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Scientology Roots: Chapter Twenty Six-2: War for the Minds of Men
This is a continuation of Scientology Roots Chapter Twenty Six -1, and well be starting with the next section which is:
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Inception of Advanced Mind Control
Research was done to develop even more covert and vicious methods of mind control.
The Body Electric early history of neurology
Luigi Galvani noticed the twitching that occurred when dead frog legs were touched by two different
metals. Experimenting with frogs, he applied electric current to the nerves of a frog and observed the
contractions of the muscles in their legs. In 1791, he published his work on electrical stimulation of frog
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Galvanis nephew, Giovanni Aldini, showed that electrical
shocks to the brains of dead animals and dead people could produce twitches in several parts of their
Giovanni Aldini
Decades later, other researchers continued this work more systematically, electrically shocking the brains of live animals to
figure out which body parts were controlled by which spots on the brain.
Thomas Willis, an English physician and psychiatrist, described in detail the structure of the brain and the system of nerves in
the body. He assigned the nerves a new role in the control of the body, and considered their study worthy of a new word,
The spirit did not move muscles by brute force but rather the nerves carried commands from the brain to the muscles.
Today we know that nerves transmit electrical signals.
Thomas Willis
Note: Willis also had quite a God complex towards how to properly act around psychiatric patients.
In 1867 while being the Assistant Professor of Physiology at Harvard, Dr. Josiah

Over them he exercises something resembling sovereign authorityPenetrating eyes seem to read his
heart and to divine his thoughts as soon as they come into being. Thomas Willis
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Stickney Lombard conducted an experiment* where he fastened to the head just
above the occipital protuberance, two little bars, one made of bismuth, the other of
an alloy of antimony and zinc, which were connected with a delicate galvonometer
capable of measuring 1-4000 of a degree centigrade; to neutralize the result of a
gradual rise of temperature over the whole body. By long practice it was
ascertained that a mental torpor could be induced lasting for hours, in which the
needle remained stationary. But when a person knocked on the door outside of the
room, or a single word was spoken, even though the experimenter remained
absolutely passive, the reception of the intelligence caused the needle to swing
through twenty degrees. This proved that regardless of what the supposed
physical awareness level supposedly was, there was an intelligence present in the
realm of the body that did not miss anything even though not conscious.
In the 1870s, Richard Caton, a British physiologist, began a series of experiments intended to
measure the electrical output of the brains of living animals. He surgically exposed the brains of
rabbits, dogs, and monkeys, and then used wires to connect their brains to an instrument that
measured current. The electrical currents of the gray matter appear to have a relation to its
function, he wrote in 1875, noting that different actions -chewing, blinking, or just looking at food
were each accompanied by electrical activity.

1880 The mentor of Sigmund Freud was psychiatrist Josef Breuer. Doctor Breuer was treating Bertha Pappenheim in the
summer of 1880. She was a disturbed woman showing hysterical symptoms. He found that when she recalled a series of
memories back to a traumatic memory, one of her many symptoms would disappear. They noticed that simply remembering
the incident was insufficient to produce a cure, the emotions had to be experienced for the release of symptoms to take
Breuer drew two important conclusions from his work with Bertha: that her symptoms were the result of
thoughts that were buried in her unconscious and that when these thoughts were spoken and
became conscious, the symptoms disappeared.
Breuer called this catharsis, from the Greek word for cleansing. It was also called abreactive therapy
and talking therapy.
Catharsis The process of bringing repressed ideas and feelings into consciousness. The reliving of
past traumatic experiences buried in the subconscious, to release the repressed emotions associated with it.
The theory of a subconscious mind was then promoted by Sigmund Freud and others in the mental field.
The flip side of Dr. Breuers therapy discovery they thought they could cause insanity.

*Lombard resigned his Professorship at Harvard in 1870, then sailed to Norwood, London in 1876 where
he resided the rest of his life. He published a book in 1879 concerning these experiments titled:
Experimental Researches on the Regional Temperature of the Head.
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It was observed in hypnosis that you can install a command when the person is in a trance state. The command phrase
could be when I touch my tie you will bark like a dog. When the person is brought out of the trance he might obey that
covertly installed command. The hypnotist touches his tie and the person would start barking like a dog.
The same idea was thought to be true during moments of unconsciousness that were caused by pain, you could install
commands that would be obeyed after the person resumed consciousness.
Almost no one cooperates with this, so most of the time it does not work. The person may get the idea to bark like a dog,
but he can decide to reject the idea and not do it.
Regardless, the idea that you could implant a command below a persons awareness and have him obey it, was appealing to
the slavemasters. They researched it and tried to find a way to make it work. They used electroshock to cause pain, drugs
to knock the person out, and made hypnotic command statements to the unconscious person.
That is Pain-Drugs-Hypnosis.
1882 The traditional British spymaster family was the Cecil family. Arthur Balfour was a member of the Cecil family. He
created the Society for Psychical Research in 1882. It was the scientific study of mental and spiritual phenomena. These
people are the first Scientologists. Scientology has always been under the thumb of the Cecil family British intelligence.
Sigmund Freud became a member of the Society for Psychical Research.
1891 Cecil Rhodes forms a secret society to bring the entire world under British rule. It is called the Round Table. Arthur
Balfour joins the Round Table, making the Cecil family the driving force behind the Round Table. The British plan to rule the
world came to be called the New World Order.
The British Grand Plan to rule the world is to form a World government, led by Britain. In the end, individual countries or
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nations would be eliminated, bringing the entire world under British rule.
The British slavemasters have the idea that everyone in the world should be their subjects, under their rule.
Most people in the world do not have the idea that they should be subjects under the British nobility.
This is what the War for the Minds of Men is all about.
The British slavemasters have declared war on the rest of humanity. They have been using various devious methods in an
effort to make people accept the idea that they should be British subjects under rule of the British nobility.
C.G. Jung observed the bodys ability to reveal the unconscious mind. In 1904 Jung reported his
experiments with recordings of the skins electrical activity, while conducting psychological interviews.
Using a galvanometer, he found the electrical activity in the skin changed dramatically when he asked
questions that penetrated the hidden emotions of his patients. He is reported to have exclaimed Aha,
a looking glass into the unconscious! (Forerunner of the Scientology e-meter)
World War I was from 1914 to 1919. John Rawlings Rees and other psychiatrists in the British Army use
abreactive therapy to treat soldiers with battle neurosis.
1920 Tavistock Clinic is formed. John Rawlings Rees and his psych pals from the British Army join the Tavistock Clinic where
they practice abreactive therapy (later called Dianetics) on soldiers and civilians. Rees is an agent for British intelligence and
the New World Order. The subject of psychiatry and abreactive therapy comes under the thumb of the Cecil family and
British intelligence.
The subjects of Dianetics and Scientology were tied together during their earliest days and both subjects have remained
under the thumb of the Cecil family and British intelligence.
In 1929 German psychiatrist Hans Berger first measured and recorded the electrical activity of human brains. He coined the
word electroencephalogram for his technique.
Bergers electroencephalograms (EEGs) represented the brains electrical activity as complicated lines on a graph. He believed
that certain recurring wave patterns with discernible shapes which he called alpha waves, beta waves, and delta waves,
could be linked to specific mental states or activities. The EEG was called a brain-wave writer.
The EEG is not mind-reading. The waves of the EEG do not actually represent thoughts; they
represent a sort of jumbled total of many different activities of many different neurons. No one is
quite certain as to what the EEG actually measures.
Researchers have been able to go beyond the old system of alpha, beta, and delta waves to pick
out more subtle spikes, dips, and bumps on the EEG that can be linked to action, reaction, or
While EEG provides a kind of confused, collective sense of the brains electrical activity, there is a
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more direct way to tap into the brain: stick an electrode into it. This allows not only for the
measurement of electrical activity in parts of the brain, but also for the direct electrical stimulation of the brain.
Dr. Walter Rudolph Hess, a Swiss physiologist, experimented with conscious animals, by applying small electric stimuli to
specific areas of the brain through fine needles. Starting in the 1920s, Hess implanted very fine wires into the brains of cats.
After the cats awoke, he sent small currents down the wires. The stimulated areas caused reactions to occur in some part of
the body.
He observed that stimulation of the animals brains affected their motions and moods. A good-natured cat turns bad-
tempered; it starts to spit and attack.
Hess mapped out the various zones in the brain that control specific areas or functions in the body. In the 1930s Hess was
brought to the U.S. where he continued his research.
From this point in time, slavemaster research into advanced mind control will accelerate.
Enter the Soul-Suckers

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Development of Advanced Mind Control
The fundamental idea behind advanced mind control is the idea that you can implant a command phrase below the level of
awareness of the person and they will then act on it.
Implanting a command phrase can be done while the person is in a hypnotic trance or when they have been made
unconscious by pain or drugs. They think it can also be done by addressing the command phrase to the persons
subconscious mind. The problem with this is that the person himself can decide not to go along with it. He may get the idea
to bark like a dog but he can decide to reject the idea and not do it.

John Rawlings Rees worked for MI 6 (British intelligence) and was an agent for the New World Order. In
1934 John Rawlings Rees became Director of the Tavistock Clinic, where he is trying to figure out how to
make soldiers into men who will kill other men, women and children. This is a problem for the
slavemasters because people are naturally inclined to get along with each other in peace; they are not
inclined to kill other people.
In war, people have been forced into killing other people that they have never met. You dont know
what kind of person your bullet is hitting you could be shooting a very nice person, or the inventor of a
vaccine. If you met these people in life, you would like them and not want to kill them. Most of the people on both sides of a
military conflict are decent people who do not deserve to be killed.
Decent people on both sides of a war have been forced by their government to go out and kill other people that they never
met and do not know. And the odds are that the people you killed, were decent people who did not deserve to die.
William Walters Sargant was a sadistic nutcase who pioneered the Pain-Drug-Hypnosis behavior modification technique.
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Sargant has some deep connections, starting with his mentor, Lord Moran, who was Winston Churchills personal physician. It
was Moran who presumably gave Sargant his in with his later MI5 and MI6 connections.

William Sargant Lord Moran
1934 Sargant had a nervous breakdown and was committed to a mental hospital. He suffered from depression all his life,
and treated himself with a variety of drugs. During this time, Lord Moran encouraged him to take up psychiatry.
Lord Moran, (Charles McMoran Wilson, 1st Baron Moran) as a mentor, sounds like an even more sadistic nutcase. Lord
Moran had written a book after World War I called The Anatomy of Courage. He said the problem with the majority of
soldiers during WW I was they did not fire directly at the enemy to kill them, some even fired above their heads.
How utterly horrible they didnt want to kill people they didnt
A strenuous propaganda campaign was put in place to label such soldiers as cowards in the minds of the public.
The average person was not a SADISTIC KILLER like the men who want these Wars. Now, we invent a mental condition
called shell shock, or battle neurosis and go about doing horrific things to these men.
Lord Moran could literally be a double for the Dark Lord of the Sith,
in the Star Wars saga, both in looks and in DEED.
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In 1935 psycho-dog Sargant was offered a post by Edward Mapother at the Maudsley Hospital, where John Rawlings Rees
was heavily connected through the Tavistock Clinic.
Maudsley Hospital
Sargant worked in conjunction with John Rawlings Rees at the Tavistock Clinic, where Rees was trying to figure out how to
MAKE MEN KILLERS. In a few years World War II would get started and Rees would go to work at Maudsley Hospital
where he would practice his art of turning men into killers.
Gordon Thomas was a British Broadcasting Corporation producer who was one of the first writers to
gain access to CIA documents on MK ULTRA. Thomas also had several interviews with William
Walters Sargant. Gordon Thomas wrote a book about what he learned Inside the Sleep Room.

