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FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014

I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 1

ISSN: 2053-4426
J ewi s h rabbi has
come out as vegan
a f t e r f e e l i n g
embarrassment and
shame over some
kosher practices.
The controversial move
comes as an abattoir in
America catering for the
kosher market, which is
supposed to be a humane
way of killing, was suspended
for its inhumane handling of
baby calves.
An undercover investigation found
that sick and injured calves were being
forced into the slaughter halls instead
of being euthanased according to US
Department of Agriculture rules.
Breaking ranks with traditional
Judaism, Shmuly Yanklowitz, the
founder and CEO of the Shamayim
VAretz Institute and one of the top
50 rabbis in America said this month:
The fact that the modern reality of
industrial food production extends
into kosher facilities - which are
supposed to be held to the highest
ethical standards of treatment - brings
me embarrassment and shame as an
Orthodox rabbi and as a Jew.
I cannot pretend any more that
kosher meat, poultry and dairy is any
healthier or ethical than non-kosher
The rabbis move is not unusual
among religious preachers of various
As reported in Friends Gazette last
year Daniel Woodhouse, a Methodist
minister, gave up eating meat after he
realised that killing animals for food
could not be justified on grounds of
cruelty and the environment.
He told Friends Gazette last April:
Maybe its something Methodists
need to think about. There are a lot
more people out there like me.
We are screwing up the world and
it is not Gods will in my opinion.
Hindus, Buddhists and even some
Mohammedans have been sensitive to
animal cruelty for centuries.
Hindu brahmins, the
religions priestly class,
are lacto-vegetarians
refraining from fish,
flesh, fowl or eggs.
Writing in The Wall
Street J ournal Rabbi
Ya n k l o wi t z s a y s :
Kos her meat l i ke
kosher food in general,
b r i n g s ma ny J e ws
feelings of comfort and
security, based on its
mandator y rabbi ni c
supervi si on and i ts
spiritual link with Jewish
As I learned about the reality of
industrial kosher slaughter, however, I
began to realise how far current
practice of animal treatment and
slaughter are from the traditional
ethical values.
As that reality sank in I concluded
that I would need to forgo the
consumption of meat.
Despite all these sad realities I still
keep kosher by eating a healthy,
kosher-certified, plant-based diet.
I am committed to Jewish law in
general and kashrut [Jewish dietary law]
in particular as a means of bringing
ethical and spiritual consciousness to
food consumption. !
See What the good books say p.14
Shame and embarrassment over kosher killing makes Jewish teacher give up mea!
Rabbi Shmuly
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 2
DEVASTATED England soccer fans
were left humming a sad tune after
the national team crashed out of the
2014 World Cup last week.
Despite a couple of stunning
goals from Wayne Roonie and
Daniel Sturridge against
Uruguay and Italy, Stevie
Gerrards troops just
couldnt cut it when push
came to shove.
The sorry story hasnt
happened since 1958
when England last
dropped out of the
tournament without
making it to the knockout
The sad result came despite a
forlorn bid by fans to drag in some
musical inspiration this time from
Aussie band The Seekers.
I know Ill never find another you was
one of the bands biggest hits.
Now it seems the tune on the Do-
Us-Proud website will last only until
tomorrows game against Costa Rica
after which the team is set to be on
its way back to Blighty!
The track was written and produced
by Tom Springfield, Dustys brother.
Its simple tune and unpretentious
lyrics appealed to British audiences big
time in1961when it made the
number one spot in the national
hit parade.
The cover by Dexters was
chosen by British tabloid The
Sun as the anthem to
accompany England hopes
of football glory in Brazil
this summer.
Meanwhile the real thing in
the form of Judith Durham,
Athol Guy, Keith Potger and
Bruce Woodley were at The
Royal Albert Hall knocking out a
string of their 60s hits including, A
World Of Our Own, Morningtown Ride,
Someday, One Day, Georgy Girl, and, of
course, Ill never find . . . as part of their
Farewell Golden Jubilee Tour.
