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Capstone Examination Preparation Guide

STR/581 Version 5
University of Phoenix Material
Capstone Examination Preparation Guide
What is a Capstone Examination?
The Capstone Examination is a series of three examinations found in this capstone course. These
examinations are designed to assess knowledge from the major courses taken throughout the
Master of Business dministration !MB" program. The capstones are challenging and gauge
student knowledge at the end of the degree program.
The Capstone Examination is di#ided into three exams co#ering the different courses. $n %eek &' the first
Capstone Examination co#ers MGT()&1' *+M(),1' -.+(),1' and /P0()11. $n %eek 2' the second
Capstone Examination co#ers CC()31 and 4$5()11. $n %eek 3' the final Capstone Examination co#ers
M6T()11 and the current course' 0T+()71.
Studying for the Capstone Examinations
Course Syllabi
0tud8 for the Capstone Examinations should 9egin as soon as class starts if not 9efore. The three
examinations co#er specific courses in the MB program.
There are a num9er of steps 8ou can take to prepare for the examinations' such as re#iewing course
materials from the pre#ious courses such as the s8lla9us.
B8 re#iewing the s8lla9us' 8ou can see what chapters 8ou read during the course and what the course
o9jecti#es were. This allows 8ou to target stud8ing to those rele#ant text9ook chapters.
Man8 of the text9ooks include glossaries of ke8 terms and chapter summaries to pro#ide the opportunit8
for a :uick re#iew.
$t is also helpful to look for an8 related content for 8our text9ook on the pu9lisher;s student we9site.
Study Guides
This course contains links to the 0tud8 Guides for the courses 9eing co#ered in the three capstone
examinations. These 0tud8 Guides contain ke8 terms and concepts that relate to the 6nowledge Checks
and final examinations from those courses. s 8ou prepare for these capstone examinations' re#iew the
0tud8 Guides and use these to direct 8our stud8 of the text9ooks.
Knowledge Checks
%hen 8ou took the courses prior to 0T+()71' each of those courses contained a final examination. To
prepare for those final examinations' 8ou completed a series of weekl8 6nowledge Checks. 0amplings
from the rele#ant 6nowledge Checks are a#aila9le in the materials for this course.
6nowledge Checks are designed to help 8ou to practice' to 9ecome familiar with the t8pes of :uestions to
9e gi#en' and to see the relationship 9etween the concepts 8ou ha#e learned and the wa8 this is
presented in the examinations.
Cop8right < &=1,' &=11' &=1=' &==>' &==7 98 ?ni#ersit8 of Phoenix. ll rights reser#ed.

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