Here are some passages from Inside the Sleep Room
When I was a BBC producer, Sargant had appeared on my television shows. he told me about his
work for MI5 and MI6
His early medical career was remarkable in the way he gathered to himself powerful men in medicine. Men
like Lord Moran (Winston Churchills wartime physician) and Professor Edward Mapother. They guided
him to the safe haven of Maudsley Hospital. It was there he began his serious research into what
eventually became mind-control.
His early subjects were the victims of acute battle neurosis. [Note: in concert with Tavistock men]
These were men who had simply cracked under the strain of a long war. But for Sargant they were ideal
for his first steps into heavy sedation, drug-induced sleep, modified insulin treatment and barbiturate
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To give you an idea of what these psych drugs like Stelazine do to people, Mark Rathbun visited his brother
Bruce in a psych hospital. This is his description of his visit
Most psych drugs are in a class called Phenothiazine. It is a synthetic compound that is used in veterinary medicine to treat
parasitic infestations of animals. Any of a group of derivatives of this compound, used as tranquilizers.
Phenothiazine itself was introduced by DuPont as an insecticide in 1935.
Types of Phenothiazines and their trademarked brand names are as follows:
chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
fluphenazine (Duraclon and Prolixin)
mesoridazine (Serentil)
perphenazine (Etrafon and Trilafon)
prochlorperazine (Compazine)
promazine (Robinul and Anectine)
thioridazine (Mellaril)
trifluoperazine (Stelazine)
triflupromazine (Robinul)
Like Tavistock Clinic, Sargant combined abreactive therapy with Pain-Drug-Hypnosis therapy. The Maudsley Hospital become
widely known, and successive groups of American officers were sent to Maudsley Hospital to be trained by William

Sargant had a vision, bordering on messianic zeal. He would lead psychiatry into a new world. His
weapons would include epileptic-form convulsions, induced by the drug pentetrazol and electroshock;
hypoglycemic coma, produced with insulin; psychosurgery and pre-frontal leukotomy. He outlined his
methods in his book, Physical Methods of Treatment in Psychiatry. It became required reading for his
growing number of medical disciples in Britain and America.
Using his highly placed connections to the American drug industry, Sargants arsenal of mind-altering
drugs was unequalled in Britain. He was the first to treat depending on the definition of treatment-
patients with Thorazine, Stelazine and Mellaril; anti-depressants like Elavil and Tofranil; anti-manics like
lithium carbonate. He gave them in combinations.
He scoured the psychiatric journals for news of new drugs. Sargant worked closely with Eli Lilly and
Company, Hoffman-La Roche and Geigy. Other drug houses who regarded him with favor were Merck,
Sharp and Dohme, Parke-Davis and Company, Smith Kline & French Laboratories, and Searle
From them came the drugs which did not free Sargants patients from their demons, anxieties and
psychoses, but freed him to find more time to treat more patients. The drugs were no more than a
means to control.
then one eye opened. [his brother Bruce] It was the most chilling moment of my life up to that point:
he showed no recognition whatsoever. Zero. His eye was a pitch-black pit, no sparkle of life anywhere.
What did you all do to him, shock him back to the stone ages? I asked.
No, Mark, hes on Stelazine is all. For violent types it is considered necessary.
No, there is no drug that can do that hes gone, his lights are out. He didnt even recognize me.
Well, Stelazine is pretty powerful. Some call it the chemical straitjacket.
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1937 William Alanson White died. He was a Professor of Psychiatry at George Washington University and the Director of
Saint Elizabeths Hospital, which is a federal mental institution. White was a friend and a mentor to L. Ron Hubbard on the
subject of the mind since 1930.
Dr. Winfred Overholser was specifically chosen by the American Psychiatric Association to replace William Alanson White.
Overholser then became Professor of Psychiatry at George Washington University and the Director of Saint Elizabeths
Hospital. Ron Hubbard would come to have a profound relationship with Winfred Overholser, as well.
Winfred Overholser was another sicko psychiatrist who was involved in mind control research and other kinds of evil.
Winfred Overholser helped enact the Briggs Law which provided for the mental evaluation of any person convicted of a
serious crime. Of this piece of legislation, he wrote, The significance of the Briggs Law is that it has provided for the prompt
recognition of defendants who should be in hospitals, thus preventing trial of mentally ill persons.
The law did not allow psychiatrists to testify in court cases and Overholser was instrumental in getting laws passed that
allowed psychiatrists to testify in court cases. Overholser was also instrumental in overturning laws that required trial by judge
and jury before a person could be committed to a mental hospital.
Upon becoming Director of Saint Elizabeths Hospital, Overholser immediately introduced insulin shock treatment.
Shortly after that, he brought in an electric shock machine to be used on patients. Dr. Watson W. Eldridge, Jr. operated the
electric shock machine, he even used it to treat pneumonia.
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1938 American psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron is working at Albany Hospital, where he began experimenting with a
behavior modification technique called sensory deprivation. This is nine years before the CIA was formed and eleven years
before the show-trial of Mindszenty in 1949.
This is yet another example of :
War is used as an excuse to attempt to legitimize torture.
1938 William Walters Sargant was given a Rockefeller travelling fellowship to study in the United States. He was sent over to
Harvard Medical School, to hobknob with the likes of Doctors Fink, Rinkel and Hyde. On a visit to Washington he arranged to
meet lobotomist Walter Freeman and see three of his patients who had undergone psychosurgical operations. Although the
results were not successful, Sargant resolved to introduce the operation into Britain.
For the past 40 years, Fink has been the worlds leading expert and defender of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
We call it Rinky-Hink science

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World War II was from 1939 to 1945.
On the outbreak of war in September 1939 William Walters Sargant returned to Britain and was assigned to Sutton
Emergency Medical Service. The hospital took both civilian and military patients. Now Sargant really had a large and captive
supply of people to run his horrible tests and experiments on.

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You can probably picture completely psychotic whacko Sargant just
gushing about all the fun he is having.
Oh I think Electro-Shock is just FABULOUS.
He used modified insulin treatment, sleep therapy (inducing a coma with drugs), electroconvulsive therapy and
psychosurgery (also called leucotomy). There were so many casualties under his sadistic hand, people that died, had
personality deterioration, epileptic seizures, and even incontinence, that Sargant was reigned in. Sargant then combined his
own psychotic cocktail of abreaction, where he gets patients to relive traumatic experiences, but while
under heavy use of barbiturates.
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(Hubbard did the same at Chestnut Lodge Sanitarium and Saint Elizabeths Hospital, combining abreactive therapy and PDH.)

John Rawlings Rees and his Tavistock Clinic boys get their deal with British Military (and British
Secret Intelligence Service) they take over Psychiatry in the British Army working primarily out
of Maudsley Hospital.
John Rawlings Rees, the Director of the Tavistock Clinic, became Director of British Army
psychiatry and brought the Tavistock Clinic group with him. This included psychiatrists Wilfred
Bion, John Bowlby, Ronald Hargreaves, Jock Sutherland, John Rickman, and Tommy Wilson. Rees also brought psychologists
Eric Trist, Ben Morris, and Harold Bridger.
They came together for the psychological studies of the Northfield Experiment, designed by Bion as an experiment in taking
soldiers with emotional breakdowns and using a therapeutic community model to bring them back into service. This provided
the first experiences in groups as well as the basis of Bions developments about groups.
Northfield Peer Pressure Experiment
Wilfred Bion and John Rawlings Rees developed a Tavistock behavior modification method wherein you use group peer
pressure to make people give up firmly held beliefs.
Heres an example of the ultimate in hypocrisy of the so-called goodness of this idea -
A bunch of COMPLETELY INSANE PEERS who say that you are insane -
are going to cure you.
14, 15, 25
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The United States had no foreign intelligence agency when World War II began. British intelligence established, trained,
headed up and directed the Office of Strategic Services.
Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was established in June 1942. The OSS was a swarming beehive of New World
Order agents, which fact makes them British agents.
One of them was Allen Dulles, he was in the OSS, and he was a New World Order agent.
The OSS became the Central Intelligence Agency with Allen Dulles as its Director.
The OSS and CIA were headed by agents for the British New World Order.
OSS and CIA are not American intelligence agencies. They are British intelligence, operating inside the
American government.
Since the OSS and CIA are part of the American government, that makes it appear that their actions are the actions of the
American government, when in fact their actions are dictated by (and thus are attributive to) the British rule-the-world

*See Scientology Roots Chapter Twenty One 3 for details.

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October 31, 1942 a Committee of Investigation (COI) was activated to investigate the feasibility of using drugs in the
interrogation of Prisoners of War. The COI was transferred to the OSS on January 1, 1943.
The chairman of the OSS Truth drug committee was Dr. Winfred Overholser. Members of the committee included Dr. William
Watson Eldridge at Saint Elizabeths Hospital and OSS man George Hunter White.
The COI researchers advocated combining morphine with scopalamine, in which a state of twilight sleep could be induced
and that under such conditions a person would talk freely about things that they wouldnt normally. They used the mental
patients under Overholsers watch at Saint Elizabeths Hospital as their guinea pigs for this truth-telling cocktail of drugs.
It was disastrous for the patients. Some slipped into comas, or they started hallucinating to the point that now they really
were insane. One patient died of heart failure and that starts getting too many questions asked so that particular project was
Despite these problems as they were put, the National Defense Research Council, working directly with OSS scientists
through Division 19, assembled the scientists requested for further truth serum studies.
John Whitehorn of Johns Hopkins University
Winfred Overholser Sr., superintendent of St. Elizabeths Hospital
Roger Adams, National Defense Research Council
Watson William Eldridge, Chief of Medical and Surgical Services St. Elizabeths Hospital
Lawrence Kubie, psychiatrist with the New York Neurological Institute at Columbia

Whitehorn Overholser

* Division 19 was the combined OSS and National Defense Research Committee unit, headed by OSS man
George White, that worked on special weapons projects.
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Adams Kubie
One of the drugs they tested as a truth drug was marijuana. Per another CIA document referred to as OSS Truth Serum
George Hunter White and doctor Watson W. Eldridge were involved in using marijuana as part of interrogating prisoners.
November 24, 1943 George Hunter White met with General George Veazey Strong to brief him on the results of the truth
drug program. Whites presentation included details that experiments had, of course, been conducted on patients (against
their will) at both Johns Hopkins University and Saint Elizabeths Hospital.

George Hunter White General George Veazey Strong*
During this same time they are using Pain-Drug-Hypnosis behavior modification treatment on patients at Saint Elizabeths
Hospital. Using shock therapy, the patient was induced into a state of shock/coma and then brought back to consciousness.
Two of the therapies were drug-induced, either by insulin or metrazol; the third kind was induced by electrical current.
When slowly brought out of the coma with glucose injections, his or her personality would be temporarily readjusted (what a
euphemism) and Doctors would then discuss problems with the patient in an attempt to banish his delusions. They called
this good heart-to-heart psychotherapy.
1945 L. Ron Hubbard conducts mental research for the United States Navy. He then joins a Brothers of Light sect run by

*Strong is most famous for his service as Commander of the Military Intelligence Corps during World War
II. During the time of Whites presentation, Strong was the Assistant Chief of Staff (G-2 Military
Intelligence) for the U.S. Army, from 1942 to 1944.
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Aleister Crowley. Crowley is an agent for MI 6.
Right after that Hubbard starts pumping out Brothers of Light and New World Order propaganda in science fiction stories he
writes. Hubbard has clearly become an agent for British intelligence and the New World Order.
See Scientology Roots Chapter Twenty One 3 for details.

1945 Before, during and after World War II, William Walters Sargant is butchering people with various forms of pain-drug-
hypnosis treatments. He combines abreactive therapy with PDH
Concerning this time period, David Clark May writes:
1945 John Rawlings Rees praises Sargants unbridled butchery of people -
William Sargant himself made this statement
William Sargant used narcosis (sleep treatment) to overcome a patients refusal of electroconvulsive therapy, and to deliver
electric shock without their knowledge.
Sargant wasnt the only one hob-knobbing with John Rawlings Rees and Lord Moran, so did American psychiatrist Ewen
In 1945, Lord Moran, Ewen Cameron and John Rawlings Rees went together to visit with top Nazi Rudolph Hess before he
appeared for his trial.
Lord Moran (Dr. Charles McMoran Wilson) was also often seen socializing with soon-to-be CIA Director Allen Dulles and his
wife, at events in London.
Ewen Cameron was another sadistic psychiatrist who worked for the New World Order. Cameron was funded by the
Rockefellers. He openly advocated the New World Order in public speeches he gave, and worked together with psycho William

William Sargant was practising narcoanalysis and abreactive therapy with ether, whipping battle
neurosis cripples into dramatic abreactive displays of emotion and terror
The battle neuroses have been treated effectively. There has been a tendency to move away from
straight persuasion and hypnosis to the chemical methods of sedation, narco-analysis and modified
insulin therapy, but the results as judged by returns to duty are little or no better than they were in the
last war.
For this work we owe much to Sargant, Slater and other workers in the English Emergency Medical
For several years past we have been treating severe resistant depression with long periods of sleep
treatment. We can now keep patients asleep or very drowsy for up to 3 months if necessary. During
sleep treatment we also give them ECT and anti-depressant drugs.
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Sargant in his horrific Tavistock connected Maudsley Hospital experiments.
Sargant taught PDH to Ewen Cameron who then performed PDH research for the CIA mind control program codename MK

William Walters Sargant Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron

Right after World War II, the Big Push in social psychiatry begins. Social psychiatry is social engineering which means
behavior modification for everyone in the world.
In all behavior modification techniques there are two steps:
1. Getting rid of your current personality
2. Installing a new personality that conforms to the ideas they want you to have
Basically, your new personality is to be a willing subject under British slavemaster rule.
Alan Gregg, the Medical Director of the Rockefeller Foundation
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1946 Alan Gregg, the Medical Director of the Rockefeller Foundation, was interested in finding out if there was a group
committed to undertaking, under conditions of peace, the kind of social psychiatry that had developed in the army
under conditions of war.
The kind of social psychiatry
Now think about this do you understand what that really means?
Psychiatry on the rest of us.
Like the world is now one big mental hospital with these fruitcakes in charge of curing us.
John Rawlings Rees and other key members of Tavistock Clinic decided to form a group of men that Alan Gregg was looking
for a group committed to undertaking social psychiatry. They were given the Rockefeller grant which led to the birth of the
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, in London.
Tavistock Institute for Human Relations is a center for mind control research. Stanford Research Institute (SRI) was formed
as part of the Tavistock network in 1946. Stanford Research Institute conducts mind control research.
They would need millions of psychiatrists to treat all the people in the world, and there would never be enough. So,
abreaction talking therapy was the solution because the practitioners did not have to be licensed physicians. Enter L. Ron
Hubbard to act as the front man for the Cecil family subjects of Dianetics and Scientology. Hubbard intensive training in
abreactive talking therapy soon began.