A spokesman said: Fifty years on,
The Seekers are still touching the
hearts and souls of fans some
whove been with them from the very
start and some whove hopped on
board along the way.
Seekers song
fails to spark
soccer success
come true
A TALENTED musicians
dream to make a unique
and arresting record has
come true partly due to
FG readers.
Jonny Veln (pictured above)
launched a crowd funding site in
April with a 30-day limit on raising
the cash by donations. (FG April)
Now hes on track to cut the
album with all the funding in place
and a band ready to play.
The singer songwriter and
transcendental meditator said this
month: We have reached our
target partly because of FG
Based in Bristol Jonny writes
songs about beauty and magic, love
and loss, conflict and struggle, man
and nature, the sublime and the
Inspired by many of the great
British and American popular
songwriters, his music also comes
from his classical piano training and
his love of jazz, world and classical
Creativity is emphasised as one
of the benefits of Transcendental
Meditation (TM). The groups
website says: The Transcendental
Meditation technique is a simple,
effortless way to dive within, to
experience an ocean of pure
consciousness, pure creativity, pure
Ill never find another you? ! devastated England fans
must search again after team crashes out of World Cup
Rapturous reception . . . The Seekers at the Albert Hall
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 3
GURINDER Singh Dhillon, spiritual
head of Radha Soami Satsang Beas
India known as Science of the Soul
Beas, has invited followers to meet
him in California next month, FG
has learnt.
The welcome news has delighted American
members of the Indian spiritual group who are busy
making preparations to accept the summer invitation
by their leader.
An excited Friends Gazette reader said: [It was
officially] announced that Baba Ji has invited the West
Coast and some other areas to Petaluma to be with
We just got our Southwest Airlines flights, hotel
and car rentals all booked.
The hotels are starting
to fill up.
The meetings, expected
to attract thousands of
followers, will take place on
July 23rd and 24th at the
groups centre in Petaluma,
Sonoma County.
The centre was built on a
7-acre site almost entirely
by volunteers in 2002 and
was valued then at $3m.
It has attracted the
attention of the local press.
The Sunday Press report,
now posted on the Radha
Soami groups official
website, features a picture
of the guru and quotes from Andy Berliner, president
of Amys Kitchen an international natural food giant,
one of the driving forces behind the build.
Adverts for the companys products have appeared
on food and drink containers distributed at group
meetings as far away as Bedfordshire in the UK.
In the article, headlined Gurus followers build vast
Petaluma complex, Berliner is quoted as saying: We
have created a spiritual oasis.
The piece also points out that RSSBI is on the
radar of a cult watcher. (See Friendly Comment p.7)
Dr Steven Hassan, described in the report as an
authority on religious cults, tells the paper: Science
of the Soul is not high on my radar right now, but its
on my list. The Californian meetings are set to start
at 9.30am. !
Gurus invite thrills followers
RSSBIs Petaluma centre in California, USA
is looking for
for its monthly email news magazine;
ad sales experience essential; work from hom#
right package for the right peopl#
$ith a covering letter and full cv
your vital
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 4
That was the happy message
from the lucky winner of the
50 Masala Zone voucher
competition promoted in these
pages recently.
Told of her good fortune Lesley
Levenson, a vegan, told FG: I am
delighted and thrilled to be the
winner of your competition!
I had a feeling I was in with a
chance but didn't really expect
to win.
The last time I won anything
was an autographed video of the
TV show Brookside in 1988!
I am looking forward to
coming to Masala Zone, I haven't
eaten there before myself but
have friends who tell me it's very
As a vegan I am pleased to find
a restaurant that will have some
choices for me!
Lesleys winning entry was
pulled out of the
hat by MZ
marketing chief
Joe Sripatana.
Speaking from
Masala Zones
headquarters in
Marble Arch in
London, Joe said.
We offer
genuine Indian
food from true
sources the
gourmet homes
and street stalls
across Indias
regions prepared by skilled chefs
from those regions.
