RULES For English

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Translation courtesy of the

Malaysian Institute for Debate & Public Speaking (MIDP) 2011

1.0 Participation
1.1 Open to students of IPTA, IPTS, IPG, Polytechnic & Community Colleges
1.2 Tournament will be conducted in two categories;
a) Bahasa Malaysia category
b) English category
1.3 Every Institution is allowed to send ONE participant only for each category and one
accompanying officer
1.4 Participation is based on First come first serve basis
1.5 All participants will adhere to Universiti Putra Malaysias (UPM) Rules and Regulation while
within the UPM campus
1.6 All participants will be provided with lodging including those from the Klang Valley (Selangor
and Kuala Lumpur)
1.7 Any participant that brings trouble to any party could be disqualified/expelled from the
1.8 Dateline for registration is on September 9th 2011

2.0 Prizes
2.1 Champions for each category will receive a cash prize of RM6, 000.00, a challenge trophy,
achievement trophy and certificates.
2.2 Runners-up for each category will receive a cash prize of RM4, 000.00, a challenge trophy,
achievement trophy and certificates.
2.3 2nd Runners-up for each category will receive a cash prize of RM3,000.00, a challenge trophy,
achievement trophy and certificates, souvenirs and certificates

3.1 All topics for 2011 will be within the theme of Tunku Abdul Rahmans Fight for independence
and Malaysian Independence.
3.2 The Topics list will be provided with the invitation letter to every institution.

4.1 Tournament will be conducted in two categories;
a) Bahasa Malaysia category
b) English category
4.2 There will be three (3) rounds that will include Preliminary rounds, Semi-finals and Grand-finals
Translation courtesy of the
Malaysian Institute for Debate & Public Speaking (MIDP) 2011
4.3 The preliminary rounds will require every participant to speak on the given topic with accuracy
and understanding
4.4 The determination of the topic will be done through a draw 50 minutes before the speech is
presented and every participant will have 45 minutes to prepare
4.5 The top 20 Speakers will be shortlisted to the Semi-finals; this is equivalent to 10 participants
for each category
4.6 The top 10 Speakers will be shortlisted to the Grand-finals; this is equivalent to 5 participants
for each category
4.7 In the Semi-finals, Speakers will be questioned impromptu by one of the adjudicators assigned
randomly. Every Speaker will be given 30 minutes to prepare and 2 minutes to answer the
4.8 The winner will be determined in the Grand-finals based on the highest marks collected.

5.1 Marks Division

5.1.1 Content( 45 marks )
Content refers to the substance, content or material developed during a speech. It
includes the issue or issues that provide the thematic base of a speech, together with the
ideas, arguments, evidence and support developed during the speech, relevant to the topic
5.1.2 Language (20 marks)
Language refers to the English usage based on the grammar, vocabulary, clarity and
precision, structure and pronunciation as well as appropriate style according to the
message that is delivered.

5.1.3 Delivery ( 25 marks )
Delivery refers to the style, fluidity of speech, suitable punctuations, and overall
persuasiveness of the speech. Structure of the speech is also evaluated under delivery
5.1.4 Manners ( 5 marks )
Touching on sensitive issues that may offend religion, race, gender, nationality and
individuality may be cause of marks being deducted. The manners of the participants
throughout the tournament will also be observed and evaluated.
Translation courtesy of the
Malaysian Institute for Debate & Public Speaking (MIDP) 2011
5.1.5 Bonus Marks ( 5 marks )
Speakers will be evaluated based on the overall performance and character. Mentioning
and elaborating on stories related to Tunku Abdul Rahman is an added advantage to the
5.1.6 Special Marks for spontaneity
Marks given will be according to the suitable answers and elaboration based on the
question given (30marks) and style of delivery, fluidity and persuasiveness (20marks)

5.2 If there are two or more participants that collected the same number of marks, then the tie-
breaker will be determined by taking into consideration the combination of the highest marks
for content and delivery put together. If there is still a tie, then the marks for language shall be
the tie-breaker.

6.1 Each Speaker will be given 7 minutes only to present their speech
6.2 The bell will be rung once a minute before the time allocated ends( 6th minute) and twice when
the time allocated has ended (7th minute).
6.3 When the second bell hasbeen rung to indicate that the time is up, the adjduicators will not
take anything said beyond the allocated time into consideration of their judgement.
6.4 Speakers that are reading from a text will only hurt their overall marks. Refering to notes
without reading from it is allowed. In other words, the reference does not affect the eye-
6.5 Touching on sensitive issues that may offend religion, race, gender, nationality and
individuality is no allowed.
6.6 Usage of inappropriate or offensive language in delivery of speeches is prohibited.
6.7 Every speaker must arrive at the tournament venue to verify their attendance 15 minutes
before the start of the tournament.

7.0 Adjudication
Translation courtesy of the
Malaysian Institute for Debate & Public Speaking (MIDP) 2011
7.1 There will be five (5) qualified adjudicators that are appointed for the preliminary rounds in
each category and (5) qualified adjudicators will be appointed in every final series of the
tournament, one (1) of which will be appointed the chief adjudicator.
7.2 Two assistants will be apointed together with the adjudicators. One will be the time keeper
while the other will be the scoring tabulator.
7.3 There wll be comments presented by the chief adjudicator after every round ends.

The decision by the adjduication panel is final. No appeal or objections whether in the form of oral
complains or written complains will be entertained. All marks given by the adjudicators are private
and confidential. In any case, whatever complains should be directed to the organizers as to
ensure those areas are given proper consideration for the following years tournament.
i. Tunku Abdul Rahman : Tradition Breaker for the Malaysian Economy
ii. The fighting spirit of Tunku Abdul Rahman has never waned
iii. Malaysia Needs the Tunku Abdul Rahman Generation
iv. Tunku Abdul Rahman: Always an Idol
v. Tunku Abdul Rahman: The true warrior of the nation
vi. The fighting spirit of Tunku Abdul Rahman will always remain strong
vii. Appreciating Tunku Abdul Rahman is reflecting on our Nations History
viii. Tunku Abdul Rahman is an independence figure with no comparison
ix. When Tunku Abdul Rahmans Aspirations are inherited, Unity of the people will be a
x. Tunku Abdul Rahman is a true national hero

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