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1947 Sargant spent 1947 at Duke University as a visiting professor of psychiatry at Duke University. This was during the
time period of dream telepathy experimentation and psychic abilities testing there at Duke under William McDougall, the
former head of the British Society for Psychical Research.

Sandoz, a drug/chemical manufacturing company began clinical trials of LSD and marketed it under the name Delysid
as a psychiatric drug, from 1947 through the mid 1960s. Psychiatric patients were used as the first guinea pigs for this
new wonder drug. It was touted as curing a wide range of psychiatric ailments, anywhere from alcoholism to sexual
deviancy. However, its true purpose was much, much darker.
MMHC was originally called Boston Psychopathic, it is referred to as a pioneering mental-health institution affiliated with
Harvard Medical School. Elmer Ernest Southard taught social psychiatry at Harvard. Southerd also led the Boston
Psychopathic Hospital, which has a just horrific track of experimentation on patients.

In September 1947, the OSS is restructured and renamed the Central Intelligence Agency.
Mind control research begun by Tavistock Clinic in World War II and imported to the OSS, was already well underway
at this time, but was not yet officially authorized.
Late 1940s - A C.I.A.Memo (written in June 1951) says:
Within the CIA, Richard Helms provided Dr Sidney Gottlieb and the CIAs Technical Services Divisions with $25 million in
funds between 1953 and 1963 for MK-Ultra projects studying human responses to drugs and environmental conditions

*See The Dark History of Schizophrenia: When Did Telepathy First Become A Symptom for more on
McDougall and setting up J.B. Rhine at Duke University initially in 1927.
We were very interested in anything that could make someone schizophrenic, said Milton Greenblatt of
Massuchusetts Mental Health Center (MMHC).
C.I.A. interest is in the specific subject of devising scientific methods for controlling the minds of
individuals. And so, in the late 1940s some essentially uncontrolled experimentation was begun by
various people within the C.I.A.
This led to a more structured programme that had the name Bluebird, later named Artichoke, MK Ultra,
and MK Search. Under Projects Bluebird and Artichoke the attempt was made to bring together all
known knowledge of interrogation techniques, truth serums, polygraphs, and hypnosis to create an
elite interrogation team with facility in all of those endeavours, and have them do the work that would be
needed, first of all to protect against infiltration by enemy agents, and also to protect the minds of
American agents who might get captured by Communist individuals.
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that could manipulate individuals into adopting behaviors against their will. CIA operations Bluebird and Artichoke studied
the usefulness of psychotropic drugs in interrogation. Both Bluebird and Artichoke regularly used unethical and illegal research
methods such as dosing unsuspecting government employees or members of the public with strong chemical agents like LSD,
DMT, liquid concentrates of THC or opiates.
From the Senate Committee Hearings in 1977 -
[4] CIA memorandum to the Select Committee, Behavioral Drugs and Testing, 2/11/75.
[5] Memorandum from Robert Taylor, O/DD/P to the Assistant Deputy (Inspection and Security) and
Chief of the Medical Staff, 3/22/52.
[6] Memorandum from H. Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director, Scientific Intelligence, to the Deputy

1. Project CHATTER
Project CHATTER was a Navy program that began in the fall of 1947. Responding to reports of amazing
results achieved by the Soviets in using truth drugs, the program focused on the identification and
testing of such drugs for use in interrogations and in the recruitment of agents. The research included
laboratory experiments on animals and human subjects involving Anabasis aphylla, scopolamine, and
mescaline in order to determine their speech-inducing qualities. Overseas experiments were conducted as
part of the project.
The project expanded substantially during the Korean War, and ended shortly after the war, in 1953.
The earliest of the CIAs major programs involving the use of chemical and biological agents, Project
BLUEBIRD, was approved by the Director in 1950. Its objectives were:
(a) discovering means of conditioning personnel to prevent unauthorized extraction of information from
them by known means, (b) investigating the possibility of control of an individual by application of special
interrogation techniques, (c) memory enhancement, and (d) establishing defensive means for preventing
hostile control of Agency personnel. [4]
As a result of interrogations conducted overseas during the project, another goal was added the
evaluation of offensive uses of unconventional interrogation techniques, including hypnosis and drugs. In
August 1951, the project was renamed ARTICHOKE. Project ARTICHOKE included in-house
experiments on interrogation techniques, conducted under medical and security controls which would
ensure that no damage was done to individuals who volunteer for the experiments. [5] Overseas
interrogations utilizing a combination of sodium pentothal and hypnosis after physical and psychiatric
examinations of the subjects were also part of ARTICHOKE.
The Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI), which studied scientific advances by hostile powers, initially led
BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE efforts. In 1952, overall responsibility for ARTICHOKE was transferred from
OSI to the Inspection and Security Office (I&SO), predecessor to the present Office of Security. The
CIAs Technical Services and Medical Staffs were to be called upon as needed; OSI would retain liaison
function with other government agencies. [6] The change in leadership from an intelligence unit to an
operating unit apparently reflected a change in emphasis; from the study of actions by hostile powers to
the use, both for offensive and defensive purposes, of special interrogation techniques primarily
hypnosis and truth serums.
Representatives from each Agency unit involved in ARTICHOKE met almost monthly to discuss their
progress. These discussions included the planning of overseas interrogations [8] as well as further
experimentation in the U.S.
Information about project ARTICHOKE after the fall of 1953 is scarce. The CIA maintains that the
project ended in 1956, but evidence suggests that Office of Security and Office of Medical Services use of
special interrogation techniques continued for several years thereafter.
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Note: the above Appendix A (ref #64) also contains a great deal of information concerning the death of Frank Olson who
had been experimented on with LSD ordered by Sydney Gottlieb. It also included the fact that the Army was testing LSD on
unwitting persons in foreign countries.

1948 John Rawlings Rees and other psychs who are agents for the New World Order, form the World Federation for Mental
Health. They define mental health as being a willing subject in the New World Order.
The mental health movement is a British political operation masquerading as mental health.
L. Ron Hubbard was an advocate for the New World Order, he was their agent. He put his shoulder into the effort to bring
mental health to the population meaning getting people to become willing subjects in the British New World Order.
1948 to 1950 Ron Hubbard gets trained in abreactive therapy at Chestnut Lodge Sanitarium and Saint Elizabeths Hospital.
He treats 1,000 institutional cases. At the same time he is combining abreactive therapy with Pain-Drug-Hypnosis therapy.
Director/Plans (DDP) Project ARTICHOKE, 8/29/52.
[8] Progress Report, Project ARTICHOKE. 1/12/53.

MKNAOMI was another major CIA program in this area. In 1967, the CIA summarized the purposes of
(a) To provide for a covert support base to meet clandestine operational requirements.
(b) To stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials for the specific use of TSD [Technical Services
(c) To maintain in operational readiness special and unique items for the dissemination of biological and
chemical materials.
(d) To provide for the required surveillance, testing, upgrading, and evaluation of materials and items in
order to assure absence of defects and complete predictability of results to be expected under
operational conditions. [9]
Under an agreement reached with the Army in 1952, the Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort
Detrick was to assist CIA in developing, testing, and maintaining biological agents and delivery systems.
By this agreement, CIA acquired the knowledge, skill, and facilities of the Army to develop biological
weapons suited for CIA use.

These experiments, designed to evaluate potential intelligence uses of LSD, were known collectively as
Material Testing Program EA 1729. Two projects of particular interest conducted as part of these
experiments, THIRD CHANCE and DERBY HAT, involved the administration of LSD to unwitting
subjects in Europe and the Far East.
*See Scientology Roots Chapter Twenty One 3 for details.
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1948 William Walters Sargant was ordered (by John Rawlings Rees and MI6) back from Duke University to
England in August 1948, where he was to stay at St. Thomas Hospital in London for the rest of his career.
St. Thomas Hospital and nearby Royal Waterloo Hospital provided Sargant with a 22 bed ward for his in-patients (this was to
become his ward for continuous narcosis or deep sleep treatment). The basement was refurbished to use as an out-patient
department (for electroconvulsive therapy, modified insulin treatment, methedrine injections, leucotomies, acute sedation with
Pentothal and Amytal, and ether abreactions to treat patients)
At Belmont Hospital and at St Thomas Hospital, Sargant subjected patients to up to three months combined electroconvulsive
therapy, continuous narcosis, insulin coma therapy and drugs. He keeps patients in a drug-induced coma for up to three
months, during that time he gives the patient electroshock, drugs, and hypnotic commands.
Sargant used narcosis (sleep treatment) to overcome a patients
refusal of electroconvulsive therapy, or even deliver it without their
He wrote in his standard textbook An Introduction To Physical Methods Of Treatment In Psychiatry:

Many patients unable to tolerate a long course of ECT, can do so when anxiety is relieved by narcosis
What is so valuable is that they generally have no memory about the actual length of the treatment or
the numbers of ECT used After 3 or 4 treatments they may ask for ECT to be discontinued because of
an increasing dread of further treatments. Combining sleep with ECT avoids this
All sorts of treatment can be given while the patient is kept sleeping, including a variety of drugs and ECT
[which] together generally induce considerable memory loss for the period under narcosis. As a rule the
patient does not know how long he has been asleep, or what treatment, even including ECT, he has been
given. Under sleep one can now give many kinds of physical treatment, necessary, but often not easily
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William Walters Sargant

A show trial then took place in 1949, featuring Josef Cardinal Mindszenty. With a glazed look in his eyes, Mindszenty
confessed to crimes of treason he apparently did not commit demonstrating what could happen to foreign agents or
anyone who could be mind controlled into talking. This presented the problem that needed solving.
Josef Cardinal Mindszenty
Enter mind-control experimentation in the name of national security. LSD.
Shortly after the show trial, a workgroup was set up by Fred Williams of the U.S. Air Force. It was called the Air Force
Psychological Warfare Division and was located at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. The group was a
clearing house for a larger network, some of the members of which were
Colonel James Monroe (who later joined the CIA)
Albert Biderman, a sociologist
Robert J. Lifton and Herman Sander, air force psychiatrists
Harold Wolff and Lawrence Hinkle at Cornell
John Gittinger, CIA psychologist
Herbert Zimmer
1949 after the field has been primed with fear of turning mens minds, a Viennese doctor named Otto Kauders
traveled to the United States in search of research funds. He gave a conference at Boston Psychopathic Hospital concerning
the new drug. Kauder described how an infinitesimally small dose had rendered Dr. Albert Hofmann (who discovered it)
temporarily crazy.

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Robert W. Hydes colleague, Max Rinkel, an Army neuropsychiatrist and refugee from Hitlers Germany, was so intrigued by
Kauders presentation that he quickly contacted Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Switzerland, where Albert Hofmann worked.
Sandoz officials arranged to ship some LSD across the Atlantic, and the experiments began.
Max Rinkel
Robert W. Hyde, the deputy superintendent at Boston Psychopathic in 1949, experimented on himself with the new drug.
Jay Stevens wrote about what happened with Robert in Storming Heaven,:

What followed was fascinating. Right before their eyes, Hyde, the even-keeled Vermonter, turned into a
paranoiac, as a swarm of little suspicions why are those people smiling? Was that a door closing?
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Maybe that wasnt such a good idea
This is Dr. Robert W. Hyde in 1956 -
began eating away at his composure.
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Dr. Max Rinkel, was particularly interested in using LSD to induce a schizophrenia-like state in mentally healthy
Rinkel and Hyde, then went on to organize an LSD study at the facility in which they tested the drug on 100 volunteers. They
tested it on far more people than was put on paper, and not all of them were volunteers. They even tested it on
children. It was a CIA sanctioned experiment.
Hyde (probably with Rinkel) went on to move his CIA backed experimentation to the newly founded Butler Mental Health
Center in Rhode Island, and later on to Vermont State Hospital.
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MKULTRA experiments have been documented at both Boston Psychopathic and Butler, and information is just starting to
come out about Vermont State Hospital.

On 20 April 1950 the CIAs mind control program Project Bluebird was then officially authorized. CIA Director Roscoe
Hillenkoetter approved BLUEBIRD and authorized the use of unvouchered funds to pay for its most sensitive areas. The
CIAs behavior-control program now had a bureaucratic structure to really focus in on this research.
CIA-contracted psychiatrists begin (or in some cases continue) secret experiments with ice-pick
lobotomies, electroshock, hypnosis, pain, and drugs, including cocaine, heroin, and LSD.
Max Rinkel and Robert Hydes LSD experiments on psychiatric patients (without their permission) at Boston Psychopathic, now
came under BLUEBIRD.
Dr. John Gittinger started working for the CIA in 1950, along with CIA agents James Monroe and Lawrence Hinkle
specifically to do brainwashing. Dr. Gittinger supported both visible prongs of the devils fork the strenuous brainwashing
techniques and the more palatable personality testing, psychological assessment angle.
The devils fork or blivet is an optical illusion meant to mess with your head.
Much like the MKULTRA men were trying to do.
L. Ron Hubbard is asked to resign the Navy and conduct mind control research as a civilian. Hubbard does what they asked,
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he resigns the Navy and as a civilian he then does mind control research. The Office of Naval Research was one conduit the
CIA used to fund mind control research.
May 1950 Ron Hubbard writes Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health. Catharsis therapy, also known as
abreactive therapy, is now called Dianetics.
Ron Hubbard immediately opens the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation and begins conducting research into Pain-Drug-
In his book Science of Survival Ron Hubbard says -
So, the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation did pain-drug-hypnosis experiments which is exactly what the CIA mind
control programme wanted research on back then.
Hubbard also does research into the remedy for PDH, another thing that the CIA wanted research on, to protect the minds
of captured American agents who might get PDHd.
See Scientology Roots Chapter Twenty One 3 for further details.