FG editor Stephen Ward said: I'm
over the moon for Lesley.
A date is being set for Lesley and
some friends to meet with Joe and
Steve in one of Masala Zones
restaurants where the voucher will
be presented to her.
Friends Gazette plans to run similar
competitions in the future.
Readers are invited to contact our
team with any ideas for contests in
the future. Just email us on marking
the subject area suggestions. !
See free tickets offer (p.8)
"50 prize
# the winner!
Who created Masala Zone?
Camelia Panjabi
Which restaurant is the
Masala Zone flagship?
Floral Street, Covent
What is the meaning of
masala? Spicy
There are plenty of veggie
dishes on offer at Masala
Zone; name two. Vegetarian
Thali; Dhal
What is a kulfi? A spicy dip, a
type of bread or an Indian
ice cream? Indian ice cream
I had a feeling I was in with a chance but
didn't really expect to win.
Lucky dip . . . Jo#
Sripatana homes in o%
Lesleys lucky entry.
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 5
MARTIN Shaw plays
Dominic Bryant who meets
his fixer Cowboy on a
lonely beach.
Bryant is an Eton/Oxford educated
and intelligent man who was
recruited into MI-5 during his
university days.
He emerged from the scandals of
the 60s with Russia and was part of a
specialist group set up to protect
British interests during the cold war.
Bryant worked for years in the
battle against Communism but when
the wall came down he felt like many
soldiers do - the fight was over.
The victory against communism,
such as it was, was not seen by
Bryant as a paradise found but a
paradise lost'.
He had enjoyed the fight, the
spying, the adrenaline rush of the
trade craft. He had enjoyed working
behind the scenes.
Bryant sees
his investiture
in the Russian
Gevorkian as
a necessary
part of his
efforts to
further the
Old friends,
new foes is
how he sees
the current
scene. It has
shown him
that everyone
has a place
and everyone
is a piece in
the puzzle.
But he
needs the
to keep an
eye on the renegade Russian.
The pair meet to discuss their
plans. The pivotal scene is the last in
a short teaser for the film Nothing
and Everywhere for which funding is
being sought. To find out more and to
chip in click here.
ONE of Britains finest actors took time
out of his busy schedule this month to
lend his considerable professional weight
to an ambitious bid to make the
blockbuster of tomorrow.
Fresh from his starring role in West End court
room drama 12 Angry Men and after a short break
in Italy, Martin Shaw met with ardent film maker
and author Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon to shoot a scene
for a film teaser based on his (Lesmoir-Gordons)
book Nothing and Everywhere.
Here Nigel, who directs and plays a cameo role in the
teaser, fills in the story line behind the filming on
Hunstanton beach in Norfolk for FG.
TOP: Action! . . . &l'r( The Cowboy $Lesmoir#Gordon% and Dominic
Bryan! $Shaw% meet on a deserted beach. $John Luton on camera%.
ABOVE: Time out . . . old mates Nigel and Martin link up
Ma r t i n Shaw wi l l pl ay
Gevorkian Tigran, a Russian
baddie, with a KGB past in a
film based on the enigmatic
b o o k N o t h i n g a n d
Everywhere by Nigel Lesmoir-
Casting began at Chelsea's 606
club last Thursday under the
watchful eye of casting director
and actress Deborah Ward.
Plans are afoot to make a trailer or
teaser which will be used to raise
funds for a full-blown movie to be
shot early next year.
In an email Shaw tells Gordon:
The synopsis looks very original,
and the words for the teaser
economical, which I like.
Why descri be what t he
audience can see?
Wish more writers would get
Shaw's road to stardom began
as ex-policeman and karate
expert Raymond Doyle in 70s
TV classic The Professionals.
Since then he has starred in a
string of television and stage
hits winning a Tony nomination
and a Drama Desk award for
best actor for his role as Lord
Go r i n g i n a B r o a d wa y
production of Oscar Wildes An
Ideal Husband.
