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reen Hill reen Hill reen Hill
l pital. l pital. l pital.
erqun erqun erqun
uaya uaya uaya
ecamern Hotel Salinitas El Salvador ecamern Hotel Salinitas El Salvador ecamern Hotel Salinitas El Salvador

Date: 23rd,June, 2014
Xiomara Villareal and Jos Osmar
In this magazine you are going to see
how many places of El Salvador the students of
English Bachelor Degree have visited. During
the semester I-2014. So through them you are
going to wish to be There, meantime you enrich
your knowledgements in the field of Hotel and
Tourism Areas. This type of Project benefit not
only the students know-how but also to the
Teachers because it shows how is the best way
of learn and teach Tourism in El Salvador. And it
is through the Practice it means that If you want
to know something about Tourism you have visi-
ted the different places that exist in the area.
Green Hill....5
El Pital......6-7
Morazn and Mozote...8-10
English for Hotel and Tourism Management

Pgina 5
Green Hill
t is a beautiful park pleasant temperature, which has very nice trails,
shaded by the most diverse species of plants and trees. 's Cerro
Verde has a wonderful orchid, spectacular viewpoints from which you
can admire the majesty of the volcanoes Izalco and Santa Ana
(Ilamatepeq) and the Lake Coatepeque , and towns like Juaya,
Resume and historical Acajutla with its beautiful harbor. Park, 2,030 feet
above sea level, is also an excellent place for bird watching, walking trails,
make picnics, outdoor games or just relax in a hammock suspended. flora of
this area has identified the plant formation as cloud forests or vegetation
cold zone. The flora is lush, evergreen due to high soil moisture and air, due
to the constant fog and frequent rains. many animals find shelter in this
book, about 127 recorded bird species. One of them, the Guardabarranco
( solid Myadestes veraepacis ) is has variety of insects, particularly a rare
species of giant butterfly.
Pgina 6
El Pital Hill

The Pital is the most higtest mountain peak of El Sal-
vador . It is one of the most important mountains in the de-
partment of Chalatenangoand has an elevation 2,730 feet abo-
ve sea level. In addition to cool weather, Pital has a humid fo-
rest composed as pine trees, oak, oak and cypress. The highest
part of this hill is called Wye and is of great tourist attraction as
it is the place where El Salvador borders with Honduras . Pital
is considered, by people who like the cold weather like one of
the best places for camping; the highest point is to camp at
2700 meters, specifically between the two peaks of the moun-
tain, it is forming a wind corridor. In this sector of the moun-
tain the temperature is about 10 degrees Celsius, less than su-
rrounding areas but are within walking distance.
Pgina 7
Perquin and Morazn
Many people wanting to ecotourism as:
camping, wildlife watching and hiking the . differ-
ent paths Its vegetation is conifers and oaks, be-
tween species are: THE PINUS EL TAXUS
GLOBOSA almost extinct for the country and
plants unique to the area. We can also find
"cartridges" that are quintessential flower adorn-
ing the hill besides the hydrangeas of different
colors (white, pink, blue) sunflowers tigrillo, plant-
ed peach and a wildflower called
English for Hotel and Tourism

he route of the peace is located in the Department of
Morazn, which includes the towns that suffered the
greatest activity during the 12 years of civil war in the
decade of the 1980s. You will find a large number of
hotels and restaurants to visit with your friends.
Perqun" means "Paths of Fire" and it is a Lenca town surrounded by coffee plantations, pinewoods and rivers lo-
cated at 1,250 meters above sea level, with a cool weather.
"Museo de la Revolucin" (Revolution Museum): A collection of historic moments and objects related to the civil
war of El Salvador; include the history of the conflict through images and local guides narrations.
Cerro de Perqun" (Hill of Perqun): Close to the Revolution Museum, a 15 minutes journey towards the cusp,
from where you can see a beautiful landscape.
"Quebrada de Perqun" (Gulch of Perqun): The origin to a pool set, a refreshing dip during the winter season will
be the perfect culmination for the travel. From here, you can see a wide variety of birds.
"El Bailadero del Diablo" (Devil's Dancefloor): A site with an impressive topography and beautiful landscapes, lo-
cated on the road to Honduras. It has a camping area.
To reach Perqun, just take the CA-7N highway to Morazn Department.

To reach Perqun, just take the CA-7N highway to Morazn Department.
Perquin and Morazn
Pgina 10
Perquin and Morazn
Pgina 11
Rout of the flowers
he route of the flowers is located in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec mountain, reaches
a maximum height of 2,365.07 meters above sea level and possesses a fresh
and pleasant climate, this route includes five interesting destinations full of cul-
tural tradition, exquisite traditional dishes in their different gastronomic festivals
and a splendid natural appeal.
Juaya is a town with an attractive coffee tradition, it has a fresh climate and cold water-
falls. "Juaya" comes from the Nahuatl, meaning "Purple orchids river".
Juaya is located 80 kilometers from San Salvador, in the Department of Sonsonate, just
take the CA-12N highway.
The 103 km of Juaya seem to have been perfectly placed in a path that remains
adorned throughout the year by the floral diversity of the area.
visit "La Iglesia Santa Luca" (Saint Luca Church) and know the famous image of The
Black Christ of Juaya. This is definitely a cultural center of the Catholic religion for more
than 500 years.
The awesome building has real artistic treasures, starting with the miraculous image of
The Black Christ, their stained glass placed in the high altar, illuminated with Italian mar-
ble lamps, its magnificent bells that can be heard miles away and an electric chime,
which can interpret different melodies, and Christian praise to the bells.

Pgina 12
On weekends you can enjoy with exquisite traditional dishes in the gas-
tronomic festival.
Sometimes, a worldwide gastronomic festival is organized, with typical
dishes from other countries.

If you love nature, we invite you to visit "Los Chorros de La Cal-
era" (La Calera Waterfalls), one of the most interesting tourist at-
tractions of Juaya. You'll enjoy the beautiful crystalline waterfalls
and the cool weather. You must also visit "La Laguna de las
Ranas" (Frogs Lagoon), during winter this lagoon is visited by a lot
of frogs and it's a fine place to camp. Others gorgeus places to vis-
it is "Laguna Verde" (Green Lagoon), created by a volcanic erup-
tion and located among Apaneca and Juaya at 1,600 meters
above the sea level.

Pgina 13
The Hotel Royal Decameron Salinitas offers a fantastic
all-inclusive vacation experience with a taste purely Maya.
Located on the Pacific coast of El Salvador just 50 minutes
outside of San Salvador airport and 2 hours; this hotel
takes the Salvadoran culture both its colorful architecture
as art, using many Mayan statues distributed throughout
the property. Guests can enjoy the beautiful Pacific Ocean
and our saltwater pool which you can see as filled daily by
the variation of the tide, and can also play in any of our 4
pools of fresh water while enjoying advantage of unlimited
drinks at any of our four distinctive bars.
As you could see this has been an amazing experience in the field of hotel
and Tourism area. We have to Thanks to Mr. Castro and all of our partners who
with dedication and as wise man have guiden us through the way of succed.
Nowadays to have Teachers and partners like them it is a blessing . But also we
have to say Thanks God for all of given to us, we hope that the next chance that we
will have to get more know-how about our country it going be b more succesful.
From now we just want to let show you a little piece of taste about our country and
its wondeful places that we have visited and We are sure that some of us are going
to repeat tone of this incredible adventures.

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