Dr. Jose Manuel Rodriguez Delgado was brought to the U.S. in 1950. He worked at Yale University where he continued
the research of Dr. Hess. Delgado conducted research into direct Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB). He researched the
use of pleasure and pain for mind control.
The brain receives and sends electrical impulses to the rest of the body via the nervous system. The brain is a switchboard
that receives commands from a Being and it sends out electrical impulses which are control signals that cause something to
occur in the body. All of the bodys functions are regulated through the brain.
Electronic brain implants work on the principle of introducing a controlled electrical signal, directly into a specific part of the
brain, for the purpose of creating a specific reaction in the body. Electronic implants in the brain can either receive instructions
via radio signals, passing them to the brain, or, can be interrogated via external radio signals to read brain activity at a
distance. Advanced implants are capable of both functions.

American psychiatrist Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron lived in Albany, New York. He commuted to Montreal, Canada every week to
work at the Rockefeller-funded Allan Memorial Institute. It was part of McGill University in Canada. He carried out cruel
psychiatric experiments on his patients there.

This form of hypnotism has been a carefully guarded secret of certain military and intelligence
organizations. It is a vicious war weapon and may be of more use in conquering a society than the atom
bomb. Pain-drug-hypnosis is a wicked extension of narco-synthesis, the drug hypnosis used in America
only during and since the last war. But pain-drug-hypnosis, due mainly to the intent of the operator, is a
much more vicious procedure. The Foundation undertook some tests with regard to the effectiveness of
pain-drug-hypnosis and found it so appallingly destructive to the personality
Pain-drug-hypnosis is so effectively destructive that the Foundation has ceased experimentation along
this line, having already learned enough and refusing to endanger the sanity of individuals.
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Allan Memorial Institute a Rockefeller-funded psychiatric institute
Donald Hebb was a colleague of Dr. Ewen Cameron at McGill University. Hebb began to wonder about the use of sensory
deprivation as a tool for breaking people down. Starting in 1951 Hebb received about $10,000 a year from the Canadian
Defense Research Board to develop the work on sensory deprivation.
Carried on by Hebbs students, the results were startling: volunteer students placed in sensory isolation for over two to three
days became depersonalized and unable to think, and they experienced hallucinations; they were then receptive to attitudinal
Sensory deprivation has been said to be the most horrible form of torture.
The CIA was interested in this mind control method and would fund further research.
20 August 1951 CIA Project BLUEBIRD was renamed as Project ARTICHOKE.
The CIAs Project Artichoke was attempting to create a mind-controlled killer, who could be programmed to carry out
assassinations. The methods used for doing the programming included PDH methods (pain-drugs-hypnosis) including
Project Artichoke has devious goals such as get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding
against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature.
1952 CIA Project Moonstruck: Electronic implants in brain, implanted during surgery or surreptitiously during abduction of
Purpose: Tracking, mind and behavior control, programming, covert
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The Russians were allegedly using people with psychic abilities for military purposes, although that is highly likely to be
disinformation since the real research the Slavemasters were engaged in was much more electronic or machine in nature.
Basically, psychic warfare means using a psychic person (or more usually a machine) for spying and for psychic influencing.
Psychic influencing means putting thoughts into the minds of enemy leaders, it is a weapon. Psychic spying is gaining secret
information about an enemy, using psychic means.
I believe that most of the time this is either actually machine augmented or entirely machine caused, and that the whole
psychic (meaning a person) thing is usually a misdirection and can be discredited far more easily thereby hopefully
shrouding the entire subject of influencing someones mind at a distance under that same disbelief umbrella.
Its a tactic.
On 7 January 1952, a secret CIA document discusses a multi-level program to research and develop the use of
extrasensory perception for practical problems of intelligence.
In March 1952, Hubbard gave a series of lectures that changed the whole complexion of Dianetics. The emphasis was now
on Scientology and research into the capabilities of a Being, which in later years became the OT levels. This switch is in
alignment with the CIA objectives to use ESP for intelligence purposes, a subject called psychic warfare.
1952 CIA begins training its operatives in psychic spying. The U.S. State Department used visualization exercises to train its
operatives in the use of psi faculties. The CIA set up an interagency committee to follow psi research.
Note some definitions
parapsychology science investigating mental telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis
clairvoyance able to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception
psychokinesis moving a material object by influence of the mind
psi the aggregate of parapsychological functions of the mind
The three organizations publicly visible as having researched spiritual and mental ability are:
British Society for Psychical Research
American Society for Psychical Research
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Church of Scientology
All three of these have always been under the thumb of British intelligence. They were used for research and development
of mental and spiritual abilities and for mind control research.
December 1952 Ron Hubbard delivers a series of over 50 lectures in Philadelphia on processes for attaining a state he calls
Operating Thetan (OT), described as a being stably exterior from the body and able to perceive, communicate, and
operate in the physical universe without reliance on the sense channels or mechanics of a body. These lectures are formerly
called The Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures, PDC for short.
These PDC lectures are in alignment with the CIA training their operatives in psi faculties.
Formative State of Scientology, an LRH lecture 6 December 1952 -
Remember, the CIA wanted to develop mind control methods but they also wanted a defense against it happening to their
operatives. Hubbard researched PDH and also attempted to provide a remedy for PDH the CIA wanted both.
Scientology will decline and become useless to man on the day when it becomes the master of thinking.
Dont think it wont do that. It has every capability in it of doing that.
Contained in the knowable, workable portions before your eyes there are methods of controlling human
beings and thetans which have never before been dreamed of in this universe; control mechanisms of
such awesome and solid proportions that if the remedies were not so much easier to apply, one would be
appalled at the dangerousness to beingness that exists in Scientology.
The time to figure out the remedy is before the bullet.
But what kind of kind of a government and what kind of a weapon is really serious?
a weapon that destroys minds, thats serious. Out of the knowledge which lies before you are sufficient
technologies to take over, sieze and handle any government or people on the face of the earth.
You can control men like you would control robots with those techniques. The implantation, Black
Dianetics, pain-drug-hypnosis are very mild methods of control.
Theres only one thing that could happen to Scientology and that is to say that it would be buried the
remedy would be buried. If it ever went out of sight, this worlds done. All youve got to do is invalidate it
and put it out of sight and hide it, and itll come up in the wrong place doing the wrong thing and
mankind will find itself a slave.
Well, weve got new ways to make slaves here. Lets see that none are made.
you can use Creative Processing. The process of using mock-ups will flip out a PDH without ever
touching it or addressing it. You can knock a PDH to pieces within 15 minutes of processing. And it takes
longer than that to put one in.
A PDH could be so a pain-drug-hypnosis they knock the fellow out, they drug him could be laid in
with great rapidity And you could get ahold of him and flip the PDH out.
Did you ever read poor old George Orwells 1984? That would be, could be the palest imagined shadow
of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence.
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This is a very flowery speech Ron Hubbard just gave, apparently hes
opposing slavery.
All slavemaster groups use nice-sounding words to describe themselves, however, their actions do not match up to their
nice-sounding words. Scientology does nothing to expose and oppose the British New World Order people who are working to
bring about a total Slave State, instead it supports them and allies itself with them.
We call them happy-cherry sounding-words that are trying to disguise a
Sherman tank.
A weapon of WAR.
Hubbard was an agent for British intelligence and the New World Order. Scientology is not about total freedom it is assisting
in bringing about a complete British Slave State.
*See Scientology Roots Chapter Twenty Three New World Order Police State.

New York Times 12 April 1953
Currents to Brain Produce Changes In Social Behavior
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In 1953, Allen Dulles, Director of the CIA, spoke on Brain Warfare at Princeton University. In his speech he distinguished
two fronts in the battle for mens minds -
a first front of mass indoctrination through propaganda
a second front of individual brainwashing
On 13 April 1953, Allen Dulles approved project MK-Ultra. MK stood for Mind Kontrol. MK-Ultra was an umbrella project with
149 sub-projects.
MK-Ultra was a secret 25 year and 25 million dollar CIA project to investigate methods to influence thought, attitude,
memory and human behaviour. Several psychiatrists were involved.
Sidney Gottlieb was director of the CIA mind control project, MK-Ultra and MK-Search, from 13 April 1953 to 10 July 1972.
His real name is Joseph Scheider.

The social behavior of humans and animals can be drastically influenced by electrical stimulation of the
brain, a researcher said yesterday. Dr. Jose Delgado said painless electrical charges to the human brain
had evoked such feelings as fear, friendliness and recall of long-forgotten events. In tests on monkeys
and cats, there were definite changes in eating and sleeping, fighting and playing and sexual responses,
he said.
Dr. Delgado, said his tests would at first, seem to support the distasteful conclusion that motion,
emotion and behavior can be directed by electrical forces and that animals and humans can be controlled
like robots by push buttons.
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Under MK Ultra drugs such as LSD were tested on unknowing citizens.
Mind control research was shifted between two divisions inside the CIA -
Technical Services Staff (TSS)
Office of Research and Development (ORD)
The CIA sent funding for mind control research through various conduits -
Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology (aka The Human Ecology Fund)
The Geschickter Fund for Medical Research
Scientific Engineering Institute
National Institute of Mental Health
National Institutes of Health
Office of Naval Research
The CIA admitted supporting research into human mind and behavior control at 150 institutions and these included hospitals,
prisons, drug companies, and 44 universities.
Like the Nazis experiments, the usual targets were those considered lesser human beings such as prostitutes, people with
non-white skins, and drug addicts. Thousands of prisoners were also forced to take part, and hospital and mental patients
were used without their consent as experiment-fodder for these crazy people.
All of this continues in a much more advanced way today.

1953 Dr. Frank Olson worked for the US Armys biological weapons center at Fort Detrick. Olson had his role in preparing
anthrax and other biological weapons.
Dr. Frank Olson and Sidney Gottlieb were sent to England to observe what William Sargant was doing. They worked with
Sargant, sharing information. They directly observed what Sargant was doing to people at Porton Down. Part of Olsons work
had been done at Porton Down, Britains ultra-secret chemical and biological warfare center.
Frank Olson was deeply disturbed by what he saw and he was about to become a whistleblower. Sargant alerted the CIA that
Frank Olson was about to go public.
In order to prevent Frank Olson from going public with what he knew, they decided to take him to the CIA drop site for
people they wanted silenced Chestnut Lodge. But he never made it to Chestnut Lodge. They said Olson fell to his death
when he jumped out of a hotel window.
4, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16
9, 10
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The truth was Olson was killed by CIA
operative George White.
Inside the Sleep Room by Gordon Thomas -
Other drug experiments were performed at Britains most secret chemical and biological warfare establishment at Porton
Down. Again volunteers from military mental hospitals and from military prisons were used.
Porton Down

In 1948 [Sargant] was appointed director of the department of psychological medicine at St Thomas
Hospital, London, and remained there until his retirement in 1972, also treating patients at other
Yet even they did not suspect that Sargant, as early as 1948, had made a Faustian bargain with Britains
two intelligence services.
At military bases in Britain, including one at Maresfield he conducted drug-related experiments on so-
called military volunteers.
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Continuing with Gordon Thomas -
American intelligence sent observers to monitor these tests. Among them was one of the CIAs senior
biochemists, Frank Olson, and Sidney Gottlieb, the overall head of the [CIA] MK ULTRA program.
The three men became close friends. On each trip they visited Sargants department at St. Thomas to
study patient records. They also shared with Sargant the latest mind-altering research being carried out
at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Ultimately, as we shall see, these connections led to the 1953 murder of Frank Olson Sargant had
played a key role in alerting the CIA that one of its chief officers, Frank Olson, had been about to become
a whistle-blower.
Shortly after 2:30 a.m. on November 28, 1953, Olsons body was discovered, bloodied and broken, on
the pavement of Manhattans Seventh Avenue, clothed only in underpants and a T-shirt.
The decision to terminate Frank Olson had been made by Gottlieb after Sargant had listened to Olsons
admissions in London in early November 1953 that he had taken part in lethal experiments on German
nationals in post-war Europe.
Sargant, who had regarded Frank Olson as steady as a rock, had told his colleagues in British
intelligence that he feared Olson was about to go public. Shortly afterward, at a CIA safe house at Deep
Creek Lodge in western Maryland, Olson had joined other CIA researchers ironically, to discuss the use
of drugs like mescaline for further experiments in Europe.
CIA operative George White had acted as one of the hosts for the gathering. At some point during the
evening he reportedly slipped 70 micrograms of LSD into Olsons drink. Olson quickly became sullen and
disturbed. A CIA scientist, Richard Lashbrook, escorted him to New York to take care of him
White was one of the hit men the agency used for what it called wet jobs.
He had been killed by George White.
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George Hunter White
Note -
James Starrs, a forensic scientist at George Washington University, led a team of experts to determine the cause of
death. After Olsons body was exhumed in 1994, the team found extensive skull fracturesfar more than would have been
possible from simply hitting the pavement. The most likely scenario, Starrs concluded, was that Olson had been smashed in
the head with a hammer or similar blunt instrument, then his body was thrown through the window.