He is currently starring in
classic courtroom drama Twelve
Angry Men in Birmingham.
His role (juror number 8) was
played by Henry Fonda in the
Hollywood 50s movie directed
by the legendary Sidney Lumet.
Shaw was approached by
Gordon when t hey bot h
attended a meeting of an Indian
meditational group in Bedford in the
spring. They have both belonged to
the group since the 70s.
Other actors being considered for
t h e mo v i e a r e B o l l y wo o d
heartthrobs Shahid Kapoor who is
said to be looking to make the cross-
over to western movies, and Suraj
Sharma (Life of Pi). !

ISSN: 2053-4426
The synopsis looks very original Martin tells author after reading economical script
AN AWARD-WINNING star of film, stage and
television is set to appear in a new indie movie
about Russian gangsters, a lost manuscript and a
mathematical genius.
Martin Shaw
FG front page ' October 2013
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 6
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 7
Fearlessness - always the
best policy
FACING the truth fearlessly is
difficult but always the best policy.
Congratulations then to Radha
Soami Satsang Beas India which
has addressed sniveling internet
drivel that it, somehow, has
something to hide because it is a
cult. Horror of horrors!
In a brave move the group has
posted an article on its own
website in which it openly admits
that some people may regard it as
exactly that.
The Sunday Press article was
written in 2002 covering the
opening of the groups vast centre
in Petaluma, California. (see Guru
invites followers to meet him p.3)
Leaders of the church
acknowledge that some people see
the lifelong dedication and
contributions of land as signs that
Science of the Soul is a cult, it
So there! !
GM - a patent on nature?
WHATS to be done?
Youre a hard-pressed farmer.
The supermarkets are pinning
you down to impossibly low
You know if you dont succumb
your neighbour will.
Then along comes an offer you
cant refuse - can you?
Your crop, whatever it is, will be
bigger, tastier, more resistant to
disease and sell like wildfire.
Youll be laughing all the way to
the bank.
Only thing is the plants you use
will be infertile and youll have to
go back to the provider to buy
next years seeds.
When, if ever, could the non-
genetically modified market ever
compete with the straight one?
Its your call! !
ISSN: 2053-4426
Published by Stephen Ward
Publications, London, England.
THIS morning a satsangi [spiritual
practitioner] friend emailed some
news about the recent Dera
session - Baba Ji [spiritual head of
Radha Soami Satsang Beas India]
was heard to warn people (again)
about putting genetically modified
(GM) genes into other species
and releasing them without
knowing how they are going to
mutate, also that people are
getting heart attacks because of it.
The sprays used are also killing
Last year, I told him about our
struggle in Australia to oppose
GM and get proper food labeling.
One of the things he said is
engraved in my mind.
He explained that, no one really
knows exactly how those (GE)
genes are going to mutate.
And if they mutate in the wrong
way, then we are destroying future
A few months later I wrote on a
poster board GENETIC
we marched against Monsanto,
and joined in the world wide
MAM (March against Monsanto).
But even before this I was
reading research that had found
evidence of risks for reproduction
(and so much else) and more
since then.
I turned activist in the mid-
nineties but it wasnt until years
later that I heard that Baba Ji had
raised the same questions and
concerns about GM that we have
- which has been very
encouraging (as opposed to the
view that we should just accept
everything as the Lords will)
The Egg-citing report on the egg
substitute (FG July 2013) will
spawn another egg substitute -
one that is GM fee.
Unfortunately, both the lecethin
and the canola mentioned in the
article would be GM, as most soy
and most canola is GM -
especially with Bill Gates
promoting it.
He has been funding Monsantos
development of GM and that's
only one reason hes on so many
peoples hate list right now.
I love the variety in FG and in
spite of the distance globally,
there is enough of cultural
interest too that kept me reading.
