Project Based Learning (PBL)

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course
Project Based Learning (PBL)
Project Based Learning (PBL)
Unit Author
Form - Form 4S
Subject - Physics
Group 1
Unit Overvie
Atmospheric Pressure
To!ic "ummar#
Understanding gas pressure and atmospheric pressure.
Behaviour of gas molecules based on the kinetic theory
The effect of altitude on atmospheric pressure.
Instruments or measuring gas and atmospheric pressure.
Applications of atmospheric pressure.
"u$ject Area
!ahasa "e#ayu
$ng#ish %anguage
!ahasa &ina
!ahasa 'ami#
(ajian 'empatan
Pendidi)an Si*i)
Pendidi)an Is#am
Pendidi)an "ora#
Pendidi)an +asmani
Pendidi)an "u,i)
Pendidi)an Seni -isua#
(emahiran .idup
A!!ro%imate Time &eeded
/ days
To!ic 'oundation
"tudents have learnt this to!ic in !revious lessons(
The effect of a force acting over an area
"tudent O$jectives)Learning Outcomes
Students 0i##1
State 0hat atmospheric pressure is
State the behaviour of gas molecules based on the kinetic theory
State the applications of atmospheric pressure.
Discuss instruments or measuring gas and atmospheric pressure.
Discuss the effect of altitude on atmospheric pressure. the magnitude of atmospheric pressure.
2 3445 Inte# &orporation. A## 6ights 6eser*ed. Page 1 of 4
Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
Curriculum*'raming +uestions
Essential +uestion
(Soalan Utama)
7hat "a)es $arth Specia# &ompared to 8ther P#anets9
Unit +uestions
(Soalan Unit)
.o0 atmospheric pressure eects humans9
Content +uestions
(Soalan Kandungan)
7hat is atmospheric pressure9
What is the behaviour of gas molecules?
State the applications of atmospheric pressure?
Discuss instruments or measuring gas and atmospheric pressure?
Discuss the effect of altitude on atmospheric pressure?
Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline
Be,ore !roject or- $egins "tudents or- on !rojects
and com!lete tas-s
A,ter !roject or- is
7ebsite e*a#uation re*ie0
- chec)#ist
Project chec)#ist
!a#anced diet product
"u#timedia presentation
7ebsite editing
Peer e*a#uation
6e#ecti*e ;uestioning -
Audience Share<pub#ish
7ebsite pub#ishing
Participate in team
designed acti*ities in schoo#<
Assessment "ummar#
Throughout the unit the teacher and students will have ongoing assessments. The teacher will check
for daily understanding and redirection needed for student progress, knowledge, effective use of
resources through brief student ~ conferences and teacher project checklists. The teacher will
have a project rubric that will be completed throughout and finalized after presentations and the
virtual showcase. The students will complete project checklists, brochure, poster and multimedia
presentations throughout the project. Students will also use rubrics and checklist for various
activities throughout the unit. Students will also problem solve how to participate in what can we
do to help!" created projects.
2 3445 Inte# &orporation. A## 6ights 6eser*ed. Page # of 4
Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
Unit .etails
Prere/uisite "-ills
'he students 0i## need to ha*e some bac)ground )no0#edge on po0er point presentation and
pub#isher especia##y in the area o bias= internet use= basic research s)i##s= and ho0 to communicate
through emai#. Students a#so need to ha*e prior )no0#edge to using a "icrosot 8ice and Internet
$>p#orer. Students need )no0#edge o constructi*e ;uestioning as 0e## as 0or)ing in cooperati*e
Instructional Procedures
?ay 1:
Introduce students to their role as scientist and get them to take up the task of studying atmospheric
pressure. Students will work in teams and conduct a thorough investigation about the effect
of atmospheric pressure. !plain to the students and provide necessary instructions for the
students to successfully carry out the pro"ect. #repare the checklist and research rubric.
#repare the criteria for evaluating the multimedia$ video presentation$ website and brochure.
?ay 31
?i*ide the students into group. ?iscuss the )ey areas in the co##aboration chec)#ist and high#ight the
importance o each area or the success o the project. Stress about their ro#e as scientist and the
importance o doing research and carrying out research.
?ay /1
Students Preparing Brochure0 e$site !u$lication0 1ultimedia and 2ideo Presentation.
1aterials and 3esources 3e/uired 'or Unit
Technolog# 4 5ardare @&#ic) bo>es o a## e;uipment neededA
2 3445 Inte# &orporation. A## 6ights 6eser*ed. Page $ of 4
Intel Teach Program
Essentials Course
?igita# &amera
?-? P#ayer
Internet &onnection
%aser ?is)
Projection System
-ideo &amera
-ideo &onerencing $;uip.
Technolog# 4 "o,tare @&#ic) bo>es o a## sot0are needed.A
?es)top Pub#ishing
$-mai# Sot0are
$ncyc#opedia on &?-68"
Image Processing
Internet 7eb !ro0ser
-ideo $diting
7eb Page ?e*e#opment
7ord Processing
Printed 1aterials
.SP Physics Form 4
8ther needed orms Bparent permissions= ie#d trip i needed= etc.C
Internet 3esources
http1<<< pressure
http1<<<bio#ogy< pressure
http1<<000.)<topics< pressure
http1<<< pressure
http1<<< pressure
http1<<< pressure
Other 3esources
7ebsite rubric
%ist o current 0eb3.4 too#s or student product creation

2 3445 Inte# &orporation. A## 6ights 6eser*ed. Page % of 4

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