1953 Dr. Ewen Cameron is elected president of the American Psychiatric Association. In his presidential address to the APA
Cameron said:
Dr. Ewen Cameron was an agent for the New World Order people.
Starting in June 1953, Ewen Cameron was carrying out Pain-Drug-Hypnosis treatment on mental patients in conjunction with
William Walters Sargant.
Here is a case of the CIA using the Office of Naval Research as a
funding conduit
1955 MK Ultra subproject 54 concerned the use of sound or wave weapons to cause brain concussions or amnesia.

Our best hope for a new world order and without hysteria lies in science. With behavioural scientists
as leaders, order would emerge from chaos.
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Here is some testimony given in the 1977 Senate Hearings into MK Ultra -
CIA Director Stansfield Turners Testimony, pp 33-50
Through MKULTRA Subproject 54, the CIA gave $62,400.00 to the Office of Naval Research in 1955. The study was about
how to produce concussions from a distance using mechanical blast waves propagated through the air. Under the heading
POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS OF THE RESEARCH FINDINGS, the contractor said that such concussion is always followed
by amnesia for the actual moment of the accident.
He also stated:

Senator SCHWEIKER. Subproject 54, MKULTRA, which involved examination of techniques to cause
brain concussions and amnesia by using weapons or sound waves to strike individuals without giving and
without leaving any clear physical marks. Someone dubbed it perfect concussion maybe that was
poetic license on the part of our staff rather than your poets over there. I wonder if you could just tell us
what brain concussion experiments were about?
Admiral TURNER. This project, No. 54, was canceled, and never carried out.
Senator SCHWEIKER. Well, I do believe the first year of the project in 1955 was carried out by the Office
of Naval Research, according to the information that you supplied us. The CIA seems to have been
participating in some way at that point, because the records go on to say that the experimenter at ONR
found out about CIAs role, discovered that it was a cover, and then the project was transferred to
MKULTRA in 1956. Again, this is all from the backup material you have given us. So, it was canceled at
some time.
Mr. LAUBINGER. On project 54, it has got a rather sensational proposal in there, in terms of the work
that they propose to do, and you asked about the proposal and I said, in fact, it was never funded under
MKULTRA. Now, I overlooked at least, my memory did not serve me correctly when I went through
that file folder to see one memorandum dated January 10, 1956, which makes it quite clear, as a matter
of fact, that that proposal was based on prior work that was funded by the Agency.
Senator SCHWEIKER. Well, do you agree or not agree with DODs statement here that even though the
initial funding was Navy, it was really a conduit for the CIA?
Mr. LAUBINGER. I think that is correct.
Senator SCHWEIKER. Well, I am confused, because here again is another quote from a document that
we have seen, which you have released and supplied to us:
Following is the technical progress made under the current [deleted] contract: (a)
Specializing instrumentation and numerous testing techniques have been developed to
obtain the desired dynamic data; (b) considerable data has now been obtained supporting
the resonance-cavilation theory of brain concussion; and (c) preliminary acceleration
threshold data has been obtained for a fluid-filled glass simulated skull.
It goes on to talk about a blast range and a 2,500-square-foot laboratory. The document notes that
Three blast test series have been run to date. It describes a special blackjack device, a pancake-type
blackjack giving a high peak impact force with a low unit surface pressure.
The blast duration would in the order of a tenth of a second. Masking of a noise of this
duration should not be difficult. It would be advantageous to establish the effectiveness of
both of the above methods as a tool in brain-wash therapy.
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Another name for the wave type weapons is accoustic, and acoustic weapons research was ongoing at Scientific
Applications & Research Associates, Inc. in Huntington Beach, California according to an article by D. Pasternak titled
Wonder Weapons, in U.S. News and World Report, July 7, 1997, pp. 38-46.
See other excerpts of article here.
Testing was also being carried out at nearby Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base; Mission Research Corps in Albuquerque,
New Mexico; and the Armstrong Laboratory at Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.
These early research efforts under the umbrella of MK ULTRA would become the foundation of the non-lethal weapons that
are currently active.
Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology was a funding conduit for CIA mind control research.
Ecology The science of the relationships between organisms and their environments. The study of the interaction of
people with their environment.
The term human ecology had been coined by Harold Wolff.
CIA Document defining Human Ecology, estimated date January 1, 1954 titled ProtocolRe: Human Ecology.
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This document can be viewed at Black Vaults MKULTRA archives on disk 1, folder 146235.
1954 - Harold G. Wolff begins proposals for what would become the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology. He was
already involved with Project QK-Hilltop at Cornell Medical College. Project QK-Hilltop was created to study brainwashing
techniques. It was a spinoff from James Monroes group at Maxwell AFB.
Note: In general, MK Ultra subprojects 48 and 60 provided the basic documents on the Society for the Investigation
of Human Ecology.
CIA Document dated March 5 1956 (titled Memorandum, consisting of multiple pages) made clear that work had been going
on in this area since 1954, and was INDEED on the subject of brainwashing and interrogation techniques.
This document can be viewed in full at Black Vaults MKULTRA archives disk 4, folder 17446, Image 105. The entire set
starts at image #92.
Lets look at some more documents. The first one concerns using it as a covert funding mechansim.
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This document can be viewed in full at Black Vaults MKULTRA archives on disk 4, folder 17446, Image 147.
1 It will provide a covert funding mechanism for projects which may wish to set up in the general field of [blacked]
including the project at [blacked]
2 It will provide a covert mechanism for making contact with scientists in our fields of interest
1955 Harold G. Wolff officially organized the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.
Wolff was personally recruited by Allen Dulles to direct the Societys covertly funded programmes to identify effective methods
of persuasion and interrogation
Check out those cold.
55, 58
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Lawrence Hinkle was Harold Wolffs partner in crimes against humanity. You can see him live in this video.
Lawrence Hinkle
Underneath the cover of the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, Harold Wolff and Lawrence Hinkle headed up
extremely harsh research into mind control.
The Search For The Manchurian Candidate by John Marks -

*1979 ABC News, Mission Mind Control, Hinkles interview starts at approximately 44:32 in the video
Wolff pressed upon the CIA his idea that to understand human behavior and how governments might
manipulate it one had to study man in relationship to his total environment. Calling this field human
ecology, Wolff drew into it the disciplines of psychology, medicine, sociology, and anthropology. Once
he figured out how the human mind really worked, he wrote, he would tell the Agency how a man can
be made to think, feel, and behave according to the wishes of other men.
Following the Soviet model, he felt he could help his patients by putting them into an isolated, disoriented
state from which it would be easier to create new behavior patterns. Although Russian-style isolation
cells were impractical at Cornell, Wolff hoped to get the same effect more quickly through sensory
He told the Agency that sensory-deprivation made the patient more receptive to the suggestions of
the psychotherapist. He proposed keeping his patients in sensory deprivation until they show an
increased desire to talk and to escape from the procedure. Then, he said, doctors could utilize material
from their own past experience in order to create psychological reactions within them.
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Sensory deprivation image from 1963 film The Mind Benders
Sensory deprivation has been said to be the most horrible form of torture.
Look at this more closely:
utilize material from their own past experience in order to create psychological reactions within
Heres what the actual document said that Marks is talking about -
MKULTRA sub-project #48, which is in disk 4, folder 17446, image 104
This is exactly the same as what Dr. Ewen Cameron was already doing in conjunction with William Sargants psychic driving,
where tapes of the persons words were played back to them over and over while in a suggestible state.
A CIA document dated March 4, 1955 shows the proposal for the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology (even
though the name is blacked out)
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This document can be viewed at Black Vaults MKULTRA archives on disk 4, folder 17446, Image 146.
Point 3 A need to know more about the genesis of the attitudes, behavior, and motivations of man and how these
can be altered and controlled.
Point 5 A need to know more precisely how stress situations stemming from interpersonal relations affect
human behavior, attitudes, thought processes and bodily functions.
MK Ultra sub-project #48 this document shows that sensory deprivation makes the person more receptive to the
suggestions of a psychotherapist.
Excerpt image #101
Excerpt image #102
These documents can be viewed at Black Vaults MKULTRA archives on disk 4, folder 17446, images 101, 102.
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MKULTRA sub-project #48 document dated 3 May 1955 further shows the fields of interest initially. The document is on
disk 4, folder 17446, Images 148 and 151:
The Human Ecology group moved out of its East 78th Street town house, which had always seemed a little too plush for a
university program, and opened up a new headquarters in Forest Hills, Queens.
James Monroe lied directly about the source of the Societys money, claiming it came from rich New York doctors and Texas
millionaires who gave it for tax purposes. That was his standard cover story with unwitting grantees.
My wife has discovered in her research that during WWII, Captain James L. Monroe was involved with psychological warfare.
I dont believe this part of his background has been mentioned anywhere that I have seen.

Agency officials hired a staff of four led by Lieutenant Colonel James Monroe
Sid Gottlieb and the TSS hierarchy in Washington still made the major decisions, but Monroe and the
Society staff, whose salaries the Agency paid, took over the Societys dealings with the outside world and
the monitoring of several hundred thousand dollars a year in research projects. Monroe personally
supervised dozens of grants, including Dr. Ewen Camerons brainwashing work in Montreal. Soon the
Society was flourishing as an innovative foundation, attracting research proposals from a wide variety of
behavioral scientists
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As an officer of the 305th bomber group he invented a bomb with which to distribute propaganda leaflets in 1943. It was
named the Monroe bomb, and was developed from laminated paper containers that had been used to transport M-17
incendiary bombs.
In the pic below, he is adjusting the fuse on a bomb so that it will release psychological warfare leaflets at the desired height
above the ground.
Military mag Air Power History Spring 1998, Volume 45, Nbr 1
Bomb loaded with leaflets and ready to go.
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Anthony Eden, Winston Churchills Foreign Secretary, visited Monroes 305th bombardment group. (I assume Monroe is in this
pic, perhaps bottom right)
James Monroe had multiple CIA connections and oversaw the Air Forces comprehensive study of Korean War prisoners, as
well as personally supervising the work of Dr. Ewen Cameron.
He is also mentioned in a PDF my wife found of the actual report of the Secretary of Defenses Advisory Committee on
Prisoners of War from August 1955.
By the time of this report, he is now a Lieutenant Colonel and is described under the heading of consulting with the Defense
Advisory committee as: Defense Prisoner Officer, Office of the Director of Plans.
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You will notice that this report (and study) was completed prior to Monroe assuming his responsibilities together with Harold
Wolff in organizing the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.
Somewhere in here time-wise, Barnaby C. Keeney became President and Preston S. Abbot was the Director of Research
The public face of Human Ecology was that of a paragon of
respectable mainstream research.
Harold Wolff and Lawrence Hinkle presented their findings to the CIA in 1956.
Originally written as a report for the Technical Services Division of the CIA in 1956, it was published in 1956 in a
major psychiatric journal, the Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, under the title, Communist Interrogation and
Indoctrination of Enemies of the State: Analysis of Methods Used by the Communist State Police (A Special Report).
Hinkle and Wolff revealed that it was not drugs or bizarre tortures that resulted in confession; it was
psychological warfare techniques that produced ANXIETY to such an extreme degree that normal coping
devices could not prevail.
Then the torturers, Wolff and Hinkle, would
present themselves as:
friend and saviour.
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Now isnt that interesting. The only time a Slavemaster or any of his demented minions look even vaguely good, is when he
is the alternative to torture, sensory deprivation and extreme fear! Now pay close attention, because here comes the number
one method to produce the desired outcome which is a euphemism for:
Solitary confinement, sleep deprivation, and lack of information
combined with skillful interrogation.
Note that the lack of information part is referring to sensory deprivation.
Another, more subtle way lack of information was done, was in a more pure form of psychological warfare. Deny the
person any form of truth, and feed them lies and twisted truths instead. The first to develop this lovely technique were the
Russians. The Chinese then modified it by adding the element of group pressure, which was a mind control technique
developed at Tavistock Clinic. Adding conformity to a peer groups attitudes was allegedly eminently successful with the
American Prisoners of War.