Daisy Burton
I love the variety in
Friends Gazette
MAM protestors approach Parliament House in Canberra, Australia last month
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 8
Announcement delayed
BOSSES at the Terrence Higgins Trust
were being tight-lipped this week over
the name of the new owner of the
London Lighthouse.
As revealed exclusively in FG last
month the iconic building in Ladbroke
Grove owned by the HIV-AIDS
charity and once visited by Princess
Diana has been sold for 5m - way
above the asking price of 1.6m.
A spokesman for THT told
FG today: The negotiations
are continuing. It will take
about another month. We
cannot say yet who the new
owners are.
Monkey business
RESIDENTS of Thailand are
bei ng urged to report
mi sbehavi or by unrul y
Buddhist monks on a new
24-hour hotline.
The move comes in the
wake of reports of monks
taking drugs and drinking and
five defrocked abbots being
accused of sexually abusing boys.
A spokesman for the national office
of Buddhism told The Daily Telegraph:
We don't have enough staff to check
every monk so we need to mobilize
the general public.
Raw ghee
RAW milk, butter, cream and even
ghee are avai l abl e at Londons
borough market, an FG reader has
pointed out.
Hari Karam Singh, a strict Sikh who
lives in east London, said: Nice article
about raw milk. (Clash over milk claim -
FG April) You know you can get it from
Hooks Farm stand at Borough Market
on Thursday-Saturday.
The farm uses stress free farming
methods from grass fed cows. This
means that only the highest quality
unpasteurized milk is produced by the
Hook family who have a
history of over 250 years of
farming, the companys
market website says.
Singing sister
MORE than half-a-century
after the singing nun took
the world by storm another
sister of the cloth has
become a singing sensation.
In 1961 Soeur Sourire
(Sister Smile) a Belgian nun
had an international hit
with a self-penned number
entitled Dominique.
Now Si ster Cri sti na Scucci a
(pictured) has won the finals of the
Italian version of the hit TV talent
contest The Voice. Wearing her nuns
habit and with a crucifix around her
neck she belted out Alicia Keys ballad
No One to win the judges and the
Italian publics vote.
The 25-year-old said the song
expressed the beauty of God. !
Is an article wrong or unclear?
Get your specs out and tell us about it
Friends Gazette
is keen to keep stories fair, balanced and accurate
Please put c&c in the subject area
Thanks - from us and our readers!
Free show
tickets up
for grabs
LUCKY FG readers can scoop
free tickets to a top vegan
and veggie show thanks to a
deal between the organisers
and FG bosses.
VegFestUK is set to come to
London in September (27th/28th)
with thousands forking out 10 per
ticket to get in to the popular show
(see ad elsewhere in this edition).
But in a special deal FG can offer
four free tickets for Sunday, 28th.
Youll have to be quick, though, as
these passes will be allocated on a
first-come-first-served basis.
The show is a chance to catch up
on all the latest news to do with
being a vegetarian or vegan, as well
tuning in to environmentally friendly
and eco products.
There are also talks on lifestyle
and philosophy from a wide variety
of backgrounds. The show usually
draws in thousands of like-minded
individuals intent on living an
alternative lifestyle.
Friends Gazette has a stall at the
exhibition and editor Steve Ward
will repeat his Anglo-Indian cooking
demonstration on the Sunday. (see
Keep Calm and Carry On p.9). !
Apply to
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 9
I'VE got some bad news for you.
That was the worrying message as my
son, his partner and I sped across Bristol.
We were on our way to the annual
VegFestUK in the city.
The thing is, the doleful voice
continued, we've run out of gas.
I simply refused to believe it!
I'd come up from London especially to
do a cookery demo, meet some
Bristolians and boost circulation of this
Now all that was in jeopardy because
of a bottle of calor gas - or, more
appropriately, because of a MISSING
bottle of the stuff!
Well, I wasn't havin' it my luvver, as they
say in these parts. This was definitely
NOT gurtlush!
So on we ploughed, oblivious to this
(bogus) information.
