,ommuni!ation& the weightage is more in middle level than the lower level.
Stress 9evel more in "ro$e!t>oriented and target>fi7ed "ersonnel than the Servi!e
Departments su!h as A!!ounts& (5D& et!.
6I5S <O; 5< O D5A' ,OM"++:,< MOD+9 6O5
D+"A5M+:SES+,IO:S A:D (+: O (+ D+A9I:G "+5SO::+9S
G5O;">'IS+ AS '+99 AS I:DI-ID;A9>'IS+.
,ompeten!y Models !an #e drawn in Graph and ,harts. his you 8eep as a Model for
your future Man>power "lanning and 5e!ruitment.
,ompeten!y data are availa#le from the *o# "erforman!e of Star "erformers of the
Organisation. a8e their data availa#le from their $o# and Attitude and "lot it. his a
,ompeten!y Model for you or )en!h>Mar8 or Standard.
Again su!!ess of implementing ,ompeten!y Mapping depend upon the
+66+,I-+:+SS A:D I::O-AI-+ SCI99S O6 (5 MA:AG+5S.

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