Wolff asked that the CIA provide him with all its information on interrogation and intimidation:
The Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology was also where Gittingers Personality Testing work would be

including threats, coercion, imprisonment, deprivation, humiliation, torture, brainwashing, black

psychiatry, hypnosis and combinations of these, with or without chemical agents. We will assemble,
collate, analyze and assimilate this information and will then undertake experimental investigations
designed to develop new techniques of offensive/defensive intelligence use Potentially useful secret
drugs (and various brain damaging procedures) will be similarly tested in order to ascertain the
fundamental effect upon human brain function and upon the subjects mood .Where any of the studies
involve potential harm to the subject, we expect the Agency to make available suitable subjects and a
proper place for the performance of necessary experiments.
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Doctor John Gittinger testimony before the 1977 Senate Hearings into MK Ultra
Hinkle and Wolffs revelations of 1956, inspired the military and intelligence services to greatly expand their plans for the
study of mind control.
Wolff now submits proposals for further research (an extension of Sub-project 48) and this was MK Ultra subproject 61, a
$74,000 project approved by Gottlieb in early 1956.
This document shows its purpose.
This document is on Black Vaults MKULTRA archives disk 4, folder 17461, image #1.
to changes of behavior brought about by
actual loss of cerebral tissue.
Another very important point to understand here is concerning Sleep Deprivation.
In 1957, Harold Wolff had established that:
(Reference 69)
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sleep deprivation
nonspecific threats
inadequate diets
placed enormous stress on individuals. As compared to Soviet techniques, Wolff and Hinkle reported, their techniques
took six days rather than four to six weeks. The main factor was and I quote: the greater intensity of the sleep deprivation
and particularly of the isolation methods.
Sleep Deprivation is the number one tool
used for breaking a person.
Hence the interest in machines that can disrupt this even at a distance.
Note: There would be much more work done in this area of developing machines that utilized radio-frequency (and later
microwave technology) to cause physical stress to people.
1957 Ewen Cameron received funding from the CIA to do mind control research it was MK Ultra subproject 68.
Ewen Cameron was close friends with Allen Dulles, Director of the CIA. Cameron applied for CIA funding in early 1957. Dr.
John Gittinger recommends Ewen Cameron to James Monroe, who then funds Cameron to perform Pain-Drug-Hypnosis mind
control research.
Cameron received his CIA funding through Harold Wolffs CIA front organization The Society for the Investigation of Human
Ecology. The CIA provided $60,000 to Cameron for the brainwashing experiments.
Cameron and Dulles wanted to develop a method that would remove a persons natural personality and then they could be
programmed with a new personality. A major aim was to program people to carry out assassinations which could then be
written off as the work of some lone nutter.
The initial step of wiping out the persons memory and identity was called depatterning. LSD, brain surgery, and brutal electric
shocks were all used to accomplish depatterning.
The patients were subjected to months of chemically-induced comas meant to destroy their memories of themselves and
their families a human catastrophe that stripped more than 300 people of their identities.
Camerons patients were woken from drug-induced stupors two or three times a day for multiple electric shocks. The patient
would be given an electric shock, followed by five to nine smaller ones, two or three times a day for up to thirty days. These
electric shocks were severe, at 30 to 40 times the normal power. Hospital workers at the time have reported that the
screaming echoed around the hospital.
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The patients were dazed, incapable of taking care of themselves, often groping their way around the hospital and urinating on
the floor.
Cameron wrote that his typical depatterning patient There is complete amnesia for all events in his life. The depatterning
was considered completed when the victim had lost all his memory and identity.
Once this depatterning was completed, the second step was entered into, which was called Heteropsychic Driving. Hetero
means other or different. In other words, they will now install a different personality or identity.
A helmet would be clamped on their heads and negative messages would be repeated into the victims mind for sixteen hours
a day. These messages would repeat phrases like My mother hates me, my husband hates me, I am a failure, and so on,
using recordings of the victims own voice. Cameron would also wire their legs and give them an electric shock after the
completion of each message.
Recording the patient during psychotherapy sessions then playing it back to them part of the psychic
driving process.
Cameron wrote that this technique provided direct, controlled changes in personality.
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Under the guise of mental treatment, patients became lab rats in the
Slavemasters brainwashing research.
Linda Macdonald was a young mother suffering depression when she was admitted. She underwent brutal electroshock that
permanently erased all memory of her previous life.
Mary C. was a 52 year-old woman Cameron tortured. She was going through menopause and Cameron used those
symptoms to diagnose her as hypochondriatic.
As per John Marks:
Madeleine Smith, a 28-year-old Canadian newscaster, was another Cameron casualty. Madeleine was taken into the operating
room for brain surgery. The surgeon drilled a hole through her skull. An instrument was used to make several sweeping
incisions through her brain.
While the surgeon worked, psychiatrist Ewen Cameron stood over the young woman, plying her with questions until he
was assured the surgeon had achieved the desired result. When Madeleine vacantly stared and could only grunt in response,
the surgery ended. Madeleine lived the rest of her life an automaton in the confines of an insane asylum.
Looking like this probably -

In his proposal to the CIA front, Cameron also said he would test curare, the South American arrow
poison which, when liberally applied, kills by paralyzing internal body functions. In nonlethal doses, curare
causes a limited paralysis which blocks but does not stop these functions. According to his papers,
Cameron injected subjects with curare in conjunction with sensory deprivation, presumably to immobilize
them further.
For the sensory deprivation, Rubenstein had specially built a box in the converted stables directly
behind Allan Memorial which is also where the behavioral laboratory was. Cameron left one woman in
for 35 days, but try as he might, Cameron could not get through to her.
As the aloof psychiatrist wrote in his notes: Although the patient was prepared by both prolonged
sensory isolation (35 days) and by repeated depatterning, and although she received 101 days of
positive driving, no favorable results were obtained.
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This lines up perfectly with what Harold Wolff proposed in MK Ultra subproject 61, exactly that, cutting on brain tissue
to modify behavior. Cameron was funded through Harold Wolffs Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology and here
he is carrying out exactly what Wolff proposed.
There you have it.
CIA officials found through work like Camerons that they could create vegetables but such people served no operational
no operational use -
Could that be stated any more coldly?
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Dr. Ewen Cameron
What a total Renfield that man is slavering away to do the bidding of his master.
Dracula and Renfield
Ewen Cameron was doing this mind control research with another sadistic psychiatrist,
William Walters Sargant, who worked for British intelligence.
. Monster.
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From Inside the Sleep Room, by Gordon Thomas -
This was MK Ultra subproject 68 the effects upon human behavior of the repetition of verbal signals. Here is the initial
CIA document for starting it.
The first one Id like to take up is doc/image number 48 of this particular 17468 collection.
These scanned images of declassified MKUltra documents are all also available at the Internet Archive using
the same numbering system. This was not easy to track down, let me tell you, and I thought I should
provide this backup version just in case something should happen with black vaults website.

His name was William Walters Sargant He was the British end of the most sinister program ever
approved by the United States government: MK Ultra, an intelligence agency effort designed to control
all human behavior.
One of a series of research programs that sought to control and manipulate human behavior, MK Ultra
included wide-ranging experiments with LSD and other drugs, hypnosis, electric shock
Sargants Sleep Room was modeled on the one Ewen Cameron had created in the Allan Memorial
Institute as part of the MK Ultra program.
Sargant, like Cameron, had devised a system where all patients in the Sleep Room received endless
instructions on a tape loop. They were played through a recorder placed under each pillow.
Sargant had balked at Camerons proposal that he should use the system operating at the Allan
Memorial Institute. There patients received their messages through adapted football helmets strapped to
their heads..
There was another link between Sargant and Cameron: Leonard Rubenstein. He worked for MI 5. At the
Allan Memorial Institute he ran the research and behavioral laboratory. There he created the tape
loops. He had flown to London to show Sargant how they should be fashioned.
Note: All the documents filed under 68 at The Black Vault, are on disk 4 in the folder numbered 17468.
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The reason I chose this document first is because it gives you some dates. At the top you have January 21, 1957, but in
point 2 it says that this research of the effects on human behavior of the repetition of verbal signals have been under
studysince June 1953.
Here is the CIA document where Sidney Gottlieb approves MK Ultra subproject 68.

*At The Black Vault, this is on disk 4 in the folder numbered 17468, image #44.
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Here is a CIA document showing that MK Ultra subproject 68 was continued for two more years, starting on 18 March 1957.

*At The Black Vault, this is on disk 4 in the folder numbered 17468, image #45.
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Artane - a antispasmodic drug used to control convulsions from electric shock.
Anectine - a muscle relaxant used during electric shock. The person is still conscious.
Bulbocapnine causes catatonia, convulsions, vomiting.
Curare causes paralysis, used during electric shock treatment.
Here is an excerpt from a CIA document about MK Ultra subproject 68. The title is Application For Grant To Study The
Effects Upon Human Behavior Of The Repetition Of Verbal Signals, dated January 21, 1957.

*At The Black Vault, this is on disk 4 in the folder numbered 17468, image #51.
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Look the best behavior change they got only lasted for two months. And it took continual electric shocking and
continual implanting of a command phrase to get that.
The fundamental lie in Dianetics and Scientology is this statement
An engram is a mental image picture of an incident containing pain and unconsciousness.
The lie is that command phrases in engrams make a person act irrational or aberrated. The way this is being presented is
false and it omits stating what is actually going on.
The engram phrase says kill all children. The part that is omitted here, is that YOU have to decide to accept the idea
to kill all children before you would put it into action. You can decide to reject the idea to kill all children. And on that
point, the whole idea about the engram being the cause of irrational behavior goes right out the window as
being untrue.
And people will spend countless time and money on Scientology services in support of the engram fairy tale in the hopes
that they can escape responsibility by blaming their wrong actions or behavior on this false idea the engram made me do
It is as bad of an excuse as the devil made me do it.

The engram is the single source of aberrations and psychosomatic ills.

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Furthermore, the idea you can even find phrases in an engram is a hit or miss affair.
A Piece of Blue Sky by Jon Atack
That proves another point it isnt science.
In science, it happens that way every time and anybody can observe it. You know, science says there is a law of gravity.
An apple falls off a tree and the law of gravity pulls it to the ground. It happens that way every time and anyone can
observe it that is science. Science is not a sometimes affair.
The place where Dianetics and Scientology does have some success is in assisting to relieve psychosomatic discomforts. But
again, that is a sometimes affair. Some people cured their asthma with Dianetics and many others did not. So, success is an
arbitrary, and that is not science.
The whole slavemaster idea that you can implant command phrases during moments of unconsciousness and the person will
carry out the command after he is conscious again, is also not science. Most of the time the person will not carry out the
command, and it is his choice as to whether he will carry out the command or not. So, whether it works or not is an arbitrary
and that means it is not a natural law and therefore it is not science.
The person himself is always responsible for his decisions and actions.
That is science.
As to the idea that Dianetics and Scientology are improving mental health and making people sane just take a look at how
the Scientologists act, including L. Ron Hubbard. There is your answer to that.
L. Ron Hubbard was nuts. And his use of Dianetics and Scientology did not fix that.
Scientology Roots Chapter Thirty Six shows Scientology does not make people sane.
Scientology Roots Chapter Twenty Eight shows that acceptance of Scientology behavior modification results in Scientologists
who act insane. They are not actually insane, but they have been influenced to act insane by donning the yoke of Scientogy
bad advice on how to view life and how to live life.

The Los Angeles Foundation cooperated with two university researchers, who tried to validate Dianetics
by knocking a volunteer out with sodium pentathol, and reading him a passage from a physics textbook,
while inflicting pain. In six months of auditing the subject failed to remember any of the passage.
Hubbard dismissed the matter in Science of Survival, writing that Psychotherapists with whom the
Foundation has dealt have been eager to plant an engram in a patient and have the Foundation recover
it. The Foundation will accept no more experiments in this line
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What has happened with Scientologists is classic behavior modification
1. Removal of your personality
2. Installing the new personality
Scientologists no longer view life and live life as themselves. They view life and live life in compliance to the false Scientology
datums they accepted through Scientology training and the Scientology environment.
See Scientology Roots Chapter Twenty Five for examples of false data in Scientology.
See Scientology Roots Chapter Twenty Eight for what type of personality is installed.
See Scientology Roots Chapter Thirty Four for what type of personality is installed.

1959 Under the cover of more cherry-picked language, doctors Cameron, Levy and Malmo (also with Leonard
Rubenstein) characterized Camerons psychic driving experiments as simply repetition of verbal signals.
Ask yourself why why does Cameron (and others like him) feel the need to use such homogenous language?
I mean, really. He makes it sound like someone just said something over and over to another person. Which doesnt sound
like much at all, now does it?
They do this, cloaking I call it, because THEY KNOW how evil it is but they dont really want others to see it that way or else
they would be consigned to the dungeons of non-participation with anyone resembling human.
The dungeons of non-participation this is the worst sentence
possible for a Slavemaster.
No one to torture, no one to play superior with, no one to do anything with.

Repetition Of Verbal Signals: Behavioural And Physiological Changes

American Journal of Psychiatry 1959, Volume 115, pages 985-991.
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isolation from Latin nsul tus, made into an island
This dungeon as I call it, is not really a place per se, it is the state of isolation that the slavemasters and their demented
minions are already in - that they then have to see whenever a person refuses to break.
Remember that.
In 1960, in an article submitted to American Psychiatric Association, Ewen Cameron, Doctors Leonard Levy, Thomas Ban,
and Camerons assistant Leonard Rubenstein produced a paper titled Sensory deprivation: Effects upon the Functioning
Human in Space Systems.
*PDF here sensory deprivation cameron, levy, ban, and rubenstein
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While most of the language is disturbingly aloof to the point of being inhuman, there is one particular passage that stood out
to me for its coldness in relation to the absolute horror that these men inflicted on their guinea pigs (as they called people).
through interference with the conduction of stimuli from the external receptors to the central
nervous system
Do you realize what is actually being said there?
The use of drugs to block or change the reception of information by the body is a completely unnatural situation, and is
entirely useless as any kind of test of anything.
Other than how sick someone like Cameron can be towards others.