VegFestUK holds shows every year in
London, Brighton and Bristol. It has
become the event for thousands of
vegans, veggies and health freaks.
A sea of expectant faces greeted us.
My misinformed contact was nowhere
to be seen. Instead a demo assistant
assured me all was well.
Not only was the gas hob working full
blast but there was a secondary electric
dual-hot plate all switched on and ready
to go!
So why the dire message, I asked?
"Well. We've had difficulty with the
oven he said. But the hobs are fine.
Nothing wrong there at all."
I tried not to show my astonishment as
I launched into my demo.
"You'll never guess what . . . "
Suffice it to say I think my falouries
went down well.
Helped by my son, Eliot, his partner
Maggy and a dollop of good fortune
these Anglo-Indian snacks were soon
sizzling away in hot fat.
Judging by the way the audience wolfed
them down the whole episode could be
classed a resounding success, I believe.
Moral? Well it's got to be: Keep calm
and carry on! ! SW
For advice on cooking falouries or any
other queries on Indian or Anglo-Indian
dishes contact
marking your email cooking. Small group
demonstrations can be arranged.
Keep calm
and carry on!
&onion bhaji(
Ingredients: 2-3 cups gram
flour; 1 tsp baking powder; half-
tsp turmeric; pinch of salt; water
as needed; 2-3 large onions
(sliced); six green chillies
(chopped); two red chillies
(chopped); half-litre cooking oil
(not olive oil) or ghee.
Method: Heat the oil in a
deep pan or wok. Sift the flour
into a large mixing bowl.
Sprinkle in the turmeric, baking
powder and salt. Add the water
little by little to reach a thick
treacle consistency. Whisk!
Add the onions, saving some.
Chuck in the chopped chillies
to taste. Ladle spoonfuls of the
mixture into the hot oil and let
them sizzle until golden brown.
Turn with tongs or a fish slice.
Remove and drain on kitchen
towel. Serve immediately.
(Use saved onions with any left-
over batter). !
dollop . . . Stev#
Ward prepares his
snacks; &below(
the crowds watch
' and tuck in!
Maggy Ng.
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 10
with Deborah, FHT and VTCT Dip. Qualified & Insured
mob: 07841203166
tel: 020 7 242 6665
London Natural Health Centre
46 Theobalds Road
London WC1X 8NW
Book four one-hour sessions -
Get the fifth one half-price! (FG reader offer)
Deep Tissue Massage
Eavesdropping in the
Big Apple . . . by Stephen Ward
Tell it like it is . . .
Do not lean on the doors or
we'll have to take this train outta
service. Irate guard on Brooklyn-
bound F train.
Skip the lines, drop the bags, kiss
the cranky cashiers goodbye -
subway ad for online shopping.
Strangers armpit just too close?
Air Fast Tickets - a better way to
get away! - another subway ad.
Coffee stop . . .
Yeah, they used to have tables
and chairs then they took them
all out. I think they're trying
something new. At a Starbucks on
42nd Street round the corner from
Does anyone here speak English
and Chinese - NYPD cop as they
arrest a Chinese man and his
distraught wife/girlfriend/mother/
sister bangs furiously on the window
of the police car.
Old money . . .
What size is that valve? About
two inches, maybe two-and-a-half
inches. Witness in a civil case in
the Supreme Court of New York.
Baseball? . . . in the UK we call
that rounders.
Hey now, watch your step there
fella! annoyed fan at New York
Yankees game in Yankee Stadium.
Get outta my face before I
knock you out! Traffic cop to girl
pedestrian who swore at him.
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 11
Get away to bonnie Scotland!
self-catering farmhouse
Rennaldburn is a 17th century
farmhouse which sleeps seven to eight.
We also rent individual rooms ~ and can
provide a veggie or vegan breakfast if
requested the previous day.
We are Buddhists and revere all life - so
we do not take hunters or anglers.
Best rates. Reductions for FG readers.
Find us on:
Eskdalemuir, Langholm. Tel: 01387 373277
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 12
Orange day takes off !
