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[The dawn of the Day of Resurrection and Judgment has been described in al Ghashiyah

and al Zilzal. A tremendous stunning noise will be heard before the Day of Judgment.
The whole of the present order of existence will be overthrown. All our present
landmarks will be lost. It will inaugurate a new existence of true and permanent values,
in which every human deed will have its just recompense as if weighed in balance, as
stated in verses 6 to 9 of this Surah.
No one can have the idea of the confusion, distress and helplessness with which
men will find them-selves overwhelmed on the Day of Judgment, because nothing even
near to the terrible convulsion has ever been experienced by man on the earth.
Moths are frail light things. To see them scattered about in a violent storm gives
some idea of the nature of calamity men will encounter on the Day of Judgment when
the mountains will scatter about like flakes of carded wool. See Ma-arij :9.]


SURAH [101] the Day of Noise
and Clamour



101:1] The terrible calamity!
The dawn of the Day of Resurrection and Judgment has been described in al Ghashiyah and al Zilzal. A tremendous stunning noise will be heard before the Day of
Judgment. The whole of the present order of existence will be overthrown. All our present landmarks will be lost. It will inaugurate a new existence of true and
permanent values, in which every human deed will have its just recompense as if weighed in balance, as stated in verses 6 to 9 below.
No one can have the idea of the confusion, distress and helplessness with which men will find themselves overwhelmed on the Day of Judgment,
because nothing even near to the terrible convulsion has ever been experienced by man on the earth. Moths are frail light things. To see them scattered about
in a violent storm gives some idea of the nature of calamity men will encounter on the Day of Judgment when the mountains will scatter about like flakes of
carded wool. See Ma-arij :9.

101:2] What is the terrible calamity!
FOR VERSES 2 & 3. Since anything similar to the terrible experience of the clamorous noise mentioned here, has never been experienced by anyone in the world,
it is an impossibility even to correctly imagine what the noise would be like.

Wa maaa adraaka mal-Qaari-ah?
101:3] And what will make you comprehend
what the terrible calamity is?
See commentary of verse 2.

Yawma yakounun-naasu kal-faraashil-
101:4] The day on which men shall be as
scattered moths,
Out of terror, the clamorous voice will create in the minds of the people they will be running bewildered on all sides in tumultuous multitude---out of the fear
and the tumult each falling over the other, like the tiny insignificant being, the moths scattered by a violent stormy wind. This is to give an imaginable view of the
confusion and distress and helplessness man will be thrown into, all of a sudden.

Wa takounul-jibaalu kal-ihnil-manfoush.
101:5] And the mountains shall be as
loosened wool.
When even the solid and immovably and unshakably fixed mountains will be scattered in the atmosphere, like the insignificant flakes of the carders wool. See
also verse 70:9.

Fa-amma man-thaqulat mawaazeenuhou,
101:6] Then as for him whose measure of
good deeds is heavy,
The good deeds of the believers will be weighed and assessed. The assessment will be just, strictly corresponding to the real value of each deeds and deed
means any deed of the physical body given to man and as well as the activity of the mind, i.e., the various faculties he has been endowed with. Every action
physical and mental will be weight viz., motives, temptations, provocations, surrounding conditions, the degree of faith in ALLAH, repentance and subsequent
amends and the relevant connected circumstances. Those whose good works predominate over their evil deeds will receive a favourable judgment and they will
be admitted to the eternal life of bliss and satisfaction.
Those whose good works do not counterbalance their evil deeds will have their abodes in a bottomless pit, the abyss, described in the next two verses.

Fa-huwa fee Eeshatir-raadiyah.
101:7] He shall live a pleasant life.
(see commentary for verse 6)

Wa amma man khaffat mawaazeenuhou,
101:8] And as for him whose measure of
good deeds is light
FOR VERSES 8 & 9. And whosoevers evils will exceed his good deeds will be thrown into the abyss---and Hawiyah is interpreted to be the abyss or the depth
the bottom being immeasurable depth.

Fa-ummuhou Haawiyah.
101:9] His abode shall be the abyss.
(see commentary for verse 6)

Wa maaa adraaka maa hiyah?
101:10] And what will make you know what it
As man in this life cannot rightly imagine of what the Qariah mentioned in the verse 1 above, will be, he cannot correctly visualize the likeness of the abyss
called Hawiyah which will be the abode of the wicked.

Naarun haamiyah.
101:11] A burning fire.
The simplest note of description of the abyss Hawiyah is that it is a blazing fire and the rest of it to be experienced and known when it is given to the wicked on
the Day of Judgment.

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