At the Allan memorial Institute, the effects of reduced sensory input upon human behavior have been
studied in three different ways:
(1) by reduction in the amount of stimulas coming from the environment and received by the individual
through his eyes and ears, and an attempted reduction of some of the tactile stimuli by limitation of the
use of his hands;
(2) by reduction of input achieved through interference with the conduction of stimuli from the external
receptors to the central nervous system;
(3) by reduction of the responsiveness of the individual to stimulation. [They used a drug called Sernyl]
Changes tend to disappear within about a day after removal from the area of reduced input.
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A day. Thats all they get.
are as yet unknown.
Aint that just a bitch
Well, these factors are still unknown -
A study documented in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B, in an article from 2008, by authors Geoff S. Baldwin, Sergey
Leikin, John M. Seddon, and Alexei A. Kornyshev and colleagues and titled DNA Double Helices Recognize Mutual Sequence
Homology in a Protein Free Environment.

There is variation from person to person in susceptibility to reduction in input. The factors controlling
the variability are as yet unknown.
Note You are about to read a description of a science experiment on DNA. Scientific terms are used to
describe the experiment and there is no need to try to understand those terms and what the experiment
was, because Im going to simply explain it right here. The scientists saw neighbor DNAs recognize each
other. This mystified them. All they observed was life in action, but since they do not acknowledge the
existence of Beings, they then have no explanation for what they saw life do.
Amazingly, the forces responsible for the sequence recognition can reach across more than 1 nm of
water separating the surfaces of nearest neighbor DNAsregardless of the underlying mechanism, the
segregation of identical DNAs provides evidence for homology recognition between intact double
helices through physical forces as an intrinsic property of DNA. It is notable that some recognition of
unknown origin has been proposed as a necessary step preceding double strand breaks in homologous
DNA recombination within cells.
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(My Note Uh, Mr. Scientist the mechanism of recognition is called a Being.)
Recognition of unknown origin.
Yea. Cognitive recognition I wonder where that came from.
By the way, other than the obvious that my wife has been teaching for years (that this is a who, not a what) it might
behoove you to understand that this recognition effect as it has been referred to is:
Directly responsible for DNA Repair and
Much work remains to be done before we know the mechanism of the recognition observed in the
present study
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Think about what that means.
Also, DNA repair controlled by this unknown recognition point is directly related to aging.
With regard to cells, a single Being can monitor, animate and give intelligent direction to any number of cells. It is not a case
of one Being for each cell.
It would be nice if all scientists would recognize that Beings exist.
If scientists want to do things with cell DNA, why dont they try talking to the Being who presides over any
particular group of cells?
Why dont they try talking to the Being
Good question.
late 1950s - The Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology funded former British Nigerian colonial psychiatrist Raymond
Prince to travel to Nigeria to undertake transcultural psychological studies. Prince had no knowledge of the CIAs funding of
this research. Decades after the fact, Prince came to believe that his cross-cultural psychological research and filmmaking was
funded not only to establish legitimacy for the Human Ecology Fund, but also to attempt to recruit foreign nationals into the
CIA and to collect psychocultural data on cultures and countries of interest to the CIA for psychological warfare purposes.
Thats why theyre studying these cultures and thats why the subject of Anthropology was invented, its a cover and
always has been.
A CIA document declassified in 1977 clarified that unbeknownst to Prince, the CIAs view was that:
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A CIA document declassified in 1977 clarified that unbeknownst to Prince, the CIAs view was that:
his study will add somewhat to our understanding of native Yoruba psychiatry including the use of drugs, many of which
are unknown or not much used by Western practitioners. It will also assist in the identification of promising young
[deleted by CIA censors] who may be of direct interest to the Agency.
The Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology rolled along, funding many, many programs of psychosurgery and every
kind of pyshcological warfare and manipulation you can think of. But then
Disaster struck.
The failed Bay of Pigs fiasco occurred on April 17, 1961.
Several assassination plots against Cuban dictator Fidel Castro utilizing CIA-recruited operatives from the Mafia had failed.
The CIA then organized revolutionary forces to invade Cuba. When they obtained a foothold on Cuban soil, the US
government would officially recognize them as the new government of Cuba and provide them with military support to oust
Castro. But President Kennedy did not authorize the needed air support to the invading revolutionary forces and they were
defeated by Castro forces on April 17, 1961.
President Kennedy fired Allen Dulles over this and vowed to dismantle and abolish the CIA. The Inspector General began an
investigation into all the MKULTRA activities.
Within 2 months of the Bay of Pigs, the CIA had scrambled to re-organize its big umbrella feeder fund The Society for the
Investigation of Human Ecology. On June 1, 1961 it moved back to Manhattan, where its address was 201 E. 57 St., New
York, New York.
The name was changed to The Human Ecology Fund.
James L. Monroe was now the official face of the new Fund, and was its executive director from 1961 to 1963; in 1964
David Rhodes became the executive director.
Note: there was a Washington branch of the Fund 1834 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington DC 20009.
David Rhodes was a psychologist involved in a series of unethical drug experiments, including efforts to dose unsuspecting
people with an aerosol potion of LSD supplied by an MK-Ultra research programme.
As the investigation by the Inspector General continued, more re-arranging occurred, as well as shifting of the program to
less visible methods.
One of the other things that happened as a result of all this fall-out, was a PR maneuver concerning Ewen Cameron.
That same year, 1961, suddenly Ewen gets elected as the first president of the World Psychiatric Association.
55, 56, 58
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Psychiatry is an arm of the New World Order men and Ewen Cameron was their agent.
One of their latest achievements has been their attack on schoolchildren. They invented an abnormality they call attention
deficit disorder. For this imaginary mental disorder they prescribe a harmful drug that is a derivative of the illegal street drug
called speed.
If a child isnt paying attention, he is not interested in the subject. Talk about something that hes interested in and his so-
called attention deficit will disappear. As with all psych drugs - the drugs do not cure the malady they are given for. So no
need to take them.
Psychiatrists turn people into slobbering vegetables with electric shock and lobotomies.
Cameron, with his sanctioned cruelties, was their perfect choice to
be the leading psych.
All the very best people.
Brain Implants
Now we come to 1959 and MK Ultra subproject 94 the effort to control human behavior by sending electrical signals to
the brain.
Dr. Jose Manuel Rodriguez Delgado worked at Yale University. He conducted research into direct Electrical Stimulation of the
Brain (ESB).
In the 1960s Dr. Delgado conducted a research project of stimulating the brains of monkeys. The monkeys had brain
implants which acted as a transmitter and a receiver. The brain implants transmitted brain information to a computer. The
monkeys also had their moods and movements controlled by receiving commands to the brain from the computer.
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Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado, his wife Caroline Delgado, monkey with brain implant
Threatening attitude and aggressive behavior produced by brain stimulation.
It was 1953 when Dr. Jose Delgado told the New York Times that social behavior of humans and animals can be drastically
influenced by electrical stimulation of the brain. Delgado said that motion, emotion and behavior can be directed by electrical
forces and that animals and humans can be controlled like robots by push buttons.
Well, that is propaganda. They made it work on animals but
it failed miserably when applied to humans.
The brain acts as a receiver and a transmitter. All of the body functions are controlled through the brain. When acting as a
transmitter the brain can be likened to a switchboard you apply a small electrical current to a certain part of the brain and it
sends an electrical command to a certain body part to go into action. The body part can be an arm, leg or an organ that
releases a chemical.
There is a Being who presides over the body and its functions. That Being is your partner in giving the body intelligent
direction in life. This means there are at least two Beings associated with any given human body You and your Partner. It is
this fact that makes all of their mind control techniques fail on humans.
The brain is not the mind, it does not generate thoughts and ideas. A Being generates thoughts and ideas. A Being is a
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someone, not a something. You are yourself, you are not a body or a brain. You exist independent of a body and you can
exist in conjunction with a body. At no time does this make you into a body, you are always you, with or without a body.
In brain implants, they are attempting to take away control of your body by You, by influencing your Partner (through the
body). Either You or your Partner, or both You and your Partner together, can decide to not allow the result.
Control over your own ideas and directions to the body, regardless of the outside interference aimed at the brain, can be
With brain implants and other mind control methods.
They are trying to force action without decision.
But something as they call it - just continually thwarts their attempts to gain control.
Delgado and others were able to create advanced brain implants that were controlled by radio waves from a remote control
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Delgado is doing this the same time as MKUltra subproject 94 is
MK Ultra subproject 94 the effort to control human behavior by sending electrical signals to the brain.
MK Ultra subproject 94 is found on black vault cd #1, the 17497 document series.
The proposal for subproject 94 occurs on 7 May 1959. The proposal states the ultimate aim of subproject 94 is to use
Electrical Stimulation of the Brain on humans. The CIA funding for the subproject is sent through The Society for The
Investigation of Human Ecology.
This document is on black vault cd #1, folder 17497, document 66
The ultimate aim of this investigation is to complete work which will permit the practical application of the system to (blacked
out, human) problems.
3. (Blacked out, The Society for The Investigation of Human Ecology) will function as cut-out and cover for this
The first payment on Subproject 94 was 45,000 dollars on May 12, 1959.
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This document is on black vault cd #1, folder 17497, document 1
Additional funding for Subproject 94 is given on 22 September 1959. Stimulation of dog brains will be added.
This document is on black vault cd #1, folder 17497, document 47
directional control of rats and burros will be extended to dogs
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A memorandum on the continuation of Subproject 94 is made on 18 October 1960.
This document is on black vault cd #1, folder 17497 , document 30
Miniaturized stimulating electrode implants in specific brain center areas will be utilized.
The ultimate objective of this research is to provide practical systems suitable for (blacked out, human) application.
This document is an MK Ultra subproject 94 proposal.
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This document is on black vault cd #1, folder 17497 , document 23
application of selected elements of these
techniques to man.
My wife tracked down information concerning MK Ultra subproject 94 which I dont think had been known before.
From her Brotherhood Series, Part 5A -

Next up on CD #1, is one of the document series that I figured who was involved in this particular dark
(top secret) MKULTRA sub-project.
Just to recap, these documents are from Black vaults website that has a complete listing of declassified
MKUltra documents. Using Black Vaults layout, the following documents are on cd #1 main directory.
This is sub-project #94, which was research initially using dogs and other animals, with goals of
identifying brain areas, implanting micro-electrodes directly in those brain areas, and then controlling
brain action by remote-control, with the ultimate goal of human application.
I figured out that this involved a company called Panoramic Research, which one of the heads was
private citizen Woodrow Woody Wilson Bledsoe, and he was accompanied by his friend Iben Browning.
I have never seen anything linking these two with this particular MK ULTRA subproject.
Dr. Colin Ross is THE ONLY source that I originally found that connects MK Ultra subproject 94 with
Panoramic Research. Colin wrote a book called Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By
Psychiatrists [Manitou Communications, Inc., 2000, which was reissued as The CIA Doctors: Human
Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists in 2006.]
Pages 326,328, and 330 discuss MK Ultra subproject #94, heres a quote:
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My wife pieced all this together and figured out who was involved in this particular subproject.
This was the key:
So in 1960, just after the proposal for MK Ultra subproject 94 in 1959, WoodyBledsoe hotfoots it out to Palo Alto
where Stanford Research Institute is located, and starts up Panoramic Research.
Bledsoe was there at SRI just in time for the CIA projects of Willis Harmon, Gregory Bateson, and Al Stolaroffs second-
generation LSD testing to begin its initial preparatory stages.

Most MK-ULTRA research concerned biological, chemical, or hypnotic means of behavioral

control, but Contract 94 (classified Top Secret) with Bio-Research, Inc., and Panoramic
Research, Inc., in 1959 was for Brain stimulation studies remote control of animal
David Price published an article in Anthropology Today, (Vol 23 No 3, June 2007) that has a chart of
Human Ecology grants from 1960 to 1963. Prices chart shows Panoramic Research getting an 80,000
dollar contract, but has no connection to anyones name.
David Prices chart:
A memorial from the University of Texas:
Panoramic Research, Inc.
In 1960, Woody, [Woodrow Wilson Bledsoe] along with Iben Browning and Lloyd
Lockingen, left Sandia to start Panoramic Research, Inc. (PRI), in Palo Alto, California. The
majority of the work involved AI-related contracts from the U.S. Department of Defense and
various intelligence agencies.
We were constantly, repeatedly, searching for, proposing and trying out ideas which we
hoped would move the world. That was one of the first AI groups before the term
Artificial Intelligence came into use (Bledsoe 1976).
Woodrow Wilson Woody Bledsoe
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Bledsoe already had top secret clearance because he had worked with Sandia, a Department of Defense contractor,
doing nuclear weapons research starting in 1953. This is also where he met Iben Browning and they became friends.
Put that together with this, from David Price:
And now you know that Bledsoe and Browning (and Lockingen) were involved with the creation of Panoramic Research,
and that they went to SRI territory Palo Alto.
And now you know that besides multiple other grants being given them as individuals, there was also MK Ultra subproject
94 that they were working on, which happens to be exactly what Delgado was doing almost word for word.
See how many other grants Browning and Bledsoe also had?