ORANGE jumpers, overalls
and l eggi ngs were the
order of the day last Friday
as hundreds of people,
young and ol d rai sed
money for a good cause
last month.
The bright orange Magpas
helicopter is a familiar sight in East
Anglian skies.
It swoops in to provide pre-hospital
critical care and retrieval when road
ambulances would take considerably
longer to get there.
Dressed in orange jumpsuits the
medically qualified Helimedix team
swiftly administer emergency care
which can often mean the difference
between life and death.
But it gets no funding from the
government or the national lottery so
donations from the public really do
save lives.
A former patient called Sue
explained what the organisation did
for her.
She said: I have never been so
relieved to hear the sound of the
helicopter and to see those orange
The Magpas Helimedix paramedic
and doctor not only took care of me,
but also took care of my family who
were with me at the time of the
They made a huge difference; not
just with saving my life, but treating
me with such consideration and calm
They made the whole frightening
incident somehow less traumatic for
I will be forever grateful to the
Magpas and I cannot thank the charity
enough for being there.
Earlier this year the team was called
out to an incident on the A47 where
a car has veered off the road
resulting in a post spearing through
the windscreen; another recent
incident involved a car and a young
girl in which the youngster suffered
said: You
can make
Orange Day
any day.
you decide
to support
us, you will
help us to
continue to
provide our
service, day
and night, in
the eastern
region and beyond! Thank you.
The team operates in the east of
England mainly in Cambridgeshire,
Peterborough and neighbouring parts
of Norfolk, Suffolk and Bedfordshire.
It was founded as the Mid-Anglia
General Practitioner Accident Service
in 1971 since when it has attended
over 60,000 patients in a variety of
emergency incidents.
The organisation receives no
government or national lottery
funding and is dependent totally on
donations which can be received by
going on to the Magpas website or
calling 01480 371060.
Fundraising for helicopter ambulance boosts reserves
Going glam . . . for
Magpas orange day
JARS of pitted black olives
and bottles of spring water
are two of the latest items
to be pulled from super-
market shelves after glass
and black particles were
found in them.
Some jars of by Sainsburys
pitted black olives (350g), were
found to contain small pieces of
glass. And some two litre bottles
of Heritage Montgomery Spring
Still Natural Mineral Water have
been found to have small black
particles floating in them.
If you have bought these
products do not eat or drink
them, the UK food watchdog, the
Food Standards Agency has
The warning applies to best
before dates of April 2017 in the
case of the olives and best before
dates of May
2016 in the
case of the
water, sold
under the
name of Nisa.
These items
should be
returned to
the shop
where they
were bought
for a full
refund, the
FSA has said.
Warning over
olives and
spring water
A jar of by Sainsburys
pitted black olives
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 13
ALTHOUGH it seems
that the numbers of
ethical or secular
spiritual vegetarians are
on the rise, the history
of vegetarianism as a
religious practice is a
long and colourful one.
Most are probably familiar with the
Biblical concept of humans having the
duties of stewardship over animals
rather than dominion, and that while
this means that Christians and Jews
are inclined to respect Gods
creations, thats not necessarily to the
point of leaving them off the plate
That being said, there is a strong
tradition of vegetarianism amoung
some groups in the Abrahamic
The Jewish Vegetarian Society is just
one such group which believes that
not eating meat fulfills a great
number of the teachings of the Torah
and the Talmud, including respecting
Gods creation in its entirety, and
preserving the natural environment,
as well as human well-being.
The Seventh-Day Adventist Church
(a branch of Protestantism) promotes
vegetarianism for similar reasons,
adding that a well-balanced vegetarian
lifestyle promotes good health, which
is the best way to appreciate the gift
of life, and that as such, Adventists
choose to praise God with joyful living.
Some Muslim vegetarians become
so to adhere to a command from the
Prophet Muhammad which appears in
the Hadith, Do not allow your
stomachs to become graveyards! , while
others take this to mean that
moderation, rather than abstinence, is
what the Prophet intended by this.
