ד Daleth, Door-Quantum Crossroads

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Daleth, DoorQuantum Crossroads

By admin June 20, 2014

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Crossroads Mark Knopfler & Eric Clapton . . .
Once again at a crossroads in life, or did I ever leave the last one? Perhaps my entire life (and everyones) is a series of crossroads,
one after the other, where we are faced with deciding between one course of action or another. The fluctuating quantum wave of
possibilities waiting to collapse around our decision or to generate more seemingly random possibilities in response to our indecision
permeates every moment and in-between moment.
Free will is the needle of the compass of our futureonce we set its position, the heading it provides leads us into an unknown future.
If we allow ourselves to align with the true North (Natural Law) of our existence, the price we must pay (according to the
Hermetic Principle of Compensation) for the freedom of choice we have been given could quite possibly be tolerable. If, however, we
allow attractions to myriad distractions to deviate us from true north (failure to comply with Natural Law), then the price paid will
be very great and unbearable in this life or some future life.
Reincarnation has, for me, always been a fascinating concept. I have pondered its veracity and implications my entire life. I know of
no way to either prove or disprove it. It isnt even really a matter of belief or disbeliefits more a matter of knowing or not knowing
and under-standing or not under-standing. As my consciousness expands, I find myself growing in the knowledge (gnosis) of the
hidden things that I only suspected and half-believed in. The depth and profundity of this gnosis is much more life altering than any
amount of belief could ever be. To believe something without knowing is an imperfect, hollow experience which leaves wiggle
room for doubt and disbelief to creep in. Knowing something is a nearly perfect and almost complete experience which
simultaneously fills your mind and yet leaves room for more gnosis.
The relationship between seeing, believing, knowing and under-standing is both delicate and critical. Some people consider seeing is
believing greatly inferior to believing without seeing as evidenced in the biblical story of the doubting Thomas who could/would
not believe that Jesus had arisen from the dead until he had touched the physical wounds on the body of the Christ. There is another
saying, believe only half of what you see and none of what you hear. This is an indispensable guide especially in a world of
misinformation, disinformation, deception, obfuscation and occultation.
This loops us back to knowing, which only comes after a great expenditure of effort and free will. We must choose at each and every
step (crossroads) of the process, to embrace the unknown with the power of our mind and transform and integrate it into the tapestry of
our consciousness. At this point, belief is both unnecessary and irrelevant because gnosis has been achieved and a quantum leap into
the Known has occurred. With every leap into the Known, we become infinitesimally closer to true Being (Yesh) and infinitesimally
further from true Nothingness (Ayin).
What about seeing? Is seeing really a prerequisite for knowing? Or is it a hindrance/obstacle? There is more than one kind of
seeing. Some see with the eyes of the mind. Some see with the eyes of the heart. Yet every ones mind and heart are different,
so there are at least twice as many different ways of seeing as there are seers (or are there?).
This subjectivity arises from the manifestation of the sum total of each persons life experiences which colorizes their seeing and
influences their perception. Hearing (auditory system) necessarily precedes listening (thinking about what you hear), and seeing
(optic system) necessarily precedes visualizing (thinking about what you see) but both listening and visualizing require great effort of
will to help create the transformation of consciousness we call Knowing.
In order to see there must be something see-able and there must be something that illuminates that which is see-able. In the
complete absence of light there is utter darkness and hence nothing can be seen, or can it? It really depends of your definition seeing.
If your definition of sight is limited to that which is visible with the eyes, then your vision is limited by the conditions of material
visibility. If however your definition of sight is broader and encompasses all your physical and non-physical senses, then your
vision is limited only by infinite possibility (Universal quantum wave). So I would posit that there are really only two kinds of
sight: seeing and Seeing, the former applying to the limited, base physical realm of being, and the latter pertaining to unlimited Pure
Consciousness (All Is Mindthe Universes are Mental). I would also go as far as to say that Seeing and Knowing are one and the
same, so the logical conclusion would be that no, Seeing is not prerequisite to Knowing, but that seeing is definitely a prerequisite
for knowing. (semantic shenanigans, Not!)
So here I kneel at the Crossroads of my life, with my head held high, gazing into the Depths of the Infinite Unknown. With arms
reaching out, and opening wide the eye of my heart and the eye of my mind striving to See with the Eyes of Knowing, All That Is,
so that some day these words that I write will not be just a mere chronicle but a true record and guide of and to a journey from what I
was to what I Am and always have been. This is a journey I wish that all would deliberately undertake so that we would come to the
Knowing of the Oneness of Spirit sooner rather than later. What a wonderful world it would be!
Shalom and namaste!

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