Note: Stanfords property and buildings sort of spans across both Palo Alto and Menlo Park,
with basically one major street being a separation point between the two towns.
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For much more about these two companies (BioResearch and Panoramic) see my wifes article Brotherhood Series, Part 5A.
Several assassination plots against Cuban dictator Fidel Castro utilizing CIA-recruited operatives from the Mafia failed. The CIA
then organized revolutionary forces to invade Cuba. When they obtained a foothold on Cuban soil, the US government
would officially recognize them as the new government of Cuba and provide them with military support to oust Castro. But
President Kennedy did not authorize the needed air support to the invading revolutionary forces and they were defeated by
Castro forces on April 17, 1961. It was called the Bay of Pigs Invasion.
President Kennedy intended to dismantle the CIA after the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Kennedy said he wanted to splinter the CIA
into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.
Kennedy also planned to withdraw our military from Viet Nam. The CIA was using the bodies of dead American soldiers to
bring heroin into the U.S. Thus the CIA did not want the war to end. The CIA trafficking heroin in the dead bodies of US
soldiers was reported in the San Jose Mercury Newspaper.
Kennedy forced Allen Dulles to resign from Director of the CIA in September 1961.
Allen Dulles
The Inspector General began an investigation into all the MK Ultra activities. The CIA scrambled to re-organize its big umbrella
feeder fund The Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology. The name was changed to The Human Ecology Fund and
James L. Monroe was its executive director from 1961 to 1963.
Sidney Gottlieb had to preside over the partial dismantling of MK Ultra. Numerous projects were terminated but some were
more in the guise of appearing to be terminated that were in fact just shifted underneath corporate structures such as
Stanford Research Institute that were still in the vicinity of, or attached to certain Universities. The Society for Psychical
Researchs ESP experimentation, for example, was shifted out from under Duke University to a private research institute
founded by J.B. Rhine called Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man.
And so it was with MK Ultra subproject 94. It moved out from under the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology and
Panoramic Research Inc., to being under Stanford Research Institute (SRI). At that time, SRI was still connected to the
University of Stanford. Later on, student protests forced it to be separated from the university proper, but work carried on
as usual.
Next, we see -
55, 56, 58

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Dr. Jose Delgado apparently perfected the Biological Chip (BioChip).
Dr. Delgado reported that he was able to elicit a range of emotions from his subjects by using small implants located in
parts of the brain that then received their energy from remote control FM radio waves. The stimoceiver, invented by Dr.
Delgado, consists of wires running from strategic points in the brain to a radio receiver/transmitter located entirely under the
skin. Through this device, Delgado was able to stimulate various emotions, sexual arousal, pleasure, specific body motions,
and behaviour all with the turn of a knob.
New York Times article 17 May 1965 -
Matador with Radio Stops Wired Bull
sunlight poured into the ring, as the bull bore down on the unarmed matador a scientist who had never before faced a
fighting bull. But the charging animals horns never reached the man. Moments before that could happen, Dr. Jose Delgado
pressed a button on a small radio transmitter in his hand and the bull braked to a halt. Then he pressed another button on
the transmitter, and the bull obediently turned to the right and trotted away.
The bull was obeying commands in his brain that were being called forth by electrical stimulation by the radio signals of
certain regions in which fine wires had been implanted the day before.
The experiment, conducted last year in Spain by Dr. Delgado, was probably the most spectacular demonstration ever
performed of the deliberate modification of animal behaviour through external control of the brain.
He has been able to play monkeys and cats like little electronic toys that yawn, hide, fight, play, mate and go to sleep on
Delgado 1962 approx.

Threatening attitude and aggressive behavior produced by brain stimulation.

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Delgado halts a charging bull Spain 1964
Note - the scans of the entire New York times that I obtained some years back can be seen here: The End Is Not Yet #2.
Jose Delgado authored a book: Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psychocivilized Society. He wrote:
1968 They tried brain implants on humans
Nexus magazine #28, January/February 1992 -
In July of 1968, a CIA team flew into Saigon to experiment on three Vietcong prisoners at Bien Hoa Hospital, at Bien
Hoa AFB which is 22 miles Northeast of Saigon.

Physical control of brain functions is a demonstrated fact it is even possible to create and follow
intentions, the development of thoughts and visual experiences. By electrical stimulation of specific
cerebral structures, movements can be induced by radio command, hostility may appear and disappear,
sexual behaviour may be changed, and memory, emotions, and the thinking process may be influenced
by remote control
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Bien Hoa AFB 1968
Bien Hoa 3rd Surgical Hospital, (June 1, 1966)
MK Ultra Subproject 119 was a literature review that included a summary of existing information on Techniques of
activation of the human organism by remote electronic means. It is a fact that they tested brain implants on humans,
not just on animals. They had successfully controlled the animals but when they tested it on humans it failed

Working in an enclosed compound, the teams neurosurgeon and neurologist inserted tiny electrodes
into their brains. Behaviorists then experimented on the men, arming them with knives and trying to
induce violet behavior in them using the direct electrical stimulation. After a week of experimentation
which failed to incite the men to attack each other, they were shot dead and their bodies were burned.
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On 24 February 1974 Dr. Jose Delgado told Congress:
Delgado said that the day would come when brain control could be turned over to non-human operators, by establishing two-
way communication between the implanted brain and a computer.
- Testimony of Jose Delgado Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974
Dr. Jose Manuel Rodriguez Delgado
Currently, President OBama has authorized 100 million dollars for research to map the human brain.
Before you get too down at the mouth at all this hubris over slavemasters trying to control your mind, lets take a
moment here.
Coffee Break

We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control
of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may
think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This
lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. We must electronically
control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.
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Ewen Camerons sensory deprivation failed to produce a permanent personality change. The change only lasted one day.
Ewen Camerons psychic-driving failed to do what it set out to do remake someone. The best change they got only lasted
two months.
Jose Delgados brain implants failed miserably when used on humans.
So too has the use of drugs similarly failed. In a strikingly clear statement contained in the 1977 Senate hearings into CIA
mind control research, it was revealed that:
From 1977 Senate hearings, section on truth drugs in interrogation :
Again -
The essential resources for resistance thus appear to lie within the
They know.

Most broadly, there is evidence that drugs have least effect on well-adjusted individuals with good
defenses and good emotional control, and that anyone who can withstand the stress of competent
interrogation in the waking state can do so in narcosis. The essential resources for resistance thus appear
to lie within the individual.
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Perhaps now you may have a glimmering of why there is so much push on how one can be made unconciously
controlled, how one can be influenced against ones will, and so on.
They need YOU to create the idea, but even then?
You still are in control.
That really says something ugly about L. Ron Hubbard that he too was promoting this idea that one could be influenced
against their will by command phrases in the so-called subconcious mind.
It does indeed.
They need you to agree to that idea for it to work. And that is why Ron Hubbard promoted the idea hoping to get your
agreement and cooperation.
So, Ron Hubbard and the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology are trying to get people into a frame of mind where they will
permit slavemaster mind control to work.
That is Sick.
Want to know what mental health really is? That you do not agree to that idea! Therein lies your sanity and your freedom.
And not agreeing to that idea has another benefit it does not cost you any money, its free.
In summary, attempted Mind Control by -
Control of Information Failed
Propaganda Failed
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Group Dynamics Failed
Brainwashing Failed
Drugs Failed
Pain-Drug-Hypnosis Failed
Brain Implants Failed
Covert Microwave Messages Failed
In all mind control techniques they are in the back of the bus, they are not in the drivers seat. All of their mind control
techniques are completely dependent upon you deciding to cooperate. And if you do not cooperate, they fail. You are always
in control of your thoughts, they never are.
In the next section of this chapter we take up the topic of Advanced Mind Control Weapons
3. Wikipedia Encyclopedia
4. Tavistock Series here at the blog
5. Full data is at
6. New Atlantis Magazine, Winter 2006
7. A Piece of Blue Sky by Jon Atack
9. CounterPunch April 1999, US Official Poisoner Dies
10. Conjurors Magazine The Sphynx & The Spy
11. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John Marks
12. Father, Son and CIA, by Harvey Weinstein.
13. The Journal of Parapsychology, by Stanley Krippner 3/1/1993
14. Journey Into Madness, The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control by Gordon Thomas
15. The Cold War Experiments by Stephen Budiansky, Erica E. Goode and Ted Gest
16. Private Institutions Used In CIA Effort To Control Behavior, New York Times article August 2, 1977
Scientology Roots: Chapter Twenty Six-2: War for the Minds of Men | The McClaughry's Blog 90 / 96
18. Belle Dum is Science Writer at PhysicsWeb May 11, 2004
19. Statement made by Robert Gates, CIA director, on the Nightline TV show 28 Nov 1995
20. Remote Viewing, The Real Story by Ingo Swann
21. Report, Parapsychology in Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions, by Dr. Kenneth A. Kress, appeared in the
Winter 1977 issue of Studies in Intelligence, the CIAs classified internal publication; report released to the public in 1996
23. Veritas Website
24. Amplified Mind Power Research In The Former Soviet Union by Martin Ebon
25. A report, Parapsychology in Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions by Dr. Kenneth A. Kress; appeared in the
Winter 1977 issue of Studies in Intelligence, the CIAs classified internal publication; report released to the public in 1996
26. Book, Remote Viewers The Secret History
27. Article: Mind Control by Harry V. Martin and David Caul February 24, 1974 edition of the Congressional Record, No.
262E, Vol. 118
28. From an article at: -
29. A Washington Post article by J. Wilhelm, Psychic Spying? August 7, 1977
30. The Department of Dirty Tricks by Thomas Powers Atlantic Monthly, August 1979
31. Testimony of Jose Delgado Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974
33. Article, The Hubbard Intelligence Agency, by John Atack, posted on the Internet
34. The Independent (London); August 27, 1995, Page 10
36. Angels Dont Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology by Nick Begich Jr.
37. May 1999 Albuquerque Journal, Lawyer: Gov. Eyes Inmate Implants by by Colleen Heild
38. A report, Parapsychology in Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions, by Dr. Kenneth A. Kress; appeared in the
Winter 1977 issue of Studies in Intelligence, the CIAs classified internal publication; report released to the public in 1996
39. Remote Viewers, The Secret History of Americas Psychic Spies by Jim Schnabel
40. The Second Maudsley Lecture. Delivered by Sir Frederick Mott, K.B.E., M.D.,
LL.D., F.R.S., at the Quarterly Meeting of the Medico-Psychological Association of
Great Britain and Ireland, held at the Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, S.E. 5, on
Tuesday, June 7th, 1921.
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41. Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior by Mark Rathbun
42. Therapeutic Community Memories: MAXWELL JONES by David Clark May 2005
44. Inside the Sleep Room by Gordon Thomas
45. 1945 Emanu-El 100 year
Temple Emanu-El (New York, N.Y.) Moral And Spiritual Foundations For The
World Of Tomorrow; The Centenary Series Of Addresses And Other Papers Prepared
For The Celebration Of The Hundredth Anniversary Of Congregation Emanu-el Of
The City Of New York, 1845-1945. New York, Congregation Emanu-El, 1945.
Cloth, 8vo, ix, 258 pages, illustrations, facsimiles, 24 cm.
46. New Columbia Encyclopedia
47. The House of Rothschild: The Worlds Banker, 1848-1998 by Niall Ferguson,
Penguin Books, 2000 & The Founder by Rotberg, pp. 101, 102
48. Foreword to the republishing of the 1891 edition of the OAHSPE in 1940;
the Foreword was written by Wing Anderson
49. The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley
50. The Bnai Brith, May 1896 Issue of The Menorah Monthly, carried an article
called RECORDING UNUTTERED THOUGHTS, By Prof. Henry A. Mott, Ph.D.,
L.L.D. which referenced the experiments of J.S. Lombard, as per the New York
Medical Journal, Vol. V., 198, June 1867 You can also look at this book by William
James for further info on Lombards experiments
51. One Hundred Years of Psychiatry by Emil Kraepelin English translation archived at
the Internet Archive where you can read it for free.
52. Harvard Report of the Secretary 1893
53. A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the Cias Secret Cold War by
H. P. Albarelli and St Elizabeths Hospital, A History
54. August 18, 1930 Time article
55. Anthropology NewsVolume 7, Issue 2
57. Father, Son and CIA, by Harvey Weinstein.
58. Buying a piece of anthropology Part 1: Human Ecology and unwitting anthropological research for the CIA , by David
Price, pages 398-40
59. (same as #58) pages 99; 155; 156-57)
60. Rinkel M., Hyde R. W., Solomon H. C., and Hoagland H. Experimental psychiatry. II. Clinical and physiochemical
psychosis. Amer. J. Psychiat., 1955, 111, 881-895.
61. The Rutland Herald: Vermont State Hospital and Dr. Robert W. Hyde, By LOUIS PORTER Vermont Press Bureau
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Published: November 30, 2008
62. A Historical Dictionary of Psychiatry
1977 Stansfield Turner testimony
You can also get a Full Copy of hearings in PDF form.
1977 Appendix A
65. The CIA and the Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Part Two of Two by Jack Brewer
66. Thy Will Be Done The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller & Evangelism in the Age of Oil by Gerard Colby with
Charlotte Dennett Review by Bill Weinberg
67. Nexus #28, January/February 1992, A History of Secret Cia Mind Control Research by Sid Taylor.
68. Larry B. Guthrie, Legal Implications of the Soviet Microwave Bombardment of the U.S. Embassy, 1 B.C. Intl & Comp. L.
Rev: 91 (1977)
69. Senate MKUltra Hearing: Appendix CDocuments Referring to Subprojects, (page 167, in PDF document page
numbering). Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and Committee on Human Resources. August 3, 1977.
70. Thy Will Be Done
*You can also peruse a complete listing of available Scientology Roots chapters.

Scientology Roots Chapter Twenty Six - 3 War for the Minds of Men
Scientology Roots Chapter Twenty One-5: The First Scientologists and Their Masters
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