Sufism in particular has long
promoted the spiritual benefits of not
eating meat; Inayat Khan, the 20th
century Sri-Lankan Sufi leader who
founded The Sufi Order in the West,
taught that vegetarianism was an
expression of compassion and
holistic self-awareness, as well as
being a temporally purer way of
However, it seems that the non-
Abrahamic faiths, particularly the vast
and multifarious faith of Hinduism,
take home the trophy when it comes
to vegetarianism as a spiritual
practice - although in India
particularly, some people see
vegetarianism (and in some cases
Hinduism for that matter) as a
cultural tradition rather than a
religious one.
Hare Krishnas are well known for
holding vegetarianism as one of their
central tenets.
The Radha-Krishna temple just off
Tottenham Court Road is a lively and
active place of worship, as well as a
popular vegetarian restaurant,

God sits
in the
heart of every
living being
special report by
Sophie Shao
Inayat Kha%
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 14
Govindas, which is proud to serve a
Karma free diet. God is inside
everything as well as outside, and
above, says Channah Mace, who
stopped practicing Judaism to
become a Krishna devotee four years
ago, and spends a lot of time at this
She says that for Krishna devotees,
not eating meat is vital to their
spiritual wellbeing, particularly
because in India, and in Europe as
well, the natural resources given by
God mean that eating meat isnt even
necessarily for survival.
Krishna devotees practice
vegetarianism based on a passage
from the Bhagavad Gita, a collection
of scriptures which literally translates
as Song of God.
The passage reads: One who offers
me with love a fruit, a flower or a little
water, I will accept. Seeing as meat isnt
included in the list of acceptable
offerings, for Krishna devotees,
vegetarianism is an essential
God sits in the hearts of every living
being. Channah says. You cant be
spiritual and a meat eater; these beings
are a part of Gods creation.
However, she notes that if a
persons situation means they cant
practically avoid meat-eating, then it
becomes acceptable, seeings as
theyve been put in that position by
God in light of their Karma.
This is not, necessarily as
punishment for something bad done
in a past life, but simply how the
pieces have fallen into place.
While Krishna devotees do have
great respect for Gods creations,
they dont tend to be vegan.
Channah, (pictured above) believes
that cows have so many useful gifts
for a reason, and that abstaining from
eating meat and dairy isnt practical in
the lives of many of the poorer
people in India. In Indian society, cows
arent treated like milk machines like
they are in other parts of the world.
Theyre treated like real people - they
even have motherly eyes.
Instead, most places serving food in
a Hindu setting (including Govindas)
use Ahimsa milk in their products,
which literally means non-violence.
Ahimsa cows are raised and milked
ethically and organically, and once
they are unable to milk, are sent to
live in sanctuaries to live natural
lives. It seems, then, that while the
specifics may vary, vegetarianism
stems from a sense of respect for the
natural world, and for humankinds
place within it.
As Channah noted, we ought to
remember that we belong to nature,
not the other way around. !
eat as much as you like for 5.95 at the . . .
Tuck in where Miss India, Miss Philippines, Miss Asia and
Miss Afro-Carribean all once feasted - at the INDIAN VEG
92-93 Chapel Market, Angel, Islington,
London N1 9EX Tel: 020 7837 4607
Genesis 1:9 Behold I have given
you every herb bearing seed which
is upon the face of all the earth
and every tree in that which is the
fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you
it shall be for food.
Luke 8:55: Jesus raised a woman
from the dead and commanded to
give her meat. The original Greek
word translated as meat is
phago, which means only to eat.
Let her eat.
The Manu-samhita, the
ancient Indian code of law, states,
Meat can never be obtained
without injury to living creatures,
and injury to sentient beings is
detrimental to the attainment of
heavenly bliss; let him therefore
shun the use of meat.
Al-Quran 6:38: Whoever is
kind to the creatures of God, is
kind to himself.

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